HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-15, Page 1•9TII YEAR, NO. 37.
One half of the population has no right to dominate the other half for 30 years, Let us have a pure, safe ballot. It is Time for a Change
Capital . a $2,500,000
Reserve A $2,500,000
A General Banking Business
Fanners' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same..
Drafts bon ht and sold on all
points in Canada, United States and
Tntarest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal Nth Juno
and 31st December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager
R. Vanstono, Solicitor.
Iron Beds.—Ball Bros.
Victoria Day.—G. T. R.
U p-to•datte.—Tudbope's.
,Just Opened.—at Griffins.
Its a Pity.—Webster ,4z 00.
Steamship Express. -0. P. R.
Bine Stone, etc.—It. A. Douglass.
Court of Revision,—John Burgess,
17 Days Mare.—R. H. Crowder 03.
Ties, Collars,—Ritchie & Campbell.
Court of Revision.—J. B. Ferguson.
Handsome Jewels, --Ii. H. Chisholm.
Spring Suitings, etc.— Bernath & Son,
Summer Shirt Waists.—D. M. Gordon.
See Halsey Park's advt, •
Special line of pantings at Maxwell's.
DUTCH SETS, -3 lbs. for 25c. at T. A.
Brussels assessment is $273,835; pop-
•ilation 1,189.
W. E. VanStone was in Wiarton
and Tara this week
Thos. Ashton of Morris, who has
been ill, is improving.
Smith & Pethick received a car of
binder twine this week.
Miss Sadie Maxwell of Wessels is
the guest of Miss Forbes.
]?or correct styles and hest value in
Clothing go to Isard & Co's.
Barrister Holmes and J. Doyle spent
Sunday at their homes in Goderich,
Miss Lena Shaw left this morning
for n visit to Toronto a a:nd IIainilton.
An amusing assortment of black cats
can be seen in D. M. Gordoa'a -window.
Mrs. Chas. Lloyd is having a kitchen
acrd woodshed erected to her dwelling.
Mr. Jas. Duffield is improving the
a.ppeargnce of his yeranda by painting
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Newton visited
Goderich friends a couple of days last
Mrs. E, Johnston is slightly better
and has gone to Ohicnge ; we trust the
visit will be beneficial,
Will. McLeod, comedian and dan-
cer, will amuse the audience at the
concert in the evening of May 21th.
Dr. Kennedy has removed the fence
from the front and south side of his
residence, This is an improvement.
Maitland McDonald left last Satur-
day for Portage la Prairie, whet he
has accepted a situation as operator,
Everything New in straw Hats at
bard & Oc's,
Dawson Manners spent Sunday with
his mother in Clinton. It is expected.
Mrs. Manners will be home this week.
The "Young Ladies' Fortnightly
Club" will meet on Tuesday eveuing
May 20th at the home of Miss Mc-
Mr. Maguire lately of Grand Valley
has rewoved,his family to town ; they
occupy Mrs. Morrow's cottage on Pat-
rick street.
W. L. McQu=irrie of Queen Hi11, (for-
merly of Wingham) has been stump-
ing for his friend C. M. Bowman dur-
ing the past week.
Finer and Garden Seeds, 2 papers
for 5c --at T. A. Mills.
Dr. DeWett Martyn who has acted
in the honorable capacity of Sec-Treas.
of the Kincardine Board of Education
for nearly forty years.
Mrs. (Rev. F. J, Oaten`formerly of
Belgrave) left on Thursday for a six
months' visit to friends in her furrner
home at Brandon, Manitoba.
Mr. Sutherland, of Guelph, repre-
sentative of R. Cunningham, Insur-
ance agent, was looking after insur-
ance matters in town last week,
Mr. Diamond of town mourns the
death of his father, who passed away
on Friday last, at the advanced age of
80, See Bluevale correspondence.
Mr. Mclvor and family left on Fri-
day of last week for Detroit, where
they intend to reside. The best wishes
of many friends went with them.
The advt, of Mr. Tsdbope will be
found on page 8. He keeps a clean
and up-to-date stock, and solicits a
call. N. Parggharson's old stand,
SUOEs.—Sensible, healthful, easy
and durable, at W. J. Greer's
and nattiest Shoes for Ohildren at W.
J. Greer's,
Mr. Durst of Stratford visited his
son Wesley, in town, a few days last
Mrs, Carter moved to London this
week where her son Will. has a sit -
Mr. Mather, travelling agent for the
Toxpntp Globe, was in town op Wed-
Mrs, Robt. Johnston and son, Ivan,
spent Sunday last with Brussels
Rev. A. H. Going of Stratford was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ball on
Have you seen 4axwell's New ,Suit-
Ings f if not, you animal,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs visited their,
daughter, Mrs. Hutton, in Brantford
last week.
Brussels'and Blyth footballers played
in Blyth on Friday; score 2- `) in favor
of Brussels.
Mrs. Ball and Mrs, Hobbs spent a
say this week with Mre. (Hey.) Hol-
mes, in Brussels.
Miss Ethel Pennington of Grace
Hospital, Toronto, is visiting Miss Ada
Howson this week,
Mies Maude Forbes spent a few days
with friends in Walkerton and Listow•
el during the past week,
All Carpets and Oil -cloths to be
cleared out at T. A. Mills',
Wingham Public school for April
showed an average attendance of 400,
the highest for four years.
3. S. Jerome is having a granolithic
sidewalk built to his residence. Chas.
Barber is doing the work.
F,iehard Sutton, late G. T. R. station
agent here, left for Winnipeg, Man.,
fly 0.1'. It, on Wednesday.
onductor Quirk has ineved this
week to the residence he recently pur-
phased from E. G}. Snarling,
Messrs, U. Hammond, 0. G. Van -
Stone, (i. Yonng and F. Harrison,
were in Brussels last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. E, Bowles are visiting
friends in town. We are pleased to
see Mr, Bowles looking so well.
Albert Sanderson was called last
week Lo the bedside of Shia Steleatiena
who was.s ri:ousl iii, Hei"returiaedl-pit
e y
Mbnday evening, reporting be
IL is saki that no mattet' what, may
be the state of the Weather, if the rob-
ins sing on the tops of the trees as the
evening closes in, you may eely on fine
weather to -morrow.
Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Wilson moved
to phatheen this week, Mr. Wilson
has been loiaking after the interests of
the Deering harvest machinery in this
district for the past few months.
The De Verne sister's were here last
winter during the severe storms.
Those that heard them, say they were
the finest musicians ever heard in
Wingharn. They will be here May 21.
Go to Iseed's for the lastest New
York styles in Ladies' Waists.
The dates for the horse races for the
northern circuit has been fixed. The
days are : Wingham and Owen Sound
July 10th and 17th i•Paisley, Jgly 23rd;
Ohesley, July `nth; Tara, Aug, let;
Wiarton, August 5th.
Miss Nora L, Holmes and brother
Carl, of Brussels, and Miss M. McCaul
of Walkerton wore visitors at the
home of Thos. IHolmes, Esq., this
week, Dr. Wm. Holmes of Brussels
also spent Sunday here with his father,
The employees of the Upholstering
factory have challenged the employees
of any of the other factories in town to
play a game of baseball.
A Snap.
New subscribers can have the Ad-
vance and the Montreal Family her-
ald and Star, with the premium coron-
ation pictures, until the end pf 1902,
for 85 cepts. Try this combination ; it
la a snap.
To Owen Sound.
The committee of Court Maitland,
0, O. F. have nearly closed arrange-
ulente for the excursion to Owen
Sound at Lhe time of high Court meet-
ing in June.
Making Progress.
Mr. Anson Spotton is proving a
popular candidate in East Huron and
is receiving encouraging assurances of
support. He was in Wingham on
Friday and is making a personal can-
vass of the riding.
Changed Hands.
House and lot No. 3, Catherine street
west, owned by Mrs. Rosetta Walker,
of Kincardine, was sold to Samuel
Leggatt, Jr., of town, through the
agency of Samuel Youlriil, teal estate
agent, Winghatn.
Mr. J. A. Nicholls, organizer for the
Dominion Alliance, delivered an elo.
quent and effective address in the
town hall on Friday evening last. The
attendance was not large, Mr. Nicholls
is an excellent speaker, and has a
thorough knowledge of the questions
he handles,
Mother Cone.
Herb. Kastner, a young man em-
ployed in the Union factory, received
word on Tuesday of last week that his
mother was seriously ill in Sebring-
ville. He left on the first train, arriv-
ing home just before she passed away.
The funeral took place on Saturday.
Wes. Driest, a nephew of deceased, at-
tended the funeral, returning to town
on alouday,
New Company.
Tile Monetary Times has the follow-
ing announcement I—Tire Wingham
Trading Oo„ liwited, Winghein, Ont.;
$30,000. To carry on the business of a
general retail merchant and of a dealer
in farm produce, and to acquire the,
business row being carried, on under
ta'r iiz n;riid' b'''°3'''1`;i:" adilll " QYr le
Nelt an sa ` 4 Th.yp ll it n4
Ontarro:ch;artet, •
Isom Works. •
,. n effort is being made to form a
company to purchase the National
Iron Works, and utilize the buildings
and plant for some industry, thee may
be of value tq the ti wn, effr, 0e0,
Nlackengie is soliciting- stock. and has
headed the list with a subscription for
ten shares, value $1,000. It is a pity
to see such buildings and plant abso-
lutely unproductive,
The De Verne sisters are ;4s fine a
musical combination as can be placed
before a Wingham audience. Their
vocal and instrumental renderings in-
variably please. These ladies are assist-
ed by Will. McLeod, comedian. A
high-class program is announced;
Opera house ; evening of Yictgria day.
Plan of gall open Satdirday morning at
Douglass' drug store,
Quick Work.
Currie & Davidson did some quick
work at well -drilling last week, On
Saturday they were at their sixth well
for the week. On lot 30, con. 12, Cul-
ross, they drilled for Wm. Hodgins.
The machine was set at 3 p. m., and ae
0 o'clock the same clay they had drill-
ed 44 feet, eight feet pf which was
throggll the rock, and water was"fiow,
ing at the rate of 30 gallons a minute.
Organ Recital.
This musical treab given in the
Methodist church on Thursday even.
ing was slimly attended. Mr. Hewlett
is an expert with the pipe organ and
his renditions shosvea the ggalities rind
possibilities of the beautiful new organ.
Miss 1$oblyn's solos were well rendered
and appropriate. Both artists were
accorded a kindly reception and re-
sponded to the encores. Those who
failed to attend missed a treat seldom
offered to a Wingharn audience,
It is stated that there will be po
spring military camps this year,
owing to the absence of a large num-
ber of officers, who will be in attend-
ance ae the coronation ceremonies, but
that camps will be held in September
Get your New Spring Suit at Max-
A. R. Smith has leased the office
formerly occupied. by A, Dielrtiage, ad-
joining his store, and will now have
more room to handle and display his
stook of clothing and gents' furnish-
ings. He will be glad to bave you
call and see his stock,
A lively genre of football may be ex-
pected on Friday evening, May lOth,
on the town park. Brussels and
Wingham teams are in good playing
trim and the contest will be an inter'«
eating one.• Game called at 0 p, m.
Admission l0ets ; ladies free.
Wm, Robertson, Returning Officer
for West Huron requests the presence
of the electors at the village of Dun-
gannon, on Thursday next, May 22nd,
to nominate candidates for the Ontario
Legislature. There are no indications
of an election by acclamation in this
Coons. — Ohio Bailey, Compton's
Early, North Dakota, Excelsior, and
all the rest of them. G. E. KING,
A wonderful improvement is already
noticeable in the grounds surrounding
the Methodist church, Tho shed is
completed, except painting. The
grounds have been levelled, granolithic
side walks built on each side of the
church, and a convenient kitchen is
being erected to the parsonage. When
the improvements are completed, there
will be few, if any, finer church pro-
perties in the county,
Electric Railway.
It looks as though the project for an
electric railway in this county was as-
suming definite form. At a recent
meeting of Ashfield Council, it was re-
solved—That this council subunit a by-
law to the ratepayers of Ashfield in
favor of the Huron, Bruce and Grey
Electric Railway for the sum of $50,-
000, particulars to be arranged by a
committee comprising Reeve Dalton
and Clerk Stothers in conjunction
with the township solicitor.
100 hags of Goose wheat for seed, for
sale at T. A. Mills'.
This is what an Auburn correspon-
dent says of one of our townsmen
"Mr. J. Kerr of Wiugham, in the ab-
sence of Mr, Buchanan, of Toronto,
addressed a prohibition meeting in the
temperance hall Monday evening.
This being Mr. 1 err's first attempt
at delivering an address on temper-
ance, he is justly congratulated by
those who heard him, for the excellent
arrangement of argument and his fair-
ness in presenting his subject." -
"The eateiversery aervlces of Wings
.Ty'ittru n'Prestll?tertan chkreh:wd( be. field
'd 'next Sundays ,Rev, A, 3, Martin, of
Brantford will preach morning and
evening, On Monday ev'g. a teameet-
ing will be held ; tea served from 6 to 8
in the basement of the church. A lec-
ture will be deliyered by Rev. R. S. O.
Anaierspp, &l. 4., 13, 1)., of Wroxeter,
entitled "'41 Tour through Scotland,"
illustrated with stereopticon views of
historic places. Admission to tea and
lecture 25 ens,
Having ht tnind the high price of
meat someone has composed the fol-
lowing :
No more the childish jingle wins
Our souls from musing sad;
The Meat Trust owns the little lamb
That gentle Mary had,
T. A. Mills returned on Tuesday
from a fishing expedition up the
Rocky Saugeen, in tho county of
Grey, and brought home a large
"string" of the speckled bea,tities. He
presented al, nrrnber of his friends with
a tress; they were very nitich appre-
4 contpany is in laroi ress of orgti.n-
iNtion to push the manufacture of
peat in Ellliee tp., north of Stratford,
Stratford peat Co., as tbe new concern
is called, will have a capital of $.10,000.
They have purchased 150 acres of bog,
and eepeet to be able to turn out 25
tons of peat per day,
14Ioxmv xe1 Lo:tlr—At 44 per cent. on
leggin 1.4c, Does it pay you to give unproved fartns. Easy terms of re -
the pedlars 4e per dnz? Good potatoes payment; expenses light, ApplyA.
live per bushel, What are the pedlars Dulrnage Real Estate and oan
paying i' G, E. ICING. Agent, Dent Block.
Good Advice.
Be loyal to your town. Buy what
you want here, The merchant you
patroniye Wray some day be able to
direct a dollar into your pocket, in any
event you needn't look for work or
patronage from Toronto. When the
"departmental" shark gets your money
he is through with you. The same is
precisely true of the travelling stock
jobber in and out of date and counter
worn second hand truck, When the
surplus cash has beep roped in he'll bid
good-bye to you and the town,
Worth Trying.
The following may prove useful to
our readers:—A liniment that is simple
to make, but is very efficacious in re-
sults, is composed of kerosene, cam-
phor gutty and sweet oil. Put a pint
of kerosene into a quart bottle, add as
much camphor gum as will dissolve,
adding a little more camphor gum day
by day for three days; then add a half
a pint of sweet oil, shake thoroughly,
cork well and put in a safe place for
future use. For burns, cuts, bruises,
stiff neck or joints, sore throats, bun-
ions and a few other ills to which flesh
is heir, relief is said to be almost
magical when this liaitnent is applied.
Mr. and Mrs. Sperling are in receipt
of a letter from their daughter Mrs.
(Dr,) Sperling, Wyoming. In it is
given 8. report of the acetylene gas ex-
plosion that wrecked part of the hotel,
in which Dr, and Mrs, Sperling have
rooms, The explosion occurred at 5
o'clock ; one hour later and the dining
room would have been full, and the
loss of life great. Four servant girls
were injured, and one of them bas
since died. The hotel took fire from
the explosion, but an efficient fire
brigade soon quenched the flanges.
Dr. Sparring was at hand and looked
after the wounded, Fortunately, Dr.
Sparling's rooms were at the other end
of the block, and the occupants only
felt a severe shock. The proprietor
of the hotel wants no more acetylene
gas on his premises. Mrs, (Dr.) Sparl-
ing's friends in Wingham will be
pleased to hear she escaped so for-
Sewage System.
A By-law to provide for a sewerage
system for Listowel was recently car-
ried by the ratepayers of that town.
As such a system is needed in Wing -
ham, our readers will be interested in
information on the matter. The fol•
lowing is gleaned from the Listowel
Standard ;—At present the sewage
empties into the river, and when there
is plenty of water it is not so ohjec-
tionable, but in hot weather there is
not water to carry it away. The fac-
tories, hotels, tannery, etc., are using
the river, discharging at forty or fifty
different places, instead of all at one
place, as was proposed in the septic
tank system now under consideration.
The system comprises a trunk sewer
running from the vicinity of the
brewery along the side of the river to
.the poit t near -the o. T. R. bridge,
rehsre : the disposal tanks would. ,be ,; —M,, Y. 1 eLean, of the rasafortl 'Ex-
Iocated. A 12 inch pipe front there to
Main street, and 10 inches above Main
street, would be sufficient to carry off
all sewage entering therein, it not be-
ing necessary to provide for storm
water. The main sewer would have a
capacity of 400,000 gallons, which would
be sufficient for a town twice the size
of Listowel, and every residence using
the system. The disposal tanks would
be arranged to discharge from 12 to 21
hours, depending upon the nature of
the sewage. After leaving tanks it
will pass into filter beds, either of coke'
or screened.gravel, the two to be used
intermittently, and after being con-
verted into liquid by the actlou of bac-
teria would flow out at least as pure as
the water in the streanr above the
town, The mineral matter would fall
to the bottom. Three slush tanks
would be provided, one at the tannery,
another at Main street, and the )third
one at the brewery, The two former
would be operated from the water-
works, the third one having sufficient
fall to be operated from the river.
These tanks will hold 500 gals. each,
and when filled to a certain height will
discharge atltortlaticaily. Eight inch
feeders will he sufficient to connect
with the main sewer, these feeders of
course requiring flush tanks at the
upper ends, dependent upon water-
Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested
and glasses supplied. Office opposite
St. Andrew's church, London, Ont.
Shoes speak for themselves. Our
Shoes tell of comfort, long wear and
perfect character. W. J. Greer.
Golden Wedding.
Last week, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ham-
ilton of town attep fled the golden
tyedflipg of 1?r. Tatnilton's parents,
who reside in Southwold, Elgin county.
Only a few are permitted to celebrate
the fiftieth anniversary of their wed-
ding day. Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton
Sen, have been safely piloted through
life's stormy sea, to the advanced age
of 75. Four sons, one daughter, other
relatives and guests to the nunlber•of
one hundred gathered to congratulate
theirs op the anniversary day. Tho
aged couple were presented with an
address and $100 in gold. Short ad-
dresses and music enlivened the even-
ing, and many kind wishes expressed
for the future welfare of the aged
Property Bought.
Our industrious townsman, Win.
Glendenning, has added another to his
list of properties on Minnie street by
purchasing from J. I3. Ferguson, the
house and lot occupied by A, L. Hain•
ilton. This gives Mr. Ulendenning
three lots side by side on one of the
beat streets in town, making a va1eable
holding. We congratillate Will, as We
njore ianliliarly knots him, on his
prosperity, and hope to hear of Ilio
adding, a fete mere lots to the list,
Victoria Day.
Fanners acid others should. Melvi c -
her that Saturday, May 24th is a sta-
tutory holiday; Merchants anti clerks
want seine relaxation front the Con -
stat ti grind of business. Do your
shopping on Friday and save disap-
pointinent from finding the stores
closed, and merchants and clerks en-
joying a day off work. Baseball,
Walkerton vs. Wingham in the fore-
noon ; races in -the afternoon. 'the
32nd Iteginlental Band has been en-
gaged for the den.
—Compare the candidates and vote as
conscience, properly directed, prompts
• * *
—The rascals who have made it their
busiuess in recent elections to chew,
thumb -mark or switch ballots run heavy
risks this time. The new Attorney -
General is likely to make it interesting
for them.
* * e
—Under Mr. Whitney, Ontario will
have no numbered ballot; he will con-
nive at no ballot -switching, ballot burn-
ing or other illegal means of depriving
honest men of their sacred right—the
untramelled use of their franchise.
--The Berlin Telegraph (Liberal) ad-
mits that Mr. Whitney will carry the
elections, but thinks the majority will
be small, Thanks for the admission,
brother; it is another indication of suc-
cess. Don't worry about the majority.
* * *
—Mr, A. W. Wright, Conservative
organizer, writes thus to Mr. Mitchell:—
"You could take no other position
consistently with your past, and I
am satisfied that no Conservative.
even if he doesn't fully agree with
your present position, will think the
less of you for taking it."
* * *
--Perhaps the reason Hon. G. W. and
his colleagues dread defeat, is that they
fear the revelations that will be made
when "housecleaning" begins. But pos-
sibly the evidence may follow the course
of the incriminating ballots, that fur-
nished fuel for the furnaces in the parlia-
ment buildings.
• * *
—Has the Globe lost faith in its old
historic war cry, "We will Whack
Whitney"? Few admired the elegance
of the boast, and the province has been
disgraced by the methods used to do the
"whacking," as the courts exposed them
to view. It is time for a change to a
secret ballot, and an honest count of
every ballot cast.
m x *
—At the Conservative Convention for
West Huron, no hisses were heard,
when Prohibition was mentioned;
neither were the wishes of temperance
people completely ignored, but they
were treated with respect and a candi-
date with a record selected. That should
be sufficient to enable any thoughtful
elector to decide,
After a long and very painful illness,
Mr, Miller J. White, editor of the
Exeter Times, died Saturday evening,
Deceased was born near Toronto, came
to Exeter when a mere lad, entered
his father's office, and became partner
and editor some years ago—a position
which he has filled creditably, Intr.
'White fell on the ice on the lst of De-
cember, breaking his right leg. The
fracture did not unite, althoggh Dr.
Wishart, of London, performed en
operation some weeks ago to bring
about union. A few days afterwards
a severe cramp, caused by his long
confinement in one attitude in bed
broke his raft leg aline. Since then his
recovery has been considered hopeless,
Mr, White's father, the founder of the
paper, Mr. Jno, White, died something
over it year ago from the effects of a
broken leg, sustained else by falling
on the ice some five years previously,
The Advance tenders Its sympathy
to the bereaved friends,
It& ni. 'a PAINTS.—The right paintq
to paint right. See neve pii:t e 41 inti.
tide page' for sale' lid% A.. Yourea &
A laa;;Tel'%id'ghbtn. 34-41
A regular meeting of the Schoo
Board was held on Tuesday evening
present—Messrs. Kerr, Bell, Abraham
Griffin, Moore and Homuth,
Minutes of April meeting were
and approved,
Room Boys Girls Total
1AeeB 13 88 51
2 17 27 41
54 21 lit0 50
1..Ii1 25 62
'...120 21 53
8 47 40 00
215 251 40fl
porters, As the campaign advances, the
number, of honest Liberals who admit
that a ohmage is desirable, is increasing,
Their ballots will help to bring it about.
* * *
.-.-Talk about "double shuflie,"-••-Robt.
Holmes, M, P. who poses as a prohibi-
tiouist when he is running his owe cam-
paign, is now stumping West Huron for
Cameron, who is not a prohibitionist.
We are informed that Mr, Holmes is
much opposed to the presence in the
riding, of Miss Wiggins, the representa-
tive of the Provincial W. 0. T. U„ and
wants to know "Who is Miss Wiggins,
and what right she has to talk politics
in our churches"? It is reported that
Mr. Holmes assured a citizen "he would
just like to meet Miss Wiggins, for he
could down her in argument in a few
minutes." We are also informed that
he has had an invitation to meet Miss
Wiggins in debate on the temperance
question,during this contest,the time and
place to be of his own selection. Will
he consent? Not likely. But when the
next Dominion election comes along,
Bro. Holmes will don his prohibition
garb again, It is by such insincerity
and hypocrisy that a good cause is throt-
tled in the house of its supposed friends.
There are electors in West Huron who
will not forget this, when the next elec-
tion occurs.
positor, Libeillal candidate for South
Huron, is anxious to know how what he
calls the "double shufilet act" is done,
He should enquire of some of those
sixty Wingham Liberals who signed a
petition asking their candidate to with-
draw, and then turned right -about-face
and are now giving hien their active,
loving and sympathetic support. We
haven't heard of anything that comes
nearer to the thing for which Brer. Mc-
Lean is asldug,
Served Them Right.
Says the Palmerston Spectator :—
Two young men drove from here to
Harriston a few days ago. On their
return,the liveryman whose horse they
had driven was so displeased with a
whipmark on the animal's side and
other signs that he considered indicat-
ed ill-usage,that he levied and collected
$7 damages.
Go to J. E. Mulholland, Gorrie, for
your next photo, He solicitt a trial
and wilt please you.
* * *
--Throughout the riding falsehoods
have been circulated to the effect that
Mr. Mitchell had been making promises
to the hotel -keepers in order to secure
their vote. In last issne, this was given
an unqualified denial. Now, the charge
is shifted on to Major Bock. The latter
was in town on Tuesday, and most em-
phatically denies the charge. Now for
the next trumped-up yarn to injure Mr,
Mitchell. The plan of campaign by Mr.
Mitchell's opponents seems to be --guy
misrepresentation, so long as it will pre -
vont temperance Liberals from giving
Mr. Mitchell their support.
• .1 *
—As a Conservative, Mr. Mitchell is a
supporter of Mr. Whitney's practical,
common-sense, general policy. In the
matter of temperance, he is free and in-
dependent—free to act according to his
principles and past record. Liberal
papers in this riding regard this as a fit
subject for ridicule. The more they
ridicule Mr, Mitchell's independent stand
on a live moral question, the greater be-
comes the number of thoughtful electors
who decide to support him. Keep at it
my dear fellows. There is a point where
ridicule of the good and the right, acts
as a boomerang.
Respectfully enhmitted,
A. 11. ielusgrove, Principal
Report was approved and adopted,
Alex. Ross, supplies $ 2.23
W. Taylor, work 1.75
Telephone Co .25
U. Sherk, glazing and painting1.50
1 D. Burns, slate blackboards 11.33
J. J, McMannus, frame for black-
board and time 2.15
U. Shells, kalsornining, etc3.130
The accounts were approved and on
,nation of lliesers. tell and Moore,
passed for payment.
The action of the Chairmee end
Secretary fn paying halluces of Miss
Robertson's Wary, wale endorsed by
the tegiltti.
Tho eelairies of the teachers and
cers for April were on motion ordered
to be paid, and the Board adjourned,
Capital paid up $8,000,000. Reserve, $1,500,00
J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
President—john Stuart
Vico-President—A. G. Ramsay
Cashier—T. Turnbull
DIRneTORs:—John Proctor Wm. Gibson,
Geo. Roach, A.. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto)
Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int-
erest allowed and computed on 30th November
and 31st May each year,and added to principal
Special Deposits also received at current)
)sten of .interest, -
Drafts on Great Britain and the tufted
States bought and sold.
3i3 L. DxoirrNsoN, Solicitor.
W. 0ORBOULD, Agent
Travellers are notified that the Bank of
Hamilton and its Branches issue Circular notes
of tbe National Provincial Bank of England
(Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or
trouble in any part of the Woria
+ * *
—How audacious has the machine be-
come in its attacks on the liberties of the
people? Not satisfied with manipulat-
ing ballots, stealing elections, and
thwarting the expressed wish of the
electors, it now has the audacity to at-
tempt to muzzle the pulpit. Verily
things have have come to a pretty pass
in Ontario. Smash the tnnollino 1 A
vote for Mitchell will be your protest
against its tyranny, mud its impudent
work. When the tag -end members, and
the small fry of a political party
attempt to dictate to ministers of the
gospel, es far above them from a moral
standpoint, as the heaven is high above
the earth, it is time to cry "Halt," even
ill Wingham.
Court of Revision.
The Court of Revision of the Town of
Wingham, will hold its first sitting be
the Council Chamber in the said Town,
on Friday, the 30th day of May, A. D.
1902, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.
All persons having business at the
said Court should govern themselves ac-
Dated, Clerk's office, Clerk
Wingham, May 15, 1902.
Real Estate Topics— iimbeorastg
farms and town properties that aro being re-
corded for sale in this office is evidence of the
fact that the party who is anxious to sell, has
learned where they are most likely to have
their object accomplished.
We aro also receiving a few farms that are
listed elsewhere in town, and sines they have
received no attention, are now placed with us.
Wo are preparing a large list of properties
for advertising for sale this coming fall so now
is the time to enter your property so that. you
may receive full benefit of the advertising.
You will find our rates the lowest awl while
this is true, we guarantee to satisfy you in the
sale or exchange, or charge you nothing.
Our insurance department of the work is
rapidly increasing in extent and favor, for no
other reason than results from the fact, that
we represent none but the best companies.
We guarantee to quote as low a rate for Life
Insurance as any company doing business on
sound principles and with undoubted security-,
not forgetting the innumerable options; so aiso
in the Fire and Accident Insurance, our rates
aro as low as is consistent with security and
thorough managemont.
We guarantee prompt attention to the col-
lection of rents and accounts. Money to loan,
Office over D. M. Gordon's store,
—Great is the contrastl On one hand,
Mr, Whitney- stands out for clean eloo-
tion methods with a clear-cut, progres-
sive policy, and honest administration of
public affairs. On the other hand, Mr.
ltoss is elogeont in defense of iudefen-
si.tle actions -the toadying to corpora-
tions; the gift of square miles of the
Dublin domains to speculators; the de-
eoption of a large and influential class of
the electors; even the awfully corrupt
Acts of the machine under Mr, 1toss'
eloquence are transformed into merely
umistnken zeal" en the pari of his ane"
Thorn is Nothing to Equal
Herbal Bitters
Blood, Stomach, Liver
and lCidneys.
HAM urows