HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-08, Page 5May 8, 1902 Sale Commenced May 3rd Ends June 2nd reat Sale —NOW ON, OF Crowder's Tailored Clothing. Our great Sale is only as yet in its infancy. Our expectations are overwhelmed with the success we have had on our opening days. This week we are adding several lines of Clothing at ridiculous prices, be- cause the lines aro broken and we want the room. Also 21 Suits, TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, must be sold at once ; the price will be one-third less than regular. See other people's Suits at $lo.00, then see ours at $7.00. He is Always in 'Demand for social occasions as an escort for the fair sex for business—for love or life, for money making and money keeping—the well dressed man has a big advantage. Crowder & Oo., Clothiers, are in a posit- ion to serve you, whether you want gar- ments for morning, afternoon or evening, at• exceptionally reasonable prices. You can cut quite a figure at very moderate cost here, Special 3o Days' Clothing Sale. Everything as advertised in last week's issue will be con- tinued. Boys' Snits, wOrih 53.75..,.Special Sale $3.00'Mon's Suits, worth $s.75....Spacinl Salo $5.75 Youths' " #'3.75.... " 3.00 I Mon's " " 9,00..., " 7.50 PANTS i PANTS 1 Worth $1.25, all sizes, Sale price 90c BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH, Gents' Furnishings. Just arrived, a large range of Men's Shirts (Salem Brand) for present wear, in all the latest colorings, tucked and plain, every Shirt Ts guaranteed. Prices $1.00 to $1.25. t," Goods Stopped in Transit. Just to hand, comprising the following lines, which will be sold at prices unheard of before in the county of Huron :— SILK UNDERWEAR. --Six colorings, worth $2.00 a Suit, Sale $1,00 ]knit Wool Undershirts (light weight) worth $1.00, Salo .50 Flannelette Shirts, worth 25c, Salo price .19 ' Black Shirts, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, cto., etc., Salo price .45 Balbriggan Underwear, all sizes (two thread) worth 51.?5 per Suit, Salo .80 Socks, 4 Pair for .25 Just One Moment, Please! HATS! HATS 1 Commencing Saturday we will offer for sale a large assortment of .Hats in;,Felt, Fedora and Christy Stiff, at about :l off regular prices. Even if you live 20 miles front Wingham, it will pay you to come and see us. The Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. . Crowder Co. TH• -'. I r Jam.. \ GUTAM ADVANCE, Tired 0 t "I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house, 1 was tired out all the time. Then 1 tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to *Hake me feel aneo"— s' N, 8' Swin- ney, perfectly ctu, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up tired all the time. 'Why? Your blood is pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take. Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. 111 1,1,!:;g1:: Aek your doctor what he thinks of Ayers. Bareaparilia. tie knows all eboutthie grand old family medicine. rollowhte advice and we will be satisfied. 00„ Lowell, Mass. Dressy Young Men's Headquarters. Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham 1-902 £it//d70WEL is MOVING FORWARD. Winter Term begins Jan. 6, 1502. Our rates are Study thorough and practical. Courses of Send for our Journal to sec what we teach. Students niay enter al any time. Two Courses of Study--Coiuineroial and Shorthand. C. A. FLEMING A. L. MciNTYRE President Sec'y. Owon Sound Listowel • ° iilllRPiiP poi �1lI�I4 1 IIIIIVd II.' J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. We invite our former cus- tomers, and others, to call and examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate—cloth is of good quality—we give you a good easy fit. Webster & Co. Aare. ivtbota`'c Thosplioaktot Vit C'trcdd Esgl4je Eonf , Bold and rodent e{"dod All el r le tafn0111104."0011 d le able lnedlpino disa4varett. Stz „ Packages augra7tte Z to pure ail forms o actual \Veaknesrt All offsets of trot t'.4 er excess, Mental Worry, 5xcCAetv'o nab of WO. li I e e � llhoen, o luiti �r *Jilin lantR, Mailed a p SI, xS. -w r(n a A ei � . 14 mutts stird. pl°nmpllltt0 flee to any sridresd. wig weed company, lv itdt19r148ta Weed's Phosphodtno is old In wen ltani by A. 0. A.iCampbell, i) Davis, A. otlglttss Lova Tokens aro always in demand in the Sum- mer tune, and we aro now show- ing a flee assortment of neat and appropriate gifts and keopsalres in stickpins, hatpins, scarf pins, brooches, and a vast variety or Summer jewelry, all reliable and up•to.clate, at prices within your moans. Ut:l~•RIl`1VATE 11 ... THE .,. Royal Muskoka" Muskoka Lakes District, Canada Elegantly Furnished, Fine Cuisine, Beautiful Sur- roundings, 1000 feet above sea level. Most Charming Summer Resort Region in America. Clinton, Ilollnes of Goderioh, who has boon surgeon of the Huron Regiment since 1805, has retired, leaving reached the age limit, Captain Shaw of Clinton succoodts bine. .A pretty .April wedding tool. place at the home of William h'luker Wednes- day forenoon when his oldest daughter, Maud, betaine the bride Mr, E. Mc- Lauchlan of Goderich, • The concert given in the town hall lust Friday evening was one of the most pleasant of the whole season and there was largo attendance notwithstanding that the weather was both wet and bois- terous, The old itattenbury street church, which was abandoned a couple of months ago for the more pretentious and. commodious Wesley church, has been bought by Mr, Dan. Mc0orvie, who will *nake use of it as a fanning mill works. The purchase pripe was four hundred dollars. For further particulars, illustrated do- scriptive literature, rates, maps, and all in. formation, apply to J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto, A. H. Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store You Can't Afford. to X1JBflhIi8llt Settlers' Second Claono-Wayss Excursions TO Kootenay and Pacific Coast Points FROM WINGHAM To NELSON, TRAIL, ROSSLAND, GREEN- WOOD, MIDWAY, B. C., VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, NEW WESTMINSTER. B.C., SEATTLE and TACOMA, Wash., and PORTLAND, Ore. $43.70 Tickets on sale MARCH 1st to APRIL 30th, 1002, inclusive. Proportionate rates from and to other points. Also reduced rates to points in Colorado. Idabo, Utah, Montana, Washington. To MAN1TOIIA and CANADIAN NORTHWEST Will leave Every TUESDAY during I'IARCH and APRIL, if sufficient busi- ness otters. For full pparticulars apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. 11. NOTMAN, Asst, Gen]. Pasar, Agent 1 King Street East, Toronto Ooderich. Mr. William I3ays .of Ashfield has retired :from farm, life and has purchas- ed from Mr. Shannon two houses and lots en St. Patrick street, Mr. r. Barlow Holmes sold 174 tick- ets for Rev. R. Hobbs' lecture, " The Triangular Man," Who van boat that ? Tho Myles came in on Wednesday with 42,000 bushels of wheat for Mooer's elevator, The G, T. R. shipped over 8000 tons of wheat through the Goderioh Eleva- tor last week. Judge Masson's health is again giving his friends grave concern. At present Ws illness prevents hire from attending at his office. Rev, Dr. Stewart will wear a gown, or a surplice if you please, when occu- pying his pnlpit next Sunday. It is a handsome and expensive gown and was presented to him last week by the members of his congregation who took advantage of his elevation to D. D, to show in this tangible way the high re- gard which they hold him. Mr, Chas.Cook, who is a great ad- mirer of flowers, particularly house plants, has a large and varied collection. He says he has ninety-six varieties of geraniums, about the same of sweet peas and dahlias, and asters in abund- ance. He has always had a fine display which is much admired by those who have seen it. A shilful mechanic, who arrived in town several weeks, ago, got on a big spree last week and his cash ha hand becoming exhausted, he undertook to replenish it by begging from house to house. He carried this on for some lit- tle time, but it reaching the ears of Chief Wheatly he arrested the seeker of alms and shut him in the lockup where he remained until the next afternoon The mayor inflicted a fine of one dollar and costs or a sojourn at Castle Grif- fin. The money was paid, Our Beautiful New SPRING 6000S ARE IN, Toothache Cured in One Minute. Saturate some batting with Poison's Nerviline and place in the cavity of the tooth. Ruh the painful part of the face with Nerviline. bind in a hot flannel, and tete toothache will disappear im- mediately. Nerviliue is a splendid household remedy for Cramps, Indiges- tion, Summer Complaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Toothache. Powerful, penetrating, safe and pleasant for inter- nal and external use. Price 25o. Try Nerviline. Use Dr.Hrniiltoll.'s Pills for 13illiousness. See Our $16, $1S, $20 Suits before buy- ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing linecan be diad and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor • Wingham in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex perirllents are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring ' business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance, Give us a call. E. C. CLARKE VP -STAIRS IN $IIA'ty BLO01'. IK�llAM SAI McLgAN QC SON All kinds of rough and dressed.... We regret to learn of the illness of R, W. MoSenzie, which has confined him to bed during the past week, and hope soon to see him about again. Thos. Bell, Bayfield Road, delivered nine 734 months old hogs, in town one day this week, the total weight being 1,860 pounds. For the bunch he re- ceived the handsome sum of $110.50. We had a burglary the other night. P, Deans window seemed most attrac- tive to the burglar but some one from a window of the British and another gent who was going home had their eyes up- on him, yet when the case came before Mr, Seager the witnesses did not seem to be positive as to the indeutity of the prisoner, but he was committed for trial. The fruit that was stolen was found iu the barn near the premises but not until quite a portion had been used by the offender, The man taken up pleaded not guilty but Judge Doyle will have a say in the matter this week. Last Thursday a middle aged man named Chas. Sullivan hired a horse and buggy at Hamilton & Hailiday's livery stable and drove to Clinton. There he tried to sell the outfit, and his offer was taken up by amaa who paid him $1 on the bargain, with the understandiug that the balance would be paid later. The citizen informed Constable Wheat- ly, who arrested Sullivan and took him before Mayor Jackson, who committed him for trial. before the county judge. Tuesday morning he came before Judge Doyle and pleaded guilty to the charge brought against him. Sullivan's ex- cuse for his conduct was that he had been drinking and did not know what he was doing. He informed County At- torney Lewis that he had been working at Sault Ste. Marie before coming here, and the case was adjourned to the 0th of May to allow Mr. Lewis to communicate with the prisoner's former employers. Brussels. East Huron Liberals will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, 13th inst., in Brussels Town Hall. R. Leatherdale has, purchased a fine span of iron grey horses from G. L. Walker, valued at $300. Owing to the boost in the price of beef our butchers have advanced sirloin steak to 15 cents per pound. The Central Hotel passed into the hands of the new proprietor, George Brown, of Gerrie, on Thursday of this week. Mr, Zilliax and family have moved into the apartments in the (Ira - ham bloeb, The majority of the business mon have decided to close their places of business at 7 o'clock each evening. W. D. Cousley, who etteyded the Strathroy Hairy School, 8t0od 4th iu a list of 81 students at his examination He has taken a position as manager of the Stratford cheese factory. Neil Milloy was hurt the other day while working at H. McCutc1ieep't3 in Morris. He was nitleitphilig the horses from. tete seed drill when they started, and one of the teeth of the drill caught him on the leg, indicting an ugly cut. Tuesday cif tilts weer[ au information was sworu out before Magistrate Ross, of this village, by William Kreuter charging Hugh Cunningham, of Grey, with having committed perjury in mak- ing his affidavit of witness fees in the case of Kreuter vs. Cunningham, in which judgrt}ent was recently given in ftvor of Mr. Oumringl;am. The case will he heard at the Cqu>}cel Chamber on Tuesday the 7th Day at p,m, Ringing in the Ears. This is an unfailing sign of Catarrh, and if not checked will ultimately result in deafness. The simpliest remedy is Catarrhozone, which if inhaled a few times daily, prevents the catarrhal con- dition from spreading. Catarrhozone quickly stops the wringing in the ears, head noises, gives permanent relief to catarrhal deafness. For Catarrh iu any part of the system, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung pr Throat Troubles, Catarrhozone is a specific, and is guaranteed to per- manently cure Or your mousy back. Large size, $1.00; trial sixe, 25c. Drug- gists or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE 'BARRELS, Hard and Soft $labs, also a large quantity of dry hard, wood for sale( delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to, MoLeart. & Son 450 YEAR EXPERIENCI. Twins M . iR A Pliis OPAl4i1'I% COP*11101i7i 4Q. A ti ore se n d ing 4 eifi 11 tin egr riO ti e n Ins ! �alak•enl t ratenrocwcther an ;wornpp ItanbC.ek00 LatnClnete sI rneNntsfnrrkest nme! for �nnnfonts. Patents taken tgrough Munn& Co. receive spires* erotica, wit honk Charge, in the coif*. Jimtrttant. A handaomety illustrated weekly. Lsroeet etr. cnlation of any Scientific nttrnel. Terms. $3 a plot: ffnnr Montle, $L Bind byan nowed0nler5. MitinSee rt4°4dwey, NSW i0fk $ran. c ce, � dt,�lNaeklaacoti.>.t.. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Are unexcelled as winter layers, and as dressed fowl, bring much more money than common stock. We have a pen selected from our hest winter laying hens mated with a fine, largo, well -marked cock, also bred from a persistent laying strain. Eggs,—per setting of 15, $1.ti0, SMILLIn Bnos., BIuevale Nervous and Sleepless. There is just one'cure and that is plenty of food for the blood and nerves, which is best supplied in Verrozoue, than which no blood builder, nerve tonin or strength producer is better. Ferro - zone promotes healthy digestion, which results in improved nutrition. The blood grows rich and rod, furnishes stability to the entire' system, and the store of nervy force and energy increases daily, A rebuilding of the oonstitutiop, new spirits, health and strength, all come from the use" gf,lt'tdrrozone. This marvelous renovator is sold by brag - gists for 50e. a box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from Polson Co„ Kingston, Ont., sped by .At, L. rl ntilton. Cement and Lime, Parties requiring Cement or Lime should give us a call. We are selling at a very low price. We keep only first-class brands of cement and Lime, and you can always Lely on getting a. good fresh article at the WINOISAM CIllitii.sT AND Tnso WORKS. F. GUTTERIDGE. FARM FOR SALE. Slim PriCes, Stout "Values. Ths Leaiiq Store [QuLuI tt. Special Sale OF ... Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums and Mattings at ISARD & CO'S. 35c Union Carpet for 25c. 3 pieces good union Carpet, new patterns and coloring, one yard. wide, good to wear, regular price 35c, our special price 25c 50c Tapestry Carpet for 40c. Nice new pattern tapestry Carpet, good colors, will wear well, regular value 50c, on sale at 40c l5c Japan Matting for 12+c. Good strong Japan Matting, new pattern, cotton warp, regular price 15c, sale price 121e 50c Union Carpet for 40c. 50 yds. Union Carpet, nice new pattern, good coloring, one yard wide, regular 50c, special price 40c 25c Dutch Hemp Carpet for 20c. 3 pieces, nice new pattern, reversable Dutch Hemp Carpet one yard wide, reg. value 25c, on sale at 20e 25c Japan Matting for 20c. One piece heavy Japan matting, new pattern, one yard wide regular price 25c, sale price 20e 50c Tapestry Stair for 40c. 27 inch Tapestry Stair Carpet, nice new pattern and colors, regular value 50c, sale price 40c 90c Wool Carpet for 75c. All Wool, two ply Carpet choice pattern, one yard wide, regular price 90c, on sale at 75c New Lace Curtains. A fine range to choose from. All sizes. Prices thus -25c, 35c, 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, 54.00, $5.00, etc. South half elf lot 88, con. 12, East Wawauosh, 100 acres ; 65 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation ; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings, Price and terms reasonable, K +`NRY T. PERDUE, Wingham 21tf, c. In every town:, ` .nd village may be had, the Mil IAtt 5..i MicaAxle' Grease that makes your horses gld. "Craft must be veiled, tut truth goes naked:". Poor shoes must be highly finished to veil defective material, but good shoes need not fear to bt aeon in their natural loathers. The cost of abnormal finish is putt into unusual se ti tr ee and valued by the Makers (through their price o the sole) in -- "The Slate; Shoe" .oda. For sale only by W. J. Greer H. I'. Isard S' - Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Nimommume Highest Price Paid for Produce Sold by All Ncwsdcalers Furnistheis Monthlyto all lovers of Song , Mush,: n ant vot mof Nw c'Choice o Copyright Coirnposltlona by theIItOSt pope tiler authors, 04 Pages of Plana 1Nuale. hnU Vocal, half Instrumental -al Com plata PldgRtt for Plano-0nm a Month for las f eft ari ti011 �.Od I Yearly 9ab.c , its Y� $ s t, p G y , YYe c maws pt livt: t the ems ate ice . a writ aced tet r performers en the ]'ianoor Organ, we Will send your a dopy or the Mo *tips rect. 6idhtNJ s W. tcPa*t*tifl., Fuibitlidshioprh, in• Pa. as Three argains ti 10 -piece Toilet Sets nice- ly decorated and Gold Stippled, large size Basin. and. Ewer Q riR at..., e i 97 -piece Dinner Sets, fancy embossed pat- terns with gold Q75 lines, at.. ' I 1 1 6=Piece Sets 12 bread & butter plates, consisting of the following 12 tea plates, 12 breakfast plates, 12 dinner plates, 12 soup plates, 12 cups and saucers, 12 sauce dishes, 3 covered dishes, 4 platters, 1 sauce tureen, 1 soup tureen, 1 gravy boat, 1 vegetable dish ; $16. 00 all for NWIMMAIMIIIIIIILIOIONNIII. mammon at Griffin's S! T. A. Mills has completed his assortment of Seed. Corn, consisting of the fol- lowing varieties :— Flint varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of Midright, Canadian Yellow, Smut Nose. WHITE CAP DBNT.---Its greatest merit lies in the fact that it is a strong Yank grower with a good many anekers. It will grow more bushels on poor thin land than any other kind in the world, It stands the drouth better than 50 other varieties grown in the same country. EARLY BUTLER DENT. -The ears grow to a good size and no corn in cultivation will outshell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled oat 61 lbs, of shelled corn, leaving only 5i lbs, for the cotes. It has no equal, We have never had a complaint of this corn. Withstands drouth. CLOUD'S IEA1tLY DENT. -Earliest of the heavy varieties, produces a large amonnt of early green fodder per acre, grows a good average height, somewhat taller than rural thoroabhltred. STAR LEAMING.--Ears are of good size, set low down, and nearly al- ways two good ears on each stalk ; deep grains, strong vigorous growth, stalky, leafy nature, a great improvement on the old Learning. EARLY BAILEY.—A favorite in some sections, but not the best in the market, as it has been on the market some 15 yrs. ago with no special merit. 1. K. L. ---This new corn has been grown itt Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan end is the best of all for silage and fodder corn, is hardy, a vigorousrower and matures early. The stock will grow to a height of 13 feet when well eulti- the sizeof cob. see tl Coll and r fodder. ' or h Nilo v:ated. Don't, fail to get for e (ertmn Millet. Ilntlgarian Seed, Silver Ilull Buckwheat. Saw Log Mangle, the very ehnie.est strains in market. Yellow Intermediate Mangle. Royal Giant Sugar Beet, the largest and easily harvested, All kinds of Clover iet itr stock. Seed Oats, Oentury and Legoa. Mandscheuri Barley, Black Iulless Harley. Flax Seed. Ground Meal. All kinds Turnip Seed, T. A. MILLS.