HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-08, Page 4THE W INGIIAM ADVANOE. May 8, 1902 Ritchie & Campbell Table Linens f f This store has always had the reputation for keeping good Linens. We still hold it, and are going to give you some of the best values ever heard of for many a day ;- 40 yds. fine half -bleached Table Damask, heavy make, guaran- teed pure Linen, 70 in. wide, regular 05c a yd., special 45 40 yds, full bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, choice design, Irish make, 72 in. wide, good value at $1.25, Special 100 •..®.,.rasre.,-• -- ,.0••..01.11104, line Linen Towels We epuree Linen Towels, colored borders, good large size. You can have these at a snap. A 20c pair for Lace Curtains and -Draperies The remnants of our new Spring Lace Cur- tains will be sold at startling reductions. Fine Brussels Net, White and Cream Applique, Heavy Nottingham, Vestibule Panels, etc. There are only one, two and three pairs of a kind left. Come, and be one of the lucky buyers. Dress Goods and Muslins Our stock is well assorted in Dress Goods and Muslins, in all the latest weaves and shades. Dress Trimmings in white, cream, fawn and blk. Applique, just what every lady is looking for. Em- broideries, laces, Gloves, etc. We Pay the Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. SsoosiiimaiSoomair Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. MciNDOO. klalMmENM11111.• 1 C l torhii l.ott5 Use our Folded Carpet Paper and Stair Pads. THE PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE Make Comparisons WHY YES As many as you choose -the more you make, the better we like it. Intelligent comparison lands ns "on Top" every time. New Goods being placed in stock. .A. good assortment of Easy Chairs, with that made -to -fit feeling about them. See our $10 and $12 Bedroom Suites. In Oak and Ash, we have some good lines at $17, $18, $21 and $22. Our $31 and $33 Suites are sellers, UNDERTAKING Residence -Patrick Street, S. Oracey's termer residence, where night calls receive prompt at- tention. Bali Bros. 100 Pounds. of Goose Feathers Wanted. ---I1r. John Lee, candidate of the Liberal party in East Kent, declares that he has learned to ad- mire Mr. Whitney, the Liberal Conservative leader, because he is a man of Conscientious Convictions, with the courage of them." • The Peterborough Review says: - "The honest, quiet, thinking vote of the province will effectually do the work it so nearly did four years ago. The signs of change aro to be found in the acknowledgment that is made by so many Liberals that a change will do no harm. Whitney will win." * * e -The Weekly Sun has this to say to farmers :- ,Last week two bills. in your in- terest relating to cattle guards and drainage across railways were hung up. In the same time over a dozen bills in the interest of railway promoters were passed - and don't you forget it when elec- tion day comes around." The Harriston Tribune (Liberal) says :-"Barrister Anson Spotton, B. A., of our town has been nomi- nated as the Conservative candi- date in East Huron, where his na- tive home is and where he holds considerable property. There is only one regret in his candidature, and that is that Mr. Spotton is too good a man to be sacrificed." The People's Furniture Store O-RFAT DISSOLUTION SALE FOR CASH ONLY.. This is no fake. It is a Genuine Sale, and we are positive we can save you money on everything you bun. A FEW BARGAINS : Men's Dong. Boots Regular price $3.25 Sale Price $2.40 " Box Calf Boots . .. 11 .1 1. I. .1 41 i1 .1 Ladies' Dong. Boots, Button.... 14 41 1 1r Children's Shoes " ' Butt -on 11 11 Men's Colored Shirts 1, 14 Men's White Shirts Neckwear r' 3.73 " 2.00 3.25 •' 3.00 .1 2.30 8.40 ry 13 2.50 2») 1.40 1.23 1.25 1.23 1.00 1.00 " 11 sr 41 ,1 f, 41 R1 i1 .1 11 4. t. 11 2.40 2.25 100 2.25 2,13 1.rs"a 1.50 1.10 1.65 1.00 1.41 As to clothing, now is the time to purchase, as we can Save you from $4 to $5 on a suit of clothes. Store For Sale -apply to J. J. Homuth. oftrargrammemasassommosir liornnth Sc Son. stock yards of the '\Vest at St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul and Chicago. Having got rid of competition in the live stock markets, the trust proceeds to get rebates from the railways, which squeezes out any remaining rivals. Then they proceed to force the in- dependent wholesalers to buy from thein with the alternative of being driven out of business by under- selling if they refuse. Having thus got both ends of the trade in their nands, they proceed to put up pri- ces to wholesalers and retailers, who buy direct, Tho recent in- crease of from three to four cents per pound in Eastern cities is said to represent increased profits of the trust over those of 1901 of $100,000,000. • -A woman Socialist candidate was chosen to contest North To- ronto. The Attorney -General's de- partment has, however, decided a woman cannot be a member of the Legislature. This squelches Mrs. Darwin's political aspirations. Wouldn't she have been lonely in the Legislature ? She would have had to work hard to "have the last word," with so many male mem- bers in the Legislature. ✓ • * -The city of St. Paul now pos- sesses the distinction of having the largest railway station in the Unit- ed States. It is 630 feet long and 600 feet wide, and bas thirty tracks, enough to handle ten incoming and ten outgoing trains simultaneously. The city of Boston has the next to the largest station for passenger service in the country. The Union Station in Boston, on the north side, has a length of 500 feet, a width of 460 feet, and twenty-three tracks. Both of these huge sta- tions are to be surpassed by the new Southern Union Station in Boston, upon which work was be- gun in January, 1897, and which is now nearing completion. It is designed to be the biggest railroad station in the United States. * * * -Dr. Montague has returned from Australia, and recently gave an address on the country. He said that the Australians were go- ahead, hospitable, kindly, obliging, with door open and table always spread ; manly, enthusiastic, indus- trious and economical of strength. They believe strength laid in rest, and had Wednesday and Saturday half holidays, besides being ready to stop work when the bell rang. The Australians, too, were true to the empire, as the events of the past two years in Africa showed. They had given their sons for the defense of the empire. It would probably be never known how inueh the colonies had done. It would never be shown in the num- ber of lives or blood shed. When Canada and Australia gave notice, with no uncertain sound, to the Boors and others to keep their hands off, it was known her ene- mies had to deal with the mother's sons. Social life was depicted, and the doctor passed on to the political life. Legislation was more advan- ced and the elections were purer and better. Canada was behind Australia in the matter of imperial defense. The ]atter was paying out $450,000 yearly for the main- tenance of four or five armed crui- sers. Canada, he thought, ought to share in the defense of the em- pire. *• . -Grateful for favors past and to come, the railway companies have provided each member of the Do- minion Parliament with a. full out- fit of free passes, and a grateful country furnishes a case to put the passes in -a pass case as it is called. The Auditor -General, with painful exactness, states that 313 pass cases, costing'$375.60, were includ- ed in last year's supplies. Besides a leather trunk and a box to en- close his stationery, there was add- ed this year for each member a sat- chell of pig -skin leather -of a han- dy size for a shift from Friday to Monday. So it comes about that on Friday there is a general pack- ing of shifts in the pigskins, and the passes are, properly adjusted in the leather frames inside the cases. Then, with spring overcoats, suits, hats, and feet, the procession starts for the station -each one feeling comfortable and complete for his journey. -[Weekly Sun. -The forthcoming Provincial elections will be the tenth since Confederation. At Confederation, in 1867, a coalition Government was formed under John Sandfield Macdonald. In the general elec• tion of 1871 this Government lost many supporters and resigned after the meeting of the Legislature. Edward Blake then became Prime Minister with a purely Liberal Cabinet. Since that -thirty-one years --Liberals have ruled Ontario. The straight Liberal majorities over all others have been BS follows after the successive general e1en- tions Lib. Mai. 1875 15 1879 26 1883 10 1886 26 1890 23 1894 8 1898 8 At the last Provincial election, the Conservatives had a majority of the votes cast, but the Government held power by very questionable means. IT 18 TIME FOR A CHANGE. --According to a leading New York paper the United States Beef Trust is an unofficial combination of firma, which control :c business of 8600,000,000 annually. Of this it is claimed that trade aggregating $560,000,000 ie handled by four firms, which co-operate down to the smallest details. These firms are given as Armour and Co., Swift and Co.. G. H. Hammond and Co., and Nelson A. Morris and Co, 'These firms are reported as begin - Laing their operations in the big UNDER CONSERVATIVE RULE. There would have been :- No numbered ballot. No $5,000,000 provincial debt. No wasting of the timber resour- ces of Ontario. No giving away for nothing of the pulp lands to friends of the Government. No scrap iron assessment to fa- vor the electric light, the telegraph, the telephone companies and other big corporations. No Conmee bill. No School Book== ring to sweat the parents and charge three prices for school books. No machine to steal and destroy the ballot of the electors. The Morgan Steamship Combine. X11111111111111111111111"111111111111111111111111111111iig11111I11111i11111tiig1111111111iii1I11111111Y1111111i II I THE PEOPLE'SPOPULAR STORE. ..,..._... ...... ........ ...... e.. - E ,r.:uyin2 ODoortunities1 ...we •11•01011•0101.010001011MOMMIIM7110•00010•001•01• IMP oh.. .........o.� 00••••• A Reoipo For lVIakillg lVlonoy. 0-4.02 w MO Favor us with your purchases for one month. At the end of that time cont- & JAS. H. KERB. 4444110 .44440 -p 4..444 44040 (Toronto News.) The iron heel of the Morgan steamship combine is evidently be- ing felt by the Canadian Immigra- tion Department. Two representa- tives of the combine, according to Mr. W. T. R. Preston, Immigrant Commissioner in Great Britain, have threatened to divert immigra- tion from Canada unless sub -agents throughout the United Kingdom make efforts to have immigrants cross the Atlantic by steamship lines which belong to the trust. If this statement is true, it is time both the Imperial and Cana- dian Governments were up and do- ing, Of the steamship lines plying between Canadian and British ports which carry immigrants, the Allan and Dominion Lines are said to be- long to the combine, and the Eider - Dempster Line does not. It would appear that the intention of the trust is to compel all immigration agents of Canada in the United Kingdom to route intending mi- grants by the Dominion or Allan Lines, instead of, as at present, al- lowing them to travel by any line they choose. This statement is given color by the announcement that Mr. W. D. Campbell, the man- ager of the Elder -Dempster Line, has been summoned to England to confer with the principals of his company on the subject. If the report is true, the Elder - Dempster Company will be serious losers, ter in the past they have carried large numbers of immi- grants. But the most serious as- pect of the matter is, that if the combine is able to hold up the Ca- nadian Goverment in the routing of intending emigrants, it will like- ly be able to interfere in a more se- rious way with Canadian trans-At- lantic commerce, by the same threat of diversion of trade. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still in.s the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bili- ousness. Doctors were scarce, and. they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or heart failure, ete. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fernien• tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the ner- vous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and had with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower. in'lipid form, to make satisfied there re is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get D. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at .11 E. Davis'. pare our prices and goods with what you have been getting elsewhere and you will be so pleased with the results that you will become a permanent customer here. Ow ..- r.- Gold Soap. Print Shirts..4.042 to* 39c ate.... -e saa ....- asea- Pure Soap. 11 oz. bar for 5c. 5213 Prizes $2,500.00 for Gold Soap Wrappers. Every person gets a prize or a premium. Shoe Blacking. • Regular 50 box English Shoe Blacking, reduced to lc Good Rice, 7 lbs. for 25c 4- 4 Cooking Figs have advanced in price, but • we are selling at the old price, per lb5c «- 8 ' Chili Sauce in pint sealers, Home Made... aaa 4- 4 e..- 114 This Week's Arrivals. Water Ice Wafers, 3 flavors. Potted Ham, 6 oz. tin 5c a Potted Ham, 10 oz. tin 10c Potted Tongue, 6 oz. tin 50 Potted Tongue, 10 oz. tin 10c Herring in Tomatoe Sauce 10c Smoked Roll, Breakfast Bacon and Long 15c Clear Bacon. paid. Also about thirty bushels of Oats wanted. 1 Regular 50c Shirts for Sizes 141, 15, 151, 16. Overalls. Brown Overalls, regular sizes, well made, were $1.00, reduced to 60c Bicycle Pants at Half Price. Men's Straw Hats Girls' Straw Hats MMMM/...NW•V'40.40I4•/. 5c 50 Women's Cotton Hose, fast black, pair... 5c ileavy Apron Print, with border, 39' in, wide, reg. 15c, now 13c Fancy Iluslins, 60, 10c, 15c, 20c. Ladies' Vests, only 50 Ladies' Fancy Vests 10c to 30c Clarke's Mile End Brilliant Crochet Cot- ton, regular 7c, now 5c WANTED. --Two car loads of Potatoes at once. Highest market price .-..e -..o eM 4,42 0 0 44.411 -4.400 04.40 -...4402.e -..., 0.040* wee -4443 04.04* .4.411 ....e ti ••••44:0 ••••••0 ▪ Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr IliIO011M Block,¶ill1l1fl Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr I have the finest display of Sweet Peas .. AND .. Flower Seeds ever shown in Wing - ham. Over twenty varieties and colors of Sweet Peas shown separately. B. A. BOULASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. 1 Have Perfect Sight Between perfect sight pnd partial blindness aro mans degrees o Visaing. Modern set., enc• ennblos us to giveerfect vision t$ nearly ell who *o., however Imperfoctlrl Halsey Parti scientifid Optician and Jeweler .O .ig' Wingham, Ont. A. DULMAG-E WM. CLEGG REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE., ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence -Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Account/a specialty. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton BIock, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLTNG A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, SImplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIB MOORS Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a lunited cumber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISB MOORE, L,C.M, And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pro - paring for examinations. Residence -opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham. LIPS Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of Interest, Office -Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts, WINGHAM 4CCIRENT PLATE CLASS Oook'e Cotton toot Compound is anecessfnlly used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, elTeotuaL Ladies ask your drn gist for Cooks Cotton Root Cope. posad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations ore dangerous. Primo No, 1, it per box,No. 11,10 degrees stronger,g$ per box. No L or , mailed en receipt of pride and two Eeent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. nir-No9.1 and 2 sold ant recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canad 4. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in winghani by E. A. Ikonkkls**, C. A. Campbell. J. E. Davis and A. L.Ilantilton, Dardoisra. Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 41. to 5 per cont. Liberal terms of repayment. Fire and Lilo Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies. Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS - ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham j.P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S,O (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OFFICE HOURS :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, W. T, Holloway D.D.S,, L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental E Surgeons of Tor- `` onto and Honor `. Graduate of Dent- al Dep't. of Toron- to University. Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. VirOillee in Beaver Block. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D,S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F en nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post of ee-WINGBAM DICKINSON & IIOLMEs Barristers, Solicitor , etc. Office : Meyer Block Winghaln. E. L. Dickinson Dudley 1toluies R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrates. Office BEAVER BLOCS, 7.95, WINGHAM. T`y' ELLINGTON MUTUAL 1� Y Fil,E INS. CO. Established 184e. Head (Mice G'UTELPfi, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro perty on the cash or premium note system. JAMES 1otntix, Cuss, Davinsou, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, •1.01CN"pi Wfl Gi1tA i, O1 T