HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 8TIU1la WINGIIAnM ADVANCB, April 24, T902 itrtr.rtl'lArt. uvirt J'tJw.ti'1J1J'ti'Y,t't r m 'Ant nnnr trtnrmrtnrum 110 You DAC 0A .100 1 Did it ever occur to you that the dealer with the right kind of goods mark- ed at the right price liked to show them whether you buy or not ? Yes 1 this is meant as a hint. We sell Shorey's . Ready to Wear Clotting. Of course you are aware that no better is made. Every garment lir tailored into shape, made to fit the form of men, ar.4i gives the wearer that well- dressed and comfortable feeling that makes a man hold up his head and look the world in the face. Shorey's Guarantee Card in the pocket of each garment means : Satisfaction or Your Money Back. 1 1 A. R. Smith = Chisholm Block Black Cat Brand Chicago -Rockford Hosiery Company Kenosha, Wis. A Great Sale Of Black Cat Stockings and an exhibition of the Black Cat Sketching Club. We are the only agents here of the celebrated Black Cat Brand. Stockings for boys and girls. Black Cat stockings have triple knees and toes, wear longer, wash better, need less mending than any other hosiery made. We are going to hold a great sale of this make next week. To make this sale interesting, we want every boy and girl going to school to make us a drawing on a card (8x1.1) of a funny black cat, for which we will pay $1 for first and 50c for second best. See window for further particulars. D. M. Gordon ARE YOU TIED TO OLD-TIME METHODS ? If so, isn't it time to cut the cord, and use up-to-date prepared Paints ; mixed by modern methods, and is guaran- teed to Go Farther, Look Better and Last Longer than any other. If you have not used Prism Brand Paint do it now. It is absolutely the best Beady Mixed. Paint made. Every can guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Purchase, or be merely curious, but conte in anyway. For sale only by Smith & Pethick. Thomas' Bazaar 1 Button Block, Wingham. Jewelry For Everyone. link. padlock, 0 little hearts $1.89, but on Satnr'day....$1.50 sterling silver, padlock ; .50 for 1.00 Window. BRACELETS. For the baby, sterling silver. curb engraved "Darling." Our price Ladies' Fancy Curb Link Bracelets, regular price 75e, but Saturday Ladies' Fancy gold plated Bracelets See our WATCH. CHAINS. Gentlemen's Gold Watch Chains, stamped 14k, bar and patent snap ; Regular price $1.50, but on Saturday for .50 See our window. RINGS ! RINGS ! Child's Ring with turquoise and pearl settings, our price .20 ladies' Rings, 14k, carved and also with settings, from 20e up. See the Jewelry Window. HAT PINS. Fancy Hat Pins, large assortment, each .05 Maple Leaf Hat Pin for .15 See our Window, SECRET LOCKETS. Ladies' Secret Locket and Chain, locket satin finish, warranted gold tilled, in two styles oval and heart, setting in centre ; Regular price $1,50, but on Saturday 5 See our window, FANCY PINS. Tie Pins in two tatedes, with single stone setting (both Ladies and Gentlemen) our price .10 Fancy Pine, plain stone setting ; also Butterfly enamelled Pins —price .10 See our Window. Fis134n Poles, each..........lOc nth Hooks, 5 for 10 Fish Lines, each 2c Trout Lines " 13c Trolling Lines, each 13c Reels, each 255e Black Bass trolling Lines at.,15c Sinkers., each lc Baseball Mits at .roll ,. 25e Baseball Bats at to Professional Balls at 75e Amateur Balls at 25c 'Dews from Elf Over the Count2 Corrie. W. G. Strong spent Sunday in town. P. Brown, mainstay of Lakelet, was in town on Friday. Mr. Wade shipped a car of potatoes on Friday ; 40 cents a bag was paid. Rev. Garbutt was able to preach last Sunday. and gave excellent sermons; Rev. N. Burwash will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday, morn- ing and evening. Mr, and Mrs. G. Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Hubbard, of Lakelet, spent Sun- day with C. Horton.. Watt. McMichael is back from the West for two more carloads of horses ; see him if you have one to sell. Joins Donaghy's sale on Saturday was a success. D. Sanderson made his bow as auctioneer and did well. George Ellis received the sad intelli- gence on ;Tuesday morning that his mother, who is on a visit'to•her sisters in Elmwood, was dying; Mr. Ellis left at once. Robert Cunningham and family, re- spected residents of town, have remov- ed to Flenfryn. Mr. 0. has accepted a situation there. Their friends?;here wish them success in their new home. Gorrieites will watch' with interest the career. of Leonard 0. Armstrong, who has enlisted in the 4th contingent for South Africa. He left last week and is now in Halifax. We trust he will return safely. At the Conservative convention held in Brussels, Mr. Anson Spotton of Harriston was the unanimous choice to contest East Huron in the coming elections. In Mr. Spotton the Conser- vatives have a winning candidate. H. R. Woodford, fireman on the G. T. R, out of Palmerston, took a run up to see R. F. White, an old railway boy, on Friday of last week. Mr. White and family were absent attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Laing of Har- riston, a cousin of Mr. White. Early on Friday morning, Dr. Tuck did not get into his buggy quite quick enough to suit his horse, so the latter took a jaunt on his own account. and ran against a post at the photo studio, and landed in the cellar of the old ho- tel, net much the worse however. On Wednesday evsniug of last week John Donaghy was presented with a handsome marble eight-day clock by the members of the Chosen Friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. have been enthusias- tic members. After the presentation, refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed. On the following Thurs- day evening, Mr. Donaghy was pre- sented with a gold -headed cane by his brethren of the Black Knights of Ire- land, in Fordwich. To both of these gifts Mr. D. replied fittingly. He was sorry to part from those he had known so long. Though absent in body, me- mories would carry him hack to his friends in Howick. Mr. Donaghy and family have been residents here for many years, and their friends part with them with deep regret. They left on Tuesday for British Columbia. We hope their brightest anticipations will be realized. The town loses a good family, but St, Stephen's church suf- fers most. Salem. The 2a12tn League is having very interesting mestings. Next Thursday evening being the last night of the contest, they have selected the "Life of Samuel," for the meeting. and at the close new members will be received. J. Kitchen is suffering with a sore hand. Fred McIntosh visited his anut last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lennox of Wingham spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. J. Higgins. Mrs. J. Gallaher called on some of her Gorrie friends last week, . Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McTavish visited the latter's father this week. Mr. J. iiggins has been appointed class leader for the young people's class. Mr. H. has been a worker with the young people of Salem for a long time, and he is heart and hand with them yet. St.Helens. Wm. Tooke is able to be out again after his recent illness. Wm. Miller of Toronto is visiting at Mrs. R. K. Miller's. David McDonald and wife of Wing - ham visited ftiends at St. Helen's last week. Mrs. Wm. Woods has been on the sick list, but at last accounts she was improving. Mrs. Geo. Lott and two children aro visiting at David Farrier's. John Clark has returned from To- ronto to visit his parents. Ile had an attack of diphtheria and was in the hospital for three weeks, but has quite recovered from the effects of it. John Durnin lost a valuable cow last week. Dougal Campbell, son of Peter Camp- bell, died Monday morning. Ile had been ill a couple of weeks with pneu- monia. Got tame Back or Lumbago? No need of that now. That sort of pain can be knocked out in short order, for 1?olson'e1 Nerviline, which is five tiines stronger than any other, pene- trates at oneo through the tissues, reach- es the source of suffering, drives it out and thus gives relief almost instantly. Not magic, but strength that gives Pol- son's Norviline this power. You will think it magio however if you try it, pain goes so quickly. Sold by dealer's' everywhoro,in largo 250. 'bottles. From Our Own Correspondents and County Morris. Mr, J. Moore of Ethel is visiting at Mr. Henry Wolfe's this week. Mr. and Mrs, M, Watson of Sim - shine visited friends in Bluevale last week, A wedding for the near future; ono of our first line boys too. James Russel has made over 40 gal- lons of maple syrup this year. It has been a •good season for maple sugar and syrup, but there is an old saying that a good sugar year is a poor wheat year, Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Westminster circuit, Middlesex Co., was home for a short visit last week, Rev. J. J. llastie, of Belgrave, left on his • holidays on Tuesday of last week for the old country, Mr. Little, of Knox College, Toronto, will fill his place in his absence, We are sorry to state that on Wed- nesday of last week Mrs. David Agar, 2nd lino, passed away after an illness of two weeks, leaving her husband and eight children, the youngest a baby two weeks old. Deceased was a daughter of the late George Fell, She was a kind, motherly person, good neighbor and her unexpected demise will be sincerely regretted. We are glad to state that Frankie, youngest son of Win. Bryans, who has been dangerously ill with appendicitis, has taken a change for the better, and is improving as well as can be expect- ed. We wish him a speedy recovery. A beautiful new organ has been pur- chased for Victoria Hall, Jamestown; R. Leatherdale of Brussels put it in. Mr. and Mrs. James Oruickshanks of the 1st have the sincerest sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their daughter Annie, aged 2 yrs, and 10 months. The deceased had only been ill two or three days. West Wawanosh. Mr. James Robinson of Donnybrook, met with a serious accident one day last week by falling in his barn and breaking three ribs, which will lay him up for a time. The sad news was received last week of the drowning of William Craig of Muskoka, a brother of Mr. John Craig of St. Augustine. The pastor of Calvin church is noted for giving good sermons, but we think he went o little further on Sunday last, and gave a very fine practical sermon upon the "evolution or unfolding of man," based on Matt. 9 : 9. The friends of Rev. R. Fairbairn, B. A., will be pleased to know that he is progressing as favorably as possible ,under the circumstances, George Stothers has, with his staff, commenced the stone foundation of Samuel Roche's new stone dwelling. Dungannon has commencd to boom already for this season's operations. There are now in our village four gen- eral stores, besides other buisness establishments. .18 Andrew Kirk, on 6th concession, West Wawanosh, had sixteen acres in spring crop by April 15th. Of this six acres of oats and four of barley were above ground and growing nicely. We presume this is good for what was called swamp land. We sincerely regret to have to chron- icle the decease of Samuel Phillips, which took place at his residence, lot 13, E. D. Ashfield, on Sundayl3th inst. superinduced by disease of the kid- neys and stomach. ' The deceased was well known and highly esteemed as an amiable and upright citizen. Howick. McMichael Bros, are looking for another carload of horses for the North West market. Assessor Isaac Wade has completed his work. The township is being again canvas- sed for the Harristen Pork fe.ctory; more stock is offered for sale. Stephen Brown of the ninth conces- sion has purchased the Mansion House, Harriston, from Richard Graham, and will take possession on May 1st. The residence of D. A. Harkness on the ninth was badly damaged by fire on Wednesday morning. The fire started in the woodshed and before it was got out considerable damage was done to the contents. Insured in the Howick Mutual Co, The Wroxeter Star says that the township council has invested in a set of moulds for making cement culvert. The moulds are made of plate steel ,with metal bases and so constructed that any size of tile can be made from an 8 inch opening up to 18 inches, No doubt these moulds, if properly used, will be found a profitable invest- ment. Blyth. 11. Davis of Clinton was in town Monday. The Clinton football team will play on the park grounds here Thursday evening, with the Alert team of our burg. R. J, Martin, who has been Grand Trunk agent at this station for over a year, has been transferred to Harris - ton. Me. Martin's successor is Mr.Vail of Palmerston. Tho people of Harris - ton will find Mr, and Mrs, Martin ex- cellent citizens. Drltmtnond Bros. have decided not to run the flax -mill nolct season. There is a good opening here for another butcher, The masons are pushing the (stone- work of Dr. Milne s new orrice rapidly ahead, Grey, Miss M. J. Lynn of Brussels spent Sunday under the parental roof, Itobt. Strachan of Jamestown spent Sunday with his cousin,Thos,Simpson, Mr. Fred. Ward, teacher in 5, S. No. 4, and his mother visited with friends in Mitchell last Sunday. Miss Maggio McArter of Brussels spent Thursday of last week with her friend, Miss Annie Bryans. Arthur McInnes left Last week for Elora, where he has secured a position with Mr. Scott for the simmer, Master Robbie McDonald of Oran - brook visited with his cousin, Georgie JJoombes of Jamestown last Saturday. Next Labbath the Snnday school in Roe's church will be held in the after- noon at 2.30, owing to Quarterly ser- vice in Ethel. The usual morning ser- vice will also be dispensed with. Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. I. Brown of Whitechurch took charge of the services in Roe's church. The rev. gentleman delivered an excellent and impressive sermon, which was much appreciated by those who heard him. We are sorry to record that Win. Mitchell of Molesworth is not improv- ing in health as fast as his many friends would like to hear. Mr. Mit- chell, for the past three months, has been snifering from iuflatnatory rhea- matism along with nerve trouble and at present is in a critical condition. E. J. Jacklin has sold his 180 acre farm on the 5th con. to Jno. Jackson, who is heece. putting in the Spring crop. Mr. Jacklin will have an auc- tion sale next month. It is 7 years since he bought the farm and he has sold at a raise of $1000 over his pur- chasing price. He got $7,500 Mr, Jack- son comes from near Chesley, Fordwich. Mr. J. H. Wade shipped a large con- signment of potatoes and some oats last week, Samuel Johnstone has been appoint- ed pathmaster, and we believe he will be a good one—putting the roads and walks in a much better shape than formerly. The Epworth League of this place visited the society at Lakelet last Thursday evening. They gave a good progtain and received a cordial greet- ing and a good lunch in return. Rev. E. M. Carter spent a few days under the parental roof last week, on his return from his examination. He is stationed at Arkwright. George Walker -is busy preparing to build the new furniture factory, which it is hoped will be in operation in about two months. Last Sunday was a rally day in the Methodist church. After a suitable sermon by the pastor, the work was reviewed, and the membership roll called, a large proportion of whom re- sponded to their names. Rev. A. B. Dobson preached acceptably at the evening service. Dr. R. Dunlop of Shallow Lake visit- ed friend(s) here on Saturday and Sun- day last. Brussels. The Salt Block is running day and night, two gang of men working 12 hours each per day. They turn out 75 barrels of salt per day. Alf. Baeker has purchased D. A. Lowry's property on the east side of the river, paying $700 for it. There is two anti a half acres of land, with good dwelling house and stable. There was an ingatbering of 10 or a dozen candidates at the K. O. T. M., Brussels, on Tuesday evening. Principal Cameron has purchased a field glass that has seen service of note for 2S years. It was the property of an engineer on a Pacific liner and had been through the last Chinese -British war and also was in use in the Jamie- son Raid in South Africa. The glass is in first-class shape and is a very in- teresting possession. It was originally purchased in Canton. Bluevale. Messrs. John 'McDonald and Wm. Gardner of Godericb visited ab John Gardner's on Sunday. Fred, McCracken and son of Brussels visited relatives here this week. The two children of Mr. Alexander— Master Lorne and Miss Ethel—have been very ill. Mr. Ed. Coultes spent last week vis- iting friends at Ripley. Miss Mary Aitcheson is very i11 this week, Miss Bell of Belgrave visited her sis- ter, Mrs. Alex. McGee, this week. Mrs. Oummer of Owen Sound aas visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Faw- cett, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Botham, Mr. Dunton of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. David Fell of Seaforth, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Agar in Morris last week. Mrs. J. J, Denman is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. J, .pimient is still in a very frail con- dition. The quarterly Saerarnental services will be held in the Bluevale Methodist church next Sabbath morning at 10 30, • What might have proved a serious accident occurred at the funeral of the late Mrs. D. Agar at the Ebenezer cemetery on Friday last. A span of horses broke loose from the fence where they had been tied, taking a board with them and dashed away, upsetting and damaging the cariole tow which they were b h )1ey v re attached. They were caught before further mischief was done. Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reason able rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year, Notes and accounts collect, ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingham, Rani, MoxEvnoo. *990 East Wawanosh. We are pleased to learn that 1rlrs. M. `\'aleh le recovering from her se- ver' cold, which almost resulted in puenmonia. Mr. and Mrs, James 13, Nicol and son were visiting hire. Nicol's parents one day last week, Miss Annie Noble of Clinton is the guest, of her brother James this week. Mrs. Alex,Wilson of Alma is visiting friends in Elest Wawanosh, prior to taking up her abode with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Duelow, of Blma township, Mrc, Win, Rath of the 10th is seri- ously ill at present with inflammation of the lungs. We understand that Miss Mary Leishman of Marnoch intends going to Manitoba next Tuesday to visit at the home of h'w sister, Mrs, Jos. Mains. Whitechurch. The Rev, Il. E. Curry of Ethel preached a very inspiring sermon last Sabbath on "Systematic Giving." At the close of the sermon a subscription was taken up ou behalf of the great St. James' church, Montreal. The amount of $72, which was levied upon this circuit on behalf of that church, has all been subscribed. Our school is making rapid progress under our very efficient teacher, H, E. Fair. There are several new brick houses going up in and around Whitechurch. The farmers are making rapid pro- gress in seeding. Miss Winnie Cuyler has returned from visiting friends at Bervie, BIRTHS. Lochend—In Lueknow, on Friday April 11, the wife of Mr. A. 0. Loch- ead, druggist, of a son, Lake—In Grey, April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Lake, a son. Elliott—Tn Wingbam, April•2lst, Mrs. Wm. Elliott, a son. DEATHS. Cruick. banks.—In Morris, April 20th, Annie Mary, daughter of Alt,. and Mrs. Jas. Cruickshanks, aged 2 years, 0 months, 17 days. Phillips—In Ashfield, on Sunday April 13th 1902, Samuel Phillips, aged 75 years, 6 months, 10 days. McDonald.—In Culross, on April 23, Christina McDonald, relict of the • late Geo. Coffin, aged 00. Robinson. --In Kinloss, on Sunday, April 13, 1902, Matilda M. Robinson,- • aged 73 years 20 days. NOTICE. In the matter of the winding up of Belgravo Cheese and Butter Company. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario 1897 chap. 222, sec. 40, that a meeting,of shareholders of said Com- pany will bo hold at the Hotel in the Village of Belgravo, on Monday, the 26th day of May, 1902, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of having the account of the Liquid- ators laid before them and of hearing any ex- Llanation that may bo given by the said iquidators. Walter Scott Liquidators William Wray FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 38, con. 12, East Wawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation ; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDUE, 21tf. Wingham WE arc solo agents in Wingham for he celebrated Keewatin Flour—try n sack and be convinced. A large stock of Field and Garden Seeds on hand. Timothy, Clover, Alsiko, Pens, Oats, Black Hulless Barley, Mangers, Rape, (Steele Briggs Royal Giant Sugar Beets and Jumbo Turnip Seed, sold only in packages.) Five car loads of Feed on hand, including Bran, Shorts, Oat chop, Pea chop, Barley chop and wheat chop. A_ H. CARR MARKET SQUARE. A6i akes short roads. XIJE2 nd light loads. FASE ood for everything that runs on wheels:1 Sold Evorywhere ' t` Made py fuer 7ILIAL OIT. c4. INllAi saw TTJTJ MCLEAN R, SON All kinds of rough and dressed,... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS, Hard and Soft Slabs, also a "large gnantity ofdry hard= wood for sale, clelivei•ed. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. IVIoLrean & Son THE MARKETS WINGIIAM MARKETS IFlo11r per 100 $I (a to $2 50 Fall wheat per bush new 72 to 72 Oats per bush 0 38 to 0 40go Barley per bush 0 50 to 0 50 Peas per bush 0 00 to 0 70 Bran 16 00 to 20 00 Shorts 18 00 to 20 00 Chop 1 50 to 1 50 Bay 8 50 to 9 00 Butter per lb...,.,. .•,,0 17 to (1 18 Eggs 0 11 to 0 11 Lard 0 15 to 0 15 Potatoes per bush 0 30 to 0 35 Apples per bush 0 40 to 0 00 Elides per 100 lbs 6 00 to 0 50 iamb skins 0 45 to 0 50 Dressed bogs 7 00 to 7 50 Live hogs 0 00 to 0 50 'Callow, per lb 05 to 05 Chickens per pair 80 to 85 Decks per pair 60 to (11) Turkey, per lb...... ..., 9 to' 10 Geese, por lb.......... 6 to (i Hardwood, per cord 2 00 to 2 00 TORONTO STOCK MARKET, For full and accurate market re- ports see second page. i Gram, Flour and!Feed MARKET. This market is corrected every week and any special remarks we have to make will bo found below the quotations. Fall Wheat 70 to 70 Spring Wheat 70 to 70 Best Family Flour (Star) marlo from a mixtnro of Manitoba and Ontario Wheat 2 00 Pastry Four (Ont. wheat) 1 90 Manitoba Flour 2 00 Graham -Flour 1 90 Germ Middlings (for Porridge)2 00 Low Grade Flour 1 30 Chop 1 20 to 1 35 Cracked Wheat 1 90 Bran . 0 00 Shorts 1 00 Screenings 1 20 These prices aro for oash,'as we will not so11 on credit. Wo will make a liberal reduction from above quotations to parties buying 2 barrels or over, of Flour, and you will find out Flours, both Star and Manitoba, the best on the market. Now is the timo to lay- lo a stock of Flour and Chop to run you through seeding time. We have n large quantity of Chop, Bran, Shorts and low grade flour for sale. Bring your wheat to the mill. Wo will pay the highest market price in cash. 1 Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank w' MILLERS AUCTION' SALES.—Those contemplat- ing an Auction sale should secure the services of the beat auctioneer. The best is the cheapest ; satisfaction guar- anteed.; it pays to get the best. Orders left at Wingham Advance Office re- ceive prompt attention.—T. Brown, Seaforth. We Guarantee all Our V* Rubber —moo i ....a Mr Goods Hot water Bottles, Syringes of all kinds, Ow*Atomizers, Tubinh, n Breast Pumps, Corks and Bandages. The Best is always the ..."'mss w _ Cheapest. iii -.-o Colin A. Campbell w .w w•-. w -.o THE DRUGGGIST �ti��t�litta111f �it�i�Iilif��itif tip 1L' nc; :OP� Itrl 1 ,1 OS: Life Too Short . To waste with an old sewing machine, doing its work clum- sily, and trying the patience . of the mother who has so ranch to do. Life is Happier when you use the NEW WILLIAMS sntaclrstock.ine, Call *and see our �; ' Qi % Organs, Violins, Guitars 4 —in fact for anything in I the line of Music. la D. BELL t�I WINGHAM Bost Sowing Machine 00. eve. aitv PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our 'interesting looks"Nyco. er's Help" and i, How you aro swindled." Send u9 a rough sketch or model pf yopr in, vention or int prevenient and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. Refected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by is, We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington • this unii s us to rout- ly dispatch work'and quicklysecure Patents ausburlaMnics the invention. Highest references I'a(efzts procured throuqgh Marlon & Ma - tion receive sheerer now *tweet chorus lff O'erleo iteoapapets distributed throughout the II minion. Specialty: Patent bgsluesp pi ).ianpfac-, turers and PAgineers. MARION & MARION Patent Exports and Solicitors. affle s Ntla Vork Life ti'1 # 1lontreei AtlantIS Bld ,attl,l ",„ D,C. 1