HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 7prase their views on any proposed
"4'a88e18 for (•anlltfg(t(It,
i Y
South Africa. '!`0 tjt st l
and the Winitradian, of filo Lay-
1(Lnd Lino, and rho Corinthian, of
the Allan Lina. 7.'he report that
Cymr been engaged or
the (fame purpose turns o to be
Commandoes, will stake 7 0 men ani herees Liners
and the Corinthian 5'00 men and
horses. The former vessels will
leave Halifax early In May, The
Ceetrlan, Captain Thomas, is the
oldest ship of the three, having been
built in 1.890 a ,'t Belfast. She is
512 feet long, 59 feet beam and 135
feet depth. The le of 8,823 gross.
tons, Tho Winifredian, Captain G.
W. Muir, was turntdi out at Belfast
in 1899. Iler dimensions ore: Length
552 Riot; beam,. 69 feet ; depth 86
feet. She . has a gross tonnage of
1 -,.
Ottawa, A 1 200e -The Militia
DO -
r T
at a'e r
i mOnt q n t t e4 t `ane•
l # tI a th. t
pretfourth hapicot# 3etailecl to eonvo .
l Ctanadian contingent to
ow' t r a. They are a Ce. ran
Will Now Confer With Thur
the to had b f
Tentative Peace Term8. Reported t0
Have Been Agreed Upon --lien.
NS' arren Talks—\'Sasois 1'or Cott-
litigant—More Canadians Leave
for Halifax.
London, April 21,—A despatch to
the Standard from Pretoria, date(!
Saturday, says there is Considerable
reason for believing that a tenta-
tive agreement regarding peaee has
been arrived at, svhleh, unless some-
thing unforeseen happens to .vitiate
it, will prove mutually cordial. The
correspondent adds that he under-
stands that the basis' of assured
peace on the initiation of the Boers
themselves has at; last been reached.
The Boer leaders left Pretoria Fri-
day night. Gen. De Wet goes to
Heilbron, Acting President Sehalk-
burger and Gen. Delarey will leave
the train at Klerksdorp, Gen. Lucas
Meyer goes to the Lydenburg dis-
trict, State Secretary Reitz and a
companion will meet the burghers be-
yond Rletorsburg, and Gen. Botha
goes to Dundee and thence to Vry-
held, whence he will reach h1q main
commando. Arrangements have been
made by which the burghers will be
summoned to the different rendez-
vous, where on agreed dates the
British terms will be clearly laid be-.
fore.them. Meanwhile there. is noth-
ing in the nature of an armistice
except that nd attacks will be made
on the Boers on the actual; dates of
their yarious meetings. While it is.
possible that some of the, Free State
burghers will prove recalcitrant, it
is confidently expected that the
Transvaal. Borers almost to a man
will acquiesce in the wishes of, their
Tele Pretoria correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph concludes a des-
patch to that paper, saying: "As
most of the Boer delegates have or-
dered clothing and groceries here for
early delivery you may draw your
own conclusions,' •
Gen. Warren I)ksatisfed.
London, April 21,—Gen. Six Charles
Warren has written to the news-
papers regarding the Solon Kop des-
patches published 'by the Government
last Wednesday. He states that
they do not contain some of the
,nowt important documents bearing on
the subject, give a totally incorrect
view of the matter If considered by
themselves, and reflect injuriously
upon the military reputation of him -
Kelt and those who served so wall
finder hint, He trusts that the Gov-
ernment will publish the complete
documents. Meanwhile Ile stays he
'vial refrain 'from making any further
etatementte ,
Boer 71ea,lors at 13aimorttl.
03a1moral, Cape Colony, April 19.—
Gen. Lucas Meyer, commander-in-
chief of the Orange Free State forces;
State Secretary Reitz, of the Trans-
vaal, and the other members of their
party arrived here last night and
this morning proceeded to' the north.
They were accompanied by a Brinell
escort. It is their intention to con-
sult with the Boers in the field.
Word From Garruther•.
Kingston, Ont., April leO.—Mrs. Bruce
Carruthers this morning received a
cablegram from Klerksdorp, in the
!.Prausvaal, from her husband, Lieut.
Bruce Carruthers, which contained
but two words : "Never better." This
Is the first word received since the
battle in which he won fame.
Suffering From Gunshot.
Ottawa, April 20.—A cable from the
Casualty Department at• Cape Town
announces that farrier William'Hun-
ter is dangerously ill at iilandsfon-
tein from the effect of the gunshot
wound received in the Kleinhardt's
River engagement. Hunter enlisted
at Winnipeg. Corporal William Blan-
chard is ill with enteric faver. He 10
from Peterborough.
Boers iq Europe SOIL '1 alk.
London, April 20.—The opinion of
the continental press on the peace
negotiations is less favorable than
that formed by English journals. The
Boer agents in Holland are asserting
,that the conference has been broken
off and will not be resumed. Their
pessimism may be a sign of irrita-
tion Ore the minor part which they
are playing 'in bringing the war to
a erose. While they have been secret-
ly consulted by the Boor leaders In
the field, their work passes without
Optintletic View.
London, April 21, 6 a. m.—The Pre-
toria correspondent of the Standard
takes a very favorable view of the
situation In South Africa. He is of
opinion that a general understanding
Jias been arrived at between tate Brit-
ish Government and the Boer lead-
ers, althougb so far as any indica-
tions can be gathered it would seem
that the temper of the Transvaalers
is more accommodating than that of
;,heir kinsmen from south of the Vaal.
Mr. Kruger Without Influence.
' London, 'April 21. --The oorreepon-
dent of the Daily Mail at t7treeht
says it is recognized there that the
Boer delegates at Pretoria have full
power to negotiate without refer-
ence to the Boer leaders in En rape ,
Who have no real influence 0 the
peace negotiations
Most Consult ilurg.hers.
' London, April 2O. The reference of
the British terms by the Boer mili-
tary leaders to their commandoes
chows that the delegates are seting
strictly in. aeeorelanee With their
twat Constitution, which says:
"Treaties of peace require ratifi-
cation. 'by the Volksraad, tvhieli must
be t,tnnmoned as quickas poseibtc for
that purpose.,,
To -day the old Voiksrtead is scat-
tered to the \winds. Many of Its mens-
mere are killed, have been captured,
or have fled from their country,
Atltere have died. Orily a bare rem -
dant remains, Henn the delegates
aro obelofisly resolved to subnitt the
(natter to the people themselves els
represented by the fighting btt'ghern.
Besides, under the Transvaal (pond-
teflon, the Volksraad le hound to ill -
love die titno for the people to ox -
the refurntshing of the bowies of
loyal Johannesburgers, which have
been prootioally looted Of necessaries
(luring their ttbsenete,
An excellent start 'was, however,
nsdo aest
Messrs, Iot
ehld, who forwarded to the Lord
!!layer's fund a cheque for 1,000
expected that provision Will
have to be made for no fewer than
1,000 families, and Lord Milner thinks
that an appeal to wholesale Houses,
both in Landon and outside, for the
gifts most urgently required would
leave a good result, and would be
the means of alleviating much suf.
tering, , •
Canada \'Neots the Boers.
London, April 18.—(11Dall despatch.)
—The question of what to do with
many of the Boer prisoners has been
a matter of tate most earnest con-
sideration on the part of the Gov-
ernment. A good cleat of correspond-
ence has taken place on this subject
between tate Colonial .Office and the
Canadian Government.
Selected to Command a Fourth Contingent
10,400. The Corinthian was launch-
ed at Belfast 1n '1900, and has a
gross tonnage of 6,227. Ste is 130
feet long, 5;e feet beam, and 28
feet deep.
Recruiting satisfactory.
Ottawa, April 20.—Recruiting in,
Ontario and the Eastern Provinces
is proceeding most satiefactorily.
Up to last night 880 men had been
accepted, leaving only 170 to make
up the required 1;000. It is possible
that more than the 1,000 will be
recruited, in order to make up any
deficiency intate west.
Frank Gibbs, eldest son of E. F.
Gibbs, Dominion grain inspector at
Port Arthur, has been appointed lieu-
tenant In the contingent for active
service In South Africa. Lieut. Gibbs
is a graduate of the Royal Military
College, and wears time gold spurs won
by him as the best horseman of his
year, and has the reputation of being
one of the best marksmen with the
revolver 1n Canada.
Mr. Bishop, of the Customs Depart-
ment here, who was out with Strath-
cona's Horse, received a lieutenant's
commission yesterday.
Quebec's Quota Fourteen.
Quebec, April 18.—Quebec's quota
for the fourth military contingent
for South Africa so far numbers four-
teen, four more men having taken the
oath tat the Brigade Office to -day,
W. Walling, G. Goudard, W. C. Hous'•
ton and E. M. Degrace, while F. C.
Tracey reached town from Sher-
brooke, where he recruited, making
six in all from that city. Several
more Quebecers have taken out
papers, but have not yet succeeded
in passing the medical examiner. It
is reported that at the last moment
fifty, men of the R. C. G. A. have vol-
unteered their services, • as have .a
large number of those attached to
the Infantry S^hool, who are anxious
to go to South Africa.
Recruits Leave Kingston.
Kingston, April 20. -So far eighteen
men have been, enlisted here for the
Mounted Rifles. They left to -day for
Halifax. The latest recruits are:
Thomas Railings, Brockville; George
Bridgen, Tiehborne ; Ernest Roberts,
Kingston ; John Mayor, an ex -mem-
ber of "A" Battery, Kingston.
Capt. D. I. V. Eaton, who gods to
South Africa with the Mounted Rifles,
wan dined by his fellow officers. at
Tete de Punt Barracks. Bo left on
Sunday for Halifax, where Mrs.
Eaton will join him this week, and
remain till the troopship sails.
London, April 20, --Forty-six bright
looking and sturdy young recruits,
who have joined the fourth contin-
gent of the Canadian Mounted Rifles,
left here this afternoon via the
Grand Trunk Railway. Mr. led. Nolles,
of this city, was made sergeant,
and he will have oharge of the !nen
on the •trip. to .Halifax.
Trooper Leslie 1)end.
Ottawa, April 18.—A cable to the
Governor-General announces the
death of Trooper Wm. J. Leslie, of
the 2nd C. M,. fl•. His next of kin is
Mrs, Leslie, ICinburn, Ont. Trooper
Ernest Atkinson, of the 8. A. C., is
dangerously ill from emterio fever at
1?oteheretromx. Hits father Is J. At-
kinson, New Westminster.
After the War is Over.
London, April 18.— An army Order
issued by the War Office directs
that whenever• officers or reeklierie
are taken prison:ere by an enemy a
Court of Enquiry snail be assembled
to enquire into the cbnd(iot of the
senior officer or soldier of the party,
and, if the general officer commend-
ing considers it advisable, into the
conduct of any other officers ori
soldiers of the party.
When- in nonfte(lu•enee of time as-
sembling of a Covert of Ientiuiry an
opinion adverse to the character or
military reputation of any officer or
soldier is fortued by the officer who
(determines the else so enquired into
the adverse optinion shall be e<Ah-
munleatetl to the officer ar eoldloi'
agtaixiet whom It has been given,
Foe Ousted Ultlaiicders.
London, April 18, -..It Ls early yet
to say what responno will be made
to IMrdi, etiltter's appeal for a su.tit,
of £50,000 to pn 'e naso articles for
Canada wants men, plenty of men ;
to the Northwest Territories and to-
wards British Colombia there are
thousands o: square miles that are
lying waiting for settlers. The
Boers are the sort of settlers that
the Canadian Government is looking
for. The Dominion Government pro-
poses to give a full homestead, con-
sisting of 160 acres of land, to each
head of a family that will settle,
down, as well as to each male over
twenty-one, to assist them with
money—as settlers are at present
assisted—ancl to admit them to the
same terms of civil liberty as any
sett Ior.
The t'anndian Contingent:
Ottawa, April 18.—The Minister of
Militia and the Major-General Com-
manding were in conference all the
afternoon, selecting the officers for
the third and fourth regiments of
mounted infantry for South Africa.
The Minister told the newspaper
correspondents that he did not feel
at liberty to give out the names un-
til they had been; approved by the
Imperial authorities, as the com-
missions would be issued by the Home
Government. He mentioned, how-
ever, that Major Williams, of Toronto,
will command the third regiment,
with Capt. D. I. V. Satan, of .King -
sten, as second in command. The
medical officer of the third regiment
will be Surgeon W.H. Tye, of Chat-
ham, Ont., and Capt. Van Strauben-
ele, who was out with the Mounted
Rifles, under Col. Evans, will be ad-
jutant. Ho is now with the third
special service regiment at Hali-
Major Boulanger, of Quebec, will
command the fourth regiment, with
Capt. O'Farrell, of Halifax, as second
in command. Surgeon -Major E. El-
liot, of Quebec, will be the medical
officer, and Capt. Papineau, of the
third special service regiment, Hall -
fax, will be adjutant. Capt. Papineau
is a cousin of Mr. Bourassa; M. P.
Junior commissions.
The names of the captains and sub-
alterns will not be announced for
some days, but among those offered
commissions are the following: Ser-
geant-Major Butcher, of C. School,
Toronto, has been appointed as lieu-
tenant; Quartermaster Gunnery,
Sergt. Scully, of Quebec, will likely
have a lieutenancy, and Master Gun.
ner Leivie, of Quebec, the rank of
lieutenant and quartermaster, Mr.
George Sparks, who was in Africa
with tate Strathcona Horse, will got
a commission as lieutenant, and Capt.
Agar Adamson; of the G. -G. F. G,,
and a Strathcona Horse man, a cap-
taincy. Major Good, of the Wood-
stock, N. I3., Field Battery, will get
a commission as captain. Major Os-
borne Pope, commanding officer of
tho 58th Compton Regiment, has ac•
oopted a captaincy of a squadron.
Major Pope is son of Lieut. -Col. Pope,
who has served in the militia of
Canada for 82 years, and was
at one time Brigacle•Major at No. 6
Military District.
700 Rcet'udtc(1 for Eastern Corps.
Tho number of men to be allowed
to enlist for the Mounted Police and
the permanent Corps has not yet
been settled, but the Minister indi•
Crated that a fair proportion would
be allotted to those regiments. A
number of the men in the third regi•
ment at iialifox will also be psi'•
mitten to go to South Africa, The
two Eastern regiments, the Third
and I•'oeirth, will require one thous.
and men, and up to this evening,
with four days" recruiting, tele-
graphic advices from, the enlisting
officers show that 700 have been
enrolled, a splendid showing.
All preparations aro being made
to rush the equipment of the regi•
meats as they are formed. Col. Mac-
donald, Chive Superintendent of
Stores, has already forwarded four
carloads to Halifax. and will keep
the supplies moving steadily. Lieut..
Cal, Donaldson and Sergt. W. A. llial,
of the Steven Jimmie will leave here
on Sunday for Halifax to Commence
outfitting the men.
Toronto :Sten Sworn ln,
Toronto, April 19.—The cottoning
were sworn In yesterday : C. 1. Lick -
ante 18th, 14 Ottawa street ; Itain-
ilton Hall, Aurora; 'P, F. .Prior: 59,
Shirley street ; Edgar $. Mathews,
Toronto ; Wm. Wheeler, 240 hlincoo
nereet ; i,. 13mitl#, Maple View ; W. J.
Cummings, 14:3 tiimoo0 street ; W.
Mulligan,140 Amelia street ; 11, b'ol
lucktinwood C. A. I
11e -
Moro 0.1 T. (t Proctor, 472 Kingb
street east ; Walter McAdams, le
Beaton street ; W. C. Laur, 157(1` $pa-
dina avenue; W. G. Connolloy, Cain -
town, Ont.; W. Bear, 228 Vlotot•la
street; and 3, Dixon, Brookville,
The 37 leen who passed the doctor
theoughout the day were as follows;
James Il. Downello, 107 Broadview(
avenue; Wesley J. William, 45 Dar*
ling avenue ; Albert Lambertea, Wal-
kerton, Ont.; Charles A, Wheatley,
01,5 Ontario street ; Henry W. Gor-
don, 22 Mansfield avenue; Charles )3.
hooker, 60 Shuter street ; Fred. A.
Weir, 2nd R. 0. R. I., 277 Mngdonald
ti•venue; Thomas Spirts!), 483 Ger-
rard street east ; James E. Boyne, 83
Manse le -treat, Montreal; Wm. Stove
ens, 268 Bordon street; Robert Dem-
piier, 826 Bathurst street; Jahn Scott,
95 River street ; 'William Q. Bragg,
869 Seckvllle street ; Ashton. B. Fish,
Linwood, Ont.; John lefoNlsh, 28 Sor-
auren avenue ; Russell MoClements,
Milton, Ont.; R. Mulcahy, 103 Bond
street ; Walter H. ]:1111, 145 Mark -
land Street, Hamilton ; John Gee, 64
Barton avenue; James Smith, 193
Farley avenue ; A. Tweddle, 21 Wick -
son avenuo; James 1). Walter, 22
Shannon street ; Robert Stone, 56 Ed-
gar street; ; Charles C. Dorian, 540
Manning avenue ; Francis H. Smith,
86 Isabella street ; John W. Porgies
13 Ossington avenue; Henry T. Bitch -
ley, 59 Teoumseb street ; Robert
Beal, Sarnia, Ont.; Edwin Braman, 9
Wick: ion avenue; John Cartwrights,
33. Trinity square; W. G. -W. Wilson,
196 Lippincott street ; Jerry Corner,
78 Lombard street. ; Stephen D. Dud-
ley, Colborne, Ont.; Walter Pl, Part-
ridge, 9 Lakeview avenue ; Fred, 1--I.
Wiett, 310 Jarvis street ; Robt. H.
Finley, trumpeter, 215 Farley ave-
nue; Arthur W. Biggar, 66 Denison
avenue, and George Bates, 66 Wilton
Samuel Beckett, of Hamilton, made
the 280 mon in the party which
left for Halifax last night. He was
taken to fill the place of one who
was expected to stay over until the
next batch goes down, which will in
all probability be to -night.
A despatch from St. John, N. B.,
states that John Joseph Maher, a
commercial traveller from Toronto,
has enlisted there.
Toronto, April 21.—A second de-
tachment of 65 recruits left here last
night on the 10 o'clock C. P. R. train
for Quebec, where they will entrain
on the I. C. R. for Halifax. The men
went separately direct to tate Union
Station, and reported there to Col.
The following men successfully pass-
ed the doctor during the morning :
Wm. G. Couch, 27 Homewood avenue;
Robert M. Martin, 88 Powell street ;
Robert M. Wilson, 250 McCaul street ;
Nicholas Davey, 728 Euclid avenue ;
Joseph Humphrey, 157 Ontario street;
Geo. P. Patterson, 327 Church street;
Clarence Simpson, 30 Hazelton
avenue; James F. Green, St. Cath-
arines, and William F. O'Brien, 16
Manning avenue.
Farewell at Preston.
Preston, April 18.—Down the sun-
lit streets of Preston this morning
swept a procession the like of
which was never seen here before.
The rank and file was composed of
the grime -covered moulders and
other workmen employed in Clare
Bros. & Co.'s foundry, who quit work
and marched from the moulding shop
to the G. T. R. depot with Tommy
Martyn, a fellow -moulder, who goes
with: the fourth contingent. At the
depot they presented him with a
purse and an address, and the train
pulled out amidst ringing cheers.
The Guelph Men.
Gueiph, April 18.—A batch of 23
recruits for South Africa left yes-
terday afternoon. for Hamilton, and
were escorted to the station by a
larger number of their young friends,
and bidden good-bye on the plat-
form by those of nearer ties. Just
before the train" left Mr. W.1 J. Rob-
ertson presented Mr. Gordon Pat-
terson, on behalf, of the Young Men's
Bible Close bf Norfolk Street Method-
ist Church, with a bracelet watch.
Mr. Patterson suitably acknowledged
the present.
Swore in at St. John.
St. John, N.B., April 18.—Up to to-
day Col, McLean has sworn in about
60 men for the fourth contingent.
Among those who enlisted to -day is
John Joseph Mailer, Toronto, son of
Mr. William Maher, Kilkenny, Ireland.
Ho gives his occupation as commer-
cial traveller. The recruits enlisted
at Fredertoton left for Halifax this
Five liospeter hien Going.
, Iespeler, April 18.—Five of the Hes-
peler boys successfully passed the mili-
tary examination to -day in Guelph
before going with the fourth contin-
gent to South Afrioa. Amongst them
was Mr. A. M. Kerr, the junior clerk
in the Merchants' Bank Here, who
Ieaves to -morrow morning. The citi-
zens to -night tendered Mr. Kerr a
grand banquet at the Commercial
Lieut. (lartshore Going.
London, Ont., April 18.—Lieut. John
Gartshore, of the let Hussars, has
received a commission in the last con-
tingent, and will report at Halifax.
Lieut. Gartshore is a nephew of
Lieut. -Col. Gartshore, formerly offs: er
commanding this corps. The officers
Of the Hussars estimate that 20 per
cent. of its strength have served In
South Africa.
Departure Front Montreal.
Montreal, April 18.—Tho first de-
tachment of Montrealers for the
fourth Canadian contingent left for
Halifax at 113 Q:kbock to -day on the
regular Intercolonial e -r -press. The
boys were heartily cheered as they
entrained. There was no official de-
monstration, but Lieut. -Col. Gordon,
D. 0. 0., was present, with Capt. Ken•
noth Cameron, to wish the boys God
speed. At the station the Montreal
man met a detachment from the
west Proceeding to Halifax. There
wore 125 men from Guelph, Peer-
boro', Toronto, St. Catharines and
Kingston. There were no coiner: -
darted officers With. the party, the
squads being in charge of sergeants.
Charred Bodies !Found in the Rules
of a London \Varehouse, •
London, April 20. --?t fire broke out
at midnight hist night at tittekney,
a populous suburb of London, to a
printer's warehouse, three stories
high, the topfloor of which was used
for living - cons. A den
oten fire Ines
and escapee arrived promptly nt the
scene, bat the flames were of over.
mastering power, and it Was lmVOs-
Bible to enter the Inflicting.
When the flames Were finally get
under control the charred bellies of
a man, two Women and four chil-
dren were found,
Full Details of the Hart's
River Battle,
The Galisat Stand hada by the
Canadians --The Boers Lost l3eav-
Ila,. -(%barged lOany '!`tures and
'fried Different Tactics,
Tho London Standard of April 9th
contains the oomplete destatcli from
IClerksdorp, dated April 4th, giving
tan aoeouut of the fighting near Klein
Harts River an Matreh 31st, in which
the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles took
such a prominent part. The despatch
says: ; , ; t .
'T'lie engagement took place at
Rooival, on the Braksprult, about
sixty melee to the west of Klerksdorp,
and resulted in perhaps the most de-
cisive cheek that the Boer General
has met with during the whole course
of his remarkable military career.
General Walter Kitchener, who had
deft Klerksdorp at the head of a
body of infantry and mounted troops,
reached a camping ground forty miles
to the westward on Monday morn-
ing, and at 2,30 despatched a mo-
bile column, under the command of
Col. Cookson to reconnoitre to the
direction of Harts River. The force
consisted of about 1,700 men, all
mounted on good horses. Col. Keir
was assigned the command of a por-
tion of the coduinn; composed of the
28th Mounted Infantry, the Artil-
lery Mounted Rifles and the 2nd Re-
giment of KItchen'er's Fighting
Smuts. Under the personal direction
of Coil. Cookeon were the 2nd Cana-
dian Mounted 'Infantry, Damant's
Horse and the gone that acoompan-
ied the force—namely, two sections
of the 7th Battery Royal Field ar-
tillery, and three pom-poms. The
supreme command, it should be again
stated, was vested In •Col. Cookson:
Chasing a Boer Convoy.
"The expedition, which was not en-
cumbered by unnecessary baggage,
covered the grouud rapidly, and
shortly after daybreak lighted upon
the spoor of the enemy's convoy.
The trail was closely followed up,
and by about 9 o'clock the clouds
of dust stirred up by the convoy
were clearly visible ahead. A report
was brought in to the effect that
the escort consisted of about 500
Boers, Shortly afterwards the
Mounted Infantry, who were moving
at the head of the column, were or-
dered to advance at a gallop, nad
after covering eight miles at a good
speed came in touch with the enemy.
They at once dismounted, and en-
tered into action. Both sides sus-
tained a few casualties, but the Boers
kept the convoy moving on stead-
ily, and succeeded in getting it away
over a ridge. The Mounted Infantry
were restrained from a pursuit, as
the information had been obtained
that a further force of over 2,000
Boers Who had been marching con-
siderably ahead of their convoy,
were hastening back to the scene
of the fighting.
Whole eoree Surrounded.
"Colonel Cookson had by this time
arrived at the front whit the whole
of the column. Orders were given for
the men to halt and encamp on the
Brakspruit, while outposts were
thrown out to guard against surprise.
A few minutes later, however, a
shell from one of the three Boer
grins, which had been moved up to
a long, low ridge 4,000 yards dis-
tant from the camp, dropped into the
midst of our men. At the same
to coup do main. x 8o t alter
heavier gine had opened fire on the
camp, a pom-pom was trained On our
men, who were ifing down along the
Sprott. Simultaneously 1500 Boors,
ridingIn 11ne
awl in Widely ex
en i
Order, were launched trope the ridgee,.
and galloped straight for the Tarin -
house, was undoubtedly the key
Or our paeltton, The enemy came on
at a headlong pane, and. _lid not thaw
rein untij time, were within 1100 yards
oat the 'hultging. Volleys were directed
at thane from the house and Its vicin-
ity, and the Boers halted, and with
the reins thrown loosely over their
left arms returned the fire from the
saddle. The moment they came to a
standstill our guns in that corner
or the MAP opened fire on them at
a range of 1,200 yards. Subjeoted to
this cross shell fire anti to the ate sly
vol[eys from the farmhouse, the Boors
Were compelled, after throe or four
minutes Ot a particularly wahnn time,
to wheel about end gallop for cover
under the ridge from which they had
'Vhe Canadians' Resistance.
"vs tbte meantime the email band of
Canadians and Mounted Infantry on
the smiler flank found themselves' op-
posed to a force seven times their
own number, About 600 Boers ad-
vanced upon them, under cover of the
belt of trees, and charged upon the
thin line, galling upon them confident-
ly to surrender, Lieut. Carruthers, of
the Canadians, promptly sprang to
his feet, and crying, 'Back 1 No sur-
render 1' shot down the foremost man
with his revolver, at a distance of fif-
teen panes. The men were not slow in
emulating their gallant leader. There
was absolutely no Dover for them, ex-
cept the short grass, but, lying down
in it at full length, they fired stead-
ily and straight, and forged the Boors
to bolt back to the screen of trees.
The enemy, however, were deter-
mined to Capture or annihilate the
little bia'led. While some of them
climbed into the trees, and, from that
position of advantage, fired down on
to our men, the others extended
their line, and quickly brought the
defenders under a decimating cross-
21 of 21 Canadians 1111,
"But every man of the seventy
proved himself a hero. For two
hours, until all but 15- of their num-
ber had been killed or wounded, they
kept the 600 Boers at bay. It was
not till then that the enemy ven-
tured to make another rush, and suc-
ceeded in capturing the handful of
survivors. The Canadians had 21 men
out of 2; killed and wounded, and
the Mounted Infantry lost 30 out of
45. Lieut. Carruthers Was the only
officer who was not either slain
or seriously hurt. He had several
flesh wounds and his clothes wore
perforated in irtany places with
bullets, but he stoutly refused to
go to hospital. When he was taken
prisoner some of the Boers wanted
to shoot him there and then ; but
they ultimately thought better of
it, saying that he was 'too brave
a man 'to dte in 'that way.' Every
one of the dead had been shot re-
peatedly, and most of the wounded
were struck more 'than once. Sur-
geon Hoops, for instance, was hit
twice in the wrist, as well as In the
heel and the thigh.
'i'he Fighting [elsewhere.
`•'RThile the enemy had gained this
small advantage on the right flank
they found it impossible to make
headway eisowltere. The 500 men
who lied charged down from the
ridge at 'the beginning of the ac-
tion worked round towards one end
of the farm house, and made their
way into a mealie patch. Tney, too,
extended their line till it reached
slightly to the rear of the farm and
tried to beat down the defence on
that side by sheer )narksmanehip.
On the other side a line of at least
1,000 Boers extended round from
the belt of nlie trees almost to
that point on the ridge where the
enemy's guns were still busy shell-
ing the camp. Our position
was by this time practically
surrounded. Generals Delarey
Kempwere directing
the attack from a slight eminence
close by, and were urging on the
commandos to renew the charge, but
our men were keeping up too active
and spirited a defence. One of the
pom-poms was brought down by Col.
Icier near to the farm house, and
Selected to Command a Fourth Contingent
tinio masses of Boers began to show
on all sides, especially on the flanks
of our cohunn,
"A general engtig inent engined. The
disposition of Colonel Cookson's force
was, roughly, as follows ; A mile and
a half away fiom the camp, on the
right flank, was a Mali body of men,
composed of 24 Canadians and 45
Mounted Infantry. They were posted
500 yards in front of nbelt of tree:;.
On the left flank, about 1,000 yards
from the camp, stood a farmhouse,
which was held by' two companies of
the artillery and Mounted Rifles.
Along the lino of the Braksitru[t, in
such a position that they Could cover
the farmhouse, were the remainder
of the Artillery Rifles. Next to them
tame the 28th Mounted Infantry,
Kitrhener's Fighting Scouts, tlio Indic
of the Canadians and Damant's Horse.
All the horses that it was posslbla
to safeguard to that way were placed
under shelter in depressions in the
The floors Charge.
" .An in his previous and more suc-
cessful engagements, Delaroy's obj'at
wile to 'rush' tilt) British defence by
raked the outer shelter of the
mealie field, while the guns posted
both in the southwestern and north-
western corners of the camp contir,•
ueci to shell the enemy's -artillery
and to throw shrapnel wherever the
Boers ventured to show themselves
In any number.
The Boers iieatett.
"The practice made by the enemy's
gunners had •at first been good en•
ough, but by this time their firing
had become rather wild and irregn.
tar. In order to escape our shells they
kept their gens on the move, and. as
they were evidently unable to tltne
the fuses aright, their simile fell
either (short or wide of the objective.
By 4 ('elack the attaelc had been
beaten at every point and began to
fail. Half an hour tater Delarey with.
drew, carrying with brim such of his
killed and wounded as he could roan•
age to get away. 'rhe official state.
ment of the Boer 1088es is 123, but
those of One Wounded, who as they
lay on the field, had the opportunity
to note the extent of their catatattic%
place them without hesitation at be.
tween 1150 and 800."
Crawled wl d
Along a Narrow
Board &O Feet High
.Batk, April 20..--A. r.eMarkable case.
.of somnambulisnt was witnessed at
than home of William Crozler, a tar -
mer residing near Buttermilk Falls,
in this town, Thursday morning. Mr.
Crozier data, 10 Ilia employ, together
with neveral other farm hands, a lad,
John Throb, whose parents resltle at
15 'heeler. Wednesday the raven hands
bad been engager to placing In the
largo htey bare on the Crozier farm
a rigging for unloading hay. It was
necessary to fasten a tackle blook
to the highest rafter i'n the barn,.
This point Could only be reached by
crawilug from a mala beam along an
ingh boned which steed edgewiso
with ndtlling for ono to cling to save
to root botards, and a fail, should one
tales his footing, would mean a
Plunge of 50 feet. After ooneiderable
discussion, in whioh Birch led, the
matter was postponed until the fol-
lowing day.
Birch stayed awake for some time
that night discussing with his bed fel-
low a plan to fasten tite tackle block.
Birch's corepandon, a man named
Wagner, was awakened at daybrealt
by Broil getting out of bed. Birch left
the sleeping room and Wagner beard
the outside door open and close. He
sprang from the bed and ran to the
window in time to see Iliroh, attired
in a nightshirt, walking towards the
barn. Hastily donning his Clothes,
Wagner loft the house and followed
Birch to the barn. Birch, having sev-
eral minute.,' the start of Wagner*
was standing on the main beam lead-
ing to the narrow board from whioh
it was possible to fasten the tackle.
Wagner spoke to Btreh and told
him to come down and not be so
foolish as to hazard the attempt to
fasten the block. Bench did not ap-
pear to hear and slowly began walk-
ing in his bare feet along the narrow
board. One hand steadied hie progress
by holding to the roof, while In the
other hand was held the tackle block.
Wagner thought Birch insane and
watched what wooed be fills next
move. When he had reached a point
midway upon lets narrow footing, he
inserted the hook in the head of the
block between the roof rafter and
the roof board, ponied upon it several
times to test its strength, thew
turned and carefully retraced hie
steps. Here ho was met by Wagner
who notttced the lad's eyes were wide
open and staring. He spoke to him
and Inc did not answer, and Wagner
then realized that Birch was .walking
In his sleep. Birch returned to the
house and retired again to bed. when
awakened for breakfast he was told
what lie had done, but would not
believe it. The proof of the story
was found In the position of the tac-
kle. Bireb has no recollection of his
perilous feast. t
Nall Murdered German Woman and
Baby in New Pomerania.
Berlin, April 20.—A horrible story
of native outrage and cruelty .comps
from the German settlemeut of New
Pomerania. ;While n German planter
named Wolff was away from home,
a number of natives invaded his
plantation and killed his wife and
baby by chopping them( to death with
axes. The Germans took a terrible
vengeance. Thirty of the more guilty
natives were put to death and oth-
ers less guilty were imprisoned or
New Pomerania is the German
name for the large island known on
English tend American maps as New
Britain, ane of the islands of the Bis-
marck archipelago near New Guinea.
About 200 Europeans aro settled in
the group. The natives, numbering
nearly 200,000, are mostly eannihals.
The group is owned by. Germany.
Husband Too Stingy to Pay $10 for
Her, She Left.
Campden, N. J., April 21.—A court-
ship of two weeks, followed by a
marriage and a honeymoon of one
day, with an application for a
dissolution of 'the marriage on the
second day, is the record of John
Miller and his bride, Mrs. Sadie
Miller, formerly hiss Porch, of the
east side.
Miller, ,according to the story told
in court last night, contracted with
Frederick Hess, of No. 627 Cherry
street, for $1.0, to furnish him with
a bride. Hess intrgduced Miss Porch.
to Miller, who proposed after one
week's wooing, was accepted and
was married April 7th by the same
justice of the peace who heard his
story last night.
The newly wedded pair departed
on their honeymoon. Miller, how-
ever, refused to pay the $10, as
agreed upon. Mrs. Mi1Jer, the next
day after the marriage, disappear-
ed, and it is asserted that she told
her father that a man who wouldn't
pay $10 for a (bride didn't deserve
a wife.
Mr. Miller was informed that he
wouicl have to go to the Court of
Chjaneery if lie wished a divorce..
To be F.iirolled in the Volunteer
London, April 18.—A despatch from
Wellington, New Zealand, reports
that the Maoris recently held a great
meeting', at whioh the chiefs delivered
orations. They hoped their great
father, the King, and their white
mother, the Queen, would accept,
through Mr. Seddon, their addresses
in token of their devotion, loyalty
and Jove None Would rejoice more
than they on Coronation Day.
Mr. Seddon announced that Maori
volunteer corps were to be formed*
and that in less than six months
there would be 6,000 mounted Maori
infantry. A. better fighting force the
Meg would net have within tho Em-
A native chief said : "Let our people
roam a short time in Africa. That
wcntkd bring peke. The Pakeha
(white men) are afraid to hurt the
Iloers% We in days gone by never
gave our enemies to second Chance of
hurting us. The Maoris are desirous
of sending loyal and loving messages
to the Prince and .Princene Of Waled,
whose pretence among them as-
suaged their grief for Ilia loss of
Queen Victoria."
I1 trausd)ired at the mooting that,
according to Maori custom, the to-
huughs (wizards) had been consulted,
rind that the, olnene for the torona-
ttan and for the i eiade ttn0 heppineee
elf bottle raoce were good.