HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 6I/ear 'Mee. nide te ester inquiry ne to which *.e- tlie best tett
"t11,11810, tto111(1 as 11111,1 in my Intent) 11 it reete between the Mut, Ribbon
and Monsoon PArieler 'Pees. If stet I ke rieli. serene tea, thou Blue
Ribbon le uncloubtally the 'test. out eitettel emir taste be for a viel'eato
ana Yery flavory ten• then Mill1S00/1 IS preferable. Personalty. I firink
Bele Ribbon for brealteast and Alonetten at 5 teeloek. but thee yon know
I ant a perfect emelt- Omnt tea etetre eineerely, SARAH GRUNDY.
De Corning of Gillian 6 4
• I
awro.e.aoramessarsa..••e•••.• sax
- •
A Pretty Irish Romance.
He looks very happy andvery hand- Remorsefully they recall it after -
some, as goodly a eon tte o, father's ward; forever does Love -
ye could rest DU, as he blames oppe- " Like men in drinking song,
Atte Sir Harry's chair, and the sunken spice Ids fate banquet witit the dust
blam with eyes gaze up at lawith a of death.
piteous, wietful affection.. an Pallier, Side by side they sit, hand claaped
trembling pleatetre, that is touching hi haute looking into each other's
to see. eye, steeped in the magnetie pleas -
"NI tell everYone, George -every- ere of each other's preseuee, laughing
one la due form-witit ttic., and Mors low with pure delight and gladnees
timer to bear witness to what I say. of heart, both young and fair and
They've had copies of my will and the fond.
certificates in a sealed envelope these And yet the King o( Terror e is
tweuty years," he is saying in his etheelowing the bouse above their
eager, trembling N oleo, "and 1 will emits, and with each tick of the
besot a few Lea friends, fuel the
prnicipal tenants and eervante-
eave 'em all in here, my boy, and
way -say" -the trembling vole° be-
comes well-nigh inaudible with emos
tion. «rii aty-'1e1s gentleman,
whom you lenew as my agent, George
Archer, is really George Hamer,
my lawful son and heir, born of my
fitet marriage with Miss Rose Ma -
earthy, 27 years ago! Seven -and -
twenty -years ago! Heaven have
mercy on me!" he umttere feebly,
wiping away 111P Gaon that fill hie
eyes. "I am a pour gray -headed,
broken-down old sinner now I was
young and handsome then. George,
and she, Rose Macarthy, your mo-
ther, was one ef the loveliest girei
In Irelande-Y, she was And site
bad a temper, and she was proud,
and hot, and headstrong as I was!
A pair tie young rook! Happy fools,
too, son -and -twenty years ago:
Loyd have mem, on me!"
-There le no use in dietreesing
yourself new, dr,' Oeorge interposes
gently. bet coldly, wincing at hear-
ing the brief. miseraele story of his
hapless mother's youth. "She is
dead, and you are living," he adds,
bitterly; "there a no undoing what
bits been done."
"But I am treling to atone. tny
boy," the broken man says, humbly.
1 ly eilent and N pry Juana et the bieto;i-
hIg and the epithet tie %veil.
; George goes (int tete the hail with
her, of muse, to light her ratline,
:and then, double blewd and itietnel,
tiellati gine( upstairs anti etenge
stands a moment looking up the dare
ettarease after her.
"They beet, rorgotten lo light the
lamp on the lateen& te, else it bats
gone out," mutters enorge, /moving al bsthe sae:tuner epaistati, 1,01104,
the aarkness above an 1 the glimmer Mal 11111 11181 thereaftei Tete:des-8
ot eilliatee eawile. "I' rhape it is not
lighted by her lettlyehip's orders. It
11101tAl 85 dare; DS 8 t01118 UIT tilleTPN"
it is a add and staany nightand
as he stones there a ehill blast seem)/
to sweep tbrough the house and to
rush amen the dark, slant staircase
toward him, and lu, shitatiers as he
ieetobancli.t into the bright, warm
* * * 0. * 8
It is an hour later. and Gillian -
who 11118 long since clieutiaesd lier at -
t Nide ut for the night -has just
ronsed herself out of a trance of
"maidee meditation" -sitting be the
fire in dressing -gown and slippers,
and knelt down by her bed to pray
wheit there come hasty footsteps up
the stairs to lier rootn, a hurried
knock, and she hears lad
voice for whom she has been Pray-
ing, calling leg in quirk. agitated
"Milieu ! Gillian ! It. Is I -George I
I want to speak to you, dear 1"
"Thank Heaven you are ep and
dressed," he exclaims, as she in-
stantisopens the door to hint. "My
darling ! I want you to help me I"
He has toweled the right string,
and she is calm and strong in n, mo-
ment, thongli she sees his thee is
svelte and his eyes are full of ap-
"Yes, George, anything I ettn do,"
slte answers.
"Come down with me to Lady Da -
leer's room," lie says, hoarsely, "It
might vex her it I intruded, eut
tette is very ill, and that woman
Lynch es like a crazy creature 1 I
just caught her running 1.1p here to
son. Come down with me, dear, and
let tie see what is the matter."
They are in the quiet, faintly -lit
room ia a minute more, where Lynch
le distractedly endeaverieng to restore
life to tile still form, the white, set
eace lying on the pIllosee.
And while George turn a up, the
lanme, and itglits the candles, tilillan
bends over the bed.
Once before in her. brief .girlish life
luxe see seen a face look like title face;
seen that look wheel is like no other
look in ite solemn quiet, Ite rigid, pas
(lionises, stiriess calm..
It le the look wletch carriee abso-
lute conviction at that awful fact,
whieh la incontrovertible, absolute,
immovable. Neverthelees, lit trem-
bling terror and unbelleer Wean bends
uver her, tonehine the white, clay -
cold wrist, the hard, marble -like
brow With quivering:, reverent fin-
"George ! Is she dead ?" she ex-
claimed, with a wiki, inerednioue
stare, anti clinging to his arm.
clock that awful presence Is drawing
nigher and nigher, until he crosses
the threshold, and never returns
They dine together pleasantly anti
merrily,. and poor Sir Harry insists tin
champagne instead of his usual glass
of thin claret.
"Troth, it's very sorry pd be to
drluk your health in vinegar, my
dear," he says, jocosely, to Gillian,
the brogue comIng back with the
gaiety into his voice. "And so, here's
pledging my love to you, and my best
wisbee or every happiness to be
yours in this life arid that which is
to come -my dear SOD'S loving and
faithful wife 1" Poor Sir Harry's
outlet% sparkling eyes are not the
may ones fined with tears at this
toast, but presently there is a di-
version as the cloth is removed, and
Sir Harry eagerly proposes that
they shall have a "smoke and a glass
of grog like old times."
But. he prevents Ueorge from mix-
ing the liquor for him with a hu-
morous smile,
"'You knew my taste to a stroke,"
lie admits, rubbing bandit( and shaking
las head waggishly, -but it's not
going to be your province in the
future, my dear hoe-. It's the little
wife must do thee, eeorge, so you'd
better teaeh iter be time ! It's a
"I know you'll never forgive me, lady's place to mix the grog anti
George, I couldn't expect it, but I'm • light the pipes for her husband and
trying to atone for your °I -yr': - • her father, and throth, upou my
a,nd your mother's wrongs. I'll '10 I honor, a purty little woman never
anything you wish, George -I'll give I looks purtier to my mind than when
up anything or go anywhere you 1 etees dome it 1 It keeps mea from
wish. You'll soon have the title, mY i revile, and makes them love their
boy -I'm eint1 of that. I hated it for ' homes when a woman is indulgent
myself, but I'm glad you'll have it. I to their latie habits and fancies,"
wish I heti newts money to leave you 1 declares poor Harry Hamer, pathet-
to keep it up. I've vere little, isally smiling at his future daughter -
George, though I've scraped end in-law.
saved -very little to leave you, my So tililien, withshy blushes and
deer on, but ell do anything in the I laughter, Is taught the whole art
world you NrIfill me to do." j and mystery of making whiskey -
The poor, feeble man Is shedding i Punchand of feline lueererhaeln Pews
tears, with ki, e m bling hands out- ! with mild Turkish, wilich, having
stretched in euppileation as he pleads ! 111081. secceeefullY Performed. 51)0 le
with itis wronged sou. and George's requested by ele Harry to "leave
the. taste of her tipe on the punch,"
heart, eteel it as he may, aches to i
: end finally to -come and be kissed"
pity and forgive lain and love him
, la payment et her alicsi serviers.
with the. love he has robbed himself by both father ' -
of all these weary years. ' This is all rather List! eseing,
"I want you to do nothing, for me, though flattering, and Gillian begins
father," he says, gently, 'aiding the to wonder in alarm what Sir Harry
thin. pale hands in his, "except to be . Darner will say or do next, for he
halve and to, grow well ana strong i is evidently growing reckless in Ids
again." i delight.
And at thiseeoment there le a gen- 1 -Where are you gotng to live,
tie click of the door -handle, and a , George -you and Gillian ?" he asks,
soft rush of silken skirts. and Gil- ! a few mitmtes later. "I wisli to• good -
Ilan enters the room, lookine, sweetly 1 0183$ you could both live here ; but of
shy, aud flushed, and starry-eyed. I course there is no use in thinking
George's head turns in the direction ; of that," he adds, with a deep sigh.
of the door n t the neat Hound. and 1 "Lacy, ha v ing the age ney. hat; the
he gams at her as she coines for- Cantle, but, if you'd care-eillian
ward. ; tveuldn't like that big, gloomy old
"'There is one thing you can do ; Plaee, though,' he says dejectedly,
ter me. father," le' tine's. with a ; I.•uktng at lier wistfully. "it multi
smile "Gillian. dearest, will you I be made a handeome old place to be
come here!" 1 titre, with alterations and refurnielt
And Milian. regaraing George with •
1 •
i tngs and all that. Pa tune that it was
made fit for her to live in, George,
if I tippet a thousand pounds over it,"
he declares earnestly. And a thous-
and pounds is a very great sum of
Tio, steamer. Hamilton will leave
Hamilton at 1 p. m. Tuestley, April
etalt, tend Totem to mete evening,
at seven thirty, ent Iter 111,41 trip tit
Mt;i1treal. She will leave on IIPP 10.1P.
0101 teli Tueedes, :Mae 01.11, follow -
as much formai eourtegy and dtgutty
AP a lady can well exhibit toward a
gentleman when bhp entertains ten-
der feelings for thevery ground over
which the eolts of las beloved boots money to poor Sir Harry Damv...r.
do tread, gractously metes forward. "I should love it ttbove any plaee
end George pets Lis arm arountl her . "n earth," Milian et:scheme with
and brings; her up to hie father's eparkling (-yea "but-,
, "But we meat dieposeens Lavy and
" Father," he says, ' I want you to ;, las wife," George says, very deeisive-
love and weleome my little wife." ' IY, "and besides, there is time en-
ough to talk about that, BIT."
" Wife! Your wife ?" Sir Harry !
rays, .staring and gasping with PX- "There islet," Sir Harry says, free
oiteraent. " Little (ankle Oeorge ? thirty. "There's time Inc you ; my
Eh ? Da elle? Eh ?" time's nearly gone, and I want to
"No ! Ole tio 1 -no !" Gillian pro- see you married and happy, George,
testa red as a rose, "only -only-" Mere 1 the'"
"Only my promieal, betrothed, en- "Very well, 811, you shall Hee me
gaged. afflanced, pledged -and -vowed married and happy for a great many
little wife!" emends, George, with a years before yon die, I hope," George
smile. se ye soothingly.
ip * * 0 * * "And I want to ha,ve you living
Title is a happy, happy evening, neat' me," the father says, in n, teem -
the happiest they have yet known, bling voice. "I want to be able to
to the youeg lovers; for there is the go i tt of an evening, and it and chat
tender sanctity of their acknewls with you, and have a drop of puneh
edged betrothal to heighten their and a smoke, George 1"
conseloue tattle awl happluesa in each "So :von shall, father," George Nays,
other. smiling, with his men amend his
It is (scarcely needful to add that sweetheart. "eleteet he, Gillian' But
the state of affairs is speedily patent . we can never commit to deprive poor
to Mrs. Nelly Hagerty and to Limy and Anne of their home, not
every member of the household in to epeals of the agency, sir. We 1111114
addition-tlatt the news spreads settle somewhere else,"
theme into the etableyard and the -We won't, 1 tell eon ! We won't !
garoeners' anti laborers' cottages, I won't hear of it 1" Sir Harry gnome
and 18 known in the village and exeltedly. "What are Lacy and Anne
among the tenants UN Inc as Glene- to nu, compared to you and your
mai before ten o'cloek the etinet es en- wir„i owe Hu • 1 ' •
y e on re going away
alut pridari doting ow mogul or
Oa mid after :Rine iird -the steamer
Hamilton will leeve Tuetelays ; the
Ammer Spartan Thursdays, and the
steauter Corsietet Saturday% through-
out the season.
the travelling putties during the
eluvial. low rates are offered to
month of May, front Hatelltott, einn
gle $7, return ; front Toronto,
seigle $6.00, return el 1.50, mettle
end berth ineluded both senses. Thin
is 0. eery low tette foe this enoatti.
Homes in California.
Retired British threw officer, resid-
ing in most desirable section of Call-
fornia, has ageucsefor sale of orange,
lemon, olive neat peace orchards, also
tracts of unimproved land. Reliable
Information furnished to Inquirers
sending addressed eneelope to "Cap -
tete M.," Freemen's Hotel,
Auburn, Placer Co., California, Tour.
lets met. Hotel at depot.
Be preeees the sieneer, shuddering
form close to his beart In a, tender
caress, he and the whim that -shape
-lying on the bed had parted from
each other once upon a. time, and
would fain have parted for evermore.
"She le (lead She has been dead for
hour, I think," George says, huskily.
"Oh, poor Lady Dinner 1 Hest that
cruel, long -hidden truth been eour
death, too ?"
And then Lynch burst Into loud
teats and terrified protestations.
" I saw my lady at 8 o'clock, Air,
and she said she wanted nothing but
to be left alone Site said was
to disturb her, or to allow any one
elise to disturb her, and so I didn't
like to come into her room again till
she called me."
As she had lived-sbutting up her
heart and soul from all the tender-
ness and weakness of humanity
scorning the simplest, sweetest',
purest joys of existence; unsympae
thetic and wrapped up in triple
foicis of the garment of pride, and
self and worldly greed -as She had
Deed, KO she had died -alone, unwept,
untamed, unmourned.
Goes t -Tit le steak r erkaelY
Waiter -That so? ,You meet havq
esettee the steak I Intended for that
gentleman what feed me.
He sere you get the kind you epee
airways had. --Owing to the great
popularite of "Tito D, & L." Menthol
Plaster, enscrupulous makers are put-
ting- up ono like it, For rheum,
tism, neuralgia, etc., nothing Is bet-
ter, Made only by Davie & Law-
rence Co., Limited, ,
Boy -Paper, air ?
Citizen - Um -yea, I will take a
Paper- • •
Boy -All right, air. Which one?
Citizen -tan -let me eee. 'Which' one
la offering a house and lot or a grand
piano thie morning?
Minard's Liniment
An Extorted Apology.
An emlinent politicien and hie wife
were lately entertelming at lunch-
eon a.- lady who brought with her
n. girl. Dining the mete the
elaid helpea herself to something
that was heeded around, tasted et,
and left 11 on her plate. Her mother,
horror-struck, said, "That is very
rude; you elicited apologize to Lady
Whereupon the co.naceince-strieken
!Arent murmured, through her tears,
-I didn't meaat to be rude. I
wouldn't have taken any If bad
ItIlONVII how nasty It was,"
Surely a, model for all extorted
apologies. .
" I shall telegraph to Gillian desir-
ing her to return home without an
hour's delay! And shall write this •
moment to Lady Darner, giving her
my opinion of the whole affair 1" Mr.
Deane saye red-faced and pomp -
one, and wrathful. " An alli-
ance with ins- daughter to be
broken off in this-tlae dis-
gracefully abrupt. anti unceremonious
menner ! I obeli tell her ladyship
white 1 think of her. nephew, Captain
Lacy, if he were the Earl of Ferrate]
1 hie minute 1"
There le some comfort in the
thought of browbeating an entre,
daughter, and making a possible :ret-
ina earl feel tushamed of himself.
Ing. Along with that piquant bit 1 (Y lea VP me (teener.; 1 won't trouble
of gossip Is another emazing rumor. N „u tang, :aid I'd -give , .
That "Mealier George" a I' ear of Inv
Is allyie; 'ere, if 1 had it to give, to HPP ,N 08 8,1111
claret to he the leir " your little wife in the Ma cantle ;von -
the, masther's 81.0 ' ii O. first 11811, •
Tia SP, 111111 t1811 1.1118•PedillM thiS de- il A., 1/11(1 to see a. child of eours-a.
eltaa tion. thi,,,,, art, ..goin, 04 to be N.Y.1 or a daughter of :soare, 111'„N
oll 111,1, knee before I die 1"
grate eotres iutirele," in whielt ae- `-
seethe; are it:elude:1 v a none a -they- loci while paw Sir Harry in blinded
sketched -out brilliant pieturee of meth ctionate tear» et the pime-
nto aforeeaid a doilene"rhere is to iee domemtie picture he lute drawn,
et, ea greed eine? au, a ban. ateillian wieely thinke it is higet tinv,
lengliah Soavin Liniment removes
8A1 hard, eoft or calloused Lumps and
Blemisetes from botrses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen
Throat, Coughs, etc. Sa.ve 450 by
else , of one bottle, Werrented the
most wondeeful aelemisb Cure ever
leeway. Sold by all druggists.
NcvvYorit Central and Iludeon River
Heil rend.
The above mune le a, benne-Uhl
Weed, 1111(1 the superior excellence of
the road shOuld be sufficient to at.
tract most people, but now that the
rate Is the eause to New York and
reeilite [Met es be other Once no fur -
tiler receeneemiation should bo
Nought. Everybady will tell yea it
at the beet.
A Needed. Jneplanitelou,
(Toronto etas)
. Were is cloubtlees plenty of salt
beiletith Toronto. but the very freelt
people don't deem 1.0 get at it.
Monkee Brand Soap makes copper like
gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble,
and windown like cereal,. (4
Like tee House That Jack Huila
It seems to 'bre-the universal opinion
-that anyteing that was good enough
for yesterday is 'too old -fogyish. fur
to -day. When the torpedo boat was)
invented people mid that was the
.but it waon't long before the
torpedo boat destroyer made Its ap-
pearance. Nov'NVO have a destroyer
of impede boat destroyers, one of
which, the Novlk, la now a member
of the Russian navy, I have no doubt
that some genius is a.t svork invent-
ing a destroyer of th.e destroyer of
the torpedo boat destroyer. Mean-
while all these. civilized nations, Whieh
employ these destroyers, continue to
sing, "Peace on earth,. good will to
mea." -From Vest Pocket Confi-
dences," in Four Track News for
For Mr. Deane heel beeit astounded
and enraged at receiving, by title
eveningSe post, two letters, which
have been forwerded frone leo house
trt Loedort to the Hetet Meurice,
where he and bri le are stae.ing, in
One letter ie from Captain' Lacy,
whom he line been regarding as his
future melee -law, and one is from his
(laughter Gil inn. And Bingham Lttesee
letter, written with hamlet unre-
eerve, and eincere and humble apolo-
gies, for having acted dishonorably,
a• certain degree, toward 11111 and
hie daughter. conelsely Informs Mr.
team. that the writer en,nitot Cure
hie net rriage m
tgageen t with 11188
DPOTIP, for the reneon that he is mar -
reel elready ! IP) 118.8 been. married
for more than three weeke, he adds,
to the lady to whom he had been.
long and deeply at awned, and apart
from the fact of hie marriage, whieh
had been one ef tender and ,uneon-
imitable affeo
ction n both eides, the
only thing that reconcilea 111111' t() las
erratic conduct In the metier le thnt
Nfitifi Deane k neither grieved nor dis-
pleased at Ills marriage, and, he IS
11118T1,1r to say, knows and like)) lag
" His 'erre-Lie eonetiet 1'" Mr. Deane
Hays, boiling with rage. " make
him entart for hie 'erratic conduce!'
11 punish hint end his faintly until
they are ashamed to lift up their
11(11(15.11(11(15. The preposterous pride of
those pennilefte atietem
erate! Ill ake
my Lady flamer, anti ea Ilarry, and
Captain Lacy, Mhe id twhole (gem
or the high and mighty earls and
hoporablet4 Mime. rot' 11118, 1111(11)1111411
for this, a my name. isn't Herbert
Deene I Wilt levet my money, anti
infinnee, and roettent hardly eneneti,
honestly won, all three -against
11(.11, i rtt isluel esenteli eon anti
moldy lett-mere, 8.111 hille blood, and
old titles!' Mr. Deane declares, with
yompone Indignation, indulging in
romantie phraseology and flights of
inaireery. If lie had been addressing
a radical 111P 01,1 rig.
laShiit'n tt- la thee for a 11 tine- fur to go before she is enlighten -
!lite." -Mistier 1 ;verge.' 18 tO in • ril :us to detaile or the future.
"matte a barrownight he Act 0"•1 think 1 will say good -night now
Part/quint." "elietlier George is te you and Sir nerve-, dear Oeorge.,"
goia' to he nen-ritet le the :gullet; she says with down -east Py(ti 8,101
lady that brink her 01,111 ,ft 11).! 1:t$1., red rotes eheeke. eit lei past 10
eta late emir, f2,ot •18:1/ 8I11. (01'1011f, and the (infant" Kaye Sie
Not% eratItt the money in gala all' HarrY tO p4 to 18.11 N Pr,v
arly," te teat Ow 11810 ;••
.11. 01 a filtpir.% Jimmy 4.von1lltv to "11). 11:111 frightened yen (twee, illy
fair-haired, lwart (1)eirge Ititi 1111rling," George tangles. "Kies hint,
the dark- at girl who love); him ; then. Mei fay elooanight, father,'
nee there 1.1. ito 18 tilt, it Rill 81P4114 N 111111 For 111111.11."
presence of won Sir Harry, rubbing "Ye, I tenet,' ctbjeets Gillian. red
hie Wetted tootle, with 1118 Old gist., to t116 1189 of her little tit 1111.
tare of peneeire tine fleeing on when taw eemes beside hie elutir 11181
t1101il 110111. 111118ltliii good -night with a timidly
T114 re 15 wahine; in mar their hap • preffertni idea Sir Iterry elate)); lier
1)1111188 awl 1 Iterr tete ley even tiering lit 1118 arm)) tote klitees anti
these pleasant hose% that es en.ingetnil teem:lee liet. fervently.
Me Novel); all nee light Mitt
perfume. anti [sled oyea and loving
"Geed bight, my jewel. My own
evverst little daughter -et you are." Pee When dear 1)1'01M' Ratit the blit
he Ranee end (41111111) goee wetly meek- It Made hin faree look longrkr still.
Breach or Prectssionat Etiquette....
ICanedian Law Review./
lawyer while batlilag wee at-
tacked by a shark, lee managed to
beat off hie assellaul, and etreggie
imelf to shore. °nee in safety on the
'emelt he shook las fist at the retir-
ing and disappointed sim,ric, and gasp-
ed on*:
"You beet e 1 That's tile most
abominable breach of protessional
etiquette I have ever known,
Keen Minard's Liniment in the
Reflections of Bachelor.
Set a woma.a to catch a woman.
It Is !better t� linve wed and been
divorced titan iiever to have :wed at
Nothing makes a womanf •so happy
as for yon to remember the time
rhea 'see was a little tlang with
loirg, curly hair.
The man. who borrowe money is like
the boy who slides down !the bat -
'eters; he comes dowel fast, but it Is
slow elitub getting up again, -New
York Press. • L
Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1807.
(3. C. RICHARDS' & GO.
le my remedy t for colde, etc. It is the
'o liniment I hae ever used.
A plain question:Do you really get
the only Painkiller -Porgy Davis' -
whets you tisk for it ? Better be
sure than( sorry. It has not, In 60
yeare, failed to stop looseness and
Dain in the bowels,
Sarnbo-What you get dat chicken 9
Meek Antlionsr-Nebber you mince
bout Oat (thicken. 'Tain't youre.
"now you know 'tain't ?" •
" 'Causeel I !found hit in youah coop."
Ask for Deinard's and take no other.
Senator Smith's Lesson and and How
Ile Learned it.
George Barton, private secretary- to
Collector of the Port 0, Wesley
Thoutas, tells a good story GE hew
the late Senator George Handy Smith
was famed to bend the knee to the
power of the press. It was when
that well-known legislator repre-
sented a city distriet In the Penn-
sylvania Senate at Harrisburg. There
were times when Seaator Smith was
strenuous in pooli-poolang the influ-
ence wielded by the newspapers. He
alwaye maintained that he was in-
vulnerable to their shafts. Despite
this, few men were liked so much as
the genial Senator by the news-
paper correspondents. There was
one paper in Peiladelphia which Sen-
ator Smith, in season and out of
season, always belittled.
To Its representative Ile wag al-
ways fond of saying, "Your sheet is
never mast." There came a day of
retribution, however, when the a:D-
ater was effectually silenced. "My
paper never read," confieed the cor-
respondent to his associatee. "Well,
11 shone. the Senator how wrong he
is. I'll open les eyes and close his
lips" ; and this is what was done:
One night- in seeding off his batch
of news to las paper the correspond-
ent closed his "copy" by adding the
fqllowing innocent -appearing para-
" Senator George Handy SmIta has
fifty coples of the superb Bird Book
lately Issued by the Legislature. He
will shortly mail them to his friends."
That was all; but what worry it
cost the Senator! A few: days after
Me publication at the paragraph Sen-
ator Smith Ilrfla in his seat in the,
SSenate.He railed a page and re-
quested thet his mail be brought.
The toy lugged in 0 huge basket filled
with letters. The Senator wised at
it, but said nothing:. A. minute later
the page appeared again With an-
other basket equally full. Then the
Senator begen the task of opening
the missives. They were all alike,
and all contained requests from
sturdy constituents for a copy of tho
nauch-prized Bird Book. Some one
shoved a coliy of the despised paper
containing the above-mentiened para-
graph under the Senator's eye. He
read.Ile was enlightened ; nor after-
ward did he bave a disparaging word
to say against the. power of the
press, Worse than all, every letter
had to be answered 1 -Philadelphia
Evening Telegraph.
8 , PILRY.
vvrieteru art. iwitig quite exten
o -
t-Lvt111141'I1 iiiit4 s14010111(1. Iota a, In en-
(1(1(1111end at tom t t. mn
eiellete tit the elienen perfume aro
toed in eloente end lairette drawers,
in boxes 'lel trunks, awl lit title wit:-
all the It -melte; app trot is delieately
fragrant. Strong perettatee 1,11.1‘ ill -
gar 1111(.0401y 1 tilp;Ar. :•11) tkx.i.rnet
Witte h IleaVy eh* lag smut.
wheat le go ss erful ilett :1 few
elope of 11 wth render it roont, awl,
In Pict, a corridor through which
It neer pasties redolent Inc houre
is textriee
n•uf bed tnete.
For armee the sachets are ar-
ranged in the form of pude fur the
waist and skirt hangers of eteel
wire. elik of any fleeing'. d511(1(10may
bo used, well wadded with cotton, in
the layere fir willell is placed
the wanted powder. The letegere
hola the svelte and skirt in good
811(11)0 4111(1 1,110 perfume Permeates the
gown, glvitig off an evanescent,m
enet:11)1e ft:avec-Lice whielt is [mein -
(tang and indivelnal. Tito long flat
tetehete for the bureau drawere aro
made uf ur linen, ilea three or
four may be used in each drawer, be-
ing elaced between layers of under-
wear. Smaller ones of limey or plain
81 Iks 111
embroidered may be
fitshemed for the glove and hantiker-
claef came, though in many 11181011045these bexes are wadded with cotton
alai sachet powder anti are lined
I wite silk to match the dresser scarf.
' Sumetimee the box is eoverea with
silk, 'the design. being worked in rib-
bon or Kennington embroidery.
These boxes-, as wen as the variens
kimis sachete, make dainty birth
ay -
d_ and Christman presents and of-
fer quite 11. eleld for the ingenuity
; tend taste-- of the skillful needle-wo-
Iman. Other boxes ehow the burnt
svork on the statue(' wood surface>,
, the silk (111(1(111(1 sttchet being reserved
for the interior decoration. The de.
Ogee in the pyrographle work are
ex -tram -1y artistic and many very
• attractive articles may be manu-
factured In this way by those who
itave the requisite, artistic training.
Our Terrible English.
"The other day," writes Ell Per-
kins, "I met a French gentlemax at
earatoga, wee theught he had mas-
tered the Englige language. •
"'How do you do ?' I asked on ac-
costing him.
" 'Do vat?' he netted, in a puzzled
manner. •
"'1 mean, hoer clo yoa filed your-
" 'Satre, never lose myself,'
" 'You. don't understand me; I
mean, low do you feel 1'
" 'Haw reels? Oh! feels smooth;
7011 sliest Teel me:"
A MI 111011 1115 llallt180131e, AhrON541,
Meer -headed wife interposes calmly;
posing herself restfully on a coueli.
with her splemild vriiite lulus above
her head -she le goings :to listen her
portrait painted so, Mel is practising
the fit Mt tele :
Cro be ('ontinued.)
" T like that het." fella Mein)
" IL make* my rfleP Took long and
Weaves Liniment is used by Phy-
sicians. .
Mordens Objeetecit; Being Treated
Like Criminals.
The disteppearaiMe of James and
Martin Morden has brought to the
minds of some of tile's. London
frieedit a -statement made by them
after the trial of tieraid Felton lest
la coneersa.tion with a citizen
who has known them from their
01111(11tood days, the Mordees ex-
pressed their strong Menke to the
rough linnelling given thent in tile
Witnees boa; by Mr. le e'. 13. .Tobin -
ton, le. C., leading couneel for the
defence, and they were also of the
(Mellon that they were entitled to
mere preteetione from the Crown
prosecettoe, Mr. Riddell. "You will
see,' said the brethere, "tliat when
the Heri trine eomee on we will be
abeent. Wo 11011'1 object to going
Into the box and telling -our eatery,
but we do object to behie abutted
like criminate.' 'Mitt MOrtittnil car-
ried ( tit their threat, although they
remained here until Within a menet
(if the opettleg of the teiel.,-Leildell
Free PrIPSS.
DR. A. W. CHASES 25c.
13 sent direct to the diteased
parte by the Improved Blower.
Heals Ole ulcer& clears the all
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Pever9Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
nese, no matter where itis. Send deserip-
tion aod cash price and get our plan for find-
ing cash buyers. Patent Exchange and Invest-
ment gompany, Toronto. Canada.
I. etc. Home or foreign procured and ex-
ploited. Booklet on patents free. The Patent
Exchange and Investment Company, Pythian
Building, Toronto, Out,
One ounce of Sunlight
Soap is worth more than
two ounces of common soap.
Ask eor the Octagon Bar eta
Lapses Linguae.
The -Count -Meese (eNair, will you
please receive eny devotions? Vetere
you rid geetnae. paeston,
Mime Milly O'Nuir-But, Count, Will
you serve nie devotedly ? You are
sometimes so austere.
The Count -0yetere. I serf° him
stewed, fried, on ea half-lia, what
Hay I. I Weald gay I series you yid
my heart all.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIoNS, as they am-
nia reach the seat of the diseitte, Catarrh is a
blood or constitutional disease, and in order to
cute it yon must take internal remedies. Han
Catarrh Cure hi taken internally, and acts
eiroetly on the blood and mitcona mutates.
Hall's Ceterrh Cure is not 0 quack medicine.
It Wes prescribed by one of the best physielato
in this valuator for years, and is a regniar Pre.
seription. It is eomposed of the best, tordea
known, combined sleet the beat blood 1)1111-
8001, acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two ingredi-
ents IA Whttt PrOdlle08 811111 WOndert111 rosette
in curlew Ceterrh. Send for testimonials frets.
ofIENEy & CO., Prose Toledo, O.
Sole by druggiatis price 75e,
Belle enmity Tills are the best.
Among the Wits.
Wigg-13jortes Married it cooking
0011001 girl.
Wagg-HoW cal site pee but ?-
Philadelphia. Remelt.
Page Acme Poultry Netting
ls clone meshed et bottom ena dote not require rail or
Ward support at edges, havingstrong etraight wire
(NO. 12 reeve) at top, bettore 0011 1(4 centre, owlet sag
and is este to erect. The "Pageettne" totting itt of
met appearanee, very durable sod cheap. We also
melte farm avid. orrnatiental fence, gates, fuses tied
staples, no tante et Past is sever guarantee °equality.
Th. Part Witt Penes Co, Limited, Walloositie, OM,
The Flow of ,Milk
will be increased.
Why go io all the
trouble of keeping
cows and get only
about half the milk
they should pro-
strengthens the digestion and invi-
gorates the whole system so that
the nutriment is all drawn from the
food. It takes just the same trou-
ble to care for a cow when she
gives three quarts as when she
gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier
will pay back its cost with good
interest in a few weeks,
50 cents a package.
Leeming, Miles 45z Co., Agents,
Write for nook on Horses and Cattle free.
ISSUE Nth 17, 1902,
Lei it
Scott's Emulsion is not a
good medicine for fat folks.
We have never tried giving it
to a real fat person. We don't
dare. You see Scott's Emul-
sion builds new flesh. Fat
people don't want it. Strong
people don't need it.
But if you are thin Scott's
Emulsion is the medicine for
you, It doesn't tire you out.
There is no strain. The work
is all natural and easy. You
just take the medicine and
that's all there is to it.
The next thing you know
you feel better -you eat better
-and you weigh more. It is
a quiet worker.
Send for free sample.
scorr & nowN•k.
gun and $1.00; all druggists.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syruyhould
always C
be used for hildren Toot '11g. It
soothes the child, softens the gumq, o res wind
colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrheee,.
Woiterli 0145110, or city of London, or
suburban property, write for our printed lists;
sumo splendid bargains. Western Heal Eestab
Exchange, London,
"SATAErgir °it%1IO1J0SKI(EPRRS 70
chemically prepared cloth, cleans silverware,
jewellery and all bright metals like magic. No
easteer powder whatever is required; a de-
lightful article. Pete° 25 cents. Soicl by drug-
gists. You can procure it wholesale from the
Dominion Drug Co., Hamilton, The Monarch
Co., St. Catharines, Mfrs., send trial samplea
ou request.
ie finest in the Niagara Peninsula, ata
Winona, 10 ruiles from Hamilton ou two rah.
waYs. 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in fruit,
mostly peaches, be sold in one parcel or
divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to suit pur-
chasers. This is a decided bargain Address
Jonathan Carpenter, P. Q. box 4.09, Winona
es ELIA It Lei
I We leant at °nee trustworthy men mid wo-
menin every locality. local oc traveling, to in-
troduce a new discovery and keep our show
cards and advertising matter tacked up !neon-
spictions places throughout the towIl and
country. Steady employment year round:
e.onhlsttlo21nootr 1005 el ax1cYder $52.. 50001"Zrd'alr.31 I 111"1
'Write for particulars. Postofflee box 337.
Hon. Sohn Dryden, President,
The report for 190f showed • re-
naareable increases over 1900, In the
following items:
New business increased by e350,705
Premium income increased
by... .. .....,... . 39,812
Total income inereased by 42,575
Assete increased by ... ,.. 43,959
insurance in force, in- e
, (weasel by . .. 1,309,466
Gontinenta•1 Lite Policies are un-
excelled for almplicily end liberality.
Agents wanted.
GEO. B. woops, CHAS. H. FULLER,
General Manager. Secretary
1 ,Steamer "Hamilton" leaves Ham-
ilton 3 T. In. and Toronto 7.80 p. me
for Montreal, Tuesday, April 291.1).
elle will leave on her second trip
Tuesday, May 6th, followed by the
ste-ainer "Spartan" Frielay, May 9th,
and thereafter Tuesdays and Fri-
day te during month of May.
Hamilton to Montreal Vg:nni2
Toronto to IVI ontreal CV,,,":1510.50
eleale and berth included. ,
The above cheep rates -to Montreal
are in effect for May only. Only 11120
running rapids.
Foe further Information' apply to
agents, or write
it. roster Chaffee, Western Passenger
Agent, 2 King Street East, Toronto, Ont.
000 -
It will surprise you to see how it
looks, how it wears, how easy it
worker, how economical it is when
ytee paint with ,
Ramsay's Paints
the oldest nod best known paint)/ In
Canada to -day, outdo from best
Paint material to fight off hot sun
and' storm, outleet all others ante at
just the rigitt price for pure paints. •
Dropl us n, en.re ante atilt( for Book-'
let No. 11, Fm7.n.
showing cuts of beautiful homere
Established 184;2.
11IpNTTLE 'L, Point Makera
'S etlead Light." soo
4,Eaglbe."itoo and 2oo
uitettiercno.'its' et.,
For sale by all the principal grocers.
Cm you erren,ao tacan fiva difinAnt mum; of lettein ItkANye(smea 01 548 (.5)ferhlet prttideota a the UAW
StItee? if *0 >0)1 ,*Lt oloiro in the alottiblitIon of tilt (novo, Vre A111 give Myer$1.1100'00 in nithb. And Four
ClenitinCOrandltprliiht PlAnno nmnal duo who ento this tnntentotint nnAl 11(1411(14kr out Worms. DRA.D
111131101111111 WO 85 1(01 wAnt one tent tlt Vont. 1.ton4volteo 30111111aiv0t t1114 &Attest. JO
out{titmibo tIve 145(0 1)0 1,1140144140n191,o Mal 1311)01114814 greed And trivially tan% an shay aronac fa rash
inetotantlfznnin,111141n614144r 4.1111 boollulNollientlaciinnt OW441111114 0410 otoup. A1144 yau 14ANA 5(5*41
An% 4to1114 Mit fronqND rottl'Otto Mt 0. * WO tlirla 0111fily1 knit loo4 tont And you 81111011414* not
by return Mid TR AW114. If you irdkA the feAl 008AtIt nsfnini MO1441111 throl to Om At 4044,_Vino kn
14,4 yAroloy,gqi bOg mpll Frit* And Aneiblv 1514,16, WI 85415201 *111, and initkAw Anw$11 yen o(4nalig,t1
001) FUJILIfill/NG (11). tinpf. 81 111DA, 1SOX 31111 ,1%n* n Nees