HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 5April 24, 1902 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE. D Butter and Eggs as cash, No Old Stock here. 4 •It • f f r.'• 9:. ' > > \ e/i,i / I/ '`�� rk' ',y I r. - " ' ff , ii! /il if'i� _ f\ , � i • I' i+ W a • ' CROWDER CO.. Men's Outfitters have -planned for the busiest kind of Business for Spring Onr plans include Big plu'choses of NEW GOODS iu Men's, Youths' and Hoye' Clothing — the Specials here advertised. Spot Cash Profits and Low Prices. We are after your trade. We mean- business, It will be worth your while to spend your money with us. Watch our ads. Everything as advertised. No playing with words. No in- definite nothings. Your monev back for the asking is nn,• hi Ma gauge guu'nntee NELSON, TRAIL, ROSSLAND, GREEN- 1 Children's Suits, Boys' Suits, Youths' -Suits, Men's Suits. 7 Big Specials: . NO. 1-27 pairs Mon's Tweed Pants, all sizes, worth $1.20, special $ .95 NO. 2-10 pairs Mon's Tweed Pants, all sizes, worth $1.80, special 1.40 NO. 3-31 pairs Mon's all -wool black Serge Pants, worth $2.75, special2.00 NO. 4-29 pairs Mon's blk. Sorge Pants, all -wool, heavy weight, $3,25 for2.25 NO. 5-22 Tweed Suits, sizes 36 to 44, worth $7.78, special 5.00 NO. 0-13 Men's Suits, blk. and blue Serge, sizes 36.41, all -wool, reg. 8.50,7.00 NO. 7-17 Men's Suits, all -wool, Sorge, sizes 36 to 94. single and double breasted, color black, worth $10 00, special 8 00 Also a largo]:number of Boys', Youths' and Mon's Sults at about are -third less than at the GENERAL STORE. See other people's goods, then see ours. 'rl'r er ALE . s, ;i' beers ?� woor I ) Gents' Furnishings. In SHIRTS we have a large assort- ment in colors and plain, also stripes, and the popular black and white. TIES.—Coronation, Derby and Bows, just in today. HATS 1 HATS 1 HATS ! Hard and soft, all colors, sizes and 5 shapes—at special prices. 1511111 l The R111. CROWDER co: Dressy Young Men's Headquarters. Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham 1 T r 1902 L/S.TOWEL Is MOVING FORWARD. Winter Torm begins Jan. 6, 1902. Our rates aro reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE President Sec'y. Owen Sound Listowel 11E111 Ill1111111111111141111111111gI'p =: s:,rte._ „° �lilll� irli all J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. We invite our former cus- tomers, and others, to call and examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate—cloth is of good quality—we give you a good easy fit. Webster & Co. n�7ora. error. Wood.'s Phospholine, !11iia Great .Rnglish Remedy. Sold and teeommended by all druggistri in Canada, Only reli- able medicine discovered. S pelages guaranteed to a rp 'Q l forms o Sexual IVr-akree all iifteots qf Melee pr e$eels, IYlen fat Worry, ;xe ..cairn W tit Ta- I aneo Opium or-seinnlanto, Mplled on repeats of prlee, ono epneksgge $1, six, $5. Ona toi i ppte4UP, 68 wWIdcure. 'i`' �mp1lete free to ony l4ldateel, MO Wood Cop WinaooriMAP Weed's Phosphee lne is sold In whielte by A. C. Hamilton,,, pbell, DRE. Uuaia s. IL A, Oltitla,is Love Tokens are always in demand in the Sum- mer time, and we aro now show- ing a line assortment of neat and appropriate gifts and keepsakes in stickpins, hatpins, scarf pins, brooches, and a vast variety of Summer jewelry, all reliable and up-to-date, at prices within your means. H. H. Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store 9 You Call't Afford to Exp8riInellt in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex- periments are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us a call. E. C. CLARKE P.STAIRS IN SHAW BLOCK. oorly % " For two years I suffered ter. 4ribly from dyspepsia, with great i depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and in one week I was 8 new man." --John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. OM a bottle. All dra=,;tats, Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer', Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this gren4 Old family medicine, Follow his envier, and We will be satisfied. J. 0. AYsn Co., Lowell, Mad. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of apy medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bili• ousness, Doctors Were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration of I-leaa't failure, etc. They used August Flotvar to clean out the system and stop fcrmen• tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the ner- vous and organic action of the system and that is all they took •when feeling dull and had with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August b'lower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get D. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at J. E. Davis', GRANDT U >itaEl air �.csr�lY1• SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO Canadian North=West Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April 1902 at 9 p. m. Passengers travelling without Live stock should take the "Pacific Ex- press" leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the brain leaving Toronto 9 p.m, Free Colonist sleepers will be attach- ed to these trains. Berths may be secured on arrival at Toront o. Tickets and information from Agents Grand Trunk Railway System, or M. C. DICKSON District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Our Beautiful Nov SPRING GOODS ARB IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor • Wingham WM. DEYELL Builder and Contractor. I wish to inform the public', that I inn prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Parties intending to build would do well to see me before closing contracts. Plans and specifications tarnished it desired Rates reasonable, workmanship the best. WM. DEYELL 91 dill' Builder and Contractor. rtesidence on ltdward St. Shop odor Stearn Pump Works, near the Union rectory. Clinton. The postlnaetership of Clinton is yet vuoant and seems likely to remain so for some time to come, the (8overnnleut ap- parently liaising it as difficult a pro- position to tackle as the registrarship, Messrs. Coats and Holloway aro leaders in the race,. The hotel Clarendon will on May ist again change hands, Mr. Cantolon hav- ing yesterday disposed of his interest in the house to 3, Perkins and S. Mahon, late of the Hodgens house, London. There is altogether too free a use' of firearms by boys within the limits of the corporation and unless it is checked there will bo something serious to report ono of these days. It was only the other day that a couple of lads set a tin can on a fence as a target. It Was iu direct line with Mr, A. Giun's house, and the ball missed the eau and pierced the side of the house, narrowly escaping Mrs. Gime, The Council have granted $20 to the Salvation Army Brass Band on condi- tion that the band give one open air con- cert weekly, the music to be bright and snappy. Clinton is doing more than its share iu furnishing recruits for the South African contingent, 110 less than six of our young men going down to London to undergo the tesla. Of the half dozen the following five passed:—George Twitchell, Will. Whitely, Joe. Blaney, Charlie Royer and. Jack McEwan. They returned from London last night to make ready for their long journey and are expected to leave this afternoon for Halifax from whence the contingent sails. Mr. John Yeo of Goderich township is one of the Liberals who are endeavor- ing to turn down Mr. Cameron. Mr. Yoo believes in petitions and has been circulating one among his friends re- questing the nominee of the convention to step down and out and in his anxiety to secure signatures he is regardless of. time or place and actually canvassed for them at tho funeral of Mrs. Elford of Holmosville on Saturday last. Surely his zeal for the time being should have been tempered out of respeot for the memory of a beloved women.—[News Record. SCHOOL HUMOR. Au English paper gives some further examples of children's nuconsoious humor in answering examination ques- tions: • Alexander the Great was born in ab- sence of his parents. The chief clause in Magna Chute, was that no free man should be put to death or imprisoned without his own con- sent. Where wore the kings of England crowued? On their heads. What were the three most important Feudal dues? Friendship, courtship, marriage. What do you know of Dryden and Buckingham? Dryden and Backing - ham were at first friends, but soon be- came contempories. What is Milton's chief work? Milton wrote a sensible poem called the "Can- terberry Tails." An optimist is a man who looks after your oyes, and a pessimist is a man who looks after your feet. A man who looks on the bright side of things is called an optimist, and the one who looks oil the Buil side is' called a pianist. Weary Brain Workers All fagged out, ideas flow slowly as mo- lasses, snap and energy gone! The buoyancy that made work a pleasure, that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, enervated, neither eating or digesting enough. It's Ferrozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and improve assimilation and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Ferrozone will drive away the tired feeling, restore your spirits and energy and ambition and strength for work. No tours or rebuilder like For- rozone—try it. Price 50c. per box, or nix boxes for $2.60; at Druggists, or Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont., sold by A. L. Hamilton. HAl1ILTON'S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. Apammensestataamersammumaiserammums MONF;Y VCTANTED Special Buying Opportunities at I SA RD & CG'S. A two weeks' Sale of New Goods at genuine money saving prices. Note well what you can save in buying here. Spring stock is now complete and is bigger and better than ever. Bring this list with you for reference. A Lucky Purchase in Clothing, Forty-two men's Suits, Tailor Made, nice patterns, bought at a great sacrifice. We're going to sell them out quick at less than wholesale price :— Regular Value $6,00 Sale Price $4.50 I. 7,00 " 5.00 8.00 a 6,00 900 II '7.00 10.00 e 8.00 12.00 „ 9.73 „ „ 95c 5 Dozen Ladies' White Cambric Under- skirts, nicely made with dust frill, the very latest, good value at '95 $1.25, Salo Price 10c 20 Dozen Ladies' Black- worsted Hoeo, fast color, sizes 8, 86.9 91, rag• .10 ular price 15e, Sale Price 25C Lace Curtains, new patterns, nice size, regular price 350, special price.... .2 5 95c 30 pairs Ladies' Shoes, Dongolas, Oxfords, new toe, regular price $L26, special price .95 12+C Japan Matting, ono yard wide, nice now lar p ice 15e t Saloaprice Rego • 12 r 2 4.0•101••••••00, smaisalimmstessir.21•11diumislamplommini• 15c Cotton Sheeting, two yards wide, heavy, regular value 20e, Sale price.... . 15 Stair Carpet in heavy dutch Remp, regular value 20o, Sale price I •5 1OC 10 Dozen Linen Huck Towels, fringed, good value at 15e, Sale price 10 5C 12 pieces Gingham, in plaid or checks, fast colors, regular price 7o, special price .,,. .5 3c Special to clear out, 111111 end of Cotton, at 3C, 4C, 5C, 6c, 7c. 75c Ono piece Ladies' fine suiting Sorge, Black or navy, regular value $1.00, Salo price .. .. .... • 1 25c Ladies' Leather Belts, patent or plain leather, regular value 35e and 40c, to clear at.. .. .25 45c Men's heavy Blue Dentin Overalls, reg- ular value 60o, sale price ., • • • • 45 95c Mona Tweed Pants, strong, well made, regular price $1.25, Salo price.... •95 50c Mon's Colored Shirts, now patterns, fast colors, regular price 75e, . 50 Sale price 75c Ladies' Print Wrappers„ nicely made, Itegular price 51.00, Salo price 75 $1.25 Lace Curtains, 31 yards in length, choice now patterns, regular value $ 1 2 5 $1.50, Sale price 25c Ten Dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, ribbed, fast color, seamless, reg- .2 5 ular value 35c, to clear 1.25 Ladles' Dongola, Boots, Buttoned or Laced, regular value $1.50 $1.2 5 Salo price..... .... 25c Five Dozen Corsets, good make, all sizes, regular price 35e, Special .2 5 price $1.00 Women's strong Laced Boots, heavy sole, regular value $1.25, $ I .00 Salo price 5c 10 pieces nice open work Embroidery, regular value 7c and 8c, Salo 5 price $1.00 Black russet cloth Underskirts just in, made to wear well, regular value $1.25, Salo price 1.00 40c Heavy Union Carpet, yard wide, new now pattern, regular value 500, Sale price 40 Fancy check white apron Muslin, Reg- ular value 10e. Sale price .8 $2.00 Boys' two-piece Suits, all -wool, well liped, Regular value $2.50, Salo price r$ 2.00 39c Boys' Top Shirts, Blne with white spot, regular value 50c, Sale price .39 15c Ono piece Plaid Dress Goods, wide, Regular price 25e, Sale price .15 25c Unbleached Table Linen, wide, regu- . lar value 35c, Salo price .2 5 • . E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank of Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce — An American company has applied to the Canadian Pacific for land to build as many as sixty elevators iu Man- itoba and the Territorities. — The scarcity of hogs in the country ia'inclicated by the fact that the Colling- wood Packing Co. is reaching out as far as Milton for supplies. Oue buyer in Milton shipped $5,000 worth in March, and this month the shipments are likely to figure up to $6,000. — Tho beet sugar output of New York State last year was one million pounds in excess of the year previous. Had it not been for unfavorable weather, 111e beet crop would have boon an increase of two million pounds in the sugar produced. — It is reported that the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company of Chica- go contemplates the establishment of a factory in Toronto nearly as large as that of the Massey-Ifarris Company. The McCormicks have decided to estab- lish a branch somewhere in Canada, and Toronto seems to Have the call. It is uuderstood that the object iu establish- ing a branch in this country is not only to supply the trade of Canada, but to meet the demands of the export trade as well. Branded on the sok or the lining with the words, "The Slater Shoe,” in a slate frame—nothing else, no more nor leas, no other letters or initials—with the price. —A descriptive coupon telling the leather that particular "Slater Shoe" is made of, the kind of wear it is good for and its register number ; the coupon good for five cents on the price of a bottle of "Slater Shoe" polish, ----Those are the earmarks of a genuine "Slater Shoe." Without cheer no shoe is a "Slater Shoe." If ou want tiro "real thing" take no other. Goodyear welted, Name and price, $3.50 oc $.5. 0, branded on each pair. "T 0 slater Choc:" For Sale only by W. I. GI21ER. rWI'4YYYYWV PICKLES. Sweet Pickles, a dainty appetizor for the spring time. Nice and crisp. Per quart 25c GERKINS. These Pickles require no introduction, where once used. Per dozen Ito c BAKING POWDER. Put up in Glass Mugs, with handle, a No. 1 article, less than the price of mugs, each.... 5c CANNED GOODS. Notwithstanding the advance in canned goods, we are still selling Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and Beans, 3 cans for 25c at Griffin's T. A. Mills has completed his assort- , meat of Seed Corn, consisting of the fol- lowing varieties :— Flint Varieties Compton's Early Saltzer's North Dakota Watch for advt. T. A. Angel of Midnight Canadian Yellow Smut Nose next Week. MILLS. CANADrA� -:tau �PA,i� . Settlers' s �o� avciss Excursions TO Kootenay and Pacific Coast Points FROM WINGHAM TO NELSON, TRAIL, ROSSLAND, GREEN- WOOD. MIDWAY, B, C., VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C., SEATTLE and TACOMA, Wash,, and PORTLAND, Ore: $43..70 Tickets on sale MARCH 1st to APRIL 30th, 1902, inclusive. Proportionate rates from and to other points. Also reduced rates to points in Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Washington. To MANITOBA and CANADIAN NORTHWEST Witi leave Every TUESDAY during FIARCH and APRIL, If sufficient bust- ,ness offera. For full particulars apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst, Genl. Passr. Agent 1 Bing Street East, Toronto Our Beautiful Nov SPRING GOODS ARB IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor • Wingham WM. DEYELL Builder and Contractor. I wish to inform the public', that I inn prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Parties intending to build would do well to see me before closing contracts. Plans and specifications tarnished it desired Rates reasonable, workmanship the best. WM. DEYELL 91 dill' Builder and Contractor. rtesidence on ltdward St. Shop odor Stearn Pump Works, near the Union rectory. Clinton. The postlnaetership of Clinton is yet vuoant and seems likely to remain so for some time to come, the (8overnnleut ap- parently liaising it as difficult a pro- position to tackle as the registrarship, Messrs. Coats and Holloway aro leaders in the race,. The hotel Clarendon will on May ist again change hands, Mr. Cantolon hav- ing yesterday disposed of his interest in the house to 3, Perkins and S. Mahon, late of the Hodgens house, London. There is altogether too free a use' of firearms by boys within the limits of the corporation and unless it is checked there will bo something serious to report ono of these days. It was only the other day that a couple of lads set a tin can on a fence as a target. It Was iu direct line with Mr, A. Giun's house, and the ball missed the eau and pierced the side of the house, narrowly escaping Mrs. Gime, The Council have granted $20 to the Salvation Army Brass Band on condi- tion that the band give one open air con- cert weekly, the music to be bright and snappy. Clinton is doing more than its share iu furnishing recruits for the South African contingent, 110 less than six of our young men going down to London to undergo the tesla. Of the half dozen the following five passed:—George Twitchell, Will. Whitely, Joe. Blaney, Charlie Royer and. Jack McEwan. They returned from London last night to make ready for their long journey and are expected to leave this afternoon for Halifax from whence the contingent sails. Mr. John Yeo of Goderich township is one of the Liberals who are endeavor- ing to turn down Mr. Cameron. Mr. Yoo believes in petitions and has been circulating one among his friends re- questing the nominee of the convention to step down and out and in his anxiety to secure signatures he is regardless of. time or place and actually canvassed for them at tho funeral of Mrs. Elford of Holmosville on Saturday last. Surely his zeal for the time being should have been tempered out of respeot for the memory of a beloved women.—[News Record. SCHOOL HUMOR. Au English paper gives some further examples of children's nuconsoious humor in answering examination ques- tions: • Alexander the Great was born in ab- sence of his parents. The chief clause in Magna Chute, was that no free man should be put to death or imprisoned without his own con- sent. Where wore the kings of England crowued? On their heads. What were the three most important Feudal dues? Friendship, courtship, marriage. What do you know of Dryden and Buckingham? Dryden and Backing - ham were at first friends, but soon be- came contempories. What is Milton's chief work? Milton wrote a sensible poem called the "Can- terberry Tails." An optimist is a man who looks after your oyes, and a pessimist is a man who looks after your feet. A man who looks on the bright side of things is called an optimist, and the one who looks oil the Buil side is' called a pianist. Weary Brain Workers All fagged out, ideas flow slowly as mo- lasses, snap and energy gone! The buoyancy that made work a pleasure, that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, enervated, neither eating or digesting enough. It's Ferrozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and improve assimilation and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Ferrozone will drive away the tired feeling, restore your spirits and energy and ambition and strength for work. No tours or rebuilder like For- rozone—try it. Price 50c. per box, or nix boxes for $2.60; at Druggists, or Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont., sold by A. L. Hamilton. HAl1ILTON'S PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. Apammensestataamersammumaiserammums MONF;Y VCTANTED Special Buying Opportunities at I SA RD & CG'S. A two weeks' Sale of New Goods at genuine money saving prices. Note well what you can save in buying here. Spring stock is now complete and is bigger and better than ever. Bring this list with you for reference. A Lucky Purchase in Clothing, Forty-two men's Suits, Tailor Made, nice patterns, bought at a great sacrifice. We're going to sell them out quick at less than wholesale price :— Regular Value $6,00 Sale Price $4.50 I. 7,00 " 5.00 8.00 a 6,00 900 II '7.00 10.00 e 8.00 12.00 „ 9.73 „ „ 95c 5 Dozen Ladies' White Cambric Under- skirts, nicely made with dust frill, the very latest, good value at '95 $1.25, Salo Price 10c 20 Dozen Ladies' Black- worsted Hoeo, fast color, sizes 8, 86.9 91, rag• .10 ular price 15e, Sale Price 25C Lace Curtains, new patterns, nice size, regular price 350, special price.... .2 5 95c 30 pairs Ladies' Shoes, Dongolas, Oxfords, new toe, regular price $L26, special price .95 12+C Japan Matting, ono yard wide, nice now lar p ice 15e t Saloaprice Rego • 12 r 2 4.0•101••••••00, smaisalimmstessir.21•11diumislamplommini• 15c Cotton Sheeting, two yards wide, heavy, regular value 20e, Sale price.... . 15 Stair Carpet in heavy dutch Remp, regular value 20o, Sale price I •5 1OC 10 Dozen Linen Huck Towels, fringed, good value at 15e, Sale price 10 5C 12 pieces Gingham, in plaid or checks, fast colors, regular price 7o, special price .,,. .5 3c Special to clear out, 111111 end of Cotton, at 3C, 4C, 5C, 6c, 7c. 75c Ono piece Ladies' fine suiting Sorge, Black or navy, regular value $1.00, Salo price .. .. .... • 1 25c Ladies' Leather Belts, patent or plain leather, regular value 35e and 40c, to clear at.. .. .25 45c Men's heavy Blue Dentin Overalls, reg- ular value 60o, sale price ., • • • • 45 95c Mona Tweed Pants, strong, well made, regular price $1.25, Salo price.... •95 50c Mon's Colored Shirts, now patterns, fast colors, regular price 75e, . 50 Sale price 75c Ladies' Print Wrappers„ nicely made, Itegular price 51.00, Salo price 75 $1.25 Lace Curtains, 31 yards in length, choice now patterns, regular value $ 1 2 5 $1.50, Sale price 25c Ten Dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, ribbed, fast color, seamless, reg- .2 5 ular value 35c, to clear 1.25 Ladles' Dongola, Boots, Buttoned or Laced, regular value $1.50 $1.2 5 Salo price..... .... 25c Five Dozen Corsets, good make, all sizes, regular price 35e, Special .2 5 price $1.00 Women's strong Laced Boots, heavy sole, regular value $1.25, $ I .00 Salo price 5c 10 pieces nice open work Embroidery, regular value 7c and 8c, Salo 5 price $1.00 Black russet cloth Underskirts just in, made to wear well, regular value $1.25, Salo price 1.00 40c Heavy Union Carpet, yard wide, new now pattern, regular value 500, Sale price 40 Fancy check white apron Muslin, Reg- ular value 10e. Sale price .8 $2.00 Boys' two-piece Suits, all -wool, well liped, Regular value $2.50, Salo price r$ 2.00 39c Boys' Top Shirts, Blne with white spot, regular value 50c, Sale price .39 15c Ono piece Plaid Dress Goods, wide, Regular price 25e, Sale price .15 25c Unbleached Table Linen, wide, regu- . lar value 35c, Salo price .2 5 • . E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank of Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce — An American company has applied to the Canadian Pacific for land to build as many as sixty elevators iu Man- itoba and the Territorities. — The scarcity of hogs in the country ia'inclicated by the fact that the Colling- wood Packing Co. is reaching out as far as Milton for supplies. Oue buyer in Milton shipped $5,000 worth in March, and this month the shipments are likely to figure up to $6,000. — Tho beet sugar output of New York State last year was one million pounds in excess of the year previous. Had it not been for unfavorable weather, 111e beet crop would have boon an increase of two million pounds in the sugar produced. — It is reported that the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company of Chica- go contemplates the establishment of a factory in Toronto nearly as large as that of the Massey-Ifarris Company. The McCormicks have decided to estab- lish a branch somewhere in Canada, and Toronto seems to Have the call. It is uuderstood that the object iu establish- ing a branch in this country is not only to supply the trade of Canada, but to meet the demands of the export trade as well. Branded on the sok or the lining with the words, "The Slater Shoe,” in a slate frame—nothing else, no more nor leas, no other letters or initials—with the price. —A descriptive coupon telling the leather that particular "Slater Shoe" is made of, the kind of wear it is good for and its register number ; the coupon good for five cents on the price of a bottle of "Slater Shoe" polish, ----Those are the earmarks of a genuine "Slater Shoe." Without cheer no shoe is a "Slater Shoe." If ou want tiro "real thing" take no other. Goodyear welted, Name and price, $3.50 oc $.5. 0, branded on each pair. "T 0 slater Choc:" For Sale only by W. I. GI21ER. rWI'4YYYYWV PICKLES. Sweet Pickles, a dainty appetizor for the spring time. Nice and crisp. Per quart 25c GERKINS. These Pickles require no introduction, where once used. Per dozen Ito c BAKING POWDER. Put up in Glass Mugs, with handle, a No. 1 article, less than the price of mugs, each.... 5c CANNED GOODS. Notwithstanding the advance in canned goods, we are still selling Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and Beans, 3 cans for 25c at Griffin's T. A. Mills has completed his assort- , meat of Seed Corn, consisting of the fol- lowing varieties :— Flint Varieties Compton's Early Saltzer's North Dakota Watch for advt. T. A. Angel of Midnight Canadian Yellow Smut Nose next Week. MILLS.