HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 4THE W1NGIIAM ADVANCE. April 2 }� 1902 Ritchie & Campbell The Question of DRESS At this particular season of the year, the princi- pal thought of the feminine world is Dress. Our stock of all kinds of Dress Fabrics is complete. New Broadcloths in all the leading shades, New Grenadines, ranging in prices from $1.25 to $2.25, New French Voils, Satin Meru, New Havana Drap, and Silk Mohairs, at prices to suit everyone. Summer Dress Goods. India Dimities, per yard 30c Clyde Zephyrs, per yard 30c Satin Stripe Delaines, peryard 45c Lace Lenos, per yard OOc Mercerized Navarre, per yard 25c Oriental Pongees, peryard 30c Linen Bastile, per yard 80c Fancy Muslins in Black and Colors, ranging in price from, per yard 12L: to 30c Colne and look thein over—don't buy unless you want to. It will however give you the best idea of what is new and fashionable. Handsome High Grade Carpets and Lace Curtains. We are showing a full range of Carpets in Unions, Wools, Brussels, Tapestry and Velvets—our prices are the lowest. In. Lace Curtains we can show you anything you want, from 25c to $G.00. a pair. We are leaders in this line. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOO. s. Use our Folded Carpet Paper and Stair Pads. THE PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 4v 41:4 tt Make Comparisons ? WHY YES As many as yon choose—the more you make, the better we like it. Intelligent comparison lands us "on Top" every time. New Goods being placed in stock. A good assortment of Easy Chairs, with that made -to -fit feeling about them. See our $10 and $12 Bedroom Suites. In Oak and Ash, we have some good lines at $17, $18, $21 and $22. Our $31 .Ind $33 Suites are sellers, ae UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, where night calls receive prompt at- tention. Ball Bros. siaq}nod asooD to spunod 001 CD The People's Furniture Store r F A. G-FZE-AT DISSOLUTION SALE FOR CASH ONLY. This is no fake. It is a Genuine Sale, and we are positive we can save you money on everything you buy. A PEW BARGAINS : Regular Price $3.25 Sale Price $2.40 ... " 3.751 " 2.00 " 3.25 " 2.40 :3.110 2.25 2.50 3.00 :3.00 2 :33 275 21s Men's Dong. Boots " Box Calf Boots ...... " " ff u " ft t1' f1 I Ladies' Dong. Boots, Button • ... . ft .f 11 if 1t it Children's Shoes " Batton ft " ......r• glen's Colored Shirts It 1.25 1.00 " 1.00 .80 Rfen's White Shirts II 1+� .80 ISNeckwear ,,, As to clothing, now is the time to purchase, as we can save you from $4 to $5 on a suit of clothes. Store 1 or Sale -apply to J. 3. 7iomuth. f of f fI tf ft n it ff ft St 1. ff If f1 f1 11( I. 1f ff 2.50 1.85 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.10 1.25 1.00 1.25 .85 14 fl iomuth SC Soon. l b tart lott5 9,4 —Tile trend of public opinion in this province is decidedly "agin the government." A great many Lib- erals do not hesitate to say that the Government's finish is in sight, * * —Says the Ridgetown Dominion, "Of the twenty-one constituencies forming the western district of On- tario, only five sent Conservative member's to the last Legislature. Thus early in the battle we are rash enough to predict that the same district will return eleven Conservatives to the next House." * * * --In a recent address, Mr. Whit- ney gave utterance to the follow- ing :—"We will endeavor to do what is right, because it is right." In other words, Mr. Whitney's stand is, "Honest enough to be bold, and bold enough to be hon- est." It is men of that stamp On- tario needs just now. It has tried the other kind for thirty years and is tired of them. *** —Rev. E. A. Laugfeldt, preach- sng in All Saints church, Peter- borough, recently said :— "What we need more than prohibi- tion is the reformation of a Govern- ment that has in an many cases, suoh as ballot -stuffing and other eleotion frauds, manifested utter regardlessness of all that is righteous, pure, and honest." My dear fellow, the thing has be- come so utterly corrupt, that "re- formation" is out of the question. The only remedy is complete des- truction and removal. * * * —Mr. Andrew Morris, of the United Kingdom Alliance, has pre- pared a very interesting statement relating to the drink expenditure of Great Britain and comparing the same with the total amount of money devoted to religious work. The drink bill of the United King- dom for 1900 is estimated at $804,- 458,590, while careful calculations show that the total revenue of all the religious bodies amounted to only about $125,000,000. It will thus be seen that the national drink bill is six times as great as the sum raised for all religious purposes. * * * —According to the census of 1901, the population of Canada is put at 5,369,666 ; it is distributed as follows :— Ontario 2,182, 942 Quebec 1,648,948 Prince Edward Island.,103,259 Nova Scotia .....,...... ..,, 459,574 New Brunswick 331,120 Manitoba 254,917 British Columbia 177,272 Alberta 65,877 Assiniboia, East 49,693 Assiniboia, West 17,692 Saskatchewan 25,679 Yukon 27,168 Unorganized Territories 25,546 * * * —The Toronto Star says :— "It may yet be necessary for Canada to lend Mr. Fielding to Great Britain for a while in order that the Home. Government may • get into the habit of having a yearly surplus instead of a yearly deficit." Not a bit of it, Mr. Star. The peo- ple in the old land could never be deluded by the idea that there was a surplus when the expenditure ex- ceeded the income. The way Mr. Fielding figures out a surplus is by adding several millions of expendi- ture to the country's debt, and thus getting that out of sight for the present, he announces a sur- plus. He never could work that scheme on the English people. There are real live statesmen over there. * * * —From 1878 to 1896 the gross debt of Canada increased $150,260,- 268, while from 1896 to 1901 it has increased $29,014,846. Add to this the estimated increase of $6,- 000,000 for 1902, and the total wfll reach $35,014,846. Deducting the extraordinary expenditures above mentioned, we find that for ordin- ary purposes during 18 years of Conservative rule the debt was in- creased $18,960,268 ; and under 6 years of Liberal rule the increase for ordinary purposes was $12,- 214,846. This shows that the av- erage annual increase in the debt for ordinary purposes under Con- servative rule was $1,053,237; whille under Mr. Fielding's direc- tion the annual average growth has been $2,035,607. And the average is going up year after year. —Mr. E. F. Clarke, of Toronto, in an address recently, said :—A. more shuffling policy was never anywhere seen than that of Mr. Ross in dealing with the great moral question of temperance. He had taken upon himself a sacred trust from the temperance people, and he had betrayed it. He had asked them to undertake an impos- sible task. Ire had worked the liquor men to the utmost. Licenses held by decent men had been taken away from thele because they were Conservatives and given to heelers. Ile had prostituted the whole trade to his own selfish ends. Now he was trying to deceive the temper- anee people, but he has over -reach- ed himself. A WORD TO DAIRY FARMERS. As a means of converting the raw products of the farm into more saleable form, the good dairy cow is without t>, peer. The good beef- ing animal will pay very little more than. market prices for food fed Frons birth to shambles, The sheep, with her fleece and her lambs gives only a very modest profit on food consumed. The pig and -the hon, if wisely fed, do. much better than either of the above, bot it is very seldom that the returns from either of them go boyoud one dollar and fifty cents for one dollar's worth of food consumed. The dairy cow, however, fre- quently goes as high as two dollars worth of product for one dollar's worth of food, and many a cow has been known to give two dollars and. fifty cents worth of products for one dollar's worth of food con- sumed. Most herds fall far short of such a high return. Tho reasons may be summarized as lack of breeding, improper or insufficient feeding, lack of judgment and management. Every dairy herd should average over fifty dollars' worth of pro- ducts per cow per year, If your herd is not giving you such a re- turn you are not doing it justice. Possibly, every individual in the herd is not a number one dairy cow, but do you know which are really doing good work and the re- lative merits of the different cows? In order to know your cows you must keep a daily record of the milk yielded by each cow, We would like to see you do this. We are willing to help you do it. Dur- ing the past year a number of dairy farmers, at our suggestion, made an effort along this line. The re- sults were most satisfactory. In our possession are many farmers' letters, emphasizing the importance and value of such records, both as a guide in selecting cows and as au effective means of directly improv- ing the actual herd. The extra outlay required is very small. We would supply you with record forms for a time at least. The keeping of such records takes about one half minute per cow per day. Tho outlay for a balance would be from fifty cents to five dollars. The increased flow of milk due to keeping such a record where ten cows are kept would pay for the balance in a week. Keeping milk- ing records induces a spirit of in- terest and competition among milk- ers, and, in the mind of the milker, among the cows milked by the same milker. Rapid, clean and careful milking will raise the aver- age return from a cow by from two to ten per cent. according to the cow—the better the cow the greater the increase. If you ever sell cows, the ability to give -an accurate milk record will, generally speaking, raise a cow's value and facilitate the sale. Especially is this true if she is a pure bred. Further, knowing the return from each cow in any herd, you are is a position to easily select for breeding ; besides, in almost every herd are found "Boarders" —cows that pay a very low price for their food, leave no profit, and` are frequently kept at a loss. They should be detected and fed off for beef. Keeping a milk record is a sure way to discover them. To the breeder of pure bred stock of any of the milking breeds, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Canadian, or milking Shorthorn strains, the daily milk record should be quite as im- portant as the breeding record, We venture the assumption that in a very few years, every breed put- ting forward any claim as a dairy brsed, Will be making a specialty of milk records. The reasons are obvious. Beau- ty of style, color and conformation are very important, and where the breeder makes his money in some other line than farming, he may be able to keep animals for their looks alone. We, who are farming for money, must look to the profit side of everything. With us, "Hand- some is as handsome does." The Holstein men have made a move in the right direction with their advanced Registry ; the Guernsey breeders are working along similar lines. It would thus seem to be a good thing for some breeds, and we are sure it would be the most important step for im- provement that you ever made ; do you decide to introduce it? Let us urge upon you, therefore, the advisability of keeping such a record. We would be most happy to send you forms for keeping the daily record, as well as. forms whereon to make a suminary to be kept for reference. When you write for the forms, please state the number of cows kept, and ad- dress all letters to :—"J. 11. Gris- dale, Agriculturist, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont," Letters so addressed come post free. E. W. 11onsolr-, Live Stock Commissioner. Why Sniffle and Sneeze ? Don't suffer auy more with a cold in the head, just carry a CAT-1r.1t1wzoNE INII.&LEII in yonr vest pocket, use it now and again and you won't have Bolds. Catarrhozone knocks out a cold in ten minutes, kills a headache in five min- utes, and hard racking coughs in half an hour. Inhale the pleasant Catarrhozone vapor five minutes four tines daily and it will euro Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deafness, Asthma and Catarrh in any - part of the systr;m. Catarrhozone is the most direct, modern and scientific meth- od, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Complete two inontlts' treatment costs $1.00, trial size 25e. Druggists Or N. 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, IId11I1,TON'S PILLS Cullet CONS'TIPATION'. �����111�i1�13t1�t�it�lt�tti1S11t�I4��ii��i�Pi��1�i�gi�I���ilg��11t1t�1i1t��iit11i141ii?t111���titi��tli1�ltttl��t11 44, 4444, e--. e..,. 1M••^. 3- • -- IV* X1(111 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE. JNA. & JAS. H. KERR. lea MADE EASY. ing Men's Straw Hats at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, We carry a splendid stock of goods that the house -keeper will find very necessary to have at this time of the year. Ammonia, large bottle. 4- 3- 3- e..-. 3- e-- 8cto15c 10c Ammonia Powder, pkg 10c Borax, per box 5c & l0c Bath Bricks, each 50 Brooms, each 15c to 85c Bine, the best 4c and 5c Black Lead, Royal, box 10c Black Lead, Moody's , , ... .. 5c Black Lead, Rising Sun 5c Clothes Pins, per doz lc Clothes Ropes, each. Carpet Tacks, per barrel Ceiling Brooms, each Diamond Dyes Gold Dust 5c, 10e and 25e Lye, Gillett's, per tin 10c Lye, Royal 10c Life Buoy Soap 5c Monkey Brand Soap 5c Pearline, per pkg 5c Silver Dust......... .... 5c, 10c and 25c Stove Paste, Quickshine 8c Stove Paste, Black Jack 100 a-- 5c 15e 3 for 25c Stove Pipe Varnish..........,.,.. 10c Stove Brushes 10e to 25c Shoe Brushes. 15c to 25c Scrub Brushes 5c to 25c Stove Daubers 10c Sapolio, per cake 10c Starch, Lily White 10c Silver Gloss 10c " Electric 10c " Enamel. 10c " Celluloid 10c " Boston Laundry 10c " No. 1 White 10c Turpentine .Tubs all sizes Whiting, per Ib 2c Washing Crystal. Cc Washing Soda 2c Whisks 5c to 15c Wash Boards ..... White Wash Brushes Washing Compound Etc., Etc For a Quick Lunch During House Cleaning Canned Corn Beef Lunch Tongue Boneless Chicken Boneless Turkey Ham Loaf Cottage Loaf Melrose Pate Sliced Potted Beef Salmon IOc, 13e, 15c Sardines 5c to 15c Canned Lobsters 15c 15c 15c Smoked Beef • 5c Herring, per can 10c Haddie 10c Kippered Herring 10c Pork and Beans 10c Catsup 7c and 10c French Mustard 5c and 10c Upton's Marmalade and Jam.... 10c Honey10c Maple Syrup Soda Biscuits Sweet Biscuits . Pan-American Prize Cheese ... • Men's Fine Straw Hats at 25c, 50c and' 75c. Panama Hats, $4.50 each Girls' School Hats at 5c, IOc, 12-1c, 20c, 25c. Women's Sun Shades at 10c, 122c, 15c, 20c, 25c. Special. SHOE BLACKING, made by Carr & Son, London, England. Reg, 5c box 180 Tins at, each lc JAPAN RICE, regular 7c a Ib., 7 lbs. for 25c OATS WANTED. Highest market price paid. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr Mactio11a1d. Block, ¶ill11am 7llillfiliili{lil!{liiililBiU U1lIUiUifltiUllfiliUklddUliliiili{ll{t1611fit1ltli�lfdldiididl!ldlddil6!lilitilte Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr we we -. wee wet --.e •ev+61 web .4.404 --e we woo • we -. -.-. --.e we --.o --.o -.e we -w wre writ w w wee wee wea --t, we we ---3 we a - ---e we -w ---+ we we we --5 we we we wewe we woewe ---3 wa we d*404.441 --5 wattwas We I have the finest display of Sweet Peas .. AND .. Flower Seeds ever shown in Wing - ham. Over twenty varieties and colors of Sweet Peas shown separately. R. A. DOULASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. ;; • ,n 1'i#.`.�'.`r``.�-.Far �': ,Out,/ Spectacle Lenses axe: Perfect yes are "liable to Ea ormanently injured Y Imperteetly rround gia ur lenses are tha est. Each* pair is, uaranteed perfectin 4 levers particular/ t Halsey Para Scientific Optician and Jeweler- .&> ,0* Windham" Ont, A. DULMAGE WM.. CLEGG REAL ESTATE' AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN ° on Town and Farm Property ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A. T. C. M. ' Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORS Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on `Violin and Guitar. Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham• PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L,C,M, And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence—opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham, LIFE Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent ram Loans at lowest rates Of interest. Office—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., WINGHAM MATH GLASS ACCIDENT Coolen Cotton Root Compound 2s sneetasfulty need monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe,eifeetnal, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Coda Rot Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations bre dengaronit. Fries No. , $1 per box, No. x,10 ddegreesstronger, lit p 1 per box. 3'To. 1. or 2, matted en reeetpt of price and tyre e•aetit stamps, The Cook Company Windsor Ont I.W"Nos. 1 and a sold ane recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. ��11�� It. A Dougltass,N D. A camp1 e11,wJ. E. D Is and A,1,. Mamilton, Dautiourr i, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 4i to 6 per cent. Liberal terms of repayment. Fire and Life Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies. Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street — Wingham .1P. KENNEDY, M.D., M,C.P.S.O • (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OFFICE Hours :-1 to 4 p.m, : 7 to 9 p.m. W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal !s College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- (s onto and Honor Graduate of Dent- al Delft. of Toron- to University. Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed. adt•011ice in Beaver Block. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Office—WINGHAM DICKINSON & IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc, Office : Meyer Block Wingham, E, L. Dickinson Dudley Holipes R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 1oney to loan a$'lowestrates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-955. WINGIIAM. V W ELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. IN S. CO. :Establlahod 1810, --. Road Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro- perty on Ito Dash Or premium note system, FAMES GoanMM, 01t218. DAVIDSON, Proslilent. Secretary. JOHN RIT HIE, tG1ENT, WXNGHAM, ONT