HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 3teat eaneetiberliteelnert‘teaneaanteaneetnesiVaintssea, estaatiaelleeeetatieeeestratieln. tatetatneaTea enalesiiiteaterafb arsine GLANCES FASHIONS AT THE . „ . 1; Setne GewfIS Or the NOW ill SEEN JN TIIE SMART SET York inner cirCie Or the 1 400 Described - , :••';*1' 4 '-ii.4torlorilreor-Fta"-ir-or'or-orvtim9r-ir-orwrovorIre-m-or-ornreqr-or-or-arw-fr-vrw-orvr (BY Arouses. Pliestene) Aprli ho '.M• are bare and tlic May DoWers are springing through tile eo,d, The shoWere 'awl the liolvere ale the eig•nel of spring, and as Mother Nature flannte iter le -ay hues the woman gave mg into the world upon mounter shopping bent. 'tient the must soon be it summer girl elie Tee nutlet aPinirent fact in her w• ing catalogue le the oue tveleit wile her that it is to be a wean tennmer. Perbaps not ell white, but flo nearly so time you might as well • white. Whe cares it a goev•nr be le moon- eolerea yellow, heft off tite recant and only a little deeper ? Forbin- atele for her Who is tO be in the Lu'ftwina this color comes Ole year in becoming tones. Instead of lite blue -a -late witie11 is becoming 1110 ()lily to the fairest bioncies, the clear tepe, It comes in a deep tone, almost eream, and in oyster grey, which is quite white, ana In the grayish bluest that are Futoly In, their neptlei. . exany Settees of White. You will be eurprised to find how litany header/ of white there are, and if you are contemplating the matele Mg or a elate cloth (Imes t•on ban eetter take :deaf; a bit of the goodie air no tuatter how flee an eye you leave for color you wit' eurely make luiritakr and come home with h Gine- tiling that does no meteh at ail. The color of old lace le a )omitter unit for Gm very ligitt cloth gown. It is a yellowleit white, very soft and immetietly beconaug, There are very few who canuot wear ie. You will find hat It mikeup delightfully with ce•ru tate tan laces and with trielt crocheted point in the un- irleavited thread. tenth lovele airiness as there be in this tone carrted through a whole rearm To (trees it up a little or Jentitten it aad bring out the cAre et your teheries you wet wane a ehou et pantie 'auk 'velvet pet upon the bust teeth two banging ends finished with velvet knots. Your belt and ougir may bathe same or you can de- part from this custom and wear a Lank rose in your hair, one at ,your utak mid one at your belt.. R meet not be supposed that this cloth whielt le the color of old lace Is tlesigned specially and only for the 'louse. Far from it. This soft shade Le made up into street gowns and is worn with pink decorations or with brews of brown velvet, %dace are really far better for the atreet. Take such a. gown ann tuck the blottee waist. Tuck the fileeves and let culla of old Ince finish the wrists with pulls of lace above them,. Let. the yoke be a, lace one and let tile Oolittr be of the cloth with lace over it. Then let the belt rind beet bave a very little coffee brown velvet in tim shape of a twilit and seine 1.11iy brown velvet roses made up from velvet by the yard, not arti- ficial roses, but "made" roses. An aroma of refinement will hang uround this mown!. Cliticeiate-au-aalt. One of the moot charatieg creations Or the early otunmer le a. gown ot chocolate colored veiling, rather pia, more Ike a chocotate-an-lalt. The skirt is of. sweep length, laid In Melte from tee belt down nearly to the Ilene and the waist is made the game way, all tucks from throat ta belt, wait a little pouchy effect over tee front of the belt. There le lace upon this gown, as upon all the dreseee of spring, whe- ther they be for the street or the house, and the lace in this case is used as a hip yoke, with a point in the middle al the front and with tap- ering sides,. There is a waist yoke, but it comes upward from the belt and Woke something like a continua- tion of the hip yoke. The culla are baggy affairs of the chocolate cloth, with neat little wristbands of lace flakehing them. There aro mini° very smart dresses In this country, smarter far than thoiee in London, and there are Amer- ican women who make tlaeir money and their clothes go farther than Fuelleh women know how to do. Tbee- are not always the women at wealth, but often they are leaders it dress, because they know so well how to dress and to make their PLASTERS FAILED. Liniments. Oils and riang Other nedicines did no Good, A.New Bruusevick Postmaster Tells or his Efforts to Cure his Kidney Trouble -11e Suftereo tor Years and Tried Many Medicines, but only Recently round the Right One. • lower Winclser, N. /I., April T. - (Speciat).-Ir. T. I. Belyett, poet - master of title place, ham made a very interesting statement of Ida ex- perientse in his efforts to be cured of Kidney Trouble, which has both- ered him for many yeare. At timee lie would have very bad ispelle, and when these came ten he W08 Minted, laid up. lle tried several doctors Mel twee nuttie 1110(11011es, but nothing seemed to help, him in the least, Islastere, elle, liniments on the ont- eide and (loses ot all ideals and des- eriptIone taken internally seem tie have bat one result, no was ne bet - toe. ihrough reading an never- tisement he WWI led to tite Ilse of Doildes Kilney Pala Tieeays: "Doddat Kidney Pills were eto high- ly recommended for Kidney Tronble that after rending some testimotaals, I coneluiliel to try them aecoreing to directions. "I hall 1110(1 FO many thitugs that was very ekeptival, and lied but int tle faith that Itoildts 'niftier Pills mend or would help me. However, 1 did not life, them long before 1 found tend /the mere all rind more than watt clainical for them. "1 litive ieveieed more benefit from them tient from any other medicine I have ever used, to they seem to have inede a complete elute Of my mote. '1 feel as well as ever I did mid linve net lie, elightes1 tratei of the Kidney Troniele that bothered me Over so long. "1 want to say ant1 believe that Ditiens Kidney Pills are -the eight Iliedielite for Kidney "rroultle." Mr. Belyee is very well known to 1rew:title:1y in tide neighborhood and :there are led few who, have not been aware of his eerie -ea illnese. Everyone is deligeted et hie tin- taeweil beattli and his published state - meta hare (lone much to make Dosline Kidney Pilis eveit mote pepnlar In nal ateghborheed thee they bate lean. c1011101$ Henn "XIV' alwaye and, very, tr One of tee most eernimnieal of fine dreseere is Mee. John Jacob Astor. ; tam le not obliged to eseeineg as other women underetneni ecrimping. yet Hite doer( not tweed a fortune in her gowns She chooses mate that are in barniouy, 'tale spring elm bas two walking- sults, 00e in grey and one in tette. Both are sweep length, mach longer than the pedestrian, and both require bota- nic Op on tile teapot. Tee bine is In the old-rasitioned shade or navy blue, and is trimmed with wide beetle of !wild stitclied 00 both sides, Mai. Astor's Clown, The waled: is a Russian blouse, open in front over a French red fatirt WaiSt welch is substituted ler ono of White on same wee - stone. Trimming the sell•t there are long betide of the braid that (tome down each side of the froat and curve aroend the Skirt at the head or an undulating Munroe weice growe wider in the back. With tele suit a very large bineit hat Is worn. It turns up in the heels with a big, bow and there ie tL ewer:ping plume around the brim, Black euede gdoveti complete tide very elegant street gown. The idea, that the boots, gloves ana the hat make the Mi. 'IMMO 10 one that grows upon ems title season. The extreme neatness or the new shoes, with their polisie ed leather sides, their brilliant 'ape and their soft tops, excites admir- ation and respect. They are heavy, these neve spring shoes, and very sensible, though they do not go about branded with that ammo tion. It le really thee to put on new shoes in limply every part of the country, Aft soon 08 anew le past the low shoes are brought out and women who like to look neat around the feet welcome this economical escape from the easily roughened high top boot. Many New York women weer low shoee ail winter, and so prevalent was tills cordon& during the Last sea,- 00,/•••••••••••,./•••••••=,101.AMIII.MeMI, stiould t You will wept a sheath skirt, as (-Wee as profitable arotina the ]tips and ns fell as ate orchid around the foot. Tim orchid skirt Is one er tile new fikirts. So is the morn- ing glory skirt witiell le extremely Tee flounbe can be eine that is isointeti fie tee top. It Min be cut in great points NO that only ten of them are needcdi to eneompafie the skirt. The bottom hangs straight and even and is finifibed by a hem. . Around the tepee!' the flounce there are narrow black velvet ribbons run, and these are threaded in and out or a band of inse.rtlon which finishes the top of the flounce. At the top of each point there comes a little black velvet bow. The belt peed be only a band of in- sertion with narrow black velvet run through le Two -inch -wide insertion makes a good belt. Tide season so many pretty belts are made ot insertion. The kind that will aecommodate a ribbon is used and the velvet ribbon is run at top and bottom. Any color may be chosen and the belt is so inexpenelve that one can have half a dozen-. one for each suit, run with ribbon te match. -• A charming way to finish the wrists of yonr summer dress is with a, ruffle of the printed muslin. Be- tween raffle and sleeve use a strip of insertion for a ear and; run two narrow ribbons through it. A great Many summer 'wrists are cut very low in the neck to set over a, yoke of white lace. This pretty fashion permite the leaving otf the yoke foe evening and dinner occa- sions. Tae only neck lintel required for the waist is the little black vet - vee ribbon elm through insertion. • The stock is a eimple matter of needlework with velvet run through, At one side of the bust there may be. a big- elm of black velvet rib- • bon. And for the hair you will need another chou of black velvet to match the one at, the beet Crisp %Veit() Gowns. Society giele who &est: a great CROWN Oin 'Man POINT AND BRIM FACED WITH TUTeLE AND ROSES. son that clergymen preached against It and doetoes iveee intervieweil up- on ins 111 effects. Even tvitit the open worked stockings were the low shoes worn arid New York women actually trod the snow and tramped tee ice with these Priscilla shoes buttoned by only a single buitton at the ankle. The Priscilla, or the colonial, tie of spring has made its rippearance. 11. Is low and rather wide In the toe. It is high lei the heel, but, after the Cubanpattern, not the Freeeli heel style nor the Lends Quiuze, The Spring Shoe. The heel, while high. Is square and supports the ankle. There is a big gut metal buckle upon the instep and the sleep has a tongue. Behind the tongue theve la a little strap and batten, The sole is heavy and tt ite to be doubted if fair woman, with her protective petticoats, will surfer in health from this style of low elute, A woman who dream; remarkably well -and wbo gnould do so -.1f1 Mrs. Clatrieft Dana Gibson. An hebittual attendant at the rOge show, a wo- man of magnificent physiceus, 0 fasii- tenable woman, in one sense of the word, she is beautifully gowned at all times. Site wears the tailor made types, softened be invert and etilffone. Mee. 0. II. P. Belmont tnakee you target she is te grandmother when you see her bronze gold hair brush - e(1 away from her teinplea in great curVes, while 'the 'front is brought (town in the eyebrow putt ;Stria Beimental favorite color is often anti this spring she is timer - leg 0 marvelous leaf-greencloth trimmed with geld and black braid. There is a long cloak ot black trim- med with brala down each Nide of the front anti there are bell eleeves bor- dered with. the brilliant braid. tor Summer. • lt is time to 'be out and buying, the milliliter gown. You tem do fte for a very little, The lovele pleated 11108- 11no are very eheap and there are figiired elii none. elanonettes they are ealitel, that make leveev trimmings. The. Violate prints nee excellent and the, art nouveau meshes quite throw - into ti ehade the mercerized goods white) the eentre of Um stage as an attraetion Iteit :11,11 1' Mild elm year betore. Why not get 71 'ample Mite printed 1111181121 Mel itunke it up in the way it Steps the couglt and Works ()tribe Cold. LaxatiVe 13routo-Quinine Tablets Dore le Cold to one day. No Care, No Pay. Price WS centre. teSeerilliai,Aienes. Atso erea--To VY "Pt' ittleln• eilaress emtlinee fit home. anywhere; flay rat -teethes: terietly gamine employment. Mertes Exteleloretrin. ufaeturing Co., Station If, eleveiand, 0. (real and have a great many gowns are ,eelectiug the (wisp materials wlecli arc fashionable this year. These materials give an appearance of youth that cannot be obtained front any other kind of &tuff. They are crisp and creel', young and naturati looking, quite different from the claw:nig, aeollietic type, so - tinned, and for a change very re- hashing. just how they will tand the wind and the weather, the sea breezes and the mountain fastnesses, Lt will be for summer to disclose'. When fleet made they are charming. Flounces are varied by trimmings of white eatiribbon To make a flounce trimming get a whole piece of white satin ribbon, baby width. 'Take it and tie it into a rosette or sew it into one, if you are not expert enough to tie it. Let there be several long Ipopti to tie it. Take this rosette, . witch must be asbig and ite firm as a white love apple, and faaten It at tile upper edge of the Belinda If de - aired yott can place melt a rosette at Intervale ail the way around the ekit a or eau can use tiiree rosettes to trim lee trent of the skirt, one TEE'CIIING TIME Is the CrItteal Age In the Life of all Little Ones. During the teething period great care Otani be taken of baby's health. The little One saftere greatly; the gums are hard and Inflamed, and any disorder or the etoinach or bowele fnereases the peevisitneee of tlte chid, and often fatal reeints Alothee's gletatest aid at this period hi Beare Own Tabletstite 4,Iirest or till remedies In miring the Minor ailments of children. Among the many met:hers who testify to the value of these Tablets is Mrs. R. B. Ilielfford, Glen Sutton, Qua, who toys: "My little baby suffered much from teething and indigestion. pro- cured 0 bee tet Tenbyet Olen Tablets and it work: a wonders in baby's een- ditionatil tact, I believed it saved my little one's Me, 1 sincerely believe that where noW ninny a iteme le Sad- dened theough death of a little one, joy would bit 'supreme if Ult•se Tab - tete lute been used. 1(40411(1er them belga 'Mee. doetor :aid would not be wliliout theta" linbeee Own Tab) ds when given in Record:Mee with the (*venom; pre- \ mit reetleteineee end nervousness - euro ewer, allteeeoea, Naciati. intflon, ttoffe. and *11..Rtoinaelt thlarn 11 I 0011 10 eontain no opiate fir other linemial drug. By (Resolving a Tablet in weter it eau be given with ab-oline sefet •• to the very yonsigefit .5,11 by druggiete, or direct by tufa, pite• peke at elei rents -It bOV, be findreeeing Dr. wimatio3 Meilleine tie., Ilreektill,, reit. A TALK WITH GIRLS.. How to Obtain Bright Eyes and Rosy Cheeks Pete Anaeuile end Pessily Tirea Girls Offen Vail a Prey to tem- . fmnititioto In young, girifi we look for aimed - 00 health 0,11d etrengtit, rite/ cheeee, bright fvos, firm, plump flesh and conetant cheertuineem. Dow of ten, bowever, we metit yoling g•iris Wtio iseeni prentaterely *1111, ;effete, vile, lietlees, title feud irri- table. 7,11080 abnormal and date gerone cenaltinee are due to a gen- eral weaktieve or the blood, and should be cored jnet promutly ati possible, or kite whole life or the patient, will be rained, IS, indeed, decline and tonsemption do not ePeedily follow. Dr. Williams' Pink kills for Pale People are the eat- , ural, logical and eure euro tor weak girls. leese Pills nutire rah, red Motel with 0Very doge, 'levy etreegthen the uervee, net upou the allele system, end bring heititit, strength and happiness to those Wilt) gee them, Airs. nirent Tangier, await Pel- ham township, Weilaliti county, Ont., Says: 'It is with pleasure that I glee Ode lee/bete to tip• health -restoring virtues of Dr. *t11 1111)111*' Ptak Pills. Wean my daugh- ter Lena begau the use of your medicine, site was in a most wreten- fel eonfiltion. lo lace, We tvere Here misty alarmed )(ea elm might Lot, re'ciover. (rho symptoms were a reeling of languor 'and we:droves, gradually growing worse, She be - CD MO pale, 10/4t liege, luel little or nu appetite, aml was apparently going into a decline. Family the trouble bectune eornielea,ted with a pert:dist:mit sore throne, wheal gave her great difficulty in swallowing. She was placed under the care of deetor, who said her blood waft poor and watery, and her whole eystem badly run awn. Um doe - toes treatment did not help her inuela and then, eating on the advice er a neighbor, I began to give her Dr. Williams' Pak Pills. 'lee opens tierce with which this tnedieine wag urged liPon ne was uot misplaced, ea I soon tioriced a distinct Im- provement in my daughter's coati - %lox/. The Lute of the pille for Knee weeks completely restored bee, and from that time rho has been a cheerful, lightheerted girl, the very picture of ;health." • ,Teese pills never fail to reetore health and strength in cases like the above. .Through their nation on the blood and nerves they also tare sueb, diseases as rheutuettism, eclat:Ica, at. Vitus' dance, indiges- tion, kidney trouble, partial par- alysis, ate. There are many HO - (mile& touic pills, but they are all mere' imitatione of this great med- icine. Be sure that you get the genuine with -the fail name, "Dr. '1Villiame' Pink Pills for Pale People," on every box. If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent poet paid at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5a by addressing the Dr. William% Medielate Co., Brookville, Ont. above the other, with aix inches be- tween. The abort -sleeved girl of stonmer le certainly here, and fete will remaiu and multiply. The sleeve that is chop- ped off at the elbow; Is the sleeve that will be worn in Auguat. There 1,9 nothing difficult about ate making. It IR cut aft nnd finished with a vuffie of 'the dress material, that is att- end very eimple it 18. There are fancy ways of making tease shotre sleeves. They can be cut off above the elbow and completed with a wide, sharp cuff, vvitich turner back and stands out like a Louis Quinze cute. Or the sleeve can be cut off below the elbow and !intellect in the same way, A lovely cuff place& the elbow In a bag with a cuff beioiv the elbow, n ad the calf la finished with hanging lace. There is one sleeve that is most beautiful of all. It Ls the great kim- on0 sleeve, and it is made out or mus- lin, lawn, cloth or velvet. It is large and constantly grows larger. lerom being tight at the ehouicler it gradu- ally widens until it is perfectly an- meeee around the hand, while it Mimeo a beautifully gorgeone lining. The °uterine of the sleeve Is trim - men. not always with a band of vel- vet but sometimes, with straps of in - 'martian, 1111 be a ligbtweight sleeve, ihe strape extending up the arm,. A sleeve is worn beneath this, and tbe more delicate the underaleeve is the prettier. It should be or a ooft Louteine silk, of beautiful hue, and so fine In its texture that it wilt' crum- ple like a web, yet shake out again; without a. wrinidei TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Ali druggists refund the money, if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature Is on each box. 25a. Notes of the elocieft. 13lue fashion's favorite. Black and white between -seasons hats Falls flowers, worn by smart women. • An etamine gown of pale biscuit hue and a black silk coat, the swag- ger costume of the hour. White cloth gowns, very smart but only for dress occasioes in town. auede gloves slowly forging to the front. One large pearI clasp the pro- per fastening. . Dame Farallon has issued the man- date that stocks ittuet Match the gown. The new and very 'desirable thin summer fabrics, with woVen border, are not only very goorl style, but ee,onomical as well,. fie the 'border serves for trimming. , Three -flounce ekirts are announced no a favored -model for summer "tub" gow118. Beatitirtil trimming effects are boar obteleied from the new' °repo and gauze ribbona Decidedly the fashionable shirt- waist to the white one. , A wide collar and Mine Of pure Whito relish cruellet lace le considered an -exceedingly Mart finish for a silk gegen. • The latest crepe de chine. Jaren bo- porteti, has a satin finish that re- gemblee louleihe er crepe de Paris. A boet ot ntoire or satin that 11e fiat agetinst the heir in the back is the universal tinish Or this seasoe'e hate. Box pleating is tnnell Mover than tucks for 'skirt adoreing. It Is predicted that by 011(1011=3er the high steel Will he worn only 'With gowns or ceremony or tor etreet Wear. Stole ettrets are itthong the sea. noterf trilimang noveltiee, end are sew) tqa 'many When. Steenee are eltnely bat fairele grow - Ing lergee. " e . 4145Zill Y• -t -641‘. EXPERIMENTAL FARM. WORK. The isolation"er 1,2*44 t1*te11er. 2)0.1ar- 1411.Y reevaing hem) OV0I1P41110P, 10 14W 441)1181' 4141ykt or vettiement 14* otamla, iirPt lilot ont oll teuell ivitli threw liest -eaten:dal to neelet him in 1/1$ 1V0VIC ;. 10 41 largo extent this aiefibilite has been removed by a *evident a Experimental Valens, es - table -tiled in known centree, to width fietr'r '111141:1":01 III difficulty. ()Opel, Jestione of the most convince:it; eletriwter have beeu preeented to tbe Matte thole - minds of ,farmers wito have visited titeee regale in pPr1400, Mid tbe visit - :ire have tetrried earlier with them infornettioe which 111:10 1.10441 PIAto practiced i(0it 011 their own fame with the result or lie:Teased profits In their businese. Fifteen yenea ago both the farmer and farneng oceupled tt much inferior potation to that taken toeitty. With edvanta 10101.100,t10/1 1110 f211111Pr'S material prosperity ham been tinge -tented and lee status dignified. Tile syetemittie testing of emulat- ing varieties of agricuttitral crops obteinable lit different parts or the worid has hail an edueetional el - feet. Upwarde. of :30,000, farmers have partitipaten annually in the distribution or seeds. During- the past six years about sixty tons or seed have been yearly ilistributed for this purpose. And thus Dm Min- ister of Agriciulture has, to use his own words, "pinned Canadian ferm- ent in the vat as to knowledge or the beet and most productive sorts of agrieultural producta" Joist Vear,a During the pee1 year, at the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, at Otte. Wa, the work in fleia agriculture Itits principally tenuraced the study of rotations, the testing of meth - oda of cultivation, and Lite deter- mining of the cost of proauction of digestible dry matter 10 dinar. exit forme, valuable data along whieli 'ince have been obtained. In animal husbaetiry experiments lute() been, and itre still being, rionducted to as- certain the valuer, of differeut feed- ing stuffs, both coarse and concen- trated, for the prodeation of nalk., beef, mutton and pork. An effort is being made, :deo, to gain some information 1115 to the comparative economy of feeding ratione of nar- row. and wide nutritive ratios for tiu• production of milk, end to ns- eerinin their influemee upon the quality of the milk produced. A ser- ies of experimenter, having in view the determination or the influence of the time of milking upon the quantity and quality of milk pre- dated by COWS., has just been con- cluded, and the reenter ere both in- tereeting and conclusive. Reenomy in Feeding. Comparative economy of feeding steers has been Studied, and with :them work has been done to as- certain the beet conditions for the prociwetion, ef good mutton careasees by breeding, as well as by feeding, it being ivell to know that botb factors enter materially into the results. In pork production the in- vestigations have been maae along tile limes of economy of different feeding stuffs, and their effect upon the quality of the finished produet. The entomologist has had a busy year in attendtng 1.0 same 3,000 let- ters c,oneerning Itis branch, and spec- ial attention has been paid to hoses- tigatione of the life histories °Comity injarloae and beneficial insects, and the study of !the improvement of remealea Horticultural Work. In horticulture, the principal ex- periments with fruits has been to determine the hardiness, productive - 'less, quality and freedom from dis- ease of the different varieties; but experiments in different methods of Propagating, grafting and cultivat- ing have nig> been conducted. In the investigatiou and treatment of die - eases of fruits much progrese has been made. . At the Central Experimental Farm experiments with crostebreeding seed- ling erab applea which have shown themselveg hardy enough to endure the unfavorable eihnatie, conditione .aaf Winter 10 the itortiervest country, promising a . will be propagated for further dis- ti•lbut ion. Tillage leeedIng. The relation, of eover crops and surface tillage to the moisture con- tent of soils was tne aubject of an experiment which included the esti- mation ot the moisture fortnightly throughout the summer and au- tumn in orchard soils, both under a cover erop of clover and ander en- tivation. The data obtained are of particular interest to orchardists and fruit growers. In reddens and feeding stuffs, many milling and other by-products upon our markets, Including the various meals, from the maneracture of corn- starch as produced in Canada, liave been analyzed, and their relative feeding value determined. Protein and fret are the two most important con- stituents, and it will be according to the percentages in which they exist that these feeds meet be valued. The composition of the ordinary farm roots has agate been a matter ef vesearch, and it was found in the examination of mangels that the por- tion el the root growing above ground contained considerable keg sugar than the portion beneath the soil indicating the value of "earth- ing up,", as well as the grovetit of each varieties as possetis a natural tendency to keep undergeound pre - 1 vitied, of (-mire% that t hey give a Sat- . ietentetry yield. bort Perk hooky, The work Ili eenneetkill with tho cort pork invitigatIon, begun 4vome three yeare, ago, luxe iteen broegue L*** a knoornAfhl 0W4c1Lij01Q111 anOt eluting other deductione, IL may be notal titat tile quality or the pork produeeil tie etnitrolied eery largely Ity the character of the food twat, and that, whet Indian core and beanie undoubtedly tend to tne pro- iltreatin of•hica pork, One teadenat eleur 414 a large niefetrare, lee ceeitteer- teeted by the wei• or hu up.sralk. It was found that with all cat:sees or rations fk m -milk invuriably MIND a firmer pork titan tile name ration Without 'it in-mille During the past year ai1 eamplett were receivell at the ram laborite toteee for examination, and (emit Pre'tad 10115, 14'041141g Stuffs', fertilizers, toad tee on, and vvitere resell:a or an- aleses would Ise or more than pert tenter luterest to the sendere they Mt ve been published. • 4 1 DIU illg the 'twelve neoethe ending with tie, teat or October 9,10*1 doeets of tuberculin 'were prepared ann fort \yarded by this division to the (iota er n 27) en t V et ex !nary I 'Isere tore. 111 t ho Poultry Department fltIeeess.. fel teats have Peen made as to metier mat of feeding to bring abont tint large -it pyre -Motion of eggs at the time when thee' eomenand tee itigheot pr Q414. A. table showing the relative value or different 'eerie of poultry tor eptarly Mei profitable fattening, was tee rPHIllt Of further expert -- menus; and a emnparison has been inntle of Oifferent breeds -an to their powers of annual egg production. NEW YORK'S p DRESS FADS. swagger gowns aro =71e 01 wlate taffeta, in what is termed tailor Saahlon, but this includem elaborate trimminge of lace, wtneh completely dieguise any attempt toward' a tailor finish. -Motile of lace are meet at inters -eel over the blouse coat finished with a hice collar, and the skirt 111 groups of tucks all around with narrow pa.nele of lace betweem while va- nes of lace fluish the hem. If the numerous- models shown at the openiugs are any test or keen- ing popularity, the pOngee gown is going to flourish ibis season, not only In its natural color, but in white and pale green, the latter a most lovely shade which seems to give aa extra gloss. Pongee in Gm ecru tints is made up becomingly with bands of blue, green or red silk stitched on in varions designs, which add wonderfully to the eftect. Tho green pongees are prettily trimmed with white. Another revival in materials is the mall cheeks 0111011 appear in 0 variety- of celoringe, both in wool and silk. Brown and white, tan and white, and green and white are the leaders in color, but the taze of the check curiae. Very quaint and eharmiug is an imported gown of green and white silk check Made with a deep grad- uated circular flounce on which are four narrow pinked retches of the silk, arranged one at the head, one e at the hem, aud the other twet equal distances between. Teel -riches are double box plaited CO they were In the • old (Mae when they were11) hteldert berate. The skirt above the flounee is ent in narrow vertical bands set to- gether with two silk -covered cords, one smaller than the other. The etxlice has a very deep yoke 'back and front and sleeve caps in line with them yoke, ade of white val. enciennes lace insertion over chit - Ion and striped vertically with cords like those in the skirt. Tee lower part of the boater, is gathered into the yoke and belt Y63' lull, with no finieh where It meets tee yoke, except a tiny head- ing formed by the gathers. The sash is of the same silk, striped diagonally with thea lace insertio. TO PRESERVE BEAtTrY. An MnglIsh 11/onlan Hints as to the Making or a rine Complexion. I think a few hints on the ityglene of the skim may prove of service to many or our F&A:. 'Pee world of wo- men ie apt to get divided into two classes -tee women who make a fetich of their complexioes, and the women who do not try to make the best of the natural, Otte that na- ture Las bestowed upon them. Without entering on the vast sub. pet of tile value of relative washes or Metes for the elein. 1 wise to give it few byglenie tante which may be found of service to those who have the womanly instinct of wishing to make the aest of the beauty and health that Providence lets given them. Sleep is one af tile gr o. preseee- mei of youth. Eigat hours ot regu- lar sleep at raget and a. short nap during the day will do much to keep the face free from wrinkles. Always sleep with the bedroom window open a few inches at. the top, both In fiummee and winter. A daily morning bath, tepid In winter and eold in summer, with a brisk rub to follow, will be found to keep the skin fresit and clear. At least a couple of hours must be spent In the open air, either he walk- ing, bicycling or playing games, as circumstances permit. AU tight clothing must be evoid. ed, as it disturbs the circulation, anti 19 often ehe emit of °Merged salmi and red noses. The effort of diet OM the Ain is of the utmost, importance, and many dermattelogiete have made a caretul etudy or thee axpeet of the question. Abstention from all ritth food and stimulants had been teled with suc- cess. A great lady, NVILO was famous even In her old age tor her bertuti. fully clear complexion and freedom from wrinkles', was onee persuaded to teti the secret of ifer yo.ititrul too. The answer was 1e15 Ina) I% Aborthaenco had been tile rule o tier life, No lea, oarroe, or otlatataat or Any kind.; instead or taking animal food try some boiled rash, or a p10 4t of egge every day. Drink broom, ado Or Witter, eat apples, grapes and ftgs regularly. Take the raw teem it telnent every Otter del - 'Never fail to walk severed 181108 per day, llathe freonently In ramost • coki wateT. Above all, never let any, tislag have the power to worry yen, but alive..vo try to romaie calm wad . nheerful, This excellent advice, if possible to fohow, is worthy of ft treed. 1 can enty after Lt to my readers With tile assurance that it has proved amoral, and has helped In more than Wee MVO O preserte youth and beauty. It Is iteedtese to add that 221*18 goes a long way to create hap. pliteee.--Lendon Telegraph. Real SImpliolty Indea Und.er tolituY Wong ue Irv/later, Moire I,,ouisine-Watered efreet on Louisine weave. ukPieletinizia4de gent -Silk WIth. ginyn Satin Liberty-eA richly soft weave without dressing, euggeetea to me. ijwiebiteteY of btylie the heavy, lalig°r°44 Oros de Londre-A. satiny et-oes be- tween 'taffeta anti grofegrain. (Moire Velour -A, Watered silk, tiled witit wool, and so heavy as to re - ramble uncut velvet, ' chameleon Liberty -A sheer change, able silk. Shantung -Pongee, so called from its native place. Tufearre-A much heavier and, soate- itInit teh% OnaglitUrre<. all00101'.4.11 mwaealrbeia ahladii° rigured In white, Satin foulard -A atin rinisited twit', light weight, .Pean de elygne-Itich weave, not heavy, euggesti.ve of the swan's lovely coat (skim 'die -translation). tpe Crepe de clone -Fine silk ehluetie ex Satin de chine --A bit heavier with a satin finish. Peau de eteleaLeether finished ef- rtIotuleine-A repoussee weave. - Habutel-China silk. be mbrey gauze -Cobweb -like gauze, eainted, with satin stripes. Pone de sole -A. very heavy greet grain wita a heavy satin neigh ; the Ilari30 rfere to its splendid weigat. 'raft eta -A, fine smooth, weave, which hae been eubjeeted to prose sure and heat. JAP SERVANTS IN DEMAND. Varied Work Well Done by Mew - W omen Also Employed, "Sometimes it seems as though the servant problem will be 'solved by the enbetitution of Japanese men and boys for women in every department houeehold work," said the pro- prietress of an intelligenee office up- town; traere servants of all nation - elides are provided. "The dernana for Japa.nese servants le Increasiug every month, and we are beginning to get S0428 Japanese girls to go out as maids, although ;they do not care for domestie work t* at all heavy, "Tile men are inuch in demane and 041D get good wages. They do their {work with great capability, but they are parte:mina an tO their treatment, and wiit not etay tu a place where they are riot appreciated. "They make the best cif nooks, valets; waiters and buribes: ' They aro eober, honest, and their neatuetts and quiet ere proverbial. " ,Tapanese men and boys are going out by the dozen e now to fill places tormerly filled by women. But it is est 'valets that ehey shine. Many or them are employed in the bachelor aparitement bowies as co-operative vitle "Each tenant has a daily visit rrom the valet, who airs and duets rooms, co/teats laundry work, makes beds and brushes and presses clotheatbat may be left out for him. The charm of the japanese servant is his un- obtrusiveness and instinctive polite- - ne""ior this co-operative service. each man pays $1 or $2. a week, according to the Work required. It is a very email sum for the service rendered, leut when fifteen or twenty menem- ploy the valet it mounts LIP to a goodly surn, 'taken in connection with tips. "It veould be impossible to find a woman who could give service 48 a 0o -operative maid to women, mak- lug a round of calls each day among customers. It seems odd that women do not realize the possibilities there IWO in ibis line for money making. "Any trumber or women would glad - pay for the daily brushing and mending of gowns aid other smell servleen that eould be rendered in an hour or two at most. But while a. number of women now look tor employment as vieitirig malese, their demands are absurdly high. A dol- lar an hour is the price that most of them' ask. "Women's odd ideas of the differ- ent rauke of domestic work will al- waye react a,gainst their succese as good servants. The nuree considers herself above the chambermaid, and the chambermaki classee herself altered of the eook. "A girl who learns to do manicur- ing at once scores to do Mending, There is a social gulf between, the girl who files nails and heti wee merely curls hair. "The Japanese mart servant goes at his work with the right idea.. He wishes to do it well, and thoreughly volume his excellenee. Ite oes not like to mix with other servants, nor Is Ina apt to be poptilar With other help, but he is rarely discharged for incempoterety. "We have placed some Tapneloss girle es 'nurses la private fellatio". They Wear tite dress of their mien - try and look very quaint and pretty abettt a Weise. Then there are states Sapattesti ladies' minele."--X. tr. nere Sufferers From Itching Piles Who Pound quick relief and Lasting Cure fn the the of Dr. Chatte's Ointment. Ir erea 001114 read It few( of the lettere/ Whiiall etatte to these oftleee !tom peestalef Who have been freed from the inieerlee Of itching: bleeding, or pretruding plies, you math] seen realize the marvelous power et thin wonderful preparation. nere aro two seMple lettere which show the heartfelt gratitude of cured :meet Mr. John Tuttle, expressman 107 Stewert street, Kingston, Ont., statee: "Like Mott Meta who'd° much driving, sitting a great deal, and often exposed to da.mpness, 1 ha've been a great sufferer front piles. At at matter or feet, I had Wes tor it Mitilber ot Yearn, and tried nearly eVerything 1 onnid 'teak or In a Vein effort to get cured, but only) suceeeded when 1 used Dr. Clitase'sl Ointment, The first application of thin grand preparation brought me rellet front the dreadful itching, burning sensations, lendiless than twe bolten model 0 perfect' and permanent enre, ant grateful, tot thie freedom trotn fluttering, and desire °there ter• belletitt by my experience with) Dr. Chaise's Ointment." Mr. 11,Kelly, coboarg, Out., etates: "I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment for itehing Vitae atel can trait. fully say that it has entirely_cured Ine. OnlY persons Who hare Mulared the torture of itching piles ran hare any idea of what I suffered. Dr. Chase's Ointment brought me prompt relief from the nalsery, and has matte- & 0161'01110 'Mee. I ern thatliffill tier title 'remedy because it has Merle life worth living, / cannot Nay enough In reooinnlendation of Dr. Chase's OintMent." Dr, Chase's Ointment has no worthy' Altar 'as a cure 'for itching pitee -and itching akin dlioases. It is possessed or tiertran plwers over these alit/MAN which Imitators are nnable to reproduce. Vol eit he ahr.0. lutely sure of the rpose's Ointment bringing relief Anil eurq. it Is lutehea be the testitnet.y of GI. p.onbe In alt parts or utio.t.ia, i11 ppots 41 box at ell dealers, or tette:Alison tiatee & Co,, Teroelo.