The Wingham Advance, 1902-04-24, Page 129T11 TEAR, NO, 34.
Capital $2,500,000
Reserve • - • $2,500,000
stow ;BLOCK.
A General Banking Business
Falterers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances wade on same.
Drafts bought and sold on all
points in Canada, United States and
tiptIn Brest allmid owed on deposits of $1.00 and
and 31st December eaoh principal 34th June
A. E. WBSON, Manager
Vanstone, Solicitor.
Seeds.—T, 4.. Mills,
Dress.—Ritchie & Campbell.
A Great Sale,—D. M. Gordon.
Flour, Seeds, etc. --A. H. Carr.
Special Sale.—E[. E, Isard & Co: ,
Jewelry for A11.—Thomas' Bazaar.
Cement and Litne,--F. Gutteridge.
Real Estate Topics.—T, J. Maguire,
Rouse Cleaning.—Jnn, & Jas. B. Kerr.
Men's Outfitters,—R, H. Crowder Co,
See Halsey ,Park's advt.
Special line of pantings at Maxwell's.
W. J. Greer spent Tuesday in To-
Albert Green of Listowel spent Sun-
day in town,
Speeiai Sale now on at Isard & Co's.
See advt, on page 5.
John Chapman of Ripley, spent Sun-
day with friends in town.
H. E. Isard & Co. have placed a new
safe in their oflics this week.
Jos, McDonogh and Ben. Anderson
of Toronto visited at Jim, McDonogh's
this week.
The family of Mr. Morrison, G. T. R,
baggagetnan have arrived in town
from Listowel.
RAIN• CoatING.—Get one of Crowder's
Rubber Coats. Special at .$3.25.
MINI and Robt. Manuel, and Js
Thornton cacovg from Listowel on'Sat
urdtty to visit friends.
Ben. Jenkins is building a house on
the lot he recently purchased from Dr.
Irwin, pn Diagonal street.
The Baptist church has been re-
sbingled this week. Wm. Moore and
It, Kinsman did the work.
Fon SALE.--Aood, sound mare, 4
yrs. old.—Apply 11. Davis, Wingham.
Misses Yanet and Lilly Anderson left
on Tuesday morning for Hespeler,
where -they have sectired situations.
Bert. Winfield of Whitechurch is a
new employee at T. A, Mills. He
commenced his duties on Monday.
• Phil. Wade, formerly with Alf. Se-
bastian, now wields the tonsorial im-
plements in Leslie Constable's shop.
Fon SALE. --A good, sound 7 year
old mare ; also second hand buggy.—
Enquire at A. 13. Carr's Flour & Feed.
Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
No. 26, 0. 0. F. on Friday evening.
A full attendance is requested, as a
:natter of interest is to be considered,
James McICelvie has purchased the
restaurant stock of W. A. Johns and
at present is holding the fort at both
eplaces, The old stand is still as pop-
ular as ever for ice cream, etc.
Flour and Garden Seeds, 2 papers'
for 5c—at T. A. Mills.
Tho Young People's Society of the
Presbyterian church will have a social
in the lecture room of the church on
Friday evening. A good program is
being prepared. Al.lare cordially wel-
Beattie Bros. have become mend/ere
of the Coal Association, and thus will
keep in touch with the leading mar.
kets; they expect several carloads
shortly and promise close competition
in prices.
Dance:mt SALE of Misses' Shoes,
sizes 11 to 2, at Greer's, on Saturday
next. See window.
II E. Isard & (lo, require extra
space this week to set forth their
facilities for supplying bargains for
the spring season. See their price list,.
or ask kr one of their dodgers and
study it.
Farmers' Excursion to Guelph on
ICineardine flee Thursday, June i}:
tloderich line, $;fate 2Q. The lxperi-
mental Earn) will be as specially inter.
esting place this seesen acting to new
headings, &e,
nouns= Wafer.—Apply to M:rs,
0, '', StPitlt, Diagonal road,
Mr. John McIntosh bas been chosen
township clerk et Grey. Ile succeeds
the late Wm. Spenee and will receive
se salary of $175 per annum. 141x, Mc.
Intosh was formerly a Ached teacher
but is note farming on the 5tlh conces-
sion of Grey, •
irg>l f3 -4t,[1 t5I E4p.-1 comfortable
and convenient dwelling with good
Bolden and stable, In the village of
elgrave. Terme to Suit purchaser,
Apply to T. J. Magnlre, Real Estate
Agent, Wingham
Mr. Menners spent Srtnday in Olin -
ton. Moe Manners is improving as
rapidly pu 1
ly as can be expeCced, Whit:'
there,. Mr, M, received word of the
death of a relative, Mrs, Thorbnrn
Amberley, and he attended the fungi .al
on Monday,
Dr, Chisholm Is having his old stn'ee
palled clown, and will build a new o e.
There will be an improvement in tl
appearance of that part of Patrick
street, when the doctor's now house is
completed and other changes contem-
plated are made.
Special in Ties for Saturday at Orow-
der's, just in. Choice 25 cents.
100 hags of Goose wheat for seed, for
sale at T, A. Mills',
Tuesday of this week was unnsnallY
warm. The London Free Press re-
ports it as the warmest April day for
twenty years. New York reports it
the warmest 22nd of April since 1886.
Wednesday morning brought a± decid-
ed and sadden drop in temperature,
The open meeting of the R. T. of T.
held in their lodge room on Tuesday
evening proved very interesting, The
ladies of the W.0,T.U. furnished part
of the progt'tttu, which consisted of
readings, n'usk, etc, The R. T. lodge
is in a prosperous condition and n.p.
pears to iso very much alive.
FOR SALE. --A convenient and cent-
fortable cottage on Sharer street ; de-
sirable situation ; hard and soft wet er;
terms reasonable. Enquire at Aclve nee
office, Wingham. 81-34
Sad •News.
On Tuesday of last week, Mr. acrd
Mrs. Kinsman received the sad news ;,f
the death of their son Fred., of Phc*
nix, Arizona. He was in his 29th year,
The Football boys have issued their
annual tickets, and expect a success-
ful season. The first game of the year
is annouficed for Friday, 21th inst., on
the Park here, between Wingham and
AU Carpets and Oil -cloths to be
cleared out at T, A, Mills'.
Wingham branch of West Huron
Prohibition Alliance will begin the
campaign for the general election at
once, by opening committee rooms,
for the purpose of stndying the voters
lists and preparing for a canvass of
their territory.
Next lionday`i3veniin g , 'fli"e#re"'tif'a
� r
meeting of Wiegharn Council of
Chosen Friends will be held. Let
there be a full attendance. Mr. Fer-
guson, delegate to the Grand Council
will have something of interest to say
to the Council.
Have you seen Maxwell's New Suit-
ings? If not, you should.
Good Advice.
Don't bet on the elections. • Aside
from the moral principle ineolved it is
foolish to gamble on a subject where
your enthusiasts impairs your judg.
ment. If your party wins there is joy
enough in the victory, if your party
loses, wby give your opponents tbe
double happiness of a party triumph
and your money besides ?
Auction Sale.
On the Market Square, Saturday,
May 3rd, a solid walnut -ease Organ
(Geo. Wood's make) ; a Refrigerator,
and other useful household effects, all
in good condition. Terms—$10 and
under, cash ; for the rest, three months
credit on approved d pp Hued nota. Parties from
the country will find it to their advan-
tage to attend. Sale begins at two
o'clock sharp.—J. Cumin, Auctioneer.
To The Soo.
A party of fourteen leave to -day
(Thursday) for Sault Ste. Marie. There
are in it --James Elliott, his daughter
Maggie, his sister Mrs. Walters, his
danghters•in-law, Mrs. John and Mrs.
James Elliott; also Fred. Walters, Mrs.
Piewes and family of Eeeter. They
go by boat from Kineardine. Messrs.
John and Jas. Elliott have been there
some time, and report prospects for
business at the booming northern
town very bright,
MONEY To LOAN—At 4 per cent. on,
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment; expenses light. Apply A.
Dunnage, Real Estate and Loan
Agent, Uhisholin Block.
A Eine gorse,
Mr. Jobe T. McKenzie of the 2nd
con. of Kinloss, on Tuesday last, sold
to a Montreal horse buyer one of his
fine team of heavy draught horses for
the magnificent sum of $350. He was
without doubt the best horse over sold
in this section, and the buyer who got
hila said he was the most perfect team
horse in Canada and will be used by
the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. of
Montreal. He weighed 1$q0 popnt3s,--
fLucknow Sentinel.
"Pita 3ridlO ttr.
Oft throi;gla (Ate stillpese Of the stint'
tiler night
We see the Rt'ick-Bat take his rapid
And, 'with unerring aim, descending
He Meets a cat on the back -garden
The little Ilrick-lat could net fly
OI:, no, there is a power liehini4 the
go to J, 11 Mulholland, Gerrie, for
i a snes
a dtla photo. Ile solicits A trial
BILL POSTING, --- Apply, to Palmer
Morden, Winghtnn,
17nt Office tion. ...��.._.,....,_.,.
We are informed that the petition
for the eereetlonofbuildinf(suitablsfor
Postoffice and Customs office, has been
largely signed, The vacant lot on the
corner of John and Diagonal streets
would. be a central and excellent posi.
tion for a fine government building..
DUTCIi SETS, -3 lbs. for 26c, at T. A,
1'0 Sonia >, ,'-,.,
W, 11. Wells of Glenannart left on
Tuesday for South -Active. alis desti-
nation will either he Pretoria or Jo-
hannesburg. Be will be there ready
to entbrece any opportunity that may
present Itself tvhen the war closes, as
it is expected it soon will, \Vu have
heard. since writing the above that Mr.
P. Wells accompanied his son, He is
70 years of age, and has never heen Ill
a day. The travellers were ticketed
to London, England, by H. Davis,
agent for tine ::,lar: 1:ne 1:nof steamers.
Water, '.
Now that a device has been e iscover-
ed for secnring water for waterlog the
streets, we hope the question of do-
mestic purposes will not be indefln:re-
ly shelved, The need isjust atfsgreat s
ever. Water for the streets can now
he taken front the flume to the water
works, by tapping the Burne and let-
ting ie run into the cart. All it will
cost the town is $30 paid to Howson
& Co, for tbe water, and a few dollars
for the attachments. The Councillors
who devised the arrangement have
saved the town heavy expense for
water for street watering. Either
water for household purposes or sower
system will soon be a necessity.
FIT PRIVATE S.1LE.—A. quantity of
furniture and hnnseneld effects ; call
at any time.---! ". 0. McIvor, Patrick
So far as we know, the populations
of the municipalities in Huron county
have not yet been published in detail.
We give them herewith from the cen-
sus of last year, and also from the as-
sessment roll of previous year (1900) :-
Goderich (tp.)
IIo iyick
Wawonosh West
Wawauosh East
Olin ton
Ass's Roll.
Butter Wanted.—If you want to
make most of your Butter, get our
Creamery boxes. Eggs 1.2c.
Town Council.
Council met on Monday evening to
consider the application of the P. R.
Cumming Mfg. Co„ Toronto, for the
building and plant of the Iron Works.
All the members of Council were pres-
ent except Conn. Bell. Several com-
munications from the company were
read. The best offer they could make
was ;$10;000, payable in twelve equal
annual instalments. References had
been made to the Ontario Bank, and
Dunn agency; reports from these were
read and were fairly favorable, It
was also reported that a traveller of
the firm of Win. Buck & Co., stove
manufacturers of Brantford, had stat-
ed his firm might come here. The
Mayor had written thein, and their re-
ply was to the effect that they contem-
plated taking no action while negotia.
Mons were pending with another firm.
After full and careful consideration,
the Council decided to more fully in-
vestigate the matter, and It was moved
by Councillors Elliott and Irwin that
Conn's. Mclndoo and VanStone go to
Toronto and investigate more fully.
It was afterwards decided, that as a
practical man, Mr. W. Button woutd
be valuable aid, and he may accom-
pany the committee. A communica-
tion was read from the Canada Puma
tore Mfrs. Ltd., offering to pump wee
ter for the streets at $2.50 per day,
This matter was Left with Messrs. Me-
Indoe and Holmes, as they proposed
using other means in order to fill the
waeter•eart• eft'. Pimnning, of the P,
b, O;ite sling 00,, being in town, was
then invited to the roots. Ills state-
ments Agreed with the reports receiv-
ed, lint it was decided to let the matter
rest until the committee of Connell
had Investigated aril reported. Conn-
ell then adjourned, There is no need
for uueaslness on the part of the rate-
payers, as every member of the Coun-
cil is impressed with the necessity of
caution in the disposal of the betiding
mid. 1t14ns. Theft are very tl,psirnns of
evoi(iing future disappointment and
vexation. lienee 'their decision to
fully investigate offers received.
• Simms ItEPArnitn...-,W e do repairing
and do it rig'it. Bring along your.
ehoet'. 1'V, J, Greer
24, 1902.
$1.09 PER Y
.AR IN .Am r4NcE
Property Changes.
ime ago, A. E. Lloyd purchas-
ed i 'e brick house occupied. by R.obt.
John tun; he has now sold it to Mr.
.loan. (oft, and purchased the frame
house on Leopold street, the late resi-
dene,, of Mrs, Coad, deceased,
Leaving Blyth.
Says the Blyth Standard :---•ilessrs,
Druutntond Bros, have decided not to
tun the flat mill any longer, The fire
discovered in the flax trill on the
morning of the 4th inst., and the num.
erons ()then fires that have taken place
in Blyth during the past two years are
given as the reason for leaving Blyth,
\Ve regret that ottr village is to lose
the Messrs. Drawntoed, as they were
good, houorabie citizens and business
men. If onr village authorities ex-
pect people to stay in Blyth and do
business they must do some more than
they have been doing towards running
down the fire bug.
WANTBD,.Auother carload of good
potatoes. --J no. & Jas. II. Kerr.
Save The Birds.
The Weekly Sun says; --A young lad
wars fined $1 and costs at Wiarton a
short time ago for shooting a robin.
It world be well if the same sort of
punishment were inflicted on young
lads in other sections of Ontario. Gen-
erally, when ever a holiday occurs,
young lads can be found going about
with guns blazing at every bird in
sight. This is not only the most cruel
kind of sport, but the result of it is to
cause the destruction of what is per-
haps. the best friend of the farther and
fruit -grower, Public opinion should
he aroused in this matter to sucb an
extent that further destruction will be
rendered impossible.
East Huron.
The Conservatives( of East Huron
'net in Brussels on Friday last. The
first gnestion taken up was whether a
candidate should be placed in the field.
On this question there was not a dis-
senting voice, and by a unanimous
standing vote, it was decided to con-
test the riding, The following were
then nominated :—Jas. Eowman, of
Morris ; Anson Spotton, barrister, of
Harriston; Jas. Irwin, Brussels; T, E.
Hays. All retired except Mr. Spotton
who received a unanimous nomination
and accepted it. Mr. Spot -ton is a man
who will be a credit to the party and
to the constituency. Though now re-
siding in Rarriston where he practises
law, he is practically a home candidate
Heawas,born in the township.- of Howe
ick, spent his school days there, and is
a property owner in the township,. Be
is a graduate of Toronto University,
holding the degree of B. A. At the
c o e of the convention, the candidate
stet the chairmen from the municipal-
ities and a plan of campaign was map-
ped out ; there will be no public meet-
ings on the Conservative Fide before
Nomination day, Central committee
meetings have been arranged for each
municipality;; that for Morris will be
held in the township hall at 7.30 pan.
on Monday, April 28th, and for Grey.
at Ethel on Friday May 2nd at the
save hour.
A,-5 Men's Spring Overcoats,
travellers' samples, latest rut. worth
$10. Saturday at Crowder's $7.50.
The following circular has been is-
sued by the Public School Inspectors
in this county in reference to the dates
and place and conditions under which
the midsummer examination will be
held :•--High school entrance, June 25.
8,45 a. in,, at Goderich, Exeter, Zurich,
Bayfield, Hensall, -Dungannon,
tail, St, St, Helens and Crediton for West
Huron ; and at Clinton, Seaforth,
Wingham, Brussels, Wroxeter, Ford•
wich and Blyth for East Huron. Part
1 junior leaving or public school leay.
ing, July 2nd, 8.30 a,m., at Goderich,
Exeter, ICintail, Varna, Hensall and
Dungannon for West Huron ; and at
Clinton, Seaforth, Wingham, Brussels,
Cordwich and Blyth for East Huron.
Applications on proper form, together'
with fee ($2), for part one junior leav-
ing or puhlic school leaving, must be
sent in before May 24th. These forms
may be obtained from the public
school inspector, Junior leaving, ;'art
II„ senior leaving, matriculation, pass
and honor, commercial diploma and
commercial specialist examinations.
July 4th, at Godericb, Exeter, Clinton
and Seaforth, Applications for en-
trance mast be sent to the inspector
on or before June 1st. The fee is one
dollar to be paid Stine 25th. Applica-
tions for pnhlie school leaving, junior
leaving, senior leaving and matricula-
tion (high school forms 1, 2, Band 4)
must be sent to the inspector before
May 21th, accompanied by the necess-
ary fee. No aiapiieations can be re-
ceived by the inspector after time date.
Those who intend to write at any ex.
atnination centre in the western in -
spectated diylsion of Huron, most
send their applic.itton, giving names
in full, to J. Elgin Tum, inspector of
public schools, Goderich, and Um*
who intend to write in Eastern diva
sion, to D. Robb, Inspector of public
schools, Brussels. Books containing
Writing, drawing and book-keeping are
not to be presented, as in forjger years,
at the eptr:4gce examination, Oandi.
dates will by supplied: with paper and
Ink by the presiding examiners; but
they mustbring their own pens, rulers,
pendia, etc.
Dr. Butler, specialist In diseases of
eye, ear, nosy and throat. Eyes tested
endlasses seeped, Office n oeitp
St. Andrew's church; Inee4otl, t�t.
r,v s , Lloyd received. Aad news on
Wednesday, of the death of her eldest
son, Mr. Was, Dayton, of 'Portage•la-
Prairie, at the age 44. Typhoid fever
was the cause. Deceased leaves a
widow, three daughtere and one son.
Prohibition Meeting.
A meeting of the.friende of prohibi-
tion will be hold in the Council cham-
ber, Wingham, on Friday evening,
April 20th, at 8 o'clook, for the purpose
of organizing for the corning Provin-
cial election and referendum campaign,
All friends of prohibition are cordially
invited to be -present.
.An improvement will soon he notice-
able in the grounds of the tdethodist
church, The old church has been low-
ered several feet and will be moved
back to the corner of the Iot and :fitted
up as a large closed shed. The old
house on the lot east of the parsonage
and a lot of other old outbuildings are
being removed, A new kitchen will
he built to the parsonage, the contract
having been let to W. A. Green. The
grounds on the south, east and north
sides will be levelled, the frontsodded
and the cement steps completed. At
present the surroundings are not at-
tractive, but before many weeks, an
improvement will be discernible,
School Board.
The School Board held a special
meeting on Monday evening. The re-
solution accepting Miss Robertson's
resignation to take effect after two
months' notice, was rescinded, and it
was decided to allow her to leave; May
1st. To fill the vacancy, the Board en-
gaged Ed, Coulter, formerly principal
of Ripley school, for the months of
May and June, at $50 per month. Had
Miss Robertson remained until the
close of the term, she would bave
drawn salary for the holidays. Mr,
Couites' engagement will end with the
two months, hence in the matter of
salary there will be but Iittle differ-
ence. Mr. 0. will throw himself with
energy into the work of the classes
for the approaching examinations.
$1 25 SHOES FOR 75c—on Saturday
next. See window, at W. J. Greer's.
gijuz"xij . cin
Minsters auclohurch workers generally, are
cordially invited to contribute tt sot ohurok,
newschurches:" ureter this itead(ng,fron their reepoctivi,.
The First Baptist Church et Wood-
stock will be renovated,
Rev. Dean Kilroy has been 28 years
parish priest, at Stratford.
The Anglican Synod of Huron will
meet in London, June 17th.
Palmerston ministers have deckled
not to conduct Sunday funerals, ex-
cept in cases of actual necessity,
At Askin street Methodist church
London, last Sunday morning, Rev. J.
W. Holmes asked the young men of
the church to organize to stamp out
the ballot -stuffing and other disgrace.
rut practices so much in use at elec-
tions of recent years.
A unanimous call from the enngre-
gations of Manchester and Smith's
Hill to Rev. A. E. Camp, of the Psesby-
tery of Kootenay, British Columbia,
was presented and sustained at a re-
cent session of the Presbytery of Hur-
on. The stipend promised is $800, with
The statistical report for the Pres-
bytery of Boron shows progress.
Under the jurisdiction of the presby-
tery there are at present 1818 families
and 4015 communicants, The amount
contributed to schemes of the church,
exclusive of the century fund, was
$0870. The payments for all purposes
amounted to $39,580.
The annual meeting of the Wing -
ham District will be held in the Metho-
dist church, Wingham, on Wednesday
and Thnrsday, May 21 and 22, Minis-
terial session on Wednesday ; general
on Thursday. Each session will open
at 9.30 a. m. It is urgently requested
that all returns numerical and finan-
cial, be complete.
Oa Sunday evening, Rev. It. Robbs
preached an earnest sermon from the
text --"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion,
and sound an alarm in my holy moun-
tain ; let all the inhabitants of the land
tremble ; for the day of the Lord com-
eth, it is nigh at hand,"—Joel 2:1,
Speaking on the question of Prohibi-
tion, the preacher said --"Hon. G. W.
Ross lost the glorious opportunity of
his life of rendering his name immor-
tal. Instead of iftrodlrring a Prohibi-
tory law, as be had promised, or pot-
ting tate question to a vote on a fair
basis, he had switched the matter off
the track by the abominable referen-
Man's best life is dependent npon un-
interrupted communication with its
source --God. He who neglects regular
prayer and Bible study is like a town
whose telegraph and telephone wires
are down, and whose railroads and
othet• means of comintttifcation with
the outer world ore cot off, A disused
Bible ie n. wire down. Neglected pray-
er is a blockade of the main highway.
The hurry trod rush of secular life that
prechtdes daily intercourse with God
are a Chinese wall of exclusion against
God. The first and sure remedy for
spiritual decline is to open up all the
ttveinles of ecanmrunieatfon with Gori,
and see that they are used.---iSuntial•
School `T'ip}esf
4th Contingent.
Among those who enlisted in the
M. Rifles at London for South Afrlc
was Robert Mcl)onogh of Wingha.
The detachment expects to leave fo
Halifax next featarday. Wingbat.
has given her share to the Empire'
defence, as Robert is the fifth your:
man front town to volunteer for se
vice In South Africa. W. 3. Centelon
apple -packer of Clinton, son of D. flan
teton, is in the same squad,
:tight Thinking.
I3, Westford says;—"Rigid think
ing is the foundation of right living,
To have the highest life of which we,
as human beings, are capable, we inns
firmly believe and live up to our belies
that we can, should, and must reset at
ly master our thoughts as well as aur
actions ; and that we mnst control the
mental pictures in which we indulge
as much as the words which leene
from our lips. As a man "thinketh in
his heart, so is he." Thoughts genet!.
ate feeling. When discouraged and
depressed, lift up your chest, take an
attitude of courage, and epeak these
words several times, slow and earnest-
lye—„faith,—hope,—courage.” When
sensitive over ill-treatment, take the
correct physical attitude and say, sev-
eral times, slowly and earnestly,—
"love, -- patience, — forgiveness," and
see if you don't feel better."
Get your New Spring Suit at Max-
—Nominations for the Legislature,
May 22nd ; election day, May 29th.
* *
—Whitney for Premier,
—Mitchell for West Huron,
--Spotton for East Huron.
* 4 *
—What's the use of holding an elec-
tion ? The Globe reports are in, and
Ross has carried every constituency
except one or two of the Turontos and
possibly one other.
* 4 4
—The Toronto Telegram is of the
opinion that Canada would be bank.
rupt in three months if the farmers
did not get, more work for their meney
out of the hired men than the country
gets out of its Dominion Parliament.
* * 4
*Rev. J. E. Starr, pastor of one of
Toronto's churches, said recently at