The Wingham Advance, 1902-04-17, Page 6ttv catit, 4 4, 94e4a 44 ot/ At, 441461, + *eve -444, if II /Wm/ et,Lon, etz„. I i The Coming of Gillian: 14.411.41414.1.111 - -11444,11,44 -1144 -4 -1 -4 -f+++1•44 -1- 0 A Pretty Irish RomanCe. "Tbe rain le °tee oemeelonal drops, gentleman Annie sigh, with regret to Preston," Oilliai . saye, enpatientiy, (tee ills wife installed ; and it wife like "and the rain and the wind will de Mae no man on earth COUld feel rue good! Give me my furs, please." ashiontel to own. Anne is it gentle - "But you won't walk far all alone. wimma in every inetinet of dress and Ma'am ?" implores Pri•ston, ivito deportment ; Anne is eomely, grata. - had been the pertest ot waiting- fut. reef wea-bred ; Anne is growing worneu witeu she entered elles hatelstitner, fairer, brighter, more Ileane's service, and is 11411* --to her grace me and winning in manner Melee mistress at least—as affectionate elle married the man she adores. anti considerate as the faithful eueen That Anne is el ger in management Nipper ever was to geutie Florenee —that Anne is it brilliant housewife, Dombey. "You won't go uttt in them "a woman, with it faculty." as Amer - lonely woods, or an where far out team say, may be easily guessed. of eight, wilt you, ma'am ?" she That alien a wife Is it treasure of ergee, "Let me come with yon, or treasures to it vers poor, very las- keep call of you, Mies Deane; du, *idiom gentleman, may be easily please." 1 guessed. likewlee. "I am not going beyond the sitrub- / Si that George, sittleg down with • bery, Preston," Illillan answers his friends to their simple early din - quietly, "and would rather be ner, is scarcely sarprised, however alone, thank you." much he may admire Mrs.' Lacy's sur - The cold wind blows in her face, rounding». She presideat the sea the ran patters down now and deintily laid table like it duchess— again from the utorm-rent clouds, except that duchesses are not often but Gililan feels the sympathy of the to graceful, so we 1 bree, awl so happy atom, witk the surging end beating —and looks like a woman in it picture of the ether storm pent within her In her well -made black velveteen breast, as she walks to and fro In gown, her freshly -folded white lace the sheltered sltrubbere paths, and scarf, with it cluster of pale golden 1 tire wind bowie through the bare crocuses in her brooch. woodlands beyond, and breaks in a i And that simple early dinner of tempest of sound amid the thick- roast mutton and vegetables, and a clothed bough& ot the great laurels moreel of succulent entree and it and twines, and laurestinas that dainty pudding, and a tottle of cheap skirt the Lewes. and good Claret. is it feast in its ap- "He Insalted• me, cruelly, .neediessly petizing perfection. " A dinner that, inflated me," she says over end over un my honor, didn't cost five sallinge, to itereelf in mournful repetitiou, wine and all Lacy toile George int - *Aug to persuade herself she le pressively afterwards. "y Jove, I strong in pride and indignation think sometimes Anne's a witch," he againet htin. eontinnes, with the uxorious pleasure "My love wee a valuelese, wurtieess which admiring husbands take in thing to him from the first. He never bragging of their evivee to chosen wanted it, he never wanted me. That friends. "1 don't know how it's done, wretobed money tempted aim awhile tee don't ask ate, George: but on my at first —he was so poor. Oh. honor, Anne hits kept 'louse for us George! I would have given you a Loth, and the servant maid, for three world, if I had it, for the ieaet little weeks on five pounds! Sir Harry gave bit of pour love, and thought Iloilo •tie seventy-five pounds, my quarter's lag of the gilt! But no money could salary, in ativance, wheu we were tenipt him to carry out the deeep- married, and of eouree I gave it to elm. I atn glad of that, though 1 Anne to lay out to the best advert - might have married him happy in my tage, and she dividedit into four delusion. He could have deceived me surne—twenty pounds to be paid to easliy.O would have been glad to Mailers, that confounded tailor be deceived. I might ha.ve been hie fellow—he's been getting awfully wife a feiv abort happy months or troublesome, and I owe him two hun- . years, and then died, and never dred—twenty pounds laid, aside topay blown that he never oared for me!" tor extras, rent, wine and clothes, and At this point,the girl fifteen to me and twenty tp her to who hate come out to nerve here& 'keep 'house on. for quarter 'of it for cold, proud decision in her future year. What do you, think of that for ernoluet toward the man who has linatecial arraugenzeute, my boy ?" well-nigh broken her heart, finds Lapeer asks, exultingly, '"Why, with tiered( ,sliedding weak, piteous tears that sort of management, and the over the fancies of that sweet MI- money I shall get—my commutation possible future wheel her words allowance—I WWI be mit of debt in have conjured few years—perhaps three yeare if *".1 am weak, I ant elate, I em a we are very careful. Anne says." mean, pour, craven thing!" Gillian. "You are it lucky fellow," George says, farlousle, tile hot blush of an- reaes, briefly, with a, deep sigh. "Web ger and shame drying the tears on tor you you did not find out the mike her pale cheeks. "I cannot have one take you Were making when it waft atom of pride and self-respect!" too late." and the tearsodart once more and "Take warning, then," Lacy says, blind eer as site walks on 'hurriedly, etirtiv. but laughinti scarce seeing whither she is going. "He never cared for me Never! Never! Is not that enough that I must still regret !Mu and grieve for him? Poor, miserable, craven, spirited girl that lam ! Oh, George! Oh, George!" And th•en tlte -poor, eraven-spirit- ed girl" pauses jest by that white gate in the shrubbery where she had parted from inni that morning long ago, and looks dowu the long vistit of the lonely woodland road with Wistful, hopeless eyes. The winds roar and rage through the trees in billows of dreary sound, the cold and gloom of the stormy evening eur- routed her like a pall, the chili rain mingles with the tears that wet her sad, fair little face. Alone in the world—unioved, un - prized, uneherished. "AIL wbat ellen 1 be at titty ebould nature keep me alive. • If 1 find the world so bitter Weten I am but twenty-five?" " But I've wronged her In deed and iiings the poet. word," mutters George, penitently, Axel aloe! and alas! for the wear- fluelling through the bronze ou his leorne desert a life, when the rose- fair ewe up to the eluse-eut tawny ete mirage of morning Is gone, and hair. "1 don't see how she can ever all of ite tar illnelOile get over the way / treated her laist told golden hopee—high as heaven— night, and see) giving me ali the wet - are vaniehed away beeore the sail eeme of her loving heart without one eyee of "sweet—and—twenty." &predatory thought41 1 le * * * * " And you wonder aft that ?" Anne And, metteiwitile, theough the create, queetions, with a Rutile and it High. etormy afternoon, George is re- • .rt is ouly women, then, who feel turning from Darragh, along the nate etato row metintain road that winde past " eis not Jove the Wire uplands and the coverts Whielt alters when it alteration Mule Into the Afeunt Ossory woodlands. Or bender with the removal to re - luxe been spending a few hours In the eoelety uI his friends— Cap- Oh, Jgcr e't• eve -fid mark, lain Patriek Diaghant Lacy and hie That looks on tempeofte and is never newly -wedded wire, in that pleas- shaken ; aid and comfortable home which II le the star ter every wandering Anniee love has already ereateil for barque, her beloved out of the want ratter - et home Worth's unknottru. although his iele ill her eonanand. It hi trite the 'height be taken,' " new married couple are very Peer George langlai end flusheR again, as —poorer in money than ever Cap- tain Levy knew himself to be in the noel do when they entifees to an Whole, eouree of his impecunious life, honest emotion of tenderneea 'They are so very poor that the " No, indeed, Anne !" he says, gaireet ex -captain of laneerfo is joeoeely. but taking bitterly, and grateful and hill fd wentierment at rieing and fingering 111:4 hat fiery- pore/Miming the minty& comforts of hie " Other PeoPle Very iiireple daily existence. awl Gillian Deane and Witt kor Al10•0 deft fingers nod elever Shakeepeare, ktiow all abeut the brain. her abititiee feirevolitess. 'reser-fixed mark.anti the guidieg mental and pleveileal resoureee. tire all (Oar : I fissure- you they do, 4it the utmost strain of their Cell:t- ME'S. LUCY." CHINS "to lovc and to viieriSil" hint am glad or that. and 1 trete lite whew elite has taken untll tienth neve Moe Laity /mowers softly. them 410 part. ; "Are pm going liftek to Mount Oa The dttr eparsele-furniOeti refiner sere new. iietneeel Iteodenye, then, of the old moot** are ueautified. 1111(1 end my beet wishes go with 100. not revanthefized, ao a vulgar loaf. Anil, fieerge, ;inn will remember Would make 111010 . thee are teemed wintt eou prienier41 me 7 Gillian late With Aimee few &nay belt/amigo a great deal to torgit r. and etre e Anneee faultless tai(, and Annees self Itase loinpfel up tee fliffienithe • r earl. 8041 the 1' 11 te that in the way. itene•mb ee George !" Captain Lacytt bouvi is unr 110 111/1 n i "Oh. e ea 1 will remember," George been he nett:tined that Mende tie SON. SWIUIIg and ea:teeing, Anne's tivaintancre Memel lop, liu e beet nt, hand fervently.: "1 promiee evere- i But Anne &tee more than this, and when her imsband lure ridden away on business to a distant farm. she site beside George and talka to him long, and kindly, and earneetly, aa a sister might speak, "VII do everything you tell me, Anne," George says, frankly. "I owe you onore than that for all your peeve of kinfluess tie me in the days when you vvere my one friend and confidante." "I had title In my mind, too, when I —when my hueband and I—wrote that letter to you begging you to come home," Anne says, laying log white hand, with lee soft, cool mes- meric! touch, on "1 thought not only of your reconciliation with your poor father, George—the poor, erring father who wronged you and loved you all your life—but I thought, too, of your reeonelliation with the dear, gelato little girl who 'Gem; you so well and so truly, and who never wronged you in deed or word." WIGHT SOAP Wash will make linen rernain clean longer than Two waSlieS with impure :-,oap. Ask kir the Ottegen If your goiter taunt ripply, wrne te man 11110TRFAS Menne, Toronto, Seeing /e1 nittne inaeedrest, ana a tred simple of !fanlight Step veil be sent Srott free et Get, RED CES EXPENSE. tang. Aane. Patienee and tender- nees and hantlity. I'll eat Iturilble Pie lieviehly„eorte. 1 vow, and never Willee at it. 1 tiPmTVP 10 bate fl to wet." With widelt elteerfut assurttnee, and looking eery hrave, and tirigett, nud Itolieet. George+ bide his friend. goodlye, anti reds out to walk back to Mount Ossory tfl the stormy, murky 11.40310,M. NVitit tiLfligtht uf a true and tender purptiee in leo blue eeen, and the warmth ot a tender, re- moreeful love in Itie heart. "1 will do all 1 van to make amend% 1 base ()Retitled her deepev, I know," George says to Itnneelt, eontritely, ei'o he strides along. "1 W%4 ZLr00.1 cati —to attempt to aelt a favor of her title morniag, be- fore I apologlzed tu her for itly behavior htse; agile. 1 WM nide, and unkind, awl ungentlemanly, in trying to be honest. LU apologize now. on my kneel it slue likes, to my dear little girl—my deer, Insult- ed little girl !--11 1 ean only get the eltance.e 1,1e instinctively hurries faster, breathing qulelter at the thought, "She may bave left since I have been at Mount Ossory but she wouldn't have bn In time for the tteamer to -clay, 1 know, stud if she hs gono lel go after her to Bally - ford," he det‘ides. "1 Luny see her -in that room wherre 1 met Iter.flret—inY gentle little darling. There was love for me in her sweet eyes from the first moment we met. I havebeen a fool, and 1 have blundored, and 1 have done wrong, but I'll try and make amends to leer at lewd as far KB a :van eau !" George says, hurrying faster, with bent head against the blast, that triee In vain to retard "I'll be pettent and gentle as 1 promised Anne, even if Gillian in very scornful and has hardened her tender heart very sternly against me. I'll take patiently vvliatever he ehooses to say to me. I'll speak hum- bly and entreat her forgiveness, ay, ett my kneeei if ehe will, and if she has left the house I'll follow her to Ballyforcl this very evening, and—" He is within three or tour yards of the white gate leading into the shrub- bery, and there, leaning 'against the gate, is a lormly, slender figure in a long, close, sealskin mantle. gazing with a weary, abstracted look into the woodlands, and the steep bank and its growth or rho- dodendrons just before her, and quite unconscious In the noises of the bowling wind. and rustling foli- age of his approacbing footeteps. And thee is how George "humbly asks her forgiveness." He get al over the Intervening opace between them in two Long Arida% and is close beside her in three sec- onds of time. And then the dark, startled eyes meet his in a half -terrified flash ef recognition. There le a pause for per- haps two or three rapid heart -beats, and then-- "The apiriterueijed togethen at the touching of the lips," and tracts of unimproved land. Reliable (leorge claims his little sweetheart information furnished to Inquirers in hie arms with quite ferocious end- sending addrefisee envelope to "Cap; (Tentless, and all reproaches or apol- tate W. m.,,, Freeman's Hotel, °glee, all words of rebuke or contri- Auburn, Placer Co., California. Tour - lion, if any such be indeed even lets. met. Hotel at depot. thought of by either, are stifled out of exietenee by a score of ,eautual k1sses. So that tviten ehe is at 'net re- leaeed she has no breath to speak for a few mentente, and when she can inmate Gillian puts up her hands ; to her face, fair and rosy Duelled as a, wild apple blossom, and utters her worde of cold, dignified repulsion to the Lover veil° hes offended her pride ito deeply. , "Doter woe IGeoege.- San sa.ye, smiling: and trembling, and looking up at him witlt radla,nt eyes, "I didn't think it was you; I never heard you coming, my darling." It is just as well, preimps, that love should laugh at lovers' broken vows sometimes. CHAPTER MAX. A RAILWAY NAN, Extraor4inary Unpleasant Symp., toms of Kidney Trouble I0 This Case. eortured by all HILO& of PainS stud Aches Ho Tries elverythlue, but Walk to Flud RAMO 'till it terleud Advisee Illm o Use HoolvPe AtidiseT ellis—They have Mode a Well Mao 01 Him end He Is teratetiii, Ottawa, Ont., March 81.—(Spectal) —Frank Chartrand, ti fetilvvay oleo, wiloso Tamale in at No. 180 Little Chandiere etreet, has acknowledged thet Deeld's Kidney Plea have done more zw. him %ban anything else In the worki has over done, Ile toys: suffered with backache: and was always drowsy and had a very heavy feeling in my limbs. "1 had frequent severe headaohes anti more times Ver,y sharp pains In the to of my head, which gave me mud.4nuoyenee in my work. "My lingere would tramp and I woule haN-e an uneastuese in my lege and 00ettelOnal pains in the loins?. "I was dizzy iti spells and short 01 breath If 1 ate a hearty meal 1 would have it pain In my left side. My appetite would eornetimee be very good and sometimes I Couldn't eat auytieng, "I had a constant soreness end teuderness over tile spine and tired feeling In the region 01 my kidneye "1 suffered quite it tittle with them - gime, heavy feeling acrese the loins. "Dodd's 'Kidney Pills were reoone mended to me by a friend of mine who had been cured, and I began to use them. "Almost from the start I began to feel the wonderfte improvement, svideli continued as the treatment proceetled, till the unpleasant eYuiP- te.me hod one by one entirely disap- peared. • "Dodd's Kidney Pete have worked a wonderful cure in my ease and I cannot epeak too eighty of this great and good remedy," What Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for Mr. Cleartraud they have done for thousands of others, and they'll do the same for you Ifyou give them it chance. • There are many railway men In OsIsatla today who fled Road's Kid- ney ping mew:tees:tier 'They are the railway maws surest and beet Priced. The elenete.nt vibration on trains and eines le very hard on the kidneys, and Dodd'e Kidney Pills make these organs web and able to resist disease. Homes in California. Retired British arntY officer, resid- ing in moot ,desirabloseetion of Oali- Conde, has agency for sale of orange, lemon, olive and peach. °retards also What matter lowering skies, and moaning winds, and drifting rains, when it is summer In one's heart and all the birds are singing and all the ruses eet life are blooming ? When one's path stretches on through a far, imaginary land—a narrow, Cow- er -bordered way, fragrant, warm and sheltered, where only two 03.0 walk side by side? The night is closing in, dark and wet and tempeottacem, when Galion anti her lover quit the rain -drenched shrubberies and the damp avenues, and itoddened lawns, through which they have been evandering tor the last two hours, unheedisig wind and 'weather, wrapned up in each other's seeiety and cenversation—vague and very (Reconnected, and 'very egotis- Real, as that conversatien certainly would sound to unprejudLced ears— glad and gay, and warm with the vital warmth of happy pulses in 8pite of the ehW northwest wind and the dropping rain. It is half -past eix when they fin- elly return to tile home, with Gil- Ilan's sealskin and (temp.'s aster In it rather soaked eondition ; with muddy boots and rain -drops on Gil- lian's short curls and George's blg moustache, but . with gay voices, and radiant eyes, and warm, Melt ed faces. 00, life in life's early sum- mer! Ole tvoetb 1 Oh, love! Ten minutes' hurried toilet le %ancient', however, to make hril- taut eyes, and smiling lips, and deli- eate, rose -flushed complexion look nli the lovelier in a handsome gown of Heil Meek sine with black lacc ruffles and jet star% and then Gil- lian Melee downstairs softly and shyly. and comes into the dining - roam a very she., fair maiden,/ con- eeloes throvigh alt hee glad throb- bing pulses of Ole presence—her toed and master—with his been blue eyes fixed on Iter witli it hidden emit te George has made himself neetilese- ly beautiful and festinating in a well-eut black emit,. and dark grey trousers, III plaro ot his rough te- eter and muddy leggings, Ills bright noir is crispy golden WI Shining, his handsome plane- t:tette, 1118 SO didly-sliatied head and throat, are quite Sufficient to award him the palm for good looks oten among good-loolong Mg men, without teen the nddition of his 1 nymmetrical limbo 001 his belie I Might face, there le Wien illOre On /1 that, thie evening. for those shy. brown terms to admire and delight M. Tee few monthe fit ton vel and mingling With 8001111 equals and 1411- lif.riOrt4 have brushed off rustle elty- mos, ana gi hint more self-pos- 8iytt:,111 1, and a better tone end bear- ing: and, beside ilea-HMCO lea year George bite learned the tenderefit, 814 well it H liereent, Of the lenrned. 0,1 hitter 011e. 1013,, and 1111th, 'Mil grief. iota deo:pair wean, and ill -hi I: (orbit.; a eine mere in a year then vonet !Pavel in n lifetime withont itik graduating in that bitter Helmet. Aiiii mow, :elite,. last night, though he vial tett neettowieligi it fully, Peen 1(1 it11ie4.1; 14' the ridel8(14 Wiet re. j,iieo. with him. a galling load, a tieuel weieht has bee 1 Wipe off tile 10.1111. a.ol lie leads Itie ille fee& ie briehter, an 1 11113 etece 11:1(1 111e, thole:lite kinder, iiiul ble Ivor& more gentle te fill the Worltl urnan,1 1101. (To be te114tieued..1 A Milliard of Minutes. A. Hamburg profess -or oaleulates that at 10.40 a. xn., onl April 29 next exactly a milliard of minutes (1,000,- 000,000) will have elapsed since the birth of Christ. • Keep Mimed's Liniment in .the House. Fashion, Like illstory. Repeats Itself (Ohicheo News.) - It JO said that the ladies of Egypt etaleed their cheeks :with alcohol 1,000 years ago. It is now Alma as a nose tint by some men in this' country. This wilt remind you that • the pain of strains, bruises and sprains, com- mon incidents a' active outdoor are is 'drawn from, aching bodies by Perry Davis'. Painkiller, as a magnet draws bite of iron from Eland. John a Good Student, Mit-nits.) Teacher en mineralogy elass)— johnny, give me the name of the largeet known diamond. Johnny— The a.ce. Itinelieb Stetter: blohnene removes beI hard, eoft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood S,pavin, Curbe, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprans, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. &Lye $50 ItY use of one bottle. Warr:tatted the most wonderful Blemisli Cure ever known. Sold by alt druggists. A Priuce of lentertalliere. (N, Y. Simi elre Ilouilder—Unele says that you entertained blin delightfully. Rounder—Oh, yes. I bought Min a drink and then let hint tell me the lead story of 018 life. I know AtIN.A.IID'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN le BOUTeLLIER. French Tillege. I know MINABITS LINIMENT lvtil• cure Croup. k j. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cape Dilate', I lolow ARNAUD'S LINIMENT It the beet remedy on earth, JOSEPH A. SNOW, NorWay, Me. How Ho linew. The boy had ehown such a degree of ignotamse aid mental obtemenese that the teacher waa disheartened, and ,he finally asked earcaotieello : "Do ;eon !mix whether George Washington was a Radler or it trai- tor ?" "Ile wee a Rohner," replied the Air chin promptly. "How do yon knowethat ?" elm per- sisted. "'Cnuee T saw n -.lecture ot hlm crossing the Delaware end ansr Ral- lied know enough rent/ to tand up in the boat."--Chieago Evening Post. Melte st • note ot itte when 'you -are leaving home to Imo' tetluteD. & L." Menthol Plaster. /1, is guaranteed to dere the woret wee of batleizehe headache, etitehea Avoid everything said to be jaet nes '010(1.6E4 genuine mfule by entede &Mani/tenet( Co., Ltd. How to Tell it Cow Freon a Horse. Mention Aetna A London boy was (paying hie fleet visit to the eonary, end blot atten- tion wan drawn to it 1 horse gritting at the, roadaide, "That ifin't it bowie."' lie Protested; "It is it core." Itemonstrailee on the pert or his grown-up companion wan in Vale. "It IR not it • horse," Oa town boy iegale declared; "Re! a Wile; for bonnie linii eabe to 'ern 1" , New Verb Ventral Wad nucleon Meer leallroed. The eboe0 uoree hit a heuee.hol4 word, and the Superior eXCelience of Uta road should leS eafficient to at- tract meet peepla, telt now that the rate te the imme to New York and points east as by other lines pa ter- ther reeenumendation Blieeld be Knight. ETerYbOeY will tell you it Is tee boat Verisel Vette-hinge, ,A. thorn in 'the hand le 'worse than two in the bush. Presents make 'the heart grow fender. Keep your shoes polielled. Then you van always shine at one end, it you can't at the other, ;Where ;there's a. kid there'e a' squeak. eren Is like it nail, when he Is °rooked. You may be sure he bas been driveu to it by a vvonann. The 1,1110ge we don't want are given to 120 to eousole usfor tile leek of the thinge we Want, The relation between color and sound to merely hue, end cry.—New York Sun. 1. Afinare's Liniment Lumber/mu:1'e Friend. Butlete Cannot. rieree Snow, Snow is it substance which offers a most surprising* resistenee to pene- tration or a rifle bullet; far more, indeed, than wood. xperiments made in Norway have shown that it snow wail roar feet thiek is Absolutely proot against the Norwegian arnry rifle, which, by the WAY, Is ot quite exceptional piercing power, and time ate all ranges from' fif Cy yards up to '11/ half a xnee. etinard's Liniment is used by Phy- elelaue. Want to be Loaded Too.. A correspondent of the Buffalo Commercial relates that while him, self aed elector were traveillag lu Virginia.; they came epoa an old etolored meat, whose mule, attached to ea old two -wheeled vehicle was Le the clumps and wouldn't go. "Die mule am batted, 'base," said the old malt, "axe glie a doilaa to( de man dot eon start 'int," "I Will 40 it for less than that, azolee said the doeitor. He took his ease ,frout the carriage and seleeted a S411111,1' SYTIAge, which he filled with morphia, and eiten lejectted the drug in the ea:rears slde. The mule reared, gave a loud bray end started off ,tet railway speed. The negro gave a look of festal - !Ailment at the doctor, and with a loud "NVItoa 1" started downthe road atter the mule, In the course of ten minutes they Immo up with Itliu, atandieg lis tile road waiting. 'The male was no- where itr eight. "Say, boss," saki the darkey, "how mutat is datstuff worth yon put lo dat mule?" "00, about ten eceets," laughingly replied the doctor. ' boss, yo' kin squirt twenty cents', wuf in me right away Heal am de eash, I must ketch dat ar mule. Monkey Brand Soap Is a cleaner and polisher combined, but won't wash clothes. Auk for alidittikeple other. A CURE FOR AGUE. A Curious Spoil Used by People of Lincolnshire. A eorreg,pondent recently sent to \1r. Andrew Lang the following scrap of folk -lore, from .Tennyvotee county. I rather think, says Mr. Lang, that the Folk -lore society lia.ve published' theetrieme,oreceived from the some authority. But it was new to my- self, and doubtless' will be to mettle; "I wonder it you have ever seen the fan:wring charm for ague, which I believe I may claim to have res.- eued from the midden, of the paid -ony-t self. "I ant a North Ltniaanshire man by birth and upbringing, and, thanks to my dear mother, aivrayso keap. opeo eyes anti ears for folk -lore. "We used to have a, lot of ague about when I weelad, Mid 'my, mother (loved the tillege fait with quinine. She sent me one deo with a. Dottie to the house' of tot old grand- ame, whose grandson was down with `the shivers.' "But when I produced, it, she mid; " Intl, 1 knaws t,evo a soight better cure than yort mucky stuff. " And with that she took me round . to the foot of his bed, a.n old four - poet. There on the bottom board were fixed three borseshoes, points upwards (at course), with it hammer; laid 'eloshways' over them. Tatting it in her haud, ste,salt1 : • "Feythee, Seen, on' Holy Ghost, Neale t' owd divvel tew title poet; Theoitte 1 strolkes with holy , crock, With this melt 1 tbrolce du kricelt, One fOr God; elre One fen' Wore, An' one for Lok, "Is pot Ile- an extraordinary in- stance of a minglemangle of old Norse paganism and Christianity ? Thor's Mell and Chrletei Cross. Tbe Christian Trinity, and Thor, woden,1 That Thoe,,Wreleo and Loki oat -II and X.rokl." sh be rentembered, even in a population,' partly of Norse origin, is so unex-i pected that I have tried to expiate it away. Thor is not nantetl, though; hie liamener is ; "Wod" might be ne nonsense rhyme, but "Lok"— 1 am e linable to eeplairt away Loki and he BANFF BUFFALOS. Supt. Deuglits Seye the fiord is Delug Well. "There are now :11 buffalo in the Data national park." 19110i litiperin- tendent Howard llouglae, who le here op business ivith tho Interior Depart - Ment. "The lewd lute doubled in three yearo and Itt five yeare we eitione hive 100 lime In tile park." 'rho buffalo herd 14 one of um prioie attractiono of the Dann park, Mit 11 lo Intended to add otiter intportaut Zoillogleal features& tr ueeriutenden liongles le going to New y uric, to- morrow to, *Tend a few dap( at, exonx park aml get posted upon the ima practice le itemitug and ("Agit% W1141 animate, When he returns to Saeff 105 will begin the ereetion of liCeolliMOdittiOli for welt/WWI of all the wild auintalie .ut 'the Nurtbweet Territories& It Will form It fine addi- tion to the already unrivalled at- truetione 1111' Aleut! park. Mr. Douglao speaks ent lime/Lodi- oally of the new dietrict set apart on the British columbla side of the Greet 'Divide, as an extension of tii.e Natintitti Park. Phu tOgrapits withilt he has brought with him etenv va ionnimealsgilitifieitie 41(tql1tilteii:letet 10i of Mountain !Vent -Ty. There are Hit - tutted the woliderf ni Tokakka Fate, the higheet 10 the world, it large body of water tumbling down an almost sheer &event a 2/300 feet. While 10 the east Mr, Douglite will confer with Mr. ettupert, eider of tIte meteorological btlrenil of Cane ada, in r'etereacie to equipping the observatory which has been erect-' ed 011 • Sulphur mountain in the Na- tiobal Park, 8,500 feet above ilea. level. It Call be remelted now by et good bridle pe.th, five enitee long and not over ten per cent. grade 111 any part or the aseent, Previous — 131,1SINESe CHAN 0 leS. to the contitruetton of title path aceees to the siteotatiliireicioabtsforv,ra tory wTo extreme ilinstrato this Diet Mr. Doug:lite men- tioes that it meet 0 eeets a pound to treight mend up the mountain for bulltlitig the observatory. It laid to be transferred by pony and pack muddle.—Ottawa Citizen, ISSUE .NO, 16, 1902, jirtI4tvSIot For Vigor. 0 No use to hunt tigers with bird -shot. It doesn't hurt the tiger any and it's awfully risky for you. Consumption is a tiger among diseases. It is Stealthy —but once started it rapidly eats up the flesh and destroys the life. No use to go hunting it with ordinary food and med- icine. That's only bird -shot. It still advances. Good heavy charges of Scott's Emulsion will stop the advance. The disease feels that. Scott's Emulsion makes the body strong to resist. It soothes and toughens the lungs and sustains the strength until the disease wears itself out, Send for free sample, SCOTTS:Doe/No TOrunto, PC And *i.ost alt druggies*. CaSatia. ar,•• (USE FOR Real, ESTATE OR BUST. nese no xnulter ellen) It is, Send descrip. Hon and cash price mid get our plan for find. ing °ash buyers, Patent Exchange and Invest - meet Company, Toronto, Canada. -• ^ -^ , PA VENTS. 'DATENTS, CAVEATS, 7 RADE MARKS ole, Home or foreign procured and ex- -- plotted. Booklet on Welds free. The Patent Exchange ad investment Company, Pythian Building, Toronto. Ont. PTU Learn how I do awdY with the cutting belt and Dressing Inirintehand hold Rupture wltheut xmoseure on hips, spine or bones. ly ruining your health by using spring and ieg-strep trusses wince pressen most vital parts not connected with.tee rupture at all. Leen* how I have after Se ware. practice, served this muck -misunderstood rupture problem by My ine tatted Inv *talons. Learn how cons/11a 01IIRK*P.0;* , the action of 74 e.„. only causes ir firmer hold liym3r Automatic Pad. hr. 1.earn what the cure of Rupture really la awl how I treat success, fully- and Inexpensively EY MAIL Write fenny FREE ROOK now and/earn the whole truth about Itupture andl ts Cure. CHAS, CLVTEE, 29 East leth. St.. • Now York City. I have no agentslily service; secured MO aeebring &redly to Inc. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. goathes the child, softens theguma, cures wind. code and let the belt remedy for Dlarrhoia, Al Common Bred Cow When toned up by Dick's Blood Puri- fier will give as much and as rich milk as a highly bredaristocratie jerseycowgives upon or- dinary feed, and a jersey cow when given. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase tier yield of milk. It saves feed too, because a smaller amoent of well digested food satisfies the demands of the system and every particle of ttour- =lenient sticks. 60 cents a package. Lietning, Miles Et Go., Agents, MONTREAL. Write for Book on Cattle and Horses free. NITAI',',",rcgPti-augaraggrfolitirg ebeinicatiy prepnred teeth, Olean* silverware, jewellery and all bright metals Itke magic. No • paste or powder whatever Is required ; a de- lightful article. Price 25 cents. Sold by drug. gists. You ean it„reoure it wholesale from the oonlinien Moe toe Hamilton. The Monarch Co„ SL-Catimeines, Mfrs:, sond trial samples on request. tinturr FARM FOREALE-ONE OF THE finest tu the Niagara Peninsula, st) Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail. ways. 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in fruit, ,mostly peaches, Will bo sold in one pargel or divided into lots of 11 to 20 acres te suit pur- 1 chasers. This is a decided bargain Address Jonatnan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona Ontario WANT, ED r:grro :in throughout Canada to introduce our goods,taokieg up show cards on trees,fences,abing roads and ail conspicuous places, else distributing small advertising matter, Commission or salary, $60.00 per month au& expenses not to exceed 42.50 per day, Steady emphiyment to good, honest, re- liable mon. Nu experience needful. Write tor full,partieulars. THE EMPIRE MEDICINE CO., London, Ont. ELIADLE WANTED AOUNTS We want at once trustworthy MSS and wo- limn in every locality. local or traveling, to in- troduce a uew discovery end keep our show ear& ti.nd advertising iffatter tacked up in cote, epleumis places throughout the town and eountry. Steady outplerment year round'. eetemiseion or sale. y, 500.04 per month and expenses, not to exceed PM per day, Write for particulars. Posted/lee box kn. INTERNATIONAL meeionee co., London, Ont. Low Rates Every Day Every day during the month of April, 1902, the, UNION PACIFIC; will sell one way Colonist tickets at the following rates: MISSOURI RIVER TO Ogden and Sat Lake............S20.00 Butte and Helena-. 20.00 Spokane." 22.50 Portland and 25.00 Taeorna mei Seattle... 25.00 San Frame/ewe. '... 25.00 Loa Angeles and Sam Diego 25.00 Correspondingly Low Rates ft om interhiediate points. For full information pail on your nearest agent or address 0, G. HERRING, G. • 120 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Midi. or IL F. CARTER, T. P. 80 Yonge street, Teronto. Ornamental Gates and Lawn Fences ' are a specialt), .with us. Prices on application. THE FROST ornamental gate e are the handsomest apd best, Write for catalogue. THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, ONT. brings the others in his train. If title/' • le ail—right, what it "'unlade ot not I. HIG.11 c+EADE Markin" sermons and Bible readinge . , Ithe Lineolnehire people Must Mere. Catarrh Cannot be Gifted with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they ram not reit& the sett of the (Mem, Catarrh is a blood or constitutional diseaee, and in order to cur e Ryon must take ititernalretnedies. Catarrh Cure is taken internally, mid acts direetly on the blood and memo surfaces. Haire Catarrh Cure le not a (Meek medicine. It was proscribed by 0110 of the beetehysiciane iti tide country for years, rynd is a regular pre- fatiption, It is composed of tiev beat tonite known, combleed with the best bleed pert. nets. noting directly on the Mucous reirteces. The perfect combinatien Of the two ingredi- ent* is what proderes »nett wonderful rotetite in miring Catarrh. Seed ler testimonials teen. ,t CHENEY Sr. CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sole bydruggists, mite 7Ge. Hail's enmity Pills, are the best, v Dryels is W hare,* courier.) Mrs. Jefferson Davie has protested itgainet the erection 'of a triton/teal arta In memory of her late husband, tho President or the Southern Con. lederibry. It le not time yet to :put tip public mOntenents to the leader of a rebellion that tailed, Tit due eeneon strnets and equaree will be Denied atter them. eta the void hand of history wIll give all that Is oonilng to them. Ptgrrsigintiolug,tr;i "s ,A and ebeolute elite for each and ewer fornt Of itching!, bleeditigand protruding Nick , the yeatunitettirerfi have goerenteed it. !betels. 1 tine:mites in the daily pax end tisk your betel. bore *that they think of ir Yon an nee it arid get ,your numet beak if not enrol. Mea box, at an towers or Itneouttoten Aloe & Cee Toronto, Dee4 Chase's Ointment PAINTS Min high grade for your house. User it all the time. Cheap paints never pay. • Don't begrudge the price ot purp paints. They coot less than cheap stuff. Ramsay's Paints are nigh grade,. pure paints,. It Coots no more to brush them on than it does cheap paints, and they wear tter, look better, anti sold at a fair prier. Drop usa merit am] ask for BOOXLET NO. 11, FRES, Attu Ing cuts ot beau Mal iletnee. letitabilehed 1842, A. ll, RAMSAY'S SONS Paint Makers, MILS AND TUB8 MINI Or NO NOOPS, - EDDY'S • Nt4 00 sjOEIAN1411 NO Ltimcs, IfIDURATLD Infttitifitte aiattir traleatter tb the nrcili t ert ifte eedeartere ertittill tor donvaatle I 1 . TRY TRU« Art Mit by afirst ektit deilatrit4 0