The Wingham Advance, 1902-04-17, Page 5April r: y, 19o2 THE WINGHANT ADVANCE. a • Your money back for the asking. ,. Ifulfils r.. �,;', t °\Q \, %; less are the 9l --w `l' al)i i rI r' ijI i /1 ' il ---``�` the demand styles from fashioned tailoring ly !' ''IQuestion , h t ! ' !r , the and finished world. ..oar., . Facing The Clothing ng ........,......„..„.„...,,,„,....„„ Strength, Character and Dignity are combined in the impres- sion which our Clothes con - vey to the eye, and the wearer always finds the first impression. to be col'l'ect,- Crowder's Guaranteed Clothing of the times, being made in fault- best productions of the looms, and by the best talent known to Absolute Satisfaction or Your Money Back Guaranteed With Every Purchase . . . . Oar stock is bran new, all spring 1902 goods, bought ; for cash, which means a great saving to the buyer. We have a full range of Children's Suits from... $2.50 to $6.00 Boys and Youths Suite in Tweeds, Serges and raneys. front $2.95 ,to $10,00 Men's Snits in Tweeds, Serges, Venetians ILnd Fancy Stripes, from$5,00 to $16.00 Odd Pants, per pair, from "' 95c to $3.75 P +\N , ` t ��ifi\ '''5ALhil These . 13;, are Gents' Furnishings. SALEM SHIRTS—in stripes, latest color- ings, guaranteed not to wash out, separate i cuffs. patent band for collar button, exchrs- ive styles, equal to other makes at $1.25, I Ips your choice for $11.00 HATS 1—Hard and Soft Hats, latest English and New York styles now in, 1'T$ Prices 50e to $5.00 - 1. TIES 1 --For men<and Boys, in Corona- tion, inch and a half Derby, Bows, etc. exclusive patterns and ] test colorings and styles, TheRCROWDER1 R. co. Dressy Young Men's Headquarters. Colin Cardpbell's Old Stand Wingham .r Ing am 0 1902 L/STCWEL is MOVING FORWARD. Winter Term begins Jan. 0, 1002. Our rates aro reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to soo what wo teach. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commorcial and Shorthand. C. A. FLEMING . A. L. MciNTYRE President Seo'y. Owen Sound Listowel !Iiillili IIIIIiii11IiiIiPIIiI!;fiiiiiGiIy Illillil�l�;l�l tip !III �Ir • J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Tn 1rmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day ana night palls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone eonneotlotl. We invite our former cus- tomers, and others, to call and examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate—cloth is of good quality -we give you a good easy fit. Webster & Co. ,Mier; '00t i6 rhO#11410a11100 the &eat .pCrlytian Remedy. Sold and reeonfinended by All druggists ifs Crawls. Onl reli. Ablegdlolno discovere . Eft peeka re Degree:k to c re xis fp las a $oxes1 Wks !tees all eft colai) pbu r eiceess, MeritLtl hyo k ', Er sire isb At TN• flee, Opium o' 'atfmulanta, �}talle4 oil reesipt 4 prigs, one tftelrage $i, Oz. $Il One iru lfr9,ft 4014Px ra, PitT tpblef$. free Ib an MI repo, Oha Wood Company, Willidiort tr Woncl'a Phosphodine is sold In win hang by A. L. Iianititon, .0.1,1, Davis. R. A. Douglass and 0, A. Campbell, DittrnoteTs, Love Tokens aro always in demand in the Sunt - mor bine, and wo aro now show- ing a fine assortment of neat and appropriate gifts and keepsakes in stickpins, hatpins, scarf pins, brooches, and a vast variety of Summer jewelry, all reliable• and up-to-date, at prices within your means. • H. H. Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store You Cant Afford YD XLffill18ll1 in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex periments are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Qive us a call. C. C " A: II1P-!STAIRS IN !Slum DLocII. S/cic t` l first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood -purifying and nerve.. strengthening medicine." S. T, Antes, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak, and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ifs a regular nerve lifter,, a perfect blood builder. $1.00 a' bottle, Andra„tsts, Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's 8arsapatilia. Be (nems all about this grad old family medicine. Follow Ws adyioeagd we wilt be satisfied. J, 0, AYER CO., Lowell, hoes.. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some- thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous resnits of throat end lung troubles. What shall you do ? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if poseible; if not possible for yon, then In either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introdficed in alt civilized coun- tries with success in severe throat and Ming troubles, "l3oschee's German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimu- lates the tisanes to destroy the germ disease, lint allays inflammation,canses easy expectoratiou,gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient, Try oNE bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world, You can get`Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at J. E. Davis'. SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO Canadian North-West Will leave Toronto every Tnesday during March and April 1002 at 0 p. m, Passengers travelling without Live stock should take the "Pacific Ex- press" leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. ni. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto 9 pan. Free Colonist sleepers will be attach- ed to these' trains. Berths may be secured on arrival at Toronto. Tickets and information from Agents Grand Trunk Railway System, or M. C. DICKSON District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Our Beautiful New SPRING G000S ARS IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham WI . ELL Builder and Contractor. I wish to inform the public, that r atn prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of hnillings. Patties intending t41 tow won d do well to see file ltefDre closing contracts. Plans And apecifiea tions furaislipd it desired Estes reasonable, we041141414 tha brat, 7'1 -burn, WM. DEYELL 13nilder and Contractor, tieeldPumpWorks, ar St, Union 76'ae Pi'7,'n Two Carloads, The Wiarton Beet Sugar l4tauufaetur- ing Co. lies imported from Germany two carloads of Sugar Beet seed for the use of its patrons. Bruce County. During the year 1001 the Sheriff of Brace served 20 summonses and 81 sub- pa'nas. The writs of exeoutiou for debt or damages amounted to $18,005.03, Wiarton Bogxning. Building operations are booming in Wiarton, Work on about fifteen uew buildings have alreitdy commenced, and preparations are being made for many more. Between 150 and 200 new build. ings will likely be erected them this season, Small Pox, Dr. Bryce, Secretary Provincial Board of Health, reports that there were 502 oases of smallpox in Marah, 707 in Feb. rnary, and 629 in January, making the the total 1,638 for the three months, as against 1,879 in 1901, There were four- teen deaths from the disease last year, and it is thought that the number this year will be about the same. MoNrtY TO L . N—At 4 per cent. on improved fattens. Easy terms of re- ppayment; expenses light, Apply A. Duhnage, Real Estate and Loan Agent,, Chisholm Block. Died. There died at his home on lot 1, in the 14th con. of Ashfield, on Tuesday last, Mr. John Murray, one of the best and most widely known residents of the township, at the ripe old age of 75 years. Mr. Murray was one of the early pion- eers of the section, and was a man of sterling character and was highly es. teemed and respected by all who knew Money In It. Thirty years ago the Ontario Govern- ment sold to Wm. McKay, of Ottawa, 140 square miles of timber limits for $1,800. He took off square timber worth $3,000,000 and then sold the limits for $655,000 thus realizing $3,655,000 for what cost hire $1,800. This is the wealth and resources of millionaires, who aro pointed out to us as models of thrift and 'energy, The Critical Time of Life. Is between the years of fifty-seven and sixtytWo. Nature's power slows, down vitality becomes less, and the progress of decay sots in. A means of exteudiug old ago and renewing decreasitrg vigor :is to take FERROZONE after meals., Ver. rozone keeps up the appetite, and in the formation of red, vitalizing blood, im- parts clearness to the tiring brain, force, energy and spirits just when they are needed most. To take Ferrozono regu- larly means adding from ten to twenty years to life. Large boxes 50o., or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A, L. Hauiiltou. }, De. HAMILTON'S PILLS ARE CERTAIN. A New Idea. The following is something new and rather sensible in the way of imposing taxes:—A legislator proposes to impose a tax of four cents a volume ou fiction, ou these grounds: Few novels are really educational. Novel reading is merely one way of intoxicating one-self—like opium, whiskey or wine. If we tax beer, why not fictiou? We tax many essentials of life, why not this demoral- izing consumption of romances? Anoth- er analogy between reading and drink- ing is furnished by Lord Bacon:—'Read- ing maketh a full mau.' Agriculture in Natal. James Brown of Clarksburg, who is serving with the Canadian Mounted Rifles in South Africa, has a very high opinion of the agricultural capabilities of Natal. In a letter to his parents, and published in the Thornbury Standard, he says the methods of agriculture in that colony are primitive, but still good crops of corn are obtained. As an indi cation of how primitive the methods of cultivation aro, he • says: "I saw one ploughing outfit, composed of eight oxen and eight Kaffirs, which might possibly turn over au acre in a day. I could not but think that if a man came out to Na- tal with the up-to-date implements, and farmed as far as possible ou the Ameri- can system, he could make a fortune. Peaches and bananas and pineapples are plentiful. Tire land is good and largely cultivated," Factory Reorganizing. .A. meeting of the shareholders of the Harristou Pork Packing Co. was held recently. The financial report was a discouraging o11e, showing a deficit ou the ycar's business of about $14,000, with a further probable loss on bacon on hand to bring it up to $20,000. It was pointed Opt that in order to Meet the deficit and provide neceatetry cur- rent capital, the company would roquixo to get subsoriptions for $40,000 more of capital stock. As an inducement to buyers of the new stock it is proposed that 40 por cent. be written off the face value of stock greatly helii.' -that is, that each 05 share now held shall hereinn,f- ter be valued $15, and that new stock shall be sold at its face value. Mr, flay. ward, the company's English agent, was prosect, and offered to subscribe $5,000 of the new cepitel, Only two of the board of directors were ro-eleetcd. The factory has been closed for two Or three rnontlts, and no date for re -opening has been announced, 'f ltey rfit11er• eons{Mption. a#i poughs, colds and catarrh are re- sponsible for more consumption than is traceable ever to heredity. Catarrho- zone euros more quickly than ordinary remedies because it is the only antis*. tie yet discovered that is volatile enough to reach the root of the trofbio ill remote parts of the Imp/4 and bronchial tubes, and imprcegnate'every particle of the air breathed with its healing, gorrn•>ciliing vapor. Colds can't last ten minutes, or coughs shore then thirty minutes when CatarrboR9ne is inhaled. It clears nose, throat and air passages at once, stop dropping, headache, aim medicates cat - arch froto any part of the syystetti. TWO mouth's treatment. $1.00; trial size 25e. Druggits, or N. C. Poison & Co., Itingston, Out. Dn. Ile7ixvrov's ?arts Ani 14I1r.1,. Special Cei}sus, A special eousus of Mt. ?forest is to be taken to determine whether the pop - Illation is sufficient to continue five hotel licenses. The liotelkeepers are moving in the matter. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from, play coughing or showing evidences of an ap- proaching attach of Grippe, Sore Throat or sickness of any kind, first thing get out your bottle of NxssVZLINE. Rub the chest and nock with Norviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nervilino in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Pot - son's Norviliue, which is a necessity in every household. Large bottle oust only 25c. Dastardly Trick, • Alex. Cole of Arthur is the victim of an attack to destroy like and property. Upon going out to feed the stook in the morning he discovered that someone had entered his stables and scattered a lot of paris green through the hay and feed. He latter discovered that the poison had been spread on the grass and ground in the neighborhood of the stables, and also thrown into the well where the water used in the house was drawn as well as for the cattle. County Constable Merewether of Guelph is making an investigation. The water in the well was analyzed by Dr. Carleton and was found to be full of poison. Nearly Gored. The Mitchell Advocate says:—A young lady, who is visiting in town, ex- perienced a thrilling escape from being gored to death by a maddened steer ou Saturday forenoon, It appears that TIlois. Heal was drWing the animal to the station for shipment. Meeting the lady it lowered its head and made at her. The lady left the sidewalk andran to the fence where the brute made a rush at her with its head. With won- derful presence of mind the 'young woman dodged the attack, and caught thorn of the maddened steer, 50 which she held on, until rescued by two men. Her escape from death was marvelous. Preserves The Body. A test has been made at Battle Creek, Mich., of a new embalming fluid, that the inventor claims will preserve a body for centuries. The body of John Leek, an aged negro, was handed over for the test six months ago, and was exhumed last weelc for exarninatiou. The body has the consisteucy of vulcanized rub- ber, and might readily pass for a statue of black marble, as the petrified flesh is hard enough to take a polish. There is not the slightest trace of decomposition or wasting, the features retaining their fullness. The experimenter says the fluid will preserve the body for centur- ies. It was recently discovered by an eastern chemical company, and this test on the body of an unclaimed county hospital corpse is the first made. A Great Railway. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway owns and operates over 6,600 miles of thoroughly equipped road in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It owns and operates all equipment in service on its lines, including Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars, maintaining au excellence of service unequalled on any railway in the world. It has bean a Pioneer in the North- west and West in the use of the block system in the operation of its trains, in the lighting of its trains by electricity, heating by steam and many other pro- gressive methods, which have added safety, comfort and luxury to travel, It is always the leader in that direction, The Pioneer Limited Trains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis have the costliest and handsomest Sleeping Cars in the world and the best Dining - Car service, Time tables, maps and information furnished on application to A. J. Tay- lor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 8 King Street, East, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 118. con. 12, East Wrawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleared and ender grass, in good cultivation; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable, HENRY T. PERDUE, 2111, Wingham Buy your Flour, feed, Seeds and Hay at A. H. CARR'S. Choice samples of Red, Mammoth, Alsike and Alfalfa. Clover, Orchard Grass, Goose Wheat, Good Seed Peas, Oats, and Barley, All minds of Food and in any quantities. CALL AND GET PRICES. A. 71:11. Next Door to Town Ire% r•1 "Praise the sea but keep on land., Adrnirf' window shoes — that's what they. were made for. But keep on wear- ing tlheshoeyou knotty to be "as goods it looks."—$3.50, $5.00. ,ITh Slater Shot" For sale only by W. i`areer andnew Carpets Oilcloths A NADA�#t�►►AI�N Ei ISard Cog Settlers' se a°i citi:3a Excursions To I{ootenay and Pacific Coast Points Masa WI•NGHAM To NELSON, TRAIL, ROSSLAND, GREEN. W00D, MIDWAY, B. C., VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C., SEATTLE and TACOMA, Wash., and PORTLAND, Ore. ' $43.70 Tickets on sale MARCH 1st to APRIL 30th, 1002, inclusive, Proportionate rates from and to other points. Also reduced rates to points in Colorado. Idaho, Utah, Montana, Washington. To MANITOBA andCANADIAN NORTHWEST Will leave Every TUESDAY during flARCH and APRIL, it sufficient busi- ness offers. ror full particulars apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific; Agent, or to A. Ii, NOTMAN, Asst, Geni. Passr. Agent 1 King Street East, Toronto Our Beautiful New SPRING G000S ARS IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham WI . ELL Builder and Contractor. I wish to inform the public, that r atn prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of hnillings. Patties intending t41 tow won d do well to see file ltefDre closing contracts. Plans And apecifiea tions furaislipd it desired Estes reasonable, we041141414 tha brat, 7'1 -burn, WM. DEYELL 13nilder and Contractor, tieeldPumpWorks, ar St, Union 76'ae Pi'7,'n Two Carloads, The Wiarton Beet Sugar l4tauufaetur- ing Co. lies imported from Germany two carloads of Sugar Beet seed for the use of its patrons. Bruce County. During the year 1001 the Sheriff of Brace served 20 summonses and 81 sub- pa'nas. The writs of exeoutiou for debt or damages amounted to $18,005.03, Wiarton Bogxning. Building operations are booming in Wiarton, Work on about fifteen uew buildings have alreitdy commenced, and preparations are being made for many more. Between 150 and 200 new build. ings will likely be erected them this season, Small Pox, Dr. Bryce, Secretary Provincial Board of Health, reports that there were 502 oases of smallpox in Marah, 707 in Feb. rnary, and 629 in January, making the the total 1,638 for the three months, as against 1,879 in 1901, There were four- teen deaths from the disease last year, and it is thought that the number this year will be about the same. MoNrtY TO L . N—At 4 per cent. on improved fattens. Easy terms of re- ppayment; expenses light, Apply A. Duhnage, Real Estate and Loan Agent,, Chisholm Block. Died. There died at his home on lot 1, in the 14th con. of Ashfield, on Tuesday last, Mr. John Murray, one of the best and most widely known residents of the township, at the ripe old age of 75 years. Mr. Murray was one of the early pion- eers of the section, and was a man of sterling character and was highly es. teemed and respected by all who knew Money In It. Thirty years ago the Ontario Govern- ment sold to Wm. McKay, of Ottawa, 140 square miles of timber limits for $1,800. He took off square timber worth $3,000,000 and then sold the limits for $655,000 thus realizing $3,655,000 for what cost hire $1,800. This is the wealth and resources of millionaires, who aro pointed out to us as models of thrift and 'energy, The Critical Time of Life. Is between the years of fifty-seven and sixtytWo. Nature's power slows, down vitality becomes less, and the progress of decay sots in. A means of exteudiug old ago and renewing decreasitrg vigor :is to take FERROZONE after meals., Ver. rozone keeps up the appetite, and in the formation of red, vitalizing blood, im- parts clearness to the tiring brain, force, energy and spirits just when they are needed most. To take Ferrozono regu- larly means adding from ten to twenty years to life. Large boxes 50o., or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A, L. Hauiiltou. }, De. HAMILTON'S PILLS ARE CERTAIN. A New Idea. The following is something new and rather sensible in the way of imposing taxes:—A legislator proposes to impose a tax of four cents a volume ou fiction, ou these grounds: Few novels are really educational. Novel reading is merely one way of intoxicating one-self—like opium, whiskey or wine. If we tax beer, why not fictiou? We tax many essentials of life, why not this demoral- izing consumption of romances? Anoth- er analogy between reading and drink- ing is furnished by Lord Bacon:—'Read- ing maketh a full mau.' Agriculture in Natal. James Brown of Clarksburg, who is serving with the Canadian Mounted Rifles in South Africa, has a very high opinion of the agricultural capabilities of Natal. In a letter to his parents, and published in the Thornbury Standard, he says the methods of agriculture in that colony are primitive, but still good crops of corn are obtained. As an indi cation of how primitive the methods of cultivation aro, he • says: "I saw one ploughing outfit, composed of eight oxen and eight Kaffirs, which might possibly turn over au acre in a day. I could not but think that if a man came out to Na- tal with the up-to-date implements, and farmed as far as possible ou the Ameri- can system, he could make a fortune. Peaches and bananas and pineapples are plentiful. Tire land is good and largely cultivated," Factory Reorganizing. .A. meeting of the shareholders of the Harristou Pork Packing Co. was held recently. The financial report was a discouraging o11e, showing a deficit ou the ycar's business of about $14,000, with a further probable loss on bacon on hand to bring it up to $20,000. It was pointed Opt that in order to Meet the deficit and provide neceatetry cur- rent capital, the company would roquixo to get subsoriptions for $40,000 more of capital stock. As an inducement to buyers of the new stock it is proposed that 40 por cent. be written off the face value of stock greatly helii.' -that is, that each 05 share now held shall hereinn,f- ter be valued $15, and that new stock shall be sold at its face value. Mr, flay. ward, the company's English agent, was prosect, and offered to subscribe $5,000 of the new cepitel, Only two of the board of directors were ro-eleetcd. The factory has been closed for two Or three rnontlts, and no date for re -opening has been announced, 'f ltey rfit11er• eons{Mption. a#i poughs, colds and catarrh are re- sponsible for more consumption than is traceable ever to heredity. Catarrho- zone euros more quickly than ordinary remedies because it is the only antis*. tie yet discovered that is volatile enough to reach the root of the trofbio ill remote parts of the Imp/4 and bronchial tubes, and imprcegnate'every particle of the air breathed with its healing, gorrn•>ciliing vapor. Colds can't last ten minutes, or coughs shore then thirty minutes when CatarrboR9ne is inhaled. It clears nose, throat and air passages at once, stop dropping, headache, aim medicates cat - arch froto any part of the syystetti. TWO mouth's treatment. $1.00; trial size 25e. Druggits, or N. C. Poison & Co., Itingston, Out. Dn. Ile7ixvrov's ?arts Ani 14I1r.1,. Special Cei}sus, A special eousus of Mt. ?forest is to be taken to determine whether the pop - Illation is sufficient to continue five hotel licenses. The liotelkeepers are moving in the matter. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from, play coughing or showing evidences of an ap- proaching attach of Grippe, Sore Throat or sickness of any kind, first thing get out your bottle of NxssVZLINE. Rub the chest and nock with Norviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nervilino in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Pot - son's Norviliue, which is a necessity in every household. Large bottle oust only 25c. Dastardly Trick, • Alex. Cole of Arthur is the victim of an attack to destroy like and property. Upon going out to feed the stook in the morning he discovered that someone had entered his stables and scattered a lot of paris green through the hay and feed. He latter discovered that the poison had been spread on the grass and ground in the neighborhood of the stables, and also thrown into the well where the water used in the house was drawn as well as for the cattle. County Constable Merewether of Guelph is making an investigation. The water in the well was analyzed by Dr. Carleton and was found to be full of poison. Nearly Gored. The Mitchell Advocate says:—A young lady, who is visiting in town, ex- perienced a thrilling escape from being gored to death by a maddened steer ou Saturday forenoon, It appears that TIlois. Heal was drWing the animal to the station for shipment. Meeting the lady it lowered its head and made at her. The lady left the sidewalk andran to the fence where the brute made a rush at her with its head. With won- derful presence of mind the 'young woman dodged the attack, and caught thorn of the maddened steer, 50 which she held on, until rescued by two men. Her escape from death was marvelous. Preserves The Body. A test has been made at Battle Creek, Mich., of a new embalming fluid, that the inventor claims will preserve a body for centuries. The body of John Leek, an aged negro, was handed over for the test six months ago, and was exhumed last weelc for exarninatiou. The body has the consisteucy of vulcanized rub- ber, and might readily pass for a statue of black marble, as the petrified flesh is hard enough to take a polish. There is not the slightest trace of decomposition or wasting, the features retaining their fullness. The experimenter says the fluid will preserve the body for centur- ies. It was recently discovered by an eastern chemical company, and this test on the body of an unclaimed county hospital corpse is the first made. A Great Railway. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway owns and operates over 6,600 miles of thoroughly equipped road in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It owns and operates all equipment in service on its lines, including Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars, maintaining au excellence of service unequalled on any railway in the world. It has bean a Pioneer in the North- west and West in the use of the block system in the operation of its trains, in the lighting of its trains by electricity, heating by steam and many other pro- gressive methods, which have added safety, comfort and luxury to travel, It is always the leader in that direction, The Pioneer Limited Trains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis have the costliest and handsomest Sleeping Cars in the world and the best Dining - Car service, Time tables, maps and information furnished on application to A. J. Tay- lor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 8 King Street, East, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 118. con. 12, East Wrawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleared and ender grass, in good cultivation; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable, HENRY T. PERDUE, 2111, Wingham Buy your Flour, feed, Seeds and Hay at A. H. CARR'S. Choice samples of Red, Mammoth, Alsike and Alfalfa. Clover, Orchard Grass, Goose Wheat, Good Seed Peas, Oats, and Barley, All minds of Food and in any quantities. CALL AND GET PRICES. A. 71:11. Next Door to Town Ire% r•1 "Praise the sea but keep on land., Adrnirf' window shoes — that's what they. were made for. But keep on wear- ing tlheshoeyou knotty to be "as goods it looks."—$3.50, $5.00. ,ITh Slater Shot" For sale only by W. i`areer andnew Carpets Oilcloths I Ei ISard Cog curtains Lace Curtai>as r I. 11 11'. jt,;:,,,l ism d r� �� (liz %yam ✓ . I�t'rRt WU�.�v,l°' °"dtr"„pr ��*A �� ,s. Y re:, wr F2 Y I. r'l. m r - v #. L• • New Carpet Department We have opened a large, well -lighted • Carpet Department on the 2nd. floor, where . we have lots of floor space to show a large stock of new patterns in Carpets, Linoleumts, Oilcloth and Japan Mattings. It will be to your interest to see our stock and find out our prices before making your selection in floor coverings. Remember, we have no old stock, but all new patterns and colorings at close cut prices. 1JNION CARPET. WOOL CARPET. 1 yard wide, at 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c and 60c, Seo our No, special. nice pat- Choice atterns, new colorings, g , terns and coloring,, reg. value 35c— good value at 90c— our price 25c. special price 75c, OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. Select patterns, all widths, e:.trei' value at 25e square yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS ,; JAPAN MATTINGS at 2.ie, 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c, 50c, 60d in a variety of new patterns and and 75c. No. 2 special, regular 50e fast colorings. Prices range thus, quality— 12:!:e, 15e, 20e., 25c, 80c. See our our cut price 40c. special line at 15c. LACE CURTAINS in great variety and the very latest designs—button bole stitched edges—gond washers and wearers—we start them at 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 15c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2,75, $3.50, $4,00 and $0.00. CURTAIN OTHER DEPARTMENTS. MATERIALS. Dress Goods, Silks and .Linings—Hosiery, New patterns in Art Gloves and Corsets — Smailwares, Staples and Muslins, Art Sateens, Prints—Blouses and Whitewear— Gents' Fur - Damask, Spot Blas- nishings, Hats and Caps, Ready-to-wear Cloth- lius, Cretonnes, etc. Ing — Groceries — Boots and Shoes — all well assorted and prices the lowest, ' ft E. I sur d et Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce kialifWWWW For Housecleaning ]DSD The wonderful antiseptic Soap, cleans paint work, Serges, Cashmeres, all woolen and cot- ton goods, like new 10 and 15c cakes For the Farmers. Alicante Mats, the only correct thing for the bot- tom of your buggy, each 50c Finnan Haddies. Another lot of those choice Fish received. A trifle higher in price than previous lot. Per lb 8c t Griffin's to It will require 30 days longer to com- plete arrangements for the transfer of any business into a Joint Stock Company, there- fore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another 30 Days • All ends of Carpets, 011` Cloths, besides a lot of new ones, Lace Cur. tains, odd lines Clothing, Suits, Muse Furnishings, Boots Shoes, are all in - eluded in this Clearing Sale. T. A. MILLS