HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 7THE 'CANADIANS' 6REAT F16 Fought Until Every Man Was killed or Wounded. ILl..EVEN HEROES WERE KILLED. Purttal List of the Dead and Wounded ---No Hamilton Men Among Them So Far --Seven of the Killed Belonged to Ontario --The Canadians Were Left in Charge of the Baggage and Repelled Attack After Attack ---- Something About the Dead and Wounded --Description of the Battle .—The Last Canadian Emptied His Bandolier and Broke His Rifle as He Fell fiortally Wounded, London, April 4.—There was severe fighting all cloy long on March 81 the neighborhood of Hart's River, 01, in the sputhwesteru extremity of 'aro Transvaal, between part of Gen. Kitchener's force and the forces of Gens. Delarey and Kemp, resulting in the repulse of the Boers after heavy losses on both sides, . The Canadian Rifles eepectalty dis- tinguished themselves. One party, connntaudod by Lieutenant i3, uuo Carruthers, hoidiug its post tilt every man Ives killed or evountled. 'Lord Kitchener's official report, slated from Pretoria yesterday even- ing, says: " Gen. Kitchener (Lord Kitchener's brother) sent Cols. Keir and Cookson from Vriekail, Western Transvaal, on March 81, to reconnoitre towards Hart's River. Tney soon struck the track of gone, and carried on a run- ning fight for eight miles, following the track throagu the bush. Emerg- ing on a plain, large Boer reiIiforoe- enents advanced against their flanks, forcing the British troops to take up a defensible position, which they hastily entrenched. Fighting ensued at Mose quarters until the Boers were repulsed on alt sides. "Delarey, Kemp and other leaders vainly attempted to persuade their men' to renew the action. Fifteen hundred Boors participated in the engagement ; but they had suffered too heavily and cleared away to the northwest and south. The British losses were also severe. The Canadian Rifles especially dis- tinguished themselves, one party commanded by Lieutenant Bruce Car- ruthers holding its post till every man was killed or wounded. Others of the forces showed great steadi- ness allowing the Boers to advance within two hundred yards of them and repelling them with a steady rifle fire." Ottawa, April 5.—For the past 48 hours ire feet ever since the news of 'the IIleinhardt's River engagement and that the Canadians were in the thick of the fight, was received, there have been telegrams of inquiry from all parts of Canada to the entitle De- partment—Yesterday was as big a day of suspense as Friday. The news- paper correspondents were cogtetant- iy on duty, foregoing their usual Saturday afternoon holiday in order ;.o serve the pubiie. It was not until two o'clock tea afternoon that a telephone message from Government House apprised the waiting newspap- ermen that a partial That of casual- ties had been received, and soon the despatch was em the wires to every hart of Canada. I To -day's list of killed and Wounded numbers 30, a total of 34 received so far, including Lieute. Ryan, McKay, Markham, and Loudon, already pub- lished. As the first , official despatch indicated 53, the names of 19 men have still to be received. To -day's List ,follows: TH1'. KIList n. SHERRIT.T, A. W. corporal, aged 23, bookkeeper, born London, Out.; next of kin Mra Janetto Sherrltt, Brantford, Oat. Enlisted at Guelph. S OLLEATH, Wm., ogee 21, rancher, 'horn Duucittirch, Muskoka, Ont.; next of kin Chas. Voltlrath, Arm- . strong, B. C. Enlisted at Revel- stoke, B. C. WEST, A. ago 21, gardener, Tice 'Burst, born Sussex, England; fattier J. 'West, Maple Lane, Gouldlutrst, Kent, England. Enlisted at Mont- real. CAMPBELL, D. H. Brandon,shoeing smith, aged 25, born Paisley, Bruce county, Ont.; nett of kin Dougald Campbell, foss, Ill. Enlisted at Brandon. EVANS, C. N., Loudon, Ont., teaoltrr, aged 27, born Port Hope; father Sas. Evans, Port Hope, Ont. En- listed at London. HUSTON, itf. a. A., tinsmith, aged 218, born Pet -Lai, Ont.; mother Mary A. Huston, St. Mary's, Ont. En- listed at London. MILLIGAN, W. P. K., aged 89, farmer, (born Clarke, Durham, County ; next of kin Margaret Milligan, Clarke, Ont. Enlisted at Peterboro'. PERRY, John Campbell„ terseeant, age 2a, soldier, bora Orilla.; next of kin John Perry, of Galt. Enlisted at 'Guelph. PETERS, W. T., aged 1:8, woodturner, born Gomo, Huron County; nest or , kin, ',tuna Mrs. Jas. Dawes, of 108 Adelaide street, Landon. Enlisto 1 at Cranbrook, 13. C. Reported .I{theft. EIi:RLR,, J. C., aged 27, cowboy, born Iiuntington, B.C.; cousin Char- lotte A. Goss, Ashoroft, B.C. Enlist- ed at Vanicouver, 131. C. SH1 LTON, L. private, aged 88, rancher, born at Walla Walla, Wash., U. Ss A.; next of kin, Mrs. F. ehelton, Walla Walla, Wasit., U. S. A. Enlisted at Virden, Man. HODGES, F. 13., aged 24, (armor, born London, Eng., next of kin, Horatio Hodges, 344 West Green Rd., Tottenham, London, Eng. En- listed at Virden, Man. DENNEHY, F. W., aged 87, rancher, born India, next of kin, Mary Den- nehy, Calgary. Enlisted at Cal- gary, N. W. Ts DERRATI, Chalmer A., aged 28, a blacksmith, Hartland, Carleton 'County, N. B.; father James Der - rah, Hartland. Enlisted at St. John, N. B. GUNN, J. G., of- the Field Hospital Company, aged 22, medical stud- ' ent, born Breeona, Wales; father John Gunn, Ailsa Craig, Ont. Slightly Wounded. OT,IIEN, C. 1 ,, sergeant, Brandon, Man, WESrJ4ERN, Thomas, sergeant, Port- age la Prairie. FORTEY, A., private, Winnipeg. SIMONS, J., private, Nelson, B. C. HENDYX, P., private, Roseland, B.C. M'DONALD, Alexander, .private, Fort Steele, B. C. HAWES, H., Private, Halifax, N.S. BISWANGER, J. N., private, Hali- tax, N. S., Tenth Canadian Field Hospital. Previously Reported \Vouudeo. Lieut. R. H. Ryan, Kentville, N. S. (severely). Lieut. 0. 13. Mackay, Montreal (slightly). _ Lieut. R. F. Nlarkham, St. John, N. B. (slightly). Lieut, W. J. Loudon, Toronto (slightly). Tile relatives of the killed were notified'by telegram this afternoon of the death of their loved ones. The message shows that two de- taohments of the Rifles, both Evans' and Merritt•s, were in the fight, as one of the field hospital men who went out with Colonel Evans in the Victorian is severely wounded, Indi- cating that the two detachments 1tad united. Looking at . the above list Lt will bo observed that every Province except Prince Edward Isl- and Is represented on the list of casualties: DAY, T. 13., private, aged 24, teacher, born Bay View, Carey county, Ont.; father D, C. Day, Shallow Lake, Ont. Enlisted at Toronto. KN1SLRY, W. A., corporal, aged 20,, farmer, born at Selkirk, Norfolk county, where father, resides. En- listed at Toronto. Dangerously Wounded. IIOWARD, I', 8. MOL, corporal, aged 26, elril ehgineer, born Toronto ; father S,tuart Howard, 27 St. Luke etroot, Montreal. Enlisted at Mont- real. LIEGERT., Su 11i., private, aged 29, rancher, born Pittston, Grenville, Ont.; father S. M. Liezert, Pittston, Ont. Enlisted at Cran- brook, )3;. C. MUFFINS, at C., private, aged 23:, woodworker, born Mnrtinet:urg, Itenn., 11. 8.; father Martin tlrnffine, Martinsburg. Enlisted at Cran- brook, D. C. Severely Wounded. :11Tri„ 1., strgetnt, aged 2d : ; rancher, born Dublin, Treated bro- thel* cher '.`home" Milne, ('algtiry, tint. Enlisted at (apiary. Illnti ell. W. 1!,, ngetl 21, eln)eing entitle born Petnrl:ore, Out.; fa- ther (l. Hunter. t'hilndelphia, 11. S. A. I:nl!eted nt Winnipeg. Hospital Corps Near the Front. '2110 appearance in the .list of case naltles of the name of a member of the Hospital Corps Indicates that the corps was pretty well up near the firing line. This le borne out by Col. %vans' message, in which he Couples the Field Hospital with the Mounted Rifles and states that they had undergone a severe test credit- ably. THE LA't'i!1 CAPTAIN IIILLIUAN, W. 1'. I.Z. Milligan, Pte. No. 18, of Nowtonvitle, Durham County, Ont., until tate date of 1115 enilstnaeut last January, was captain in the 46th Durham Regiment, under 001. John Hughes and Major H. A. Ward, bt. P. Previously he had served in the 48tH Highlanders, Toronto, and had been Major t1 command of Durham Field Battery. He was also a noted rifle- man, and oletingnisieed himself at the l). R. A., and alas at Birley and Wim- bledon. When the Second mounted Rifles were being formed, so great was his enthusiasm that he re- signed Iris commission and enlisted as a ptivate, Captain Milligan was a wealthy farmer, and leaves a wife, nee Miss Robertson, of Lindsay, and several children, When Ool. Sam Hughes, M. P., Was notified by the Minteter that lie was second in com- mand of the Royal Canadian Regi- ment in ,1890, and believing ;)rail a company would be raised in the third military district, he chose Cap- tain Milligan to command the com- pany. S E It (IT. I'itRELY, Sergeant Perry was a son of Mr. John Perry, of Galt, a nephew of Mr. J. B. Perry, of Bedford road, in Taranto, and of Mrs. Baird, wife of Rev. Dr. Baird, of Manitoba College, Ho was born in Galt, where the fam- ily bas lived for many years, and it was there he spent his boyhood. He adopted soldiering as a profession, and before the outbreak of the South African war was a member of the Canadian Mounted Dragoons in Win- nipeg. Ete went to South Africa with the first contingent, and was in the battle of Paardeberg and ether engagements. Invalided home after an attack of fever, he received a public Ont., and perhaps should be classed as an Ontario erin, which would make eight killed from this Province. . (.O It t'. lea US I: L 1r<Y. Corp. Knlseloy, D. C. M., came from Selkirk, hi the Covatty of Haldimand, and was a farmer. He belonged to the 37th Regiment, Holdtme,nd itiflgs, and volunteered from It to the let Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles, Canada's a otter !toll. Ottawa, April 6.—The casualty ]sat of the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles in their. first engagement et Klein Hart's River, on March as., was received iu part this afternoon at Government House. The following le the casualty list so far as :received by Provinces: Ontario—Killed, .7—Sergeant J. Campbell Perry, Guelph; Corporal Al- fred Sherritt, Guelph; Ple. M. E. Huston, London ; Pte. C. N. Evans, London; Pte. W. P. K. Milligan, Peterboro'. Reported by released men as killed—Corporal W. •0. Knis- ley, Torouto; Pte. T. B. Day, To- ronto. Severely wounded, 1—John Grant Gunn, London Field Hospital. Total 8. Quebec—Dangerously wounded, since dead—Pte. A. West, Montreal. Dan- gerously wounded,,1•--Corporal F. S. Mole Howard, Montreal. Total, 2. Manitoba—Died frrom wounds—Pte. D. H. Campbell, Brandon. Seventy wounded, 2—Shoeingsmitli W. 1t', Hunter, Winnipeg; Pte. F. B. Hodges, Virden. Slightly wounded, 3—Sergt. C. R. Othen, Brandon ; Sergt. Thomas Western, Portage la Prairie; Pte, A. Fortey, Wimiipeg.' Total, 6. Northwest Territories — Severely wounded, 8—Sergt. A. Milne, Calgary; Pte. L. Shelton, Moosoniin; Pte. F. W. B. Dennehy, Calgary.. Total, 8. British Co)ulnbia—Killed, 2—Pte. W. T. Peters, Cranbrook; Pte. W. Voll- ratb, Revelstoke. Dangerously wound- ed, 2—Pte. S. M. Lierart, Cranbrook; Pte. J. C. Graffins, Cranbrook. Se- verely wounded, 1—Pte. J. C. Fisher, Vancouver. Slightly wounded, 3 — Pte. J. Simms, Nelson; Pte. P. I3en- dry, Roseland; (884) Pte. Alex. Mc- Donald, Fort Steele. Total 8. New Brunswick—Severely wounded, 1—Pte. Chaiiner A. Derrah, St. John. Total 1. Nora Scotia—Slightly wounded, 2— Pte. II. Hawes, Halifax; Pte. J. R. ]3iswanger, Halifax. Total 2. Sunnrnury of losses. Tho summary of losses so far re- ported is as follows: Ontario—Seven killed, one severely wounded. Quebec—One died from wounds, ono dangerously wounded. Meunitoba--One died from wounds, two severely wounded, three slightly wounded. Northwest Territories—Three se- verely wounded. British Columbia—Two killed, two dangerously wounded, one severely wounded, throe slightly. New Brunswick Ode seiterely wounded. Nova Scotia—Two slightly wounded. Col. Mvaus' Message. Col. Hon. W. Borden last night received the following message from Lieut. -Col, Evans, of the 2nd Mount- ed Rifles: "Cape Town, April 8. --Regiment and Field Hospital under severe test. slave acquitted themselves credit.: ably. Regret heavy casualties. (Signed) Evans." A reply was sunt by Col. Borden'. in the folioWing terms: "Emma cone mending Second Canadian Rifles, con- gratttlate your regiment on its bray. ery, but deplore heavy losses.n lead 1) olonald'rAppreciation. willshortly t l0 1 Lord Dundonald, v t -1 I I , be appointed to tho command of the ( Canadian Militia, lost tt) tont 1 it eabling his nppreelatiou. 10 rt none:. sage received to -day by the Minister of Ilftiitin• from Ills Lordtahip the I.ntter eay(t: "Many rongratlila Mtn and heartfelt sympathy for glorioue losses. (Signed) Dundonald." Shut'rltt was a fide, all-round ath- lete, a boxer, a Jnnlper and .a good. spriliter. Ifo weighted abt)nt 125 pottal(ls, and was a splendid physical specimen of tate young Canadian. Co-, ing out originally with the firs tene- tingent, lie wenn through every en- gagement of the campaign, and wets never sink a day. Sherritt was the son of a minister, and leaves a widowed mother and several sisters in Brant- fnrd. He was in the Toronto com- pany of the first contingent, and en- listed at Guelph for leis last cam.t paign. J'1';T'ItRRS AN Ot,D,a1AON1)ON1':lt. Deters, one or the killed classed as frets British Columbia, where Ire ee- listed, was originally from London, listed 'here. Gunn, who is reported severely wounded, was a medical student at the Western University, and was recruited for the hospital L'orps, Ho was aboat 28 years of age. Ile is a son of Dr. John Gunn, of Aliso, Craig, ani a nephew of Mr. 1). Gann, of Gunn Bras. & Co., of Toronto. ('Ai'i'AIN 131UU(11, ('ARIli"rIlIS1tS. Something about the Gallant Young Otiteer. Captain Bruce Carruthers is an ex- ceedingly well-known militia officer and a prominent figaro in political and social circles in Kingston. He is the son of talo late John Carruthers, a well-known and wealthy merchant of Kingston, and was educated at the R, M. C., where he was a senior clasbman to Sir Percy Girouard, now director of the Imperial Military Rail- ways of Soutit Africa. Captain Car- ruthers joined the 21st Hussars, as they were then, retiring after tiomc years' service. He was extensively interested in the west and travelled n. good deal in Arizona and New Mex- ico. He ,was a prominent figure in. Kingston, was President of the Re- form Association and Was a :Vice- President of ,the Itingeton School of Mines, to which has father contri- buted largely ; in fact the home of the school is known as the John Carruthers Hall, it having been built throng's his generosity. 'When the war broke out Captain Carruthers, who was an officer in the 14th P, W. 0. R., resigned his commission and enlisted as a private. He was made sergeant, and when Lieut. A. Clyde Caldwell organized the signalling sec- tion, which did such good service throughout the campaign, Sergt. Carruthers became his non -cone. He was well acquainted with signalling, having mastered it svlten in the 21st Hussars. Sergi. Carruthers knew Lieut. Caldwell intimately and was much his senior, but mutual tact car- ried off what might have been a dif- ficult situation. Sargt. `Carruthers served till the return bf the con- tingent, winning .high praise for his tvork. At Paardeberg, for instance, the section did excellent work in keeping up communication, squadrons or the 2nd C. M. R., D, l; and I'', whtcli sailed firth to South Africa, havo been 115 the general noigliborhootl of Klerksdorp, owing to tate fact .that a casualty report a few days ago mentioned tho stek man as being In Hospital at that place,. WANT' 't'O 1 IGItT. ilnlifax, N. S„ April 0. --The third typicial Service l3attaliou I3oyal Can- adians, now stationed at Mantua, have- tolunteerod for service in South Africa; Lieut. -Col. White states that .a Iarge percentage of the off1- cer,v anti men are anxious to go to the fronts Tile regiment is composed of nearly 1,000 men, a having been strengthened recently by a large number of recruits, who enlisted at varieties points in the lower Provinces, It is probable teat the offer of tile services of the regiment will be re- commended to the War Office. Regulars ore Anxious. Toronto, April 7.--Itiost of the sol- diers at Stanley Barracks have been on plus and needles since the first news of the fight at Hart's River, waiting for tho casualty flet. Ono effect the list of casualties has had is to fire tlio local representa- tives of permanent carpe with: a hot (desire to go out to South Africa and get even. Well -posted representa- tives of the R. C. D. and R. R. Ce I. said That every member of their re- spective corps in Toronto want] volunteer for service with the pro - pond new contingent. The'sftuation was being very seri- ously discussed by a group in the sergeants' mess last night. Quarter- master Galloway, who was with the first contingent ; Sergt: Major Wid- gery, formerly of Hamilton, who was with the second contingent ; Segt. Patton, who 'alas recently returned from the Canadian Scouts, and sev- eral other soldiers, some of whom were wearing a portion of the khaki uniform which was supplied them in South Africa, were expressing their regret that so m'tny good fellows had met misfortune. A (0ALLANi' 1110UT. Canadians Fought to the L,tet :flan and Repelled Repeaetd Attacks. A Klerksdorp despatch says: " De- tails received of the battle et Doom - bah Farm, March 31, in which the British had three officers and twenty- four men killed, and sixteen officers and 131 men wounded, while the Boers had 137 men killed or wound- ed, show that quite two thousand Boers opened a strong attack from different points with three guns and a pom-pom. This attack was made at a moment when tato British had left iheir baggage in a !sager, in charge of the Canadian contingent, and were galloping across the open plain with the intention of capturing CORP. ALF. SliERRITT, LiEUT. MARI(HAM, St. John, N.B., Wounded. Brantford, Killed. PTE. LOUDON, Toronto, Wounded THREE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE IL4RT'S RIVER FIGHT- - • - - • - - • - afterwards G 1T - afterwards known as the Royal Cana- dian Dragoons. At the fight at Lillie- tontetn KnL eley greatly distinguished himself in the affair, for svhlch Major Cockburn was awarded the V. (S.: he wee given the medal for distinguished conduct in tate field. On returning to Canada he resumed his service In the 37th, and was made staff -ser- geant and orderly -room clerk. Ho nerved In that capacity at the last Niagara camp and at the royal re- view. On the Iast ouc:telo:l he received the D. C. M. from the hands of the Prince. He went to the front again with the 2nd C. M. R. Kniseloy, who at the L'litefontelt fight showed des- perate courage, was a very quiet and exceedingly modest man. SOME OM TIl1') HERONS. Part ionises About Other Ontario :lien Who Well Victims. London, Ont., , April 6.—Great ex- citement prevailed In the city to- day when the casualty list at Hart's River was bulletined by the newspaper offices. George Hueston, who Is among the killed, was well known here, and profound sympa- thy was expressed for his widowed mother, who lives In St, Mary's. Two 'of his sisters also reside in that town. Hueston heel been in London about five years, and was employed by the Acetylene Gas Co. W11011 ho enlisted.. He was formerly a member of the 7th Battalion. Ile was 25 years of age. Evans carne from Port Hope, and merely er- welcome and the present of a gold watch on hie return to his native town. When his health was somewhat restored lee volunteered for servlee again .last autumn, and went back to South Africa with the last contin- gent. Sergeant Perry had a great liking fox horse, and great skill in their management. While in Winni- peg he was detailed for special ser- vice in breaking and training unruly mounts, and las services with the first contingent as scent and rough rifler was of a very valuable kind. Ho was an only son, and while of genuinely soldierly bearing and spirit, he was a young man of most courteous disposition, and of a sin- gularly pure and likeable character. t'OH1'ORAI, Sili.ltttl'1'1'. Corporal to al Al! ' V. Sherritt,of Brant- ford, 1B 1 ford, wa8 tt noted leeycle rider and < r t f the chit t fion(thi of Can- ticle n C ticle a dew years ago. The (cation of 1(14)7 was perhaps the most success - fat of MP earner, and that year he won 110 first and 14 se and prams. In 18'.l t leo was srn,t to Vienna, Austria, ns ell: Canadian representative In the worlds championship meeting. After Itis return Capt. Carruthers was much interested in the subject of signalling, a paper which lee read to a military association in Kingston In advocacy of its more extensive practice. in Canada and of tato estab- lishment of a signalling department attracting much notice. On the 2ntl C. M. R. being raised Capt. Carruth- ers was given a eommtssion. Shortly before he joined :tie regiment lie was married to Miss Macpherson, of King- ston. TH11 WO LINI)IL'1) MONA'l3FIA1.ER. Montreal, April e, --Phe only 'Mont- realer given in the casualties from South Africa is Corp. Howard, who is 27 years old, and a son of Mr. Stewart Howard, Assistant City Surveyor, of Montreal. Corp. How- ard was formerly connected with the Montreal Garrison Artillery. CANADA 'I'O I1 ISR SONS, Ottawa, April 6.—The Governor- General has sent the following cablegraiu to the general in Com- mand at Cape Town : "Ottawa, April 0.—Please com- municate to officer commanding Canadian Mounted Rifles: Hearty congratulations- to all ranks on their splendid success ; deeply Ile- ploro heavy loss. ' "(Signed) Minto." Scone of tha'i'hird Contingent's eight The action in which.which.the Canadians werei ore nvolved took place 0.1 the Klein Harts, or Little Barts River, the southernmost branch of the harts River. Lord Mothuen's disaster at Tweebosch occurred a little to the uorth of the same river. No such place as Vreikual can be found on the snap, but the spelling Is possibly an error for Driekuil. A. farm of this name Is eight or ton miles south of the Little Harts: River, It Is near the Western termination of a rba:l or track which runs almost due west from Klerksdorp. From Lichtenberg to hfafeking is forty miles. From Klerktslorp to Lichtenberg is about sixty miles. The forks of the Harts River, which are shown on tint man, are about forty m:les'east of the railway, line. Rooirantitjesfontetn, tvhtelt le shown, is the place where Lord Methuen Wel C,1. Grenfell wore to meet. Vrt bur,r ferns which ecl Methuen narrludabnt sovuty m'ies southeast of ''ptvnnboscit. The fnite-attous are that the Can:t- dtane,' fight was on the southern bank of the Littie Harts, north 01 tido- knit 7i, has been surmised that the three a "13oer convoy, which had been dis- covered five miles ahead. The British retired steadily, and, haviaig dis- mounted, opened a return fusillade on tate Boers, While the baggage in charge of the Canadians was sent for, the British formed a camp, and started digging trenches,. The shell- ing of the ,Boers stampeded the males carrying provisions, and caused con- fusion, but otherwise it was not very effective, many shells faring to ex- plode,. The Canadian front was at - le strong numbers, brit they gallantly repelled every attempt Mode by the Boers to break through. One party of the Canadians fought until all were killed or wounded, and the last man, although mortally wounded, emptied two bandoliers of cartridges at the enemy, and then broke his rifle. The fighting was severe and general for fully three hours, but after the British had en- trenched, and the guns got into action, they repelled numerous and determined attacks made under the personal exhortations of the Boer leadsrs. Towards night the fire gradually ceased, and the Boers re- tired, The British then telegraphed for aid and further euteenclted their tamp for the, night and to await the arrival of General Kitchener, but the Deere made not attempt to renew Lite attack." The casualty list of 174 killed and wounded is an adequate proof of the desperate fighting between the two format. It ih feared that the official list they be incomplete, as tate casu- alties among the Canadian Mounted Rifles, who, bore the brunt of the at- tack, are Inas serious than was an- ticipated, Such details as leave been received show that Delarey and Hemi) were In hiding not far from the scene of Lord elethuen'e surprise and defeat. and that Cookson and Keir, In conducting the reconnaissance, Were drawn on untel they were confronted by a superior force, and forced to fight on tate defensive:. The Ilritistl tortsea being seatl'dned troops, and well supported by the artillery, held their ground despite the series of titre: assaults. Delarey's burghers :Stistaifett not otily (severe loseaes, but a (tno.si50 defeat. The Boers; attacked with great de- termination, but the Canadian eon- titig est and two( squadrons of Tho- net1 ry meter Colonel Cooka)n, and the artillery and ii untel ranee. lfl* tler Colonel Heir, 1trn.seftnrl stroll a eeltntt front that the burgltrrs were Pineal} f„tee:1 to retreat, The Government is Paid to be ne- gc;tttttitlnl; for the purchases of the Stewart estate, In Ottawa, tis a site for the Victoria Memorial Muat+eum, LIEUT. BRUCE CARRUTHERS, Whose Party of Canadians Won Gen. Kitchener's Special Praise. LONDON 1'RiCSS PRAISES 'Tail. BOYS. London, April "v.-7.itte gallantry of the Canadian troops at the en- gagement with the Boers near Ha rt's River, Southwestern Trans- vaal ,on March 31st, attracts uns tinted praise from the British press. These comments form a striking c ontrast to the recently printed notification that the attention of Lord Roberts, the Commander -in - Chief, had been drawn to various oases where colonials who had boon awarded commissions were t reated as inferiors by the regular officers and otherwise made to feel that they were only members of the mess by sufferance. Lord Rob erts, it was semi -officially an- nounced, was 'making an investigat ion,.and intended to inflilct the moat serious penalty on any British oftbcers found guilty of such conduct. Privately, and in letters to the press, many colonial officers have frequently complained that ''they are good enough at the front, but are not wanted at a Cape lawn hotel or in a London drawing - room." VAR OFFICE '1'O LORD uiNT'O. Ottawa, April lie—(Special.)—Local Minto received a table from "the War Office this morning stating that the names of the officers in the casualty list at Klein Harts River has been sent forward, and that as soon as the list of rank and file has been received it would also be sent. So far it had not' been received. The officers were the four mentioned yesterday. The Governor-General cabled yesterday for the full list of casualties. - CECIL RHODES' BEQUESTS, Some Particulars of the Re- markable Will, PROVISION FOR HIS BURIAL. London, April 4.-111e will of Cecil Rhodes provides. for the establish - Mone et colonial scholarships, 'as pre- viously announced, •and two 'American scholarships to each of the preseut etates and territories of the Unit- ed States. The will of Mr. Rhodes also pro- vides Tor five scholarships for etnd- ents of German birth, at Oxford, to be nominated by Emperor Wil- liam, and commenting on the be- quest, Mr. Rhodes, in a codicil tele- graphed from South Africa, said : "For a good understanding between Britain, Germany and the United States will secure the peace of the world and educational relations form the strongest tie." All the Rhodes scholarships, Am- erican, colonial and Gorman, are at Oxford. Mr. Rhodes' will Is a remarkable and voluminous document. It was ex- ecuted in 1809. There is a codicit at- tached on the day of the deceased's last departure from England, and another, cabled 4rom Cape Town, leaves £4,000 yearly to keep up the spot in the Matoppo Bilis where his body is to be buried. The will fur- ther directs that a railroad exten- sion be, made tato the M'atappe Hills, so that visitors may ,go there at the week -end to inspect the majesty and glory of their surroundings. Mr. Rhodes explicitely says that he is to be buried in an aperture, cut in the solid rock, surmounted by a brass tablet bearing the words "Here lie the remains of Cecil John Rhodes. No one else is to be bur fed there who has notdeserved well itis country. Mr. Rhodes bequeaths all his land- ed property near Bulusvayo and Sal- isbury. al- t es, ywhom rnhe Matabeleland, to Idcto trus- ultivate the land for the inistruction of the people of Rhodesia. His celebrated country plade at Groot Schuur, not far from Cape Town, Mr. Rhodes leaves a resklencel for the Prime Min- ister of the Federal Government of South Africa," with £1,000 yearly for its maintenance. , 1 The cad man was almost overcome by the news, but left at once for Ilea adelphia, and Bald be expected to sail immediately foe Europe to claim his fortune,. Among his fellows( at Lakewood, Rhoaets' relationship to the "Empire builder" of South Africa was un- knrUwn until the despatch arrived, Theo he told ails story, according to which he is a first cousin of Cecil Iihodeis+. "Cecil," he said, "was going to Eton when I come to America;. 1 stent to Canada and later to Buffalo. From the latter city I moved to Phil- adelphia, but a few yearn ago I failed in the grocery business, and was com- pelled to earn a laving by doing jan- itor work. "Rhodes and myself never got along very well together, as our families had always disagreed over religious matters:, I wrote hen in 1896 and told aim that I was dot doing very well, and would like to go to Solite Afrioak He sent me a curt note say - Ing that there were enough Ithodeses In South Africa, and refused to help me." London, April 5.—The war in South Africa, politics and every topic usually of interest were for- gotten to -day In the absorbing die - cession of Cecil Rhodes' will. Regard- ing thatextraordinary document, the Associated Press has ascertained some new facts. The total of • Mr. Rhodes' fortune is likely to prove to be £5,000,000 or slightly -under that amount. The executors, to whom he bequeathed the residue of his estate, will divide about £1,000,000 or £1,500,000 between them. According. to the terms of this legacy, the amount is to be divided during their life time ; but as each legatee dies his shire goes to a common fund until the surviving legatee becomes its solo owner. *Hence, one of the executors, the majority of whom are enormously wealthy, will one day Inherit what will Hien have prob- ably accumulated into nearly £2,000,- 000. 2,000;000. The executors, the Associated Press learns, have unusually full powers, and can construe and add .o the will as seems fit. Hence the ()mission of British Columbia, Nova Seethe and other Canadian provinces from the list of scholarships le quite likely to be corrected, and each pro- vince of Canada may be put on the same footing as the American States, One of Me. Rhodes' most intimate associates said to a representative of the Associated Press, "He drew up his sviil In the same spirit in which he approached all great undertak- ings. In his most important tasks he merely sketched the outlines and left us to fill in the details. His . trustees are given plenary powers. In the matter of the scholarships, Mr. Rhodes saw the scheme was so vast that any attempt to too rigidly lay down the lines might result in harm, so, beyond endeavoring to meet the legal requirements, he tried to Leave the fulfilment of his plans to those with whom during itis life thee leo lead frequently dis- cussed ',them." Regarding the American hequeets the Ramo authority said: "In offer- ing Amerlealls atnd Germans induce- ments to go to Oxford, Dar. Rhodes had a deal atm. karatputting the youth of England in intimate touch with what ho termed the two meet progressive nations of the world, so that they might bo broadened and spurred to more strenuous efforts. Secondly, bringing the best speci- mens of Americans and Germans on such terms with the English people and customs that they might be- come mhseionaries of a better in- ternational understanding." When the trustees can meet anti all the preliminary details are set- tled, a request will bo made to sev- eral leading Atnericans to form a committee in the United States to not in conjunction with the English body and assume certain respensibiltles for which the executors are palpably un- fitted, both, by absent' from ;the Un- ited States and ignorance; of its customs. 1 London, April fr.—.Rhodes will de- sires that the students should not patronize any particular college but distribute themselves throughout the University. Trustees are allowed to suspend or remove any scholar at their discretion. Mr. Rhodes expresses the hope that the trueteos will arrange an an- nual dinner and re -union for all stu- dents and scholarship graduates who are able to attend and invite there- to as guests "persons who have shown sympathy with tate views ex- pressed by nae in my will." Another provision is that no stu- dent shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a scholarship on ac- count of race or religious opinion. in a cddicIl to his will, Cecil Rhodes settles the Dalham Hall estate on ids brother, Col. Erancle William Rhodes and his male heirs, with re- mainder to his brother, Ernest Fred- erick Rhodes, and the males of his heirs. In a clause referring to this settlement, lir. Rhodes expresses hie objection to the expectant heir de- veloping into a "loafer," and says that tho essence of a proper life is that • every man should have a defin- ite occupation during a substantial period of his career. In tate disposi- tion of the Balham Hall estate, it provided that the successor to the es- tate must have been 10 years in bust• nese or in profession other titan. the army, or, in the vaso of ..n infant heir, Ste tnnst: enter business and re - Main there for tenyears, otherwise, 1 will terminate. te. 'rl e r ra entail will m the tt a tnaris st Cetl against 1n t n ncumbe rin t he estate. New i Irk, April y,=--C40orp;is Phodes, Lakewood, Nt J., Janitor, luta re- e('it'ntl a daepateb from hie on ;It 1'hilndnli)lna, it.tyinft 111011 1tlioties left sum a !moot' or $0,000' 1 The Buffalo Express' Washington correspondent says the U. S. have ordered an inquiry into the allege'] removal bf an ' Alaskan boundary y 'v •or. nadian Surveyor. j mark syn f a � Smith's Falls has had ten eased of smallpox, but is now clear ret thea I, disease Thera are three new rases i in almnntr, where the Initial ellen ' wee not at first reeognieed. There i is also another Case at Copper Cliff,