HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 6Advice to Bachelors...
Trailing to get the girl your want. yon may as well be wedded to MON-
SOON Ceylon Teat. It can't refuse you, and may be }aril at, all groeere'.
Lead packets.
++dr+,4+.+4.444-6.4.4-144.444++4 4++++++++++++++++4 4 +#•b•1'•1'444
1Comingof Gillian:Tl��
A Pretty Irish Romance.
444444'+4444111'4+++'!+.44444'F+'h+ Wi'+++++4.+i''F4444 F'Y'4'1tm
black serge dress and Indian muslin
collarette entering the room where
George Is waiting. "Sure she couldn't
god look,'
ani bllgood heart from—Calikoe o' moi for rrickfergus
to Cape Clear !"
Gillian pauses ere she enters the
dining -room, and puts her letters in
the post -bag, only jest in time, as
the groom carries it away for the
early post just as she turas back and
goes into the dining -room, where
theerge is standing, with several fold -
"I will intrude oh you. no
longer then," she says, gent-
ly, "but 1 will always pray
and hope that you will
yet forgive me, and speak kindly to
"tee for hie dear sake, if not for my
She bows her proud head and hum-
bly kieses Lady Darner s hand as it
yet holds the door, and goes away
downstairs to her g
the door but and locked behind her.i
"And—oh ! how I pity her from
the depths of my heart 1" Anne ed papers in leis hand, in an attitat e
way', with an outburst of tears, as of restless expectancy.
she Lays her head on her husband's (:`RAPPER, XLYII.
breast when they are alone to-
gether. "She looked as 1r she were He starts perceptibly as she enters,
tasting the bitterness of death, as and his eyes gleam with a. swift,
if her proud heart was breaking ; glad light for one instant only, the
trlendiees and desolate, and 1 so hal- neat it has Laded before the light
of Ulllian's face, composed, and as
fair as nnatble.
" Good morning,"' she says, with a
faint, courteous smile. " You sent to
say you 'wished to see me ?'"
" Yes, I did," George answers, gaz-
ing fixedly at her, angry—with mata-
culine injustce—at the perfection
with which she has learned the lesson
he lass taught her. " I hope I haven't
disturbed you too soon? You look
' Do I ?'" whit another cold, little
smile, seating herself composedly.
"" Well, burglare aye not an ordinary
occurrence in my life, you see."
For instinctively, with a woman's
sensitive -plant quickness of percep-
tion, Gillian feels instantly that their
planes have changed this morning,
and that ser cold, ingraetous lover is
remorseful and Monate, Folicitous and
eager to atone if lie can.
"No, fortunately," lie says, with a
slight, embarrassed laugh, gazing
at her stili in uneasy, vexed admir-
"Little hypocrite!" in his inward,
amused thought. "She looks as im-
passive, one cold, and proud as a
snow-maielen ! I must alter that in
a few mInutee."
"I wanted, however, to see you
early, because there was no one
tieorhe is silent, trying to Choose
his words, and not finding one to
I have offended you, I know," he
says, in a low, uutateady tune. "1
meted, tis 1 drought, honestly."
"I have never questioned that, (lure-
ly ?" Uilltan sa, s, (way, with a
slight quiver of her lips, "I trust
you wilt continue to act honestly in
the same way."
Again thee• bleed rushee to Ids face
and re('edee ae suddenly, and the
handsome, bolo, florili countenance IN
Pale and rigid with hidden painand
I will,'' the says briefly and stern-
tern•ly; "yolt nerd not fear,' and then
he gathers up the papers he meant
to Varve shown Iter—tile certificates
and will which Captain Lacy Itad res.
mica out or time burglar's very
hands last night, as the ruffian who
was on guard lit the library sought
to secure the valuable documents
before poor Sir Henry's helpless gaze.
,As you are leaving so soon it is
scarcely fair to trouble you or to
trouble Lady Amer Lu my behalf,
and it would avail little in any ogee,
I suppose, as you say,' he remarks,
in a cold, matter of fact tone.
"Yes, I think so," agrees Gillian
calmly, whilst her tender heart is
aching Intolerably at refusing hint
a request he has made her.
'At what alma do you leave?"
George asks, (;lancing .at the clock
and moving toward the door.
"As soon as I can," Gillian says,
with: a faint little laugh; "my trunks.
are all packed anti I am quite ready."
"Then I shalt not see you again,
ars I am going over to Darragh on
business In the course of half an
hour," George remarks, quietly. "I
will say goon -bye now,"
„Good-bye," Gillian says, placidly,
scarcely raising her eyes as ,she ex-
tends her hand, which he barely
touches, and without another word
he leaves the room.
Sao listens to his retreating foot-
steps with tightly -clinched fingers
and pale, quivering lips, shuddering
from head to foot with the strain
of the agony of that sound, the
echoes of the departing joy nd
}tope of her life thrust away from
her by her own proud trembling
"By and by, by and by," the pale
lips whisper to the heart's anguish,
clamoring wildly for some relief,
"By and by, in the dead of the
night, when no one will see me, I
can give way then. For very 'sham'e's
sake I must not give way now,
thoughself!I feel as. if -1 had killed my -
And then, in the hurry and mis-
ery of her spirit, she hastens to be
gone; to bury her dead hopes out
of her sight, and leave the very
place where they lie, for evermore.
Ten minutes later she le dressed
for travelling, and leaving her maid
to finish packing her own box, Gil-
liany wrapped up in furs, knocks at
Lady Demer's door and beg Mrs. •
Lynclil who opens it, to ' ask her
mistress if she may see her for a
few mdments.
"My lady will eee no one, :Niles
Deane," Lynch says, with the grim
pjeaeure in disobliging which some
n aturetl feel.
"But I sem Ieaviug, and want to bid
tier good-bye," Gillian. says, quietly,
too weary and depressed in mind and
body to resent the discourtesy of
either the mistress or the servant,
"Will you tell her, Lynch, please ?"
•'I will tell her, madam ; but 1 know
my lady isl too i11 to see anyone,"
Lynch nays, a little more civilly. "The
shock of last night has brought on an
attack of palpitation, Miss Deane."
But she doe's carry (*Alien's mes-
'lage, and returns with the vague re- pounding on. the other door, need the
py, so rich, eo honored !
"Anne!" her husband says, blunt-
ly, "of all the blind foole that love
makes, there to none blinder or more
foolish than a clever; high-minded
woman, wigs has fallen in Iove with a
man mentally and morally her in-
"I 'haven't !" Anne exclaims, with
her eheeke in a flame.
'"Did 1 say you had?" Lacy says,
dryly. "It looks rather like it,
Presently he propounds another
agreeable statement.
"You haven't thought, I euppose,
.t.nie, of all the difference this will
make to us ? If t(eurge is— George
-Darner, and the lawful heir,
and reiuetated here in every way, it
may mean loss of home and em-
ployment, and everything else to
"Everything else, Patrick?"
"011, well, bother! I'm talking busi-
ness," he says, frowning and smil-
ing, but yielding willingly to the
caressing arms that have stolen
about ids neck. ""A woman in love
is so dreadfully unbueineda-like, 00
&natter 'low sensible she may be!
Yob would lose the world, and think
the world well lostS as long as you
have yopr bad bargain safe.
"But I have my world," argues else; I mean," blunders George, a,nd
Anne, looking up with glowing eyes, reddening rather nervously over his
and her white right hand inclasps blunder as he sees Gillian's delicate
One woman with Sunlight Soap v4:111 do quicker REDUCES
work than T\V() will with impure soap.
Ask for the Octagon Bar.
If your grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS
LIMITED, 'reroute, sending his Mama end address, and a
trial 'sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of coat,
the hand that wears his wedding
ring around his neck, "I have all
that the would holds precious or
dear to Inc now; how thea, should
1 not be satisfied?"
But while the wedded lovers sit
and talk together in the happy,
dual solitude of their married life.
on into the early morning }tours,
Gillian ,Dearne, alone in her own
room, is writing letters, and goiug
to and fro packing up her dresses
and belongings.
She works quickly and indefatig-
ably; in spite of weariness exces-
sive, and never pauses or hesitates.
until the wardrobe and drawers are
empty, and her two big dress.-
baskets and Gladstone and dressing
bags are fall. Ana then "All in a fiery
dawning, wild with wind," elle lies
down to rest. To rest her wears
little body for a few hours, she
thinks, to prepare her for the jour-
ney she has decided ou, as soon as
she can quit Mount °score for ever-
'lite Anorehist.
Ile is no eon of Freedom's
This Aitnrel►-Caliban
Whose Judas hands betray
they embrace --
Tills fool -fiend masked as man,
Whose black blood-madfees, raven-
ing and blind,
Would make the assassin's code a
law for all mankind!
Now when the world, grown confide
, ous of its strength,
is shores
Ie sweeping from i ho
The tyranny of kings, and breaks, at
Their dread Star Chamber doors,
Shall this veiled terror shadowing
Freedom's ground,
Uplift its head and reign, a despot,
though uncrowned
Nay, cownrd murder misses where
it afore
And smites at its own cause;
The slain of tyrants leave their mar-
tyred names
Each one a star that draws
The saaner world clean -footed through'
the night,
On by broad highways slowly, up to
Freedom's light.
London Daley Chronicle.
Homes in California.
Retired British. army officer, resid-
ing in most desirable section of Cali-
fornia, has agency for sale of orange,
lemon, olive and peach orchards, also
tracts of unimproved land. Reliable
information tarnished to inquirers
sending addressed envelope to "Cap.
tain W. J. M.," Freeman's Hotel,
Auburn, Planer Co., California. Tour-
ists met, Hotel at depot.
under hp tura—""1 mean there Is no
one whom I can ask for advice and
—and assistance in .the position in
'which I am placed."
Ullitan's eyes are fixed on him with
a certain cold surprise and formal
attention, and George finds his heart
beating fast with anger and. ember
rasement, and a twinge of passionate
It is in consequence of what oc-
curred, what you heard Sir Harry
say last night," lie stammers, flush-
ing deeply up to the roots of his
chestnut hair; "you heard the state-
ment he made ?"
"' Yes. It was quite true, I hope,
for your ',eke?" Gillian asks, quickly,
her coldness melting, her eyes glow-
ing in venom thy with that pained,
hot flueh. 'ind shrinks from encountering the •cher recommendation should be
" It was quite true," George an- taunting reproo'& anal biting sarcasms sought. Everybody will tell you it
savers, 10 a low, husky tone, looking of her merellevs tongue. Is the best. •
clown and rustling the papers lying Gladly, indeed, Gillian feels that
under his hand. " I ascertained it she would fain never see Lttdy Dam-
wns all as he said. The certificate of er again, but site yet hesitates at
the seeming selfishness and ungeu-
eroteness of deserting the house
now where elle had been so lav-
ishly welcomed once, when illness,
misery and the shadow of dishonor
have come upon it.
++++++++++ .4 +++++4 4444 ++++
• •
'J'1111t'5 without number it 1111» been
noticed that women will tolerate
and even he fricndly� with the most
ordinary kind of men, though they
luny hold aloof (10111 and Ow Pee.
„ muse of most cementing nt1•lnbers of
their owl. sex. }lure is the eeplana•
Snap Shots.
:There is plenty of imam, to let in
the hluncnse room for improvement.
Love may not be blind at the »tart,
but it is never able to Bae Its Thiele
Few men have enough self-confi-
dence to enable therm to Ignore their'
own mistaltcs. -
When two women are bitter ene-
mies them' is always route matt at the
bottom of it.
Poor Hubby's irix.
Tho fo!lowlag story is now going
the rounds : A married couple ar-
ed; at a ball/ and la entering the
house the husband slipped on the
stairs and tell, awl &'east the knee of
his trousers. Already late, the was
tag1iast at the disaster.. Ris ltyife,
however, carne to his rescue, and
said: "Never mind ; it is late, and
meiotic, will be, in the women's drese-
1ng room. Come there ,with me, and
I'll mend thea: for you." To [tear
was to obey, butt when once the
dressing room was . reached the
wife. said, "Well, you know, I can't
mend them while you have them
on," and the traotablc hneband took
tho trousers off and handed them
over for repair. Bat, this domestic
scene was interrupted by other be-
lated guests who sought to enter
and diceet themselves of Wraps.
'"Good ,gracious 1" said the husband,
"what shall I do now?"
"Gey' into this closet," advised his
reeonrceful spouse, "and I'1l get rid
of these people int a jiffy."
With the words she whisked him
through the door and slammed fit
after hint. It closed' with a spring
lock. Theo she sped toward the
dressing room door to admit' the
now clamorous guests—Just as she
reaehed it she was stayed by a
I was cured of a batt case of Grip
Sydney, C. B. C. I. LAGUE,
R was cured of loss of voice by
CIIARLI e, l'Ll►ItiJ11JR,
I was cured of Sciatica Rheumatism
B.ortn, Nfld. ,
id' : • 'imploring voice of her hnsband, "For
"MT' laxly says/ site is too ill to see heaven's sake," he pleaded, "let me
anyone or speak to anyone • just a
present, and she hopes you will ex -
owe her, Miss Deane."
So (Aldan. is obliged to go back to
her own rooms, iu tt state of vague,
painful uncertainty, wondering what
titre had best do next.
Slhe the most unwilling to leave the
house without bidding her hostess
adieu. though she knows well that her
presence is little det,ired byedeady
Darner now ; thought indeed elle fears
back. you've shut tare in the ball-
room." _
New York Central and Hudson River
The above name is a house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate is the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no fur -
amore. "1 ant thar!hfUl to heaven, me- mother's marriage and my own
most truly thankful for hie sake. that birth are here plaiu enough. Not
all the truth is told," elle drinks, that they're notch good!" he adds,
with quiet, absolute hon,leeene»s awl with irrepressible bitterness. " He
decision. '•It is 0 blessing to hila-- broke her heart and blasted her life;
aft unspeakable blesviug t., him! Itis he killed her, and branded me with
birthright, honor, 1 know well, awl l I disgrace. That can never be undone."
thank Heaven for giving it to hive. '• age Gillian says, gravely, "'that
But now 11e must never have the eau never be undone."
chance of repulsing the again. I love ,tete shrinks froin venturing to prof,
him so dearly 1 I pitle,i lain No de"ls- fer lain her sympathy, and she shrinks
ly that I would even after last n)ghe ! equally frum empty conventional
have given him one chance more of 1phrases. But lu- takes her quiet,
surrendering his pride and making . measured ntteran.ce in another light.
me happy ---so happe. so happy ! Batt 1 .1 quick look of painted astonish -
now he shtlli never have that Chanoe I meat, and then a flush 18 succeeded
again." by a e•ueden pata,r, an<i a shadow that
She thinks she is only resting and falls all over Itis bright face.
dozing. when she rouses herself with I "No, it can never be undone,' he
a start to find the nurse, Nene Hag- I rr-Peuts, in a hard, JIM tone, "and
garty, standing beside her with a ' Pxeept I can now legally assert I
icrcakfuet tray. 1 am not what they taunted inc with
"Sure I made bould to come an' being. f am litre better off in any
disturb seta, Miss Deane," she saI es, way for that unhappy man's late con•
witli a face alai voice full of uli sorts fession. And my difficulty is this,
wf eouitendiug Emotions, and vvhiett . that while he insists, and, what is
site tries in vain to render calm and - more, implores that t shall remain
. we
der/Mused; "for sureIvor gettila' in the hunks with him, my presence
l used , what will wan thing ata' here le mesa painful and obnoxious
frightened, ! try Lady Ismer. She refuses to leave
anotlier,whi.n it some to til o'clock un- her rooms—refuses to hold any tom.
your maid red veil ltadu't woke up :
an' I brotig'ht yell. a taste o' break-
fast. asthore. AN soon els you're volt to ask you Lf you will see Ater
dbressod, eeiss. Air. George, a tint los a sand assure her that I will not remain
eome,liments, are he'd be glad to met. ' here b:'yuiud to•elay."
Yele mly'
He almost 11 a
lH with her. I
P ,t
Nelly dell
vers this m
a with
fel fops to troub,„. her."
most elaborate attempt tat uneteo I ""I will telt Lardy Datni"r what you
aciousneee, which is rendered rather say, but 1 have not the tilightest in•
•futile by her most evident disappoint- fluence tr, prevail with her 01ie
meat at Gillian'e bili!,-]ndifferca"t way or the other," Gillian answers
reception of the message.Lint is rt,ldly as ever. "Indeed, Ido
"Telt him, If you please, 1 mbnll l,c It,rt think that the intr'rfPrenee of aL
ciownntairs in half an hour," sue hayre ' third party in a matter which Intl -
briefly and carelessly, 'melting algae mately vont/et'ns her private feelings
the toast and ponolte 1 mew: wit's will ,le, any goml. Lady' Darner
which poor belly tries to tempt her. tete suffered a erne' rong,
"I want nothing' more than the tee. and eltc.—unjn8tly. perhaps—fel-4e bit -
nurse, thank you." Carly toward every one Concerned In
And '.e11y goee away tooting ''dash- 1lin t wrong. Tint 1)'fnre 1 leave to-
ed" and desponding, In 8p1te of tee ,late:' Comelndcs tiililan, toying datntl-
ioy and }lope that ie Mang her lloncet 1v • with her Emirs• --n 'splendid hall-
munication with me, and as there is
no one else, I ventured to trouble
The Morning }tours pass slowly 00.
The doctor pays his lengthy r visit
to Sir Harry, but Lady Damen' Bends
no summons to lame though she is
reported to bo so i11. Only Lynch
seemi. her, and time woman is a faith-
ful servant enough in her own cold,
mechanical way, and strictly obeys
Iter lady's orders to keep her doors
locked, and to forbid any one from
passing witltiu thein, until such time
as slie gives orders to the contrary.
heart tit the fart of "yfasther a+ boa 1 of (limeade and sapphir0s. a
t.eorge's" nnexpeetei return. ant( the
superb castle-bniiding whirl' has preHeot from her Cather on its mar- }tetter, ami Jreilcrg ill, and ],enrt mirk,
in- rias te. glitters there in addition to(ilhian Ilea clown to
stenos eommeneal in :belly's ilii•i 1 ntirl very weary,
itnagiuration. the other rings which site Is fond of react, warmly wrapped 111 shawls and
n(11ring " I will nsk Lady 1)atner to i dressing -gown, and fort,^rte all the
For fs efi not when theer tllinaoee ,
slays of last antntnu, when the yrronng moment to ser- you. Olds matter, I ! trouble ivitirtt h:tuv dnrkrnrrlr>ercg9�i
3tairr•se :cud I1r.r nleater met in tile think. lies entirely between her. nand all Hee for awhile in at ret ] L
Old entitle rol,nls, an 1 stunt the ..ant• Sir Barry, and yonrsalf.'
user twilight 1114 Incurs ei•14' by ,4,1E ? ; " Are eon leaving Mount Ussery 1"
And 410(0 e.hc 1101 Ercall the looms 4,f Georgi ask , Mantle, and oven Gil -
1 Lie
lil-lLie palet night, when Sir Herm, limes heart thrilin with a bitter Nnt-
i)almar. 1nlr1 wank a 11•1 robetteterl ol► isfeettonalt his (Reappointment.
his bed. yet demands his eon's pre N- ! ' hit. yes, Nhe slags. rnrrlt'ssly, but
(ewe before servat11t14 and ,loetors, (la:cirivele 1 "it Is quite time my
ttiirl falls into hey fel Trish slumbers . 'ri tt mom. to an ('nil. 1 menet to iigo
With hie fin 1111 ramping hie eon's heal, d.ty8 »i(, , bat wetted. a
iN Miele
ren if the siren l of losing him Harry wait co 1on01y. until Ie„ was
hitaints hila even in 811011, eta Nolle better rind stronger; bet Maw 1511:111
'Tete this 1111' tb11t tt'g tier." 058111' b,* off"
toile horeiier. eagele, and ivattln's " As I a11,1 lore?" (;r•oigl nuke,
fxillian coming dour} -stairs and go- bluntly.
in f; into he dining -t nom. with mos Gillian r►•d'10ii laamelltite. null ri»e»
of ithwhilting interest. tired 11(1 Mei drawl" Ttway fro.
m 111.
Meet* ae 1itc good soul is 1111OC ser ' 1/111111411 latlp 'cue irtferr•neee,.,
•Wearieeme t'1"i t iv --tell »h() Pities, frigidly. "•I (lo 1r(It with nor
Afro. Binks—Horrors ! Uncle John
itas'asent a guts for tittle Jthnnee B&11
be sure to kill himself,
Mr. B,—indeed he will.
him see It.
"But what shall I do
thing ?"
"Given It to that boy next door."
Lynch brings her up some imp
and wine and jellies and dainty
bruited birdie on toast, and takes
them away again hardly tasted,
but consoles herself by at very com-
fortable luncheon off the rejected
Mabee in her mistress' dressing -
room, where site keeps strict wateh
and ward, obeying Lady Demer's
order(' to the very letter.
And 80 none see her, 11000 upeak
to her ; no human presence, no touch
of sympathy come nigh. her to dis-
turb her, lying ,}lone In her luxur-
loas, silent room, with tine drawn
blinds and the softly glowing fire,
• v
home le y
It to ver silent—ver
and. dreary, and eilent—through all
that wild, bleak, spring day, early
April a fir It Is by the calendar—but
with daya borrowed from March in
Ido ,oldest, flereestJ 111000%
tion offered by au observing anti
philosophical eoel'ty lender
"It i.- not beeline woolen 111 '0 wo
111011 that tltey are disliked by their
own sex la busincse, 11 Is Joanne(
IIIA avcr"ig''1'ome nvo10t1t,' t b'sta't t.i1-
Itcrsl.and. She le usually 11101111m -1i of
her home, absolutely the most leo
portant person in it, and; see. loses
the true appreeintio.l of the import•
ant's of Other people outml:le it. A
tnatt In h11011 Si 1N Coil+tan(Iy brought
in contact with men who are. Itis
equals or »tilleriors, who have
a'qual rights with liiho, whereas it
Woman may spend two hours a day
visiting with callers of her own
grade of intelligence, as against
sixteen spent with the children and
tlto servanes. 'When she does meet
men it is dither in the capacity of
grocery boys or clerks wltoHe
True Florida indolence.
I was walking, near Miami, at a,
rather brisk pace one morning, where
I passed a lonesome,$llanty. A white
man sat upon the rude piazza, and
another man and a boy stood near
by. '
"Are you going to work to -day ?"
asked the bay of the sitter.
"No," was the answer.
'"Why not 9"
"I ain't got time.'—Boston Evening
Don't let
with 'the
gtnard's Liniment Lumberman's
Her ()pluton.
Mr. Quinn—I never gazed upon
such beautiful .• brio -a -brae as the
Harwoods have in their parlor, And
they've had it for years:
M'r's. Quinn (contemptuously) —Oh,
it just show's that they can't afford
to keep a servant. If they had a
maid tint brie -a -brat would never be
there no long."—Chicago News. •
Yea (wise head) has an advantage over
other soap powdersinasmuch as it also acts
as a disinfectant.
Chicago &- Northwestern Railway ;
every day during March and April.
Colonist one-way second-class tick-
ets at very low rates from Chi-
cago to points in Colorado, Utah,
?Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington, California, Victoria,
Vancouver, New Westminster, Nei-
e'on, Roseland and other points - in
Kootenay district.. Also special round
trip Homeseekere' tickets on first and
third Tuesdays, March, April and
May, Full particulars from nearest
ticket agent or Be F1. Bennett, Gen-
eral Agent, 2 East .Tering street, To-
roneo, ()ate
nese it is to defer to her opinion, }low.
ever illogical, or in a eoeial way,
when 1t isn't worth while to combat
Iter raffle. Sts if lei y happen to be e
dean filie makes
So that a
very great effort elle becomes pori -
live and dogmatic, and when lie
novae other women where there is.
a Plash of interests she expects the
same deference from them that site
receives In leer daily surroundings
from men, and tht•s is in a great
measure diveussiontwhen It strahe reason ys outside tate
ays asf peaeefulttasbIs deelrablet al
Hips tittle iuinntee are th
Perry Davis"Painkiller needs all toe tistopme
a etoanitclt ache, even when It is
suture enonglt to make a Strong moan
groan. Don't be fooled by imitations.
25 and 50e.
Alt the Sante to Hiro.
Clerk—You can't get 0 room for
halm here. He's drunk.
Wytte (supporting his " weary"
frClerk (scornfully—I know he )—This. is. Iss. What othat
perance hotel.
Wytte—Well, he's too drunk to
know the difference.
is sent direct to the diseased
puts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages,stops droppings In the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever9Blower
free. Ali dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chase
Medicine Co,. Toronto and Buffalo,
Knowledge and timber should be
well seasoned before being pit to
Cheap Excursions to California.
1'or the meeting of the lnclepenll-
ent Order of Foresters at Los An-
geles, April 24th, cheap round trip
i the Chicago,
ftect 1.1
it eine
Union Pacific & Northwestern litre.
Rate from Toronto $02.00, and pro-
portionately low ratite from other
points In Canada. Three through
loathe daily from Chicago. with Pull -
A fierce nor 1Itwea t wind ravages mans, tourist sleeper& and fres re-
am scarcely budded woodlands, and dining chair cars. Select the beet
strews the paths ;Incl lawns with the route, affording finest scenery and
]hulks and slimily,' of the tender quickest time. Choice of routes re -
young leaves ; with sprays and tufts turning. Full Information and epee -
of the tender bads, as well eh the • fat folder of this eexctuston can be
dead brnncihee, the dried-up leaves of obtained (rem B. H. lennett, General
last autumn, flneriine riine tangs that Agent,. 2 King street east, Toronto,
cumber the growth of the foliage. the rOnt,
Moment' nn<l dirt berry.
'1 lie renter 04 'a ,t'i .••* •t-•
(San .Fraticisro Bulletin.)
are not sick, Job," said one
friends: "You only think you
of the
"Only 'think T aur, eh?"
"Yee. It is merely a delusion."
"Well, then, all I've got to say. is,
I'd rather be sick than' have this
And then poor .old Job went ex-
ploring for a new boll that had
Jost made its debut on the back
of his neck.
011 for the
- en.
Give then} oil—cod-liver oil. 0
it's curious to see the result.
Give it to the peevish, fret'
ful chilli, and he laughs. Give
it to the' pale, anilemic child,
and his face becomes rosy and
full of health. Take a flat,
chested child, or a child that.
has stopped growing, give him
the oil, and he will grow big
and strong like the rest.
This is not a new scheme.
It has been done for years.
Of course you must use the
right oil. Scott's Emulsion
is the one,
Scott's Emulsion neither
looks nor taste.. 'ike oil because
we are so careful in making it
pleasant to take.
Send for free sample. _-'
SCOTT & BOWER Toronto, cauda.
sue and $t.00t all druggists.
Advise to the Husbandless.
(Brooklyn Standard -Union.)
,Titre Hoboken young woolen who
have been praying for nine days
for husbands would Make much bet-
ter progress 1f they resorted to,
the comparatively worldly church
Keep Mlnard's Liniment la the
No subetttute for "Tho D. & L."
Menthol Plaster, although some un-
scrupulous dealers may say there is.
Recommended by doctors, by hos-
pitals, by the clergy, by everybody,
for silliness, pleurisy, etc. Maisie by
Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd.
Anil in desp.Iir of doing ansilting Fi11(af1TI.1" A keel4T MINDED.
"Does your husband ever help you
about 'taking mere of the baby 2" wan
asked tate wife of it ;toting profes-
asnt'. "Not iamb tiort Alt sometimes
he does, Last evening he said he'd
take Willie for an airing, no Ife was
going to walk clown to the pout -of -
flee. Half an hour Inter I flew 111Y
hur,1011(1 sitting in the parlor rend-
ing '1. sr.ientlfle magazine, bet I
could see nothing of the baby.
"where's Willie 9 What have eon
done 111111 him 9" 1 askcrf. 'why,'
staid: the pt ofossor, "I forgot aril about
him 1 it Milk be Is eittilg In the
poet -office.' "--Feottlsit-Ani0rlcau.
e leep,
It hi hate in the afternoon often elle
awakele, ntvi though NI1P icarerly
knows luny elle sl►ould trouble to
rise (1nd dress ngaltn when elm
will pi-ibethie 4401' 110 one until
nightfall 1111(10 -titre on titin
long. entifuerel, leieernble. niglltmore
of a (My, yet Milian Auer d110148 rbaty»
ly with her me 1/1's help and (cranks
mime ten. tlairst'1, :in,i fcvmrlshiy, rind
"brit su'ldcnly i+ 8I'iZ01 W1111 a longing
for fresh ni' and the cold wind btutw-
nig en her bei, netting hen.ti.
"(irnei0(ti 1110, tlIOltUt! It's Cie
ermine 0r+ possibte, atn'i 'raining ever:v
now troy, then, " the maid exclalmed,
') )0 0113 if lien onn
fuer tilt his., n( y y;
"Lord groan 6111'11 b- good an' kin( intend ter stay here aanv lot,ger...not tMei M48 iN irncrnnint~ 111 0eeelttrir and
to ,er. 1141' (lartiu' seeing 1,0111" in au hour 1o11ge, than 1 eon heip. 1 ; a,Plf-tvltitei nit the (filters in title
Nelly's ]nmte'l3. heartfelt prayer, fie litre(' writtela home Raying 1 shall be agreeable bollseh-1d•
slie waltelies the sletelc't' figure it" the in London 1 o-1t,orrow morning." (To lip f'Ofltllntedo
He's it Misnomer.
(Toronto News.)
Rev. G. S. Blaud's fiery sermon in
Ottawa, in which lie applied tate gad
to the unpatriotic pigs in power, who
want everything from England and
wish to give nothing in return, indi-
cates that this preacher lune been
misnamed. He should have been
called Rev. S. G. Thunder.
Minard's Liniment is used by Phy-
nes°, no matter where it is. Send descrip-
tion and cash price and get our plan for find.
linent Company, Toront , Exchange
and )avert
1 ete. Home or foreign procured and ex-
ploited. Booklet on patents free. The Patent
Exchange and investment Company, Pythiau
Building, Toronto, Ont.
1 finest iu the Niagara Peninsula, at
Winona, 10 miles from Iiamilton on two rail-
ways, 130 acres in all. 35 of which is in fruit,
mostly pcaehes. Will be Bold in on.: parcel or
divided into lone! 16 to 20 sores to sui ear -
chasers. This is a decided bargain Areas
Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0, box 109, Ilona
know that electric Polishing Fibre, the
chemically prepared cloth, cleans eilvorware,
jewellery and all bright metals like magic. No
caste or powder whatever is required ; t de-
ll htful article. Price 25 cents. Sold by Urug-
sts. You can procure it wholesale from the
°minion Drug Co., Hamilton. The Monarch
Ca, St. Catharines, Mfrs„ send trial samples
on request.
WANTED r,caboo Maen ti:(
throughout Canada
to introduce our goods,taoking up show cards
on trees,fences,alongroads and ellconspieuoue
places, also distributing small advertising
month and expellees not toaexa exceed X2.60 00 por
day.:Steady employment to good, honest, re-
liabe men. Nu experience needful. Write for
all particulars. PRE EMPIRE. MI:D1CIl:E
CO., London, Ont.
Practical Remedies Recommended
by the Family Physician.
Limewater and sweet oil applied
Immediately will take the pain from
a burn.
For nervous headache bathe the
back 01 the neck with holt water.
Fosick lteadnclte t•ub peppermint
o•11 onr rite temples. ,
Tincture of arnica is the best ap-
plication for sprains or bruises.
For bilious (toiletry soda ^incl gin-
ger in. holt. water.
For sore throat try a compress of
cold water.
For a cold In the head try, snuffing
powdered borax up the nostrils.
Snuffing tannin is one of the best
remedies for a Serious case of bleed-
ing at the nose.
For neuralgia try wet cloths of al-
cohol or water, or paregoric, or laud-
anum, and water, laid on a hot water
bottle and the part steamed over it..
To keep the children in good health
do not give them strong tea, coffee
or even chocolate while they are
very young, plenty of good milk is
the best drink for growing children.
Av excellent remedy that the Ger..
Mane use for curing a cold is the
yolk of an egg beaten in a pint of
water, a little butter, three
n l L bps
off sugar -and a tablespoo fuof
whiskey. When it begins to 'boll potty
Lt back a1lel forth fremu the sauce -pan
to another until smooth and frothy;
allow it to cool, then take a tea-
spoon'fnl every half hour, •
The New Policeman.
Magistrate (to new policeman) —
Did you notice no suspicious char -
miter about the neighborhood?
New Policeman --Shure, yer Honor,
I saw but One man, an' I asked him
what lie nape dollig there at that
time o' night. Sex he, "I have no bus-
iness here just now, but I expect to
open a jewelry snore in the vicinity
later on." At thatt I says, "1 wish
y011 success, Por."
Magistrate (disgusted) —Yes, and he
did open a jewelry story in the viein-
Lt'y later on, hold stole seventeen
New Policeman (after a pause)— Dee
gorra, yer Honor ; the man may
have been a thole, but he was 00
liar !—Tit -Bits, .
Ask for Aiinard's and take no other.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can-
not reach the sect of the disease, Catarrh is a
blood or constitutional disease, and in order to
cute it you must take internalremedfes. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this countryifor years, and is a regular pre-
scription. It s composed of the best tonics
known, combined with the best blood puri-
fiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two ingredi-
ents is what products such wonderful reenita
In curing CHICNEYtBnrlt for Pro sap,, Toled, free.
Sold by druggists price 76e,
Hsil's y amity Pi11s aro the best.
Precocity in -Manitoba.
(Portage la Prairie Graphic.)
The other day lee one of the prim.
ary rooms at the central the. word
"" "course of
cameupi the
t n
rev v
a reading lesson, L
ie teacher,
careful that no word sitottld be mis-
understood, decided to test the
knowledge of the class on this (nat-
"Ail who know what royalty
nutans will hold up their hands," said
the teacher.
Up went the 0su0l proportion of
"Now, Dad, what does it mean?"
"Kings, Queens and Jacks,"
promptly replied ]:lad, and then
1 wondered if tho teareher took fits
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ahoald
always be used for Children Teething. It
soothes the child, softens thelium., cures wind
collo and le the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
will tell
When an animal is all run down,
has a rough coat and a tight hide,
anyone knows that his blood is out
of order. To keep an animal econo-
mically he must be in good health.
is a necessity where the best results
from feeding would be obtained.
It tones up the system, rids the
stomach of bots, worms and other
parasites that suck the life blood
Nothing like Dick's powder for
a run down horse.
50 cents a package.
Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents,
Write for nook on Cattle and Horses free.
Hon. ;Total Dryden, President.
The report for 1901. showed res
markable Increases over 1900, in the
following items:
New business increased by $v850,705
Premium income increased 89,812y
Total Income inereased by 42,571s
Asseltci increased by... .. , 48,959
Insurance in force, In- '
creased by . ..I.,809,400
Continental Life Polities are un-
eXcelled for simplicity and liberality*
Agents wanted.
Generarl Manager. Secretary,
A 134101`10 tioraelncn.--0n8 bottle of
l.n heli ,, ai'In Liniment com,letd1
�. n 1 y
removed at curb •front my horse. T
catke p1cn(-11re in recommending the
relanedy, ae It ,mats with )ny'sterioite
10'onhptneen lit 'iho removal from
horses of hard, soft, or ealit;nise'l
lumps, stood spateen, splints, curbs,
ewnrny, stifles nod spraine,
ffl 011tel; 1101315, Farmer.
Markham, On 1,
S 1111 by nil dt'uggists,�"
"If you 1•pli.t` sbntc wx,0,1 PH
you: rt amid111001," Bahl the 110115e -
keeper. "I'nt Ferry, Joeiy,' said the
hobo, &eller, "but I never begin
breakfast With a Allege''
& a Metal rna mental Fe> cc. fenain+nthat is
orns,nental. very chewy end pl,rprlsln 1y diem. It le last whet
iv wonted for door yerdle, did-.lnn fences in t°W:t luta, grave
Minted"risi'id e'tails Arend 2° els' 1'[dl UUt1NINil root.
Jur( brink of it. Let us send you full vparticulera, "G41ta Mien
meke farm feller, emitter netting, malls end ataelee.
The Paye Wire Felled Co , Wiese, WalkervIlIl,1181. 11
Don't use cheap Paint on your house,
or the first blast of storm( and rata
r, s i t I o i i
or hot summer soon mak
Shabby. Cheap paint with no Mae
talion Is dear paint.
is the purest paint, the oldest ante
best-known In Canada; nettle front{
pure materials, made right, to pro,
serve your house, to beautify it, tit
make it look frost; and brigltt.11eady
for use atoll sold by all dealers MMPs
the rlg'!tt price for the beat that
goes in malt malting.
Drop us n card ami ask' for 1
1100KLET <T N O. 11 FREE,
eluwin.g Ants of bett.ntiful homes.
leatablished 1542.
MONTREAL, Paint Makers,
Mflbtl or
are *gods' mipeii'lor to the ° inaittey; 1 I
1�Ot)dYtitiltlre a1.111011111tx"e
for dos! n144 1 Lt L;i
Ale mole by Ia]l' Hireit elan doodlers,