HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 5April 10, 19oz YOUR MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING. Sale Now On Of New Sprig Clothing Al: CROWDE R'S New Store news and its Chronicling AND ITS UNDERLYING POLICY. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A store is judged by the worst bargain you make. That's why we're so unceasingly vigilant as to the accuracy of our ads. It takes some time to impress upon a new buyer the ab, solute imperativeness of truthful reptesentations,but the fate of the few, who disregarded our instructions, proves effective. Viewed even from the low plane of policy,a lying ad is a colos- sal blunder. But that's not the only reason for the endeavor to keep ours truthful. Our introduction sale, which started last Saturday, was a great success and we have added a few extra lines of CIothi'ng to make it interesting for you in Boys' Pants, Men's Pants Boys' Suits, Z and 3 pieces, Youths' Suits in Tweeds; and Serges ; Men's Suits in Serges, Wor- steds, Tweeds, Etc. Gents' Furnishings. Latest styles in Boys' Youths' Hats, Caps, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Ties, Gloves Etc. You can buy here as cheap as at Clearing Sale prices and Bankrupt stock prices, and be- sides, know that you get the correct thing. The R. Crowder Co. Dressy Young Men's ]headquarters Colin Campbell's 01d Stand. The Sign of the White Light. WINGHAM is MOVING FORWARD. Winter Toren begins Jan. 0, 1002. Our rates are reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to soo what wo teach. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. FLE•MING A.' L. McINTYRE President Seo'y. Owen Sound Listowel 1111111!18UPJCNiI!ii!IIIIP4!i11!IIi Iilll'' j • J: J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt- Iy attended to. Telephone connection. We invite our former cus- tomers, and others, to call and examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate—cloth is of good quality --we give you a good easy fit. Webster & Co. Teen re. After' Vooa'e 1$1108phodlndi, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada, Onlyroll. able medicine diaeovered,9tz peeluawee guaranteed` to euro all Corms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive usb of To - beam, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package $1, six, S'S. One tag pis" Six tett/cora Pamphlets fres to any addresi3. Who Wood Compal*'• Windsor, Ont. E. e Wood's Phosphndinn is sold In wingghatt by A. L. Hamilton, J. E. Davis, IL .d., Douglass and C. A. Campbell, Di:tioarsrs. Love Tokens aro always in demand in tho Sum- mer time, and we aro now show. ing a fine assortment of neat and appropriate gifts and keepsakes in stickpins, hat -pins, scarf pins, brooches, and a vast variety of Summer jewelry, all reliable and up-to-date, at prices within your means. H. H. Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store You [Jall't Afford to Ex8r!iillllt in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex perirents are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us a call. Ci CLARXE UP -STAIRS IN SHAW BLOCK. eak? THE e1 I suffered terribly and was ex- tremely weak for 12 years, The doctors said my Wee was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again." Mrs..l. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. It No matter how long you have been ill, nor haw poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en- riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. 'Leo a Mlle. All druggists. Ask your doctor what ho thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hekeowsallabout this grazed t old family medicine, Follow 11s advice and WI will be satisfied. Ijd& J, 0, AYYn 00„ ',omen, Mase. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bili- ousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen- tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the ner- vous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and had with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make yon satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get D. G. G. Green's reliable -remedies at J. E. Davis'. UN Ai A 11. : s 4t tail.' SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO Canadian North=West Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April 1902 at 9 p. tn. Passenger's travelling without Live stock should take the "Pacific Ex- press" leaving Toronto at 1.45 p m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock shonld take the train leaving Toronto 9 p.m, Free Colonist sleepers will be attach- ed to these trains. Berths may be secured on arrival at Torout o. Tickets and information from Agents Grand Trunk Railway System, or M. C. DICKSON District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line of pantings.Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell high Art Tailor - Wingham WM DEYELL Builder and Contractor. X wish to inform i the public, that I sill prepared to take contracts for the erection Of all kinds of buildings, Parties intendingto build would do well to see me beore closing contracts, Plans and specifications furnished if dealt it Rates reasonable, workmanship the best, WM. DEYELL 29-6. .wilder� alt Contractor. WINGUAM ADVANCE. TAFFY. What is it that each candidate Receives from every delegate, Aud thinks he is very fortunate To capture such tin advocate? 'Tie taffy. What 18 it that he swallows down, Believing that his great renown Already looms in every town, .And that he soon shall wear a crown 'Tis taffy.. What is it that is more than sweet, Wlieti teudercd by a roan discreet, To hint who is on the anxious seat, And fears a final dire defeat? 'Tis taffy. What is it soothes the weary breast Of him whose fate is manifest, But who will never take a rest Until advised; "Pull down your vest?" 'Tis taffy. Whet is it that can do no hurt, But gives the candidates a spurt, Although it is as cheap as dirt; Or smiles on some hard-hearted flirt I 'Tis tafi.'y. Whet ie it that the wise confound, Though less than substance, naught but sound, And often heals a painful wound, And makes the tickled world go 'round? 'Tis taffy. What is it every man doth need To gratify ambitious need— When viewed, yielding fourfold Seed? What is it on which sweethearts feed? 'Tis taffy Preserving. The Standard Oil Co. is sinking a test well near Clavering, Bruce county. The experts are convinced there is oil in this neighborhood, and will keep 011 siukiug wells all summer till they succeed. Cement Again. The Superior Portland Cement Com- pany is the name of au Orangeville com- pany which intends developing the marl beds in Caledou. The capital is $200,- 000 in $10.00 shares. The daily output is estimated at 000 bels. Second Trial. The second trial of Gerald Sifton on on the charge of murdering his father, Joseph Sifton, ou Juno 21, 1900, will commence at Loudon on Monday next before Chief Justice Falcoubridge. At his first trial the jury disagreed, when. it was understood that ten jurors stood for conviction and two for acquittal. Condemned. Tho duty of an independent journal is to honestly criticise the public acts of public men. The appropriating of $8000 to oonscruct a harbor at St. Joseph is such an absurd proposition that we are surprised at it being entertained for one moment. It will neither bring votes or prestige to the Government but the re- verse, which makes their action all the more absurd.—Hensall Observer. Dangerous. A lady in a Western Ontario town last week had a narrow escape from burning to death. She had a large comb in her hair and was working over the kitchen stove when in some manner the comb which was celluloid took fire severely burning her head and neck be- fore the flames could be extinguished. Celluloid articles are very dangerous as they are very inflamable and a spark is sufficient to set them into a fierce flame. Canadian Flour. Mr, F. W. Thompson, General Mana- ger of the W. W. Ogilvie Milliug Com- pany, has closed what is said to bo the largest sale of flour ever made in the Dominion of Canada, being an order for shipment to South Africa of 35,000 bnr- rels of Ogilvie's Hungarian brand. The magnitude of this order eau probably be better appreciated when it is stated that it will comprise a solid shipment equi- valent to ton train -loads. Kingston Boarders. There are now odly 475 prisoners in the Kingston Penitentiary, the smallest number in some years. Reasons for the decrease are the ticket -of -leave system, and the fact that Judges are sending fewer prisoners to the institution, giving either short terms in the Central or sus- pended sentences, which latter in most cases save men who are not really crim- inals from having their lives ruined. South Huron. The largest Liberal-Convervative con- ventionin the history of tho County of Huron was held at Hensall last weekfor the nomination of a Liberal -Conservative candidate for South Huron. M. Eilber the present member for the riding was renominated. The most promiuout men in the Liberal -Conservative ranks in South Huron. were present,and delivered stirring addresses deprecating the policy of the Ross Government, and strongly endorsing Mr. Ellber's past record. Mr, Eilber, in accepting the nomination, made a brilliant address, which was re- ceived with unbounded enthusiasm. A British Veteran, M. James McDool of Bayfield niter a long period of illness died on Wednesday March 26111, at a ripe old ago, Deceased was an old army pensioner, having seen much active and hard service in the British cavalry in the Russian War, the Indian Mutiny and in New Zealand, Mr. MoDool had many thrilling encounters though ho was very loath to speak of his exploits, being of a very reserved man- ner. His nlnliy harrow escapes from death were truly marvellous, having many times had his charger shot tinder hiu1, and it was one of theselnisfortulies that permanently disabled him and rendered Nim a cripple for life, his horse having rolled over him in the fall, Mr. Mctlool was an Irishman by birth and a member of the Bay gold Orange Lodge. Putnam's Painless Corn and wart Extractor Contains no acids or other ilijnrions ehetnical colnpoends; is neither caustic, corrosive or irritating; but soothes and eases from the first stpplieation nuts: Acts iii kl . c f i X yea want attirritating tl 5'Hilt �'1 flesh eating remedy do clot Ask for Pat. CZosldPumppW Edward neer thShop Union Tact rr, 8*. it ant's it nets just the other way. 1''tu+ o at all druggists. Cement Works, The Walkornon Herald says t—Tlie Cement Works at Dulls= show day by day increased activity and at least 100 ellen must be now employed in the vari- ous departments of preparatory worlc. Tho walls of the Power house aro fast going em and 1111 idea eau be had from the imposing windows, oto,, of the hand - seine as well as substantial character of the building. Before long the engine Mid supplies for building NOW and dredge will be ou their way to Wilder's Lake, and the back lines of the two townships will soon take on an unwont- ed dignity from the screech of the loco- motive on its way with Marl to the greatest cement inill on the globe, Perfect Cure for Bronchitis. This disease can be treated only by a remedy carried to the affected parts along with the air breathed, for nature intended these organs for the passage of air alone, and sprays, atomizers and in- ternal medicines utterly fail. But Cat- arrhozone doesn't fail, for it goes where ever the air breathed goes, and its steal- ing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every affected part. Catarrhozono is in- haled at the mouth and after passing through every air cell of tile breathing organs is slowly exhaled through the nostrils. Catarrhozone protects and heals the inflamed surfaces, relieves con- gestion, allays inflammation, and per- fectly cures all bronchial affections, Price $1. Small size 25c, Druggists or Polson ' Co„ Kingston, Ont. Sugar Factory. The Winton Canadian says ;—Pro- gress with the construction work of the Beet Sugar factory is being pushed for- ward as fast as the weather conditions will permit, and the working force has been considerably increased this week by an addition of masons and laborers. The next two weeks will likely see up- wards of 100 men at work on the build- ing, Mr. W. Young, the vice-president of the company, was in Walkerton last week arranging for tho boot acreage contracted for by tlio Walkerton com- pany, and a transfer of the contracts will be made. Mr. Young is now in Walkerton completing the arrange- ments. Tho beet seed is being prepared for distribution. X -Rays For Cancer. The London Free Press states that Mr. Merchant M. A. is effecting some cancer cures by the use of X-ray instru- ment which lie has exhibited at his lec- tures. It says that:—"The use of the X-ray on cancer patients is becoming very popular among the local unfortu- nates afflicted with the scourge. On Saturdays the Normal School is visited by numbers of these people, seeking treatment. Principal Merchant 'has a powerful X-ray instrument. The pat- ient is seated, and the rays are turned upon the affected part. Tho strong light is allowed to remain on the cancerous growth for periods of about half an hour at a time. This constitutes a treatment. The method is said to have accomplish- ed several cures,and most of the patients testify to receiving some benefit. A Southwold man who was suffering great- ly is confident of Having been cured, And has returned to work. Rheumatism is a Constitutional Disease Tlie pain and localized conditions are mere results of constitutional conditions. Poisoned blood sends its evil influence to various parts of the body, and to cure permanently you must treat it constitu- tionally. Nothing so completely dispels these poisons from the system as Ferro - zone. It makes new blood. It imparts vitality and vigor, enabling the system to throw off the poison that engender rheumatism. Ferrozone also fortifies the system against tht weakenig effects of rheumatism, and cures, not simply relieves as most medicines do• Sold by A. L. Hamilton. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 38, con. 12, East Wawanosh, 100 acres ; 05 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation ; bal- ance in Mack ash and cedar ; fratne house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDUE, 21tf. , W inghatn Buy your Flour, Feed, Seeds and Hay at A. II, CARR,'S, Choice samples of Red, Mammoth, Alsike wild Alfalfa. Clover, Orchard Grass, Goose Wheat, Good Seed Peas, Oats, and Barley. Al]. kinds of Feed and in any quantities, riTCALL AND GET PRICES. Next Door to Town Hall. " A little rani lays much dust." A little finish covers much shoddy, in shoes. "As good inside the finish as it looks out- side," is pledged by the Makers' price on the sole of "TheSlaterShhoe" -tio'odyeat Welty. , Por sale only by W. J. 61-1 ecr New Lice 011104 ew Carpet Departrn ent We have opened a large, well -lighted Carpet Department on the 2nd floor, where we have lots of floor space to show a large stock of new patterns in Carpets, Linoleurns, Oilcloth and Japan Mattings. It will be to your interest to see our stock and find out our prices before making your selection in floor coverings. Remember, we have no old stock, but all new patterns and colorings at close cut prices. UNION CARPET. 1 yard wide, at 25e, 85c, 45c, 50c and (i0c. See our No. 1 special, nice pat- terns and coloring, reg. value 35c— our price 25c. • WOOL CARPET. Choice patterns, new colorings, good value at 90c— special price 75c. OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. Select patterns, all widths, extra value at 25c square yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS JAPAN MATTINGS at 25c, 30e, 35c, 40e, 45e, 50c, Q0c and 75c. No. 2 special, regular 50c quality— our cut price 40c. in a variety of new patterns and fast colorings. Prices range thus, 121c, 15c, 20e, 25c, 30e. See our special line at 15c. in great variety and edges—good washers 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, LACE CURTAINS the very latest designs—button hole. stitched and wearers—we start them at 25c, 35c, 50c. 05c, $1,75, $2.00, $2,25, $2,75, $3.50, 54.00 and $5.00. OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Dress Goods, Silks and Linings—Hosiery. Gloves and Corsets — Smallwares, Staples and Prints— Blouses and Whitewear— Gents' Fur- nishings, Hats and Caps, Ready-to-wear Cloth- ing — Groceries — Boots and Shoes — all well assorted and prices the Iowest. CURTAIN MATERIALS. New patterns in Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Damask, Spot Mus- lins, Cretonnes, etc. H. E. Isard. SI Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest PricePaid for'Produce For Housecleaning CD The wonderful antiseptic Soap, cleans paint work, Serges, Cashmeres, all woolen and cot- ton goods, like new 10 and 15c cakes For the Farmers. Alicante Mats, the only correct thing for the bot- tom of your buggy, each 50c Finnan Haddies. Another lot of those choice Fish received. A trifle higher in price than previous lot. Per lb 8c t t riffin's liAMMAIWWWWWM moromerstUmeNnairen ce nt. It will require 30 days longer to com- plete arrangements for the transfer of my business into a Joint Stock Company, there- fore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another . 30 Days .. All ends of Carpets, Oil Cloths, besides a lot of new ones, Lace Cur. tains, odd lines Clothing, Suits, House E`tlrnishings, l3oots & Shoes, are till in. eluded in this Clearing Sale. T. A. MILLS. -CA � ADE , Settlers' s o°a Qiass Excursions NELSON, WOOD, SEATTLE PORTLAND, 30th, Also Idaho, v To Kootenay And Pacific Coast Points FROM WINGHP.M To TRAiL, ROSsLAND, GREEN. MIDWAY, i3. C., VANCOUVER, ' and TACOMA, W sh., and Oro, $43.70 Tickets on sale AfARCfl 1st to APRIL 1902, inclusive. Proportionate rates from and to other points. reduced rates to points in Colorado, Ijtah, Montana, Washington, MINCINAMMISOMMISIONO To MANITOBA and CANADIAN NORTHWEST Will leave Every TUESDAY during 11ARCII and APRIL, 1f sufficient bust• ness offers. For full particulars apply to your nearest Canadian Pncifto Agent, or to A. I3. NOTMAN, .Asst, Genl. Passr. Agent 1 King Street East, Toronto Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line of pantings.Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell high Art Tailor - Wingham WM DEYELL Builder and Contractor. X wish to inform i the public, that I sill prepared to take contracts for the erection Of all kinds of buildings, Parties intendingto build would do well to see me beore closing contracts, Plans and specifications furnished if dealt it Rates reasonable, workmanship the best, WM. DEYELL 29-6. .wilder� alt Contractor. WINGUAM ADVANCE. TAFFY. What is it that each candidate Receives from every delegate, Aud thinks he is very fortunate To capture such tin advocate? 'Tie taffy. What 18 it that he swallows down, Believing that his great renown Already looms in every town, .And that he soon shall wear a crown 'Tis taffy.. What is it that is more than sweet, Wlieti teudercd by a roan discreet, To hint who is on the anxious seat, And fears a final dire defeat? 'Tis taffy. What is it soothes the weary breast Of him whose fate is manifest, But who will never take a rest Until advised; "Pull down your vest?" 'Tis taffy. Whet is it that can do no hurt, But gives the candidates a spurt, Although it is as cheap as dirt; Or smiles on some hard-hearted flirt I 'Tis tafi.'y. Whet ie it that the wise confound, Though less than substance, naught but sound, And often heals a painful wound, And makes the tickled world go 'round? 'Tis taffy. What is it every man doth need To gratify ambitious need— When viewed, yielding fourfold Seed? What is it on which sweethearts feed? 'Tis taffy Preserving. The Standard Oil Co. is sinking a test well near Clavering, Bruce county. The experts are convinced there is oil in this neighborhood, and will keep 011 siukiug wells all summer till they succeed. Cement Again. The Superior Portland Cement Com- pany is the name of au Orangeville com- pany which intends developing the marl beds in Caledou. The capital is $200,- 000 in $10.00 shares. The daily output is estimated at 000 bels. Second Trial. The second trial of Gerald Sifton on on the charge of murdering his father, Joseph Sifton, ou Juno 21, 1900, will commence at Loudon on Monday next before Chief Justice Falcoubridge. At his first trial the jury disagreed, when. it was understood that ten jurors stood for conviction and two for acquittal. Condemned. Tho duty of an independent journal is to honestly criticise the public acts of public men. The appropriating of $8000 to oonscruct a harbor at St. Joseph is such an absurd proposition that we are surprised at it being entertained for one moment. It will neither bring votes or prestige to the Government but the re- verse, which makes their action all the more absurd.—Hensall Observer. Dangerous. A lady in a Western Ontario town last week had a narrow escape from burning to death. She had a large comb in her hair and was working over the kitchen stove when in some manner the comb which was celluloid took fire severely burning her head and neck be- fore the flames could be extinguished. Celluloid articles are very dangerous as they are very inflamable and a spark is sufficient to set them into a fierce flame. Canadian Flour. Mr, F. W. Thompson, General Mana- ger of the W. W. Ogilvie Milliug Com- pany, has closed what is said to bo the largest sale of flour ever made in the Dominion of Canada, being an order for shipment to South Africa of 35,000 bnr- rels of Ogilvie's Hungarian brand. The magnitude of this order eau probably be better appreciated when it is stated that it will comprise a solid shipment equi- valent to ton train -loads. Kingston Boarders. There are now odly 475 prisoners in the Kingston Penitentiary, the smallest number in some years. Reasons for the decrease are the ticket -of -leave system, and the fact that Judges are sending fewer prisoners to the institution, giving either short terms in the Central or sus- pended sentences, which latter in most cases save men who are not really crim- inals from having their lives ruined. South Huron. The largest Liberal-Convervative con- ventionin the history of tho County of Huron was held at Hensall last weekfor the nomination of a Liberal -Conservative candidate for South Huron. M. Eilber the present member for the riding was renominated. The most promiuout men in the Liberal -Conservative ranks in South Huron. were present,and delivered stirring addresses deprecating the policy of the Ross Government, and strongly endorsing Mr. Ellber's past record. Mr, Eilber, in accepting the nomination, made a brilliant address, which was re- ceived with unbounded enthusiasm. A British Veteran, M. James McDool of Bayfield niter a long period of illness died on Wednesday March 26111, at a ripe old ago, Deceased was an old army pensioner, having seen much active and hard service in the British cavalry in the Russian War, the Indian Mutiny and in New Zealand, Mr. MoDool had many thrilling encounters though ho was very loath to speak of his exploits, being of a very reserved man- ner. His nlnliy harrow escapes from death were truly marvellous, having many times had his charger shot tinder hiu1, and it was one of theselnisfortulies that permanently disabled him and rendered Nim a cripple for life, his horse having rolled over him in the fall, Mr. Mctlool was an Irishman by birth and a member of the Bay gold Orange Lodge. Putnam's Painless Corn and wart Extractor Contains no acids or other ilijnrions ehetnical colnpoends; is neither caustic, corrosive or irritating; but soothes and eases from the first stpplieation nuts: Acts iii kl . c f i X yea want attirritating tl 5'Hilt �'1 flesh eating remedy do clot Ask for Pat. CZosldPumppW Edward neer thShop Union Tact rr, 8*. it ant's it nets just the other way. 1''tu+ o at all druggists. Cement Works, The Walkornon Herald says t—Tlie Cement Works at Dulls= show day by day increased activity and at least 100 ellen must be now employed in the vari- ous departments of preparatory worlc. Tho walls of the Power house aro fast going em and 1111 idea eau be had from the imposing windows, oto,, of the hand - seine as well as substantial character of the building. Before long the engine Mid supplies for building NOW and dredge will be ou their way to Wilder's Lake, and the back lines of the two townships will soon take on an unwont- ed dignity from the screech of the loco- motive on its way with Marl to the greatest cement inill on the globe, Perfect Cure for Bronchitis. This disease can be treated only by a remedy carried to the affected parts along with the air breathed, for nature intended these organs for the passage of air alone, and sprays, atomizers and in- ternal medicines utterly fail. But Cat- arrhozone doesn't fail, for it goes where ever the air breathed goes, and its steal- ing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every affected part. Catarrhozono is in- haled at the mouth and after passing through every air cell of tile breathing organs is slowly exhaled through the nostrils. Catarrhozone protects and heals the inflamed surfaces, relieves con- gestion, allays inflammation, and per- fectly cures all bronchial affections, Price $1. Small size 25c, Druggists or Polson ' Co„ Kingston, Ont. Sugar Factory. The Winton Canadian says ;—Pro- gress with the construction work of the Beet Sugar factory is being pushed for- ward as fast as the weather conditions will permit, and the working force has been considerably increased this week by an addition of masons and laborers. The next two weeks will likely see up- wards of 100 men at work on the build- ing, Mr. W. Young, the vice-president of the company, was in Walkerton last week arranging for tho boot acreage contracted for by tlio Walkerton com- pany, and a transfer of the contracts will be made. Mr. Young is now in Walkerton completing the arrange- ments. Tho beet seed is being prepared for distribution. X -Rays For Cancer. The London Free Press states that Mr. Merchant M. A. is effecting some cancer cures by the use of X-ray instru- ment which lie has exhibited at his lec- tures. It says that:—"The use of the X-ray on cancer patients is becoming very popular among the local unfortu- nates afflicted with the scourge. On Saturdays the Normal School is visited by numbers of these people, seeking treatment. Principal Merchant 'has a powerful X-ray instrument. The pat- ient is seated, and the rays are turned upon the affected part. Tho strong light is allowed to remain on the cancerous growth for periods of about half an hour at a time. This constitutes a treatment. The method is said to have accomplish- ed several cures,and most of the patients testify to receiving some benefit. A Southwold man who was suffering great- ly is confident of Having been cured, And has returned to work. Rheumatism is a Constitutional Disease Tlie pain and localized conditions are mere results of constitutional conditions. Poisoned blood sends its evil influence to various parts of the body, and to cure permanently you must treat it constitu- tionally. Nothing so completely dispels these poisons from the system as Ferro - zone. It makes new blood. It imparts vitality and vigor, enabling the system to throw off the poison that engender rheumatism. Ferrozone also fortifies the system against tht weakenig effects of rheumatism, and cures, not simply relieves as most medicines do• Sold by A. L. Hamilton. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 38, con. 12, East Wawanosh, 100 acres ; 05 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation ; bal- ance in Mack ash and cedar ; fratne house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDUE, 21tf. , W inghatn Buy your Flour, Feed, Seeds and Hay at A. II, CARR,'S, Choice samples of Red, Mammoth, Alsike wild Alfalfa. Clover, Orchard Grass, Goose Wheat, Good Seed Peas, Oats, and Barley. Al]. kinds of Feed and in any quantities, riTCALL AND GET PRICES. Next Door to Town Hall. " A little rani lays much dust." A little finish covers much shoddy, in shoes. "As good inside the finish as it looks out- side," is pledged by the Makers' price on the sole of "TheSlaterShhoe" -tio'odyeat Welty. , Por sale only by W. J. 61-1 ecr New Lice 011104 ew Carpet Departrn ent We have opened a large, well -lighted Carpet Department on the 2nd floor, where we have lots of floor space to show a large stock of new patterns in Carpets, Linoleurns, Oilcloth and Japan Mattings. It will be to your interest to see our stock and find out our prices before making your selection in floor coverings. Remember, we have no old stock, but all new patterns and colorings at close cut prices. UNION CARPET. 1 yard wide, at 25e, 85c, 45c, 50c and (i0c. See our No. 1 special, nice pat- terns and coloring, reg. value 35c— our price 25c. • WOOL CARPET. Choice patterns, new colorings, good value at 90c— special price 75c. OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. Select patterns, all widths, extra value at 25c square yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS JAPAN MATTINGS at 25c, 30e, 35c, 40e, 45e, 50c, Q0c and 75c. No. 2 special, regular 50c quality— our cut price 40c. in a variety of new patterns and fast colorings. Prices range thus, 121c, 15c, 20e, 25c, 30e. See our special line at 15c. in great variety and edges—good washers 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, LACE CURTAINS the very latest designs—button hole. stitched and wearers—we start them at 25c, 35c, 50c. 05c, $1,75, $2.00, $2,25, $2,75, $3.50, 54.00 and $5.00. OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Dress Goods, Silks and Linings—Hosiery. Gloves and Corsets — Smallwares, Staples and Prints— Blouses and Whitewear— Gents' Fur- nishings, Hats and Caps, Ready-to-wear Cloth- ing — Groceries — Boots and Shoes — all well assorted and prices the Iowest. CURTAIN MATERIALS. New patterns in Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Damask, Spot Mus- lins, Cretonnes, etc. H. E. Isard. SI Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest PricePaid for'Produce For Housecleaning CD The wonderful antiseptic Soap, cleans paint work, Serges, Cashmeres, all woolen and cot- ton goods, like new 10 and 15c cakes For the Farmers. Alicante Mats, the only correct thing for the bot- tom of your buggy, each 50c Finnan Haddies. Another lot of those choice Fish received. A trifle higher in price than previous lot. Per lb 8c t t riffin's liAMMAIWWWWWM moromerstUmeNnairen ce nt. It will require 30 days longer to com- plete arrangements for the transfer of my business into a Joint Stock Company, there- fore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another . 30 Days .. All ends of Carpets, Oil Cloths, besides a lot of new ones, Lace Cur. tains, odd lines Clothing, Suits, House E`tlrnishings, l3oots & Shoes, are till in. eluded in this Clearing Sale. T. A. MILLS.