HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 44 THE WIN GI.A.M ADVANCE, April 10, 1902 BUSINESS CHANGE Having disposed of my business in VVTinghaiu to Mr. Alex. Ritchie and Mr. Wm. Campbell, young nen well and favorably known, I beg leave to tender my sincere thanks to my customers for the kind patronage accorded me for so many years. 1 trust that the same will be given to my successors, feeling sure that they will endeavor to serve the public faithfully. Yours Truly, M. 11.1IcIndoo. W Referring to the above, the undersigned beg leave to assure the public, that no effort will be spared to maintain the reputation of this store for high-class goods at reasonable prices. We trust to merit the confidence and patronage of the customers of this store, and many others. Our stock will always be found well assorted, and our prices right. A call will be sincerely appreciated. Watch for our advt. next week. Ritchie & Campbell. Ct'biior tti alOfe5 —The Ontario Prohibition Al- liance has black -listed the mem- bers for the three ridings of York--- iion. E. J. Davis, North riding, Mr. Richardson in the East riding, and W, J. Hill in the West. * * —The Berlin News -Record says that only 140 people attended the mass meeting addressed by Han, J. R. Stratton in that town the other evening. It feels certain that Breithaupt will be defeated. * * —Hon. G. W. Ross thinks that Ontario should get rid of "small politics." Many of the electors are of the same opinion, and hence they will make every effort to rele- gate Hon. G. W. and his Cabinet of small politicians to back seats at the first opportunity. * —Up to April *1st, 207 Canad- ians have died in South Africa from bullet wounds or disease. To these must be added those who died in the conflict on the 4th inst.; of the large number wounded on the same day, others may die. Cana- adians bore the brunt of the fight, and their conduct and bravery under fire could not be excelled by any of the veteran regiments of the British army. THE PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE 01 Pal% c� mod is0Utd 011101 KIM sao!Jd 1 We have never been in better shape to supply your Furniture needs in low-priced, medium, and high-class goods than at the present time. Extension Tables extending 9 feet, from $5.00 to $13.50. Bedroom Suites, very neat design, well made, golden finish, from $10.00 to $34.50. Our Sideboards are sellers ; don't buy without seeing what we can give you at $7.75, $10.00, $13.50 Bevel Mirror. Our Buying bas made Your Buying easy. UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, where night calls receive prompt at- tentIon. 0 0 1r CD CO 0 oa Ball Bros. The Peoples' Furniture Store at�ests��tf•t� A CrRZEA.T DISSOLUTION SALE FOR CASH ONLY. Owing to the retiring of J. J. Homuth from the business, we intend having a great Dissolution Sale, commencing MAItt)H 19th. Our entire stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and shoes, ACTUALLY AT COST AND BELOW, BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE. ERI ONE. Anyone needing a pair of Boots, or a suit of CIothing. or anything in Gents' Furnishings, we certainly can save you Big Money. THIS 15 A 6ENUINE SALE. Also the balance of Our Dry Goods will be sold tt. GOc on the dollar. We also offer the store for sale ; one of finest in the County. llonuith & Son. VirAl1 accounts 41,Ev 3'1' SE PAID by May let, 1002. *** of interest, but interest on the amount of the original donation to the railroads is included in thein. For every $3000 donated for a rail- road a certificate of indebtedness for $5,590.80 is issued ; the certifi- cate being Made payable in eighty equal half -yearly instalments of $60,96 each, The additional $2,- 596.80 which is added to every $3,000 donated, is made up of in- terest, computed at the rate of 31 per cent. per annum, on the princi- pal from time to time outstanding, from the date of issue of the cer- tificate until the final payment is made. The $7,020,753.95 now outstanding in the form of certifi- cates and annuities represents prin- cipal and interest combined in the respective proportions of $3,000 and $2,590.80. Tho low rate of interest which has prevailed for some years past has not infrequent- ly enabled the railway promoters who have receive41 those certificates to dispose of them at a premium, and they have been able to get more than $3,000 cash for each $5,590.80 certificates. Aside from the certificates and annuities above mentioned the Province is, of course, liable for the payment of donations already voted to roads not yet constructed. This outstanding liability amounts to about $3,000,000 cash. Some of these roads will doubtless never be built, and the liabilites will conse- quently lapse, but for such of the roads as may be built certificates of indebtedness will be issued in the usual way. —The Boston Transcript prints a despatch from Minneapolis de- claring that at the present rate of emigration from the North-west to Central and Western Canada, two million Americans will be in the Dominion at the end of twenty years. While this would seem to be an overstatement, there is no doubt that a large number of Americans are crossing the line, at- tracted partly by the abounding richness of Western Canada, and partly by the liberal inducements offered to immigrants. * * —A. train one mile in length sounds like a record. But that is what was last week hauled over the Thunder Bay & Wabigoon sec- tion of the C. P. R. It comprised 105 cars. The train was sent over the road to ascertain exactly the tonnage that could be handled on the various grades between the lake and the leveller sections of the prairie. With this knowledge gain- ed, plans will be prepared to lower the grades where necessary, and generally improve the road to al- low of the haulage of the maxi- mum tonnage both directions. A portion of the $2,000,000 appro- priated for the improvement of that section will be applied to this work. * * —The principle that a town or city should own, utilize and work its own franchises for the benefit of its own citizens, is growing in pop- ular favor. Last week, the ques- tion of municipal ownership of street car lines was submitted to the citizens of Chicago, and carried by a large majority. When a large city like Chicago declares for municipal ownership, the result of the vote will have a potent influence on other cities. If a profitable franchise can be made to pile up fortunes and dividends for a mon- opoly, there seems to be no reason, why the same franchise should not be made to yield profits that would furnish civic revenues, and thus reduce the taxation of the citizens. Great changes are brought about gradually, and municipal owner- ship is gradually gaining ground. Gravenhurst ratepayers recently voted $15,000 to purchase a muni- cipal lighting plant. Thus the good work goes on. ONTARIO'S INDEBTEDNESS. The Weekly Sun in reply to a correspondent, shows very plainly Ontario's obligations for Railway Aid certificates. We take the lib- erty of giving it to our readers, as it sets the matter out very clearly. "The outstanding certificates of indebtedness of the Province of Ontario on account of the railroad donations amounted on December 31, 1901, to $5,870,040.95. This sum is made up of certificates of indebtedness called "Railway Aid Certificates," amounting to $2,- 961,890.95, which have been issued direct to the companies in payment of donations made to them, and "annuities," amounting to $2,- 908,150, which are issued for the purpose of taking up the "Railway Aid Certificates" as they mature, the Province frequently not having been able to pay certificates out of current revenue as they fall due. For several years past the railway aid certificates maturing have been paid out of current revenue, and no "annuities" have been issued, To the indebtedness of $5,870,- 040.95 outstanding on December 31 last must be added certificates amounting to about $1,150,713, now being issued to Mackenzie and Mann, on account of the donation of $4000 cash per mile to the Rainy River road. This would bring the total amount of the outstanding certificates and annuities at the present time up to about $7,020,- 753.95. On the face of these certificates And annuities no menton is made PREVENTING OAT SMUT. The Ohio Experimental Station gives the following directions for testing smutty seed oats : "Having the solution made at the rate of one ounce of formalin to three gallons of water, well stir- red, and a gallon .of solution to each bushel of seed to be treated, apply this with a sprinking can (or sprayer) to the oats in piles on a tight floor. Grain in piles should not exceed about six bushels, and the number of piles will follow from the amount of seed. Sprinkle each pile in turn, shovelling thoroughly,. knowing how much solution is ap- plied ; continue in each case until the solution tends to run out on the .floor despite the shovelling. Usually a half gallon or more per bushel may be sprinkled on the first round, when the one pile is passed for a few minutes while an- other is handled in the same way. Upon a second sprinkling of each pile, as much solution is used as will be held ; then with a third or fourth repetition the gallon per bushel may be used. After this, shovel and leave in -low flat piles over night, or for not less than four hours. The seed may then be spread thin on a floor and shov- elled over occasionally to dry out for drilling, or it may be sown wet if broadcast. If in weather when proper drying of the seed is secur- ed, the treatment of the seed may precede the time sowing by some weeks. Seed treated in this man- ner is not poisonous, though scarce- ly suitable to be fed to horses." Formalin retails at about 50 cents pound. ON AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. �RR�RIRI�1E�tE��i�pRiY1�?RRiRR1RRFRRtR��RR1?RRRR1RRtRR1iR1RR1iR�iRRRRtR�t1i�R�gRRRRR�RRIRRIRR�IRRRRRRRtRRYRRRR��Ritt%° 0 THE PEOPLES' POPULAR STORE. I & JAS. H. K E R R o 0* 0 A wa......... ri _____. mom.. ".""The."."."...."..."::"",....47....::::: : a-474: ..®.�. r� ®.. _. _.r.a< 7: We flatter ourselves that for Good goods, Clean stock, Low prices, Courteous E service and up-to-date business methods we take the lead. See how others at- tempt to copy our prices and methods. eir.............., Breakfast M it.: 0..: Foods. :#3 f 3 FOROE. 0 ........_.. .........: .......„ ........, Ye il ...........: W.......: woll ..-. w. „wag 0.*43i 20 pieces dark Print, regular 121c, for 19 pieces Pink, Red and Lilac, heavy and wide, regular Ma C......C:....1,.. 0* 0* 0* Hon. John Dryden has been giv- ing some sound advice to the mem- bers of the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions, which body met in Toronto recently. He told them that the agricultural societies were not living up to their oppor- tunities, and instead of progressing they are declining. They are making too much of the circus features and neglecting to develop the legitimate and serious side of the fair. He puts it this way:— "At shows where horse -racing and worse are the attractions, di- rectors see people rushing to the ring -side, and exclaim : "That is just what the people want." That is where the directors make a great mistake. People will rush to see a dog fight when the first one occurs in the neighborhood, but they will not rush every clay to see the same thing. It is so with the horse -racing. People will not go to see that and nothing else year after year. The directors who keep along this line will find as the phrase goes 'that people do not seem to have the interest in shows they used to do.' .And the end is ruin." Many people will endorse the views of the Minister of Agriculture, and the sooner so- cieties take this warning into ser- ious consideration the better. In every town, and village may be had, the Made X411! c.. Mica. Axl Grease that makes your horses glad. Granola. Grape Nuts. Life Chips. Swiss Food. Granose Flakes. Granose Biscuits. Caramel Cereal. Postuni Cereal. Cream of Wheat. Shredded Wheat Biscuits. Pettijohn's Breakfast Food. thers Co Speci . Y lBargains —IN— New NNew Dry Goods for Spring Whoever heard of a dealer cutting the price of Prints at this season of the year. Yet that is just what we have done. We offer 10c An old story with us, Rice, 7 lbs. for 25C Imperial Maple Syrup in quart and half -gallon Tins. 0* o�- 0* Oranges, Valencias, doz.-20C California Navels, per doz 4oc Lemons, bright, clean and large fruit, per doz 20C Seed Potatoes, Garden Seeds, etc. We handle only first-class Seccls. Vic, for l0c New Art Muslins, Spot Muslins, Draperies and Cretonnes, at from toe to 2oc per yd. MMM,.W V.MMMIV�NV\ Buttons We are just in receipt of a splendid assortment of Dress Buttons. Pearl Buttons, small and medium, per dozen ....10e to 20c Jet Buttons, small and medium, per dozen 10c Black Covered Buttons, small, per dozen .... ....10c to 15e Crochet Covered Buttons, small, per dozen 15c Clark's mile end Brilliant" Crochet Cotton, too yds. to spool, all shades .. ... Price 5C rftege m 0 .,-re Iid Gloves, Black, Tan, Ladies' Gloves Kid Oxblood and White. Popular Prices. Silk and Taffetta irr Black, White and Cream, with and without buttons. Jno. &Jas, H. Kerr � O0111 Blocky 1illlilluI �i8lUidill!!dildtlif6iiltUl 111it6UUiiiliUdlll111dlidlt6iiilitiiUfllUiU11116111d6if1Ult{dlldUlllaillUlllCe 1 Jno. & Jas. 11. Kerr I have the finest display of Sweet Peas „ AND .. Flower Seeds ever shown in " Wing - ham. Over twenty varieties and colors of Sweet Peas shown separately. II. R. BOIIGLASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. When prfht blurefIre tablo temper and On.ral dleeotnfor.J, M1rYesult. cup,' this conotitlon wit1,1 t iosaue1 Halsey Para Scientific Optician; and Jeweler .D .O Wirxg ham, Ont. A. DULMAGE WM. CLEGG REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE •.REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, OFFICE.—Over D, M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A, T, C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. ViOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence—opposite R. 0. Church, Wiugham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L,C,M, And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence—opposito the R. C. Church, Wingham, i,i'c Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent rarm Loans at lowest rates of interest, Oflice-corner Minnin and Patrick Sts„ WINGHAM ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Cook'o Cotton Itoot Compound Is snc ossfully nte,1 monthly by over io,00o Ladln,, al effectual. Ladied ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com. gonad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price No. 1, $1 per hog, No. ft, 10 degrees stron ger, $3 per box, No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two scent MAMA, The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. responsibleN Dad 2 sold ane, recommended by CI ggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 0 ore sold in winghom by It. A. Dougglass, O, A, Campbell, J. a Davis and A, L.iiamilton, Dtttoalsrs, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Irar'nrs and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 1/ to 5 per cent. Liberal terms of repayment. Fire and Life Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies. ,Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from R. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS, CHISHOLM k CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • (ETC, Josephine Street — Wingham 1 P. KEED, M. ,, M. , . (MeNNmber of theYBritishDMedical S. O. Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women 'and children, OFFICIO HOURS ;-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, W. T. Holloway p.D,S,, L.D.S. Graduate of Royal. College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor Graduate of Dent. al De}r't. of Toron- to University. Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Pricey moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed. itarOfTleoin Beaver Block. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. OtIIoe over Post Omco—WINGIIAM E L. DICKINSON BARRISTER, ETC Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton MONEY TO LOAN Office: Meyer Block Wingham. R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. Office BEAM BLOMIi , 7-05. WINGHAM. /) WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE' INS. CO. W Established 1830. Road (Mice GUELPH, ONT, Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro• perty on the cash or premium notO system. J'AMus Gonnitfi, Gnus, DAvinsox, President, Secretary. JOHN RITCHIg, SG]I:NT, WXNG1tA1t, ONT