HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 2Or THE DOMININ'S 1 There will be three reginenite, and net feet as each Le mobilized it will be Seat to tbo trout. . e At leatit a thousand meit will be 1\ [IT coNTimpEmt li,l..,.eTtrilisii..1.5.1Lti,u'ilazit)itar!o Errorttorerelnemleaelunii I11.1.1 ill thousand will be Milled east of To - ratite. Prebable 500 will be taken, from Ontario, and the balance from (fudge and the Maritime Pravincea There will likely be more recruiting pointe in the west than heretofore, and tlre western members or Parlia- ment will be asketi to suggest a. few new Places where men can be obtain-, ed. Soule new rise -rutting centress will also iii all likelihood bo eetablielied in theario. It le expeeted that the limit regiment will be its rtsatiluese to Itetve bi a ruontles time. The two other regiments will follow at he termite of a; fortnight. No difficulty. in °Witting' rest -guns is itii-seepated, more etpecially eluce the engagement at Klein Hart's River. TM -mantel Spirit of the young Cana - ems to be as fully aroused as at any time tiering the war, and heuelreds of upplicetioas are pouring in upon the department. 4.13tere is no lack of applicants for commissions, tufficient hating been olready re - a teed to provide the force with the in ceseary 60 or 70 oftioers. Who will command the regim itts has not yet been determined. Col. Lessara might hero a command if lie desired, but it trill depend upon hie ptsreonal wishes whether he is to go 0- not. Gee thing le quite dear, that I e the matter ot credence and mar- e/el spirit the new force will not be In any respect deficient. Orders for the Enrolment of Two -Thousand Men. WILL BE LOTS OF RECRUITS The Dragoons Gunter:, Rees:guard_ adieu - itatiger's Son r altos the Oath of Atieglanee- 8,000 !leers Slet 1st the Field -The Itenee egotho Ions. Pretoria., April 0. -Details received here of the rear guard action (Wr- ier, the night of March 81, between the Second Dragoon tin:Artie of Col. Lawiers column and the lenge, near Ilosehman s Kop, thew that a. force ::00 British, while endeavoring to eurpriee a Boer Mager on a dark ague rode straight into a foree of 500 Boers. The Boers were hidden in a drift, and opened fire from al- most under the leg,s or the British horses. A. fierc.e haati•to-lta.nd etrug- gle ensued, in which both sides freely used the butt ends' a their rifles. The British regained the ridge they had just left and comtueneed a, rear knarti Action. in tuts meantime a strong foree of Deere had barred the road back of the Britten camp. The coming of daylight enabled Col. Lawley to see that the Guards were hard pressed, end be despatched reinforcements, with two guns, to their assistance. The reinforcements soou compelled the Boers to retreat. The Guards had had a very hard fight, and were ordered to retire be' squadron. The Boers disputed every inch of tbe road with the Guards, and continually attempted to rush them, shouting "Hands up!" At each successive position taken up, the British appeared in diminished num- Imre, for as it grew lighter the aim tsf the Boers improved proportiou- etely. The following incident of the fight - big is reported: Commandant Pretodus, who was captured the previous day in a Cape cart, was la charge of some National Scouts. The Scouts role Leto a party of Deere dressed in khaki, supposing them to eye British troops. The Boers opened fire and Pretorlus ea caped in the confusion. One report says he teas shot as he fled. • Commandant Prinsloo is also re- ported to have been killed in the fighting, as well as other Boer of- ficers. The British wounded who fell into Boer hands were well treated by the enemy. The Dragoong Fight. London, April 6. -The South Afrieen casualty list shows that the losses sustained by the Second Dragoon Onards in their sharp rear guard action with the Boers near Bosch - man's Key during the evening of March 81 were severe. Two officere were killed and five were woentled. and elgisteen men ewer° killed and fifty-eight were weuradesn Sun er Kruger British eubjeet. Pretoria April 0. -rasp tr Kruger, the eldest son of former President Kruger, and 2.4 other relatives or Mr. rtiger. bearing the smile fam- ily name, are among those who have recently taken the oath of alagiance to Great Britain. Natal Invasion Not Confirmed. Lemlon. April 6. -Dr. Leyds' re- luored invasion of Natal by General Botha is not continued by British Fonrees. There is no justification for the theory that Botha and De- laree- were making a preeencerted movement east nue west. while Schalkbarger was duping the British eta( in the centre with ilinSiVn peace negotiations. The Boer forces are too far apart for conferenee or co - ',legation. The leirghers. like the eTommies." will iteek5c. hesiness of righting nntil peeve e• 8,000 btla ha Field. legation. April 6.-A news agetwy iieepatish from Pretoria a ttempt tis give a earefal computation of the Berge tow ies the lite 1. temitt etz sts .details. welds m,iser Ispnre.e- eecujeetaral. the totni is place./ rit leetutitine, 0141- e0011. anitteree front Zeutpaneberg• ea tee norti entherland on the th.aaJ from earies on the west. to Piet Betiel on the east. Tine same despatch. dealing with the Cape Coestey. gave eetalls which mast be r.7.ore or 7,osS stodletraZ, adding an ettermoes tract coentr,y where the Boers are ;title to wander, reel says teat while it Is difficult to realge tiure wanes. a Boer ce=anee teat le rot liable to be clietarbel rosy ene es the Beitis.h columns. Siklie to Buy Mules. Ler:don. Apr.:: 3.. -The Ataertoan Line stealer -7 et :eft Soettompton at nil:33 to-q!ny for Neve York by way or teterbeerg. endo breare tweety Bts- 4'8i recentir arrivel in Englane, from Bc.*rehoy. They are Itt charge te" BrItiele ofecer. ord arei.e. leg le linna-se Celty ;gel T.X.49to r42:ER for teeBritfis oriny. -- Little Progress Aimee. teroonsted, 'Orange Biter etiony. April neaGtviatee to tee ereet des - tame r,.‘nrateet-e tl egoisers the Transeaal reesteon h. re frem Mr. Stern and seen. Lelearey. tee nevi/attas between tee Beer :eid- ers in Sett!: Afrrea reakIng to tee cottizaiesn or tee war /mess raelle Btte progresa It is evp.:estel.teva ever. teat Mr. Siserilkirergat and /es mere:mei:et on ttc.., ratsseei vete <emo- te' tetavo here leer reoce rionveeleset eentre teteet vrtieb to eezeleet the negotietioes. •••tlemaxesd• The \OA tentinaeul. Ottawa, Apell .6.-ebelere will go cut teemerrow for tee fere:trent ace teloteing of tise toes- Caneeetn Perces fee 2,00(1 men for Scalia Afreta. Ptecietly 'tee same ezealse Will lie It:ttlgae.11. fin rig -are to raisingout- fitting nee tratepoeting Pee eon - as in ties ease ese tee eel Me -ante -el Itellese uieee hee nilrealy won rd, 3.tji.1 n:atail for Retie vr,:p Feefisla ties e :Tees set e page •Le ;trate ztttiiatereeeelien Lr tio nen mill teausport terra to rape Town tea leaeban, tteteltterto 'may be rieelerl UOD ae tee piece el' elsrmbarket:cte. etobilleitien will tete leave at Bala Ft QUelsce. 417.1 'Me transports will be 17,1te/11 one topple -4 with stores by the Imperial .71theritics, A Pro -Boer Bentonstratiou, London, April 7. -The Brussels cor- reepontient of the atandazel reports .iett Dr. Leeds is about to organize a great international demonstration tsf coniinental and American pro -Bou b,Vmpatilizers for June tra the daY t f King Edward's coronaeion proces- seon. All the pro -Boer societies of B !glum, Hollana, France, Germany, Russia, and ijus United States are in- deed by a *pedal circular note, in- spired by the Transvaal legation at Brussels, to adorn their houses With Transvaal and Orange State nags, and to send telegrams to Mr. Kruger. The scheme is intended as a demon - sanction against British feelings on the King's coronation. Tracked by the "Spoor." London, April 4.-A. despatch from Lord Kitchener affords a glimpse of the methods by which Colonel Wools - 'Sampson so efficiently served Gen. eruce Hamilton. This intelligence of- ficer, ft appears, works with track - ;as, who hunt for the "spoor," or toot -prints of the enemy's horses, anti use, their sagacity in the in- terpretation or the marks. However, the system le elaborated, its success in the capture of commando after commando by forced night marches eventually completely shook the nerves of the men against whom It was employed. As a consequence they became reluctant to bivouac within forty miles of British soldiers, which now adds greatly to the dif- ficulty of getting to close quar- ters." DeWetes Kruptes Found. Pretoria, April 4. -Three Krupp guns have been captured by Colonel Nixon's column in Liebensburg Vlel River. It was on the Liebensberg, Viet River that De Wet was hustled by our columns before the first great tide° was put Into operation. His guns were doubtless an encumbrance to lam, and he appears to have elect- ed to emcee! them in the stream . rather than run the chalice of their being captured by the British, .Advaretener, on Natal. London, April 5. -From Bruesels eorrespondent of the Mcguing Poet wires that Dr. Leeeds, the European representative of the Transvaal received a despatch from Lorenzo leirquez, saying that the force Un- der Gen. Botha is ndvancing to- , wards the Natal .freatier. It was announesed In a despateli from Durban. Natal. April 3, that zeneral traffic throughout the whole eountry north of the Tugela River Was closed and that the Town Ounrde at Ladysmith. Dundee and N'eweastie were under arms. and !tad been recruited to their full etreeeeli. SUNDAY SCHOOL INIERNATIONAL LESSON NO. 11. A PRI L Id, 1902. • tortes -A, see: Zeta taametaistary. - Cenneethig Links. Alter Saues ceneerteou he remained a settee time in Damascus and then weiit to Arabia. From .1rabiahe eettaziese agelai to bamaecus stele. 1. 17. 184 where tee Jeves sotight t. take las life. Saul escaped to 'eget, etieg let down to. the wall In a bas- ket. Vs. 2e-25. Saul then went to Jeseasalem for tire frat timesince els eonsersem. At feat the disciples were afraid of him. but Barnabas told them of Las converon and how he had prtaehel in the name of Jessie at Danuoscus. Seal also preached with grta.t belerte.,ss and power in ;Jeree-a:em, ar.d agaia his enenties itieight te kill him. t.z2. Peter -The history now tares lire= Sate to Peter. All quarters- ' He. die' not confine his labors to Jeri- salem, but went to other places rig - and eneeereggig the churches, as in cbap. eta. 14. Came down - nom Jerasaletn. Saints -The Jews wee Lad beett converted to Chris- tianity. The Gentiles were not as ;set eititee by the apostles This weed eteaas paaa separated and • W. Fettane a etrteiti nran-The Leal teel Peter to this man as ite had led POW+ to tee eanecli. Tbis till not :teat be. charge. :Eget 'seers -There ,•.• Cl therefore be no doubt cast on the mew .11.m. nature of his Cara - Cara. D:15. Palgy-'I'his is a cotttree- tree a, the word 'paralysis." It is • tliSr,ISP wheel deprives the parts afeeted of seneation, or the power tte res -Vete, or seeth.-Schalit 81. Maketh teee Whole-erhe epos - tie eel tsrel elreelar lateriage 15 tempter LI. C. Peter did not heal elm Itt els own strength, but by the power of emus Christ. He Was e'oes ceseeen Instrament, the healer was Cilitist. Hes mot teetered to per - feet eealtie lentuetilestely. Make eby bel. -Tele Would slue* that he was a paralytie no tenger. He Was at Lente, and therefore was eern- renneesd not to take uphis bed. est In tee ease of the pitralytie recorded In tete. v. 21:. bat he Was entered to make it He Wes teltertiatteee to htlp-Linetelf :tee to prove bis tales by les works. Aroee Imitediatter- Tele etoweil the completenees and • reellty of tees neraeleeel the 'faith ere streegth nt tbe. man. snron-Staroto. Thee pre:sable • it.111 reference to the eletriet tf welen teveldn watt the chits: tete. The ;reeks tree resteel for ite fertility and beenteet-Ise. .'ssIv. 2. Cant. 1:. 1. Sew him -It matt 1141.11. Male a great imprrfeCon apenttlk peer& to see a men who bisbeen to bel e!..gbt years WItta att Inetitabie dliSetele, end- denly restored to health and walk. lug about the Streets. perrectly Turnedto the Lord -They believed that ebees was tise Messiah. It rasa hardly be isepposed that all of these people became truly converted at title time. 80. joppese-A. port or town ou the costet of the Mediterranean Sea, 80 miles from Jerusalem. A certain dis- ciple -Dorcas is called a disciple that it may be seen that ander .the gospel there is no distinctionbetween male and female .Gal. In. 28 -Cam. Bib. Ta- Dormes--The and Greek names for an antelope or gazelle, which, from Its loveliness, was frequently employed as a pro- per name tor women. --Meyer. Full of good works -Especially in malting coats and garments for widows, who isi that country were a most enter. tunate class. efflitch she did -She Is prettied not only for the alms which she gave, but far "alnisdeeds whicis she did." 37. Was Wok -Thus we see that good people aro sometinies side Died -Death comes to all alike. aeome- Vines the dwell of God's mitts makes known their virtues and they beopme a power and exaanple for good beyond what was poasIblo while living." • Upper chamber-Inetenel of burying her immediately, as was customary in the East. 88. Was nigh -About ten miles away, Sent unto him -They probably , sent unto Peter before she died. BP to this time tho apostles had not raised anyone to life, but they bad healed some. Desiring lem-"Intreat- ; ing elm." -R. V. "It is not said that they expected a =insole. 39. Wieow,s-Whom sho had clad or fed. Shelving, etc. -"They were not ashamed to acknowledge that they . were indebted to Dorcas for the ree- 1 ment they wore. This praised not ouly iter charity, but also her indus- try. This brings out her character as the excellent woman of Prey. xx xi. 10-22. A. false pride causes some to conceal wbat others do for them in times or their need." 40. Pnt them all forth -Ho did this in thie matter. He put them forth that he might not be disturbed or hindered by their lamentations and unbelief. Tabitha, arise -During his prayer he undoubtedly felt assured that she would be raised when he should speak the word to her llfeleve form. He said these words in Testes' name. S.he sat up -The graphic min- uteueas of detail here Imparts to the narrative an air of charming reality. -J., F. Ic B. 41. Preeentecl her alive -In the manner of performing the miracle Peter follows the example of Jesus in raising Jaime' daughter, at which miracle be was one of the admitted speotators.-Whedon. 42. Many believed -This miracle, as web as the one at Lydda, strength- ened the faith Of the disoiples, and added many to the Lord. Thereby the church was greatly edified and built up. t. 48. Many days - In evangelistic work. There was a great field in .Toppa. Simon -Eight persons of this name are mentioned in the New Testament. A tanner -A trade re- garded by the Jews as half -unclean and consequently disreputable, from the contact with dead animalsraid blood which was connected with it Thoughts. -The raising of Dorcas would, 1. Bring Chrietianety into prominence. 2. Prove that Jesus had risen -from the dead. 3. Show that the soul exists budependeetly of the body. Dorcas was still alive although the body was dead. Eter- nal life should be most earnestly sought. Christians should be ac- tively engaged in God's service. PRACTICAL. SURVEY. eosephus relates that about this time Caligula, the Roman emperor, had bis statue set up In Ahe temple, geeing Instruetions to tilt e.ner oho eeeposed him. Terrified at the 'pros- ptct of this sacrifice, the Jews left otf persecuting the Christians and turned their attention to the aeerting of this calamity. "Then had the churches rest." The miracles wrought by Peter, They were notable. ; The ease of Batas was well known. He had kept his bed for eight years, sick of the pahey. Dorcaswas well known throughont the region where she lived by her ministrations to the needy. Her stelmess and death at- tracted general attention. After • her death they sent to Joppa, about ten miles distant, for Peter. The time required to make the journey. and return, in all probability on - foot, was sufficient to demonstrate that she was actualize dead. Eneas arose "immediately" and made his _ bed, and Peter presented Dorcas: "alive." This Is characteristic of all • the miracles of Christ and Ms apos- tles. Such works always attended the minietre of the apostles. They were imitated in the promise (Mark xvi. 17, 185. and wherever they went the Lord wrouglit with them 'confirm- ing tbe word with signs following," The effert of the miracles. They attested the divine origin and su- pernatural character of the religion be represented. Christianity is di - sine in its origin and supernatural In its operation or it is nothing. He who would rob the religion of the Bible of its supernatural element would take away from it the onlY thing which makes it of value to the individual or to the world. Only a, supernatural religion can arouse the attention of a godless world, attract men to God and tom - pet them to acknowledge His power. , Lu this age or running oiter themar- _ vetoes and the novel it is not pro- bable that God will by the working of niany strilein.g physical wonders appeal to this demerit In men, but when there are hearts that acknow- ledge Him and make way for Him, He will reveal His power by saving men from sin. .VICS/001.1•• NE KEEPER OF BRITAIN'S HONOR. (Ile Amuse Menet PrensoNs.) tesetete e5iefeee;eese.t.etee.ea7t.e'ee'eeeeeeettsteetgee.-eeeeeeseeeetoeaet-ee..eexeee se4 . . " If any person ot what degree soever, high or low, shall deny or gainsay our Sovereign Lord, George XV, Defender of the Faith, eon and next heir to our Severeigu Lord, Kipg George the Tierd, the last King deceased, to be right, heir to the Imperial Crown of thle United King. dom, or that ite ought net to enjoy the omit', bere in hie champion, Wilo says that lie Roth, and is a false traitor ; being ready' in person to combat with him, and lu tills quarrel with adventure hie lite against bine on what day &serer shall be ap- pointed.? It was with these svords that the Champion of Britain flung down his gauntlet in Westminster Great Hall during the coronation of George the Fourth; and in similar words the Sovereign's cause had been cham- pioned from the year 1006 to titles which our grandfathers can easily renamaiber. The championship con- tinued in the Ilarmion family until the death, In 1292, of Sir Plains de Harmless, without male issue, the estates of Sorivelsby thereby descend- ing to the daughter, Joan, who mar- ried a Sir 'Monies Ludlow, who left an only daughter, elazera. She became the wife of Sir John Dymoke, In which family that office bas con- tinued ever since. The present holder of this quaint office. Mr. Frank Seeman Dymoke, the Honorable, the King's Champion, of Serivelsby, Lincolnshire, can trace Inc family back to the great Robert Dispensator. Champion of William the Conqueror. Robert Dispensator-or Robert -Mention, as his real bame was -was a 'cousin or William L, and had acted as his champion while he was Duke of Normandy. It was only natural that the first of our Nor- man Kings should bring his own Champion with him, and also that he should load him with honors, as he undoubtedly did, by giving him grants of land in the counties of Lin- coln, Gloucester, Warwick and Here - lard, together with the governor- ship of the border Castle of Tam- worth. And as, In addition to these 'broad acres," he qlso preserved his estates between Caen and Falaise In France, he might, with justice, be looked upon as having been next in power to the King himself. The Championship of Britain is not vested in the eldest son of a Champion, as is usual in such offices, but devolves upon the lineal de- scendant, who owns Sorivelsby Court. It would also seem that the present or any subsequent Champion is at liberty to leave the Scrivelsby es- tates to Whomever he likes, and, provided the heir is a member of the Dymoke family, the Championship would go with the estates. In fast, such a case has recently happened, and the present bolder ot the office belongs to a very much older branch of the family than did the gift of the Conqueror, four imams in, Warwickshire, ono in Gloucester- shire, fourteen in Lincolnshire, and seventeen .111 Leicestershire, all of whieli were inherited afterwards by the Dymolte family, When Cromwell was in power, 'for instance, the then 'herder of the title was filled to the extent of $35,000 -an enormous; sum In 'Woe° days -for being a Royalist, and, what was considered worse, "for bearing a lewd and malicious title." Taking these facts into considera- tion one cannot be surprised that coronations took place at which no Champion wn.a forthooming. Not that the Menden family feared the ordeal -far from it, It was goner - ally the King himself who suggested that there should be no challenge, as the cireuenstances under which the immediate successors or William the Conqueror caate to the throne made It advisable that their corona- tions should be performed as quietly and unostentatiously as possible. 'Phe well-known authority on the "Cham- pions of Britain," the Rev. 8, Lodge, M. A., thinks that as a sort of pre- oedent for dispensing with the Chem- plosea services was established by William Rufus, Henry I., a,nd Stephen, the remaining Sovereigns up to Rich- ard II. would not think it necessary to require the services of a, Cham- pion. After the reLgn of Richard II., the Champions have appeared at every coronation u.p to more recent days, a.nd itt epite or their long rurn of office, it seems remarkable that rover once has the Challenge been accepted. There were many occasions on which this challenge might have been taken up, as instanced,Isby the accession of William and Mary, Anne, and the first two Georges. She Walter Scott Introduces the ac- ceptance of the challenge as an in- cident in "Red Gauntlet," and de- clares that It Is founded on fact, Hi solemnly assures us In a footnote, "That upon the coronation of George when Dymoke wagered his body to defend -in single combat the right Of the King to the crown of these realms.; at the moment when he flung down his gauntlet as the gage of battle, an unknown female stepped from the crowd and lifted the pledge, leaving another gage ies room of it, with a. paper expressing that ifa tale field of combat should be allow- ed, a champion of rank and birth would appear with equal arms to dispute the claim. of' King George to the British Kingdoms." Tbis state- ment will have to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt aa no proof either of the ricceptance of the chal- lenge or of its subsequent events Is to be found. Nor doesehe Champion referred to sae anything aboat it In Itis diary, an extract of which we give in this article. last Champion that performed the The Cbamplons of Britain were ceremony. originally paid for their services by Before going further into the in- ! being allowed to hold Scrivelsby teresting details of the office of Manor, by which is technically called Keeper of Britain:9 Honor, it would, Knight Sergeantry ; a term applied perhaps, be as well to glve a de -1 ly servi seription of what the duties are. ce rendered to the reigning to lands held in exchange for n year - That they are not onerous is shown, sovereign. The holding of estates by by tbe fact that they are only per- i Knight Sergeantry, a reranant of formed once lea Sovereign's life- I the old feudal system, eras done away time -during the ba.n.quet \ditch im- t with during the Restoration of m , 1660, so that the present Champion ediately followa the coronation ceremony. As, an example et how 1 - holds his estates exactly as other estates are held by tbe nobility or their appearance ds viewedebyon- ii. comity. geteteptuee et England.. lookers, we will quote from the Lon- I His sole recompense now consists don, Times of Friday. the 20th of July, in claiming a gold cup, together 1821. 'After describing the scenes ' with the horse used et the 'coronae of that banqueting ball in which , teen, with the saddle, armor eyed George IV. sat amidst his nobles , rurniture. The horse by the leaf is State (the crowned Is:ings 01 nlsra.ys -supposed to be the second arrayed in their varioua rob -' f carrying' best in the Soverelen's stable- the In his right hand the sceptre, andl best being used by tile Sovereign bin - bit les left the orb), the article con.- tissues; 1 self. At the coronation of George i IIL, the Champion, Mr. John Dymoke, - "The first course having beea re-: Is gaid to have ridden tbe borse moved, the attention of all present '. which carried George II. dur- was called to the bottom of the Hall * ine the battle of Dettingen. And g RIGHT TO STRIKE. A Ilodt 31rrs Bove eame Rights as on indIvislunl. .1prA 7. -The tmestion of whether or not members or a labor - unioe haws the right to deeline to werk with 73011-unton men aril to order a strike to Imre such right respected tens ettetmlned ea the affinnetive by the Court of Appeals to -'lay. Le his operates Julge Parker West "it is not the &Ili of one man to work for another unless he has agreed te, and If he bas so agreed, but for no fixed peeled. either may eni it contract whenever he chotleeal The One raay work Or refuse to work at will and the other may litre ; or alecharge at will. Workingmen 5 have the right to organite for the ; purpose of securing leglusr wages, - shorter hears Of Leber ittlpreOinge Jett-. v-18113119 with their employers. They Neve ehe right to strike, pro- vided the obi -et le not to gratify mallets or Infect Injor upon othera trat tie SPeard better terrat of emplor- Merit for theneselves. A peacefal oLd orderlz: strike ts not It iloIation law. " labor orptnation is endow_ea tvIA: preelsele the, tame hg '1 ;se fe ran te threaten to to ttelt whten It mey isnefully tioe' Crst perte• Of teachers for South Africa sail on the Cerintelan from etaLfaX Aptli 14. by a Ion and cheerful flourish of to b th Get jealous are ; show ow re e am - trumpets. The great gates were k piens of their rights it is interestng instantly thrown wide open, and i to hear in one of the Cliamplon's the ehanipion made his. ap- : own words, how he prepared for the pearatice ander the gothic coresnation ceremony. Mr. John archway mounted Oa 'his t Dymoke, in bis diary, referring to ebarger. * il I' Mr. Dy- l George m's. corona.tion, says: moke was accompanied oa bis right ", "I went to the tower, having first by the Duke of Wellington. and on ! given notice to the armorer and se- ttle left by the Marquis of Angleseaeretary of the ordnance, to claim bat his polished steel armor, his : the armor, pistols, sword, lance aud plumes, and the trappings of his , target, and tried on the armor steed instaatly showed the capacity. , I fixed upon . . . . I then In wbice he appeared. He was ush- hnd an interview with the Master of ered witlen tee 'limits- of the hall! the Horse, the Duke of Rutland, by two trumpeters, with the arms ; when the Duke said he would com- er the champion on their banners. ', pound the horse for 100 guineas, but by tbe Sergeant -Trumpeter, and to keep up the form of the clahn. by two Sergeants -at -Arms with ,, . . . I went in to plie Master maces. An esquire in half -armor was i or the Horse's coach to the King's on each side, the one bearing hle . Mews, where I laid my hand upon lance, and the other his shield and i the best white horse in the stable, target ; the three horsemen were „seeing ; 'This horse I chuse to do followed by grooms and pages. The first challenge. was given at the my service upone " Entrance of the hall by the Herald Mr. John Dymoke here explains attending tbe champion. how he had some difficulty in obtain - "Alter pausing for a few see-oads ing his armor, owing to the petty the cha.mplon drew off Ws gauntlet anthorities wishing to pay him a and threw It upon the floor with a cetaln sum to return it to them on very manly and cbivalrous air. As the completion of Ms service. This, no eta appenred to aeeept the chat- however, he declined to do. In the lenge, the Hergd took up the glove end he petitioned the King, and the ntri rats:read at to the champion. diary continues: Tbe cavalcade then advanced half- "After some days, His Majesty or - way up the ball, when it again halt- dered me one of the best suits of ar- ed, and the trunrpete having again mor. The armorer interpreted this founded, the challenge was read as he pleased, and gave me an old es before, the gauntlet thrown down. suit, bat it being only three days endeeestered 10 the eleillengete At before the coronation when it was tbe loot of the tbrene the ceremony, signified to me by the. Board, that was a third time repeated. We sheuld upon my ordering the armor, target, here remerk thst shouts of applause lance. sword etc., to be delivered 10end voelferatiens of 'Long Live the my hand it 'should be done Accord- Kinere !allowed ench restoration of Ingle I Wrote an order of. delivery the gauntlet tn, the Chnmelon. His to na- e servant who carrime it, and elinrger seas considerable rearmerl by with this eerbal reserve to the arm - the melee. but he seemee to 'lave cern- elete cemmand ever blue anti re- ova. that lie 'should keep it till the strained his actions within limits Foronotton day and wait on me with 'stetted to the narrow space In wh ce it. when so ordered. est caul 1 be permitted to mese. * * "Upon a rebearsal of the can. The beckine: out of ihe Champion and dies in Westminster Hall, the re the Duke of 'Wellington and the - Friday preceelng the coronation, eitargrals of Anglesen was not very I ordered the horse and armer rwreelsignztraenetirdttlepearretljrd°oweinfOolletho: le the Hall. The armorer brought only deem, tvbeeh I tried time night which narrowed the avenue Of the ewe the armor, without target, throne." 'lance or strord, In a hackney coach. 11 It Interesting to note, with refer- I ordered the armor again on tbe mice to the hafting ont, thet as the Ar i t their feceE ternet1 towards their eove Dielies School In Tyburn Road, where ensign, their horses have to unilergo I learnt to fide. I rode three -quare a centers of traloiree ter the event. tors or an tour in my armor. Tit the ell days the holder of tlie ..0 ti - t i telee's themelorasieu en rot find bis e T day' ad he e°r)3111 °Ile 4,1', sergeant'a guar of ir tob. r t. . P eor- eetItrs et the sleetseie nmst heeP ()nation. wild: rows broneht to the offiee the sineettre it now is. Tt wets/Rich's Dragoons came at 7 o'clock ell right so long as there was eniet and eseorted me down. one king to charnel:in t butt triton he bed two kings to decide between. es dreseed hi armor just be - was Um ease dating the Watt te the fore the &voila coarse went In ettr Tiosee. and whet', frs addition to thief 1 took care to have notice from affienity, lie chase tile a:tie that , tite Hall when It was proper to eventnally keit, Isle heed pall the for- deesst ties Knight Marshal eatue resit. A Merlin Sir Thomat Dymniat , for Me. With him I entereil the unfortunately cast in Isis beet with 11011.ettrrying My right band gaunt - Henry VI.. nb.1 wna afte•rwards be- let In my right hand, with the breelel by rtheetre IV. fingers towards the boniest haul CM tee tepees, bewever. 1130 Mtn- , Hee left band gauntlet being on reale as 10 iles and limit theiteb Ir m entrance The ebatielete Was, Meats, teem, love ent toe neeete Lamb. tied Illfirt lifIC4id the time to lime thee hive been eitora 14Car* end Of whittle I flung the ther esdettse suite Seriveieby I/aver ; eat:intik on the getran.1 en the right la all tied to left to theta elt titter • ale of Mt. it little *level thelsoree. former vast preectelene Per Reltert With as Mitch Pert* de the armor de liartniotithe fleet Peron bad be' 'Weed Mime Nita that ter mOSt /O. • lifted arm Wit/ hand to throw It. I immediately Clapped 3n.Y hand 10 my side in token or defittneo, and remained in that attitude till the gauntlet was taken up and return - r "Ili the middle of the hall was repeated the sump, only with this diff6rence, that • after the chal- lenge, instead or raising my values high a the armor would %dna to throw the gauntlet forcibly on the ground, I, this second time d.d throw it ascent, expressing thereby a contempt of anyone wino should dere take it up. Wu proceeded to the top of the hall, and at the foot of tile teems tho challenge wee road a third time, at the end of whiter dowieruy gauntlet, as at first, then, putting My bend on my hip (akinibe), I turned reyfaeeteel1erto tier Igtet!rt,biiudg.:witwot0,oian tater the gauntlet had lain some time, It wee tbe tbIrd thno delivered Lo nue welch 1 then put on and touched the forehead of my helmet to pay my obeisance to Ills Majesty ; ar- ter whiter the King drank to me and made obeisance once more. The cup was brought to me, and with the most audible voles I was master of, I drank after pronourfoine theme words; 'Long leve Their Majesties'" All of welch shows that Mr. Dymoke bad a very pretty idea of how his duties ellould be performed, and also that he kept his wits about him in a manner which isie predecessors might well have envied. For whereas the ether Champions seem to have forgotten the lids of the 82.ounce gold pets whdoh it was their right to Malin, Mr, John Dymoko was the ouly one to bring it away with hitp, fu the excitement of the moment the golden lids were left behind, and, as an aufortunately natural stquence, when their owners sought to re- cover them, they had disappeared. Stuce the time of Richard IIfoue, teen members of the Dyrnoke family have offtclated at twenty-one wro- te:Woes, and at least two have lived long enough to uphold the cause of three successive soverelene, end one of these lived through no fewer than five reigns. It its belleted that Mr. Dymoke will not exercise his privilege at Klag Edward's coronation next year, his undoubted right to appear being ad- mitted without the actual perforin - mice of this quaint ceremony. t: FALLING 100 FEET I I DOWN A SHAFT. I ++++ f+++++++++++ f+++ +++ea+ "Why, I feel bully; I was wishing they would let Ina go out and roll on the latter." said tlie man who 'fell five stories yesterday. Palling 100f feet down an elevator shaft is not' exactly a pleasant sensatlon-one has no time for "feel- ing," and it Is not often that _after it le over there are pleasant mein - odes of the incident. Frank G. Zels, ot 2,983 Gray street, is a restless patient ee St. Joseph's Hospital to -day. His cheek and lip are scratched and his right little linger is wrapped up. Other - there( is no evidence of the ac- cident which befell Min at the new Adams Hotel, Eighteenth and Wee, ton streets, yesterday, save a lit- tle soreness in the back. . "I can't tell just how I fell," said he, laughing, as if he was glad to see a visitor, this morning. "I went ales -boom' with just a little accent on the siss, and I have been lying hero wondering how much brain I have- I clide't think I lied much gray matter in nry Weill until I was being carried to the ambulance. Ordinarily I would not have paid any attention to the shaft sides as I went up -in :act, I didn't, but when I started to fall, everything flashed before me; it seemed that I could see every nail, chip and block oh the floors, ' and particularly the boards at the bottom,. "Before I fell I felt the rope on one side of my swing giving way. Then I remembered swinging out of a seven story building recently with half -a -ton of iron 'for a fire escape, all hanging on the two ropes that supported me, and I wouldn't believe one of them was breaking. I yelled at the space below to 'let that rope alone,' believing some one was tam- pering with ;the free ends by which I had pulled my swing up on the pulleys. "Then came the horrible jerking, breaking of strand after strand - it seemed to unravel and break by bits. I suppose it took two seconds for me to start, but it seemed like twenty minutes. When I saw the cause of one end of my board sinking I reached for the other rope, but -siss-down I went. As I slid off the board I 'thought a dozen things. First, I realized like a flash of light- ning that I wee facing death with- out a chance in my favor. No, I nev- er thought of the mean things I had done -nor the good, nor my friends and relatives. It was death, death - sure and swift, coming at bre like a cyclone, and I relaxed tO Ole; a thousand rushing noises seemed to bewilder me for en instant -a very, very Short instant -shorter than a clock can measure, and my Mind passed to the bottom of the shaft. e re head was pointed down and I turned over. I don't remember think - leg how I 'would strike, but by some mysterious Impulse or notion, I turn- ed over and prepared to alight in it sitting position. "Then the sensation greet pleasant. I seemed to be riding on the wind above the earth, while the objects shot by like caanon balls. I seemed to be• ill a reverie when I reached the third floor -I know it was the third, for I remembered later of having seen in stick projecting there -I felt a pain le my face. My finger and my face tipped the stick and gave nie nem seratoltesosend then I thought Of the boards at the bottom. t knew they were there about fifteen inches apart, a.nd with the vision of these boards before me, forgetful of the flashes of light a.s I passed by die •tereet Morse I struck. "It didn't burt. 1 Jed felt its 11 in thousand cannon boomed all at once into my ears. and then all was black. "Next I awoke ami they carried me to the ambulance. X thought about clueing. Every tines an ironererker gets hurt he curses. An ironworker ean .give a trooper reenters on pro. lenity, but somehow death eame looming up before me again -I went through It all ever in My Mind. and I did not mum. I haven't the habit, holvever. I dreiv up my erne" and legs and laegars to realize that I wag alive -that T was not In a nen world, and thee X felt thankful: The sky seemed bluer and the atm bright- er than it ever did, and T resented neeer to V sip in the ftit again. When a n ironivotker gets; a tell lie no Miens geed At the bushiest / Wein go up any Mete. But up te eteiterear 1 always reit comfortable to the air, swinging by two ropes." gels Struck oil one two-hieli board and snapped it In twain. Ilia back struek the other end was braised, but bad It not been far the Wend bOard he would have walked ItIvev actserdits/ et. hie OWIS stittenienttele Denver Pest. The Markets LseaSistotmeturgoo40-~--A..-‘". 'reroute Forinere, Market. April 7. -Grain receipts were light on the street market this morning. only SOO bushels offering. Priaes were steady, Wheat -Was steady, 1110 bushels or white selling at 70e per bushel, and 200 bushels of goose at 0010 per IlaY-Was steady, 20 loads selling at $11 to $13 per ton for timothy and $7.50 per ton for clover. Straw-pelt/ass steady, 2 loads/ sidle big zet $9 per ton. Beef its firmer, selling at $8 to $10,50 per cwt. for hindquarters and $1.50 and $7 per cwt for torequar- terse Spring lambs are easier, sell- ing at e5 to $7 each. Wheat, wbite 77 to 700; red, 69 tot 80; goose, 60e ; spring, 670. By", 500. BeeloY, Malt, 01 to 0010; feed, 5:1 to 540. Cate 46 to 48e. Peas, 8.1e. Seed, evrt, job, alsike, $10 to $17; red clever, $7,50 to $0.50; tiny- othy, $7.75 to Wel). Lissy, timothy, $11 to $18; clover, $7.50 to $9. Straw, $0. Batter, lb. rolle, 18 to 22.0; crooks, 15 to 17.3. Kegs, new 120. heeding Wheat Markets. Following are the closing quota- tions at important wheat contees to -day; Neve York Chicago •• • ICash. July, • $--- $77 701.4 714-4 Toledo ... 70 3-1 781e.-8 Duluuth, No. 1 Nor 70 1-2 -.-. Duluth, No. 1 hard... 73 1-2 -- Toronto Country Produce. • Toronto, April 7, -Butter- Choice dairies aro quite scarce an3 low grade nal medium ones are correspondingly numerous. The tiemand, tiorefere, finds creameries' the principal suppiy. The latter are offering fairly liber- ally. The market is quiet and steady. We quote: Creamery, prints, 22 to 22n; seeds, 21 to 22o; seconds, 18 to 200; dairy, eound rolls, cheese, 13 to LW ; large oludoe, 17 to 17 1-12o; tubs, 14 to 100; medium end low, 10 to 12 1-2c. ,Eggs-OfferIngs continue quite lib- eral, ancl do nue.- vary greatly now from day to day. Prices are steady at 12o per dozen. Potatoes -Mild weather bas in- ereased the offerings. Prices are not very firm, but are at present steady. Cars on the track here are quoted at 55 to 57c. Potatoes out of store sell at 65 to 70e. Poultry -The market is very quiet, With a good demand and light offer- ings. Prices are steady at 12 1-2 to 100 for well -fatted fresh -killed tur- keys and 60 to 90c for chickens. Oared hay fs steady at $10 for No. 1 timothy en track here. Demand is tight and offerings are liberal. 03aled straw is quiet and in light demand at $5 on track here. Offer- ing's are liberal. Toronto Lave Stook Market. Export cattle, choice, per cwt. te 30 to es 75 do medium 350 to 480 do covis 200 to 350 Butchers' cattle, picked 5 25 to 5 35 Butcher,,' cattle, choice 4 25 to 5 25 Butchers' cattle, fair.....3 85 to 4 25 do common 3 25 to 3 35 do eons 300 to 350 do bulls, . .250 to 325 Feeders, short.keep 8 60 to 4 65 do medium 310 to 370 Stockers, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs 4 00 to 1 25 do light 360 to 400 Mitch cows, each as 00 10 50 00 Shoop, ewes. Per cwt 3 60 to 1 00 Lambs, yearlings. per cwt. 4 50 to 5 75 do spring, each 2 50 to 5 00 Hoge, choice, per cal 6 25 to 0 00 per ewt 6 00 to 0 00 liogs; fat, Per cwt ........ 0 00 to 000 Bradstreet's on Trade. Trade ha.4 been active at Mon- treal for the present period of the year. The feeling in wholesale big- ness circles is oheerfpl, and in- creases shown in many departments of wholesale trade. Business at Hamilton has been gcod this week. The wholesale 'souses have booked many orders. The activ- ity In trade at country points during tho Easter season having stimulated the demand from many sections 01 the country. Wtholesale firms are busy now shipping goods to the west and other points, and from preseet appearances it looks as if they will be steadily engaged in getting out Um goods for some weeks. At Winnipeg, as reported to Brad - street's this week, trade has recov- ered largely from the effects of the recent heavy snowstorms and floods 10 tbe Province. Trade at the Pacific Coast is look- ing up. Mere has been an active de- mand for goods far shipment to 1n9 northern country. , 'Court 001 Busy. A celebrated lawyer in Nora Scotia, who writes under the nom do plume of Juvents, is noted for hls ettreleas- nese in dress, which fact annoys the members of the bar exceedingly. En- tering the court room upon one occasion minus a necktie, the judge reproved him, saying that the law required him to wear one. "Oh, yes, your honor, I know it," Was the name; "but it does not say where to wear it." • A.s he spoke he pulled it out of his trouser's pocket. The court was too batty to allude further to the mat- ter.-Canadinn Law Review. GORDON FOUND GUILTY. Murderer of Two Manitoba. Farmers Will Hang. Whinipeg, April 4. -Walter Gordon, Wiles was arrested in Halifax with the Canadian Mounted Rifles on tbe eve Or departure for South Africa, and brought back here to anewer to the charge of double murder, was found guilty at the Breeden As- sizes to -day. Gordon's crime was the murder tsf Clete Daw and Jacob Smith, with whom lie lived at White- water. , Gordon's father, from Brooklin, Ont., told oe hie (the prisoner's) mo- ther, when he was 19 years of age, committing suicide by cutting her throat, Ho remembered that she acted queerly. He tepid of Isis brother George dying in Whitby jail four years ago, he had been insane for soma time before. He was In jail but two weeks', awaiting a transfer to the asylum, velaen he died, having refused to eat. He had had it mania for believing that people were run- ning +twee With, Isla money, also thinking that they were tieing to apieltisolotiotttalitv117arietaryinnadinlinletaitlistie. \gyp,: valoceleonnit: panied Gordon frOM Halifax to Men- nlpeg, detailed a confeersion Gordon matle to him Of the double eriMe while to vette lveet. Gordon neat Meet Doer whibrr going to Polseeveln, Tho next day Ito Minerelea with Smith ami also Mot Wm, throwing teeth bodies Into an eld m ell, Gordon dleappearce af- ter the menet, but was caught at ttallfax right otn menthe, later. Iktatirice l'Orget, who 'need north of St. jevite. Wee stored a let of tlyna- 'Mite 119 bit' Millet. When it exploded hdrttotranenkboillediontor; twettufe and chit-