HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-10, Page 1am 2911 YEAR, NO, 32. NEM BAK Capital - $2,500,000 Reserve - $2,500,000 • WINGHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business transacted. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and Advanees made an same. Drafts bought and enld on all Points in Canada, United States and Europe. " SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of MO and upwards, mid added to principal Mir Juno • and 3Ist December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager B. Vanstone, Solicitor, INDECISION. The road of indecision leads To nowhere in particular— Across the swamps where Sorrow breeds, Through wild morasses, deep and fer, With not a goidepost, nor a light, From right to left, from left to riglit. The steepest way. the longest way, The hardest way of all to climb, Is not eo difficult, they say, If it emerges somewhere, sometime. Come, comrade; let's be rid of doubt! And take the road we're sure about. trni Pins * The Black Cat. See Halsey Park's advt. Special line of pautings at MexwelPs. Dr. McLennan has removed from Kintail. W. Drummond of Blyth was in town oo Tnesday. Harry McKenzie left for Saginaw, Mich., last week. V 25 SHOES Fon 85c—on Saturday next. See window, at W. J. Greer's. T. T. Field has a fine, new bnggy for sale; ask him about it. - • Lucknaw Aesessment roll feta 1902 shows a valuation of $280,759. Mr. Cummer is preparing material tes build a residence oh Maple Areaflir. StTEL—albs, for 25e, At Ti' Mills', Misses Eva and Della, Gracey of Myth were in town a few -days last week. The 8th Canadian Horse show will be held. in Toronto on April 10, 11 and 12. Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Brandon spent a few days with Seaforth friends last week. See King's Window ! Buy $2,00 worth of goods and get the Key that takes "that Parlor Suit." Will. Roderus bas accepted a situa- tion in Smith & Pethick's hardware. store. Mr. H. Davis, His Majestya Customs collector, is having his office renovated this week. Robert Mooney is making several large creatn vats for the Whitechurch creamery. SATURDAY WITH CROWDER 00.-12 Men's Suits, sizes 30 to 44, all wool tweed, worth $7, Saturday sale $5. Mr. Jeffries of Londesboro visited friends in town ovet Sunday, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. A. Tipling. Do you like Cocoa P Call at Grif- fin's or Kenai on Friday or Saturday, and get a cup of delicious cocoa free. Mrs. R. H. Crowder and family have arrived in town. They will occupy the Brockenshire cottage, oa Victoria. St. Betnenther—we have three car -loads of Buggies here—all sate, sizes, colors and shades; a good place to buv, as prices are very reasonable.—T.H,Rons. Earnest and Miss Molly Hammond were called to Port Huron on Wednes- day by the sorious illness of their grandmother, Mrs. Hammond, Mr. Johnston of Wingham Marble works has a pure white owl ; it was captured in Grey township by Mr,Per- • rie, brother of Rev. D. Perrie of toWn. WANTPD.—At once, a good girl good wages, no washing—Apply to Mrs. J. P. Kennedy. Ezra flomuth, who has been ena ployed et the G. N. W. Telegraph office in towti, left last week for Orangeville where be has secured a, situation. The Advanee has added title week several fonts of new and • attractive job type ; they have been admired by all who liave seen them. Eine print- ing a specialty at the Advance office. Jr. Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supolied. Office opposite St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. W. B, Thompson of Teeswatet has been at his mills, three toilet north of Paisley, for Some weeks. This pi/tee has been christened Thompsonville. There are two houses, astable and two Mills. Some 700,000 feat a loge and over 400 torch; of wood bave been taken oub clueing the winter'. Mr, Thorep• son eepeets to finish up all work there by the month of Noeember.—ITeete Water News. 100 bags of Gose Wheat forseed, for Sale et T, A Mills', 4o) M. yanetter, of the Goclerich nal, wee in town on Seturelay, It is reported that his minion was to test the feeling of Wingiutua Liherals as to the candidate to bo brought forward in West Linron. Get your New Spring Suit at Max - Go to J. E. Mulholland, Oorrie, for your next photo. Ile solicits a trial and will please yon. EL R. Isard & Co, have arranged a room in the second story of their banding as a department for carpet and, linoleum, of which they keep a good assortment. With ready-made clothing in the baeement, dry -goods and groceries on the first floor, and carpets on wood floor, this enterpris- ing firm is in a position to handle all these lines with better facilities than ever, WALTER HARED.% 0000A will be served free on Friday and Saturday of this week, at the store of 0. N. Grif. fin and Jam. & Jas. 11, Kerr. You are most cordially invited to call. A hook of choice recipes will be given each visitor. PANTS, PANTS, PANTs.-12 Pairs Men's Pants, all sizes, worth $1.25 Saturday sale price, 05 cents, at Crow- der Co.'s, We will take pleasure in showing you through our stock of Buggies, whether you wish to buy or 'not. T. H. Ross. And Why Not? The Toronto Telegram is authority for the following—"What country this would be if Canadians in the pol- ling booth were as wise as Canadians on the battlefield are brave." Died. Another of the pioneers of Tern - berry, Archibald McAllister, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 82 years, 11 months. We have not been able to gleam any particulars regari- ing the deceased. Diamond.. tempered - in - oil, crucible- • cast, ready -to -lit plow castings at the old spot.—T. 11. Ross. Changes. There are two or three changes in the Bank of Hamilton staff. M. M..irton and A. H, Robertsare transferedo Head Office, Hatullton. R. S. -Kale takes the position held Isot Mtirten; as Teller, and I. Ratten bur* of ',etudes - bore. occupies 00. deP1,5, vAeqed11: 4.• Elgetter* s e "as ae* • a !a...sea* Resigned. • • At the School Board or; Triesday evening, Miss Robertson tendered her resignation as teacher in the Public school staff. It was accepted in accor- dance with the terms of the agreement. Miss Robertson has been a successful teacher in Wingham School for the past eight years. SHOES 11uPAINED.—We do repairing and do it right. Bring along your shoes.—W. J. Greer. A Public Meeting Will be held in the Town Hall next Wednesday evening to consider the advisability of asking the government to ereet a building suitable for a .post - office ; meeting at 8 o'clock. This is a live question, and should receive the consideration of the electors. Let there be a large attendance. Social. The members of Zetland Sabbath school held a very successful Box social on Thursday evening, April the Br& A good program was rendered, that re- flected credit on those who took part in it, and the committee having it in charge. The proceeds, /mounting to $18.55 are to be applied towards the purchase of a new library, Tenders Wanted. • Tenders will be received up till 7 p. tn. Wednesday, April 16th, for the pm. - these of the house on lot east of the Methodist parsonage; also for the woodshed in connection with the par- sonage. Buildings to be promptly la- ninved by the plirchaser, — W. J. GREER, Secretary Trustee Board. You will save some money if yon buy your Harness and Buggy here ; great selection. --T, H. Ross. Social. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist church held a Shoe social in the basement last Thursday evening. A pleasant, sociable time was spent, a shot program rendeeed, and refresh- ments served, Proceeds about $21,00. The League has subscribed $200 to- wards the new church, in addition to the $150 previously subscribed and paid. Killed tit Turnberry. A sad and fatal accident happened on Wednesday afternoon in Tuenberry not far from Bluevale. It appears thet Sir. Arthur Magee and his son James, aged about 14, were engaged burying it large bonlder. The hole had been dug, and the boy was in it, mak- ing it a little deeper,his father standing near by. Suddenly, the storm moved, slipped WO the hole and Crushed the life out of the tinfortenate boy. At - Most frantic with grief, the father was obliged to dig his son out. Naturally the fondly Is pinterca into the deepest grief by the sad aecideut, Deceased Was grandson of the late Geo. Hughes Wingbatti. Fon Satate--A. eonvenient and Otos fortable cottage on Shutes street ; de. ratable situation ; hard alai soft Water terms reasonable. Enquire at Advance Office, Wingliant. 81'4i \ranee. WINGHAM. ONTARIO, APRIL 10, 1902, For Sabbath Desecration, Staff Inspector Archibald of the Mor- ality Department, Toronto, has laid a charge againet the Toronto World for the desecrationof the Sabbath. The World, when the list of cartualities reached Toronto from South Africa Published a special edition, and sold it on the streets. SuCcesefel. Ed. Coultes of Bluevale, formerly a crack player on Winghem Fnatimll team, retairned on Tuesday Mull the .Dental College. Philiolel ph in, where lie made an excellent lamed, There were several closing examinatione ; nt one be took 100 per cent., at another 95 per cent, This high record gt4f4tikes him of •passing with honors, We many friends in this vicinity will be pleased to beef' of his seams% We can give you a swell outfit, a buggy and harness as low as $75.00,— T. H. Ross, Still Watching. Brantford, April 5,-s- tartlet activity the part of the police keeps up the in- terest in the Quirk m nrdee case. There is, and has been for some time, a su- spect, whose movements on the night of the murder and previous history are being traced. Whoever commit, ted the nueler, escaped, it is believed, by the front gateway, the bars of which were found down. At twelve O'clock on the night Quirk was killed, a man was heard running down Dal- housie street, eastward. The $200 which Quirk carried is gone, and the murderer evidently took it, Tied. John Darrell of town was called ‘last week of Owen Sound by the death of his father. The Owen Sound Times says—"Deceased was an excellent citi- zen. Ile was progressive and kindly in disposition and readily lent a help - ping band when circumstances de- manded. Be was a son of one of the pioneer wood -workers of Owen Sound, and spent considerably the greater part of his life in Owen Sound, having been in recent years superintendent at the chair factory prior to its control pas- sing to a joint stock compaoy,. and af- terward as foreman of aalarge clepert- meet. 'The flag on the factory floated at half-mast out of respect to deceased, He was a, stuuncli Liberal Conserva- tive and as auditor of the North Grey Assoetation Was a member of the exec- utive. . BAsIGAtzi,14XX . taieses' §,11. illnleg2Z t:407.4anatelot,1 Business Change. In another column. ltfr. M. H. Me- Incloo announces the disposal of his business to Alex. Ritchie and Wtn. 'Campbell. These young men are wen - known in this vicinity, having for sev- eral years served the customers of the store, where they are now proprietors. Their character, enterprise and exper- ience should secure for them the con- fidence of the purchasing public, and the Advance sineerely hopes that the new firm of Ritchie and Campbell will be abundantly successful in in- creasing the already prosperous busi- ness now in their hands. It is a mat- ter of regret that Mr. Mclndoo has found it necessary to retire from the business, which for so many years he bas so successfully • conducted, We trust however, that an interval of rest and relaxation ntay result in the complete restoration of his health. WaNTErt—Creamery and Dairy But- ter. Eggs 12c, G, E. KING. Wingham Produce Co. The produce business of the late Charles Gillespie has been bought by the well known firm of D. Gunn,l3ros. Co, of Toronto, and the business will now be known as the Wingliam Pro- duce Co, which will be under the man- agement of Mr. Cha,s, J. Graham, who is a brother of the genial G. T. R. agent at Ripley. • Mr. Graham has had great experience in handling pro- duce successfully, and we understand is an expert pickier. We are also pleased to note that the basiness now controlled by such a strong firm as Gunn Bros. & Co. The transfer was made too late this season to make changes in the banding ; it is their in- tention however to enlarge the sterege and pickling capacity, so as to enable tbetu to largely increase their bus. iness. D. Gunn Bros. & Co. have been the largest individual exporters of eggs from Canada, during the past two seasons, and now with their Montreal connection with the Ounta Langiols & Co, Ltd., in which business they have a controlling interest, they are altogether the largest handlers of eggs in Canada. In addition to their egg department, they are also the lata gest jobbers of butter in Toronto and Montreal local markets, besides doing A large export in this line. They are also developing an export trade in cheese besides their local jobbing trade. The largest portion of their Toronto trade is in pork peoducts. They have been in the porkpaeking business for the past 20 years; their Well known 'Maple Leaf' brandof hand), breakfast bacon, lard, eteds a honsehold word In many parts of Canada, With a eon- nection tike this we predict a. bright Mitre for the Whighain Prodoce Co. The town is fortunate in having such Welaknown firm located here, a firm that bee gained a high reputation in the British market, We trust that Mr. Graham end family Will find Winghtun a pleasant home, and their aureoutalinge here Congenial. • Ladies, Shoes. the latest In footewear, at prices lower than some are Felling back nuna bei' shore, go to Greeert. Another Banister, We learn that on account of family ehanges, Mr, Richard. Holmes, of To- ronto, Brirrister-at-Leve, &c., bus, at the urgent request of bis father, decal. ed to open oiliees here for the practice of bis profession, and to give the necess sary attention to his father's affairs. The many large property interests lawyer Holmes bus in Toronto will require considerable attention there, where the city office will contlime as before at the N, E, corner Yonge and King steeete, tinder the management of his law peruser, The Winghatan cruse will for the present, be at the office of Thomas Holmes, Esq., Main street, where Mr. Holmes wilt he pleased to meet with all his old friends and acquaintances in and around Wingbarn, and where all business en- trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. You can buy en end of all wool or union carpet at:D. M. Gordon's just to snit your morn, and at a price just to suit your purse, Thieving. Recently there have been a number of articles stolen from the premises of the Methodist church. Not long ago some person entered the Choir room and took a pair of geutleman's gloves from an overcoat pocket. A number of electric lightlmlbs and several yards .of expensive white satin ribbon also disappeared, Later, four boilers were stolen ; of the four, ane was borrowed and three belonged to the Ladies' Aid. These seem to have been taken and cut to pieces to get the copper bot- toms; one of them, all copper, was mutilated almost beyond' recognition. Some of the goods have been found and identified, and on Tuesday even- ing the Trustees of the church decided that pilfering roust stop at once, Some of the pilferers are traced, and will an- swer for their misdeeds before the Mayor of the town. We can sell yon a set of Harness as well as a 13uggy.—T. H. Ross, Died, On 'Monday last, Mrs. T. C. Graham passed to a brighter clime, where.sick- • nese and sorrow never come, • De- • ceased wits been 'in Satinet county, Michigan, but came to Citeada when eat•• Yearsof age.. , 1877, she was united in marriage to notti,beeeetsa a:eta/MabelA:S:4 •Waitattitireia ft6it known as Ulster. For some time past, airs. Graham had, been in poor heelth, the canse being an internal tumor. About six months ago, she underwent au operation, which it was hoped would result in permanent cure ; this hope was not realized, and oh Satur- day last, she heroically submitted to another operation. This proved too much for her already weakened sys- tem, and on Monday she passed peace- fully away, aged 43. She leaves a sor- rowing husband, three daughters and one son, who keenly feel their sore bereavement, Mrs. Graham was a member of the Methodist church, and while health permitted was a faithful attendant at the services. The funeral took place on Wednesday, Rev: R. Hobbs conducting the services. Have you seen Maxwell's 'New Suit - hags? If not, you should. Liberal Convention. The Liberals of West Huron met at Dungannon on Alondaylitst to eeleet a enudidate for the approaching elec tion. There was a large attendance and con- siderable rivalry for the honor of can- didacy. Among the delegates front Wingham were J. A. Morton, T. A. Mills, R. Mackenzie, W. Robertson, W. Nicholson, A, Cosens, 11. Park, G. Newton, H. B. Elliott., D. M. Gordon, A. Tipling. It is reported that there were twenty-one names submitted,bilt the list decreased to seventeen, and by the time the ballot was taken, not more than five, or seven et the most, came to the ballot teat. Five of these were M. G. Cameron, Goderich ; J. T, Currie, Reeve of East Wawanosh Dalton, Ashfield; A. Stuart, county councillor ; Wrn. Lane, co:lay clerk. One by one the aspirants dropped be- fore the shower of ballots, until J. T. Carrie and M. G. Cameron were left. When the ballot between Messrs. Onr- rie and Cameron was about to be ta- ken, Mr. Care of East Wawanosh spoke in favor of selecting a candidate favorable to Prohibition. The men. tion of Prohibition Was received with Woes. A gentleman from Clinton re. marked that in spite of hisses he would dare to urge that a candidate acceptra ble to the tettmeertnee people be select- ed. The ballot was then taken and the vote reported—Cuerie 00; Cameron 75. It is indeed 'creditable to Mr. Currie that he took so large a vote. For a comparatively now man in the politi- cal arena, Mr, Currie has roman to be proud of the vote he towered, and had he been the choice of the convention, Would have polled a good vote on this side of the riding. Several teport a "wart» time," but, this could scarcely be otherwise with so- many aspirants, each belting his supporters, It is said Mr. Cameron will consider for ten days the matter of wept:thee of the tend - natal. Ills nomination does not awake any enthusiasm in this even among Liberals, Its an hems or two Well -spent, just to take a look through our stock of Buggies and Carriages; and get prices and terms.—T, II. Ross, VA PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Law Firm. Mr. E, L, Dickinson left for Goderich on Tuesday, but will be here occasion- ally, Mr. Dudley Holmes of Goderich, formerly a member of the well-known firm of Oameron, Holt & Hohnes, will have charge of the business here in the tient name of Dickinson & Holmes, Mr. Dickinson still retaining an interest in the business. Mr. Holinee, will be found in his office, and comes highly recommended, The Advance extends him a cordial welcome, and trusts he will find Winglittin a suitable and, con- genial place of business and residence,' The office is the old stand, next door to the Advance office. SitE,Em SHISTS,—Color guaranteed ; Wingharn agency, Crowder Co, East Huron Conservatives, There was a fair attendance at the annual meeting of Fast Huron Con- servatives in 13ressele, held on Satur- day to elect officers for the Associa- tion. Owiug to the absence of W. F. VanStone, secretary, Anson Dnlmage of Wingham was elected secretary pro tint. The following officers were elect- ed for the current year :—President. James Bowman ; Vice -President, John Scarlett; Secretary, Jas. Lwin; Trea- surer, 'W. M. Smith. Chairmen for the tn unicipalities — How iek, Alex. Strong; Turnberry. Roht. Musgrove; Brussels, N. F. Gerry ; Grey, R. Pear- son and John Bolger; Morris. Richard Proctor ; Blyth, John Wilford; Wing - ham, Dr. Chisholm ; Wroxeter, John Bray; Melaillop, john 0. Morrison; Hallett, David Beacom. Tho question of the selection of a candidate for the corning provincial election was thor- oughly discussed and the matter final- ly left to the executive, who will call a convention for the selection of a can- didate in a week or ten days. Buy your Dress Goods and Muslins at D. M. tawdon's up-to-date store. Stylish goods at reasonable prices. Married. The Brussels Post reports the follow- ing :—Realizing the correctness of the Scriptural injunction "It is not good for man to be alone," II. W. Farrow, formerly of Brussels and KM or post - Master Farrow of this place, made Miss Mary E. Johnston, one of Palmer- ston's popular deughterS, his bride on Wednesday • morning of this week. The bildal knot was neatly fastened by Rev. 4 , Johnston of Woodstock, brother to the bridettn the presence of near relatives of the contracting pur- Aissi$4.ffurts1.pf, PaInaerston, Fred Johnitilia f Ordlia, were the a tendants. After very hearty congratr. ulations, the wedding breakfast was served, and a short program of toasts afforded opportunity for complimen- tary words and good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow will make their home in Chatham, as Mr. Farrow's malt run is now from that point to Sarnia and re- turn. Mr. Farrow and bride com- mence married life wills the hearty good wishes of a wide circle of rela- tives and friends. This place •is so full of Buggies and Carriages that we can scarcely torn around; a good time to buy if you want, one,—T, H. Rosa. Waterworks. As will be seen by reference to the minutes of the Town Councilthe ques- tion of waterworks is again at the front, It is forced upon public atten- tion this ti na e by t he Oanada Furniture Manufacturers declining to pump water for watering the streets. The ques- tion now is—how is the water to be supplied to sprinkle the streets for the present season. It seems peculiar, that while the town bits an excellent water power, and disposes of him - tired of dollars worth of water yearly, yet it cannot get a sufficient quantity pumped to water the streets. This is certainly a state of affairs that requires a remedy. After some informal dis- cussion on Monday evening, the (Jima - Oil adjourned to obtain information, as to cost, etc., and will meet again next Monday evening, Some suggest a main from either Josephine street up John Street, or from the Union tip Victoria street to a stand -pipe erected on the hill at the east of town. It was intirnnted on a rough estimate that the main would cost nearly 82000, and the stand -pipe about $t000. This would simply furnieh river water for fire pro- tection, street'water ing and lawn ser- vice. As we already have water for fire protection, it seems doubtful it it would be wise to Went the cost merely for streets and lawns. It would, ap- pear to us, a better plan to incur four or five times that amount of expense and furnish water for drinking pur- poses at the same titne. The question of water for domestic use Is ane that Wing -ham must face before long ; the health and life of the citizens end their families are involved in the imestion, ;led where twit importaet interests are concerned, no "penny -Wise, pound- foolish" policy shnnld prevail. The matter requires careful thonght, a broader outlook than simply "to -day" or this year—but the future of our town, and the health of its citizens. We think the Council will approach the question thoughtfully and with t1z4o best.motives, having the intdests of the town in sv vie, and no "ItirOS to g Surgeous are hard on clothes. This week Wm, Steele, V. 5,. of Strat- ford allowed his wisdom by purchasing a snit and overcoat. Shoresas make, and also one of those wondertul lleden-Powell Hats from A. R. Smith, Winglatin, Chisholm Block, where Shorcy's make of 'clothing is sold. Conservative Convention. As announced, the Liberal•Cons valves of West Huron met in soave tion at Stuitit'e Hill on Wednesday this week, Among the delegates fro Wingham were W. Clegg, H. Tier Rol. 13eattie, John Kerr, A. 11, Lloy H. Bell, F. Yenta:nee, Dr, Chishol D. Macdonald, T. Alinstrong, Griffin, W. Nei°, A. Dunnage, E. Clarke. Rev, N. Berwash. Titer() w a full delegated representation fro all parts of the riding, azul n Jar number of others interested, so tilt the bell was crowded and some soul not gain admittauce. The temperate representation was large and mad their influence felt. Fifteen- or sixtee names were proposed. Four of thee mane up to the balloting—Messr Lockhart of East Wawauosh, Hoove of Clinton, Munroe of Auburn an Mitchell, editor of the Goderich Star It was evident that Mr, Munroe was favorite, and a messenger was de spatched to ascertain if he would accep the nomination, and in the meantim H. Eilber of South Huron gave an ex cellent address, Mr. Munroe was the heard from, and having declined th nomination, balloting took place. On ballot settled the question, tbe result being—Loekbart 29, Hoover 33, Mit shell 85, On motion by Mr. Lockhart seconded by Mr. Hoover, the nomina tion was made unanimous. Great in terest was manifested, andais Mr. Mit chell accepted the nomination we ex pest he will begin a vigorous canvas nt 0400. For one ballot to decide th matter where the attendance was s large and representative, indicate unanimity that presages success, Mr Mitchell made an excellent addres that won for him much credit. Th officers of blas Association were re elected. Meier and Garden Seeds, 2 paper for 5c—at T. A. Mills. You will get the best plow repair for all makes at the old reliable spctt. T. H. Ross. D. M. Gordon claims that his fin English serge suits for men at $0.00, with wide French, facings in coat. ars better value than any 515.00 tailor- made suit in Canada. Sue them. TOWN COUNCIL, Regular meeting of the Town Court cif was held on Monday evening; mem tiers alt present; the Mayor preaided, • 11 inutee of March regular and specie. meetings were reed and, approve& aaa. aestitiatisateria reaclaftfeteatteesr Swarts, Dore, Campbell, Newton an Niehol, asking for the construction o a granolithic sidewalk on the east sid of Josephine street, from the nort side of Victoria street southward few rods. On motion of Messrs. Holmes and Bell, petition was granted and the walk will be constructed. Mr. Dutmage expressed a, desire fora sidewalk on the west side of Oatbarine Street; this was left over for further eonsid era tion. The report of the Finance Committee was presented as follows :— J. B. Ferguson, salary $112 50 postage cfa express 2.80 V. Van norman, salary. 42.00 Mrs. Conn 17.00 Electric Light Co., ace 70.12 Pire men 3 znons.saLl3 men at $5 65.00 Hook and Ladder Co 4.00 Henna & Co., hose to fire 1.50 " wood 8.50 Gutta reecho, 7dfg. Co. supplies 41.30 A. Hood, work ou streets 2.25 J. Brock, " 4, 2.38 W. Sanderson .2.5 W. Gra y, tea ming .75 A. Piton, removing fire alarms 850 Mail -Empire, advertising 8,24 Tbe Globe, 12,36 G. T. R. rent for scales. 2.50 O. Knechtel, repairs to nozzle1.00 13e11 Telephone Co ,25 Beattie Bros.,freight Sr cartage 2.73 Jas. Rabv, labor on streets .88 Howson 'as Co., care of . 16.67 O. Barber, work on streets 1.00 Mayor's expenses, to Toronto sale of National Iron Works 8.75 al ayor's substitute re invitation Grand Lodgo L. 0. Assoc5.50 H.E, Tantlyn , photos Iron Wks.50 Committee recommended payments of above accounts except W. Gray's, held over. The report was adopted on ;notion by (louts's. 13e11 and Irwin.' For the Executive, the Mayor report - ori that the Iron Works had been pieced with an agency to secure sale if uOsSible, the town to contribute $s to- wards advertising ; no other expense unless property is sold, with privilege of withdrawal after one month. The Connell approved of the action of the Executive. By-law No. 4a6 authorizing the bor- rowing of $1000 for current expenses passed after Vote readiegs. On motion of Conn'. Holmes and 13e11, $550 was placed to the credit of the School Board, Mr. Bell, for the Canada Furniture Mfrs. gave notice that the Co. wished to discontinue pumping water for the streets, This gave rise to discussion as to means of securing water for the taming summer. It WAS thought that scene permanent method Should be adopted, and provision made, even if necessary to introduce what might prove the beginning of a system of do- niestie water-worke. A main rip Vie - Wirt or John ttreet to a stand -pipe to be erected on the hill, was anggested. It was however thought best to ad. jotirn until Monday next at 8 p, and in the meantime secure informa- tion as to this cost, etc. • The chief risked for an ofileiel telt of clothes and a telephoneitt bis house, On motion of Conti% Bell and Haltom the telephone was granted, as it might prove 31. public convenience, ;a sf al , , capita 4, 3. 1. 3. a; Geo. n satins 13 ,t .ergrafelvee°111dag„Mcfidit d and e rates e States13ougbt a e t r Hamilton I of (Ltd.) •. trouble 3. President—John Druncrous-4ohn Itoach, Mat Special of Drafts XI Travellers the which . W1NGHAM, PAK IIP $2,000,-04. TUIttlattlara Vice-president—A. 4.T. Bank beers May each vePosite interest. en Great and Ig, Dwanesore aro and its National can be in any part 1? IIAMI1LTOJ Reserve, VitION amoral Manager, Stuart G. Damsel Cashier -4. Turnbull Preeter, Wm, Gibse Wood, 4. 1!. ace (Termite) )0 to 3; Saturdays le a WrizgAJ year.andadded to Icrinoil) also received at curve Britain and the Unit' said, Solicitor. W. cORBOULD, agent notified that tho 13ank Prouebes IMMO Circular not Provincial Bank of Englau cashed without charge , et the world. - Purchased, lidr. R. T. Tindall, of town,, has pm D chased airs. Morrowsreside/30e on th 1 south side of Patrick street, and o ? pacts to have possession, as soon a Mrs. Morrow • can secure anothe home. The property consists of com . fortable dwelling, two lots, fruit f.••stet etc., and will make a comfortable an I desirable home, We trust Me; an . Mrs, Tindall may Iong live to .enjoyli LATEST EA,TEL-13ittek .and, Biseul - color '• Saturday introduction saleptie a $1.25.-0rowder Co. a SEEDS. -10,000 five cent packages O , Seeds. --10 picot: for 25c. Clover, Tim . athy, Goose Wheat, Speltz, etc.., fo ' G Sale --N% . . 13. KId • 3 Sudden Death. To some death conies by slowly -ling • ering disease, and for months th earthly tabernacle crumbles into miss i to others the summons comes so quick ly, that the community is shocks with the suddenness ,Q1 the event. 1 , was so this week, in the case of Mrs John McLean, and. when the new spread on Tuesday morning that sh, was dead, it seemed almost incredible Deceased had been in her usual healtl until about Sunday, and though no feeling very well on Monday, cootie ;red to discharge household duties a usual until evening. During the even ing medical aid was summoned, bu - she rapidly grew worse, and befor . Tuesday morning dawned she wa • dead, It was Only a few dais ago Mrf ; McLean called at the Advaalpe..,office • as bright atei cheertra as. ever, awl i ssiaeeme almost WI possketile to 'realize tin 1 I she is gone. ' Truly "In the midst , r life we are in death." Deceased ws , eldest daughter of Air. and Mrs. Pete ,• Fisher, and for years was in charge c , the Wingbana postoffice, where he cheery smile and obliging dispositio: r won her many friends. .About, eigh , months ago she was united in mar adage to Mr. McLean, to whom the sat , bereavement is indeed a severe trial The funeral took place to -day (Thum day); there was a large attendance and sincere sympathy with the bereay. ed friends was felt and expressed. Th floral tributes of affection and esteem for the deceased, laid upon the costly casket, were many and of gteat beauty. Hers was a useful and beauti- ful life. Lion Brand Clothing for Boys can only be bought at D. M. Gordon's. Pants have double seats and double knees; that means "double wear." no•domdr...a........,}...somodirom A GREAT The farmer who much to sell his farm ern Real E'stato Exchange, A GREAT MISTAKE. For my terms, call gate ; and should ;to following :- 1st—I do not. charge been listed for two 2m1.—I do not receive have listed, from your money to pay 311.1.—I do not charge price when your farm Rh.—I do not believe thing I hare not done, to do. IVItett you list °Mee, you are incurring unless I effect, a sale, will he satisfied to sion I ask. °Moo over D. Ilt:GOrdott's T. MISTAKE thinks that X will charge as as the agent of the West. is laboring under at MY office and inVesti- you not call, boar in ram 515.00 if your farm bee years and is not sold. 51.00 for every farm I some firm who will have me. you 2»,; On the sale is sold. in charging for some- and cannot guarantee your farm for sale at my no cot whatever, and then I guarantee you pay me the small commis- store. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE ASENT . ,. . WHAT TO TAKE POR SPRING MEDICINE 1 1 • There is Nothing to Equal PROF, SCOTT'S Herbal Bitters FOR THE • B100(1$ St01111101, Liver and Kidneys. t ALL FOR SAMPLE. ' PRICE 25o PER BOX. 4...4.664immehommt.444.1voiii6emoWiWaisu ' SOLO Ay li A NI 1LToN'S DIM STORB • AV I N G II A lifl rt• er al nt 15 ,s r a t t 0 - f r • A