HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-03, Page 7THE PEACE DELEGATES Will Mt be reinitiate 1er leveeing
lize War to an
eXtetielati of the blookiMuse system
Great encermagenteut, however, ie
deilved from the tioUtluct of eireet
a ace Ilegetiatieute A
long eable
LooKING FOR pedeepateit from Lord Milner rettelled
Mr. Oliamberlain at the Colonial Or.
0 flee yeeterattee Lt Woe enidently •of
the Mat importanee, for copies were
,illade by confidential clerkts and sent
by epecial meseengere$ to Alr. AI -
titer Baltorm, thevernatent leader of
the aloutaa a 00mmOns; Alleineel
Woke -Beach, CliancellOr of the Ex
chequer ; tlie Marinds of LausdeWitei
Foreign Seeretary ; and the Martmis
of Selisbury, Pieta° Minister. A copy
Woo aloe sent to the Duke or Devon -
'dare, the Liberal -Unionist leader in
the Ministry, Wito is in Paris. These
meinberei of the (Several:tient feral
with Mr, Chamberlain the Exeoutive
Station of the Oaleleet,
Pretouriably Lord Kitehener aud
Lord Milner nave been noule au-
gmented with the toren; on withal the
Boer leaders are prepared to make
peace. Vim termii are believed to
contain. emnething that was ere-
viouely rejected; and Lord Kitchen.
or and Lord Milner are understood to
have (misled in detail their reasons
for thinnking that eonceesions shoal('
now be made.
It is understood that the Boer lead-
ers now demand some sort of aseur-
aim hi regard to the duration of
the transitioij period preceding the
establisliment or .autonoinous gov-
Marmot in the late Republies. They
are also bellevea to lave insisted
en a modification of the banishment
decree of last autumn, and also that
permission be Wyatt to rebels to
leave South Orrice should they so
desire. Other stipulations .are for
the rebui1cling of burned liontesteads
end advances froin the Imperial Ex-
chequer on easy terms to enable
burghers who have suffered by the
war to restart in life.
Peace cannot be negotiated with-
out much delay and argument, but
there is little doubt that the victors
will •be magnanimous if the Boers
abandon the demand for nationality
and allow the blood-stained map of
South Africa to be painted all Brit-
ish red, as Cecil Rhodes would have
Said. The Spectator and other jour-
nale enforce the moral of Grant's
negotintione with Lee, and urge that
the surrender should be tempered by
as mucli mercy and kindness as pos-
sible, and that the feelings of the
Boers after their gallant struggle
shoula bo respeted. These pleadings
without doubt reflect public opinion.
Englishmen, true to themselves, re-
spect and admire the Burghers for
the wonderful campaign fought under
tremendous dieachsantages, and wish
to be generous in the final settlement
and make the submission as little
humiliating EtS possible. At the pres-
ent time they will insist upon 'laving
permanent peace without the con-
ventions which may bdcome a source
of contention and jealousy, like the
two treaties made by Gladstone af-
ter tho first Boer war. 'There Will
be no ea/nestle° until the Boer ne-
gotiators offer proof that they are
thoroughly in earnest, and not bent
Mean wasting time.
Lard Milner could not have known
the attitude of Mr. Steyn and Chris-
tian De Wet when he cabled, but
apparently these intra,nsigeants had
been in communication with the
Transvaal envoys before the latter
made overtures. All the tnformation
available here agreeta that if Chris-
tian De Wet and Steyn remain irre-
. concilahle the Transtotalers will re-
fuse to continue the fight, which
would mean surrender on the terms
of Louie Botha, Delarey and two-
thirds of the B.oe.re now In the field.
Military experts from South Africa
now here confidently declare that,
relieved of the presteure of the Trans-
vaalera Lord laitehener- could ands
'would dime:me of De Wet and his men
within six weeks.
Public opinion among all classes in
England is strongly in favorof peace
wog any honorable terms short of
Boer independence.
Boer Delegate Says Peace is Nair.
Paris, March 80. -The journal pub -
Pollee an Interview- with Boer delegate
Wesols on Ids return from the United
States. Ile declared that so1nething
might come of his visit, but the inter-
viewer rernarke upon his melancholy
Fen Thousand More Troops to be
Sent to South Africa.
Canatifan'a Piticky Choice• -lie Preferred Death to Surrender. -Prayers for
assioce--The Graves of the Canadians -British tabeeals May Confer
With Leyds---Women Shot by Beers --tillgier Dunne Invalided--.--.
Kritznger Won't be Slott -Three Canadiens Sick.
• Loudon, March, 2S. -The Daily Mail
clalrue to have information that the
negotietious in progress between the
Boer loaders in South Africe inspire
the greatest nopefulness. The abso-
lute sinceritn of 'Aeting President
Sclialkburger and hie; colleagues is
untioubtable. They will clo" their et.,
most to bring about a speedy set-
• tiernent if Mo. Steyn will agree,
Delega Jen ndfoided.
Throenstadt, Orange River Colony,
PIarcit 27. -The members of the
Transvaal Government, heeded by
Acting President Sciltaikberger, ar-
rived here Sunday. On Monday morn-
ing one of the Boer delegates was
escorted through the British lines,
blindfolded, on horseback, and un-
der a white flag, to meet President
Steyn. The delegO.te has not yet re-
turned. Theother members of tlie
party are quartered in a private
house. where they are allowed consid-
erable liberty. They will probably re-
main bare several tlaYs. • I
'three oanadirne 111.
Ottawa, March 27. -Mr. Chamber-
lain cabled to Lued Matto to -day
that Arthur james Gray, E. Division,
8. A. C. Bloemfontein, 22nd March,
and David Porter, A. Division S. A. C.,
iduzarab 21st March, are danger-
ouely ill with enteric. fever. Fathers
James A. Gray, 24 Starr street, Hal-
ifax, N. 5.; and W. Porter, Salt -
teats, N. Ws T. i
Emmet Caton, C. Division, A. C.,
iS dangerously ill at Pretoria. His
father is Caton, 158 Bleeelter
street, Toronto.
Prayers tor Peace.
London, March 27. --The Bishops of
London, St. Alban's, and Rochester
have appealed to their dioceses to
tom:tally • pray on Good Friday "That
both sides may be granted the temper
of peaoemakera and 'that Uod's
inertly and peace may comea"The
appeal coneludes: "We shall tiot for-
get that similar prayers are being
offered in the Dutch churcliee at
Pretoria." ,
Lu tho latter's lines enabled most
of the Burghers to %map& The
euodii g.ricsoomn %sit ntdoatrartl 11. u gmeern in , a nci
ex-Landrost Neetiaing, of Marko -
From the first prisoners captured
it was learned that General Deiarey
himeelf this outside the actual we.
don, having slept some distance west-
ward, but Liebeelberg, Kemp and
other Boer commanders were /Aside
the column of tamps,
The first body, coneisting of about
500 Boers, sighted at 10 o'clock in
the momang, March 24, retreated at
full speed, making for a gap between
the British columns. A race for the
opening ensued.
British mounted infantry, .which
had already- ridden upwards ot fifty
miles, pressed their tired home un-
til they gave out, 'When the men
jumped off and raced forward on
foot. Borne of the mounted meth
hotvever, were able to gallop right
into the gap just ahead of the Burgh-
feirrse,. whom they met with a warm
These troops also succeeded In driv-
ing back another body of 200 Boors;
who were toned to desert the gees
they had captitred front the Von
Donop oteevoy in February. The
Boers tried to get through several
openings, but on each oecaeion were
forced to double back, until they
ultimately found a gan and passed
out of the Britieli lines with-
in sight of Kierksdorp. Night fell be-
fore the pea:suing columns could over-
take the Boers.
Five Canadians, who fell out of
their column and tried to work their
way back, were surrounded by a
Boer force' and made a splendid de-
fence. Butfilially, seeing their case
was hopeless, four of the Canatliane
surrendered. The fifth, 'Iowa ter,
indignantly refused to throw dOWO
Ws arms, and continued a single-
handed fight 'until he !MIS killed.
This Was regarded as one of the moat
interesting incidents of the day.
An instance or the resourcefulness
of the Boers was given by Liebee-
berg and several hundred mon. Tak-
ing advantage of the confusion of the
drive, he and his followers assumed
a formation similar to that of a Bett-
is -II column, _and moving close to oue
of the numerous gaps in the British
'thee, succeeded in reaching this open-
ing before their ruse was detested,
and got safely away.
The guns captured from Von
Donop's convoy were brilliantly re-
captured by the Scottieh Horse, wit()
charged up to the muzzles, of the
artillery, and rode the Boer gu,nnerte
off their feet before2he .1attter Mal
a chalice to fire.
Cannot Lomita eteyn.
Pretoria, March 28. -Acting Presi-
dent Seitaikburger and the other
members of the Transvaal iniseion
are still at Kroonstadt. Thee- liave
not yet succeeded in. getting in
teach with Ur. Steyn, President of
the Orange Free State. The situ-
ation is unchanged. Despatch riders
are ere -eking him in several directions.
Possibly it will ba imme days before
they can locate him. Prisoners wile
were taken In the recent drive weed -
ever(' from Klerksdorp say that Ur.
Steyn and General Do 'Wet were re-
cently at Klerksdorp con/erring with
General Delarey.
Boers Shot Worticti.
laiugston, Ont., March 28. -Dr. Rosa
hoe a letter from a trooper at Bel-
fast, South Africa, who, referring to
the capture of Viljoert. says:
"It was he who attacked Bel-
fast some time ago. His men were
too frightened to attack the sta-
tion where the soldiers were, but,
of course, not to frightened toile°
On the, camp, and shout the helpless
wonaen arid children. They killed one
woman, wounded another and two
children. Both ebildren died of their
wounde." -
Bugler Donne invalided.
London, Match 27. -Bugler Dunne,
the little hero of Coleoso, who has
been etation.ed at Dover since his
eeturn from the front with the de-
tails of his regiment, the Royal
Dublin Fusiliers, Ms taken his dis-
charge from the army owing to the
etate of Ms health. •
Steeled is suaferlog from valvular
disease of tbe heart, He had been In
hospital at the Western Heights of
Dover for abOult two months.
Graves ar oattadiatie.
Ot Lewin Ont., March 27. -Rev.
Father Cleary, of Quebec, hes been
In town some days, and 11 is. as
good as Settled that he will shortly
leave for -South Africa to locate
the graves of Canadians ',who are
sleeping, beneath the veldt,
Hie suggestion to the Canadian
South African Memorlea Aesoclatiou
Is to seleci: several suitable lapels,
and to remove the bodies now buried
within a given radius to one of these
new graves, la," them side by side,
and then place over the grave a
beautiful headstone, atribute of at-
feetion from Canadians at hume.Thie,
it is thought, is far preferable to
placing a. little headstone over
each grave. ,
Liberal Loathes end Leyds.
London, March 27. - Tbe Figaro
this morning says that it has strong
rettS011S to believe that an interview
1/1 about .to take place between Lord
Rosebery, Sir Henry Campbell -Ban-
nerman, the Duke ol Devonshire, and
other Liberal leaders, who are now
in Paris, and Dr. Leyds, the European
representative of the Transvaal.
The Figaro says Dr. Leyde reached
Paris from Brussels last night.
Sending- Reinforcements.
' London, March 27. -The War Office
la ie no way relaxing its efforts to
keep Lord Kitchener supplied with an
adequate number of men, and within
'a, month considerably morathan 10,-
000 will have left England for South
Africa. On the 17th tend 18tIr over
2000,Inge Bailed.' On the 22nd about
1,600; On the 28th two more mili-
tia battalions sail, viz., the 8rd Bat-
talion Essex Regiment and the 4th
Royal Dublin Fusiliers. This vessel
will also take drafts of Royal En-
gineers, Senforth Highlanders and
Royal Army Medical Corps, and will '
have about 1,8•50 officers and men
On board. •
• Early in April ,the embarkation Of
the 6,000 Imperial Yeomanry at Al-
dershot will start. As soon as these
men have gone the Duke of Athol'
will raise another company (the fifth)
of the Scottish Horse to reinforee the
regiment in South Africa, which is
commanded by his son, the Marquis
of Tollibardine, D. S. 0, The Guards
will also shortia furnish another
mounted infantry contoany for the
Tiller° are in India a large num'.
tier of drivers and non-commissioned
officers of the Royal Horse and
Meld Artillery in excess of the es-
tablishment, and of these it le in-
tended .to form, a body of =minted
Infantry, who will embark Tor Soutli
Africa an SO011 sun ready.
It is (hear that a supreme ef-
fort' he to be made during the emus
ing South African winter.
Lord Roberto, when in Dublin, in-
speeted the Web Here& under the
°online/id of Lord Longford, Who
nee shortly to proeeed to South Al -
rim "One great ,thing yoe must
learn," said his Lordship, "Is to
leek after near leireett, foe It the
horstee of a mounted tregiment are
inefficient that regiment itself is
practieally of no use.
"Lard Kinelietter writes to me:
hate the greatest difficulty in the
world in naeunting Merl I have got,
and lee MY% 'Beat Send me out any
more mOanted men 001088 they 'knew
how to look after their herees, for
I eatepot go on =tinting mon thhe
atteer tittle and week after week
with horses that are not taken
care Ofd"
Denth Before Surrender.
Pretoria, Tettlisvaal (eolony, March
28.e-Aboet 1,500 13oees, tinder De.
Iarey, Liebenberg, Taelnp and Won
Marealts, Wore Witbin tbe area of
Lord Niteliener's lateet reeve, bet
nittiotigh ettrprised by tile rapidity
displayed by tbe flrltlsli te0Opta gape
Won't Shoot Kritzinger,
Cape Town, Maxon 28. -It is iin-
derstood that Kitchener hall de-
cided not to proceed farther with the
trial of Kritzinger on a charge of
Murder, and that he will be tried
as &prisoner of war, to await the
end of hostilities. t
London, March 30. -There has
grown up during the Week a vague
but umnisteking optimism regarding
the proepects of peace in South Af-
rica. It is based not only on the
present action of the Transvaal
but on a striking feature
of the lateet drive against Delaney.
It,ta at last diseoveeed that Brit-
ish troops, stripped of artillery
guile and all impedimenta can move
as fast as the toers. Lord Kitchener
reecirde that hie eolmun covered SO
miles in 24 houre. Everybody won-
ders why this wee not done menet
months ago, but hopes are enter-
tained that this leiprovement alone
May end tho war in the near future,
The leek of mobility of the Belt -
OM columns has boon the lnseruta-
ble of •tbo entire tampaign.
At last an achievement is recorded
in whfoh the British columns, miline
peded by gues and a supply train,
have not Only allotted ria rapidly as
the Boom but have virtually gone
thrtnigh their lima and then wheel-
ed Montt and driven the enemy' be-
fore them. Opeeationa or this kind
were common enough In the AMer-
lean Civil War, when eavalry tattle
were a, prominent teethe% but the
DrItIsh mounted forces In hunting
down guerillas, instead of riding
etaright and light, end doubling
batik tvith the elieiny, have been
employed in slow concentrie driving
nolveinente as elaborate tot Al ter -
Mitt Mieneenvree. If the aecrets of
mobility and rough riding have beeti u
learned in Delareeoe dietriet, the i
air. De opoks without eon Action, and
if he is not dieeouraged he is evident-
ly depressed. Wessels denied that he
reaoiced at the death of Mr. Rhodes.
LIP would not admit that Mr. Modes
wale the evil genius of the Transvaal,
and eald he was convinced that even
if Mr. Rhodes hail never lived, the
tyro- would have come just the same.
England would have ,yielded to the
temptation of the mines. He said the
present negotiations were serious.
"I believe and hope," Ile added,
"that peace is drawing nearer. I do
not say that an ideal, but a satisfac-
tory, peace will be secured by mutual
c:onceesions. Nevertheless, our inde-
pendence mut be reepected."
Mr, Wepsels refused to define his
understanding of independence: He
saki the Boers were indifferent re-
garding a standing army, but die -
armament was impossible, in view of
the arnewi natives. Ee added that
Schalkberger, Xtettz, Steyr', and the
other Boer leaderhad good sense,
and were of high character. They
know the resources they can Otill
command, and will net for the best
interests Of the Boers. It was not
air the Boer representatives in Era-
aope, eiheltereel from danger, to bo
more warl ke than those fighting. He
merest:mei the hope that an honorable
pence Inight be signed for the Boers,
and declared that Mr. Kruger would
approve it.
British ()Meets' Execution,
Melbourne, March 80.-Offielal de-
tails of the eXecation of Austreliall
officers for having shot unarmed
Boer prisoners le 8outit Atria are
anxioutly awaited. The wife of Lieut.
liandeock, One of the officers, was
not aware of his fate until the news
was published yeeterday.
TITO Right Hon. Edmund Barton,
Premier of the Australian Common-
vvettlth, has sett a. message to Lord
Kitchener asking for particulars of
the affair.
Stitt in neareit of Steve
Pretoria, March 80.-T1ie efforts of
Acting President Sehalkberger, of the
Transvaal, to open negotiations with
Steyn, hate aitherto proved un-
successful. Gen. De Wet and Mr.
Steyn eroesed the main line of the
railway goleg west. They were es-
earted by Commanclmenta Vartnie-
kirk and Van Der Aforwe. They have
been traced to, Parys by Col. Gar-
New ileuneevieie elan Ili,
Ottawa, Ont., MarCh 00. -The tot-
lOWing cable hes been reeeived by
Lord Minto front the Cattealty De-
partment, Cape Town, March 280.
"William Lutilow Wright, in Diva
sloe, S. A. C., dan.geroaely III with
enterie fever, Morels 26th, at Vet
linter; father, J. 'Wright, 54 Guliferd
street, St. john, West, alt 11,
Sir Charles Cameron, tailter-insiaw
of Commodore &later of the tvarship
Condor, atter inveetigittloes at Vie-
toria, declares that the VOSSOI Was
netable, underofticered and Inkier-
ON ilk] [101111C.
His. Wife and Partner Give
Their Evidence,
T•••I T T •
The Beii tley Also Tell Ills Story --
Murder Was Centinitied in !Jess
Theo Ten minute:0 Time -The in -
(pieta Adieus -nee Till April 91et.
Brantford, March 27.-Not1iing to
(dear away the myetery that our -
route& the death of dim Quirk de-
Veloped at the imonest, which was
continued to -night, and the tact that
4):1 adjournment of three weans was
atsited for -by the Crown would seem
to snow Ilot only that the authori-
ties have an extremely intricate
and clifficult pese on hand, but that
they are determined to make the
most thorough investigation. The
stories of all the witnesees so far
practically agreeupon the main in-
cidents of Sunday night last, and if
the Crown boa any important evi-
dence to offer it has uot yet seen
fit to produce 14. Those people who
were known to be up in the hotel
just around the time tee murder was
committed, have given their testi-
mony, and from their statements the
murdered man Was Out of their sight
for not more them ten minutes. The
doctor who perforraed the autopsy
has apt yet been called to give ilis
opinion as to the cause of death.
the Inquest Resumed.
Wheli the inquest was resumed to-
night the first witness called was
Edward Kennedy, the bell boy at
the Cornmercia.1 Hotel, who gave the
alarm on hearing the nolee from the
barn 'on the night of the murder.
Kennedy, a rather inteIngent looking
young fellow of eighteen, was asked
by Crown attorney Wilkes as to the
relatione that existed between the
two parties, Quires and Toole, a.nd re-
plied that he had never heard any
quarrelling. On the night of the trag-
edy lie had gone to bed at 11.80,
leaving in the office Toole, Whit-
taker, a boarder, Lou Belfry, Frank
Smith, a boarder, and Bob Ryan, the
cook. Kennedy slept on the third
flo•or, facing the barn, the window
looidng out on the yard. It
was a clear, moonlight night,
and his ,window, was closed.
lie had been about ten or fifteen
minutes In the room when he heard
groans coming from the direction of
the barn! He raised the window,
heard the groaning continued, and
becoming alarmed ran down half
deemed to the second floor, where
Mr. Teotett room was situated, and
called him. He was at the head of
the stairs at the time, about fifteen
yards; away from Toole's room,
Taere were three rooms there, the
first occupied by Mr. and Mre.
Quirk, the second by their daughter,
the third by Toole. When Kennedy
celled, Mrs, Quirk appeared in her
'night dress, opened her bedroom
deer and asked, "What's the mat-
ter 7" Kennedy replied, "Somebody
Is hurt in the barn; I heard them
groaning." To this Mrs. Qnirk said,
"I thhek Mr. Toole is in his room."
Diseovery of tio. isody.
In the meantime, the cook, Ryan,
who was downstairs, heard the
alarm, and called up that he
thought. Toole Iva& in bed. Kennedy
then ran downstairs and found that
Ryan had gone to the barn. He
.followed him there, and Ryan was
jut coming out of the door of the
harness room. To Kennedy's ques-
tion' of what was the matter, Ryan
replied, "It's Mr. Quirk; I think he's
dead." Both went in together, look-
ed at his body and returned. 'The
body was lying at the foot of the
ladder, the head against thewall,
face up, the head being, pressed up
and leaning against the wall. Ken-
nedy then returned to the house,
and after telephoning for 1)r. Digby
and getting some water for atm
Quirk, who was in a faint en the'
reception room on the first neer,
he ran to the room of Toole's son,
a young fellow of 17, to wake him,
but although he went into his room
and spoke to him, he woe unable to,
Kennedy then found Ryan, and the
two, going to young Toole's roan,
succeeded in rousing him. When Ken.
nedy returned from the barn, he
Saw Teel° In the office putting on
Me coat. Tlie latter went out to
the barn, and Kennedy mot him re-
turning, when he ran to the barn
the second time.
Mrs. Quirk's Evidence.
Mrs. Jennie Quirk, wife of the dead
man, dressed ht deep mourning, was
called, and questioned by tilt) Crown
Attorney regarding the business rola-
bons that existed between James
Quirk and his partner, Toole. The
two men had been engaged as sports
Ing partners for twenty years past,
Toole managing and backing Quirk
When he was a footrunner. Toole
is twice a widower, Ills second wife
having died apout four years ago,
The Commercial Hotel was purchased
by the partners three years ago on
Quirk's suggestion, Toole putting in
the money, end the arrangement
was that Mrs. Quirk should be boase-
keeper, 'Toole to have the office
and house and Quirk hintself to take
charge of the bar. The money,
however, wait banked in Mrs. Quirk's
name, she having charge of the
bank account. The household btllo
were paid weekiy, but Quirk banked
the btu receipts M his who's name
and gave notes for the bar bilis,
Which were talent up by cheque
signed by bis wife. The ber reeelpts
were supposed to be banked every
day, but Mrs. Quirk testified that
the reeelpts for Titursdae, Friday
and Saturday previous to the mur-
der had not been deposited, It was
departaire troin the usual practiee
that Theredars and Eriday's receipts
should not have been, deposited, and
tor the three dart Mrs. Quirk mien-
lated the receipt:II to be neounci $2a0:
UM Quirk had not known Or thie
till the following Mentlay. On the
night of the murder Mr. Quirk tests
tinsel that she had retired n,bout
10.80 and was .0s1eep when ohe littera
SO1110 auto 0411 11t the hall, Stet Open-
ed the dbor, When the bell boy told
her there was trouble In the been,
She Werm through her daughter's
room, adjoinieg, into that of Mr.
Toele, and told hinl. He wee sitting
with nis Cent end boots ott, read -
lug a paper. Coming beet to bee
P00311, Urs. Quirk put on a Wet end
Molten arid walked out into the hall.
The Witness Der reunite
The witheas broke flown completely
iltrn ne elle told how RYn,n, the took,
heal knoeked againet her and tried
oot, "J'hu 10 killed," A glatia ef Witter
wet. procurigi for ber, and after o few
neimitetsbLr Whir Wtte Able to print
eeed wjtit lier narrative. Saab/eh tun
direetly again to I. ToOlete Mame
Called 11Mi and told What ItYan haa
mild, and gite Why reMeuiticreh Seeing'
Win ran pant her in tae ball before
ea@ tainted;
Mee. Quirk Was ermatletima afi to her
hue/44110'e thermal:me, atol Said there
WM $12,500, bet oeula not remember
all Mohan:mania% Her bueband had
given her a. $3,000 pollOY in the Home
(aimless for herself and two Waldron,
and a $2,000 Polley in the laseeleler
Life fon beroelf. Sim dia not now to
whom the other pi/Deice Were made
Johe Teole, the Partner.
A rather varied Career was dittiota
ea in the (evidence ot John Toole, tbe
partner on Jeenee altdra in the Cent-
mercial Hotel, lie is an American,
native of Poi:Weal& Pae, and -told the
juay that he had been in ePortielh
trevemations with Quirk, was in poll -
or a 'time, engaged. in the Ione
/Imes buoinese, was clerk of the cotir
waeden Of the prima went Otto the
hotel buoinese, and neatly before his
latest venture woe for a yea v a de -
tootle& Knowing Quirk for 25 year&
110 bad aelred his ativiee about set-
tling In Califoreito and the latter had
suggested. the taking over of the
Cominereial Hotel. Toole came here,
purchased it in the x1aue 01 Quirk)!
Wile, pLying $4,700, of Nellie:a amonns
Quirk contributed only $220. Both
the partners were te bank receipt&
but Mese Quirk trae ta issue all
chequeo, as a checO an both men.
Toole received from ilfrei.Quirk a chat-
tel mortgage. The story told by Toole
et the occurrenceof tile evening
wao very much as has been described
before. He had 1e11 Quirk downstairs
and gone to his room, area taking
off las coat, vest and boots, started
to read, when Mrs. Quark opened the
door and said that something was
wrong in the barn, but sae thought
Joe, the hoetler, Wad drunk again
The witness, however, remembered
that Joe was tu bed, tool he started
to pull on his boots, l3efore he could
get ready, however, Mrs, Q,uirk was
at his door again and bald for God's
(take to hurry up, that Jim was being
killed. When Toole reached the barn
he found Jim Q,uirk lying in the liar-
ness-room. He shook him and °Idled
to him, but Quirle was dead. From
die barn the witness returned to the
hotel and went to the room of little
Myrtle Quirk and entices -caved to quiet
her, and 'after he had done this he
event again to the barn. The witness
was questioned closely as to what
liappened on the second visit to the
barn. He moved the body on the sec-
ond occasion, and, taking some money
out of the poekets, handed it with-
out counting it to a Mae named
George Taylor, who was in the barn..
corneutter was standing near the
body, and tide he removed out of
bleed retains on the bottom of the
cutter, he held, were not from him.
A 1.,e1,1Or Front Detroit,.
Mr. Wilkes questioned the witness
as to whether he had any reason to
believe that Quirk had any quarrel
with anyone. Mr. Toole replied not
before the murder, but after • eorue-
thing bad occurred he had received
a letter from a man in Detroit, who
said lee had sworn to take vengeance
ou Quirk. The witness had handed
this over to the police, arid was in-
clined to place some credence in it,
as the family appearal to know the
man. He had at first thought that
death was the result of an accident,
but en hie second visit to the barn
changed teat opinion, as there was
nothing in the barn Quirk could
fall ort to cause such cuts. 'The wit-
ness was examinedat some length
as to when he had • expressed the
opinion that it woe foal play, and
thought it was after his second visit
to the barn, when he had examined
the cuts. The witness denied the evi-
dence of Bob .Ryan, the cook, that
the latter had knocked at his door
and told him Jim was dying. It was
impossible for Bob to have knocked
at the deor and called him and he
not hear it,
When the examination of this wit-
ness had concluded the Crown Attor-
ney asked for an adjournment for
some time, as there was considerable
investigation work yet to be done.
He suggested three weeks, and an
adjournment was made till April 21,
at 8 o'clock in the evening
Brantford, March 80.-Tlao Quirk
murder mystery remains still un-
solved, but Inspector Murray, who
has been tvorking on the ease, has
been able to gradually get together
all the facts surrounding the death.
In ilia confusion arising from the first
excitement of the crime coneideroble
difficulty was experienced in ascer-
taining every minute circumstance
bearing on the incidents of Sunday
One startling fact that has been
discovered is that the murderer pre-
pared his scene beforehand. In the
harness -room, where Quirk was kill-
ed, is a .glass door opening on to the
yard. Across this window was pinned
a lap robe, which woukl conceal the
affair. Ail those who went into the
harness room after the orimo testify
to this. He also probably turned on
the electric light beforehand. Thls
may in fact have played a part in
the pian to lure Q,utrk out there.
Tao murderer, witoever he was, WaS
in all probability known to Quirk,
and was quite unsuspected. Ile must
have summoned Quirk from the bar,
and peelutps pointed out the gleame
of light which would show faintly
front the window, in tho manner in
which the robe was hung, as evi-
dence that econeone was oat there.
Mr. Toole says they frequently had
to put loafers out of the barn on
nights When the gates were left open,
and it may be that Quirk was in-
duced to go with the murderer in
the belief either that some tramp
was owl' there asleep or someone was
trying to ste.a.1 his game cocks, As
Quirk entered the harness room it is
quite evident that he was struck
three times in qeick succession,
either with a hatehet or an iron
bar, and the body placed in the posi-
tion, as found, by the niurderer.
:Nalotiter A nous mons better.
.e now developed teeter° is the re -
°Opt of another anonymous letter
by the Courier, this time front But-
This III the third anonymous letter
in the Mute. The first wets received
by the, Coarier, trate Woodstock, the
second by Toole, from Detroit, and
now this one from Buffalo. All of
them linve been banded to the pelice.
They event to be written by the
stone time, end it looks its though
they were intended for a
It is ae follows:
"Buffalo, N. Y.
"To The Tien.nttord Cormier, Brant-
ford, Ontario.:
"Sir, -I wieh to repeat my former
etetenterit, although not in the Hanle
writing, to the effee,t that that con-
summate earl, Dilly Boyd, will sorely
meet with what he die -ere -ea even AM
Orme as (Stark is now dead. The
Worst or the two is yet living, aet
)n tionetant firmaITO dart* not stay
11 round Detroit. Miehe and Oltikee
Chatham his bottle. Bat there nee
thoee who keep a mist:int lonkolit
tor the villain, and thrti" anaalY
get him. Very truly porta
(Not hIgned).
errl. •
The Great South African Passed .4way
To -day.
Cape Town, March 26 -Cecil Rhodes is Dead.
Cape TWA, ¥aveh 26. -Mr. Moder/ at Eton, aed until reeently Wes in
ewe heeeereny as on pea, He Mept 04:11114:11140stof:: adeurtin (glitlyenaLtDerra,s0
nugrilltgoetalimeeefmteorrneoe rtd,i fretuliatisabnrdeathit 11%111:13(RO7ettatel3r7=VAM_Z;
strength perceptibly diminiehed until vialt to Europe,
it ie barely a gearter of a century
(km Mr, Rhodos first landed at the
ACafrPiee.a. Ofe'Thcir lowthot-dolli7wkounlocr
f1t1 it
hifficult to 'realize the absolute -gems
mercial stagnation which ruled su-
premo befere the ellecovery of the dia-
Mond mines in 1867. Wben Mr.
Rhodearrived be entered a coulArY
ouuk Intel a veritable slough el des,
pond. trona which, however, the dip'
mond mines were soon to extricates
her. Mr. Rhodes and C. D. Rudd, a
Cumbridge man'purchased a quarter
elaim each in "Baxter's Oullea" hey
accumulated wealth rapidly, and it
was not long before Mr. 'thefts was
a millionaire. It was the reconcentra-
ivtlg) eliftthliti3tehlrenilitnis" wabiallechrivaorl lagnindaidli;
existed in the various mineat Kim-
bealey whIeli made for air. Rhodes a
European reputation as a financial
diploma:tint of the first rank.
In due oouree air, Rhodes entered
the Legislative Aesembly, and, on the
resignation of Sir Gordon Sprigg,
took the Premiership. He on.n claim
to base adtlea nearly taree-quarters
of a million .equaro =ARS to the terit-
isb Empire. In 3896 and 3.897 be paid
several visits to England in connec-
tion with the Ja.meeon raid, and him
conduct in the matter was variously
erIttclJrIJIa.ened.esson. in a number of rentin-
Jecencee of Mr. Rhodes, emphasizes
could not be charged with any harsh -
the natites, pointing out that he
of duty In his management of Mode-
»f1,91s to, the nativee or any neglect
the kindly feeling ho alwaya had for
s a • e . •
To Mr- Rhodes is due tlie credit of
establlething peace In .1fata,be1eland.
when the nativeo were In revolt. He
went arto their very midst without
ogatzoityseltteeiapone, and by friendly counsel
memteont+accept reasonable terms
Mn. Rhodes was Premier of Cape
Colony till 1896, holding until 1894
mains will be brought here from the office of Commissioner of Crown
Groote Selmer for the burial service, Lands, and from 1894 to 1896 was
which will be held in the cathedral. Minister of Native Affairs. After
The body will then be taken back to the Jameson raid he was nominally
Groote Solturr, and will eventually be disgraced. He was a -prominent
buried at Matoppo Hills, figure early in the Boer war, and
Since Mr. Rhodes took to his bed was in Kimberley during the siege,
three weeks ago, his friends had been being active in the defence of the
most anxious that he should recover city. President Kruger, it is said,
sufficiently to be taken back to Eng-
land. The cottage where he died was offered $25,000 for him, dead or alive.
On the relief of Kimberley Mr. Rhodes
a simple seaside cabin, small, and
went io Cape Town and resumed the
Mose to the railroad. It was ill -fitted
care of his financial interests. Since
to be a sick chamber, although the
then be had been several times in
utmost was done to improve the ven-
tilation and make it more comforbt- England, and in Ms public utterance,
able. Dr. Stevenis
.son slept by both in England and South Africa,,
patient every night that he might spoke hopefully of the future of South
be in readiness to administer oxygen, Africa when the war ie ended, and
which practically kept Mr. Rhodes euvneionn osur gthgeosteeodianiesthatoldthaendfedneerwal,
aliLveat Sunday the patient lost all will be accomplished and ' working
interest in everything, and since then within four or five years.
he dosed the howrs away. His rally Itr. Rhodes' recreations were tome -
from the crisis of Tuesday left but what diversified, ranging from the
the 'faintest hopes for his ultimate collecting of wild enimais to gar-
.a, 0,Tyh.ose lwere entirely aban-
dentrig and reacting his classiest. He
doned with e renewed attack at rode daily two hours, beginning at 6
°Week in the morning. He went in
The news of his death spread la.rgely for gardening, specializing on
sthrough Cape Town between '7 and 8
rose culture, On Table Mbuntain he
o'elock this evening and caused pro -
kept a menagerie of lion& zebras,
found grief. All places of amusement ostriches and all kinds of buck. The
were immediately closed. An open-air
concert was stopped, and the audis
wild In imge inclosed traote on the
lione were ca.ged, but the other ran
encs uncovered while the band'play- mountain nide. When In Cape Town
ed the "Dead leta,rch." The people it weis his custom to visit Ids lions
anen11y dispersed. • every day. His reading of the class -
What Kruger Said. iceeled him to make ai very fine eel -
London, March 27.-A newspaper
here reports that when Mr. Kruger
was informed of Mr, Rhodes' death
he merely said: "The Lord given
and the Lord taketh away; blessed
be the name of the Lord.'
London Press Coatinout.
London, March 26.-T1ie Daily
Mail describes Cecil Rhodes as the
succeesor of Lord Olive and Warren
Hastings, and says: "The virulence
with which he was hated abroad
Is the measure of his service to
The Daily Chronicle says: "There
was nothing in the career of Cecil
Rhodes to support the charge that
Ito was a vulgar money -grabber.
'there was nothing email about him,
even his blunders were colossal."
'the Daily News, which bitterly at-
tacks Mr. Rbodest on account of the
&meson Raid, declaring that not
even Lord Randolph Churchill Shat-
tered a more brilliant career by a
more conspicuous act of folly; also
defends him from the charge of
money -grabbing.
line Daily Telegraph says: "11
Ceell Medea was guilty of a blun-
der in 1895, he paid as dearly for
it a61 his most bitter foe could wiele
Now that he lia.s passed beyond the
reach of malignity or censure, only
the magnificent servicee he render-
ed the Lenoir° he loved trill be re-
he Times save, in an editorial:
"With all his undeniable faults and
the errors which marred his noble
work, Cecil Rhodes stands an heroic
figure around which the traditions
of Imperial history will siting."
Im pasted away.
Cape Town, March 26. -The Right
Hon Ceoll Ithedee died peeCefully
early thie morning. He slept during
the afternoon, but ide breathing
beceane more difficult and his
strezigth perceptibly diminished un-
til be passed away. He was conscious
until 5,50 p. me when lie muttered
a few wares; and stoat quickly. The
immediate canoe of his death was
two successive attacks of heartfail-
At las bedside were Dr. jemeson,
Dr. J. W. Smartt, the Commissioner
of Publie Work& Col. Elinsherst
Rhodes, Director of Signaling, of tite
South Africau Field Force, and Mr.
Walton, of Port Elizabeth, a mem-
ber of the A.ssembly.
Mr. Rhoaete last words were the
names of 111s brother and some of the
others present, whicli were meant to
be good-byee. The only person who
attended him during big illness, and
who was not present at his deathbed,
wait Dr. 'Stevenson. All his boys
Ana personal servants were admitted
at the last.
The body will be taken to Greet()
Scheer, hie reeidence near Cape Town,
on a weird trent to -morrow.. 'Mare
it will probably lie in state ter a day
or two, and the public will be ad-
mitted to view it. It has not yet been
cleterreined wbere Mr. Rhodes will
be burled. It was his wish that he
should be buried at Matoppo
Rhodesia. Certain of ids friends will
proceed to Matoppo Hills to deter-
mine whether it is practicable to
carry out this wish.
The features of the dead man are
placid, and a death mask of them
will be taken.
A ewe,- Funeral.
The Government has decided to give
Cecil Rhodes a public funeral. His re -
'Urea( tsorittative Ittlitteade of His
Tile Bight Hon. Cecil Rhodes, 'ex -
Prime Milker at the Cape, was
the fourth son of the late Rev, F.
W. Rhodes, Vicar or Bieltop Stort-
ford, alerts, and was born at that
place on July 5th, 1838. He was edu-
cated at the locai school, acquitting
himself there, one is told, treditebly.
Thenee, the state ot las health being
a matter of some toncern, he lett
England to join his pidest brother,
Herbert, who was plantiag in Natal.
On the discovery of the river (ag-
e:Inge In Griqualand West, Mr. Her-
bert Rhodes took part in the "rush,"
and Was shortly afterwards joined
by his younger brother. Not long be -
tore this Cecil Rhodes determined to
obtain tt untversity degree. He ac-
cordingly nottinged, Wbale 'parrying on
work on the fields, to (10 some read-
ing, and to spend enough ot each
year at Oriel College to quality foe
his degree.
The hero of Taltattourn appears to
!ewe had a liking for and a high
opinion of Mr. Rhodes, end before he
etartea on hie last Weston to the
Simian, wrote to him, asking the
vning politiciteet-foe Ito Waa then in
the Legislative Aeoteltibleeeto Join
itini es private etecretary.
Cecil RhOdes tias one- or it &telly
of whom Nevelt Wert, sone. The eldent,
Herbert, wits ldflkd While elephant
hunting in the Shire tilettlet. The
Motion of them, and( he hah a separ-
ate library of typewritten transia-
Mons specially prepared for him. ,
The story of Cecil Rhodes sur-
passes in fact what would be deeined
the most extravagant career a. novel -
let could invent to fit conditions of
present century lite, •
A natire of England, a minister's
son, of college education, a spirit of
adventure took Rhoaes to Africa,
where he engaged in dialnond min-
ing. Born apparently with 'Midas
toueb, everything he undertook added
to his fortuneThe sobriquet of
"diamond king" weenie's for twenty
years. In 1890 he beettme Premier
in the Cape Cabinet' His political
opinions favored Heir -government
throughout the British empire until
within very recent year& While a
home ruler he is said, to have givea
n. subscription of $50,000 to the
Nationalists of Ireland.
As Chairman of the BrItiell South
Africa Company his political conduct
and monetary power were combined
in the promotion of imperialism, but
for a time on federal principle& He
predicted a new politleitI corantunity
to be called "United South. Africa,"
of which he expected to be the head.
In combination with Dr, jatueson he
organizeti a party in South Attlee,
whose puprose was to Neeure the
rights of the foreigners, refused by
the local Governments. His design
culminatexi in the dIfficultie,s %vitas!,
led to, the treaty of 1884 between
the Transvael Republio and the Brit-
ish Government, of w'hiell Mr. Glad-
stone was then the head. The gratis
violations or this treaty led to tbe
War which is now going' on.
eecil Rhodes,was looked upon In lite
native ebuntry as a British patriot
and etateaman. Oxterel University
publicly conterred Upon him the de-
gree of doctor of civil Iatv- in 1869.
So sensitive were British interstate
at home and abroad to hie fortunee
that every rumor affecting his
health Woo closely watelted. Tim .
amount of his tatock is beyond roin-
putation. Cecil Rhodes veal about 4$
years of age,
Slaters Die Within a Short Time or
Kari' Ot hee.
Belleville, March 80 -Miss Laura
rentlY, who lived is Tburlow, north
of the Grand Trunk Railway, Visited
the Station Postoffice yesterday at-
terliooe, and when creasing the
triteks on her way home was streck
by an engine and instantly killed. As
she was about to cress the line she
saw a train Upproaehleg and stepped
on to another trite; to avoid It. A
light engine, which wM niOving on
this track, struck ber and ehe tell
beneath the wheels, her berdY being
eut In two hear time middle. Deceased
was 40 years lef age.
TIM death of 'Mies Penny wan tol-
loved by the death of her Mater,
with whoirt he Weed, a tehert time
afterwards. This lady, Who hail for
seine time been eOntineci to beti
illitees, waavo affeeted When ittetrin-
01 of Iter 81E4,001 tragle death that
elle died within a fetir nnintrteti atter
reed were nearly all soldlere, the the ead neve bad been Ootrimurileated
seeond eonbeing Cot Frank I" 1 to her. The (astern will be buried tO-
Rheeleil, D. S. 0., Wao was educated gether, ;