HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-04-03, Page 6ita i1 nL/l'ii.C.R
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I The Comingof Gillian:I
+ A Pretty
toad Romance.
+i'..+•44.+.+++40F++++,44+4144+s.++•++..+ F4.4•44t+44+4+
They have tried to impose a claim ; of revenge and hatred and cruel,
un her consideration, as she haught- f undeserved shame have stung
fly Implies; she has resisted this claim ! flim like kcorpions for the
and they are defeated, hopeless, endless wrongs Otis luau
This is the agreeable impression I bas done him, they seem to grow
she has desired to make, and wtlledt 1 unworthy, tthya directed nd toward theland
they have to suffer,
" Good night, telilien Anne and her ; helpless Invalid, 'With the piteous,
husband say, hurriedly, Iu under- and tog eye ss ated nerveless features, hands
tones, pressing her hand. the
" Will you not wait until the doctor tt George apsony,ale
coms? Will you not say good-bye fingers own warm, flrm D
Uncle Harry?" Gillian asks,
other. 1 atand
at oowarted hanad clutc e•$
'ugly, looking from one to the
"X don't think he is conscious, dear,"
eagerddenGoe like
Lacysays, pityingly, gasps.
glancing atthe quiet,
"George, my boy ! Oh, George, don't
form. '• But if you aro anxtoun and(i goo til aY a you for a minutm me I Don'te for on
nervous, as I dare say you are," he i
adds, hesitatingly, '" I will stay' with minute,s1Geo George!"
go away for a
you until the doctor comes, it Lady
I}amer will permit me." few minutes," George says, quiet -
He looks at his aunt steadily as he ly. "Lady Darner, I beg you will al-
low mei to speak to him for a minute
r preo, and a slight spasm of somesed feeling crosses her marble- or two. I have come from America
tot sets he ,
pale, hard, cold face for a moment. "You have "Oh, certainly," she answers,
Carelessly. "If kiss Deane willies
you to stay a few minutes, I have
so ob eiatton."
"T,hank yon," he says. formally.
"Wlil you take my wife home, then,
George please? I will wait until
C.gghten comes, and he van drive
sue back in his trap."
"You will promise me you will
not attempt to walk home by the
wood?" Anne says, In an earnest
undertone to her husband,
-Yes, I promise you. dear," he
says, softly touching her hand. talking In a dream, holding George
Lady Darner passes the wedded
tightly with bath hands, but not to tell me, note on your death -be
»overs by with upraised eyebrows of looking at him -avoiding to look at as `•otL may be, do you dare to tell
scornful ieditferemie. and walks flim net it seems, avoiding to meet me that you linked my name to your
toward ofa on which her has" disgrace : That you macre that
band islying. anyone's eyes, but gazing restlessly ,
about, with wild, restless eyes a creature, the girl whom you picked
"Do you think it necessary, then, wild, paled, tniserabie face. Ill up in the streets, or the park in Dube
that you should renals Here, iffy 0 tell the truth now. the whole truth, lin, who was your mistress tor, a
dear, until the doctor collet ? , rlo help ins Heaven ! There it is -in year in lodgings in Wales while you
Lady Dimer inquires of +*illtt4n. eny will., I took good care it should were writing to me, and visiting ane,
with a sharlA dubious anis and ac- be all plain, and square there after I and lying to me -sett never suecess-
cent. •was gone -the truth would all come fully deceived me for one moment ;
••I should like to stay, please," out. My -will -there -there in my I knew all. about you and your par -
replies, quietly, sitting down bureau, you see" "
h the couch once more, when she , nmour.
y The disjointed, vague words (teased, you knew n,othaug if you thought
i 1 fit f vtu
ItlnUe n1e fiesta the eight
l O , T , ,,
these" long yeltrt. .ey, for 1 wronged. i . j7,OEFT1ONAL i 1 POitIUNITII
To visit all points of the Great West
fol" illerirttre, ettucation or bualuess•
Tilts Union 1?tieIfio has anthortzed
tee folowiug excursloe rates:
Twenty-five dollars !rent elltsoart
you, and I've been 0 coward and a
traitor to eon art welt tli3 to her
''the' woomo 1 wrouged worse titan
"Don't bring• her 'tante up 1 I
eanoot and will not endure it now,"
tleorge Interposed !n tt law, I4gi-
tated valve, River points to California, Oregon
s e
worselit every „' s t n o Y day
a lett
tt (1 K t o.
t tt HMO g
, her It !'
wrong 'u t ' It
"Bat 1 die e t I G
nee.' one," Sir Harry persisted, in a einrin�g March atii. April. •
vague, wild way, star`,ng blankly at Phenoutenally low reteti t,O the
him. "Oi comae I did 1 \Stoats the Paoltlo Coast and intermediate. points,
open to
• tl t t
fists okR s
t•1 Co p
my lawful Stogie t .ion
use in talking ; She wasp
wedded wife, and I never lot her all during the coming spring and stun -
bear my name, or live lit any house, mer,
and let her go to America and Spacial round trip eccarston !fates
Ito (least a
tile there In exile. .will be said to the PaP f
"Iiia ndn-1 is Wandering," iatdy lees than one bent; per tulle, Choice
Dauter says, coldly' "All this excite- of routes returns.
iwnt le enough to drive hila tuad. ]" people identitted with loofa inter-
'•I'm not mad," the unhappy now este at various palate en route will
says, drearily, simian' his gray head show you every attention, It will
in a quiet, hopeless way, for tar, 11C:ef1 be. to your aervatl�tage to make in-
flaaIt of anger and strength Is ctet, nutty in regard to these low rates
"My !tress! been, a curse to me ; na to the PaoiA Coastr before deoiding
wonder 1 took to drinking, Yee; ; It's out the it
all. true, I swore 1'd telt the wive!) Call or address postal card to
truth before I died. Everyone must
G. G, Herring. G. A., 12fi Woodward
know it nt°w.; It's been too long illi- avenue. Detroit, Miele
den.• .1've been a coward and a fool,
and -I've done halm an awful wrong -
George, my son, my' lawful and only SETTLERS' LOW MATES WEST
son- onle- olald. " Chicago & Northwestern Railway ;
"I am your lawful sou, and you kept every day during March and April.
m • life !tick -
the knowledge from are tell y Colonist one-way soconcl-class. ti
George asks, quiverhig from head to els at very low rates from Clhi-
toot. in, the, effort he itit making to be (sago to points in Colorado, Utah,
calm. ";try mot11er. was your lawful Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon,
wife?" „ Washington, California, Victoria,
"'My lawful and only wife, he an-
swers, in has taint voice ; "ay, me' Vancouver, New Westminster, Nel-
only lawful wife. She was living two son, Roseland and other points in
ye.tra after I married the Earl of Ke: tenay district. Also special round
Ferrard'a daughter," ho adds, as it trip Tiomeseekers' tickets on first and
unconscious at the presence of the third Tuesdays, March, April and
Earl of Ferrard'at daughter, "I was May. Full particulars •froth nearest
engaged to her when I met Rose, and . ticket agent or B. H. Bennett, Gen-
et hen. we quarreled and she resented Brat Agent, 2 East King street, To-
me' keeping our marriage a secret, ronso, Ont.
and fled away to America teem me, I .
married Lady Jeannette, because -be- Con►ing Out of Church.
patelet1'was afraid to tell the truth, "There he goes -coming out the
because, I was angry with Rose, be- west door now. Oh, girls, isn't he
(melees 1 eros a fool and a coward, sand lovely ? And, to think of hia marrying
ao let myself go to destruction ! a widow. Bid you hear how it was?"
""Tile man is mad 1 His brain has Chorusl of negeti.vee.
given way ; he is talking delirious „Krell, he told my brother Jim, so
nonsense I" Lady Jeannette says 1 guess it's. all right. You see, he n.l-
again, . very sharply and sternly. ways tried to kiss every glrI he
But there is a convulsive sated in knew about the third time he called,
heat breath as she speaks, and she and it the girl wouldn't let him he
dropped her at once because she was
a prude, and If she did -well,
then he staid he never
knew how many other fellows she
might kiss, too. So he always thought
he was perfectly safe and wenn n`ver
get married. And one day he called
on Mrs. Johns to see her niece and
the niece was out or dressing 'for
something, and he kissed the widow
and she let him -she said it was just
a motherly kiss and no one could ob-
ject to that. So now they're married.
Gi••la, don't Magi se ; here comes the
no right to thrust your- puts 011E.. !land suddenly against her
self in here," she says, angrily and ' reast.
sternly, refastug to move an inch. e.No-no, I'en not mad," Ile says,
"Yon. ha.vd no right to darn to enter very quietly and feebly ; len a nas-
tily bowie uninvited !" erabie sinner, a miserable, weak-
"Certainie not. Neither had the minded, cowardly fool. But I'm not
burglars ; I only followed their ex- toad. 1 wide 1 e as, I've often wished
ample," George says, coolly, stand- I could go mad, and forget what
ung his ground quite unmoved. I had done! No, no, it's all gospel
Far Sir Harry now, with George's
help, has struggled to itis feet, iutd
is gazing wildly about him, trying to
recall hie bewildered senses.
"He hast a right here," he says at
Met slowly and thickly, like a man
truth, Jeannette. It's all written
there in my will, and the papers,
certificates, and everything."
"Do you mean to tell me," Lady
Darner begins, in slow, hissing ac-
cents, which she tries 'in raft to
make calm and steady -"do you dare
discovers that the poor invalid's and a Fort of film comes over the
eyes are wide open and feverishly wild, bright eyes.
bright anti eager. are staring "Yon needn't trouble yourself, Sir
straight before lihn. , Harry," Lady Jeannette interposes,
" You are better, dear uncle with a sort of contemptuous pity.
Harry " she asks, softly put- "The truth le known well enough." •
ting back some thin, scat- But he hardly seems to hear her
tered locks of grayish, fair
hair off the careworn temples with
loving fingers, and the three standing
kvgether talking In undertones, pause
or see her.
"There it is, over there, in thefences
eecret drawer in my bureau I" he goes "Ponos for you ?" Lady Jeannette
on 111' the same disconnected, vague repeats, drawing back from Mtn rii th
and look back tram tile doorway way, pointing one shaking linger a t, gesture of loathing and aer
"Yes t What's the matter?" Ilei the bureau and apparently not notio- look of impotent veugeunce in her
asks in a feint, hoarse voice, abrupt- ing the pulled out drawers and flet lr ashy -white face and, glitteritig eyes
ly. •'• Eh ? What's happened? Who's i *scattered contents. "It's been there - •'There wilt be none for you in the
There?" ' I these five -and -twenty years, and no- hereafter ! You coward and traitor,
"Several perm* 3, Uncle Harry," i body knew! what was, in, it but me 1" . I will never look en your ince again!"
Gillian says, gently. " Lady Darner, "This Is most improper -this is 1 And she turns away, holding her
and Captain and Mrs. Lacy, and -Mr. t most shameful !" Lady Darner proud head higher fbr the dishonor
Archer." 1 interposes again angrily and ex- : that has touched her, and moves
•' Who ?" he demands, struggling citedly, as tire strain an her nervous across the floor with unfaltering step,
wildly to get rep, and glaring about ; system begins to tell. "It's enough across the hall and up the staircase,
with straining eyes blind with ehger- I to kill Sir Harry! If the doctor were erect and stately in step and bearing
ness. " Who dM you say ? Gillian ! , only hero, he would forbid you to as ever, though her brain is whirling,
Help me tip, I tell you 1" be here and order you to leave tete her senses forsaking her in the shock
" Gillian, you are exceedingly wrong rem 1" , ° of the titin.g she has heard. .
to say anything to excite him so I" i "1 cannot go now without excit- a ger outraged pride ie stinging her
by Attain," wound,her
angrily. 1 in him worse than ay g, ;like a potboned
an h
Lady Darnerinterposesg
standing between her husband and 1 t*Parge says, quietly as before, roe ' seems a flame to her veins, though a
':ler sight of the °there In the room., then puzzled by iter determined ole I deadly chill rune through her once or
"Ring for tine nurse, please, anti . forts to drive him away. twice; ani through' alt her agony of
leave the +roc in, dear, at once, I re- ' "But I'll tell the truth now. before mortification, her feven of rage and
quest." t I die," the feeble, hoarse voice goeshate, the minor key of desolation
"'Did sett say George was here ? 1 alt. I wails like a dirge.
say! Gillian i 1;i1ll1an !' the unhappy t And then rte looks up at George I"No one 1 No ones Not one in the
man rates aloud. " Gillian. rid you say I for the first time, stares et him with world to make my caume tbeir own,
h Gillian Didn't I hear ; an agonized earneetnF6s terrible to ' and, feel for Inc in thiol hour 1"
you knew that," he answers, wearily,
and feebly closing his eyes. "Rope Mc-
earthy was my wedded wife from the
day she Telt' Ireland with me. I mar-
rieds her in, Liverpool. Let me alone !
I wronged you, and I wronged ]ler,
and I wronger! my 6o11, and I'm a
miserable sinner ! Let me die in
Otte feet t' better then ten hearsays.
Ask Dr. Burgess, Supt. Hospital Tor
Insane, M ntreal, Where they have
used it for years, for leis opinion of
"Tire D. & L." Menthol Plaster. Get
the genuine, tirade by Davis & Law-
rence Co., Ltd.
ow To
When henry W. Lauugfellolt, the
persons have been known to
t le'
1i t
district school near'his home [t! an ounce Of SCOTT'S EAUL-
!4 tL
seat America!'
.r t,
t11 air td
rtrt � >? Vg
t tt a� by
,Years tt T gain a ..
Loy n[ Oar I
u 1
Poriletn(i, Ma, his teacher requested
to our de to write It composition
SION, It is strange, but it often
to i 1 the tmorning,
Henry sought n l;tte* Information its Somehow the ounce produces
1 be handed
n u' next happens.
Very 100011 tlleturbe;l 111 mind, youn;t
to how he should go about ltif I:ahk, the pound; it seems to start the
•''e I1
ant! was told to jl�t write
thoughts upon anything he sew or digestive machinery going prop-
hoard, or Intl! soon or heard, This;
was not of very mach assistance, so erly,: so that the patient is able
he went dolefully home, anti as fro to digest and absorb his ordinary
Insptratlon seemed to conte on the
way he retired to the tau:u•lt to meta -
tete. W11te tatting there a turnip
growing just over tate fence in the
garden of his father's next door
neighbor, lir. Finney, etruek itis
fancy, and proved to be the inspir-
ation he was loolchig for.
The next morning aletster Henry
handed in the following composition
to hts teaeher : •
Mr. Finney had w turnip
the bare tgrewchina;
It grew there and it grew there,
And the turnip did ito llu.rm• i
It grew and it grew, .
Till it could not get no taller,
Ur. Finney pulled it up l
And put et In his cellar,
It lay there anfl it lay there,
Till it began to rot,
Isis daughter Sally took it up,
And put le 10 the pot.
She `bolted it and: she boiled it,
As long as she was able,
His daughter Peggy fished it out
And put it on the ta(ble.
1,tr. Finney and his wife
They sat down to sup, , •
end they ate, and they ate,
Till they ate the turnip up.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
Take eare of the pennies and the
pounds will spend themselves. •
What a man wants to do with a
woman is -to love h.er an her way
and let her lore hltni in the same
You can fool a woman into think -
lug she Is fooling you, but you can't
fool her into thinking you are fool-
ing her.
•When a• warren goes into a dry
goods shop to buy a spoof of -thread
she begins by pricing 02,500 Russian
\irhen a man says it is snowing
he meanie thee it is snowing now ;
e woman means that it was snowing
orsterday or that it is willsnow
anything but
snowing now. N. Y. Press.
Keep -Minaret's L(ninient in the
food, which he could not do be-
fore, and that is' the way the gain
is made,
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health; if you have
not got it you can get it by
You will find it lust as useful in summer'
as in winter, and if you are thriving upon
It don't stop because the weather is warm.
5oe. and ; r.Oo, all drtrg6tsts.
SCOTT & BO W NC, Toronto, Canada.
New York Central and Hudson River
The above name is a Clouse -hold
word, and 'the superior excellence of
the road should bo sufficient to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate is the same to New York and
paints east as by other lines no fur-
ther recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will telt you It
Is the best. --
Dear Sirs, -For some year's I have
had only partial use of my arm,
muted by a sudden strain. I have
used every remedy without effect, un-
til I got a sample bottle of MOT-
' NI ItENT The benefit I
received from it caused rue to con- I
ttnue '1t use,• and now I am happy
to say thy arm is completely restored.
Glainis, Ont. ; R. W. HARRISON.
His Answer.
"Why I love you ?" Hard the task,
Because to find to such a why -
Will it answer wheat you ask
That you are you ainic I ant 1.
tell at eves and ,
f I l 1
Bake list Al charms, long, income
Time will come, inark each less fair -
Eyes and lips, sweet hands and
1 eet.
But love taken little heed of time,
And so you see there is no why -
Put reason and some sort of rhyme
lea was ere, rt an ? 1 .
you say that George was here?" I !tee. 1 A moan breaks through the In you axe you and I am I.
• He Is here, Uncle Harry," Gillian "It is you -my own hay -George, dry, repressed composure as
says, firmly, and trying to help• him my own dear son!" lie gasps, brok- she gains the refuge of her Dear, be content to- have it so,
to rise, though Lady Jeannette to suis. "But -you'll never forgive me, own apartments, and turns to Leave pedants their insistent why,
standing over Ilam, shadowing hint 1 suppose ? You can't ! I've done you lock the door end lock herself in, And count it wisdom just to know
morallyandnliya!eally, trying to an awful wrong -an awful wrong, done with her pride and =leery ; That you are you a•[bdt I am 1.
quell hm and .11 nes trim ne oh t fins George ! On my knecn I ask your par- but a, hand stays Iter as it shuts tiro ,Westminster Gazette.
Dune all the years she has been the doer !" ' door, a firm supple, white- hand
flim of his better nature an'l the And at itis soot's feet the gray- • touches her gently, entreatingly, foe- ♦ftnard's Liniment is used by Plty-
tyrant of hie lite. haired father falls, kneeling humbly ingly, ass it never dared to tench Iter Melanie must ant get up, Sir !tarry.'• for forgiveness » i before, and Anne Lacy, in a suppliant
she says. sternly, staying itlm with , CHAPTER KLVI. I attitude humbly implores her to sof-
the pressure of her sinewy white 1 "Don't do that ! Oh, don't do . fer her presence.
hand. "Yob are too weak and 111 • that, for Heaven's sake!" George i "Dear Lady Darner ! Dear Lady
to excite yourself in this manner. ' cries, in keen distress. "I will forgive Damer I Do speak to me! Do ice• rue
GtliIan"-and her cold, fierce face is you, I do forgive you. What else can come in.. and wait on you as I used
like that of an evil spirit in her I do now ? Tite wrong you t o do" -she begs even with tears.
I'll bear anything you can say to
of vont w n with me but I loved it m y,
rthe-Oh, I don't think Solomon was
such a wise ratan. .
He -Well, he was for those times,
dear. Of course, that was before
you and your mother came to this
earth. '
Ittinard's Liniment
'Pis Is the Natne Julian Ralph (lives
to the Morutug Bath.
deadly wrath -"send those -friends have done me le indelible, and I have recently` visited forty of the
me I know you mutt be very angry better class flats uptown on the west
s away instantly, and leave ' altering can efface it or i so hear] side unci have learned a g eat deal
thHerfIs weak and she is strong ; lie it to like a mato rlBat you smust b neot and Ir'll be suclf a good wife to him, at)out how `the otitet half" lives -
Is helpless. delirions, beclouded in kneel to are, stir, 1 forgive you Winn and love !tint, and honor ltim, and the comfortable other half, writes
mind and memory; she is clear- I have to forgive, awl I hope you will ; help plan so welt, that yynt will for-
Julian Ralph in the New Yvrlt !fait
r g;ts o me at lath . Do let Patrick comp and. Express: As it is fifteen ani six -
u• yourself." if ,
forgive five r e .
vengeful. 6• med
andt us come ante
e elute aDo lehouse r
headed r s gto son!1
1•e 1
Iin an scatyears eine.
dteen a1
. 1e
for -
The contest is all betweenenow. "Never," he cringers, in a hallow . tnr for a fete niinutme at least, Lady
t4s !t leas ever been, them; select but eutferirig his sin's strong ,flat -hunted the last time, e am able:
Darner, and, tell 118 you will try and to sec what elrauges the years have
and she would conquer Still at walls hire to raise frim and place hem in i ftrrgts'a its 1" ' brought about in home accessories. I
eleventh hour, but that heaven wills frim iveir. "I'll never a wrongedras i yore The humility at this appeal to have only seen one ace sso house
she eh tnlc not. ! forgive myself, I've you I
"I think I will go hack aur! speak.. !tussis•, Wird you arta net the only one 1 An'te's fervent Milt accents, tender, wlillout an elevator -though that
to hint in spite of her," George mitt- ' that live wronged, cruelly and foully, , paasitmate and persuasive, soothes was one of the newest, best built, •
tern, irresolutely.
, through my fatty and eownrdtce ! I've the deeelate woman with her insulted best situated and most attractive of ,
"Yes, George, you will tiff doing bern a 'traitor and a fool C" he melee Bride burning like a lire in her breast, till the uated an I saw. attractive
Meat." Anne whispers hack, earn- <lespairing;ly. "I.or•1 ho mrrciittl to me, thrilling Iter through with tact in the kitchens were new. to my eyes.
patty and resolutely. with an en- a shiner 1" physical r es her . Teat clumsy, unworthy device of a :
eouraging pressure of her handl ; ":emelt !" aeorge says fervently, ' It sorltires Ocr and pleases her and bell in a hale in the carpet
and George turns hark from the taking his hand. "And now, site I must gives her strength to repulse± with far n button 'i foci, 1 saw tae often ;
door; Come?; over to the conch and Ivo. good-bye to sort for the present.
worn the affection and loyalty that once tvoeld have been too often. en;
quietly hteps between Lady flamer Ast-
i 1 will came, and gree 5011 to• -morrow, dnigltt bo leers. all tie afro, finilgll, costllnosb anti
anti her ,miserable captive, if 1 Tnny : but it Is late now, and • i heas it from the assertion that importance of the'bathroom was an
11 eon -a-
„ 1 sent terata Sir IYarry make just now 1 hnpresslvo change, since my last tour
t But ns be spooks . Jr Harry leaps to o emp y
st11 m elan
'•1 sent marry to ser 5011 wr, ill. c in h(. delit'irit,t that .on fount matte
.l:ntphaels Needed.
Editor -Look here 1 In speaking of
your opponent's asininity you spell
asininity with two s's.
Politielan Well, it was a pretty
bad ease.
Pies■ To prove to you „that Dr.
Chase's Ointmentiaaeel'tain
ai)d absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See fes•
timonials in tbo daily prear and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of it, You can use it and
get your money back if net cured. Goo a box. at
all dda'crs or i IMANe0N,BATES & Co., Toronto,
Dr: Chase's Ointment
A Slight 1 lflerence.
Irate Father -I thought you said
you were worth ten thousand a
Would-be Suitor -Yes, sir ; but I
only get six hundred.
•Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Mrs'. Towne -Have you any close
Mrst Subbubs-Yes, they are all
close. So close that you couldn't bor-
row a flatiron o,r a cup of sugar to
stave yo!dr life • •
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
ISSUE 110. 14, I.,;):4 4.
nes', no Matter where It in, thud dca, rip•
tiers and cash price anti et our pian hr find-
ing colt buyers, Ptrtentgxebange and Invest-
mettt t'uopany, loroeto, Oanada.
P finest la the Niagara Peninsula, at
Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail-
ways, 130 aures in all 35 of which is in fruit,
iv tedpt to loteoi 1lltoe20 tdreies Lo parcel
ohasers Thi, is a decided bargain Address
Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box i00. Wiu
know that electric Polishing Vitae, the
chemically prepared cloth, cleans silverware,
jewellery and all bright metals like magie. No
paste or powder whatever i, required ; a de-
lightful article. Price 25 cents. Sold Is, drug.
gists. You can procure it wholesale from the
Dominion. Drug Co., Hamilton. The lionareh
Co., St. Catharines, Mfrs., send trial samples
on request.
r N rs.
A 1.
p d n ex -
1. etc. Rome or foreign procured end
loitcd, Booklet on atOUts free, ; The Patent
pp pleat y
Exchange Foul IuvcFt t
Building„ Toronto, Ont.
A II1tI<.'1 STOB E TO 1UFNT, P111 I3I/ST
1]I t le
r I to
I os,
n 1 lros i Apply r stand I P
U. struthere, !,scion, Ont,
\Vinelow's Soothing Syrup should
always be used for ('ltildren 'teething. It
soothes the child, softens thoeune ones wind
colic and is the best remedy fur Dlarrlteea,
It Western Ontario, or city of London, or
suburban property, write for our printed lists;
some splendid bargains. Western ileal Eatato.
l xchange, London.
WANTED Reliable Aron in
l� 1 every locality
throughout Canada
to introduce our goods.tacicing up show cards
ou trees,feucos,alongroads and all conspicuous
places, also distributing small advertising
matter.. Commiraiml or salary, $00.00 per
month and expenses not to exceed $2.50 per
day. Steady employment to good, honest, re-
liable men. Nu experience needful. Write for
lull particulars. THE EMPIRE MEDICINE
CO., London, Ont.
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can -
blood or constitutionaldiseaseand in order to
cute it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cum is taken internally, and acts
all sl Catarrh theblood
and a quack medicine.
thi't country foby ears,, and is a regulara
scription. It is composed of the best tonics
known, combined with the best blood puri-
fiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two ingredi-
ents is what produces such wonderful results
in curing Catarrh. Seidl for testimonials free,
F..T CHENEY & CO., Props„ Toledo. 0.
Sold by druggists, price 78e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
, f t !homes. And it ie Hoff only
i', heWhateverRar hitter feelings have hes [new with a sudden revered .ley^ t, it It to f° acv me to y in the ;ley that I finis two batitmoomy
p ? etrrugttll, h:>ldict!, itis son's hand, his pi eSOtlCd?"1 sheusrlei atttire it iirt><vttl�gv '. to many apartments, and torero more
horned in laid heart. whatever ntr..s
$.3. Nit gleaming, his valet strong; and y houses, belt peen it the coma
herself away from Anima towel to mart
dear for a, few minntrrs. try homes, where r4 rttnveable itis
"Fort H6a11 rt"vete leu vr" this !'truer, ' u f� h dray eetr lllvdtntir, used very ()Bee wh to serve a family',
rruaiu. rest long, ctg 1 nm! breath!nt; ilh+ ' �It tuns eeririlnly from what
I note find two or three bathrooms;
, l'efe t�t of life,'" he ere e, passionntele. henr,1 Met naw that I ventured to ane to over°y two sletsping-rooms in
i '•It?t your house', flelrge, my note. You foilow you; In 'tile hope that you
• h,rv,t a right, the heart right en rare' would eare for my aert'iee8 or my 1 9100 tug•-roclnral
itt tg;rc, Handl+eosliy estab-
tat bre hem You newt stay herr awl Cnrtltfrtl frirnrtHhip,' runt' Masts I 1 FT Mients like those in title lfeadaty-
nat 'neve me. Cie • ,. I've tvr. nnr 1 falteringly, but ei lnrly
eel Ilan, btaok roloIlk
Learn fl P tdo U8arm wItltthecuttingbelt y,t, 1ntt:I ant ultrl;h'g;• all the ntnne-' sally.
�y esuroingsp nO.,M thvoneaupturewithout
timer, fn my lxt\vor ' I neither titre. far not rPguirry
Lept,rthowycuareatrop• ' • It seems L° ver;' :ntrrt'upiw Late- ! ritliPr, nN you know ail 1111 Well;
lsratnitt ytsolirtteethbY S ]r•,fur r'N Nit'lrip HIb'laJ,t t41ee til lira' in:lyr111pn frt[Yrl'N,
tramps ht dAre,snmm�,t r•• I IIt ariart'tttg" ac 'tette 'elle St .stele tlrnw
want sprtn and les -strap
at • e s back with it sigh.
w r "1Vi11 11 t t ue• riephrty t
vitalWith note act it aaetted
'Mltest* notate 1151* - `
Leetn Unw I have after
this emu n ndonn'dr eeme t
i me tmleflt1G1•+a my Pt-
Leafs hos
t1:estfln of
offing, rte.
only r snece a tuner boa
ay avAire1*ta•tied
Learn e welt the t are of
nalr quad lex oilafve Y hew
MAIL. wcc r.
tbe-t mole r thaaboutnuttersa t1 tscar ,
(BAA. G1t,1iTtflt, ",tfi East 14th St.,
New Toth City,
1 hire art steals. laitrr writes lemma
only bar a.r%I^rftl8 enettlyto nee,
1 do not believe that our people
bathe any moro than they used to,
but the rnorntng-tub habit has grown
'loon them to it rnnrn.rka.ble eXtent.
'rho Mooting -tub habit ham nothing
et poor' ati•nement to pultitrat the stn► i 0 v ,•tr " jto do with rlealnliuess and llttie ron-
rh.uur of n man's teeth lar and rvi'k'. apnnla to eon fa" a taw nrhtutrir.
Nemo . Lally !Miner she. asks, as pati- I nectiiau With bttthingX. It is' a. form
It vtMild be kinder• of erne, ., of bntltly g,lrlt nnr- p 1'Io
u- "--n, car tea
•rorektaii--it Inc:ruing alarm ttutt wakes
up the systerll. A. mart ran 'tub in the
usual way every morning of his iife
and he woul4 bo none the (leaner
for the praeticc' wero 11 not fort the
toweling ho gives 'itltnself.
1I,ifktrlve kept the meeret t it still. fienrge %rchartrtnrrr i golldoy wnet nl lr
'e andelt y MM. He
teat eerily 'Metre on he known 1 wntttng, hrydng that 5401"---„ ,
throaelt the e.nrntry cit+ sofa letet- COM
Ilse ir,'neither waltynor
l ope,"
:tell Watt: T ' f
\N what :" dent:tile Air 11,irrv, ! totaling r,t flint well:-tuhnled in-
in1tilIt on her' with u, fierce, meal- grate except What I Want of 7011
tel i llama, -your nbsenee "
ggrrtrees n�ape
i:�Cl+�MN�`-j.Gpfpp. /1�
foo mat ,_ GARCC8 "
1,000,000 Customers'
Proude tw'o."ord of astn0/0 dsman en earth,
desire by Tuly 181 9N Wo mere patrons and
unprecedented oder.
hence thfe
FOR 5c
o wremcletalo rs0, w of !fie incomes
our any catalogue. worth gOEd, n oo
to any wide awake termer or gatvtenesr,
together frith mtttry harm flood samples
Vwth,,tp nreee bt of
t a start
with,npottrecelpL of butt 16 eta.
Cahadlon stdmrtl
8o pkp�a. earnest vegeta
e h - bleleeda,8l.oe, Cao»
Please • thin
o ar. with
IOC ter above
alone, 70.
Send At onre.
('1,111 gI'Stltrr' illi• npfnianr tater , . ,
an if to strike her. '•Jealtnette, son • 1st ell yet Anne pmts is in lute r;r,i*obitug end •templalningstlt flat
rare than, nnri you know you hr!-- plending. It le strange, even to tn,ko 'oat tate pain of an insect's
sod know ren lie" he elevate, now herself, haw gate yearns to win it " rating, brit Perry Darla' Painkiller
1 ousel! to frenzy - '•i't n dune you a leering for her own wants of hu- `will
ria NO trete' time. AI)pty It
wronge , halts Wrong. f kituW, nut nrility I with your finger to tete Sore spot.
it's lain on sty heart heavy, auwe oro be t.'atltiftrf,d.) Prleo :'ue. Anel' i0,.
a -•r
The Flow of Milk
will be increased.
Why go to all the
trouble of keeping
cows and get only
about half the milk
, they sh,ntld pro.
strengthens the digestion and invi•
prates the where system so that
the nutriment is all drawn front tlha
food. It takes just the sante tree-
bis to care for a cos when she
gives three quarts tis •Belt site
gives a pail. Dick's Illoorl Purifier
Will pity back its cost with good
interest in a few weeks.
Gni cents a package.
Letitlting, Mites & Co., Agents,
Write for Book en Itorst and Mettle free.
Every day daring the menthe of
March and April, 1,00`2, the UNION
PACIFIC will sell Uolotttst one-way
ticket -to at the following rates;
• 1 FIIOM,
$22 50 To Spokane.
To Ogden and Sal$
!take City.
To Butte, Anaconda
and Helena.
$22,5V tri, Pointe
Ry.. Spokane to Wenatchee Inc., via
iluntizt ton and Spokane.
To Pointe on Brea+
Northern lay.,west
of Wenatchee via Huntington and
$25.00 5.00 To Portland, !'asoma
G VV and Seattle,
2 5 0 0 To Ashland, Oregon,
r.�]G t �,J and luterruodlal.
Points, including Branch Lines on
S. P. Co., south of Portland, vita
To San Francium,
Los Angeles and
other California Points.
Full information cheerfully Curl
sashed on application to
120 Woodward Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.
A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link
and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights.
No one should expect a
fence to hold tip of itself
between the posts.
The Frost upright wires
are large and strong. The
am' Frost Loch holds them
in place and each support
aae�•?thio,, its own .share of the
weight. Light tie wires
Lockgive no support. Bending to tie
weakens them and they are apt to
• break when the strain issevere.
Macie. rest. Fence never breaks.
Write for Catarogue. $
/may 1Gw':�
The Frost
eiire .-v. ..'.,: ,_'S 1'- stege t..:.' ,..+os .v ,.
Ramsay's Paints
Think it over when you paint your
'house. It means a lot. Buy the best
paints you can get ; paints made
Well so1d on
nreputation tatio
n of
standing. Buy
The best ground, the purest colors,
the strongest oil, made to beautify,
the house, to preserve it, to give
le a atan(1, amongst its neighbors.
There Le never anything shabby'
about a house painted with Ram -
Hay's Paints.
Drop us a card and ask for
Showing eats of beautiful hones.
Established 1842.
MONTREAL, . Paint Makers,
Every Household. Requisite
cl) Air *FE ii s
Of NPVV SPRING GC)OT)S sent as often as desired,
and Special Attention given to Mail Orders.
FA nor. 01'
NO 110OPS,
are vastly superior to the orals sty,
Weodenware rtrtlalsr for dont tatic ns&
Tier sale by 1411 ttrst fitful! defiler..