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Variable Spring Weather Dis-
astrous to Weak People.
Even Usuelly Robust People Feel Run
Down nisi Out of Sorts at Tide
Time- r. Williams, Pink Pine
Are the Vet' Beet Spring
The spring months PM° 1,17111W
'OM° to most, people. At no other
lhnoOf , the year do bealta fld
etrength seen) ea hard to gran and
to Itold. You do itot feel that you
are really 13t0k, but you feel about au
bad au you could if you were seri-
ously ill. That feeling ought to be
got rid of -and It call be. What You
need le a tonic to enrich, the blood
and free it from the impurities wheat
leave lodged In your eystem (luring
the winter, and which are responsible
for your present eondition. Or. Wil-
liamsPink Pills is the only reliable,
never failing toulc medicate. Teese
pills maze new, rich blood, strong -
then the nerves and beteg health and
vitality to every organ. In the body.
They are an ideal epring mediciae
and the best thing In the world for
all diseases bevies tluar origin In
impoverished or impure blood. The
ease Of Miss Belle Colleen, 1V1iite
Rock Mille, N. 8,, Is strong corrob-
oration of these staternente. She
sae's: "Three years ago this spring
I was very much run down. The least
exertion exhausted rue. I seemed to
lose ambition and a feeling of lang-
one and eluggieliness took ite place.
My appetite failed me tale my sleep
at nights was disturbed and rest-
less. In teat I was in a pitiable con-
dition. Alter trying two or three
medicines without benefit, I began
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and tbey 'speedily worked a change
for the 'better, and by the time I had
used h half dozen boxes I felt strong-,
or than I had done for years. I haves
slime uatel the pills in the spring and
I find them an excellent tonic."
Because of their thorough and
prompt action on the blood and
nerves these pilis speecilly cure
anaemia, rheumatism, sciatica, par -
tie! paralysis, St, Vitus' dance, scro-
fula acid eruptions of the skin, ery-
sipelas, kidney and liver troubles
and the functional ailments which
meke the flees of so many women. a
Source of constant misery. Other so-
called tonic pills are mere imitations
of this sterling remedy. Get the gen-
uine with the full name "Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Piles for Pale
People" on the wrapper around
every box. Sold by all medicine deal-
er)) or sent poet paid at 5013 ente
box or six boxes for §2.50 by addres-
sing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Broeleville, Ont.
It is Health, Not Wealth, That
Makes a Woman Attractive,
Dr. Durtcan's Periodic) Blood Tablets
The ellmy,eviscal canditlea of milk
'tee been a eouree of perplexity and
abhorrence to all dairymen and mak
dealer)) at one time or anOtater.
in quite eonenonly' supposed to be
alwaye due to a &tensed state of
the uddei, knowit at; "gargele" but
we are told in tne last ferment' bul-
letin from the Cornell experiment
station that this is a "mistaken be-
lief," 'Were 18 "ropy milk" that
to due to gorget and may always be
knowe by Ito yield.ng on stendiug a
viscid or even bloody sedimeat, But
witat the milkman knows as ropy
milk" 1. not that. This bulletat
bells Ile WWI; this kind tit ropy milk
contains bacteria known to science
ae bacillus lactis viecoses. They
live naturally 121 water, and preven-
tive Ineasures are most importaut„
Some are them): Wati,11 and Heald
the milk utensils after use.
Merely rinsing them will not do.
Bacteria may be Introauced by that
very rot. Keep the Come udders
clean, The floors of all rooms
where ropy milk ig kept should be le not my desire to sell anything
prevent pain ano suffering due to
weakness of the generative organs.
These Tablets are not intended to
cure every ailment, bet are niade
solely and wholly to tone up and
strengthen the generative organs.
Dr. Dunean's Tablets are the result
of the experience et a successful phy-
sician and specialist In female trou-
bles. They are alike'beneficial to the
girl in teens, to the married woman
and to those of Mature years who
are at the period Spawn as "Change
of Life."
Each box elf 'Ablate contains a
full description of ell female diseases
with directions in full for treatment.
Price $1 a box, or 6 boxes for $5.
Sent securely sealed on receipt of
price, by the Canadian agents, Parke
& Parke, Druggists, Hamilton, Can-
Homes in California.
netirea British army officer, resicl-
big in moat desirable section of Cali-
fornia, has agency for sale of orange,
lemon, olive and peach. °retards, also
tracts of unimproved land. Reliable
tnformation furniehed to inquirers
sending addressed envelope to "Cap -
teat W. T. Freeman's Hotel,
'Auburn, Placer Co, California. Tour-
ists met. Hotel at depot.
6 Scene in a Oroeer's Store.
Sir, I have eist come round xe/r. they were thoroughly woven
selt to tell yea that you 110•YO 114` thrOugheliti and it 'Wee only by de-
seentely 81)011%1 a pair Of blankets
ea nee
I have!
Yes, sir, you: eave.
Surely you are mietaken, madam!
I ane not mistaken. sent round
my little girl a low days; ago for
a good etrong seep to wash Out
eome heavy things, In all innocence
I used what you sent me, and the
result Is that my inankete are just
the skeletons of what they were,
!Limy are ruined, Bit', and It's your
,f atilt 1 e
Yee, but I sent what I usually
gond in Kroh came
What you usually send! No won-
der Mrs. Moore, my neighbor, cum -
Plebe, of her chillies wearing out;
1 find you usually send her the same
But, madam, I always give my
ountomere whet they ask for. Had
you noined a particular bra.na of
soap yea would have had it.
Named a, particular brand! How
woe to know anything of brands?
Bat 1 know better now, unit 1 know
what ruined my blankets -and my
heeds are in a tam plight, tool
I can assuire you, madam, that It
dieinfected with mixture of teat: wei be teteejoes to owlet. tee
five parts of crude sulphate() acid hand)) or clothing of my cuetomere,
to 95 parte of water. All milk and I shall be gla.d to know how
utensile should be scalded most you prove that what I sold you in -
thoroughly daily. Never let cold aired your blankets and your hands,
water come In contaet with uteuells Weil, 1 was telling Mrs. Neill my
unless they are scalded befoee using trouble, and she lent me a little
for milk again. Exercise the great- cutting, tad here it is; you eau
est mere to prevent evert a drop of read 11.
water Trom •the cooling tank 'getting "Dr. Steveneon 'Macadam, Lecturer
into the milk. That occurrence ISon Cbemistry, aurgeon's Hall, Ed -
probably the most common cause of inburgh, describes the destructive
trouble from ropy milk. If water nust be spattered about, the cam property of soda upon, wool very
standing in iee water graphically. should be cov- „
ered. Utensils, after washing and mentioning how strong al -
scalding, should stand upside down kali, such as poteelt and soda, die -
to prevent the accumulation of dust astrouely affect cotton, linen and
wool, he says:
on the inside, "On one occasion I employed title
property af soda In a useful way.
Cover caries and !fertilizers. There wee a large quantity of new
Prof. I. P. Robert)), of Cornell Un- blankets) sent to one of our hospi-
iversay, says: Cover crops may in tale, which, when given out, were
a measure take the place of fertile. said by the patients to be not HO
eere and manares. They are not, warav as the 'old blanket)) were, and
however, a universal panacea for all
soil deficienelee, neither are they a
full 'substitute in all eases for fer-
tilizers. There is always a wide field
for the profitable use of one or all
on the concentrated forms of ferta
liters named, and In many cases there
Is also a special place for the use of
fertilizers, therefore the more need
of honest goods. Commerctal fertiliz-
ers furnish available plant food, but
no humus. The cover crop furnishes
troth, but it is only fair to say that
the plant feeds in the former are
more available than in the latter.
Cover crops improve the • physical
condLtion of the soil little or none.
The humus furnished by the cover
crops increases the availability of
the plant food already in the soil ;
fertilizers( do not. leaver crops shade
the land and conserve moisture.
It is impossible to accurately com-
pare the met of fertilizers with the
east of seeds for the cover crops,
and the preparation of the soil for
them. The cost of increasing pro-
ductively by extra tillage, by the
use of fertilizers, by cover crops or
b • all 'three means, can only be de-
termtned in each case hy the farmer
interested. I give below a single 11-
hestration of what a cover crop con-
taLns, knowing that another cover
crop under other conditions might
either be MOTO or less valuable. Se-
cond growea of clover, furnishedin
roots and tot's per acre, the follow-
ing : Nitrogen, 188,86 las. ; phosphoric
acid, 67.85 lbs.; potash, 109.90 lbs.
There is removed by 25 bush. wheat
and accompanying straw, ultrogen,,
48. lbs.; phospberic acid, 20 lbs., a.nd
potash 27 lbs. It Is believed that
most of the nitrogen taken up by le-
gumes Is secured from the uncom-
bined nitrogen in the atmosphere.
The clover did not add to either the
store of phosphorie acal or pi:taste
The plant took them from the soil
and made them available. F. W. Hod-
son, Ltve Stock Commissioner,
• e •
Breaking it Gent,iy.
"Mitarenat, if people upset the salt-
cellar, they have a quarrel, don't
theyea • I
"Yes, dear."
"And if they don't upset the salt,
they don't qtmrrel, do they?"
"No, darling. But why do you
"Welt, it wasn't the salt -cellar I
upset; it was the ink -pot."
Tells How Her Baby of Eight Months
Profited by 'Wise Treatment.
1 Teething time is the critical age In
a child's life. A.ny slight disorder in
the stomach or bowela at that time
greatly increttsee the peevishness or
the little one and may have serious
and even fatal results. It is impos-
sible to tale too great care 0! your
baloye4 health during this period, and
co better remedy than Baby's Own
Tablets Is known for the minor ail-
ments of childhood. Among. the
Mother) who have proved the worth
of this medicine is Mee. R. McMaster,
Cookstown, Ont. Her little baby girl
was suffering from the combined
trials of indigestion, menetipation and
teething, and the mother's strengtit
Was severely taxed by the continu-
ous care the child needed. A box( of
Baby's Own Tablets, however, made
Finch an Improvement that Mrs. Mc-
Master at now enthusiastic In their
praise. • "It glees me great pleasure
to testify to the value of Baby's; Own
Tablets," she writes. "My baby of
eight months was emelt troubled
with vonetipation and indigestion,
and WAS very restle.ss at night. I
proeured a box of Baby's Own. Tab.
lets, and the results wore so stake
factory that I have net need any
other medicine since. My baby girl
is now regular and healthy, and get-
ting bee teeth Fleeing nmeh easier,
and ehe rests a great deal better.
hese ablets are a greet help to
little ono; when teething." .
Baby's Own Tablets are guaran-
teed to eontaln no opiate or other
beeinful drug. They produce tint -
met' sleep, became they regulate the
atomach 0.11(1 bowels and cOnifert the
nerves. They promptly cure Flue.)
trotibleezta cone, gout' stoma, eon -
/Meath% diarrhoea, worms, hullos
on d simple fever, They' break
ep colds, prevent croup and alkty the
Irritation accompanying the Outting
of teeth. Dissolved in water, they
can be givee with absolute safety
to the ,youtteeet intent. Bold by
druggists, or sent poetpald nt 25
bents a box, by addressing the Dr
Wllllairui Neelleine Co., Brockville
Ont. 'Free mimeo sent on applieee
Moe. Mention title paper.
Experimental Union Programme for
The Ontario Agricultural and Ex- A TORONTO MAN,
the Coming Season.
perimental Union is prepared to dis-
tribute for experimental purposes
good seed of leading varieties of farm ,
crops to an average of sixty-five
farmers in each county and district
of Ontario. Each person who wishes
to conduct an experiment and is will-
ing to use great care and accuracy
in the work and report the results
of the test directly afteir harvest
Mould select the exact experiment
desired and apply for the same as
soon as possible. The material will
be forwarded in the order in which
the applications are reetived uttil the
limited supply is exhausted. Although
material for not more than one ex-
periment will be sent to each per -1
eon, it might be well for each appli-
cant to make a seeond choice for fear
the Met could not be granted.
idist of Experiments for 1902.
! 1. Three varieties of oats.
2. Three varieties .oT six -rowed
, a. Two varieties of hulless barley.
4. Emitter (spelt) and two varieties
of spring wheat.
5. Two varietiee of buckwheat.
6. Three varieties of field peas for
Northern Ontario.
7. Two varieties of bug -proof field
S. Cow peas and two varieties of
Seat or Japanese benne.
9. Three vartetlee of 'linking corn.
10. Three varieties of mengolds.
11. Two varieties of sugar beets
for feeding purposes.
12. Three varietlea of Sveedieh tur-
nips. ,
.18, Kohl Ralet and two Varieties
' 'of fall turnip!).
.14. Parsnips end two varieties of
.• 15. 'Three varieties af redder or ad-
age corn.
16. Three varieties a millet.
17. Theee.varieties of sorghum.
18. Geese peas and two varieties
I of vetehea,
19. Dwarf Essex rape and time-
, sand headed kale.
20. Thee() eatietiet) Ot eleven
1 21, SainfOirt Luterne, and Burnet.
22. Vivo varietlee of grasses.
23. Three varieties Of field beans.
24. 'Them varletiee of sweet cern.
25. Fertilizers with early corn for
20. Fertilizers with SWedialt tur-
27. Growing potatoes on the level
and In Mlle.
28. Two), eavietles Of Very early pe -
20. Planting cut potittetie WhIeh
have and which have not been Matta
ed over With land plaster. 80.Meeting earn in rowheel 's in
squares (an exeellent variety of
early tern will be used).
Material for eitDumber 25 or
Imbiber 26 experiment wilt be for-
warded by exprttee, Oeul for Melt Of
• the °theta it will be sent by melt,
, O. A. itavlte, Agrintiltural 001 lege,
Guelpli, Ontario,
Ouelph, March 151:11, 1002,
that led to an inveetigation as to
whether the blankets were genuine
or not. Miley looked well, mad
weighed properly, and I got a
blaeleet sent to me for examine -
tion and analysis. We found soon
that there was cotton mixed with
the wool, and the (metal= was as
to separating the two, because
taohleg the line fibres from exteh
(thee thatyou identified the cotton
fibre.1 fell on the device of ueing
soda. I took a bit of blanket and
Text it in a verset with s50(10,(1nd
boiled It there, and very quickly
the wool got eaten away by the
soda, d there WaS left behind the
cotton asi a kind of eiteleton-a sort
of gltoot-of the origiael blanket
Out al whIch it was taken'. I 11100-
tloo 'this merely to Indleate to yoo
the pernicioue effects of using mus-
tier material% which, when empley.
ed strong by themselves, affect
Woollen artielee in this way, atul
wallah, even whet) not very Arcing,
will more slowly, .but with equalcer-
tainty, tend to deetroy the woollen
Now, I wept to tell you that we
neighbors; have had a talk over the
matter, and we are not going to
have our clothes and name) ruined
in this way. Several of our neigh -
bore Wato know have proved to us
that Wasting Sod, Potash, Chlor-
ide of Lime, and "soap substitutes"
are meet injurious to felethes and
ha % nd"Free alkali" in soaps is
practically the caustic sent that
iSITTMee tclothes. Wity, you dare
not keep (caustic soda In a tin can.,
later; it mast be in an earthen jar,
or it will even corrode the tin!
Now, We for you to provide us with
pare soap without free alkali, or
we Must find it elsewhere.
Madam, you enlighten me! So
many, soaps are advertised as pure,
thet I really' took little heed to
atty. difference between them. (
1 have one, however, that elan
medteal certificates of its freedom
frofree alkali. It is guaranteed
pure; and the makers
akers offer $5,000
reward to any one watt can prove it
Is not pare, and further, I ane all-
thorized to return the purchase
money to any one finding itatise for
Let me see it ! Why,, Suniight
Soap! Ws a beautiful chiaii, fresh -
looking soap, and title oetagoe
Shape Is very handy. (live ine five
Note by the grocer. -This whole
neighborhood is using Sunaglit Seep
' new. I have no more complaint)). 1
have no room in my store now for
emanate) concoctions of alkali poi-
sons; but it is not the grocer's fault
if the publie are satisfied with
common soaps. lf tite pubile ask
for Sunlight Soap-tectagon bar -we
give it them. •
Cheap Excursions to California). A RELIABLE OFFER
For the meeting of the Independ-
ent Order of Foresters at Los An- lioNEsT oELp FREn To mEN.
gelee, April 29th, cheap round trip
rates'w1.1Ibe In effect vi .11, the
U11/011 Pacific & Northwestern line.
Rate from Toronto $62.00, and pro-
portionately low rates from other
points In Canada. Three through
tenths clan/ from Chicago, with Pull -
mane, tourist sleepers and free re-
clining chair cars. Select the best
route, affording finest scenery and
quickest time. Choice of routes re-
turning, Pull information atal spec.-
MI folder of title excursion can be
obtained from B. H. Bennett, General
Agent, 2 King street east, Toronto,
Ont. •
The Meanest elan in Kansas.
Not long ago the wife of a West-
ern ICansa,s politician asked him to
lay aside polities' long enough one
day to dig the potatoes in the ger-
den. He agreed to do it. After
digging for a. few• minutes he went
into the house and said he had found
a coin. He waelted it off and it
proved to be a silver quarter., Be
teat it In his jeans and went baek
to work. Presently he went to the
bouse again and said he had found
another cola. He washed the dirt off
of It. It was a silver half dollar.
He put it In his jeans, "I have worked
hard," said he to his wife; "I guess
I'll take a Mort nap." When he
awoke he found that his wife had
dug all the rest of the potatoes.
But she found no coins. It thendawn-
ed upon her that she had been
"worked." -Kansas City Journal.
The Mr. Jardine Referred to Lives
in the Queen City.
eeleieleleleeietaa++++++++,1•4•4•44.4.40Hee+4,4*÷+.1"etelet tiara +
A Professional Gives a Pew flints on
Preserving Your Appearance.
..,,,,,....44.4.4..4444.++++++++••••••4444 -14++++++++++++4.4.14+44,
Should you ask me to name the
keynote to the style of the early
spring fashions I should unitesitat-
tngly and cheerfully reply-"pletur-
esqueneser -not IS the sense or the
once.beloYed esthete) style, of course,
and no relation to that affected by
certain eoclety• ladles who see fit' to
Motile themselves after the manner
of any picture, pftet or present width
the,v happen to admire or think In
max1 vraY resembles them. What I
would express is that grace and
symmetry of outline prevall,beauty of
form and coloring, an� (perhaps More
important) exquisite workmanship,
both en cat and etitcherY. Every-
thing is
Soft and Dainty,
the late maectaine style er the
"genre 'Millen." has been put in a
(tomer, we wear our frocks long and
feel more comfortable with something
to hold np, and we maize them as
pretty Inside as out. In the vast
000 of fashion everyone may choose
for herself and be her own mistrese,
there is something for all, the tail,
the short, tite slight, the rounded, the
dark, the fair. No one is left) out in
the eold. In the matter of tweets:
alone, no fashion need be servilely
She Who is Slender
chooses, maybe, the dainty, light rib-
bon-coreet ; she wig, is given to fav-
oring the Empire style (and for even-
ing wear this Is ultra modish) wears
the perfectly-bonea little "best-bod-
lee"-the only kind permleeible lt the
Empire linen are to be right -and,
for the dame of heavier buil)), there
I e plenty of cholee,-it Is to her the
cot/setter° gives much brain, and fin-
ger work ie order to provide; a imp -
port both comfortable and becoming.
Yoe eannot go far wrong If you go to
Parisienne but don't be inveigled
Into truetiug your figure to the ten-
der mercies of any other. a friend
of mine lately tried a celebrated and
certainly expeneive London corset-
lere, who shall be nameless, for some
etraight-fronted corsets, under the
Innocent delusion that alt articles are
so designated bore a strong family
likeness. 1 shook my head and
thought "she will be a sadder anti a
wiser woman, but held my own coun-
sel. Later, I asked, "How did you
like the S. le Corsets?" "Well, my
dear, for a few days I felt quite
numb, but af ter a time you get used
to them 1" Now,
With lerettett Corsets
We axe authorized to state by Mr.
Carl Kunz, Second and Brady streets,
Davenport, Iowa, tbat any man who
is nervous and aebilitated or who is
suffering from say of the various
troubles resulting from overwork,
excesses or abuse, such as nervous
debility, exnausted vitality, lost
vigor, unnatural drains and losses,
lack of development, etc., can write
to him in etrict aonfidence and re-
ceiee, FREE OF CHARGE, full In-
etruotions how to be thoroughly
Mr. Kunz himself 'Was, for a long
time, a sufferer from above troubles,
and after trying in vain many adver-
tised remedies, became almost en-
tirely discouraged and hopeless. Fin-
ally he confided In an old clergyman,
whose kind awl bonest.advice enabled
him to speedily obtain a perfect and
permanent cure. Knowing to his own
sorrow that so many poor sufferers
are being Imposed upon by unscrupu-
lous caacks, Mr. Kunz ()wielders It
his duty, as an lamella man, to give
his fellow men the benefit of his ex-
perience and assist to a cure. Having
nothing to sell, he esks for no money,
the proud satisfaction of having
done a great 'service to one in need,
he rightly considers an ample reward
for his trouble. 1! von write to Mr.
Kunz, and follow la novice, you can
rely upon being cured and upon abso-
lute secrecy as well.
Address as above, ene/osing a
stamp. No attention 'will be given
to those writing out of idle curios-
ity, therefore state that you really
need a cure.
Well Known Throughout Canada as
0110 ot eanada•s 1,01111111118101101 8 to
ti:e Paris Exposition -ilia State-
ment is a Very Valuable One and
has been Read with Much Intelest.
Toronto, March a7.-(Speclah) -
Mr. a. (ir'. Jardine, whose statement
as to the wonderful curative and
tonic properties of Dodd's Kidney
Pills has been published in many
of the papers, is a resident of this
city. His home IB at 805 Craw-
ford street.
Mr. Jardine was chosen as one of
the Canadian Commissioners to the
Paris Exposition two yeare ago, and
performed the Mimes duttee of that
office with honor to himself pad
eredit to hia country.
It le to his experience in. the
French capital at this time that
Jardine malzea particular refer-
ence in the ptibiished statement In
which he says:
!Turing my stay la Paris 1 felt
Many timer; quite run down owing
to the complete chauge and to the
worries and work of our business
there. 1 suffered hut a little with
backache, with general feeling of
depression, and I found Dodd's Kid -
1101 Pills invaluable.
"1 had learned the value of this
ruedieble before going to urope as
1 had it very euteessiully for back-
ache which I found it relieved al-
most Inetantly. So when 1 ent
to Pare) I was careful to take with
me HOMO ''01 this my favorite rem.
"Every time I was threatened with
a return of the troeble I used a
feet Dodd's Kidney Pills, and eau say
they did not disa.ppoInt me, They
are the best medicine I know of to
tone up the System generally and
they do certainly relieve backache
What ele. eetrilixte has said is tune-
ly borne out by malty others in thie
city teltooe experiences have been
and are beteg publiehed from day
to day. Dodd's Kidney Pills aro cer-
tainly Without an ricalnI as a medi-
cine for theee who are "tired out,"
"run &nen," or "used np."
Dedd'e Kidney Pills have been en-
dorsed meet Whetter by all classed.
Tom -T don't think l'll ever' get up
enough tourege to aek you le marry
me. Yoe 'knew- 'faint heart never won
fair lady."
Bello (bittehing)-11-but Ifni a brun-
ette. "
Till** Laxative Brehm Quiniee Tab,
tete. All druggiste reread the money
It it fade to cure. 1. W. Grove's Sig.
eaterei ed Oath box.
First Neiglibor-Hello ! Nallin' up
yer ehickene?
Sacond Netghbor-Sort o' battering
down the liateh, as it were.
Stops the Cough
and Works Off -the Cold.
Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tablets me
ai cold in one day. NO Cure, Ne Pay.
Price 25 cents.
of making is Simple d
U116111053 Large.
1 Washington S(ar.)
"The little elastic, rubber band
that ie nowitdaye used in various
businesses in place of tWine teams
a simple SOT t of thing, but
there are few), if any, of the multi-
tudinous articles 1111):10 out of rub•
bar, for which there if3 SIM11 an en-
ormous demand, especially in the
United States," remarked a whole-
sale dealer in rubber betide In New
York to the writer the other day.
"In this eountry the number of rub-
ber ban& sold in one year amounts
to about 400,000 gram, or 57,000,-
000 eingle bands. At least 60 per
cent. 01 the goodie are made In New
York and the rest are produced in
factories located In New Jersey and
New Englatid. In New York there
are a half dozen factoriete devoted
partly or exelusieely to the manu-
facture of rubber bands.
"The preemie by whiee: the bands
are made iu simple. The rubber in a
liquid state ia molded into tubing
of sizes suitable for forming the
mall and medium. varieties of bands.
When the tatting la ready for nee
It is mit into a, rapid rimming ma -
reline, having knives, which cut or
Bike the rubber into bands,. The
larger 'bands are cut by machinery
from flat sheets Of rubber and jaint-
ed with the aid of heat
and a pressing mixable.
"Rubber bands aro made In only
two colors, black and brown. They
range itt size from one -quarters of
an inch to six inches/ in length. Tee
smallest bands ore arm -sixteenth of
no inch WidO and the largest are
one and one-half inchee wide. The
Smallest bands are worth 24 eeats
per geese, wbile the medium-sized
Wattle Bell at from 48 to 96 cents
per geese wholesale. Larger eizee
cost from $1 up to $6 per gross,
'"TJM greaterit mummers ot rub-
ber bands aro druggists and grey-
eers. They use the smallest teed
medium. sized betide in place of twithe
for putting up small paekagee. The
late flat and expenzive betide ate need
by mutt officers, lawynee, bank -
ere and merelentte for filing &mu -
Monte and pepere, No rubber ban&
nre imported into this country, but
feW American rubber bands are
expotted to the Weet Indies and
Pouth AMerican eountriee."
utouseILu Ij wee or eepzet, gar.,
landed round from him to walla with,
Meek ribbon velvet LI various' Wititbe.
--froxn baby width to ttbon't four
inches, the wideilt at the hemaad
the plain pile:0 of metered betwiteu,
Miele telual lu Width to the velvet.
The Williee ls arrenged on suite, the
narroweei, velvet, however, bel or et
the waist. Little globe -like sleeves
oT color to it (Mak hat, nut riquire w matela '1114 arrangement May' be
to be carefully worn else theY look reversed, or varied according to
bizarre, at present they are made taste, and it is mate 0 change from
in good nouveau art ietyle, 60 are tete longltudard Fatties, willeit are
by no means cheap. With the Ern- saill much worn.
pire frocke some few of our bolder lee; aeneefew, there, are some twee.
elegantee have dared to wear tile tleal eyeing coats of ohley, silky
Ferronieree with jewelled ornamente elleeleene, warranted to repel the
yon feel the first time you wear
them that you have known them all
your life; you can bend like a flower
111 the wind, or pick tip a pocket
hamikerchief from the floor with
your teeth! For evening wear I cor-
dially recommend the "corset-yupon,"
Le Fourreau, heeling from 265 Rue
St. Honore, a Princess frock, espe-
cially, lookseravissante over it; it is
0 somewhat luxurious commodity, I
confess, for everaday wear. Another
good model-withont the .pettittoat
attachment -is the "Plus que Breit,"
fasteuing ingeniously with no lacing and the brine made to go up and
behind, welch gives such a pretty line down, inside and out, every way,
to the back. • awfully 111C(3 for travening or yache-
ing. '2,hen, fur the loalepenmble
sailor, there Is a emart coronation
band, with Hie Majesty's monogram,
a whim of the moment, when every
one ie coronation Mad. Sleeves are
a tremendous feature at present,
and the tendency is to lin,‘0 them
as plain as plain can be at the
top, and very bouffant below the
elbow, Had we been shown a mod-
ern sleeve ft year or two back we
should innocently have sewn 11 in
upside down, for that is really what
it looks like when cut out. A pretty
way is to make this tight fitting
top with two rows of transparent
insertionaevitit an equal width of
resting on the claseic brow, it is con-
spicuous, but •
Deeldedly Too Thentricei
Lor Private life; The same audac-
ious spirit elad thelratilender feet in
lacey white stocking.erto ;towed with
their Bmpire costtunes, the slippers
!ample tuntdorned little affairs, encls
as Mine, Reeamier and her clan were
lel I I lifotortitg,
olfrongtratcoe$ivuelarsbNavpiteh at IT reciareBijpiee tluinniecss.
Those who have not tried Meteor -
Mittens Inade of cobwebby lace are Mg hi a tremeildouele• hilly country
growing in favor, hut oniy for thea- (as has been of late your (=reopen,
tees and restaurant dinners, and dent's good fortune) haYe, not tasted
truly one can seaway tell them Ite maddening fascinate:in to WS MIL
from the raitten undersleeve from It le all very well flying along aa
which they have evolved. They are even well kept. road at lightning
pretty and comfortable, and sbove speed, that grove!) tame itt time, but
off the many marcasite and other for exhilarating Sensation% ettd
rings without winch our Parielenne strong exeitement try coaetang up
never feels clothed ; so they eupplY 0 hila down dale ia u. rooter punt
want, and may therefore have a, fair- for lane, wait a chauffeur who ;Me
ly long life before them. derstands hie work, mid In whose
guiding powers you bave COafidelliee-
The Coronation. It its an olla, podrida, of toboggan-
tulm"g 113Y re"cle" Iv" are, ing, bicycle meeting, ice yachting,
or ()cowrie, going to be loyal and Montague-Russe-ing, ane I rehould
eome over for the coronation, yet
11.1111'elY (111°IntnIttiteL.1‘,.°Iituitlyne .toarket"eko elf% retr °1181 isnelnatgal:1 ef :1170 el I: agi going nj: :1:1;7;
or swaying, luXUrious aix-eushioned
the thought that they will have 0
lumoat sincere imitation of Paris, la ehnagms, tsex
paignte, auldalartmaioeinwgas dresouraiug
Belie, at Earlgeourt. All the time I attain la its effect. Nothing eau
bear of free', improvemenle aud Ina mealy be more healthful for mind a
tem ta t lo ti emanating /rem LILO and body. rt
ever energetic, !wry leirally, and it slows Away All Cobwebs,
will be a real treat to many, who
perimpe, for the fleet time, will en. gives an appetite and ineeltatay a
good night's repose. I should think
joy a trae cafe concert, given lie'
nothing could be better as a relaxa-
real live Parielan artiets, with their
fascluating repertoires, to say lion and refreshment for writers and
others who use their braim vigor -
nothing of the fact that all the
onset, of couree it might be over-
eutwiruge 110(1/111seaen44eene will be stim„lating to some who like to take
.Frenelt they can be mads.
peck) of alareit dust we are eow en-
joying ae a Ideate» penattee. Theee
coats are Rant and ;Telly mart in
channegnon or dust shades, with a
hat to tnetele warrantee to Wok
on ; the veil, an Indispensable quane
10 or beaver colored talle, blued
well white ehiffon, and heeling big
black chenille or velvet stmts.
their rest in a more calm and lei -
There will lie a chance of plain'
U) all sorts of little novelties 0,10.1 warelY fernlike. J. M. Barrie and hie
friend, elauelee Hewlett (of "Riehard
objecte d'art to take heel: with you, YOil. and Noe" fame) have lately
and I run told thine are to be sold staid in my neighborhood while on
as reasonably as on their itative a walking tour. Mr. Hewlett is a
soil. NOlitit \elevens! i•harming male 80 is Mr. Barrie, to
Then, auother Parisian flo,vor has
already been imported, in Lite shape ilLCIFM Who knew him. well; to Waters he:
ot a, salon opened by the great el. seemed sad or silent, if not morose,
from Itie retiring shyuess. He likes
Worth -not at Euriscourt, but in to Fat on a chair near the door, so
new Burlington street. His /turner-
oue English customers have been as to Vet: away at the approach: of
a strange footstep. He le now writ -
urging this step, as it will save Mg it book called "The Little White
them many a rough crossing. I be-
lieve at the opening of title salon de Blyd," the Fame laid la the region
of Kensington Gardens, the bird an
Insirsee, a week or two back, there imaginary biped, but, you Will know
all about it ere long; astd I have gos-
A Itarlshiug Show sipped on till my time is up, and mane
of tempting frocke, and as M. like time and tide, wait for me man.
Worth Is an Englishman himsetf, An revolt.. _ Dhante-Clair. .
none ot UN need have patriotte
(mallet( over euccumbing to the beau- BRACELETS AND ARMLrTS .
taut creations he ofiere. 'Lite only
prod our coueciencti lieed give tie is • . -
tenons, ;emotes and"Cirelets Set With
on the score of our purses, which
Precious Stones Very Popular.
may prove unequal to the emus of
eeceseity asked for such SWilletiVE:
triumphs. 20 those who need have Though the announcement lute
been made that earrings are to be
no ouch .quelme, M. Worth will be
a real, boon, and he is bound to win worn, one sees few earrings in the
the success he deSeTTOO. WITS of New York women. But
Returuing for a second to hate, there le no shadow of doubt that
there are some useful ones being
the bracelet Ilan come into its own
shown for bea-ling and eporte in
very fine English straw, just as
The elbow sleeve IL1.24 done it, and
apple and blexible
Ito the Panama, the crown cau Provided that feminiiiity doesn't
twertlo the fashion. tee eountiautter .
in a pretty sort of dimpled /shape owes to the elbow revere Lim thanks
for a good Ming. A handsome
bracelet on a. pretty arm Is a joy
to the beholder. On an ugly urns
etihruernic.elet may draw tile fire* or
chain bracelet set with dabo-
ehon stones is first favorite, and
though In rubies, emeralds and such
precious gems, it soars beyond
reach of the ordinary mortal, there
are bracelets with the sena-precious
stones which are exceedingly chic.
One bracelet of irregulaxiy-shaped
fresh water pearls, white, pink and
gray in coloring, caught together
by slender gold links, surpassed
even Ito emerald and ruby rivals in
sheer charm, and a chain bracelet
set in opals shading Mom the milky
white stone with a heart of fire
to the deep amber opal with fitteh-
lug crimson and green lights was
a wonder of color and beauty.
The slender gold wire holding oue
large caboehon gem is another
bracelet much in vague, and it hand-
some topaz, eat's-eye, moonstone or
other comparatively Inexpensive
stone is often particularly effect-
ive in such it bracelet.
An Egyptian scarab set in a fine
gold wire on a pivot so that it may-
be turned over, is popular, and
eN en itu ordinary Egyptian lucky
stone, set in the same way. is dear
to 0 girl's heart.
An °visitant bracelet made for it
women whose husband is interested
in gold mines, is formed of small
rugged nuggets of gold, linked to-
gether and fitting the arm closely.
Of Oriental design are finely
wrought gold bracelas, from which
swing pendent jewels, and Oriental
too, are the flexible serpents with
jewelled eyes and marvellously
wrought golden scales.
These snake bracelets will he par-
tkularle favored as armlets if, as
le prophesied, the fashion of wear-
ing a heavy armlet above the el-
bow le to be the next step in the
bracelet renaissance.
Already several fashionable Now'
York wotnen have appearee with
handsome armlet» accentuating the
'rounded wititertess of their ueper
a rins, and one young matron, not-
ed for the beauty of her arnist
wears constantly half way be-
tween the elbow and the shoulder
of her left arm. a very heavy and
Perfectly plain circlet of dell yel-
low gold.
The Spring Skirts
are in ,Live main of the same type
as those we have been wearing, only
more so. They are still slim above
and Dewing out at the feet all round
in floiver fashion. The colors, eon,
delicious pastels for the most part,
are very enticing, especially in the
new face cloths, so soft, so brilliant,
so light. Among the favorite hues
to choose from, I give the palm to
champagne, old ivory, sable, (ague -
marine, and last, end loveliest ,the
new calamine, a soft roey red, which
has not yet wandered far from its
lih•th place Paris, and being made
only in exclusive materials, will not tiny tucks between -the same lace
just yet be general. These clothe appearing round the widest part of
tee sleeve, and /again at the wrist.
A snmll square ot it back and front
at the neck, le in keeping. 'any
tucks appear below this yoire, with
the fastening concealed under them
at one Mlle. Odd coilare are very
prevalent with blouses as with tit-
tle coats., mad linen ones, as welt as
lama are being arepared by the mere.
Many embroider their owit on exqui-
site shades of Harris linen. I WIT
one on Parma violet, the ribbon -and -
rose design being done lu tomes of
the 111111e, the whole edged with a
tlny hemstitchal 'netting. Another
on pale blue, the flowers lu rose
color and the ribboa cream, would
marten up a eery serge trod: won-
Tea Gowns are Much Worn
of esprit net over some soft shade
of silks They hang very gracefully,
and make a obit. y P t inexpensive
home -dinner frock, eepeciall; if light-
ened with some Wight pailletle trim-
ming arid edged .witlt these new little
zigzag ribbone. The latter in pom-
padour or chine effecte sewn on to
cream esprit arra nged 1 ran epa r en LI y
over rose colored china silk, look
charming, eepecially- with two or
three roses Made in pink mousseline
fixed to the side 01 the open neck.
A little tea mak is made lu the same
tyle to be worn with any odd skirt,
end comes) in very 'usefully when you
are etaying in for the evening. They
hang loosely from it tiny yoke, and
are edged with little esprit ruffles
or some fine Mee in "Paris' shades,
some Eveeing Frocks
in a black -and -white arrangement
have been appropriettely arranged for
Lent The underskirt may be of soft
white taffetrue long and fluffy at the
bottom; the overdress of white net,
lend themselves to the building of
the smartest and (leeriest of cos-
tumes for 5 o'clocks and visiting, and
may be embellished by an infinite
variety of garniture in the way of
chenille embroideries, incrustations
of Flemish', Trish, or Venetian g•tii-
puree, the new little zig-zag fancy
ribbons, (on the principle of the
zig-zag laces we have had it long
time), or what; is very popular, ara-
besques and Greek designs worked in
soft cashmere and 000100 tints, out-
lined with gold or silver threads.
The corsage to go with these may
be thF) blouse -bolero, the three quar-
ter coat, or, for a dressy costume,
I give the preference to a Louis
veste, on a small scale. This may' be
In the same face cloth as the skirt,
or In flowered taffetas or gros-de-
Naples, the ground of the same tone
as that of 'the cloth, only darker,
or else in black. With flowing en-
gageantee of old la,ee at sleeves and
throat, and huge enamel buttons,
nothing can be more chic for sonny
spring days.
itats are Still Low,
still flat with feathers o•r boneless
quills coiling round the brim, per-
haps hanging over 'lie low coiffure,
and held in piece by a big pearl or
stress ca,buchon. The hanging scarf
ends off lace Well prevail, flowers on
the semi hats are of rarer order
than formerly, eamelias, veleee
grapes, Christmas roses and uncom-
mon foliage being preferred to roses,
violets, etc., which hn.ve been
worn the year in and year
• out. With the hats one sees
some Charming new combs catching
up the back locks, shell, decorated
with fruit In natural tints, sueli as
cherries or grapes, with green leaves
ot gold. Tliey give a pretty touch
women can cat an undeeirable
acquaintance by simply looking deg.
Are Necessary to Cood Health -Both Result From the Use of Dr.,
Chase's Nerve Food.
Abont one-flfth of all the blood used in the human bcx‘y is sent direct to the brain, and out of title is
created 'the nerve force, which controls and regulate)) the action of tbe various organa,
Men the bleed gets Han and Watery, lig it usually doer/ at this time of year, the nerves are first
to suffer; they are etarved and exititueted. Headache, diezy spells, indigestion, weak action of the heart,
languid depressed 'feelings, weaknees and functional derangements of the 'bodily organs are the result.
Yoe can feel Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Pbod doing e,fott goeit day by day, as It Striken at the root of trotible
and ereatee new, rich blood. You can prove that it Wilde up new tissues and atle18 fiPait If yott wet&
yourself peel) week while maim it.
Mr. d. McPeul, carpenter, 81.5 Maiming avenue, Toronto:), etatee I "1 have need Dr. Chasee Nerve
Food for noute indigestion, nervounneem end inability to Bleep, and now, ater a 'thorough teat, Dine /Aerated
to say 'that my nervous seateta lute been Walt 111), mull resit nee "deep well. 1 tan opeak very highty of
thio preparation, keowilig it to peewee curative properties Which I have failed to, find In °thee rensedieet"
Meet sf. Collvell, 588 (Winston avenue, Totrohto, States: "1 think Bet Clineee Neree Footi a opieleiltil
medie1n( 1. wen very tenth run down 111 health, had dizzy opens, wae rmite nervotte, arid was troubled ft
great deal from indigestion. The nee of Dr. eltamee Nerve rend lute greatly improved my Iteelth getterallye
liereee are eteadter, tny &seethed in geed, anal have not been ;troubled with dizzheees of late."
Dr, Vitehe's Nertes Pool le kir the MOO, na welt ea the nerves, It (Mr en *melt and every ailment Melte
lag from thin, weak, watery blood. /to euree are permanent, because it reetores end revitalizes the wasted an:
depleted oeile tvte. a bov, l boxee for $2.50, at ell dealers, or Edenatteene Bides Ile Cot, Toronto.