HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-27, Page 6'•.1411.,.l,rc:,xra,r,,,r•.a,a+.....+-,
••., W..m'fl; in our ltotarn of else,
1•.: at:tin, coy, and basil to pleaer."
'(.here iq or." ll.i.,tt that certainly viItl please you if yell get it,
and that 11. Mices. h11 CEYLON 'I Eel,
111 grocer•s 1..0:-.1 wickets.
The Coniiing Gillian:
A Pretty Irisin Romance.
t{ 4 P$••&.444.rai•1C 4-esS Zseefelefelaiefeises0+'43•4-14.a•4r 1..++4-ese 9 e t -el
'r a't••lr•r•�'P
11 is theree.sL' net suite an thin' r)trenuous efforts. Mei, :Ill, you 1t
r•lu('e the l'trr"hr•.:t'rtee.l themselves better Leone downstairs now, a
into the libr..1;:, eta ;L :seems to Sir Harry Is in the libreat-, and t
Gillian as 1f to u',1h peeiiia of time eurhe, I believe, also--'
slob elapsed seep teen. .tali now she "VI 0114. PM leaf MO thank ;\'
heart, \ cher au 1 Ilea) e-htote'l feet i (temp'," Gillian asks, in low L*
lu the hall below. and en the htau•s, treaty. in most tender humility.
and a 111Easured truinp goes bust ' "I've done Ilththing; any man
the door Of the dressing -room. Pre- would do the salve," he Hayti, ticiek-
1ently the measure') tramp or the ly, hurrying over las wards. "You
heavy footsteps return, and a blow, " I -I don't expect yon to thank ate,
shuffling tread accompanies them; 1 Gillian. Don't say any more ; it isn't
doors are opened and shut loudly worth it."
downstairs, and sometimes bang I Re is trying to repulse her, and
loudly its guets of wind from the 1 silence her, but his voice is tender as
stormy night sweep, howling. a. caress, and tut the last. words gro
through halls and passages. almost Lnauaitble, his strong lea
"I cermet stay here !" Gillian trembling, but gentle, passes over h
reiterates, trembling. I cannot silken hair, over her cheeks and ne
stay here, helpless, and treeless I I and shoulders, and for one moment
do not know vrltrtt may be happen- he strains her to his breast in 8 pos-
ing: I alight tit hetet go down and sionate embrace.
sit with poor Uncle Harry, though But he does not kiss her, though
be said I must not go downstairs." her innocent arms are around his
What he sail, however, keeps her neck, her rnnoeent face, in truth
waiting minute alter minute, obe- love, is upraised to hie.
diently, shut up there in utter lone- "'Let me go, Wham ! Let me go
Tineas and darkness, ns the faint glow he says, hoarsely.
of the fire alone illumines the dress- But there is no eoldneee in t
ing-room, waiting In an agony of rough, passionate tones, and in t
suspense, trying to guess at the ne. btasy of love and delight the gi
causes of the noise she ]tears, trying elings closer to him, pressing It
to imagine the probable course events lips to Itis hands, and to his eon.
ere taking down-Ntairs. anti even once daring to raise
There are two men with ldim-Lacy self on tip -toe to kiss lits cltee
and Dick Manion, t1t�' bailiff and tinder- muttering little fragments of d
steward, so he is not left alone, and 111'. P.us renames over )dint, as a moil
-he has forbidden her to interfere nr alight over 1 e babe restored t
In any way. e herIter• one. earthly blase and We
She must obey him. Perhaps he sure,
will be pleased a little at her obeli- Let me go, I tell you! Let the g
enee-perhaps he- There must 1>e none of this bet we
And then her heart leaps up waren it now 1" George bays, harshl
and glad, her pulses beat with 110$ thrusting Iter off by force. "1'w
lite, as the door suddenly opens, and come back in the same mind I wet
his voice speaks to her out of the rtway Ill ! There must be none
darkness, this folly and i eOne is 1 Gillian, d
„Are you there, Miss Deane ? Gil- yott lt.ear. me ?"
Tian, where are you 7" Yes -but -what have 1 done
Be has put the hand -hemp he ear- sire asks, pitlfutiy. "Olt, (leorg
rled outsi:ie in the corridor, and he what Have I done ?'• and the Litt
can see nothing in the gloom; for rt hands trying to grope for his
moment, In Itis alarm, he does not the dark, George desperately pa
Itear Gillian's voice ausw ening him. them behind his back.
He comes groping for Iter on tit' lfrw Nothing but fallen in love wit
efttee behead the door where its left me -like the. foolish girl you etre
her, • George says, with savage fra
"I a.m here !-I am here.1" site an- Hess. "It's not the slightest us
ewers, eagerly, with a fluttering I'm not going to stay Itere-
gladnegs in iter quivering voice, as she \vouldn't stay here to 1
meets the outstretched, groping made Lord Lieutenant of Ireton
tweets, 1114,1 George laughs 11 little I'm' off to America next week, so pu
nervously. �+>e out of your 114514(1 altogetlde
"It is all right eo\v-the pollee Think I 8111 a brute and a low -bur
have come !" the sant, reassuringly, \lul an fellow
yben atatse our not'
"and ([those three enterprising genu- , "Are you art r
tiemen are comfortably handcuffed ; 6rti•. then 1 You ha.t
and waiting in the dining -Yowl) ulr- ;the -far what ? '\'hitthave I dao
tIt the carriage come„ back front t to make! you hate me ?"Gillian say
ossory to drive them to c+Ioncmal Vaguely : almost stunned Into fo
police station." i getting that site has ever learned an
e of he
"Three! I saw only two!" ejacu-
lates wave that longson for ago idea oiof ulcers tea
Gillian: and the soft fingers lie personally disliked her.
tighten their hold on tieurge'; "No, I don't hate ,\on at all! Yo
ftngprs naturally enough, au:1 are a very charming and lovabl
George's fingers return the tight young laxly with \whom -I -tiny
pressure gburr also naturally enough, nothing whatever to do," Georg
"Ye:s, there was one keeping i says, bitterly, in a husky voice
guard at the heart of the kitrlten ' °'.1,1(1 -Miss Deane- you had bettl
stairs, with n loaded pistol, to keep cam's do\rnstarrs>" he adds, Imrrie
the servants from mining up to ter, Dy. "I hear the carringe with Lad
rescue." laughs George. "I -Ie hadn't r Darner at the doer.'
much trouble to frighten Denny. tie 1 "Then I atn not needed down
that courageous person had retired `. stuirs, 1 will go back to my ow
into the dairy. an,! was lading ro•,ln now. thank you." t:iliiart NOP
amongst the Matruh anti Milk-MI.11S: ! slo\vly walking out of the room, n11
Lacy and I dragged him out, think- . George follows her.
Ing he w.1, tele of the gang. A : "I think yon hail better cum
nice. faithful seri ant to be in ' down," he says, norvousl "The
charge of a house:'. are all there. 1 Dome up to fete
'Oh, the coward! the cowarel! -you down. Mrs. Lacy ;old every on
Knowing' his poor• limiter was hep- etre there. It will be better for yo
less, and no one with him but me!" 1 to Celan down for five minutes," h
Gillian erie:, "How dill you 'snow- i urges.
)tow did yob eoane to Have us Wet 'Yes, I might comps•umise yon i
''1 aro to b,' brought to trial
t#u' think-, rota .eoacelttratetl (;t:ul'It.
"haute : tt earl' to uuagitu' the
fan Uy0191 h''Lllt ine'"
1Vt'1i, Hif' `: ' r.ht dements, with an
i )
jay F lt. t
D (n her );.
d t 1 t t. t
1 all at tier
volt's, as ell • irrt'ks at Il'3' itt'tlltew,
ape I IIOI is the pre:went l of every.
one rise by the Ser;I t•arriage of
leer lit•utt Wei her attitude -"you
enamelled In •, 1 believe 7'
"There has evert a terrible pleee of
worse: here to -night, .luta
Jeallliltle," Iiingltain alaity t'ra:
litl'vottsly ttit'I deprecatLugly',
tis 110 ruturs ncarvr to lin
and lookii into her void Race in \a
for one sign of softening ur rhotic
of any kitui. "Tice Mune,'- was broke
into by burglars, cult Uncle llar'ry-,
though I hope and believe not oth-
erwie injured, has revolved a severe
shuck in his ner\olts stat". Ic'-•Ito
iv nut quite menet:ioes yet, and we
have sent for Cogltlan."
".House Mule 'a iitto 1 Burglars 7"
bite demands Ni mply, in her (lea•r,
metitllie tones. ".1t this hour' ? With
seven or eight servanti downstairs7•'
"i;ven so ; Etna there In nothing won -
derail in then breaking Into a lonely
Itotleo like this on a stormy night '
when th''y knew there were only
Women flownetaies," Lacy says, try-
ing t0• keep 11111 temper,
tore as Ins Hays afterward,
declare there writs a very decide
insinuation In Aunt deonne.Lte's
that I was inventing a bogie stor
111 ticeet agent or Be Ila Bennett, Gen-
t) oral Agent, 2 Eaot King street, To-
n route,. out,
Chicago & Nerthweetern Railway ;
even•, day during March and April.
(101081st one-way second-olrss tiek-
>s at very low ratite from Chi-
cago to points' in ('olares1o, Utah,
tt1�'ntaua, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon,
\Yashingtun, California, Victoria,
Vancouver, Now Westminster, Net•'
6011, Roseland and other points In
Kootenay disztril't, also speelal round
trlp Hoineseeicots' tickets ou first and
third Tnesdafe, March, April and
May.. Full pdarticulers from nearest
[t is Healtn, Not Wealth, That
bakes a Woman Attraotive,
I)r. Duncan's Periodic Blood Tablets
Prevent pain and suffering due to
Weakness of the generative organs.
These Tablets aro not intended to
cure every ailment, but are mado
solely and wholly to tone up and
strengthen the generative organs.
Dr•, Duncan's Tablets are the result
.of the experience) of a successful phy-
sielan and specialist in female trou-
bles. They are alike beneilc.Ial to the
I girl in teens, to the married woman
d and to those of mature years. who
Vol(e aro at the period known as "Change
y of Life:"
Each box /of Tablets contains a
full description of all female diseases
With directions in full for treatment.
cl Price $1 a box, or G boxes for $5.
le Sent securely sealed on receipt of
o price, by the Canadian agents, Parke
s, & Parke, Druggists, Hntnilton, Can-
on, -uy Iny own purpose, or that I play -
on, 'Use role of burglar in person,"
"They did not succeed in ,getting
oft \\'itis any of their plunder, . an
they are already arrested anti ti
pollee are going to take them t
- C aenenial in the carriage," he add
Indeed ?" site says, coolly. "And
what sharp have you had in this --
wo•nderful adventure?"
w fairly
not ninth 1" Lacy retorts, now
rad a ly ittcen. ed. "' It'•s of no cense-
e1, yuence,' as Mr. Toots said. I thought
ck you might fest anxious to learn
the reason of the presence of the
pollee and the alarm that every
Ono has suffered, that is all."
"Thank you," site replied, Icily ser-
ene. "But, as you have told me, I
think if Sir Harry were left now
ig to itis nurse and doctor, it would
1„ Ue touch better for him. Do you
wish, to say anything more to ine 7"
he taut site gathers her heavy satin
anti fur mantle around her, and
r:l tans away deliberately, just tpau'sliwg
e , With formal courtesy for late an-
"Not a word 1" Lacy says, almost
k, elloking with rage, "except to apolo,
give for troubling your ladyship with'
e` such a trifling matter."
"I cannot think," the merciless
woman retorts, with unflinching
taughtiness, "that It was a trifling
latter Which occasioned this ex-
raordlnary intrusion."
And for the first time her cold,
eornful glance rests on the two
tiler members of the group near-
st the door.
"I apologize again on behalf of my
vire, my friend, and myself," Lacy
aye, with a flame in his eyes ;"'tire
xtraordina.ry intrusion' shall cease
nstantly 1 Com", Anne, Cozne, George.
-ler ladyship has -a new way of pay -
ng old debts!"
i have yet to learn, sir, that I
m in any way indebted to you,"
Lady Darner retorts, unmoved.
"Only they have saved our lives.
aved us from being plundered and
11 -treated, and perhaps murdered,
tidy Darner," Gillian says, rising
turriedly and coming forward ; "the
urglars forced the door of this room
and got in here menacing us with
heir pistols, and ransacked every-
thing. When Uncle harry would not
Ise them his keys, tldey• threatened
bo murder him repeatedly" Gillian
ays, tremulously, wiping away tears
of excitement, "and then one of them
1 1.1 him down on the sofa, while
lit' other made me go upstairs to
et my money and my jewels, and
aptain Laey and Mr. Archer and
)ick Mahon got into the house quiet -
y and Overpowered the man that
as keeping guard over the Her -
ants, and then came in here and up -
Lairs and Hecureel the other two."
"There must have been shameful
arelessness on the part of the sec-
ants, or they could not have got
Ito the house at all,"" her ladyship
'Lys coolly, dismissing the account
f the rescue without a word. "I
tall make the strictest inquiry into
le natter to -morrow -abut at pre-
cut I tin not see that any -thine more
an be said or done). It is
uite late, too," anti she
awns slightly,. "and I suppose
yncli is
searrel o be f the t least:
lel ab
se to 780 to -night. S'rvants are gen-
ally Such cowards i'
There is no •nlore to he. said or
ne, as her ladyship nooly stated ;
id as elle moves toward the floor
racy and Ilia wife end George mere
th one impulse also, feeling that,
s the chooses to regard then' 'is
traders, they have, no cllniee in the
'00encel'of the mtstrees of the hoose
It to behave. as intruders, rebuked
nd retreating.
41- 1
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50180 ways If I did not," Gillian eaye, cvt
with fold self-poftsessjon. "I forgot
that," and elle tarns back toward in
the etatrs. 1)1
"I deserve that you should say be
that to me for my rough, brutal
words to you," George answers in a
night have been murdered!"
• Oh. no. you wouldn't have been,'
George h;,ys. hurriedly, hardly
kite\\'!ng wwe,t,t 111' le haying or the
Nig-trying, meet nnimeeessfully, lit
be curt rami brief, and sell-
posiSessed, with those bolt,
)tot palm; presence Itis - with tt kea tone, '•I tried to be rough
the, sJen,irr, .rembliag form leaning and hard to you, and you -;you -have
ubainbt Jiiln. They only wantcxi been sweet as an angel to me."
money, you see," he Hoy., in an off- 'Yes, I'm a species of erring aa -
hand way; -basing got that, ihay gel," Gillian retorts with a feint
would hare decamped. I dare say the mirthless, laugh, brushing past )dim,
rtffair tuay figure in the lsngli•h naive- ;mil running down the stairs just as
papers as 'Another Outrage in Ire- the hall -door opens and Lady Da -
land I' but it is only a very 00mm0n- met enters:.
1>Iucr) burglary. We got word--L'tcy CHAPTER XLV.Carl Kunz, Second rand Brady streets,
Land I -through the Mahons, that tinDavenport, Iowa, that any; man who
uttack would possibly be made 0,1 ' She cetera' and hood,
up in her fur- Is nervous and debilltatecl or who is
the house. sums' dark, storm night : lined mantle and hood, and thick suffering tro'm any of the various
y 6 ince. veil, unseeing or unheeding troubles; resulting from overwork,
afternoon rallied their something they 'Tani
turd anything Unusual in the faces of the excesses or abuse, such as nervous
ard this
in the hall.
that to -night an attempt would l>e s debility, exhausted vitality, lost
made, in the absence of the men- I ale -faced Denny the butler, vigor, unnatural drains and losses,
audibly sp 1
servants. g awl ',taring at is1151
Sr weat IH
set g 11 c
oft lack of development,
ab t
ou half -et
en, can write
Past nine, and got into the kitchen- recent with •(lazeyes front itis toe hime>1t strict gonftdonce and In-
tl. -Wow
and then broke through the recent terror : and Mre. Lynch terve, FISEE OI' CIIteRGF., full In-
g reneger hem her heti, pale n.nd tr�tn- Htruetions ]tow to be thoroughly
window r)f the room that used to he bung a;rt , :inti hot • zing about nn- cured
Anne's parlor, and so arrived en rite
e in the
nick of time. t
P,u seam >
• you please', my time, a lrtlfterer from above tt'oubleH
(To be Continued.)
We are authorized to state by Mr'
1. i\
(krue( ti'': '
1.11 1 r
a n is
ntea 1 )
Mr. Kunz z
to himself \was. for
„`1v lone 1C , g
enough, though, t:, slave you from) j•
being terribly frightened" lie adds. ')t y 1 L'e wire, er\uusly, her- and after trying in vain many adver-
tega'etinlly ' rying after il(:r mistreat-. Captain 114ec1 remedies, became almost en-
• We can easily recover from our Lti('y bogs thrit you will come into tirely. discouraged and hopeless, Fin -
the library for a few minutes, my ;illy he confided In an old clergyman,
fright now, when we have had hne11 lady, it yO1) plens0 :" whose k'n'.1 and honest advice enabled
it merciful escape te Gillian says, fry- "Captain Lacy r' Lady lemma rt'- him to speedily obtain a perfect and
yeuilmay Heavenavealone lie Call
n ll what pears with haughty 1urprir,:', alai permanent cure. Knowing 'to his awil
3033 l., with a fla>h of her eyes tint makes e.Orraw that so many poor sufferers
la her passionate Mrs. Lemelt wince : but after' a 1r10- are being imposed upon by unscrtillu-
Sratltude Hhr' nlelltary panne Hite 8\10015 arrow lotus quarks, bit'. Kunz cons141ers it
toes not heed his Un4espnnsiven0,s, aro-' hall tenant the library. ()ne his duty. as 111 honest Irian, to give
nit he stande silent and motion- lf:een •nal r' '
tale, though the 13111 perfumed d, rt 4t Lyne 1. H f,.r.r, nu,l ale fei.ow mon the benefit of hie ex-
t nt tits library door, ellatterell
hair is touching 111H 1>re_ast
and t'Nilelttly burst open by forte',
though he can feel her sweet, make her determination niter. An.!
wrirm breath, the fevered pressure of one thought hits flashed .u'ross her
her tender hands, and nimoet trent- P brain.
lues with the. frown* ret her slender "'nip tn, )l .(.-•the Imghenr-•the
surra. : sword of I)ttun,t le,:--w1ta lever It is,
"Another secend 1 won't eland Is going:'; to l8. revealed ;Gel fall on
this 1 ' he mutters angrily to him- , 1110, Well, let it fall .
:oaf. "One would think I was be- i For, as s110 itaatl,es in ter. door Wd5,
wLteJtrdl: When, I have sworn to my- I and looks in a1• tite disordered room
tf there shall be no mere of tile' at Iter Itusbanll's tl'0vtr:tto figure
Air( of thing!" i on the ('emelt unitGillian Hit Ling he -
"Oh, by the bye, Isere Is your, side flim, site se ew that her nephew's
verse!" he says. ]tastily thrusting itnewly-w newly -wedded wife :tune Lacy, is
Inca her hand. 'lot) Roche fine Thad,1 hitting by tits' table, and that the
hie dredges: nipped in the bttd for the `, person F.tanlllllg hi, HIP beokelINe•
0'/'0)3(1 tints --poor 50111111 marl 1 :sae- talking to her heehaw 111 a low tone',
1(534 dorm wit been] to reward Ills le --her huhllnnd's hon.
--"'"'""'":PAGE METAL GATES—
Aro Se low in TAN -
Ons 15!) 1,38)1sup
to oke wooden ones. Light, and yet sinal enough to
portaheavy man onthe end while h' sv,iags around thf
3 ('!t01e without 041216t11tt thele to cam They are 31(14 in
a pesrnncie wilt lest a lifetime. Will nutsat3 nor ge•4 r➢rlrete,
li'Fheyere Repelled with bathes wherdallowthem tolie open
ed etther way and *11810lf *tetit,7;. Tile only farlti,;letnl rats
;Y cus,;l h in prier, for 'entire' fent memo, We alas 1n'tk, ''am rand Urna)uentat
r Nda ad 131* its. The Pa s Wire; Fillet Ce Llrhited, Watkstvire, net 3
. '1
perlence and 11881st to a ewe, Having
nettling to sell, lie risks for no money,
the proud satistaction of having
demi a, great service to Otte in need,
Ire rightly considers an nfuplo reward
for lib; trouble. It you write t0 Mr.
Kent, and follow Itis millets, you can
rely upon being curet) and upon nine -
hen en secrecy as Well.
Addrespas above, c'neloslnt a
einrnp. No attention will be given
(o those wilting out of Idle eurioe-
ity, therefore ;tate that yon really
need a cure.
$4.1 t;4.! f1344 $4L
'formats 1.(3 43011 I'ranelse0, LOS An.
geles, San Diego mid many other
p'inte in California, via (!hiengo and
Northwestern Lino, 'I;xoursleile ev-
ery (hey (hn'leg M?)reh and Apr11, Pro-
pertiolutte law rata' front other
white in Caria. Through ereeirist
al'epere and Friel )teelbling Chair
('ars daily fro)n Chit -ago. Finest( see.n-
t'ry. (2nielzeet time, fall or write for
fni p,nrtit'ulnt•:r. D. II. ilennett, Gene
ert11 Agent, :1 Icing street east, To.
raflta, Opt,
New York Central and Hudson River
The above name Is a house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
traot most people, but now that tate
rate is the gamic to New York and
points east as by other lines no fur-
ther recommepdation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you it
Is the beet.
The average tnan takes more inter-
est ill what he suspects than In what
he knows. • (.
Monkey Brand Soap will clean a Mouse
front cellar to roof, but won't wash clothes,
Philosarcastically Speaking.
Little Einer (who ham an inquir-
ing mind) -Papa, where do diose
pessimists, that we are always
reading about,' live ?
Professor Broadhead -On an is-
land of egotism', in the midst of a
&ea of woe.
As i!`ire Spreads in dry grass, so
does an inflammation in the throat,
grow down into the lungs. Deal
promptly with a cold a„9 wtilt a fire,
and when you begin to cough use
Alien's Lung Balsam.
W'eItiara's lndllfavence.
Puffrngton (proudly) -I can trace
my descent from 'William the. Con-
queror !
Grimshaw (calmly) -Well, go ahead
and do it, if you feel inclined. Wil-
liam the Conqueror won't mind.
Gentlemen, -while driving down a
very steep hill last August my horse
etumbled and fell cutting Memelf fear-
fully about the head and body. I used
l4/WARD'S LINIMENT freely on lam
and in a few days he was. as well as
Sherbrooke, (Inc.
No Need for Delay.
"My darling," ite exclaimed, "I
would go to the end of 'the earth for
you." ')`here was a slight pause \vhie
the orchestra played tremulous rag-
' Suppose," she Raid, " you begin
yontr trawl./ naw."- Cleveland .Plein
i -
A.lN. CHASE'S - -_.-_
is sent direct to the diseased
parts' by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever9Blower
freMedicine Co,. Toronto and falo..
Provost Marshal Neglected to Write
a Pass for himself.
Many stories have been told of the
literal interpretation which some sol-
diers place upon their orders, but
one of the beet is told by General
Hughes, who Inas recently' returned
from the Philippines, about an Irish
Volunteer private, who was acting
tee guard over a captured Spanish
Htorellouse, and had received orders
to pass no one without a special or-
der from the provost marshal of
Manna. General Hughes was provost
marshal at the time, and when he
near the
storeho se
u heo
t and
mach very close to a •irianhtt
Jar Springfield bayonet and heard in
rich efileslan brogue:
l "Halt t Ir yes come a step ruttier
I'll jam this inter yez."
" \t'hy not 7" asked the General.
said the , private. ate. '
(know ma orders. 'Tis a pass yez
must h(tvo from the provost mar-
. dial."
I "Well, I'm the provost marshal,"
Haid General Hughes.
"'Tie I that don't care if yes be
the President, Devil re foot yell sit
innids there till yez show ine yes
Tho General drew out a Malik book
and serlbbled n pass,
The private snrvevetl It and pass-'
('11 General Hughes, with tine remark;
"'Why didn't yez do that tvlthottt
all 'hie palaver 7"
Minarf9's Linhncait for Sala every --
'c'hat's a ('Petty Good retool.
IHotvltt -I've lest my best friend.
Jewett -Why don't you 7,fiwertlSe
far it
"1 like wenn^u," Na111 a c leaua-ltead-
eil 1411111 of the world, "they ttt•1' eo
finished,.' '1'lu'y loath, taa'•:ecy-, men -
max, language. royal and amenity
are their realm. 'ahoy eltthellislt trt-
1101,4,4':100r NOR'.
A 1>111n can keep, another persou'N
secret better than ills awn t a WO -
DILL 11, 011 (114' contrary, keeps ltt'1'
set't•eL though sea tells all others.
"'Noll women love ne they forgive
its everything; even our erbium:
when they do not love us they- give
us credit for nothing, not even for
our virtues.-Buizua•,
.1 bettutifal woman \whit the llu'tl-
Ities of it noble tu•tn Is the most
e •fething
p) �tsL In nature; \ro finer in
her all the merits of both sexes. -
La Brtlere. '
There are 3't• hours In a clay and
not a moment in the .:4 in \w111t:.it
a w0ntall may not change her mind,
-De 1'l11od.
Nothing is bO embarrassing 1413
the first tete-a-tete, when there is
everything to say, lidless it be the
last, when everything Itas been
wide- Booneolane
:Tido ratan that lays his Nand npon
a Inman, save In the way of kind -
11 088, is a wretch whom 'tw'ere
gross flattery to name a co\var(1.
- Tobin.
On great occasions, it is almost
alweye women who have given the
strongest proofs of virtue and tie-
Mtnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Helping a Vellum, Out,
Ito (who stutters badly) -I lul-lul-
love you n)um-mum-I lett-love you
mum -inure -more than, tut -tut -tongue
can tut -tut -more than tut-tu-
to•guee 01151 tut -tut -
She (eagorly)-Do?'t you know the
def,( and dumb alpllabet;?r;Tlowat
Minard's Liniment relieves Neu-
Couple Were Not Mau and Wife, But.
Wife and Man,
"The other day," relates; a real
estate agent \viol does a consider-
able business In the house -renting
Ree, "a mall and woman called to see
Too about renting a house;. The
woman did all tate talking and turned
to the man for confirmation or cor-
roboration. He always agreed with
her, and did it very meekly.
"'Well,' said the woman, 'I will give
You 1$215 for the )louse. Won't' we,
John ?" t
"And I'll pay my' rent promptly,
too ; won't we, John ?"
•{ `Yes('
" 'And I'll take good care of the
holies. •M won't we, John ?'
0 {� VbT., , ..
" 'And I'll take it for three years ;
tvan't we, John ?'
41 iya.42
" `But,' T inquiriel, as is usual in
such cases, 'tire y043 man and wife'
"'Man and wife!' exclaimed the
woman, sharply ; 'indeed, we are not;
are we, Jolhn ?' -
"'No, my dear.'
" ,'What,' said I, 'not man and
wife ?'
"'Not much,' site retorted. 'Pd have
you know, too, 'Mat in this family.
we aro wife and man ; teat's so, isn't
it, John ?'
"And John meekly agreed." • s
ThoNortlt Wind Doth Blow arid with
it cornets the twinge of rheumatism.
Dress warmly, stay indoors as much
eel you earn and rub the swollen, ten-
der muscles with Perry Davis' Pain-
killer. 25 and 6'0 cents.
His Appent.
Little Georgie was taken by his
aunt to see the newcomer, aged one
day. He was duly and profoundly int -
pressed with the specimen and asked
saber e' the little brother cisme from,
"God sent 11," answered the aunt rev-
The answer made a deep iinpree-
sion on little Georgie, for that after-
noon he was seen out in title back
yard gazing up into the deep blue
sky and spreading hie diminutive
apron expectantly as lie sa.i41, "Dear
God, please throw ma down one too."
STATIC or O1rro,CiTY OI ToanDO, }eH•
Isieterlt J. Cm isY snakes oath that 118issen•
for partner of tho firm of F. J. C1r3NEY & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid and that said firm. will pay
the sum aONE 1'IUNDIU1D DOLL ARS Por
each and every ease of CATARRH that ran -
not bemired by the use of Hatt's CATAB3I lT
:Sworn to before me and subscribed in Iny
presence, thisethday of December.A.D„ 1886,
SZAL A. W, ONotu y�Public.
Bali's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
aots direotly en the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, Send for testimonials, free.
F. J, CHENIEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Bolrt by Druggists, 760,
Hall's Family Pills aro the best,
, ,.,
150 Kinds for. a1 20c.
it is a fart that Nalzer's vegetable g and Hower
seeds are moreound in than and sone more farms tarn any other
in oa,)aa, Ths•re la 5340v( MOOrterestson for o.
weprolt eti Operate overLoconaresfns
the prcrder to In our t seeds. in
order k traduce yonwi to unprec-
e e make the following tmprea
odanted otter:
F ouzo Lien is iPosipaimf
90 klna■ or rarest luscious rodlehey
13 magnificent earliest melons,
10 aorta glorious tomaloes,
23 ,
peerless !Mince cudotle■,
12 splendid Pert aarla,
e6 gorgeously beautiful rower seeds,
In all ice kinds positive) furnishing
hushes et charming Ilonas nn
lots and tote of 01,olee "regttables,
together with our tweet oatntnfitte
telling all aboutTenelnte and reit
Oct and Menus and spent. onion
seed -at 000, a pound, etc., n11 for d°
x011. lu (;anadian. stamps.
a La Crosse, Wis
Tommy—Tho grasshopper Itas, ace
cording to its hiza, 120 times the
nicking power of an average lean.
Johnny (who .has had experience)
ITewitt-What do you man 7 -It must be a 111141nr ulna for the
J'esvette-•I thought yell said your, yoang grim:hopper who goes ((-court-
had lost your pocketbooko • ing and thole the cid Man at imine.
maw Sup
Two washings with Sunlight Soap entail less strain RED?cll~s
on the nerves than one washing with impure soap, E,xxxE.bisE
Ask Tor the Octagon Bar,
If your_ grocer cermet sapplyF Write to Z VI#R bltO'tillE&el
1G21E<i1'I'lib, Irciti etap pending Jt15 name and adroit, and a
tt•1R1 Sampla et ditlidkht Soap wilt bs Sint yen free of coat,
Does your horse "feel his
oats"? 'What a difference be-
tween the grain -fed and the
grass-fed horse 1 The first
strong and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before 1.e begins. The
feeding makes the difference.
Children are not alike either,
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
of life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. The feed.
ing again is responsible.
Sickly children need special
They �
feeding. , don't "feel their
oats". Scott's Emulsion adds
just the right richness to their
diet. It is like grain to the
horse, The child gets new
appetite and strong digestion.
Scott's Emulsion is more
than food, It is a strong
medicine. It rouses up dull
children, puts new flesh on thin
ones and red blood into pale
ones. It makes children grow.
Scott's Emulsion makes ordi-
'nary food, do its
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scott's
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free sample.
see and az. all druggists.
A Common
Bred Cow
When to11 d up by
Dick's Blood Pure
fier will give as
Much and as rich
milk asahighly
Jersey cowgives
upon or.
feed, and
a Jersey
cow when
will wonderfully increase her yield'
of milk. It saves feed too, because
a smaller amount of well digested
food satisfies the demands of the
system and every particle of reur-
stshment sticks.
60 cents a package.
Leeming, Miles et Co., Agents,
Write for Book on Cattle and Horses free.
Ready for the tush.r
They had been drifting about in
the open boat seven days, and all
were near unto death, when tate Ite1f-
famishe,d sailor In the bots leaped up
and cried, "A sail ! A sail 1"
"'What, a bargain rale t" shrieked
the half-dend weapon passenger, its
:he began fumbling for )ler purse: -
Baltlinnre 'World.
Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc.
into possession of $1•!,000• --wishes to cor-
respond with honest, intelligent nian, who
would. appreciate a good wife. Box 2,338,
Toronto, Ont.
Good Paying Business Voir Sale
Baker shop, restaurant, eolafeetionery, fruit,
ice croani in one of the best towns in Manitoba;
0ood chance for a good baker; price $1700, twill
111000, balance to soil. leer particulars apply
VAson,t READY PRINT PnrvT Co.,1lEamiltou, C'ava.da,
'ISSUE SUE 11Oa 13, .8.9 i'■.
(1A511 1014 REAL 1'1t3TATL pit 13tDw1-
nes,, ao ntaitor where 1t is, Send dotierip1>..
i tion 1443(1 cash 15100 and get our plan for flat.•
ing rash buyer's, Patent lcsoltant;o and 1nvevt•
meet (ompany, Toronto, Can14iia,
'4TE177'1`S, CAVEATS, TRADE MAItIt'fl,
Ote, Home or forst, u procured and ox-
ttlolted, Booklet 014 ..tents free, 'I'ho Patonb
1':xlhange and I1\•entnletlt Company, Pythlau
Building, Toronto, Ont,
corner stand in Illetasel9. ,Apply to it.
(C.Struthers, London, Ont,
141rs, Winslow's Soothing 3lyru should
always be used for Children t1 eething. In
soothes the child, softens thtgums mares wind
00110 and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
finest 1 the nes n tr Niagara atu Peninsula, at
Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail.
ways, 130 Aimee in all, 83 of which is in Irate,
mostly peaches. 'Will bo sold•in one parcel o.
divided into lots of 13 to 20 acres to suit pttr-
chasere, %his is a decided baraain Address
Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0, box 409, Winona.
TANTI:D '(3001) It0176l'n1EISPlCRB TO
know that electric Pole:tang I" Ible, the
chemically prepared cloth, deans silverware,
jewellery and ttll bright metals like maga. No
nitete or powder wh•ite\•ef 19 1•egterea ; n do -
lighted !u'tielo. Price 23 emits. Sold by drug-
gists. You eau procure it whoiessle from the
Dome -dot' Drugd, Co., Hamilton. 'Phe Monarch
('o., At. Catharines, Mfrs„ send trial samples
en requek.
Reliable "Men 111
03-115)' locality
throughout Canada
to introduce our g0Ods,tackindr tip show cards
on trees, fences,aleug roads and all conspicuous
Mares, alma distributing small advertising
matter. Connu si011 01' weary, $60,(111 per
mouth and expenses not to exceed 52,50 per
dayy. Steady employment to gond, honest. re-
liable anon. Nu experience needful. Write far
full particulars,. 'i11i': 1•:1SiP72t1•:111161)1L'IN7.1
CO., London, Ont,
w111 be issued at
INCL, g1- aFAL-'. .
Going Marc» 27th, 28311, 29th, 30111 and 31st, i11'
elusive, returning up to and Including
April 1st, 1902.
Between All Stations In Canada. ,
All stations in Canada to nue from Detroit:
and Port Huron, Mich.
Black hock, TO Niagara FallR Buffalo,
sion Bridge, N. Y.
of Schools and College.;, on surrender of
Standard Certificate signed) by principal, at
Goin'; March 21st to 20th, inchtsiwo, returning
up to and including April8tn, 1902,
For further particulars apply to agents G,'1'.
R. System.
14f. C, Dicxsor;, Dis. Pass,.Agent, Toronto,Ont.
)Every day during the months On
Marble and April, 1902, the ,UNION
PACIFIC will bell Colonist one -Ways
tickets at the following states I ,
1 ! I`BAaf, ,
$20.00 'rJlalco OgdeoCitn ytind Salt
iii .
CP�®,B"Z!'1 Toilette, Allacoil(ilO
�df�f�� �0,JJ44,•JJ and Iiolenu.
To Spolcaue.
$2250 .
To Pointe on tea
G. ++.•JJ Groat Northern.
Ry., Spokane to Wenatchee Inc., viol
Huntington and Spokane.
To Points on Grea$
Northern ]ty,,weee
of Wenatchee via Ilunttnton and
and Seattle.
$25.00 To Ashland, Oregon,
and intermediate
Pointe, including Branch Lines eta
S. P. Co., south of Portland. viler
$25,.00 To San irranoiseoa
Iles ISugeles au4
other California Points.
Pull information cheerfully furl
fiish.ed gra application to
126 'Woodward Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.
iseezalemeneesmeamssitmez" rem
Every Household Requisite
ir... ,
"r",tea 19 1'4"A,r ® al C4fa
Of NEW SPRING GOODS sent It often as desired,
and Special Attention given to Mail Order,;,
mg 6r
NO Sl3AM,,
NO 1,13A1C8.
are Vastly ertperiritr to the ordlnari,; i .
Woodenwaro artioloa forlldoioutatlm al*1 JI..
Ilan' Mat
Vor mato by all first claws &alu* •_' .. \