The Wingham Advance, 1902-03-27, Page 56S MitYMANAMAMPA*�
`11 Last week it was Finnan Haddies--this week it is Dto a
7.730 cc_
Every person knows how broom corn has advanced
in price. We secured a bargain lot. Twenty-sevenex
xa lbs. to the dozen. Each broom weighs 2i lbs., well
,ismade with fourZlm c<
'sit"r'ings, ator
743 25 OTS.
QG7,4 aCgtaH
We have just opened up. a package ec
of table Jugs, nicely decorated and
to embossed patterns, in three sizes, at 20c, 25c, 80c. r.
lUliarch 2 , 1902
others an Men
The New Store in Wingham
Will open up for business on
Saturday Next, March 29th, 1902,
with a brand new stock of Gents' Ties, Cuffs,
Collars, Shirts, Hats and Caps, and Ready-to-
wear Clothing in all the latest American and
New York styles, including the latest patterns
and cuts, These goods':,'were bought for cash
and are exclusive. Yon can buy here safely,
knowing that you have the right thing.
We are here to stay and wish to become acquainted
with you. Having you as a customer we extend a
hearty and cordial invitation to you to call and in-
spect our stock at your leisure. A pleasure to show
brand new goods.
Watch this space in next week's issue and get some
of our snaps in Clothing. We are here to do business
on business principles. Everything sold on its merits.
:Be not afraid to buy here. With every purchase
we give you our broad guage2guarantee of—Your
money back if you want it.
Gents' Outfitters cc_
Josephine Street
Winghain, Ont.
Colin Campbell's old stand
Two doors south of A. E. Smith's Bank,
.....•:*.Mannflaano.o****e• S
Winter Terni begins Jan. 0, 1902.
Our rates aro reasonable—our Courses of
Study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time.
Two Courses of Study—Commercial and
President See'y.
Owen Sound Listowel
i IIIIIdfi41 ll VJtN
,, l
I •111
r,11 C' !;iNll IIIc
Iii Ij
Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Office and Infirmary,
corner Victoria and Minnie Streets,
Wingham, Day and night calls prompt-
ly attended to. Telephone connection.
We invite our former cus-
tomers, and others, to call and
examine the goods we offer to
make up for fall and winter.
Prices moderate—cloth is of
good quality ----we give you a
good easy fit.
Webster & g0.
1ir�C>re .Aftei, VooC't3 Mosplioahur,
The Gnat •l;ngticla tletn'dy.
Sold and recommended by 811
druggists in Canada. Only reit.
!able medicine discovered Ufa
packages guaranteed to curs 01
brills of Sexitat Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Txecasiva ash of To.
bade°, Opium or i4tinntlants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one peektra $1, stit.;l5. one min Veciet,
fixtottiaim "Pampfalets free to any address.
Tito Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
ColllIlilro tli@ Thllo
as kept by the watches and clocks
We sell with a first-class "regulat-
or" and convince yourselves of the
accuracy of our timepieces. You
know our watches carry a guaran-
tee, and we keep them in repair a
whole year free of charge. Subs°.
queht cleaning and repairing at
moderato rates. Chronometers,
split-second watches and other del-
icate mechanicism a specialty.
H. H. Chisholm
Corner Jewelry Store
You Can't Affbrd
to IE:x1J811!lllellt
in the platter of getting
your clothes rade---ex.
periments are often cost-
ly. You wont be experi-
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance. Give us a
. RE.E
tV°ad's I'hospltadino is sold in win gbain by
Hamilton,. iart. i, ougtass
tnd C..ampbl,DvaegraVP.S1 A1RS IN Sllt'1,W BLt)CK.
"I had a most stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
Of sleep and 1 grew very titin, 1
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn
I Nearly zoo Tears.
S. Collison of Shallow bake died re-
cently, aged over 99 years. Few reach
so advanced an age.
Moe Post Office.
Cliatott expects to have an $8000 post
office. The government will area a
tower with it, if the town will furnish
the town clock, and it is said they will,
Wants $zo,000,
1VIrs. Gordon of Owen Sound wants
$10,000 damages from the 0. P. It. for
the death of her husband, who was
killed by the explosion of acetylene gas
recently in the O.P.R. roundhouse.
At Brussels.
Oil Tlrur,.day of last week the wools
mill was discovered to be ou fire and au
Warm at once given. .The machinery is
badly burned and a Iot of stock in course
of manufacture was destroyed by fire
and water.
The crown Mrs, Wilfred Laurier is to
wear at King Edward's coronation has
it it 175 diamonds, Mrs. L. must find
it pays to bo a Premier's wife and wear
a crown studded with diamonds. Who
says "there is nothing in politics."
Eighteen Cords.
A chestnut tree recently out down on
a farm near Malahide, when cut into
lengths of 20 inches, made 18 cords o
good summer wood. The stump meas
urecl more than 6 feet across, and it re
quired a sevcn.foot saw to cut through
the log.
Poor Returns.
Bruce County has contributed nearly
half a million in bonuses to the branch
lines of railways which traverse it, and
yet it has wretched railway service; bad
as the service is however, it is better
than none, though poor returns for the
bonuses given.
Coming Our Way.
M. V. Mclnues, the general agent for
the Canadian government in the United
States, says that the influx of American
settlers into Manitoba and the Canadian
North-west is phenomenal, and that
900,000 acres of land have been sold to
Americaus within the Iast year,
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We know it's the great.
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's cure ineverydrop,
Three sizes: 25c., enough for an ordinary
cold; Soo., last tight for bronchitic, hoarse.
ness, hard colds, etc,; ill, most economical
for chronic cases and to keep on hand.
J. 0. AYErt CO., Lowell, Maae.
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mothers' and
grandmothers' never thought of using
anything else for Indigestion or Bili-,
ousness. Doctors were scarce, and
they seldom heard of Appendicitis,
Nervous Prostration or heart failure,
etc. They used Aogost Flower to
clean out the systetn and stop fermen-
tation of undigested food. regulate the
action of the liver, stimulate the ner-
vous and organic ,tetion of the system
end that is all they tool; when feeling
dull and had with headaches and other
aches, You only need a few doses of
Green's Angust Flower, in liquid form,
to slake you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with yoq. You can
get. D. G. G. Green's reliable remedies
at J. E. Davis'.
Jk'i Dae r UN;K r i�►IL' �'.
Easter Holidays.
Going March 27th, 28th, 20th, 30th and
3lst, inclusive, returning up to and in-
cluding April 1st, 1902.
Between All Stations in Canada.
All stations in Canada tnitud from De-
troit and Port Huron, Mlich, All stn -
tions TO but not FROM P3uifulo.N.Y. ;
Black Rock. N. Y. ; Niagara Falls, N.
Y. ; Suspension Bridge, N, Y.
of schools and colleges, on surrender of
standard certificate signed by principal,
at Single First -Class Fare and One -Third.
Going March 21st to 29th, inclusive, re-
turning up to and including Apr.8, 1902
For further particulars apply to Agents
Grand Trunk hallway System, or
DIstrict Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Round trip tickets will be issued as follows:
Single First=Class Fare.
Going Itlarch 27th to gist, inclusive, re-
turning up to and including April 1st.
On surrender of standard certificate signed
by Principal.
Single First -Class Fare and One -Third.
Going March `21st to 20th, inclusive, good
to return until April 5t1,, 1002.
TERRITORY—Between all stations in
Canada, hort Arthur, Sault Ste. Mario,
Mich., Detroit, Mich., and to but not from
Buffalo, N. Y., Black hock, N. Y„ Niagara
Falls N. Y., and Suspension Bridge, N. Y.
A, H. NOTMAN, Asst, Gonl. Passr. Agent
1 Ring, Street East, Toronto
Our Beautiful New
See Our $16, $18, $20
Suits before buy-
ing elsewhere.
Also a special line
ofpantings. Anything
you want in the tailor-
ing line can be had
and satisfaction guar-
anteed, at
Robt. Maxwe}1
High Art Tailor - Wingham
W 4 Y L L
Builder and Contractor.
I wish to inform to the public, that
1 :atn prepared to take contracts fop
the erection of all kinds of buildings.
Parties intending to build would do
well to see ore before closing eontr:acts.
Plans and specification furnished If desired
Rates reasonable, workmanship the best.
za Onr, Builder and Contractor,
1101(10110i on n,dward St. Shop over Steam
l'aanp Works, near the tlnieti Factary,
Will. Flake Money.
The Olergues evidently intend t
make some money out of the laird wliicl
they secured from the Ontario Govern
moot for building the Algoma Ooutra
Railway, They are circulating letter
through. the old country offering Ilii
agricultural land at from $2,50 to $5 pe
acre. As an inducement the Olergue
Company will advance to these pro-
spective purchasers their passage money
and will buy the wood from them as
they clear their fartns, at a stipulated
Swift Wood cutting,
A sawing match took place ill the
township of Goderich recently between
'I twoyoung neon, Messrs Cook and Young
of the 1st concession and two front the
Huron road, for a stake of $40, The
match was air exciting one and was
witnessed by a large number of people.
Messrs Cook and Young came out the
victors in a bard fought battle which
was too hard a test of endurance. The
victors put up 8;4 cords in four hours,
while their opponents put up eight,
flow One 1Viiliion Is Spent.
Not less then one million dollars is
spent annually by people seeping an ab-
solute euro for Catarrh, Bronchitis and
Consumption. Numerous are the reme-
dies, but the one standing pre-eminently
above all others is Catarrhozone. It
f enres those diseases because it is sure to
reach them. Catarrhozone is inhaled
Into the lungs, throat and nasal pas-
" sages, and bathes every part of the dis-
eased membrane with its germ -killing,
healing vapour. You simply breathe
Oatarrhozone and it cures. Price 250
and $1 at druggists, or Polson & Co,,
Kingston, Out,
Railway Orders.
Last Friday the Canadian Pacific
Railw'y gave an order to Rhodes, Burry
& Co., of Amherst, N,S., for 10,000 box
cars, while the Grand Trunk also gave
out an order to their own shops for 25
passouger locomotives and 100 coaches
and a number of freight cars, represent-
ing in value $000,000.
A Good Corn Remover.
.A marvel of cheapness, of efficacy, and
of promptitude, is contained in a bottle
of that famous remedy, Pntnam's Pain-
less Corn Extractor. It goes right to the
root of the trouble, then acts quickly
but so paiulessly that nothing is known
of its operation until the corn is shelled.
Beware of substitutes offered for Put-
nam's Paiuless Corn Extractor—safe,
sure and painless.
Brussels Wins.
His honor Judge Doyle has given
judgment iu the case of McNaughton v.
Brussels, in which Dr. McNaughton
sued the corporation for fees for attend-
ance on a family suffering from typhoid
fevor •and who were unable to pay for
medical attendance. The judgment is
in favor of the town, dismissing the
action. Au almost similar case was
tried in Bruce county a few weeks ago
and there the doctor, who sued. the
Board of Health, was given judgment
for the full amount of his bill.
Plenty Of Money.
Wiarton, March 21,—There was a run
on the local baanoh of the Union Bank
oere, which caused a heap of excite-
ment. Stories were circulated, it is al-
leged, by a dismissed employee of the
bank, and this caused depositors the un-
easiness. When the bank opened there
was a rush to draw, and by 11000 depos-
itors had carried away from the bank
the sum of $35,000. The manager of the
bank offered explanations to the deposit-
ors as they presented themselves to col-
lect their money. Their money was
promptly paid where desired, and by
one o'clock the tide began to turn, Two
hours later public confidence was again
restored in the bank, and nearly all the
money withdrawn deposited again. Tho
bank management colnntonced an action
against the man who circulated the
An Irishman There.
Mr. E. Gus Porter made a great hit at
Belleville during the recent campaign in
West Hastings. He said:—" Mr. Frost
says that I can't perform any miracles
if I get into parliament," and then he
took a drink of water. ' ° There," he
soid, "I've turned water into porter,"
and the crowd thoroughly appreciated
the joke. Au Irishman in the audience
made a characteristic remark—"Bedad"
he said, "but that was easy done; now
if he'd turn the porter into whiskey and
give us all a chance."
Fine Sumner Resort.
The "Ilighlauds of Ontario," Canada,
are considered the most charming place
for summer tourists on the continent.
A thousand feet above sea level, purest
air, no flies or mosquitoes, picturesque
surroundings, now modern hotels, good
and steamboat service. Perfect im-
munity from hay fever assured. Health
and pleasure to all who go there. Full
information and handsome descriptive
literature, giving list of hotels, rates and
all particulars may be had free on ap-
plication to M. 0, Dickson, D, P. A.,
Grand Trunk R'y., Toronto.
A True Nerve Tonic
Acts not so much upon the nerves
themselves, as upon the digestive funct-
ions, and the abundant formation of
rich, red blood. The nerves cannot be
fed on medicine. They can be fed and
strengthened by digested and assimilat-
ed food. Feiwozone's marvelous action
arises from, its power over the digestive
and assimilative functions of the body.
You take it, the blood grows richer,
redder. You feel Strength and vigor,
digestion ceases to be noticed, for it has
become good. Work is easier, for you
have the strength to do it. Iu a short
time you have health. Use Ferrozone.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Wiarton's Difficulty,
Wiarton has had her difficulties with
the proposed beet sugar factory. In To-
ronto on Thursday, Mr. Justice Robert-
son granted au luterirn injunction on
behalf of the Wiarton Beet Sugar Com-
pany, restraining the Union Bank at
Wiarton from paying over to Charles L.
Higgins, of Montreal, $10,000 which is
lying in tiro bank to the credit of Hig-
gins. The Sugar Company is erecting a
refinery at Wiaotou worth $200,000, and
let the contract to Higgins, representing
the Colonial Construction Company, of
Toronto, Detroit and Montreal. It is
claiined that the work is not advancing
as rapidly as expected, and although
$12,000 has been advanced, only $3,000
has been expeuded so far. The Con-
struction Company has not put up a
bond yet, and further payments are to
bo deferred till that has been done.
Carnegie has endowed 42 libraries
with $725,500. Goderich figures for
Sees Shape.
Iver have a pair of shoes that twisted out of
shapo before they were half worn out?
That was because of poor lasting --the stretch
had been left in them.
"Slater Sacs" are lasted on machines which
automatically stretch the leather to the exact point
where there is no stretch left.
Only good leather canstand this process, but it
takes all the stretch forever out of the shoes:
No breaking in, no bursting out, no twisting,
no unsightly warping --"Slater Shoes" keep their
shape till worn out. Goodyear welted.
Branded with makers' name and price, in aslate
arn $3.5o and $5.Oo.
se'; flue slater Shoo,"
For Sale only by W. j. GIS Ela
New S,priugii
E .1
T,atest styles
in flats.
t J,U)JJ
! �
1, ,
ci h
We have just
into stock a large
ment of Ready-fo¢wear
Clothing, bolt.
at a close price
be sold at a small
We handle only
every garment
tailored and made
in. the basement
buying, Come in
the goods.
for cash
and will
the best,
is well
to fit.
is well
and take
i Our Clothing department
lighted and arranged for easy
a look, no trouble to show you
Spring Overcoats, nicely uaade, latest style, at $6.00, $8,00, $10.00.
Men's Spring Suits, at 54,50, $5.00, $6,00, $7 50, $8, $9, $10, $12 and $15.
Boys' Brownie Suits, nice patterns, at $2,00, $2.25, 52.50, $2.75, $3,00,
$3.50, See our special line at $2.50.
Youths' Suits (long or short pants) $2.95,
$6,00, $7.00.
Men's Pants in great variety at $1.00, $1,25,
$3.00, $3.50.
$3.50, $4.00, 54.50, $5.00,
$L� 50, $2.00, $.250, $2ma 75
Spring Styles in Men's Hats
Man's latest styles in fine English fur felt stiff Hats, good leather
sweat bands, special price $1.50
Men's American fur felt soft Hats. silk bound edges, our special
price „ $1.75
Men's Black or Colored Fedoras, new shape, stir cut prices
$1.25, $1.50, 51.50
Boys' Felt Hats in all the latest styles, prices 40e, 500, 750, $1.
See our special at 50c
NEW SPRING CAPS —, in all the new styles — all prices,
Gents' Furnishing Department.
The Furnishing department, is complete with the very latest in Neck-
wear, Colored Shirts, Braces, etc.
A good Step -ladder given with a purchase of; five dollars.
11. E. I card. s & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamilton. Highest Price Paid for Produce
re argains.
at {riffin's
It will require 30 days longer to com-
plete arrangements for the transfer of my
business into a Joint Stock Company, there-
fore our Slaughter Sale will be continued
for another
6. 30 Days
All ends Of Carpets, Oil Cloths,
besides a lot of new ones, Lace Cur-
tains, odd lilies Clothing, Suits, House
Furnishings, Boots &r Shoes, are all in=
eluded in this Clearing Sale.