HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-27, Page 3BLOOD TROUBLES-
-Manifest Themselves in Many
Disagreeable Ways
Snell as Sere(Ula, Eczema., Roils and
Pinildee-The Mood Shout(' be
Purified During the Spring
ahe spring ecason is the time for
blood cleausing alla blood reItewing.
Blood trot/ales: tire Many -a1101,
gerOUS-and illailifeet themselves In
a score of painful awl offensive
ways', mob as scrofula, eczema, Male
Lout pimples. elle Impurities that
et bite, tile blood pursue their 1)01-
st>1101114 tray all over the body and
are responsible for a large propor-
tion of all diseeseu, vtirlowe In their
tintate), but dangeroue 10 the ex-
treme. tip have pure blood and
pleuty of lt, ,yon. need 0 tonic alid
blood bullaer, and for .thie purpotte
there le nothing can aqua Dr. Wil-
liam' Pink Pain for Pale People.
These plan cure all tieseases due to
iliteuritien of the blood by promptly
eleansing and freeing the lewd from
ell poisonous and oftetteive matter.
If your blood IR thin or inelifficient,
if yon :miter from exhaustion at the
haat exertion ; if you art) pale,
easily get tett of breath, and feel
eoustuntly languid and fagged out,
Dr. Willie/awe Palk Pine will cure
you by Dein your veins: with new,
ra411, red blood. Mr. Robt, Lee'New
Westiniester, B. C., sty ka ".13efore I
began gang Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills
any blood waft in 0 very impure
etate, and ale a ramie pimples,
w,ere very itchy, broke out
all over any body. My appetite was
ana I was easily tired,
triea several medicines, but they did
not help 01e. Then my wire urged
um to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pals.
1. got a half dozen boxes, and by
the time I had used them I was
itompletely restored to health, nnel
ute ekill WAN smoothnod clear. I
ehall always speak a good word
:for 'these pills when opportunity
It le because these pills make rich,
red blood that they cere such tree-
blee as anaemia,. ellor t nese of
breath, headache, palpitation of
the heart, rheumatism, erysipelas,
at. Vitae' dance, and the functional
alintente that melte the lives of so
runny woraen a source of constant
anieery, The genuine pills always
betta.• the hull name, -113r. Williams'
Palk Pills for Pale People," on the
wrapper on every box. Sold by all
dealers, or sent by mail at etecente
It box, or six botes for $2.30, by
addvessing the Dr. Williams' Merle -
eine Co., Brockville( Ont,
T c. visit all points of the Great West
for pleasure, education cr business.
The Lenexa Pacific has authorized
the following excursiou rates:
Twenty-five clo4lars from Missouri
River points to California, Oregon
and Washington points every day
durito; March and April.
Pheromenally low rates to the
Pacific Coast and intermediate points.
Single trip Colonises' tickets open to
all during the coining spring and sum-
Special round trip excursion rates
will bo sold to the Pacific Coast at
terse than otue beat per mile. Choice
of routes returning.
People identified with local inter-
ests at various points en route will
/Mow you every attentions It will
be to your atevantage to make ita
teary in regard to these low rates
to the Pacific Coriet before deciding
tea tbe trip.
Call or address postal pard to
G. G. Eferring, G. A., 126 Woodward
avenue, Detroit, belch.
A Poetical bawyer.
Ternmanuel Felend, who is the ar-
bitrator of alimony in the cases of
theatrical people who love not wisely
but by wholesale, was • another
tempted abroad by the fine weather
Ib' Stood on the corner of Thirty-
fourth street, asking if old Doetor
Woodbury had turned J3roadway in-
to thealhIne River in honor of.Prince
Henry, e Bet w•e had heard of it be-
fore, and owe emile was only one of
per functoky politeness.
"You/ have heeled of my son M im-
agining he le an actor ?" he asked.
:We bowed fiesene.
"Yes," conthened the lawyer. -Ile
'thinks Ile Is an gator. He is playing
Irr St. Louts thie week In "One of the
Bravest.' Here is a telegranv from
ahe toss is ted, the violet blue,
Send me Home new ctothes, P. D. Q.
"And you reply 74 we waked, .for
this was our move.
"It went this Wise," said the con-
deneeci legal ligat:
%he rose le red, the pink is plink,
Yotell get the clothee I do not think.
"However," continued Friend, "r
could not leave my own son non-
eulted, as it were, and 1 Sent 'eno"
We drifted away froM him, resist-
ing all ropes -es to encroach upon his
proffered hosplt.ality.-N. Y. Tele-
Bit mold Always be Prepared to
Promptly Treat the Minor Ait-
merge of Their Little Ones
No Mother can hope that her Chil-
dren will fecrape all the minor all-
. Waited bo prepared to 'treat these his
matte that afflict little Ones, and eho
instantly when the emergency
arises. At the mune time the mothers
capitot bo too careful what they give
their little ones In the way of medi-
cine, Doctors have long protested
against the use Of the so-called
"soothing" preparation% and they
are etill used with Naming ire.
gurney by mothers. These prepara-
tions invarinbly contain 01)14108
drilg aria etuplfy the little one
into toneirrary quiet or sleep. ror all
the mild e ills ole lj1,t1 01101I there Is
no 1210.1 clue mete NO Speedily ail Baby's
Own Tablets, and they are sold tin-
der a guarantee to contain no opiate
or other harmful drug Thome/elide of
nio•thers 110W Vale no other medicine
toe their littlo ones, and all who have
teatjel it .spealt 01 its prompt and safe
actioli in the warmest tonne.
Otte L. Eallgore, Wellwood, Ont.,
ones : "I lam) ufteti Baby's Own Tab-
leter in my houers for Rome lame, and I
can ,saineervev say that they are the
beet anal:eine 1101 ye ever used foe my
little onee. They act promptly and
the 1'e/4011u aro Mayne s beneficial.
think motli-ra shoal keep theet, Title
Jots eonetantly in the Jimmie"
Babyte Own Tztblets aro a positive
cure for etteli tronblee US relic, team
atonvielt, illtageStI(,11, 0001111 1(111.
047.11(1)10 ft.V0114. illarrilOCI, 011d 111W111.
Tiit•' I reek up vale, preeellt el'orle,
read Miity the irritation tieeobniane.
Ine; titcutting (et teeth Sco141 lay
druggiate al cent; a liev, viont
pure, pail on recripe 01 prioe by ad. Lax
Airt,9.-011“ 1.110 Dr. Wiblants Medicate ie
Cot, Prattville; Onit.
.i 11,,, lull,. e 10,; ..-,.,er,, u..
Bri Igo ' are from the Lin,io,1 ;limes,
and a Timm matter reetgesan theta
11411111/1100t1011 0,41 beely to be of 10-
1lrest to man; fond of a quiet
game :
Ser,-Ily 0(0(1310 11 cousent bridge is
lite Oest all,1 in0A1, takitig card game
ihat has Man Ira ental during the
centurice that hare paStasi sit:en
cards hareCheon italOIVII. But it has
a fault.. It etineta be played by two.
A. quite satistatetory card game for
two players dOen not t,xint. Plimet,
that we leave played in 411e1gialel
under tarieue humeri for over two
centuries), ie old-farationed ami Mal
10 Inane' 1•I reeve'. 14:0arte, a compare.
tively modern game, ie quite ari
Monoto..olic. Cribbage is a lower
orger of mud:Imo altogether, and
most of the Amerlean gainee for two
-ler inetaime, Californie Jack, ono of
the beet of them -are poeitively in -
Mutate To the tuna of our raeo who,
beyond all (there, go forth Lao the
remote and eel : t age pla vett of t he
earth, a good veal game for two is
a special avee-4.1;.;...,, fur 0110 0:1,111101.11114110Se tin! t i At .) eompanlons, who
have worhol :together, explored.
Minim' or ameht Le/getter cluritig the
long day aid have eximested tIteir
1-n0etz or 4111811 tnnc, are likely to be
the gayer for playing, Mum night
comes, any of i,1)0 gatnes I hero
named. This beleg eo, I make no
apolatey for introeueing to ycur read-
ers/ a kind of bridge which I have
neell playea abroad and played this
autmete 'and whielt Itas all the live -
lames and interest uf bridge iteelf.
These are the simple rules of a
game vehich 1.0 my certain keowleclge
hi fie yet (mite unknown in Great
Britain • The wirele pack is deait out
in four Iambi, `Ilia dealer pleye 0110
lui nti, the nonolealer two, and the
dealer lute the right to disettra four
caviar: or five mid take as many, fresh
ones from the fourtit heed, the re.
maining portion of which is left un-
tonehecl. arlit.: dealer then declares
trumps, and the cards aro played
out as in bridge, the different suite
counting for !Lrieke as in bridge.
There le no scoriug for honors. The
000 -dealer !aye tlown ea the •,table
the hand Wheel lies to his bat
exposed af ter 1.1111 fa sh toe of
dummy in bridge. The non -dealer
has the lead, danuny is second hand,
the dealer playing the third; three
Curds go to each trick. Tricks begin
to count as in brielge, after six are
made. Such aro the main lines o.f
misery bridge -but it is obvious
that two hands coula nearly alwaysi
beat one, even if tile sole hand had
the advantage of naming trumps.
To meet this difficulty misery bridge
has had brought into it som,e fea-
tures from otner games. The right
of discarding, already mentioned, is
borrowed from piquet and eearte.
There is a fine old French game call-
ed Boston de Fontainebleau, once
fasbionable at the French court, still
played In the great country houses
of France, ant now again le the
mode among the classes who played
it of olci. From this game comes the
feature whence the new game takes
its name. When the dealer has a poor
hand, mainly composed of small
cards, lie has the option of declar-
ing "misery." If he then makes but
ono trick or none at all, lie ecores
five for every 'Wolf made by his ad-
versary over six. If he fails a.nd
makes more tban a single trick his
adversary scores ten for every trick
made by the dealer over one, while
the dealer does not profit by any
tricks made the non -dealer over six.
When "naleery" is declared tramps
are not made and -the dealer doe.* not
In misery bridge there le no doub-
ling or re -doubling, but the dealer
bas the right to say after discard-
ing and before dummy is exposed,
,'I oan make eight tricks." If he SUe.
oeeds in doing so he scores double
the value of ail tho tricks he has
made over six. If be fails to take
eight tricks, his adversary scores
ten, and no doubling ensues for ei
they party. ,
The three of clubs (sometimes call-
ed "Caton" in French, in English
"Cato") takes any ager card in the
pack, inch -Mine; trumps. "Cato" must
be declared by dealer and non -deal-
er before play commences, under pen-
alty of its lysing its taking power
and resuming its ordinary value as
the three of cluas. In misery bridge
au in four -handed bridge, the gam
is 30 up, and the robber le the bes
tiedical Science has Advanced
by Leaps and Bounds
Now an Absolute Cure foe alternate -
1.10111 has been Oiscovered-elt is 110
Experiment, linvang been Success-
fully Proven In Many of the Very
and. appititatly
Sandridge., Ont., March 10.-(1pec-
ial.)-1.thysiielans anti ()there who
gaiety tito treatment and cute) of
dieing,- have been greatly interested
in the ease of Ala et an. 11,0'M 11 farmer
living la Stroug Towneelp, about emir
nelia from here.
Air. Doge hail Rheumatism so bad
ate to be a eremite for yeare and was
completely cured by Doters Kidney
Iti order to verify the report he
I13(($ tesited at lap home and the fol.
lowing signed 'statement of the ratite
'secured ;
" Por four yeare 1 suffered excru-
ela hal* t ort tire. I wee scarcely an
Mier free from pain. The trouble
commenced in me back, vv -here it
often TC3Il4tined stet ionary for
Month% anti 00 intense, was tile pain
that I 0011111 not lie down or take
relit, but had to sit night and day
In a. chair.
" Tele pain would then move to
other parte of my body, and when
let my kavere I was unable to walk
and merino' court -tautly to my room.
" I leap treated by several doctors
fuel also tried many medicines with-
out receiving any benefit. Almoet in
despair I feared 1 would never Itgatit
experience the piefteure or being free
front pain.
"My attention wail at last directel
to tame remarkable curee of Rheu-
matism by Dodces Kidney Pills. I
bought a box and began to use them.
FOOn found Mat 'they were helping
na. 11 teittle, and so I continued the
" In a few weeks I was well and
rash- to go about my work, which I
hat not been able to uo for over
font' year*.
"Tilts was years ego ante I have
not eine° had the eligatest return
of the trouble. I have worked on the
feral steadily ever eince and luive
always felt strong and web,
"I knotv that Dodd's Kidney ,Pills
Raved my life and restored me to
henIth and etrengte.
"I believe they :will cure any cage
of Rheumatism, for I never knew aa
land a ease as ney own and they cured
But Perry Heath Was Meek Dis.
tressed at it Nevertheless.
Perry S.. Heath, late fleet assist-
ant postmaster general, has success-
fully launclired 1118 new newepaper at
Salt Lake City, but Is already suffer-
ing some of the pangs of whieh edi-
tors are occasionally eubject. One
on tbie articlewhich enlivened the
columns oe tale first issue was it com-
plimentary sketoli of Senator Kearns.
In the court* of the tribute to the
8ez1atOj' abiI1jtie the writer in-
dulged In the seriptural plirase which
"He thiit is diligent in business
shall stand before kings.
The quotation wan ell right in the
menuecript, but waren It appeared in
print it read:
"He that Is diligent in business
&all stand by four lenge."
The rleal newspapers has been
iteviiig 0 good deal of fun at Sena-
tor Kearns' expense, and it has eveh
suggeeled that If the senator has
to get las poker knowledge -oat of
tele Bible he had better com.e home at
onee..-Ohicago Cbroniele.
Canadian Cirdbr of Chosen terieuds.
.This popular and progressive Cana-
dian Insurance Society is making
great strides in the Dominion of Can-
ada, as na less than 27 new Councils
were organize(' during the year 1901
a n. I 3,772 a per ov ed a pp 1 .e a.tions
taken in for the year. The eoclety is
worthy of the patronage of all thoee
desirleg fraternal ineurance.
. eome of the good point:9 of the C. 0.
C'. P. aro ao follows, viz.:
e 1. It Ile a purely Canadian society.
y 2. It admits ladies upon equal terrus
with gentlemen.
8. It give:9 Sick and Funeral Bene-
fits in addition to the regular in-
41 It. is In good condition, with a
membership oe over 21,000 ana Bur-
ping Funate or over $230,000.
fit. It es legally arab:mem:I to obtain
members In all tho ProvinceR or Can-
ada. 1 ,
6, Its rates are equitable and just
to all.
-Ordinary Class --
At the Oa On On On
Ages of Sea S10e0 $1000 ees00
18 years 60 29 3i0 88 0 87 61 16
19 and 20 0:')e 0 69 90 1 20
21 " 22 0 31 u 09 0 03 1 ttt
28 " 24 0 32 0 61 0 09 1 28
25 " 26 0 33 0 bb 0 143 1 32
27 " 28 0 34 0 68 3. 92 1 30
29 " 30 0 15 0 70 1 05 1 40
31 " 32 0 30 72 1 08 1 12
33 " 34 0 37 0 74 1 11 1 41
35 " 0 38 0 76 1 14 1 53
37 " 38 0 in 0 89 1 20 1 00
39 " 40,0 93 0 89 1 29 1 72
11 " 42 0 47 0 04 1 41 1 88
43 " 41 0 52 1 01 1 50 2 03
45 " 49 0 62 1 21 1 80 2 44
47 " 48 .0 77 1 51 2 31 3 08
49 " 59 1 00 2 00 8 ao 1 00
Tito rate g for the hazartione class
are 'just SO crenate per month higher
than the above mentionea rates.
During tho year 1901) tide 8co1e•ty
rec'elved the large number of 3,2e7
approvea appreatione, and during the
year 1001 ete lee; than 8,772 were
received, and up try the present time
In the eetir 1902 nearly 1,1.03 eppdcae
time have been reeelved, :Ina R. aims
to leke in from 8,830 to 4,000 for 1110
:veer. Tim Scatty IS progressive in
every ,sense of the %cord,.
'irenne for Organizere can be had by
corresponding with William le Mon-
tag'tte, Grand iteeteeller, or W. F.
Campbell, Graze] Organizer, Hamilton,
torloy •
of three games. An additional 20 is
scored for the tubber. Oswald Craw-
Later, Mr. Crawford writes another
letter as follow:
Sir, -Since writing to you on the
subjeet of the new card game for
two, Misery Bridge, I have been
overwhelmed with 01 Masa of pri-
vate correspondence. laaeli of this
correspondence is clearly due to in -
'Wrest In the game, but Sonle of it
h.as been causal by a mistake due
to my bad handwriting, which led
your printer (Justifiable, I am sure)
to take "fewer" for "five" in a (sent-
ence in my letter to you which I
meant to atand thus: "The dealer
has the right to discard four carafe
or fewer, and take as many fresh
ones from the fourth hand,”
The cateries addressed to me pri-
vately and those pat by your cor-
respondent from Persia will, I be-
lieve, be fully answered by tbe state-
ments which follow: ,
"Cato" (the three of OMNI takes
every card in the pack, including
trumge, and may be led, or played to
any ledel, even though the holder of
Cato line garde in the suit led., Colo
is not reckoned as a club, and poe.
senses its fall value in either Wey-
er& hand and under any declare..
In discarding, the cards taken met
be from the top of the diecar(1 'stook
(whin liee face di)vnwarde). The die -
card,: from denleret hand nowt be
left fano upwarde on the table. The
eagle taken 1111181. not lie ttt
In denting, the firet tetra is given
to Mewl; on tho left of dealer, tho
eveond to dealer's adversary, the
third to datum), elei 1101 fourth to
dealer himeelf,
The 00)1 -dealer leads. and he plop;
the seeond card from ermine -1e halal.
Dilinnly mast not he 0).1)01011 till the
deelaration intele.;
There is 110 Neorlile; for honore in
tilt) game.,
I' believe that no diffiteilty will be
1011(0) in plaeing the game by any
one eh° retitle net lett er in ermr
eolunnIR or October 21 hot, in eon-
iteetioll With the abOve paragaltpee.
bit, fo 1110511‘ 11/110 require 1110ril
(initit,' and attilioritatito inf01'm:1-
titan on the 1.val111.. 1 bog 10 mese tlint
1 ant pet pit rime "The LaW:4,,r
Bridge," tt kith wili lie 4,1,144 0(141)04 in
11 a et,10 or ten (Mee at letegrit.• Melt -
reale 'Limit 1.11, of 13 11101). it.W.
Statist -tied Collett
and Works 01r1140 Vold,
atiee firoino-Qolaine Tabh?te enre
oel In one day. No teare, No Pay.
Co in coots.
The Raglan Coat.
A long and clumsy fittine tiling
that covers every nue
And carve of beauty given to tie)
female form divine,
That reachee from the meek to heels
Suet like 0, lihnirillog Yell
Ill 011e 110)11 -Ikea line and weeps
the sidewalk with it tail,
We know, becmuse Wo flee it mete
insiae the awkward drese
liter° nuret be something that's
alive ; just irlirit we linve to
A plump and graceful fignre all
alive with healthy goal
Or one 118 beastly shapelase tut
telegraphic pole,
We see it move. along the etreet, 11
sort of wrinkling cone,
All lacking in artistiOl shape and ,
natty, dressy tone,
And so devoid of beauty and of
ettsy-flt tine, graee
It seems to 'Mar the alreettless of
a really pretty face,
aelie lediee _from their graceful forms
the thing would gleelly throw,
lovely lace Irinei decorated with
tine flowere of foltills, or 11f1Y rosoo
of chiffon. Narrow velvet riblegi la
a fineat for tie, edge.
Condenaiiii:IN Of different trim.
niings are Vie eni iri thilgS this seq-
roll, and you See two or three 1410118
of lea, hien led together moet artia-
tieelly in lee. lane, 118 W1411 118 1.11-0
or three kintle of lace oe one gown.
A beavy lace and a light thin one
ore very goal role for enell other,
11101 0110 014010 Of 11 .tug the latter
14 in 011.01) ends Wille11 fall 1.0 1130
Jit -in of de• 1 idea
‘1' hits Gow
wlilte taffeta g :was 41013 still
populer and lie bleak ones/ tire 11(010
81) 1114)11 (1014.. espe..ially in the eitort
reat and inert form. For sap:trate
eolge, such as wt4rt• worn last yeer.
taffeta the, thing, yet it has; to
share t Ilt4 /10110/48 3311 14 Moire this
Entire mate are made of moive
WlIk'lI ' 50)1 fancy it,
but tale eort of HIM alwaya suggests
1411 cad ladyar gown 11111011 more than
the plain taffeta. It showe tip in the
chi! Iretett (apartment thie iteason, 80
there 113 1104 definite rule 1114 to ma.
triale for the ola or young.
tole feature of 160 taffeta gowns
beteg 1111111'1 now ie tee rimbing of
the sum, material use 1 for trimming.
lelounees are :deo order, 8111 t he
eambination gives a quaint, old-fash-
itHted effete:.
'Wade of light fan broadcloth, lined t hroughout oath white taffeta. Collar,
• revers and cuffs of brown taf feta. Large pearl buttons.
They wear it only jest becaue
Dame Fashion wills it so,
And not a one but vvislieS for th
coming of the day
When it Will ie the ragplie 1m for
ever cast away
And they can once again d1e9141e
the graceful curves and line
For which the keen artietic eye 0
man forever 111(100.
-Denver Poet.
Work a 101101 (1141,1*1 1005, 011t,4;
board of time nue let (gigot, 4-41 1
teleiavonatin 1011:4401 en.
Ver,1 jasily it 1-1101i Malts t:. 11
their plavee altete; with tete cere f
thivere of aireee. 'leave tire t*'
wore witli white 13.11 11 eidete
mamma. for / itzei alai 'awe tee
ieeeleeeeteeeet:0404-0.44+1++ +44+
Mons, and will oe,.•upy 1.1,teos Or 1110
Ea high t•eas. They rank with
talk timeline, with the erten, de teal
1441 es.ei•t, lin 1, ib.' I a nit 4), 14 54 I 4 U111 •
abbe The 11011/10" of the tete of Mall
11,1icre that tL ailt Owarl er wizen
110 11/011:." 0/1,1 0101 t •teps ever oe
mei %tali the 1.1(11.1(18 ant with at
sidrtvralat of very fine g .0*
Whether it 11 10w/1
1,144.0r 01(1131111 or a file 11000 or 0 11 14
of am and deli 'i'1114415 13(,1't gra
1111011H, 16 1118 ('0111 in the 8801 1 i
01 falirivs 0101113 ivitit ellif and sate
The full blottee th • blouse 1131
liege all the 1111,1 OV141. 111 belt 144 414,4
again. It (elite for a great deal
ben ut illally trlatmel Mated il 1(14 1
:deo veils extremele gone /Min,
for of an wage.; the full blouse is 1 1
leo -go to make itet well. Ite bat
101141 110 110'5 t 11111 11 11111441, elois
upon the eider:, eh le roamer the iron
there newt be a 14(110(4414 whittle hon
ever full It rely be, neva. be SC* *311
that, it will not meg
+++Oateceee++++++1 0+44 See++++
e. Nee: 1 0%0,', 0 3{1 re 11461148)1,.,:'-
it + :tattiest ahem It tie a eon) of tient
est walk. agent 1 i 1.r 110111 18111/4
10 14:11A 1101 1/ 0111 11118 I t I: 1..1.: it V:: i
0. haw; fa) (II ft 1, Q.' have rieltee when
11 ic grovvit up. 10 earksitirt, Lew -
.0 lorn babe Is placed in a Malitell's
„if al before being tottelial 14111"
11 (1114" 01"(". 111 order 'to 108)150 acme
el, luck.
1- .10 Snob Anzeriett nbook, a Piece
dz. of Money Or a bottle of Jigger are
14111(4041 before the infant the day it
t10. um- year old to ageertain its bent
a in life.
t JSrorland14 baay is considered
lucky if it handles its spoon with lut
left hazel, and it ,tvill be peat Ede,-
happ;,- and sueergeful 1111. lias a num.
Mir of tulle before its first birthday.
In the north of England when a
child is taken from a house the
that 1.11ne It. 18 given an egg, some
Kalil and o Pinta' Oar ol' bread, aid
ocettelonalle- 01 141e0e of money, u)
theitre it against; eoming to want.
In Germany it; is considered neees-
stare that a ;rid /Mattel -go up" befarci
it, epee down in elle world, so it ie
carried upstairs as soon ag born. In
Calie there Is 1110 upstairs; the nurse
mounts a table or either with the
that at.
Mrs. Langtry?) Waist.
.1 ergolily, elre. Langery ovlio
will lit- a dt•rsee lily as lone; as she
Is oat ties/ sprint)! in a white
*yeah walet of lawn so Omer -that it
/deers the underwaist. This is in pure
pale green, witheat 11 totieh yeilow
eir blue iit it, a clear green that
Langtry effete.
Innueuse lecture hat Meek
a lei greet' pee; with this 30/1181. Ifer
sidle ie 0 long, trailing 0101 II) black
13!1)2., trammel with an open 101001144.
hagli, with flowers In lace eozning her
dna there upon the silk.
Thie is told to show that the white
waeh waist really appears in the
King's tot, and that famoue beauties;
are wearing it,
Great eivereity in pattern cannot
be claimed for the new summer wale.
11 IN really lunch less varied than It
WOO Met year. It is almost, entirely
made 134 wilite. and the %vitiate that
arci not m8410 in white are in the
view tiel!c ite tones that might am
well be white, 11$ far ns their wear -
Mg qualities are coneerned, for they
fixolstitliii,itittilt as soon :11441 are Met as per
• .
After 1%'418liing, 011011 11105' have
taken on a Mill peen. toue, then they
are practically white, and might be
laid away in a drawer that le devot-
ed tot white wnista.
They are ;selling ehirtwaist boxes
far the keeping of the nicer waiste.
These are lined with shit and very
highly acented. The waists are Mid
In them while daum 1(1 absorb the
fragrance. The cover 1101,14 tightly, If
sucli a box cannot be purehased a
Yore gool substitute can be made out
or a pasteboard box, with silk
Or with eheeoeeloth, which is quite
as good and gives forth the sachet
better, ,„ ,
A New tileere.
The blotese sleeve that goes with
title waist is interneting. If it is not
a leg -0" -mutton it is fais0leiously Eke
011e. Ito top la tucked anti the tueite
mane down to the (*Mow, white beam -
there 1,14 a great baggy effect that
makes the biouselike eleeve. The
Whole comes into a tight cuff at the
wrist, which is 011. nealiework.
The 011(1 (70.14 be elaborated by a puff
and then by move needlework, glee
is not 0 bad waist for the amateur 10
ex,periment upon, for in certain wae-e
'it ha easy lei makei. A series or the
extremely popular pin theirs any-
where will conceal a multitude of
dreasmaking 131102.
arcwn Wafsts.
A very good way to 'trim the
brown linen waist is with straps
of white. Lot (14(3 ot them gm
down the front from the ('oiler to
the blare A band of white cite bor-
der the cuffe.
Tile tan waist will be so thor-
oughly in fashion that it will in,
diffieult to entirely remove it from
the domain o' etyle, 00 matter how
it is treated, but it may be made
ielifleGtitilrerr. by one trentment than by
The Belt Line.
None of the new- modele shows the
very long point, tbough all are long-
er in •the front than in the back.
They are pulled down a little, that
all, and fastened low. This is ac-
complished by means; of the dress
ekirt, whieh le caught down with the
eorset hook or other contrivance,
thue making the wais0 mem longer.
Girls of great slenderness are wick.
dly wearing the very short waist -
1 shirt waist They know that they
an do it, but that it will look funny
n the fat sister.
It woula be poeltively cruel to hint
t the extravagenee to widelt the
numer ehirt-waist is being carried.
18 now classed with the summer
aatries and ranke with the 151)1)3
nd fine faneleee It. le a tease of lace
nd Insertion, the finer and the
ore delicate the better. Often it
so delicate a thiag the t another
eierwaist required to wear be -
,11th 11, anti all these waiver are a
part of the plan of the summer eltirt-
Sleeves, while mightily limey, are
also mightily plain. You Vtin 1.4 In
yle with a full 810143"0 t111.1t le tam-
e' brouget In to the euff, go tiler ed
suell it Way that most of the Mi-
ms le at the intele of the sleeve to
ake a Beale bag. Of course there
teepees that ishow more varietlee,
t tbere tire mere for the fluffy
anmer girl dean the simmer ehirt-
aist girl.
'1'o Remove Plinplea.
n most eases the complexion brush
needed, with plenty or hot water,
d a bland soap, or an envolient
fete to relax the pores and eneour-
e them to e Lehi their clogging
Meats. Avoid creams that eon.
in spermaceti or white wax. Milk
elle are exeellent. /Tee one part of
lit to one and a half of water, The
lowleig cream will remove the pint-
a : Lanoline, 2 1-2 taineeS; al-
ild t0)0e09; imiphur pre-
ltatte 2 1-2 anamee: oxide of trine,
1-4 ounee; violet ext met, 2 dame,
egea et
'Fite Shirt Waist Lives.
When will wontan ever be divorced
e from that eitirtwaist of hers? It is a
as though she had looked long for . Et!
- that welch she sought, and, having tt
once founa it, lad dt?tertnined to cling at
' to it forevermore. 11
In selecting the eldrtivaist as iter
constant friend' the woman of to. re
clay has oliown her good taste ; she et
has foreeer freed herself from the ee
charge of not knowing a good thing "
Costly Trimmings.
Or great importance among the
varied kind?) of trImmliget this year
are the fancy Medea and their raze -
/me combine Goes with taffeta, grena-
dine, moueselitie de stole and Brusevis
net. Silk corde are LI the same fam-
ily, and theeo tire sometimes feather -
edged mid used for the edge relish
on a tamped bancl of net deeorated
in the centre with aime deeign in
eilic braid, giving the appearance of
hand embroidery.
There are Miley open braids too,
, which in themselves have 11, very•
laey appearance, the grenadinf)
braille being espeel illy Pretty in
eombinatioa with lave, or alone.
Pretty ;lower designs tvith leaves
are formed of broil, very narrow, of
course, and reige knots, and then
yOil Hee all eerie of design!) in what
nee called puff braid', both. in black
and white, mat in breldo with hate
pellet, edges, very gift and pliable 440
hay can arrangv.1 in &Moist ally
Vegetable SIM
le the parthetiar kind which enters
into the vont., ruetion Of 11084!' fancy
I • i•
able fuel more glossy foe th114 pur.
pose than the 1111140 11;'. The horrid*
berm brakle are %ere lawful an 01'11
111* rff14CtIVO; 1110 1(11 (4(213.44 of ;pretty
derigns aro carried OM bee rittinime
Harrow ribber' throagh leen to form
loop edges, and prt•tty bow krot
J)1( tt erne.
Oet• t ere crienuateiler failure alma
11114 trail trimmings: i tit it they 1(11,)not all expeileive. It is when they
aro tipplied to lave and e144f10.1 that
tprice ereepe tee
nn tut 11 is Niel to let »ore dine
Inadequate to the
Tbe GOlf earl -Dear
'Jae Caddy -Gee 1 if
got to say when She
It's hardly worth
about it.
m1 How Ina
that's site's
brealor 41 stlek,
while talking
TO Cl3ell'ir117-,) -*JO IN ONE DAY,
Take Laxative Bronee Quinine Tab.
lets, A11 druggiste refundthe numee
lr it fails to Cora. 1.1. W. Grove's
uature is on each box, 25e,
silo knew ilow ti 011)
They w(re talkillg. of tly, ot
women, and one of the few ladiee
present undertook it defent
"Of uottrec," who vontieneti. "I 4/41-
11113. thnt all no•nen nre %M.o. ,.The
melt ere tot. 1011, by the wee," elle
ne1144aity broke off, -the 14 )142!:' tof
ininecomeet Item in 31114 1'04.141 ift
tip I0:41e1' 111,4 eir "
Olio had itle.he(1 11. er:y 114:111
11i:04011 1. pat 116: 11.4‘„1 no 1.1) mu utak.
Jai Embroidery on flail/04i
and i1110 betels there ie an entilette
earleiy in w141t11:4, de:4;4ns and tul,
oringw, the former 14,44g•
pretty for sillo maelin gowes, wane
for lettlett. ant lewiter enetame teere
are I01e1e- emt tree of rilat loge ant
team \tido, latiste repterte, ten-
brotlered in eel( (01 nal 015
rilieso 1334t:I1'v:4 eau be arratettet 111
so Many wee that thee' Nte 1044'-
v t .
Pot tireaa- tnereet fee, tealett (401
mete tie viable gee, usi Vivre ar:-
w 14,
Hee:V.111e, pretty, inexpensive, be-
coming, tityliell, useful, easy to ob-
tain 1 all these qualities and many ,
more can be attributed to the Sam. 81
mer shirtwaist.
It would be well if, with its other
unfailing 710141011the ehirtwaist „
could be maintained at its; original
e001, 11,111011 WaS Of $1 Or lege, But it
112101 Detainee iniportant additions that tin
have made it eastlee and it Is toelay
not HO ('heap a watt as it tette. ; NV'
'YOU ean get a very simple thing
in thin, white goods, sheer enough
to, 011037 tile rose of your finger tips, I
with some pin Nuke running from ig
the lieekband down to the built, and aft
with a band of open needlework ex. pa
tending ttroun 1 tbe blottee just above lig
tho belt line. The needlework looks eo
ere n ta. and there le an air re• tat
(lament to the waist.
expt,eting it to be some moderato ple
aunt, end are amazed to fled it Ina Lao
moaeratetv large. The waist happens elp
to bo an India lawn, and tho nadle- 1
Von Ask the Price.
44 ▪ And How it Foiled Hlin.
• 110111t3'a eampanion.i
%++++++.1.++++++++++4 +++++++
A geed story ithestrative of the
telemeter of old Adnairal Stephen B.
Luee, whome work ou searnanehip is
now a textbook in tite navy, was
told by the ofticers 30010 served WI-.
der hive on the South Peicific station.
The Admiral, then a Commodore, had
(LZ* 1318 flagship the old corvette
Quinnebaug. On the quarterdeck
was a very comfortable lounging
place formed by a pile of spars, cush-
ioned by eolle of running gear, and
the junior officers formed the habit
of stetting there during the monoton-
oue night holm, instead of pacing
up and down the quarterdeek, as the
regalatiOns require. The old Com-
modore had hie suspicions, but he
tette not eonvineed mut preferred to
suffer an infraction of the rules rue
tiler than run the rise: of accusing
hie offieere unjustly.
leut, one day when the ship was/ in
Callao, a Yankee pedlar, who had
sumehow drifted into the tropice,
cam13 on board and sold to the Com-
modore a pedometer, gnarn.nteed to
record automatically the distance
travelled by a pedestrian up to 200
miles. That night, when the ensign
of the first 41171131004 was about to go
on watch. the Commodore eananoned
lam to the cabin alai aid:
"Der. wikth yoo to carry this
little package with you during your
entire tentelt and then pase it 011 to
501i5 relief. Instruct ithe to do
likewise., and then hand it to me at
quarters to -morrow morning."
The young meal ealuted, went on
(leek, sat down on the eollsi of rope
and smoked for a while. • Then he
took a walk for a few minute& and
finished out his four-hour wateh on
the "lounge," Tim junior of the
ifeemel division did the same, and the
third decision man, who was on the
:leek. from 4 till 8 in the morning,
did no more walking than he had to.
After quarters the ortlerly sum -
taloned these young men to the cabin,
neiere the Commodore sat, holding
the pedometer in his hand.
"Gentlemen," said he, "I find be
this little inetrument tha t you three
1(1454. frOVE"r"11(4C1 a little lees than two
miles in twelve hornet an deek. How
do you neeount• ror that 7"
The three facesi fell like a therm°.
meter in a blizzard, and the boys re.
twined silent while the old gentleman
proceeled to read the regulations re-
garding the duties of officers of the
deck, Imrtieularly emphasizing that
part white) relates to walking, and
afterward added an extempore riot
fort of his own composition.
"But," he coutinned, am not will-
ing to conviet yea on tile evidence
of *one tritil of a eatelapenny mech-
anic:ell euntrivanee. II' you have loaf-
ed. stop it, but canes Gee histrurnent
again 10-11ight."
The trio 1101,1 a eouncil of' war. It
wee the Noland divieion man's first
watch that night, arid as he took
the deck he callea 111041 of the appren-
tiee boys'.
"William," be goad, "you lia.ve tome
extra duty against you. Take tide lit-
tle leg,: and shako it as hard ag ou
eau for two hours azei then return,
it to meg
Then the limier eat down and rest-
ed till the bre woo returned to libn.
The next morning the seine three
effieere were cancel tIs the cabin, and
4433 liefere fentel the Commodore seat.
ea at the 1 able with the pedometer In
hie hand.
"Gentlemen," lie oak!. "I have done
yo14 an injuetiee on the testimony
of a mere in/whine. Yesterday this
thing registereil a little less than
tilii 1110=1,11ing it
F,IrtiW8 llett 54,11 vraiLea 111 t1901Ve
houro 130 milese wheal iR 14, manifest
ingaresibilitee The thing; abeolute.
01153,115p14:4,- ana the Commodore
theew tet, mechine one or the NOM
part into tho Kea,
He never !mew tiie (nett; et 1110
eaM, 11111.11 Ow 0114 tif eliat eruise,
ana then the firet divielon effinee
tobI 111111. lint the Cantata/age 11:ol jaa
been confirmed an Rear Admiral and
laughtel heartily tit 1110 1.1k0.
Two Letters from Mr. Walker Explaining the Severity of ifdiv:3 Caso and the Pferrnanency
of His Cure by Using r. Chase's Ointirhent,
tenter peOple 13e001 1.0 think that if; 1st too 11111..11 to claim that Or. MAWR lehatinent will :erre ecery ,
form of p11444, lett Mete go to prove the truth of title claim. '1114780 are interesthee lettere' front 000 elto _
1(11)1 tuffered mutat ana been 'cured.
1.001, liar. Sherwood Welker, a fireman on the Canada Atlanta*/ ilvariet at
. ant a gkeat nufferer from bleeding pilfer. Sometimes, the protruding piles etante
therm eat:slug nuie11 raileery and uneaelliente fend at other thater I am eitlajoet to bleeding pilot), ate] thee' bleed
to 144014 403 extent as to 1)18.140 100 quite weak. If Dr. Cluteee Ointment will ear), title ailment elm will
11:11 4' my everiaeting gratitude:"
001 Merril 1, 1002, we receive:a the following letter from 'Mr. e1.41{fer. AvIdelt Neale( tellimen for lir.
Chat,e'n Ointment as a enre for piles of the fleet dietreeeing form. /14, vialtee: a Avec/Piling to me prenatal, I
how tak plea:ore in writing to you. If you remt•mber. .4411 vent me a bee of Dr. Cluleete triteteneif fee
' Idealing 11114e gime three menthe ago. I need It faithfully, and e11:1 1311.' /kat it proval itedianol, Cur It
entirel.: ettred me of Ige:3,1111:2 OW.
✓ 4
'7 161)til I hate written amber, Ltit rival:Gra to be 4(1444 to tell yam 4411 it Wee ti pi 111 ritro, Wig
' I») ean age for the, bydefit of oth0r nifforinn poopl,•. 'Moro age a roan! 11 aide here (1( 4 efece 1.., d ,nr .1 of -
144111414 0115411 Id 1l110tr11111111„5 91100 1' Wan thie gnat aitatneni."
. St far 410 1,. li);OW iio'ril ItA 110 fli.111 0 proparalloa ',(aid Itenell le ie) toreteesalf Ili furl , e , 11 •e 0" -,1.1, /1164,
1 it;.*!. 403:43481 kill/ 0.: 1).. chatos Oinimont. IV. 43,4,d!.1:::,.; 11A1444 1,,571,1:;1118, 81114174 704)14, II,,, 4 4.,.. ewe, aloe.
melt Wel pertietheet. 14 etc' ranee a box, ut :al 414,,,1,21,., en, 1,f13danSo1, IkIleV & Cu., Tur.04,“: