HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-27, Page 1ani Advance...
29T11 YEAR, NO. 30.
Capital - _ $2,500,000
Reserve n $2,500,000
A. General Banking Business
Furthers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same.
Drafts bought and sold on all
points in Canada United States and
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
and 31st Decen added alol principal COU June
A. B. GIBSON, Manager
R. Venstone, Solicitor.
More Bargains,—At Grifflu's.
Easter Goods.—W. H. Mclndoo..
Our Best Salesman.—A. R. Smith.
Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc.—A. Ff. Carr.
Hats, Olothieg, etc.—Ino, cfe Jas. Kerr,
Take Notice.—The R. H. Crowder Co,
Spring Utensils, etc. --Thomas' Bazaar.
The recurrence of the anneal Easter
season invariably awakes in the
thoughtful mind thoughts of the im-
portant events that should be—and are
intended to be—commemorated by
Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The crucifixion and resurrection of
our Lord are facts ineffaceably stamp-
ed upon history's pages, but their chief
valve lies in their bearing upon man's
present and eternal welfare. To some
Easter means nothing more than in-
dulgence of the appetite and the over-
loading of the stomach with an un-
usual number of eggs. To others the
memories connected with the day are
far too sacred to allow it to pass em-
phasized by appetite indulgences.
Instead of a lengthy editorial on the
Easter season, we append the follow-
ing selection :—
C Lamb of God, once wounded,
With grief and pain weighed down,
Thy seeped bead surrounded
With"['horns, thine only crown!
O Lamb of God, what glory,
What bliss, till now was thine;
Yet, though despised and gory, .
I joy to call thee intee.
What thou. myI..lf�. lxts t suffered
Was all for slum t '4.
Mine, Irvine was the rettefe'eesiou,
But thine the deedlysgeettreae
Lo, here I fall, my Sit104.11;;S
'Tis I deserve thy telaW• f
Look on me with thy f ireer,'-
Vouchsafe to me thy grace.
What language shall I borrow
To praise thee, dearest Friend,
For this, thy dying sorrow,
Thy pity without end ?
0 make me thine for ever;
And should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never,
Outlive my love for thee.
W. D. Thomas. of the Bazaar, has
added wall paper to his stock, His
stock of American papers is worthy of
examination by intending purchasers,
11ATs. —By haying from the R. II.
Crowder Co. you have the latest.
A dance held recently in Tilbury
E:tst, Kent county, is responsible for
49 cases of smallpox spread around in
nine houses, All are under quarantine.
Mr. John Nicholson of the Blnevaie
road purchased W. D, Pringle's cot-
tage, and removed to town this week.
It is a convenient cottage and in a
desirable situation.
See Ding's Window l Buy $2.00
worth of goads and get the Key that
takes "that Parlor Suit."
Mrs. F. Birney of town left this week
to visit her daughter Mrs. G, Forrester
at Toronto, thence to visit a sick sister
at Norwood, where she expects . to
meet a brother, she has not seen for
nearly fifteen years.
See Halsey Park's adve,
Special line of pantings at Maxwell's.
A new G. T, R. freight shed is to be
built at Stratford.
A. Sebastian was in town a couple
of days last week.
Easter Shoes and Slippers ; see them
at W. J. Greer's.
Mrs. Raiser and family are spending
Easter holidays at Cargill.
Art. Goodhew, of Toronto, was in
town this week calling on friends.
3n°. Ansley was in Seaforth on
Tuesday in connection with county
Did you hear the first serenade of
the season by the Canadian Band the
other evening?
Den't stop till you reach D. M. Gor-
don's for your new Spring Suit. Stout
men, slim men, long men and short
men can be fitted here.
Elmer Moore will attend the meet-
ing of the Western Football Associa-
tion in Berlin on Friday. Wingham
team will enter the Association in the
intermediate series with abont thirteen
other football teams.
WANTED.—At once, a mason that
has had some experience. — Henry
Lawrence, Beimore.
It may not be generally known that
there is It statutory penalty of $15
against any maker of syrup, who of-
fers the same for sale as maple syrup,
when the product is adulterated with
either caro or beet sugar.
John Ritchie of Culross returned
last week from Saginatee where he had
been looking after the business of his
uncle, lately deceased. John is a
brother of Alex. Ritchie, formerly of
Wingham, now of Saginaw.
Do yon want to be dressed stylish ?
If you do, come to D. M. Gordon's for
,iafnty 1Vluslins and swell Dress Goods.
A. H. Carr has placed bis advt in
our columns. It pays to take theAd-
vance into the reckoning in business
matters. Every week increases the
number of homes visited by this
paper. See his advt. on page 4.
Both the Lancet and the British
Medical Journal state that a draft
scheme for the investigatidn of the
cause and treatment of cancer has
been drawn up and approved by a
number of leading medical men.
Ceterrt NG, --Correct styles, allsizes
and shapes;, .Best Material Lining and
Xrieertnenseee Good Dressers P.pttoplee
There will be a box social in connepu,
tion with the Zetltr,nd Sunday School
on Thursday evening, April 3rd, in aid
of a library for the Sunday school.
Tickets 25c; ladies who supply boxes
will be admitted free. A good pro.
gram will be rendered.
Mr. C. J. Graham, Manager of the
Wingham Produce Co is preparing for
the activity of the season's operations.
The Advance supplied the Co. with a
complete outfit of printed stationery.
Mr. Graham has taken up his resi-
dence in Mr. Glenn's house on Prances
New York has sent us its latest
styles in Ties for Easter wear -25c and
•e.—The R. H. Crowder Co.
You may state that you're a bankrupt;
You may moan o'er this or that;
But your wifee will not lieten, for
Hat 1
Misses Flo. and Maude Flenty are
spending their Easter vacation in Lon-
don and Wallaceburg.
Mrs. Seele of Oranbrook and Mrs.
Ming of Centrally were guests of Mrs.
J, J. Mitchell last week.
1tov. W. Lowe attended the Marcie
meeting of the executive committee
last Thursday in London,
WANTED TO 11.E.1'r:---Good comfort-
able house ; will rent for term of years.
Apply to CocIIItANu & JOHNSTON.
A telephone company has been or-
ganized .in the township of Luther.
The rate Will be $10 a year for phones,
Woodstock ratepayers have voted
against the bonus by-law to grant
$12,000 to the Woodstoelt Weggon Co.
100 bags of Goose wheat for seed, for
sale at T. A. Mills'.
Some men are made by circum-
stances. They are always In danger
of being uninadc when the circum-
stances leave thein.
Mee Geo. Greer of Lncknow was in
town on Wednesday. Ile was on his
Way home after spending a few days
with friends in Ilowick.
FLel< Shen. --I Ant prepared to fur.
Wish aged to any parties, who desire it,
and will pity $10 a ton for any quan-
tity of good flax, Aleo I desire to rent
land snitahle for flax -growing.
23-31 A. Tipling, Winghatn
A sensation
Dover the other morning when the
residents beheld from the pier an im-
mense iceberg floating into the har-
bour, presumably from far up the lake.
The huge mass is about seventy-five
feet high, and is creating no end of in-
terest, because the like has not been
witnessed tit Port Dover for many
Bey your Clothing at Chisholm's
Block. New 1 New 1 A. R. Smith
buys for cash and sells for cash. Al-
ways had enough supplies to pay ]00
cents on the $ during his 23 years in
business, and does not belong to the
compromising society. More anon.
A. R. Sauget.
Good Driver,
Bert Greer of Gorrie was in town
on Wednesday and sold his fine driver
to Beattie Bros, for $150.
Woman's Institute.
A meeting of this Institute will be
held on Friday. April 4th, at the home
of Mrs. Ritchie, Scott street. Papers
of interest will be discussed; all are
cordially invited.
Have you seen Maxwell's New Suit.
ings ? If not, you should,
Every Two Years.
Dowiek township couneil will me-
morialize the Legislature to amend the
Municipal Act, so 11.8 to have municipal
elections every two years, the same as
county council elections,
South Huron.
Fred (less, whom the Liberals nom•
inated to oppose Henry Eilber in South
Huron, has retired from the contest
owing to ill -health. A convention will
soon be called and another candidate
named, but the prospects of defeating
the present Member seem to be slim.
The children and teachers of the
Presbyterian Sunday School were'
pleased to have a large attendance at
their Cantata "Dream of Fairyland"
on Friday evening last. The pretty
representation was well rendered by
the school, and the receipts, $61, were
very satisfactory and gratifying.
We are still paying 18c for good But-
ter, and giving great big values in all
lines at D. M. Gordon's.
To Owen Sound.
Mr. Jas. Cline and family removed
on Monday to Owen Sound. The
citizens of Wingharn will be pleased
to hear of their welfare in their new
home. Rev. N. Burwash purchased
the residence from Mr. Cline last sum-
mer, and with his family are remov-
ing there this week. We wish them
much enjoyment in their comfortable
home, '
New tore.
R. W. Crowder has purchased a
large and up-to-date stock of hats,
Caps, gents' furuishiugs, and ready-
made clothing, and has opened for
business in the store formerly occupied
by C. A. Campbell and the Bell Tele-
phone office. Ile invites the public tee
inspect. his stock, which consists of feY4:.
latest styles, purchased frooe the bast,
Matters. Mr. Crowder is `•ft'yor=ttily
impressed with 'Wingharn; land will
reside with his family in the Brocka
shire cottage, Victoria street. '
We'r'e in it for Easter Clothing,
$2,000 worth just to hand. No old
stock here.—The It. II. Crowder Co...,
Citizens of Wingham holding fire
policies on the mutual plan from the
Gore District Fire Insurance Co., of
Galt, will be pleased to know that the
usual yearly refund of 20 per cent. on
the monies paid during 1001 was de-
clared at the last annual meeting. The
cheques are now in the office of Mr.
Robert Cunningham, general agent,
for distribution. This is the twelfth
annual dividend in succession, and
speaks volumes for the management„
and the board of directors.
Cheese Factory Sold.
he auction sale of Belgrave Cheese
and Butter Factory was held on Satur-
day last. The land. building and ma-
chinery was sold to Duncan Robertson
for $300. This will cover legal expen-
ses, etc., but leave very little for the
shareholders, The high price of cattle
and hogs is said to be the cause of the
factory not prospering, as fartuers
have found it more profitable to turn
their milk in other directions than
cheese making. Wm. Wray and Wal-
ter Scott were the liquidators of the
con cernfE eehlasi [fie"
On Saturday, March 29th, we will
allow 10 per cent, oft regular price on
every pats• of Woman's, Misses' and
Children's Shoes sold. --W, 3, LitRBErt.
After the session of Court Huron
8108, A. O. F. on Tuesday evening, the
members were joined by the Mac-
cabees, and a very pleasant evening
was spent. Ganes were played, and
refreshments served, making the hour
spent by the two societies together
most pleasant and fraternal.
Political Conventions.
The Liberal -Conservatives of West
Huron will meet at Smith's Hill on
Wednesday, April 9th at one o'clock,
to select a eaudidate for the approach-
ing Provincial eleeions. If we are cor-
rectly informed the Liberals of the rid-
ing have selected Monday April 7t11 as
the date of their convention to select
a candidate.
Get your New Spring Suit, at Max-
T a. Goderich.
The Advance understands that Mr,
E. L. Dickinson has entered into a
partnership with a son of Judge Gar.
row's and expects at an early date to
remove to Goderich. Mr. Dickinson is
too good a citizen to lose, bttt we pre-
sume the county town has attractions
for the legal profession that Wingham
has not. Mr. Dickinson's frieuds,while
regretting his intended removal, hope
that the change will be to his advan-
tage, from a business standpoint.
School Board.
A special meeting of the School
Board was held on Tuesday evening to
select a teacher for one of the junior
departments. This was rendered
necessary by the opening of another
room for the successful prosecution of
the Continuation classes. There were
nineteen applications, Miss Cummings
of Eml>ro, daughter of James Cum-
mings, of town was the first choice,
and Miss Buddy of Owen Sound second
choice of the Board, The former was
communicated with by telephone, and
accepted, duties to commence after
Easter vacation.
Down Serb. -3 lbs, for 25c. at T.
sting Accident.
Saturdeeesseeening.Willie, son of
Mr. B. Scott afieleasant Valley had a
narrow escape. lie wee' sitting in the
hoose reading, -.hen- he_ was s'trnek by
1,944 • i3Od `iell, Ja;ric.d •itself rdoep .it.
the ffssh.of on :leg. The accident ap-
pcate tohave;gccnrred thus:—Samuel
Bili;>te'trata on; the other side of the
miyer "lack of L. Pearen's, shooting
nitislit;s. He fired at one and claims
he killed it. The ball must have then
glanced off the water, and rising con-
siderably in its course, cut clean
through the window without breaking
the glass and struck the boy. Consid-
ering the distance, and the height the
ball would have to rise from the water
the accident is a strange occurrence,
It is said that the boy had just risen
from a chair, and had he been in a
sitting posture, the result might have
been more serioe
Good Advice.
The following from the Ridgetown
Dominion is applicable here :—The ad-
vance army of spring fakirs is due.
Beware l Don't buy steel ranges, or
fruit, trees, or air blast churns, or
patent rights, or anything else from
the stranger who represents no estab-
lished house. Don't sign any papers
for a stranger under any pretext, or
inducement or representation. Fight
shy of all seed -starters, butter in-
creasers, preservatives avid other fake
things. Don't buy soap w'" forty
yards of carpet thrown in , prem-
ium on a $5 transaction. ton need
was created' at Port
East Huron Public School teachers
will hold a convention in Brussels, on
May 22nd and 23rd,
Look 1
On every pair of Woman's, Misses'
and Children's Shoes sold on Saturday
next (March 20th), we will allow 10 per
cent, off regular price.—W, J. C;fIiEE1t,
Hand Cut,
lorry, son of Mr, Freeman Carr had
tis hand injured on Monday, with
a staking machine in Chapman's Glove
factory. Several stitches were neces-
sary to elose the gatping wound, and
Barry will take a few days' rest•
Will Return Hoene.
The many friends of Mies Mary Beck-
ett will be pleased to learn that she
will return to town this week, Her
recovery from her recent illness has
been so rapid, that she is once again
her Happy self, and she will be permit-
ted to return hole. Mrs. Beckett
went to London this morning, (Thais
day) and expects soots to return with
her daughter. Miss Beckett will meet
a hearty welcome from her large circle
of friends in Wingham and vicinity.
D. M. Gordon's new Spring Carpets
have arrived ; also pretty Curtains and
Curtain Materials—see them.
All Carpets and Oil -cloths to be
cleated out at T. A. Mills'.
Mrs. and Miss Peasant left today
(Thursday) for Holyoke, Mass. The
best wishes of their Wingham friends
attend them to their now hone. Mrs.
Fessant is in hope that the milder
climate of Massachusetts will prove
beneficial to her health, Miss Fessant
will be much missed in the circle of
young people. As Superinterelent of
the Junior League and Organist in the
Methodist church Sunday school,
she will be remembered as a faithful
worker. Mrs, Fessant's many friends
t improve-
to hear of permapdnt inrove-
ment in her health. Mr. Fessant will
remain here for sometime at least,
Grand Council. t.,,
Mr. J. B. Fergnson is In Toronto this
week, as delegate from Wingham
Cotulcil No, 222, C. 0. 0. F., to the
Grand Coencil of the Chosen Felonds,_
which began its sessions on Tnesda
morning in Association Hall, the 321
delegates in attendance representing
over 22,000 members. Grand Council-
lor Meeammon and the other officers
presented their report:, showing an
increase of 3,772 in the membership
during the year, and urging the neces-
sity of increasing the duet of the elder
members to the standard paid by the
by ec-
t members, as favoredis
ricer e
H ,
ter of Insurance hunter. Wingbatn
Council No, 2.22 will meet on Monday
evening next. Let there be a fall at-
MONEY To Loxes—At 4S per cent. on
improved farms, 1 aey terns of re•
1nuytnetlt; expenses light. .Apply A.
lultnage, Real. Estate and Loan
Agent, O'hieholtn Block.
West Huron.
The Toronto World of Monday had
the following:—In West Huron, Mr.
William Proudfoot, formerly a part-
ner of Hon. J. T. Garrow,hasfregnent-
ly been mentioned as a candidate for
the Legislature, and, by some, it was
thought that he would receive the
nomination, now that Mr, Carrow has
been appointed to the bench. It is,
however, understood that Mr. Proud -
foot will probably some to Toronto
and enter a prominent legal firm, and,
in that event, it is said, be will drop
polities, as far as West Huron is con-
Flour and Garden Seeds, 2
for 5c --at T. A. Mills.
Sunday School.
.A. meeting was held in the school.
house of S. S. No. 9, Bast Wawanosh,
on Thursday evening, March 10th, to
consider the opening of the Sabbath
School in that section for the coming
summer, A motion was carried unani-
mously to send Mr. A. E. Lloyd of
Winghatn an invitatiou to act as Sup-
erintendent. Officers were then elect-
ed. A very good library has been pur-
chased and prospects are bright for
a very good Sabbath School through-
out tate summer. The date of opening
watts fixed for April 20th, at 3 o'clock,
Calls Them Clocks.
Says one writer --Our brains are sev-
enty -year old clocks. The Angel of
Life winds them once for all, then
closes the case, and gives the key into
the band of the Angel of the Resurrec-
tion. Tic -tae 1 tic-tac 1 go the wheels of
thought ; our will cannot stop thein ;
they cannot stop themselves; sleep
cannot still them ; madness only makes
them go faster ; death alone can break
into the case. and seizing the ever -
swinging pendulum, which we call the
heart, silence at last the clicking of
the rapid escapement we have carried
so long beneath our wrinkled fore-
SEEDS. -10,000 five cent packages of
Seeds. --10 pkge for 25c. Clover, Tim-
othy, Goose Wheat, Speltz, etc., for
Sale,—G. E. KING.
Believed In Advertising.
A Yankee undertaker advertises :
"Why live and be miserable, when
you can be comfortably buried for
twenty dollars ?" We, shall expect
something of the kind over here soon.
Don't be snrprieed ~vitals pati read this
sort_af tiring: "Billy eln'rgan looked
c1c 'tt..f, 'l 3,-,4hl tlstdeyerietttn t')
see *herr§ •ttie'fntllet went to 'when it
went oft. The fatter/areas handsome-
ly conducted. by Smith & Co., who
have always a large staff on hand, and
are open to bury the whole neighbor-
hood at twenty-four hours' notice. A
pound of tea given away with every
coffin. Order early and avoid disap-
Mr. Simon Snyder died at bis resi-
dence in Waterloo on Saturday mann-
ing Mr. Snyder was known to most
of the prominent business men
throughout the country. He was con-
nected with a great many manufactur.
ing industries and insurance companies
and was also president of the Canada
Furniture Manufacturers' Company,
proprietors of Wingham and other
furniture factories. Wingham Chair
factory had Rag at half mast. The
funeral took place on Tuesday, and
the factories here were closed from
oue o'clock to two •p. m. , no deduction
being made from the men's wages for
the time. Mr. Thomas Bell was one of
the pall -bearers.
Ladies' Shoes.
For the latest in font, wear, at prices
lower than some are selling back num-
her shoes, go to Greer's.
Judge Garrow.
trees, shrubs, vines, plan , 11 or I lion J. 7.', Garrow has been npnoint- ,
supplies there are standard hoaxes fro. =id to the vacancy on the i>ench of the
which you can buy, or if a local agent r nt.ario Court of Appeal caused by the
death of the late Justice Lister. Mr.
Garrote is said to have a sound knowl-
edge of law, a high sense of honor, and
the determination to administer justice
with unfailing impartiality. These
t " know him best claim that the ir-
regularities in connection with recent
elections in West Huron were carried
on without his knowledge or consent.
The appointment is well received in
legal circles, both Conservative and
Liberals paying tribute to the judicial
temperament of the new judge. Mr.
Garrow in early life hail the visual ex-
perience of farmer's sons to the early
settlements of Ontario before the age
of railways. 'He was.born in Welland
county, March 11, 1813, and received
his education 111 the common schools
and the Goderich High school ; studied
law in the office of Judge Thorns of
Goderich and was adinitted to the bar
in November, 1800. In October, 1855,
he was appointed Queen's counsel: Ile
was senior partner of the firm of Gar -
row & Proudfoot of Goderich, )lir.
Garrow had considerable experience in
municipal life, being reeve of the town
front 1874 to 1880, and Warden of the
county 10 1880. In 1890 he was elected
to represent West Heron in the legis*
tare. There is plenty of work ahead for
the now Judge, as there are fifty-two
eases in the Court of Appeal on which
juegnent has not been delivered, and
Wine Of thein tuay have to be
reheard as at result of the death of Jus-
tice Lister,
The following is the result of the
nsual weekly examinations Held in the
Vicat Department of the Public School
for the mouth of March. Subjects --•-
Algebra, Composition, history, Eu-
clid. Maximum, 300 :—
Seniors—Ethel Musgrove 282, Mabel
Walsh 220, Ad a Howson 20e, Allan
Robbs 188, May Hogg 172, Rollie Hough
163, Isabel McDougall 145, Wes, Ans-
ley 111.
Intermediate—May Robertson 235,
Lizzie Gilchrist 231, Norma Vanstone
212. Jean Morray 197. Leo Kerr 193,
Nettie Linklater 179, Pearl Wynn 175,
Hannah 'Wilson 171. Ariel Park 170,
Agnes Wilson 160, Maggie Nixon 132,
Will, Gonery 122, Mabel Ross 120,
Andy Mitchell 112, Laura Martin 75.
Juniors—Janet Rintoul 233. Laura
Ansley 260, Irene Davis 222, Alberta
Rintoul 211, Marjorie Gordon 200, Lou
isa Stewart 199, G. Cruickshanks 181,
Ethel King 173, Laura Kerr 169, Bur.
villa Griffin 163, Rob. Runciman 160,
Maude Sherk 141, Jim Murray 140,
Carrie Stewart 137, Annie Gilchrist 134,
Fred, Howson 122, '[Vinnie Holmes 119,
L.Nay 112, W. Jobb 109, Edith Beemer
100, Harry Constable 100, Olive Mason
08, B. Davidson 70, Roy Crowston 65,
For Hot Cross Buns, go to the Mar-
ket Bakery ; they take the lead.—D.
A number of second-hand books in
good condition, suitable for Sunday
school libraries, can be obtained at a
low figure by applying to Dr, W. B.
Towler, Wingham.
Go to J, E. Mulholland, Gorrie, for
your next photo. He solicits a trial
and will please you.
BILL POSTING. — Apply to Palmer
Morden, Wingham,
gkitrit Reim `i
Ministers and church workers generally, aro
cordially invited to contribute items of church
news under this heading, from their respective
Rev. W. J. Atchison has been called
to the Warsaw Presbyterian church,
Revs. Crossley and Hunter begin a
revival campaign in Trenton ai,?out
April 6th.
A Iarge•class of candidates for Cott,
Remotion on ltiay 6th,is being prepared
by Rev, Wnt. Lowe.
Rev,ltobt. Mixes, Ph. 13. of Hanes.
approaches you whom you know,
that's the thing. There is no safety or
profit in dealing with men who come
from nowhere and represent Nobody
& Co.
STEP -LADDERS, •--B}ty five dollars'
worth of goods et hard & Co.'s and
get a premium of at gnod.strong Step-
ladder. Come quick, before they are
all gone.
Sad Affair.
i°'A very sad and sudden death occur-
red in Brantford on Sunday night,
which has brought gloom and sadness
to one hone at least in town. James
Quirk, of the Commercial Hotel, and
son of Conductor Quirk of Wingham,
was found about midnight lying at the
foot of a lathier in the hotel baro, with
four very severe wounds open the
head. At first it was supposed that he
had fallen from the ladder, but the
severity of the wounds has led to the
opinion that there %vas foul play in the
matter.A stable boy heard groans
and found the injured man; he was
carried into the hotel and in a short
time was dead. Medical men and the
police ere of the opinion that a brutal
herder lute been committed, Detec.
tive Murray is on the ease and hopes to
solve the mystery, The affair is in-
deed sad, and the relatives are plunged
into theedeepest grief. Ir. andMrs.s.
Quirk left on Monday for Brantford.
Deceased carried •$17,iu00 insurance
in Life and Accident companies and
i x'aternal societies, but this 19 not
considered to have any bearing on the
tragedy, No suspicion ettLches to
anyone who tn:ty benefit fieencially
by his death. See page 7.
ton, has -accepted an invitation to' the
Medcalf street Methodist ohareh,
The Holy Communion will he ad-
ministered next Sunday morning in
St. Paul's at 8.30 tt.ln and after the 11
o'clock service.
Services are being held each evening
this week in St. Paul's church, ex-
cept -nn Friday, when the service will
be held at 10.30 a. m.
There are now 1,476 Young Men's
Christian Associations in the United
State', with a membership of 268,477,
an increase of over 13,000 on the fig.
ures of 1000.
The Bishop of Huron has offered to
Rev. 3. S. Seton -Adamson, of South-
ampton, the rectorship of the parish
of Delaware, at the request of the
Bowmanville Methodists now use
individual cups at communion service,
The set provided cost about 5100 and
includes 350 glasses, ten cake trays,
silver pitcher and other accessories.
Pol*N1).--A, wrap and a child's grey
cap --were pewee) in a cutter by nns-
etekc. Owner cat) levee it tit Ade -twee
office by !saying cast of advertisin.
Oapttal paid tip $2.000,000, Reserve, $1,500,00
3. TURNBULL, General Manager,
President—John Stuart
Vice -President --A, G. llama)"
Cashier—J. 'Turnbull
Dinrc'roas:-.•Jelin Proctor Wm. Careen,Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. 13. Proctor., (Toronto)
Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int-
erest allowed and computed on 30th November
and 31st May each year,and added to prinetpal
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest,
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States bought and sold,
E L, DlcrttxsoN, Solicitor.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of
Hamilton and its Branches issue Circular notes
of the National Provincial Bank of England -
(Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or
trouble in any part of the world.
The plongh is going again,
Alex. Kennedy Jr. left for Algoma a
week ago,
G. McIntosh has the cellar dug for
his new brick house,
Willie McKay left Teeswater for the
North West a week ago.
John Waddle is engaged with F.
Henry for the summer se [eon..
Quite a number intend joining the
0. 0. F. on Thursday evening.
John Webster of -F'ordwich left here
for the West me Tuesday, He took
eight horses in his car.
Geo. Fitzpatrick, who bas purchased
Thos. Arinst rerig's farm on the 10th of
East Wawanosh, intends moving
Robt.Henderson is settled in his new
home. D. McIntosh has moved on to
his farm which has been vacated by
R. H. Pardon.
Jas. Peddle, formerly of this vicinity
returned on Tuesday from bis home in
London, England. He brought a wife
home with him, and intends going to
New Ontario. Apparently English
ladies are better that Canadian ladies
in Mr. Peddle's mind. We wish them
success in their new home,
The New York Bible Society has
placed 46,570 volumes of Scripture the
past year in the hands of immigrants,
sailors, churches, missions, institutes,
families, and individuals in New York
St. Andrew's church, Ottawa, holds
the record in Canada for contributions
to the Presbyterian church century
fund. • St. Andrew's gave $20,487, at -
though $25,000 was all that was prom-
Rev. L'. i^ve'.lianls, Bishop's commis -
sinner to Tee, water, recommended
that Kinlongh be detached from Bit.
vi and Kingarf, and attached to Tees -
water, and that Lakelet be supplied
from Gorrie.
Special sermons on the Resurrection
will be preached by Rev, Wm, Lowe
next Sunday in St..P'anl's. The mem•
bees are requested to give a special
Thank -offering on that day towards
paying for the furnace placed in the
Rev. E. A. Hall, the new Rector of
Gerrie, while at Bervie had on one oc-
casion 110 candidates conllt'med by His
Lordship the Bishop of Huron on one
day, the largest class we understand
the Bishop ever ccaulirtned in any one
parish or on any ono day. This win,
ter three loads of oats were presented
Mr. Iiall, also on the same day 23 cords
of dry hardwood were unloaded at his
home, kindly brought by his Kingarf
A.1JC>TION SALES,—Those contemplate-
ing en Auction sale should seeere:the
services of the best auctolaeet"".;The
isest; is the clleapeet ; satisfaletixxlguar;.
anteed: it peers to get the hest."Orders'
left et`-Wmghatu Advance Office re+
Celjve .prompt attention. --T, Brown,
Scauftseth. •
Stelth. —in Wingham, 1kiarell 24th,
Mrs, Ed. Smith, a sill.
t reRe leGES.
Bell --(Torness, --lit Morris, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, by Rev,
N. S. llnrwash, on Tuesdav, 'March
'25th. Mr. John T. Bell to Miss Jen -
[tie Harness, eldest daughter of Mr,
'Of Aire. 1Vtn. (Tarniss,
Sutherhtnel—Showers.--a?it the resi-
denee of the bride's father, by Rev.
.1. Patterson on 4lai eli 21st 1(102, Mr.
William Sutherland of Landon, to
Miss Marl* A. Showers, slaughter luf
Mr. I?, Showers of Winghant,
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Belgrave Cheese and
Bunter ltlanufacturing Company.
Notice is hareby given pursuant to the Be.
wised Statutes of Ontario 1897, Chapter 222, sec.
10, that all creditors and other portions having
claims against the above Company are requit-
ed to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un-
dersigned Walter Scott, at 13e)grave, one of
the Liquidators of the above Company, on or
before the fifteenth day. of April, 1902, a state-
ment in writing,uontain
ing their names, ad-
dresses and fullparticulars of their respective
claims, and the nature of the security, if any,
bcld by- t.hetn.
And further take notice that after the last
mentioned dato the undersigned Liquidators
will proceed to distribute the assets of the said
Company amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have received notice, and will
not be responssble for the assets or any part
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been received at
the time of such distZitnlribution.lerScott• uidators
William Wray q
Mar, 20th, 1002.
The farmer who thinks that I will charge ns
much to sell his faun as the agent of the West-
ern Real Estate Exchange, is laboring under
.For my ilnv,s, callEat my ofllee and invosth
gate; and should you not call, bear in mind
the following :-
1st. --I do not charge $15.00 if your farm has
helm listed for two years and is not sold.
2nd.- -I do not receive 5400 for every farm I
have listed, from some firm who will have
your money to pay me.
8rai. —I do not charge you 2¢', on the sale
price when your farm is sold.
4th.—I do not believe in charging for some-
thtoindeg. I have not done, and cannot guarantee
When you 11,41 you: farm for sale at my
oftke, you are inenrring no costs whatever,
unless 1 effect. a sale, and then I guarantee you
will be satisfied to pay me the small commis-
sion I ask,
O113ce over D. M. Gordon's store.
Compound Syrup
of White Pine
Eucalyptol and
Will immediately relieve and
quickly cure Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis and all affec>`
tions of the Throat and Lungs.
Hamilton's IIR�3�