HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-20, Page 6"SRI. '1XXXX404%.Xtakix.boaxxxX,..... 4ealeate1101411-, aelfrrnikaY/4 xxxxxxxxxxx•rxx.........aeomaxxxexxxxot000ssoor.x. 4. The Coming of Gillian: A Pretty Irish Romance. a+4.444 -444.4.44+444144-114444.4.+47+4-04•444+4444444-4144-4-e4444 "'Cause he ain't care for anybudy anti didn't want sight nor light of any of us," Sir Harry mutters, bit- I 1 terly. "I know it well." "Nu,” Oillian says. trembling ex- I eeedinala at venturing, ever so rev- erently and delleately, to lift the I veil t het hides 'that story of a young nnno aelly-the bygoiie. sin, whose secret has bowed this gray-haired nute's head with shame and trouble long before the time. Not even now does Gillian dream itow mach lies hidden that her inn°. cent touch is revealing. "No, Uncle Harrya--the, pure soft cheek touches the poor sinner's llnetl, sunken temples naure softly and pitylngly-"but it was on that °yell- ing, last August, that poor George teas told the whole truth. He never knew it before, Anne said. He told Anne when he was going away that night, that be, had beard it, and-" "Heard! Heard what? What? What Likl he hear ?" Sir Harry de- mands, starting to his feet and gasp- ing hoarsely'. "Tell me the truth this minute? If she's played me false, the traitress. If she's played me false, be even with her." -Anne told me-" Gillian eays rath- er frightened and nervously pausing and looking at the, door lest the very person whom she is about to mention may enter the room the next minute. She glannes at the bronze dock on the manteashele and it does not quite reassure her. It is only ten. o'cloek, certainly, and Lady Darner is not expected until eleven but Just as she has begun her state- roent to Sir Harry, a loud, imperi- ous ring at the door -bell has re- sounded through the house. The carriage to meet Lady De- aler had left the house about a quarter of an hour ago, as her lady- ship had said 11. was not improbable else ghoul,' return by the 10.20 train. It is impossible that the carriage can have met Lady Damer, and re- turned from Osteory station al- ready ; and, yet again, while Gil- lian pauses, the loud ring resounds through the house, even whilst the young housemaid, Kitty Fagen, hur- ries to open the door. "What did Anne tell you?" Sir Henry repeats fiercely, swaying with weakness as he triers to stand erect. "Tell me this militate, Gil- lian! Out with 11 1" "Walt a minute," Gillian breathes, nervously, "there is some one com- ing in -it can't be Lady Dazzler al- ready! Wait a minute, Uncle Harry, and Ill tell you." Who's coming in? What are you talking about, girl ?" he mutters, slia.keng all ever in im- patience and looking wildly at the door, toward white' Gillian is also gazing in a sudden spasm et terrer that makes her rigid and still. She has heard tee heavy. door opened illowly and with difficulty by Kitty; • she clan hear vaems indistinctly through the of the storm, the door is shut instantly and loudly, as if with a strong, deter- mined hand. There are footsteps in the hall, there are footsteps coming toward the library doer, and Milian's heart beems to pans., in its beating, and her pulses ellel with a swift, icy dread. Kitty's voice Hounds louder again, as in anger or remonstrance, and then there enmee a sharp shriek and the echo of flying footsteps, and screaln"after seream follows as Kitty rushes.s, or fallsor flings herself down the stairs to the kitchens, and at the same moment it hand is laid on the lock of the library door and it le endeavored to be thrust open; but Gillian, wite all her /reale!' strength, intenelfied threefold in desperate fear, presses againet it and holds the bolt and look in their places. ealso 114 there?" Fite Liana clearly and ;sharply. She can hear will:eters with her strained hearing as she ean dimly hear the Founds of the rushing and running, end soreaming amongst the servants in their distant quarters; and then a man's vettee answers her, a false, vulgar, unpleasant voice with an affeetally "genteel" pronrinda- t ion. "Is that you, Miss Deane? We want to Eve you and eir Harry on most Important bush/Las: It won't. tohnit o' the least bit Le tletay, madam, I assure you! Phase t' open the ibire at once, Italie!" Gillian NI -mine eilent, not moving a nitwit.: partly through trying to decide on home plan of lefeuse, part- ly beoLoiee the poor ehilda titront and lips are dry and eonstricted III terror. Louder nint terings Sound tint eale end the lnek is fiercely rattled. "Open this (lure thin minita" n lotul, rough oleo ealis savagely, etn. we'll break 11 in a bout y.•re ears an two twos!" still Gillian rent:eine etirlees end relent, "te litily priming for dent er- :mem anti teinging to the faint hope that tn.ery moment's delay ls some- thing gained; but ere her itseail- Lints can begin to earre out their tbreat ear. lute Li fresh terror to vont end with. Harre, aftr,v a brief pante. of paralyzed amazement. mrideilly cow- Preltends the state of affairs: awl after hunting alma fraiateelly for a eouple of momenta hr ta•enverte his re$01i er in the tat le dra w- er, and 111,11es foroard to join in the &beam in 81,11.e ,,r Gil- Ilan's humoring, (71.14 and signs. of oiceless entree t y. lehe poor. ilk - t meted brain awl feeble Miele mak- ing him ianteet aa great 0Hanger to cope with as the Intruders-bur- et:ire or assassins, as they may be. "Let me at 'em! let me at 'eta!" he mutters, thickly. " (let away from that dome child, and let nae at 'em 1 Ali, ye eillaine of the wosed, you're coaniu' to rob and murder me, are ye? There's life In the old dog yea by Jaye there is! Stand away. Milian, anti don't be fool, child!" "Yell get a brace o' bullets In Yela Young woman, if yeh don't open this dure afore I count 'three t" roars a voice outside, and a sewage kick and the sound of splintering wood emphasizes the words, "one, two, three!" Two shots follow the words, but the bullets bury themseivee in the massive door, and (innate who has crouched doevn very low, only presses more heavily against the panel. "The first man who enters this rooAn I'll shoot dead on the spot!" shouts Sir Harry. Treere is a yell of brutal laugh- ter. t "Is it alive an' kickin' y'are, Miss titer Hamer 7" roars the rough, brutal voice. "Troth ye'll have to thrate us han'etne whin we come so far to see yeh! Another tremendous kick is dealt on the panels, and then a crowbar, working in atthe lock, begins to , force its way inward. It is only a question of a minute or two now, and Gillian, leaving the door, pushes Sir Harry back with it passionate entreaty. "Stand back 1 tand back! You can't do anything, dear lenele Harry," she whispers faintly, with her arm around elm. "There • are two or three men there, and -oh, merciful heaven 1" A cry, that Is a prayer to heaven, escapes her whae bps, for tlie crow- bar has burst the lock while she speaks, and the door smashes back on its wrenched hinges, and two men with blackened faces are hi the room, and lostantly Sir Harry fires. But as Gillian has despairingly known, the useless shot but serves to infuriate the men, and S'r tIarry is roughly pinionad and flung back on the sofa behind lam, and the taller and stouter of the two men pats a pistol to his temple. 'Stir hand or tut au' ye'll get the contents o' this 1" he growls savagely; "just tell us where well get the cash, and well not thruble you a, Import!' more!" " not tell you n word, and then the hangman will be -• sure to get his own!" pour Sir Harry gur- gles out, half articulately, almost suffocatingin rage and excitement. "Olt! Don't hurt him! He has been so ill -dying almost! 011, men, don't hurt a helpless man! Gillian cries, in wild entreaty. "Uncle Harry, give me your keys. and I will get out the money these men want!, ' "Be quick about it, too, or begorry we'll help ourselves In a way ye won't like at all!" the eider of the two ruffians adds. "11 you hurt one hair of his head you will wait longer than you will like for the money:" Gillian ref orte, with it white faee and blazing 0y00. "Uncle Harry-, giro me your keys at once, please, or tell me where your caeh-box. is!" "I won't! I won't !" he gasps. "Let we up, you villain! you. blackguard!" "If you're not Easy, I'll soon make yell quiet wud a tap o' the crow- bar," tee man growls, menac- ingly. "Meantime), I'll make use of this bit o' Iron instead o' the kays Sir Harry is unpelite enough to refuse' adds his colleague, using a eel(' chleel and hammer dexterously to the locks of the writing -drawers and bureau, and searching them by the ample process of taking their contents out In handsful, eorting them termigh their fingers a xel dropping them on the floor. Wi th glaring eyes and heav- ing chest poor Sir Harry helplessly watches the work of destruction going on, and Gilliam equally help- less, watches alro, until the nian, 1)1 forcing Open one of the bureau draW- ers, starts a towing, end a imeret drawer seems to leap out with ite tontents-a, binnothly-fohle,1 -square of paper, and then, disre- garding the revolver at his head, Sir Harry leaps up and spring); at the man, whp Imo the paper in Intsliand, with a (enmity and embiennees that literally stagger him. There 11 it three, homible struggle for a few nannente between the two men, poor ear Harry and Gillian, wile, breathless and trembling, yet des- perately hang); on to the man's arm who ha been hearelang. " Don't touch T7nele Harry 1 I Will give you money 1 Come upstaird arel will give you memo 1" she ratter- atee : and Sir Harry snatehee madly at the paper berme] his read'. "Ill gat, you twenty Donn& if you WV.' my that piper!' he RAVI, at 1881, hoarsely, his brief-fonrel strength all exhaueted. " gave ue 11 It y pouteln a pleee if you don't tyrant, e our /mane Ithiwil ont a' 1IIO eaptor retorts. eavagely, pinioning lam ()nee more. " with th pi I, you, and get the money. and ent her throat if am 'tethers tea!" he mile to lee ennrefierate• " We'll be here till mernite wiel all I101100IINP 1" "I /Met lnirt Uncle II irry. or 1 Wt let IC11 ve the room 1" poor Gillian Letie determinedly atilt timugh I lie tither man liner h a 1 of 11P1' ilrm t. Iturre- inte her out of the room. .11 eou're not mighty, teed/ ell 1,11,1r an. SUNLIGHT SOAP One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth REDUCES more than two ounces of impure soap, EXPENSE $5.000 will be paid by MBE OTRh IMt1iD, oronto, to any percent who can prove that this Neap eostsins Howard an fOrM Of adelterelion, et any iejurious chenacale AOl P1'0:u tletAGON LAC him Ninad the meterope 1" 1 he brute Ir aua eivere, 11.1t an .ta• 101A1 tniatilke. EinpluATIoN an agony of terror, muo m ut of the NO roma Level up the eitaire ate fast 31.5 her 11111bs W1=1 Pear her, the Ste- oa their ar‘Sallante keeping paee wIltitiiitht'l*. y11e1, AN 8110 10 midway up tho Kelm; 6110 ilcalVe 0 stifled evil Knave where, arta a frightful noise of Le Iteave body falling tetwa t eep 1dt eptie mei then etilintess. 'They are intoolering pool. 1)011313' 1 Ikea. Denue wive emulate to help tie!" nenote talitan, faint and sick witli terror, lturreine [note; fal leg on the etc." awl stilt hurrying, tia to her own room, where site allows that be - Nide her jewelre- there are eighty petallike ef 1 lean only get it in time before latch. 11 Ivry is murdered, too 1" is her oue frenzlea thought, ate she hurriee into her bearoom, the bugler at her Nide etill, and tottering acrose the floor, uulocke her dreseing-ease end lotnao tee matt the ltUSSian leather eagle of nut esand gold. "If it will •ouly sitee poor Lamle Harry," is her tremblaig thougla, but tbe next enetartt, deepalr, death or unknown horrors all confront her, am tele hears additloual heavy foot- steps rushina upstairs: ttsward the room. And then the door is Rung back, and 8 big, powerrully-made man, with an uplifted waimon of ;some Hort 111 1110 Maid, I('11310 1Uto the room, and, as it seems to the terrified girl, fairly leaps over the other burglar to reach her. WAIL 11 Ivhispered prayer Gillian shrInte back, elingleg into, the cur- tains oe tiro bed for refuge from her IIIMV assailant, untie her dazed senses reveal to her that the thief with lier purse has fallen down, or been itmeired down, anti is lying quietly oath his fiend on tho fender. "I owed you that doe or black- thorn syrup thie man,y a day, Joe Roche," she hears the big man Say, with a sort of savage pleaseutry, 110 he stoops over her and lifts her up swiftly and tenaerly In strong, gen- tle artne, T17110Se touch thrills her through like an electric current. "He hasn't hurt you, ltas her he demande, with Arent anxiety. ' But Gillian, slipping Warn on liter knees at las feet, dings to• fainting, but gazing; upward still, with unbelief, with rapture, and ene emn eyes air adoration, as one who Rees an angel revealed in mortal form. That le to say .that the man wbo to looking down at her, who has just dealt the enterprising Toe ItOehe such a Merciless blow of a blackthorn etick, is the man whom she 'Ims knOwn me George Archer. CHAPTER, :ELM, . "Is it you 2" Gillian whispers, her hand holding his tightly still, as If she fearhe will disappear before her ',Omitting gaze, "Is; it 3.ou-0e0rge ? Oh, eleorge 1 011, Ge!orge 1" She has not one memory of his cru- elty, his desertian, his ellenee, and hardness. and inerelleee (-oldness. ehe Monet a fear or Li. suspiclun to alloy the ahncest incredible bliss of the ac- tual present. Her heeds press his, and prese them to her faithful heart in. speechless tenderness ; speechless lure glowe in her radiant eyes as she crouthee there, kneeling, and looking up at lam. "Yee, s me," George answera awkwardly enough, rather wincing at the reverential lovo 10 the upturned glowing eyte, and the tender pressure of hie hands/ in hers against her throbbing heart. "Let me 'help you up,won't you You are ,not 111.11- 1, I hope, Gillian ?," • lifts her, almost helpless, Into a standing posture, .and though ee is scarce willing, ..he eannot reflItie her, Lemport for afew moments. "Let me sit dolwirs, I (Iona tlank I men walk," sheer/utters faintly, cling- ing to aim still, and trembling vio- • • • "You must get out of this room for it few mittottee, at all events," George replace hastily, paseing „his arm around her, and half leading, half lifting her out of the room. "Go away somewhere, please, at once." • "011, poor Uncle Harry," Gillian ex- claims, with a thrill of shame for ber momentaryforgetfulness. "Let me go to aliu at once." . "Who?" George asks with a puz- zled frown. "Oh, you mean Sir Harry Darner." He does not speak a word more than these, uttered coldly and foxrnally, and opening the door of Lady Damer's dressing room, he fairly pushes Gillian in. seed 001111' woman up to you," he Rave briefly. "You stay here, please; you are only In the way dielveslinesrelys ies; The police will be here p "011, do let me go down to poor Uncle! Harry," Gillian entreate with teare. "Have they hurt him? Have they killed him 7e "Not at all," George says, curtly. "For goodnees slake apn't keep me here. He is all right. Lady and Dick 'Mahon are with him," and almost wrenching his hand from her Masp. he shuts the door and melee (way. Several minutes elapse-five-ten- tsventy, it rimy be twenty hours to Gillian, listening at the door in ans. pense and terror. The pendule in the room with her strikes 11, being wonderfully ac- curate, for it French clock, she knows that it is not more than len minutes too fast. , (To be Continued.) 7r -hen it wises man reaches the top of the !mister he immediately proceeds 10 mnke hintself secure in the IJOSI- bon, NEEDED AT HONE Everybody in Oshawa is Familiar with this Case. doallrownts wonderful Escape from . Death is now au Olei and oft 'Void Story to the People of ale own 'lama 081i/twee Ont., Martel 3.- (ape: 1 la- -While intereet in Joe. )3rown's ease hoe been revlyeel lay the vomit publi- cetion of the filets in so many pa - peva. Oshawa, people are well •De* quaintel with the whole drown- stauce. air. Brown's father-in-law. Mr. J Out Allin, whose .peic e 0,1 bus), 13(00 is, right in the ware 01 alle town, hale, however, had to answer many queetione recently, bat maim slam very close to Mr. Brown during tlie whole of lila painful experiences: in '07 and '98, he finds Vale an easy mat- ter. • Mr. Alan1 quito as enthuse:1sta. as Mr. Brown laimople and never tires telling the &tory of how Dodd's Kid- ney Pills conquered ditmase •and saved Mr. Browit'a life. He Nee's; . "We didn't think he would ever live teetotal lt, let aloue get strOng andl able to work, but the 1)1110 made hint. all right ant! wail In a eleorietana ilea the beet. or It all itsallat the cure ate stood -elm test'of time. It must be three and a half years sin:tee/1nd as *you knoue etrong 'and betray to- day, and htee been ever sinoe Dodd's Kidney Pille sent him back tot the shop." There are many others in town who have recently been reminded or that Nvonelerfal cure of a seemingly; hopeless case who find no trouble In, calllng up the facia, and none are slow to :give all the credit to Dothas • Kidney 111114 Beardless Barley Is peodigelly prolific, yaw. lng in 1901 for lir. Wells, °mons Co., Neer York, 100 er lbeisheis psera. Mos well everywhoto. Tient yetis. 20th Century Cats. Thereat marvel, producing repro 200 to no bor, per Ace°. Eintzerto. Oats aro mop rooted to produce great. 1151,. 4110 1.. $.10. nem. cant Meta 114 very beet' %%At 1)45% Three Eared Corn. IN to 2:e0 t ;dr ia exeren.rly 1 rol:1100:0 ee pre0. not creorrof ettn. fereinetore Nee ,ryvt(te, Masao wheat 4,t0t0.2 io X DM. yea r Meer 40 We. 111020. oke Loo fte,c,:otrat, roniNV heti t, yoga 310e11e1 on our (Ar)o 421,4. po• atm, That Spear. Gemara, t• m11 Alta on eettle.40 tuggeslo end 00..0 map -Alone buy tel Krt. Tient Doyle. Vitoria Rape r• 1 4 1WOW 1,, 14, • p a no I; 41e n..0 Mame 410 4101 0 11001ve..11 esr.,renee.. That rays. Brenius inermls. 0:04 r..ruo.if 1 creme ed 11.0 c.,ntary.l.toducrontens hay 001 1010 end Iota a -0 Memo beelden pee one. rerotre 111.1,11“, 11 011 f nuel, fettlegelon 001.1 emee.o. late lays, 31 0,00 for 15o, me vs .11 you to try Our gres% mar +de, Pon, I aro, tl send 10 form turd suer& contetiolegVeouesnl ltreaddl leuto, 11001,10, tem‘e, tIrolte 141,010, etu Nue wenn 3i0.00 opt 40102) ugether win our noun 0114log, Itytpu e bus. , . . , 1 SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Chicago & Northwestern Railway ; every day .Ouring March and April.. Colouist one-way second-class tick- ets at very low rates from Chi- cago to points in Colorado, Utah,• Istonto,na, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, Victoria., Vantiouver, New Westminster, Nei - eon, Rossla,nd and other points in Kootenay distriat. Mao special round trip Homeseekers' tickets on first and third Tuesdays, March, April and May. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or 13.. IL Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East- King street, To- ronto, Ont. The Only Way. Thew who have found the task of filling a fountain pen 8 potent aid to profanity will enjoy the enswer whicli a atteseaelmeetts AVOnian re, turned to the question, •`Wlett le the beat was? to fill a fountain pett?'a "There is only one truetwortay WHY," said she. "You must fill -your bathtub with ink and then get into it with the pen which. you desire to fat" Thera's al anY ahliP on ley roads and sidewalks le the winter. Sprains and bruises follow. That is the time when Perry Davis' Pahtkiller vindi- cates its right to the confidence It has retained for sixty years.. • In a Nutshell. Here is your biography in it nut- shell: "Born ; welcomed; caressad; cried ; led; grew; amused; reared studied; examined ; graduated in love; loved; engaged; married; gear - relied ; reconciled; sat fermi; mourned and forgotten !"-Tit-Bits. ---- • - In washing woollens and fiannels, the soft soap made from Lever's Dry Soap (a powder), will be found very satisfactory. Following Directions. "We shall reeve to try again," said the photograpber inspecting the re - can always tell 111 wilen she crosses her hands. Piles To prove to you „Ahab Dr. Chase's Ointment.% a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, .* bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tos• timonials in the daily prear and ask your neigh- bors what they think of P. You can uso 0 and get your money back if not cured. 600 a box, at all dealers or EratoriSON,BOTrs St Co., TOrontn, Dr:Cha,se's Ointment Her Perpetual Cry. • Jimson-Ife married a saleslady, you knowi. .1 arneeore-Yee. jimeon-Well, the very next day she began culling "Ca-a-sh !" and he .9o.3'0 she has kept lb up ever since. Dilnard's Liniment relieves Neu- ralgia., what Pauperism Costs. England spentle £8,400,000 a year on her paupers. Scotland £900,000, Ireland £1,400,000. ;France ;spends isse than £1,500,000. 13y Bribing no Nerves with opium you nray stop a ough, but the In, Damnation vest from bad to worse. Allen's Lunt lectletun, containing no opium,. goes !to the root of the trouble and curee deep -sealed ea feetione of threat arid lungs. Vilest.• Dear Girls. afeuele-Nack Daehing proposed 10 no0 laid night. Ethel -Yee; he bet See a kers lie Free to elothers Only. To every limner of yonrig children who will sena us her name And ads areas plainly writtenon n postal card, we., will send tree of ail charge a voluable little book on the eare of infanta and young children. Title breok litte beee preperea by a physi- elan who bast made the ailments Of 11 111 it cotes a elite study. With the book wf.will 80111 it free sample of Baby's Own 'Pe.blete-the beta medi- cine In the world for the minor ail- ments] of Infants and young chile (Mere Mention ebe name of title tilts per and riddrees the 1)r. Williams' Malleine Coe Itroekville, Ont, Lord Morris and the ( oafs. Leal Nativist did not like treaintry Interference. Onee. it ia mid, a MOSt distinguislael afflelfil Wan sent over from What PIM II 10 Dublin, tater a leitg earetootontlettee 011 the sale of the Department about the e131e11:1e hire of fuel itt the eourt room); eml autige'a -chamber, to obtain the weever that the vIglialit guertliaris Of the Wale ptuen0 hail failed to extract in Writing. He woe revolved politely by Use Chief ;Notice, who k41111 {Nat Ite would' put hint in Mtn- inituteation with the ammo' person, tetra, fluting the bra, Iva) nriewered by the elderly feMelearia tteted ae court -keeper, he remarked itte turned oni las beel and left the room: ")tary, ilate le the MTh teatai e0111,0 abtait the MAW" COE NT n? BEST. .....••••.,•••••••• Something Depends on. Loca- tion and Feed. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE COUNT, mr. W. IloUson writes; "The 41N 10 weld' Is the Most tilreirilite"cibirn‘.°111e.im LIT•11)(111.ittutryt utonot 11" That beef produetien eau he carried on ,wita 0. mealier expencature for Wier and utensile is perhami lane, Lula It eertaluly 4.10i'S not retpare the Minstapt attentien to lousiness tha1 dairying enteals. it will, 1 think, 1100 geneealty vometled by faironinded 111011 theethere le no "best" breed. : Everyt Wog depends (01 eireumstensee. A breed time proves highly satisfata tory an one district May be found entirely* unroll:tee; to different en- virennaents. Only lour breeds of beef cattle, namely, Shorthorns, Here- fords, Galloways and Arteraeen:Ans tire. )utve attained popularity in Cale ada, and 'only tho first reentioued can slip said to be generally tlistrl- butett The &there MO/ equal the Sell,teonrt el itcomrpriass slot ciembeuefo dtei ocdzettalohni , gitt. ditions, but •the superior milking qualities of the Sheithorns, and pate tieularly or the grades, eave given. them a% unequalled popularity atnong our faemers. "Where feed le. plentiful end the country not too high or broken they are liekly to prove ki at Israel; ory beefers, and- in addition will pre - duce a fair alimentof milk. Tee ease with whicli gooa bulls of this breed can be procured for grading purposes is also an argument in Ito DeVor. Breeder e of other sorts are comparatively few, and the oppor- tunity for choice le small, when one desires to select a buil. In the cold- er parte ef Canada, raid on the bare pastures of the mountainous distriots, the GalloWeys Loci West Highlanders should prove service- able, on accmint of theirhardiness anti activity. - /Smoot the dairy 'breeds, the Ayr - shires, Holsteins, Jerseys, Guernseys and French Canadians are all held in considerable esteein. The latter lotee been almost unknown outside of the Province of Quebec, until the last year or two, but they are now attracting considerable attention. Under adverse circurnetances, such as beauty pastures, lack of proper wine ter reed and care, etc., they will prob- ablyyield a treater percentage or profit than those breeds wh.leh have for generations been accustomed to good food and caro The Guernseys, although eighty 'thought of in the United States, have never tallied sufficient foothold in Canada to en- able our farmers to judge their suit- ablity for this country. But they and their dose relatives, the Jerseys, are especially adapted for the production of fancy butter or cream of a high- priced city trade, and the majority of Canadian herds of these two breeds are, 1 think, used ter this purpose!. The Ayrshires and Holsteins seeneeto be gaining In popularity among the general dairy farmers wile support the dream factories and creameries, and, with the dairy Shoethorns, are likely to divide the greater part of the dairy field between them. The Holsteins are likely to do better on the level lands, with. flush pastures and plenty of winter rood, while the Ayrshiree Would, I think, find more favotr on rolling or hilly lands, be- dtime et their great aetivity, )3ut, white certain well deeined dif- ferences refay characterize the yar- Iowa breeds, yet it meg be well to remember that there Is much great- er difference between Individual ani- mals oe the Same breed than between different breeds. A good cow is a good cow, no matter what her breed, may be. Therefore let each man select the breedethat he oonsiders best suited to his conditions, and stick to It. Let him buy, Or breed to, the beat avail- able bulls of that breed, and continue to grade up WA herd to a higher de- gree of- excellence year by year. The Practice followed by some farmers of using bulls first ote one breed and then Of anal:hero lei fatal to all plans of building- up a bandaoate, utiform and profitable herd of grade cows, and time is just what most farmers require. The average man dotes not need pure bred females; in fact will do better with good grades. The breeders of pure bred stock are, like the meet, born, not matlet Iie mut interit a love for animals and an aptitede for handling tb.em, other- wise his invesament will prove un- profitable, and all lite efforts a die- appointm.ent. • Mintarree Liniment Cures Dandruff, The British Seitoolboy on Animals. A correspondent" who offered prizes In different echools tor 00- 0 11 kindness- to animals sends uee a few extracts from the pap- ers received: "There are two kinds/ or animals, and they' aro the quadruped and Wiwi; the quadruped is lions and tigers and such like, and the 'typed Is birds." "Some people kick the poor dog andgive it no tood. Then the poor animal bites the first' person It comes to, and this causes the per - soh to have idiphobery, and the an- imal gets killed. This is all through the people ,givlug the animal 1101111- 111g to eat.' "Animals do not g0 to °hutch nor Hay any prayers. They never it down to get. their Meals', and we "althea the animal dies it le no more) good, except for food, but when, we die we have it resurrecs tion."-Weetininster Gazette. Liniment cures Burns, etc. Longest Tooth -Sixteen Inches. Reliefs of prehistoric tlinee have been enearthed In ,a bog at what is known as White Sulphur Springs, two 1111100 north of Afton, T. le, by Prof. W. II. Minim head of the bureau of etlinolog,v of .the Smith- sonian Institution In Washington, and W. A. 0111, a (40vernment pho- tographer. The find inchnleti sev- ova large teeth and hence, together With Many arrow pollite and heads. One tooth, that of a thastoden, mem/tired elateen Imam; in length fuel fester Inelum acrofos the tele That Is maid to he the largest tootit of these extInet animale ever seen bY mart.-Olito Dental &Mena. • eaten OP.Clina,cmy 1)1'Tareene bt CAR COI.NIT. VitAInt enr.Ifitr mak ce oath that be Won - fig Illioarbtillikeirr,cogiotlfilo) tflaicirtayro.f.l.TC01110701.ort.&ogre and State foributid.a nil that sods fitla born pity the entri of ONE MalliftED 110t,Lettl4 for enitil, and 01 CV y elute of CA'rAnnit UM OM - net 1)9 cured by the 11F(1 of 11.4t.i.'fi (14TAttell {11:14:0:71 0) before inritteAdNsICtibiar(ilbrierit Irm'j profienee,t Ink etlt day of Deerimber.A.D.,188.0, A. 1,11', CI LEA HON. Notary labile. Catarrh Owe is taken internale!, and sem directly on the Meal and te u(on 0)0110088 of MO ay“inin. Sand for Methuen Nat ire& .T. CIIVINLY & CO" Toledo, O. Fold byaOruggIste, 73e. IOM's k aftilly PIUS 010 the best, epairing Neatly Done Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that dbes it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over -work, from disease, They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made -and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow. places full. Only the best ma- terials are used in the 'patching and the patches don't Show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself -you and the bottle. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample - SCOTT 8c BOWNE, TORONTO CANADA eoc. and $t. all druggists. r4i Blood will tell When au animal is all run down, has a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that Ms blood is out of order: To keep an animal econo- micelle he must be in good health. • • DICK'S . BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of "bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down horse. 50 cents a paeltage. Leeming, Miles Cc Co., Agents, flONTRBAL. Write for Book on Cattle and Horses free. •••:.•••••••••••1 Good Paying Business For Salo Baker shop, restaurant, confectionery, fruit, ice cream in 0110 031 the best towns In Manitoba; good chance for a good baker; price $1700, cash 51000, balance to suit. For_partioulars apply CANADA READY PRINT Co., Hamilton, Canada, CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hon. jahn Dryden, President. Tee report for 19011 showed re- mare/able increases over 1900, In the following itemise • New business increased by $050,705 Premiunt ineosne increased ; • 30,312 income incedasied by 42,1575 Aesete Increased by : 43,959 Insurance in force, In- . ! creased by • 1,300,466 Corrtinentall Life. Policies are un- excelled far simplicity arml liberality. Agente ;wanted. • GEO. B. WOODS', CHAS, H. FULLER, General' Manager. Secretary • Dear Sirs, -This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame „hack for fifteen years, I have used three bottles of yoor alaNARTYS LINFMENal, and am com- pletely curedd It causes me great pleasure to re- commend It, and you are at liberty to use this In any way to further the use of your valuable medicine. Two Rivers, ROBERT ROSS, ISSUE IVO. 12 190%!. cIIAN (INS. (USTI FOR REAL ESTATE 0I1 Baal - ea nem, no matter where 13 3*, Semi deecrip- tion and emit priee mad got our plan for end- ing cash buyers. Patent Exchange and 1111.04. nient Company, Toronto, Canada, PA riotns, I>ATiNTS, CAVEATS, NARKS, tioitritt.4 illorgrteL Mee. tittn'tiltrii .xrhange and investment Company, lallibm Building, Toronto, 0111. •- • DR. WHITE'S ELECTRIC COMB Sure Ctir,o. far ifeadaeha and all scalp s• ailments,preventsancl stops Baldness, TbojdetU eomb for toilet use. (moo used elways used. Comforting, economical. Wee a lifetime. Ladies ea. Gents me. eons prepaid on re010ll-001 price from Dr, White's Agency, 1051. Jobe et, Montreal. .1•••••••••••••,1111111 .-• A 13RICKeSTORle ItENT, THE BEST Xi. corner stoma. in Mussels. Apply to it. C. Struthers, Londou, Ont, Mi -i. Winslow', Soothine Syrup should asohvotatlYs8s tit% (1.118ecil, fstreteTelitillertgneurjt'Lretuhrietwhildt colic and is the boa remedy for tearoom. - -- 1ORTJIT FARM FOR SALE-ONa OF mmn finest in the Niegara leenintiala, ab Winona, le miles from emmilton on two rail. ways, Macros in Mess of vrhich is in fruit, mostly peaehes. Will bo sold in one parcel or divided into lotsof 16 to 20 acres to suit pur. chasers. Theis a decided bargaiii Address Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Winona Ontario elleCAVE YOU NOM IT! WHAT: 1 Lea's Ise Pacelese Recipes-1Mo •.eareitt for tho home, farm, laboratory,.workbhop and every department of human endeavor, with foil Index (0 100108)8 ; Ns pages ; bound in cloth ; send 25001314 for a copy, and if you thiuk the book Is not wor. It the money, bend it back and your money will be returned :thk Is a good . side Pito for eanvassere. Wohnut Brigge Methodist Book Room Terme°, Ont. - - . Years old: bay, brown or Meanie •' lee high; weight 1,075 10 .1.1.00; 11001 11111.104 opaoh, gem. ings and well bred; of haeltney make-up, good. coa,tsoranes and (ails; good knee and hock action; high act ors; able to step In four min- utes; taust he sound and right ovory way; will Pay good price for such It te11111; in reply etre full description and price. S. le Angus, 910 Majestic Didg., Detroit. Mich. VETANTED -0001) TIOI/SEICEEPEPS TO v3 use Eleetrie Polishing Fibre, the clim- e/my prepared cloth that cleans silverware and ail bright metals without the aid of pesot or pewder ; it's the houbekeeper's delight- so clean, quick and handy; urice 25 cents ; atjew- oilers, drugeists, notion detainsgrocers end getterainitechituts; Wh01e49l0 by LerylirOs•.Co , Haninton, Dominion Drug Co., Hamilton, T. Kinnear & Co., Toronto. For useful trtal samples send two cent stamp to the Monarch Ca, St. Catharines, Ont., Manufaeturers.Tako no Substitute. WANTED =41'1°0:Jaen thil. throughout Canada to introduce our goodetaelcing up show cards on treoefeneeselong roads and all conspicuous places, also 1 istributing small ativertising. matter. Commission 'or salary, eutieo per month and expenses not to exceed $2.50 per day. Steady employment to good, honest, re- liable mon. No ex perleuce tteedful. Write for full particulars. THE EMPIRE MEDI OIND 00., X.0111(1011, Ont. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED Dried Apples Poultry, Dairy and Creamery Butter, Honey, etc. Will buy outright or sell on commission. Correspondence invited. JOHN S. FEE, 62 Front street oast, Toronto, Ont. VERY LOW RATES Every day during tile montha of March and April, 3,002, tho UNION PACIFIC will pelt Cielonlati one -wax aieltete at the follavving Maas: •. FROM, MISSOURI RIVItit, $20.00 To Ogden and Balt Lake City. - $20.00 ..,10 Butte, Ana condo and Helena. $22.50 $22.50 To Spokane. To Points on the Great Northern By, Spokane to Wenatebee Inc., vita Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 To Points on Great Northern Ity.,west of Wenatchee via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 To Portland, Pacoma and Seattle. $r)5 00 To Ashland, , Oregon, . and intermediate Points, including Branch Lines on S. P. .Co., south of Portland, via Portland. $25.00 To San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California Points. Full lefoenottion cheerfully furs Lashed on applieation to G. G. HERRING, G.A., 126 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Eng for its Size. "Tommy," gala the father of a precocious five-year-old at the dinner table, "don't yoti think that is a pretty big piece of cake; for a boy, of yOur size 7" "It looks big, papa," repilea Tommy, "but it' l sponge cake and nearly all boles.."-Cliicago News. Millard's Liniment for sale everye 'where. twos, Frost Wire Pence is a Strong Fence. The to wiree rind 6 sear kneel hag attaeaz uprights. There is not it weak spot hi Re cuminii lion, 11 will hoe three tittles as long as other fence% Plata your order for Peatet rellee, satisfaction guaranteed. Write for CritelOcie• TIM FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, Ont, 4 PfL8 IIND MEM or NO HOOPS, EDDYS NO LEAICS..' NO JOINTS, NO slums, INDURATED FIBREWARE 8.te Vaulty superior to the ante arr WoodeniVare articles for doraestie ono. 0. TRY THEM. iitie by tirat Wadi dMI.rL •