The Wingham Advance, 1902-03-20, Page 5• • Marek, 20, 1902 JOII N• CUB,RI +' Dox 100 Licensed Auctioneer Wingham Sales Promptly Attended. TERMS REASONABLE, Ps O. A, DULMAGE REAL. ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property, ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT, OPFICL3.-Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence-CatherineSt. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING Collection of Itents.and Accounts a specialty, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Over D. M, Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. YIOLiN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. lst to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISH MOORE, L.C,M, And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence -opposite the R. C. Church, Wingham. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Offlco-WINGHAM W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental _ Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor `f=_ Graduate of Dent -7.11T.'4. al Dept. of Toren. to University. "u' Y' _ tiL 1r Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed. ggrOfilee in Beaver Block. E L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton MONEY TO LOAN Office: Meyer Block Wingham, LIFE Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office -corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., WINGHAM ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS J P. KENNEDY, M.D., MX. P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. OFFICE HOURS :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-95. WINGHAM. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro. perty on the cash or premium note system, aJAMES Gotnri , CHAS. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINGHAM, ONT WM. DEYELL Builder and Contractor. I wish to inform the public, that I am prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Parties intending to build would do well to see me before closing contracts. Plans and speoiflcations furnished If desired Rates reasonable, workmanship the best. WM, DEYELL 20-8n. Builder and Contractor. Residence on Edward St. Shop over Steam Pump Works, near the Union Factory. 23e,{ore, After, 19700e0 pi10t111ioalllb, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada, Only reli. able medicine discovered. SIX package* guaranteed to eure all forms o Sexual weakness all effects of ahuso egees4, Mental Worry, .lxee0sive nes of To. Pasco, Opium et Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of prtee, ono r,ailkygoA $f $lx, $5. One tett! pease, Zwit/ cure, -Painphlete free to any address. Tho Wooer compose, YYintlaer, Ont. Weed's l'hosphndino Is sold In wingliam by .A, 1,, Hamilton, J. Id, Davis, It. A. Jiouglaes and 0, A, Campbell, Drosee ees, 1902 Is MOVING FORWARD, Oittreslareribatson le-oj'Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to sco what we teach. Students unity enter at any Uwe - Two Coarses of Study --Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE President Seo'y. Owen Sound Listowel PEEREFFEIIF ,; .J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet-. erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. Our Beautiful New SPRING .GOODS ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at • Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham You Cll't Afford ID ExpoIlIllollI in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex periments are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us'a call. E. C. CLARKE UP -STAIRS IN SHAW BLOCK. WIT+TGHAM Saw bill McLEAN B SON Alt kinds of rough and dressed.... Lumber, Lath, shingles Apple Barrels Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Tekephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean. & Son 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCC POtStOiNtli COPYRIGHT& tkc. Anyone sending a sketch and 4e8001tlen mal enfold? ascertain our opinion free whether nn' Invention is probably patentable. eommnnlcs• trona strletlS confidential. Ilnndbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. resolve Waal without ohnrge,10 the Srientifkk . �nertcan. Ahanesometyiitnsirntod weekly. Largest sir. ,n lotion of any siltation journal, Qr Co nT erms, l$ 3 lir mntet. 3o11d brans sa. 881ero dwaYtovork DrOaice, 425 bSt,. Washington. .0. Health THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, " For 25 years 1 have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, anti does me good in every way." - John P, Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y, Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body, You are Invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong; steady,courageous,, That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. $LII a We. MI druggists. Ba ssparllldoctor o Ea knows all aboakit this rand old tinnily medlclne. Follow Ids adrlco and we will be satisfied. J. O. Ark* Co., Lowell, Mass. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some- thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for yon, then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun- tries with success in severe threat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stithu- lates the tissues to destroy the germ d isease, but allays inflamrntttion ,causes easy expectoration,gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient, Try ONE bottle. Recommended rnany years by all druggists in the world. You can get Dr. ii, a. Green's reliable remedies at J. E. Davis'. Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. tear. McitSrPOO. *980 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRAINS LEAV- E FOR Palmerston ..,6.53 a, m.,.8:55 a. m. London 0'60 a. m...3:10 p. m. Kincardine.11:10 a, m..3:25 p. m.. 8:38 p. m, ARRIVE FROM Klnoardine.6:50 a. m:..8:55 a. in.,, .3:10 p. m, , London 11:10 a. m...7:55 p. nn. Palmerston . 2.45 p. m... 8:38 p. m ' H. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TV- E FOR Toronto and E Sts LE6 57 a, m... 3:25 p. m. Toeewater 1.17 p. m...10:43 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Teeewater. .....6:57 a. in.,.3:25 p. m. Toronto and East 1.17 p. m...10:43 p, in. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham Easter Holidays. RETURN TICKETS WILL BE ISSUES AT SINGLEEL'A S FARE Going March 27th, 28th, 20th, 80th and 31st, inelusive. returning up to and in- cluding April 1st, 1902. Between AU Stations in Canada. A11 stations in Canada to and from De- troit and Port Huron, Mich. All sta- tions TO but not FROM Buffalo,N.Y. ; Black Rock. N. Y. ; Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; Suspension Bridge, N. Y. TEACHERS AND STUDENT* of schools and colleges, on surrender of standard certificate signed by principal, at Single First -Class Pare and One -Third. Going March 2Ist to 29th, inclusive, re- turning, up to and including Apr.8, 1002 For further particulars apply to Agents Grand Trunk Railway System, or M. C. DICKSON District Passenger Agent, Toronto. C ANADI'AN EASTER RATES Round trip tickets will bo issued as follows: GENERAL PUBLIC Single First -Class Fare. Going March 27th to 31st, incli sive, re. turning up to and including April 1st. TEACHERS and STUDENTS On surrender of standard certificate signed by Principal. Single First -Class Fare and One -Third. Going March 21st to 29th, inclusive, good to return until April 8th, 1002. TERRITORY -Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Mario, Mich., Detroit, Mich., and to but not from Buiralo, N. Y., ]flack Rock, N. Y., Niagara Falls N. Y., and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. A. H. NOTMAN, Asst, Geld. Passr. Agent 1 liking Street East, Toronto We invite our former cus- tomers, and others, to call and examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate—cloth is of good quality --we give you a good easy fit, Webster & Goa 1i West Wawanosh, Mrs, George May of Nile pluoked a J pansy in her garden on March 2nd, R. McWhinney has purchased 50 acres from Mrs. Giryin for the sum of $100, W. J. Mason has taken his departure for Grey county, vacating John Thomp- son's farm, Robert J. Iloever has sold his farm to Joseph Johnston for $4000. Mr. Hoover iliteuds purchasing nearer a town or village, for educational advantages for his family, Harry Beadle, jr., paid a flying visit to Ridgetown to see his father. Ho has since his roturn gone to the territories for a car load of horses, intending to supply the dellcienpiee in Huron and Bruce, owing to the largo purchases made by Robt, McLean and others. o James IIoover had the misfortune to have his barn and contents, stook ex- cepted, burnt recently. The pause was a lantern explosion. One horse was, however, burnt and 150 hens. 0. Echlin, who had the misfortune some time ago to fall and strike his throat on the edge of a box, fracturing llis windpipe, has recovered, --David Clinton lost Wellington post. office because he allowed eleotion posters. on the building and committees to Meet inside. -Tho management of the steel works, Collingwood, are making preparations to commonao work on this building on Monday, and every available mau is being 01141 lyed, --Tho Galt Reporter records the sales of two dozen farms, at prices ranging from about $50 to over $80 per acre. There is a general report of increased activity hi the demand for farm lands iu this Province. Woodstock, March 15. -Word was received in the city yesterday of the death of Hugh McDonald, the well- known Plattsvillo cattle buyer, Mr. Mnodonnld hod been i11 for some time with lung trouble, The Uxbridge Times says that at a sale held by Charles Ruddy of Victoria Corners, work horses brought $130 to $150, fwd colts $100 fo 130; cows brought $47 to $52, and stockers, one to two years old, $20 to $30, Tweed, Ont., March 15, -While Isaac Gunnel, a farmer near Kaladar Station, on the 0. P. R., was driving in his stock recently he found a nugget on his farm, which he has had assnyed and now finds contained $50 worth of gold, Winnipeg, lliaroh 15,...-,Aftersix weeks of balmy weather, the wildest storm of the winter raged here last night. In the morning there was not a vestige of snow in the streets, and dost was flying while at 11 o'clook at night the streets were blocked with snow. -"There arel" says a correspondent of the Canadian Grocer, "over 90 can- ning factories in Ontario besides those in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, and a half a dozen of the well-equipped factories could easily pack sufficient to supply the Conadian market." -There have been only 400,000 ties put down for repairs this year An the 1,400 miles of track in the center divis- ion of Grand Trunk, as against 474,000 last year. The saving of 74,000 ties is said to bo due to the better condition the tracks have been kept in this year, Arthur, Ont., March 14. -Mr. Charles McLean, of this village, was found dead in his bed this morning about four o'clock. Upon examination it was fopnd that death was due to neuralgia of the heart, 1?eeeased had retired the night before in apparently good health, and it was not until his wife awakened that it was discovered he had died. Mr. McLean was a framer, and was about 60 years of ago. Montreal, March 14. Judge Cho- quette, in the Police Court this after- noons announced that the. evidence in the lit, .Tames' election frauds was in his opinion sufficient to commit the ac- cused, Brunet, to the Court of King's Bench for trial. The lawyers for the defence asked for a delay of a week, as they stated that they had a defence to make. The judge granted them until Thursday next, March 2gtll. Winnipeg, March 15. -The Dominion Lands and Colonization Co. is buying nearly all the unsold 0. P. R. lauds in south-eastern Assinaboia and part of south-western Manitoba. It will in- volve the transfer of the titles of nearly half a million acres, and it is understood a sum in cash of about a million and a half dollars. The company purchas- ing is largely composed of St. Paul and Minneapolis capitalists who have a capital stock of $2,000,000. Tho inten- tion of the new company is to colonize the laud, and they will settle the greater part of it during the coming season. Woodstock, March 14. -Abram Ro- well of thio city is one of the claimants is a fortune of $380,000,000 in Philadel- phia. This morning W. T. McMullen and Levi Lang,son-in-law of Mr. Rowell left for that city to investigate the mat- ter. It appears that ono Jacob Baker leased a large estate which has accumu- lated to the above large fortune, for ninety-nine years, after which the pro- perty, according to his will, was to re- vert to his heirs. The time of the lease has now expired, and the Rowells, who olaim relationship, entitling them as heirs, are taking active steps to prove their claims, A MERITED TRIBUTE. Our Own Experience of the Comforts of Travel on the Grand Trunk. The Ladies' Journal had occasion to visit Chicago recently on a matter of business. We travelled by the Grand Trunk Railway, leaving Toronto to the minute at five o'clock in the evening, schedule time, and arriving in Chicago at 7.S0 the next morning, right to the moment according to the time table. In fact, during the whole journey we could step right off the train into the darkness at the moment we were timed to stop at any particular station, feeling sure we would reach the platform without any mistake. This, too, in the midst of quite severe winter weather when the track of the railway, as a rule, is not always in the best of condition. Tho Journal has ridden on most of the great trunk lines in America and finds that tho Grand Trunk main line between Toronto and Chiengo is equal to the best of them. The train itself was a marvel of luxury and convenience. The dining car's beautifully shaded electric lamps on each table, revealed the whitest and finest of linen, cutlery of the best and china of the daintiest pattern. The service was altogether everything that could be de- sired. Tho servants of the Company ars courteous and obliging kilt not obsoqui, 0118. 'Wo observed that the train, both in going and returning, was filled about to its capacity, most of the upper berths being taken and all of the lower ones. This was 110 special occasion, simply or- dinary every day travel. Wo give this brief notice of tho Grand Trunk frolll our pride iu our grand national l}ighWay, and out of the fullties5 pf'p11r heart for such a comfortable, 0020 and speedy journey, Moreover, we were not travel- ing on a pads, -Toronto Lndica' Journal, At the last meeting of Nile L. 0. L. No. 1052, the following resolution was passed: -Whereas this society stands for the upbuilding of the British Em- pire; and whereas the liquor traffic is in our estimation one of the greatest curses in that Empire; therefore resolyed, that we, the members of IJ,A,II- No, 1052, do pledge ourselves to support what we consider to be the best measure for the prohibition of that traffic, and that this resolution be forwarded to the local papers and the Sentinel. A Lake Captains Experience. Capt. McDonald, one of Kingston's most prominent mariners, writes: "For years I have battled with the agonies of .Bronchitic Asthma, oftentimes so bad that I could not sleep for nights at a time. I spent hundreds of dollars on doctors and quacks without getting re- lief, hilt one dollar's worth of Catarrh - ozone perfectly ourod mo." The above testimonial was given two years ago, and as the Captain lately stated he was still quite free from Bronchitis, it proves Catarrhozone a veritable specific. Ca- tarrhozone two months' treatment, guar- anteed to cure Bronchitis, price 81.00, small size 25 as. Druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston. Goderich. D, Rougvie returned to town on Friday, having completed a business trip of the lake counties of Western Ontario. He was selling binding twine, and his orders aggregated 490 tons in weight and *122,500 in valve. About 8 o'clock on Saturday evening John Howe, night-watohtuan at the or- gan factory, detected fire in some excel- sior in the fiuishing room, on the third floor of the factory. With admirable presence of mind, he u.sed the chemical extinguisher and afterwards turned on the factory hose, and soon bad fire out. On Wednesday, 5th inst., two old and esteemed residents of town, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Straughan, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding by a family gathering, About fifty relatives and friends were present to joie in the pleas= ant event. There must be a free current down the Maitland, because suckers have been seen passing up at Saltford bridge. They are not in large schools, and it is said, if the report is true, it is the earliest sucker run known. Already sailors have left for various ports to help prepare their vessels for tho season of navigation, and the fisher- men are preparing to start fitting out their tugs; a large number of fishermen have been making nets for the past two weeks in the Town Hall, from whence they are carted to the dock as soon Rs made. Tho Goderich elevator was lightened considerably by shipments made tho past few days to various parts of the province, and it will doubtless bo empty when the season opens. On the O8th of Fob'y. last Archibald Edmonstone, formerly a resident of Goderich township, now of Riverside, Cal., secured a decision from ,judge Noyes, of the Superior Court of. that State, annulling his marriage, which took place at Goderich some years ago. The wife did not put in an appearance to objct to the annulment of the mar- riage contract. The Star has in its possession an apple grown on the farm of Nixon Sturdy, Goderich township, in 1000. It was handed to the tar last August to show it was one of the best keeping of russets, and was put away to watch its keeping powers. When the apple was found yesterday, it was still sound, though wrinkled and much reduced in size, but it looks as if it would keep till next August. To Cure a Corn in Twenty-four Hours. There is no lack of so-called cures for corns. The vegetable, animal and min- eral kingdoms have been ransacked for cures, It is a simple natter to remove corns without pain, for if you will go to any druggist or medicine dealer and buy a bottle of Putnamn's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor and apply it as directed the thing is done. Get "Puthiaill'e" and no other. Nervously Exhausted, Sleepless, poor digestion, easily tired, bine as indigo that's how you feel, Do you want to feel strong, make plenty of blood, enjoy buoyancy, strength and vire, You can dose by nsill{I Perrozone. How it sharpens the' Appetite end inn parts a fe llpg of buoyantly, strength and 'vim Improves the nppetite, diges- tion, nasirnuliltion, sleep. How surely F't.r r . , Toro nrl does this, ybtt call nReerialti by using it, I''errozono is a blood build - et, nerve strengthener told brain invigor- ator. Sold by' A. L. Hamilton. wasalwassmasossassawasawiswesaaWallanantalawassowswwwwwwananleaswaranssarwanaalswwwWWWM Naw Spring' llr (,,ll INa�vL V� 11Suits, E Co. Zatest Styles in Hats, New Spring Clothing. ca � ~ cis ma q sZkesQ•cs. We have just passed into stock a large ship- ment of Ready-to-wear Clothing, bo't. for cash at a close price and will be sold at a small margin. We handle only the best, every garment is well tailored and made to fit. Our Clothing department in the basement is well lighted and arranged for easy buying. Come in and take a look, no trouble to show you the goods, —mss•,.. Spring Overcoats, nicely made, latest style, at $0.00, $8.00, $10.00, Men's Spring Suits, at $4,50, $5.0Q, $0.00, $7,50, S9 $10, $12 and 515. Boys' Brownie Sias, nice patterns, at 82.00, $2.25, 52.50, $2.75, $3.00, 53.50. See our special line at $2.50. Youths' Suits (long or short pants) $2.93, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, 55,00, $6.00, $7.00. Men's Pants in great variety at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2,00, 5.250, $2.75. $3.00, $3,50. Spring Styles in Men's Hats Men's latest styles in fine English fur felt stiff Hats, good leather sweat bands, special price $1.50 Men's American fur felt soft Hats. silk bound edges, our special price $1.75 Men's Black or Colored Fedoras, new shape, our cut prices $1.25, $1.50, $1.50 Boys' Felt Hats in all the latest styles, prices 40c, 50c, 75c, $1. See our special at 50c NEW SPRING CAPS -. in all the new styles - all prices. Gents' Furnishing Department. The Furnishing department is complete with the very latest in Neck- wear, Colored Shirts, Braces, etc. emosuestonilmomomma A good Step -ladder given with a purchase of five dollars. fampseoitmareasof H. E. Isard Sc. Co. Highest Price Paid for Produce IOpp, Bank Hamilton We made an offer to a firm in Nova Scotia for twenty boxes of Fin- nan Haddie,not expecting to get them at the price. But they accepted our offer. The other fellows are wonder- ing how we can sell them so cheap the secret is, we bought them. right. 612I -c PER POUND. VITOS—Pillsbury Vitos, the new breakfast food, highly recommended. Try a package. A at Griffi It will require 30 days longer to com- plete arrangements for the transfer of my business into a Joint Stock Company, there- fore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another s• 30 Days .. All ends of Carpets, Oil Cloths, besides a lot of new ones, Lace Cur- tains, odd lilies Clothing, Suits, 1louse Furnishings, Boots Shoes, al's all in - eluded in this Clearing Sale. merameesAaremagmegmaketwimserpnorama T. A. MILLS.