HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-20, Page 3WOMAN'S AILMENTS
Suffering Which Doctors Fail
to Cure.
Thousanas et Women Throughout
eatuedialtsi $iinillnr leonaltion
. —Words Of UOPO to
In countless home' 'Wrought:Mt
Canada, where health and happiness
sitould reign supreme, the Peculiar
Weakitese tend de:mosses of women are
reelealsible for au atneeeph•ere of
itopelessoess and deepair. Teas awful.
co:edition is hag ly due ti ineeunder.
Mantling of too proper manner In
Iell to effeett a cure for felnale
troubles of all kende. Dr. Williams'
Pink. have ;leen more auceessful
ill caeca of tills kind than any other
niedlelne, and tliey should lee in evel'Y
home, mid ishoula be used b,y every
woman who is eet perfectly hearty
and strong, Mr, Fred. Murphy, a
well-known peetitient of Pubmeo :Read,
N. S., cheerfully bears testimony to
Lae great value of Dr. IN-1111aans' .Pink
111 woman's ailments. ef.rs.
Merpity sa,ys; "A few yeare ago my
health wakl completely broken clown,
my troubles beginning In cite of the
allmente whice Ho frequently afflict
my ilex, I wan a great sufferer from
violent, attackof pale which week'
eine me in the stomachand around•
the heart. It Is impossible for me
to &scathe the twenty of the spasms,
kleveral timethe doctor was bats-
-Lily summoned, my friends tainking
,dying. 7 woe wholly unable to
perform nee househola work, and was
testier medical treatment all through
the summer, but without beneat.
My appetite left inc; my heart would
. palpitate violently after the least ex-
ertion, and I was pale and emit -
elated. My husband urged me to
try Dr. Williams.Pluk Pets, and pro.
aired me a supply. After using the
pills a couple of weeks I could feel
that they were heiplag me, and af-
ter using seven battles, I was fully
restored to health. From that time
until the opring of 1901 I enjoyed
the best of health, but at that time
I felt run down anti suffered from
pains In the back. I at once got
some more of De. Williams' -Pink Pole
arta they soon pat me aright, and
I am now feeling better than 1 have
done for years. I cannot praise these
pine too much, nor can, I too strong-
ly urge those who are ailing to test
their woederful healtlereetoving vir-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills goright to
the root of disease by making new,
rich blood, and restoring shattered
nerves, In this way they cute such
troubles as the functional ailments
el women..? estore the glow of health
to sallow, cheeks, eure palpitation of
the heart, anaemia„ headache, indi-
gestion, kidney and liver troubles,
rheumatism, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus dance, ete. Be eure you get
the genuine with the full name "Dr.
Williams. Pink Pills for Palo People,"
on every box. If you do not find
them at your dealers, they will be
mailed, postpaid, at 50 cents a box,
or eix boxes for $2.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams' 1VIedicine Company,
Brockville, Ont.
Among the recent inventions, for
leesenittg the labors of housekeep-
ers, there is probably none so use -
lei as the caemically prepared. cloth
called "Electric Polishing Fibre,"
that cleans 'Gold and Silverware,
jeseelry and all bright metals. No
powder • or aaste whatever Is re-
quired. You simply rub the article
with. the dry.•niedicated cloth and
a beautiful polish is imparted with -
mit tolling the hands in ;the opera-
tion. Every housekeeper and dealer
interested in stash an article should
enelose two -cent stamp .for oseful
sample and particulars to the Mon-
arch Manufacturing Go., St. Cate -
twines, Ont.
New York Central and Hudson River
Rail road.
The above name Is a house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract mast people, but now that the
rate is the stone to New York' and
palate east as by other lines no fur-
ther recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you It
is the best. . sta
. $44 $44 . $44 $44
Toronto to San Friancisbo, Los An-
geles, elan Diego and many other
points in California, via, Chicago and
Northwestern Line, ExcersIons ev-
ery day during March and April. Pro-
portiontete lw rates from other
pointe in Canada. Throtigh -Tourist
Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair
Cars daily from Chicago. Finest scen-
ery. Quieltest, time. Call or•write for
ful particulars. B. H. Bennett, Gen- 0
feral Agent, 2 King street met, Toe t
ronto, Ont. ; ,• , .
N.c-N •
Bonnet and Gown Lore r4,
.BY Latest Fashion Gossip of Paris and London
CHANTE CLAIR Styles of the Hour Outlined
.........,,z......,741.........„:::...3... - ..,..,,,,:....5,,, ,..., - ..c - vtvls, v 7,,..,..7.,:„..x.7..........,...54:A.z.....y................. '
Perla Vele 21. —There is no doe
that' 011ie world of ours Is a mass
Jj everything to; be of the brightest
of end best.
Tbeee sehe are "an fait" promise
e- tie an early season, ape already the
slops begin to give un tantalizing
of giteriPseft and /anti of the (astatine
,„2- of to -morrow. Tapre In an especially
tosy hum anti flutter At the mod-
ne ate's, for Parisians at the first
breath of eprIng like to don elide
faseinating light headgear, even
thOugh forced by the cruel east winces
n- and Inge to keep their fur Writ H.
if closely round their dainty thouldere.
• Novelty and freslemee are the key-
notes to the Parlsienneei attire, and
tae new hats age exampleof thee,
m ; Stone of the tulle toques have a
conteadietione elld anomalies. est)
Wally that eorner of it whiz!' co
•corns Itself with the adornment
the (feminine) "liftman form divin
You say a woman is prettY, a
when you come to look at her critic-
ally, you see she has not a single
good or perfeet feature. You say a
other le well dressed,' Yes but
you examine the materials of her ga
merits, you notice that there lts not
lug really good or costly.in the
you say she Is clever, but ti Is very
often only that she is bright, piquant,
witty in manner and conversation;
if her remarks were written in a
book they would not be worth re-
cording: All of which goes to prove
Oat now If ever •
No, Woman Neeet Despeir '•
of being just as pretty, as, well turn-
ed out, as attractive—In fact—as she
cares to be. For once Beauty, that
is the real beauty of painters and
poets, has taken a back seat, Unless,
indeed, there are such adaltional
forcee as chieness, smartness and
brilliancy to reckon with. 'Pee wo-
men who has bell these arrows in her
quiver Is welanigh invulnerable, and
ina,y indeed be the envy of eer woman
friends—or enemies. for she is likely
to have as many of one as 'the other.
Bat there is no oecessity nowada
for a woman to be really pretty
Order to be admired, so long as sl
is well turned mit, has a smart)
melted head, and a good figure—or
Woke as If she had one—she le reck-
oned among the "fair women." The
"Jolly elide," tee the French pret-
tily and pithily style her, is having
her day. Features go for little; it
chieness, smartness, widen -reign
supreme. So it is really
Short-sighted and Foolish
for a plain woman not to try her
level best to make the most of ties,.
her golden opportunity. With taste,
perception, and a moderate budget,
she may take her place in the first
ranks. She has a wide field to
choose from when she setato work
to make the most of herself. .
In. the •matter of coiffure alone,
never was there such var'ety. There
are many styles, all different, all
fashionable. This is partly, of
course, the result of the struggle
between the hige and low arrange-
ments of hair. We are still exercis-
ing our minds over it. The timid
souls try to keep In with both
styles, hoping that whichever wins
they will not be so very far out -
A venturesome spleit adopts the
long, graceful shoulder curl, worn
by Romney's lovely models, Tats
WWI successfully worn lately by a
bevy of fair bridesmaids
n ously mingled, and it newer fails to
le look chic and "good style" when
Y-1 manipulated by French fingers.
Applicution or lair
AS a concession to the season. I saw
a noisette brown one, with an Melt
wide border or dark her run in and
out of the ewathing toles, a big
bluelt rose placed jest in front.
Most of the toques are exceedingly
breed, with broad high brime whiett
are becomingly shaped to alit
Lerent face, It is bard to say really
ssaere the toque ends, and the hat
begins, for each has borrowea some
features from the other. As far as
trimming goes, the law is heaps or
flowers, clouds of tulle. The new
chrysanthemum straw is les e often
seen than that which resembles a
etitfened guipure lace, as the de-
signs are similar (epitler wheels and
all 0 and the straw' Is often of old
lace, or Melte ,color ; It is difficult
to tell the one from the other. The
Parlelans are maw faithful to their
love of black and white barmen -
At a Smart Wedding,
the gowns of course teeing in keep-
ing with the old world style. An-
other wears the little saucy buncle
-of curls a la eosephine' o0. the
crown of her head, another with an
innocent, .youthful type of face,
makes her hair into a catogan and
ties it, a l'enfant, at the nape. An-
other, and thls is the true Parisi-
enne's favorite coiffure, wears the
chignon moderately high, and the
sides very bouffant, very fluffy, es-
pecially at the temples, finishing
the piquant effect with the two
large single flowers, or Sorts of
blessoms, placed over each eye-
brow, among the curly locks. Well !
you bare only to consult your glass,
or, If not sure of yourself, appeal to
an artistic friend (a true, friend,
mind you not a "purry-purrY, P1155'
puss") to discover what best suite
your own peculiar, by which I ,nrean
individual style. With a well-dressed
head and well -corseted figure, you
vvill not find many xoeks ahead. You
need not have a multitude of frocke,
rather have a few very well out.
The material matters little, or ra-
ther among the fashionable stuiffs
malty are to be hacl of modest price
which will last as long as the cut
remains in fashion. There is a
great outcry at present against
Hideous Extravagances
of the present day, people tremble to
think of the enormous sums spent,
many say wasted., on dress, „enter -
Wining and so forth, by people in so-
ciety, It is a matter for grave con -
deletion, aud Is at least an op,por-
unity for any woman who wishes to
take ifer tand as a true woman, a
good citizen, patriot, and useful mem-
ber of aociety, to make up her mind
to, spend her allowance, whatever it
may be, sensibly, and thoughtfully, to
do all she can, even with a small leum
at pin.nioney, without being stingy,
and al course without being badly
dressed, for the latter I consider a
crime nowadays. I think this sudden
"wikl alarm" has partly been causal
by the wonderful acedents we hear
oe the, time of magnificence and gor-
masteries% not so very far off now.
You hear all manner of contradictory
statements lAbOlUt the materlale and
fashioning or court apparel, there is
A Mysterious efienee,
atilt, On the part of tbose In author-
ity. Like Br'er Rabbit, they are lying
low. The foreign paper e are taking
a. mighty intereet in lt, and the for-
eign manufacturere and tradesmen,
having ever an eye to the main
chance, are trusting that a gdod
rimy windfalls will be blown their
ay. They will be ready to receive
tem. 1 ala tted that as our queen
nd Princeases are steadily and ob-
urntely setting their faces against
to adoption of foreliat materials and
the Week of forelgh couturiere% mod-
istes, 4111(1 JeWelterS, ,to. the detriment
el home tprodece. "the 1/101111.0411 ice
coming to Mehemet," as it vere, and
numbers of strange werkerople are
:eking to London, either to take or -
1"8 1111t1 Set up on their oWn necount
to iseperiatend or waist In the
ork 01 the Loiidon houses'. Truth to
el, 'their ,
Trete and latediereft
.1; sa unmanned that, even our pat-
e -then and loynity cannot make Us
1.11 to aceept their nal to a certitin
tent, We cannot do without them,
p! they give juat the note of vane°
claritig novelty and ehleneets so
ocetetry to lighten British Solidity
eebriety. So, here tater nre at
lr 1111(11St, 11na We are powerlese to
ny them their isliare in the cronn-
kudos-and moneys.. Let tre not
degs-in-the.miluger, eepecially as
oh! rulers are centime to do honor
ours, and eseacially tte we want,
Slops the Cough
and Werke otr the Cold,
llow Could They be.
A lady on boarding a • Columbus
avenue dar recently was attracted
' ley two bright children sitting beside
their nurse. Turning to the nurse
she said; "What beautiful children
Are they twins?"
The uurse aneveered, a little indig-
nantly, "Twins, lei:lade!! 1 keeps on
tale the madame, not to dries them
aloike, but she will. Twins, indade
Whey wan of Olen is a blioy an' thee
lther a ghurl."—New York Times;
We are authorized to state by 'Ma
Carl Kunz, Secoed and Brady streets,
Davenport, Iowa, that arey, man who
is nervous and debilitated or who is
atfeeeing freen any of the various
troubles, resulting from oVerwork, w
excesees or abuse, such as nervous ti
debility, exhausted vitality, lost e
vigor, unnatural draine and loses, 11
Jack of development, ete,!calt write ti
to him In fstr ct eonfldente and re-
ceive, FREE OF CHARGE, full in-
etructiOns how to lie thoroughly
Mr. leunz himself was, for a long
time, a sufferer from above troubles, fit
and after trying le vein many afters de
tised remedies, becatne almest P11- a
tirely discouraged and hopeless. Fin- W
ally he confided In an old clergyman, la
whose kind and honest advice enabled
blen to speedily obtain a perfect and la
permanent cure. Knowing to Iasi own rI
sorrow that so many poor sufferers le,
nee being blamed upon by tinscrupta
lous quacks, Ale, KiniZ Considers it ft,
Ide duty, as ito lioneat nan, tog al
Ititi fellow men elle benefit of ids ex- le
perience arid assist to a cure, !Whig el
nothing to all, ho asks for no niOney,(11
the Intim ett s no on of melee ti('
dents a great eervice to one In need, tIt
Ito riga ly nonsitiors an ample rewara Ilt
for his trouble. It you write to Mr. Ste
Kum, and fellow hie adviee, you eon ,e.N
rely upon being eneed and upon it!) 0 -
lute seerecy a 'well.
Addreste as abolfe, eneleettig et
etatilis. NO tettelltion Will be Oven
te those Writing out or klie elegem-
ity, 'Moreton etitte that rat really
need a Mire. ,
LAXeitiVe IlrenieeQninine Tablets Mire
itt Cold in ono day. NO tins), Net Pay.
Priee 23 eetitil(
So many Spring Hatt.
are bleck-andavidte or white -and -
black, even the flower telornmente
being a market-bunclt of black rows -
lips with just a delicate green In the
cold light of day' Ulf by :light, and
shiteee out charmingly undor n "four.
reau" of light, el.livate Mee or tulle.
There Is a great fancy for velvet
Day nod EVetillig Wear,
good Lyons velvet, sucb as our grand-
mother -if approved, Holt and silky,
teeing an dent -Ions ligets and Andes.
The material milts the present cut
In skirts, sheateliee itt the top, out -
springing from the knees ()ovenware%
the bodice telghtly drape(' with a
quaint tucker of old lace, the tiny
eleeven composed of 1311.11(.18 of stress
diamonds mounted on velvet. For
day wear the veleta gown Jooks best
with a Louie Va.. coat, OT a small
Ruesian blouse. In soft strawberry
pink with a white silky beaver hat
It makes; a fascinating toilet t for
a "matinee musicale" or any re
union where smart folk congregate.
At thee season, when winter lunette-
mente begin annewbat to pall on
us, and yet we muet In self-defenee
organize• entertainment.; to beguile
the long, evening hours, you may like
to copy an Idea which was carried
ont with a "sucees foue in the studio
oe a fashionablP Amerleart portrait
painter. The "tablea.ux vivante"
were all scenes from Pence, Punch
of bygone days, as well as of modern
times. All the rostumes, as well as
the painted baekgrounde, scenery
and propertiee were (merle.] out
entirely in black and white. They
were, in fact, exact copies of the or-
iginals, and were most telling. Some
of Leech's Inimitable figures of the
crinoline days brought down the
house, and the coalseuttle and pork
pie headgear proved not unbeeom-
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig-
nature is on eaett box. 25o.
it•tai' SEEN!.IN PARIS.;
Stocks or grass which tie them up,
or a cluster of black velvet mar-
guerites having hearts of :silver or
gold. The edelweiss still comes in
usefully in tlils "dun" mixture, also
the pearl or black cherries I men-
tioned in my last letter. Bunches of
cherries wile silvery stalke nod
saucily over the broad brim, and the
clumps of daisies or other small biota
some are arranged under the brim
in big Jap -like bunchee at each ear,
or a little higher up maybe and
nearer the ternalee. Many hats
have again the pendant mills
and loops of velvet or ribbon
sometimes reaching nearly to the
waist ; they look a little "entre,"
I confess, and It requires some nerve
to wear them.
Anotherlant I IIILYP gleaned is that
It be to be a season of soft, limp,
clinging materials,
Nothing Still' or Harsh
will be worn. Crepe de chine will be
more than ever in evidenee; else
violee, fine whipecaels, Loulsine and
other soft silken fabries. Boleros will
be relegated to the tailor frock, but
they will be simulated on these thin
gowns by arrangements of old lace,
embroidery and galone. The eorselet
belts are still seen, many composed
of soft ribbons, which fall in long
"pans" at the side, the ends fringed
with little gold, silver or eteel balls,
yelaelt nee newer than thelong slen-
der dangle-danglea. In evening gowns
a favorite material is the white
"quicksilver" silk, which has a de -
Detours .shirunter, as its name betok-
ens; It makes charming wedding-
dressee, for it is as pretty in the
It is Health, Not Wealth, That
Maks a Viromat Attraottve,
Dr. Duncan's Periodic!. Blood 'Tablets
prevent pain and suffering due to
weakness of the generative organs.
These Tablets are not intended to
awe (leeryailment; bat are made
etilely anti wholly to tone up and
strengthen the generative organe.
De. Denettn'o Tablets are the result
Of the eXperiettee of 0 stteeeeeful
slain and specialist in female trou-
bles. They aye alike beneficial to the
girl in tonne, to the married Woman
nnd to those Of matey; years who
Ore et the period known as "Change
of Life."
Emelt box af Tabletts meeting a
(1111 i1- ,.l pt tun of all female disen scis
With dirP,4144tWirl ite MP for troniment
Pelee $1 a len, or 0 losee foe $3.
klent seenrely Senial on receipt of
prier, by the CA.undiati Leg .nta Parke
& Parke, 'Druggist% Hamilton, 1et1a
To visit all pointe of the Great West
for pleasure, educationor business. 1
The Union Pacific lms authorized
the following excurelou rates:
Twenty-five do:lars from, Missouri
River points to California, Oregon
and Washington points every day
during March and April. (
Phenomenally low rates to the
Pacific Coast and Intermediate points.
Siiigle trip Colonlets' tickets open to
all during the coining spring and slim-
Special round trip excursion rates
will be sold to the Pacific Coast at
less than one beat per mile. Choice
of routes- returning.
People Identified with local Inter-
ests at various points en route will
show you every attention.. It will:
be to your advantage to make in-
quiry In regard to these low rates
to the Pacific Coast, before deciding
on the trip.
Call or address postal card to
G. 0, Herring. G. A., 126 Woodward
avenue, Detroit, Mich.
log. Scenes from Charles Dana Gib-
son might be worked out in the HOMO
though it 'MIS the mixture of
the emblem tail the thileulons froln
Punch which made the described en-
tertaitunent Fe effective.
.Sonte people I enow who were on
the war peth for novel Amusements
got up "Coon Laneers," and an ite-
provieee cake • dance in their own
house, mid they NVP1.41 a grand em-
cees in it land where real coons are,
to say the leaot of it, uncommon.
'eympailtetie :Ind it:motional
peosile here have been Muth agitated
over the toweling case of those sad
little human &cementite the Indian
Stameee Twine of Bernina and Bail-
ey's b'g show. They were a weird lit-
tle pair, in waive life or death the
Parleinite were inueli Interested. Vile
task of separating them was selenti-
fleetly perforate i by Doetor Doyen,
but poor Wale Doollea, whose lungs
were frightfully weak, coal I not re-
reetiperate from the shoek, and elled
In a few day. The bulletIne wore
eagerly awaited trent hour to hour,
&MI the eite newts was revolved with
groat lamentatien anI sympathy fer
Reelects., the poor little double, to
whom it lian not eet IN,P1111TOkPO. It
IR net likely that Min alit long tier-
vivc IlPe (deter. t hear that in sport-
ing (*tredve( In Englane, the narout
of the Toronto revere:ea team Is
Italie I for telth interest, 1 fitney
tliey will have it their own way, but
these interaatleeal sports etre very
(Melting% A DeVanSiOre lioekey team
Playe ii Lars at E'eteter, it ehoulel
be an anitielng struggle, for the
Frenchmen are loving le sport more
Wel more, allel le hockey coulee last,
uot lewd, in the athletles they
have borrowed from Youngs/011n Una -
I hear that a Canadian mongetrees,
Mess Alps Match, debutes title week
nt Beclustein Hall le London, itio we
must wish ber Success, Se many
stars, however, appear in the Musi-
cal firmament every week, in Eng-
land and en the continent, twinkle fur
a brief spell, aria disappear, that It
tii dangerone now -a -days 'so pre-
dict sweetie for any but a real live
planet Adieu 1 Chante-Cialr.
.teiefee ++44 felea+++++++44+144.
esiefee e+++ eee++++44 V+++ 44+44+
The Rev. Dr. Minot a Savage, pas-
tor of the Church of the Messina,
New York, preached on Sunday on
"Home and Society." In the course
of his sermon he Bald:
There is In New York, and Similar
things in all our great cities, that
wtiioti calle itself, par excellenee, so-
ciety, IL Is made up of the Four
or, I think, some recent
authy' h
oritas been reducing it to
Ilit:Irelat ired and Fifty, whatever
the number may be, I do not mean to
eras anytblug against the perams
who constitute this interior organi-
zation in society; mane, of them are
noble, Intellectually cultivated, char-
itable and generous ; I have no word
to say agaiust them OS individuals.
But a society that is organized
around the idea of wealth alone must
of necessity be ignoble and vulgar ;
there is nothing in the highest and
finest sense of the word human mere-
ly in the possession of wealth, tend
if these people who meet together
and constitute a certain section of so-
ciety merely because they Inc rieb
will exeuee me for not wanting to
be with theme I' will freely pardon
them for not flaking Ince 'There is
nothing that there is in any way
attractive to a person weal cares
for what is essentially 'high and
fine in humanity, and It degenerates
sometlines Into that which is exceed-
ingly vulgar.
I VMS at the opera the other night
and I era,w one lady—I do not know
who she was, though I might have
found out by seeking the number of
the box on the programme and read-
ing the name—who Illustrates what
this sort of thing comes to when it
degenerates and gets Itself perfect
expression, I Imam never seen any-
thing outside a show case at 'Tif-
fany's that in any way suggested
this lady. It was barbaric in the ex-
treme. She had the air of telling ev-
erybody that she had not come there
to hear the music, but merely to be
looked at, and she was loaded and
hung all over, in every possible
place, with diamonds and gems and 1
Jewels of every kind.
Now we can forgive an Indian or
a Fiji Islander for his anklets and
bracelets, for his nose rings and ear-
rings, because he has not, presum-
ably, been developed to anything
higher than these ; but the type of
society whose distinguishing fea-
ture is that kind of thing certainly
be not human in the true sees° in
which that word ought to be used.
Wearers of Strawberry Leavet Who
Have Lost Their Husbands.
The widowed auchesees of Eughtna
are unusually numerous at preeent,
and weeds are a very common ac-
companiment of the etre wherry
leaves that are the insignia of their
rank. Tae dowager Duchees of Aber -
corn is a venerated and venerable
lady. the mother of many children,
a grandmother and it great-grand-
mother. She is known to her affec-
tionate family as "grannie," and
when any of her descendants marry
sae usually gives a bracelet with the
words "From Grannie" in diamonds
tee it Catharine, DuellPSS Or Weet-
mineter, is the comparatively young ,
widow of the late duke, who was an 1
elderly /nen nt the time of the mar- I
riage Thai year tale lady wed prob-
ably- undertake the duties of n chap -
erten, as her daughter, Lady Mary
Grosvenor, in to make her debut dur-
ing the coronation season. The dow-
ager Duchess of Newcastle is beauti-
ful and good, given to charity, and
an ardent Roman Catholic. The Duch-
ees of Roxburgh° was one of the
many Churchill eletere, lias twice I
been mistress of the robes, and Is in
the proud position of mother to an
uemerried duke. t
Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester, is
11 linialeeme awl elever woman, one
of the nal n,v bralant American peer -
eases. But n shadow has fallen on I
her life by the untimely death of both
ber young tine lovely twin dnughterst
Lily, Duchess fir Marlborough, has by
the death of her popular husband,
Lord WitIlam Beresford, become a
widow for the third thne. The aow-
agar nuclease tif Beaufort, widow of
the well-known emceeing duke, lives
in retirement at Stoke park, near
Bristol Among other duch-
,.Keee tire the Duchess of Sas Albania
the downger DllellPSH of Somerset ;
SYdneY, nuchess of Manchester ;
Maria, Thicluess nt Cirafton, and Elea-
nor, nuclease of Northumberland.
Solid Pacts rer Scots' intellect.
The Ulnae -Ian of Aberdeen Public
Library ehowit in les mental report
what books readers eall for. In one
CARO a Jaborerae Inst thirty booke
from the library coesisted of two
books in science, ono In philology, two
In aceiology, three poetry, three phil-
osophy, eleven theology, anti eight
Sienese Another remarkable ease Is
QUA Pif an upholsterer, whose read-
ing in it periote of aboat two years,
consisted of one book in science, ono
in useint arte, twei in history, five
in blegraph,v, and twenty -Mx books
of travel.—St, james' Gazette.
Kindly tell me the correct way to
reeelve Informally after my nutr.
stage. Having been in business, I find
myself sadly ignorant of these forme
Youi can send out your visiting
cards to year different frienas with
a day of the week ;narked In the
left hand corner, signifying that you,
will be home on that day ettelt week ;
or, if you do not care to reeelve your
friends regularly In tide way, You
can send ont your cards with your
address), whieli signifies that you
will be at home at such and seek an
DI It correct to write, print or csaY
Mae Dr, W. C. or Mrs. Captain or
We. Mayor Po -and -So, when the de-
gree and title Is only conferred on
the htreband? We sea It In -print so
often In OUT borne papers that we
woirld value your opinion about it.—
It is incorreet to nee the appella-
tions Urn. Dr., or Airs. Captain or
Mrs, Mayor, as the title is certalely
not eonferred upon the wife.
Kindly advise me as to the follow-
ing; I am invited verbs -idly by a,
yonag Indy to call on her, and she
Promises to mend rue her card. Is any
form of acknowledgment or primed -
are neceseury, and in milling how
many cantle should be left—A. S.
Your calling on her after receiving
her card Is eafficlent acknowledg-
ment of her coin -tease Yon must
lime° a card for the young lady,
end also one for her mother or chap -
man or the latly with 1V110111 she is
At a small church wedding where
the bride w'ears it gray cloth snit,
metal it be proper for the bridea
maid to wear a gray cloth dress
niso ? What are the duties of the
1nittpsnittlti daring the ceremony ? Do
the Hellen, follow the briday party
up the alter ? What colored gloves;
do the treliere wear? When one
lady attends the bride le she called
the brideemaicl ? If it bride floes
not wear a het woreld It be proper
for tlie bridesmaid to went. imp,—
It Is perfectly correct for the
bridesmaid to wear a grey cloth
gown of the same color as the
bride wears, but It would be melt
more effective to have her wear
504110 other color. Wm brillesnlald
should precede the bride up the
aiele, hold her bouquet during the
ceremony, and eilietati put her train
straight when she starts to Walk
down the aisle again. The ethers
prevede the bridal par** to tils
chancel and then follow upon re-
terning. The ushers should wear
white or pearl grey kid gloves.
When there is but one attendant
for the bride she is generally call-
ed the meld of honor. It would not
he consult for the bridesmaid or
the mold of honor to wear it hat If
the brlde does not wear role. Of
course this does not apply when the
bride wears a veil.,
A friend of mine leas been engag-
ed for over a year to ita attractive
widow, about 40 years old. Among
the frieeds of her late hasbead was
0 gentleman and his wife and a
middle-aged bachelor, with whom
all were on intimate terms. Re -
collie, elle received an invitation
from this gentleman to meet him
le New York, and, witti their mu-
tual friends, be his guest at din-
ner and the theatre. Sheuld Oho rte-
cept or decline the Invitation?
Cour testy.
Helmet the gentleman to when]
the widow is betrothed le Included
in the invitation, ie would be quite
incorrect for hers14)accept.
When may a lady exchange cerde
with a gentleman? Are white
glut es oorreet with a black evening
gown 7 When one or two ladies are
taking dinner with a gentleman,
who (should give the order ? Is It
quite correct for an unchaperoned
young girl to take dinner or supper
at it hotel before or after the there -
Ire, or at nay ether time ? Wager.
A lady tan give a gentleman her
address's, if he asks permission to
colt upon her and she is willing he"
should do so, bra ladies and gen-
temen do not exchange cards. It
18 rather eccentric, bat atilt mete
correct, to wear white gloves with
it black evening gown. It is better
that the gentleman- who gives the
dinner should give the order, first
asking the jadies if ehey would pre-
fer to order It: themselves. It isnot
correct for a young lady to take
dinner or supper at a hotel with
a gentleman without a chaperon.
New Yoe*, Mar. 17—She Met him,
Invested hi stock ne had for sale,
sued lem for the money, iota the
suit, sued hint for board, withdrew
the action, fell in love with him,
a bueinees woman. This probably
Wt( ail unfortunate move, for M.
Henri, according te elre. Lynch,
forgot to pay hie board.
Time passed, and the first dividend
promised to be his wife, grew jeal- 00 the hop-preseIng stock fell due.
ous, horsewhipped him was arrested It waft not paid, and the widow was
and discharged, and now sues 111111 • worried. She stonsulted M. Henri. He
for breach of promise, asking $20,- wae so unruffled that she became
000 damages, angry aud mentioned the hoard bill.
Swelt Is it synopsis of the. story His Gaelic soul revolted at this and
of the acquaintance between Mrs, he left the house, and the widow,
Mathilda Lynch, a mature widow, in tears. When she dried her eyes,
and Henry Pelletrtteu Cler, a versa-
etitle sued him for false pretence la
tile renclenan m. f the Jura,
roe ura, who, . ng her the hop -pressing stock.
In recent years, has posed as a He woe the case, . because the corn -
theatrical manager, racehorse own- pany had n, legal exiseenee. It was
er, brewer, Inventor and capitallet. • nothing to the law that the ma-
chine mi I t
beTginiate with the loneliness 01 widow sueil lein for ..theeNerde bill --$350.
Lemele Her huebitnti had been dead Legal difficultaa badetheown them
some years, and site bad accumutat- together just enottgeOetiee whet the
feldtshtito competency. by conducting a ' edge of the recently atiged affection,
liable boarding house in a ! and M. Cler hag no diffialety In per -
house on Washington Square, since seeding the Widow! abateehe was all
demolished to melte room fax a mod- right, after all. There was a recoil -
ern apartment building. . She had ciliation, though he (MI not go back
plenty of people in her house, some to her, house to nye. She finally pro-
of them men, widowerts arid bacilli-
-the widow was, as she says, just Ninviesca fit:
was interested.
lors, but her heart was empty. This ' tmoadrerpyenhainuepotlitietdhaetoetiotefotinhee
was la the early part of 18e7, when . of certain deals In which M. Cler
45 years old. . The widow has friends 10 the bor-
ough beyond the bridge, and one
Rend the 4' Want" Ads. Sunday she went to visit them. While
was her habit to pertese the :Weer -
In the pursuit of her business It on tlie ear en route to Manhattan,
she saw M. Cler svalking along the
that no desirable bearder might
-Laing columets el the Sunday papers, ' street with "a little fat woman,"
as the widow describes her. ' The
escape. widow is 5 feet 7 inches tall and
From reading "Mord
Wanted," ehe turned to the "Per- weights about 250 pounds.
SOUals.'"These always Intensified the That evening M. Cler called, as
feeling of amelinese within her usual, to pay his devoirs, and the
men 'bereft of proper feminine so-
beeetn. There wsre so many eligible widow opened the door for him her-
self. She had a horsewhip, and she
ciety. She was sorry for herself, and used it so effectually that the pollee
were attracted. She made the rais-
e -con eke was as eorry for the un-
known specimens of enasculhety who take of following her lover as he fled
were looking for wives. Her sorrow • down the steps, and a policeman es-
ter the men grew until she picked eorted her to the Mercer Street Po -
eta an advertisement and answered live Station. She was released on
It. ball and next morning discharged
Henri Pelietraeu (ler called peon from custody when she appeared In
her in reply to her letter. Ho was Jefferson Market Court.
apparently about. sixty years old, of When she and AL Cler had an in-
terview he explained, to again quote
distillguiehed appearance, with Ills
the aidciw, that "the little fat wont-
sn ow white abundant hair,muse nn was a broken down actress, who
Oche and gon tee. He was well dress- used to be in one. of his companies
rd and ccmrtly in m.anner, and the 1111(1 who was related to somebody.
wklow was charmed. But elk was connected with Koster & Bial's
ca.utious. He tali her of his f rtune, nameement enterpriees. He only was
his occupations and his fads. He was polite to her, having met her on the
worth $250,000, had been in the
theatrical, brewing and finitude.'
promoting businees, was an ineentor,
and owned racehorses. In proof of
this letter statement he severe(
times took her out driving behind
horses that had speed, and there was
a different horse every time. The
wooing progressed time, but the
widow 'enjoyed courtship so much
that she forebore to speak the nue-
romance, eer it is a romance, ga never work. Than she
street She wets it married woman.
with six children -
Tele tat Hefted Widow Lynch, and
another truce was deelared. It con-
tinued until hist tenemer, when M.
Cler Raid hh was going away on a
vacation. Ile never returned, and the
widow learned that he had taken tip
his reeidenee in Oswego. She bats
learned other things about him, also.
0110 declares, and points to the fact
mentous word. the t he had never answered any of
She Trusted M. Henri. ler lettere, awe 8110 lets written reg-
ulnrle. once a week for four menthe.
But elle trustee M. Henri, as she Recently sea became convinced
lier 1K a clin"ee ,IP committed her attorney. Samael P.
o Profitable ineeezmeat "11 Reid. nrel had him enter suet for
the charms of a company that breech of promise. asking $20,000
was to manufacture a hop-preseing damages+. Suit has been begun, and
machine for breweries, she gladly ex. 31. Cler will have a eitanee to explain.
changed $400 for same beautiful
The next move wee for NI. Henri to atreet, near Eighth avenue, antl free-
foTrtilli% lewhir7tirIeltmuverilte oltlivienVgeeitn 1V4Intit
specimens of the engraver's art.
take up his abode in her linese at ly related her woes when visited by
$10 per week, however. as she woe a reporter.
liked to eon 111111, and when In! te1111 that M. Cler'e love had cooled, so she
Kidney and Urinary Troubles were Followed by Dropsy ---A Perfect Cure
by Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pills.
. The case of atro.TatnesTreheman, thee Well-km:1cent batch:or, ef MO Adelaide street, London, Ont., is an-
other proof Ilett Dr, Chase's Kidney-Ltver Pills are effective in the melet eevere and complicated discoSes of
the kidneys.
The double notion which this Pandas prescription has on bot li the kidneys and liver 1.9 in a target measure
responsible for Ito wonderful curative effects.' When there aro Woken e, fretment, diffieult or painful initia-
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It is art such times that Dr. Chase'e Kidney -Liver Pine prove themselves preterit to give relief end cer-
tain to effect it num, The evidence toe prove this fact Is simply oVerwbelming. ai •
Mr. .Tameer Treneman ,etates: Mews years ago 1 Was bid tip with kidney dieease and urinary tron.
Mee. Detach.% the pain and ineonveril ewe mused by these troublee 1 beerenie dropaleal, and My legs Would
well np so that 1 ould eearcely around at all. Hearing of Dr. Chnne's Kidney -Liver Pills I pro -
mired a box and continued the nee or tide Valuable medicine until now I can say for a certainty that
I nin entirely mired. 1 never took any medleine that did me so much good, and ata firmly convinced that
11 11; had not beeir for this medicine 1 tvoilld net be working to -day."
family medleine ot teeted and known Worth, Dr. Chaines lidne4tre Pilia haVe never been
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Ron of the digestive and filtering eyfeteals. One pill ft 4090.24 0940 box. At all dealers, or nitattike
son, liatos & Tpronto, .