HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-20, Page 2UVOR by were 0TM:teeth (WM a tele- pliOne, the eIreult being leept open LITTLE JOHNNY WRITES xilatriol'a,'21-1:str:tarrrne.411.18u4nitolg threugheut the entire Iinancial day. • • W,•1\,... OF SHEEP AND THING5 waiting epee than royalty, Ast the , _ e general actielt inevee more raPidlY A the Member of employeee Increastal • ' rather than light, beeatitle their FROM ANOTHER WORLI), • deole wore OYU.' "Ile that deeth truth comoth to the light," syhtle honctkoht iuoday SellooL orrrirxivrIoN I.KssoN ao xil. rood be Minted to a riling AnlerIcan who ery One that doeth evil hateth tea light, Meteor cometh to the Boatel. 011ieer Warned Agalmt eV light leet ileede bitteled be re- " An WAS engaged to Tolnwee end Walking wieely, LIfe in all agee teed weeiL element abroad. They (Velecoillant PROVINce.) Q, in /Brant 'ratio. noldiere are benefited by using to - fuel literaturce hats been CoMparae lead Met at Hetdelberg Ile dted eude •Piga Le a quo/Veil, but the sheep it Shove ie COMPoend of Mutten, but the finaneial district than on anY sere -1,1 tl h " b CO n Mit v elegel tO etetlying the matter ec en ki S JO een ni I ale,— al a y• P to a joerney, the eueeetisful perealt after returning 'to' pies nun - There are, for eXample, more mee- bacco whIle on long inareime, say Tetupereuee lessonallph, 11-21, ce tepee, libeepe heti wool, our close cosee ie eerie mad thotee wy eon tees other epet of equal size In the world. at the re- eetle was 8133180d IearIo.n"4$01a1" 1 tallioa phraollitYuaci1C'Tirl)043breloal °Of CoaVirrheofealtilltil die.(;111,Y She came. over here sliortly ONery traveljer. "Weelom Meth/al/run afterleard to Vent hie neether. W11110 Pka2a;4r•naaRnaV'tny- nr'n'nnne-v•e'eatennve'n eauger bop) to the acre throughout rdif$ tRal..431, t th Is matte of that, and, one time ole elieep he nen a stood Nvieli wee InitY fine drest, and the demi he run away. Then the 010 eheep it ellook its 1nel aud wank its 1, much as to say, That eeller ie frade leek me in- the face cos he is menthe; my caret eff close. But that wasent sn, cos the stood was only a trade the elieep wuil bite lilm. Doode is yumea, but men was crated Ilttle loer than, the aujels, and that's wy say bens of a father Steele to gether. The he ono is a rain, and the the one is a yeu, and the little feller is a lam and gamble e oa the green. Meter Brily, that's the fat butelier, It' :says they may gamble as mueli as they gam doodle please, but there Merit any stakes, nothing but only jest chops. When thelam it gambles the ole coNv sees it and says to herself, the We cow does. Meats reel greesfie. Ile do It my own self. Then the ole caw she sets up the tall of her back and jumas stiff leged, like she wats a kitchen table, and then she is a shamed, and looks ol round and ehakee her lied mity knowing, like she sed, if I &tent stomp my feats they wed be cold. nut the cold feetest fellers wlch was ever eaw was down to Santy Ago in the war, and they was run over by 11 nigger infants, wide whaved the flag aloof and holered hooray, and titres:tee 'their stickers thru the Spaniards jest offle! But President Roesvelt he shot lasen in the spine of his back and sed, There, you gum (lasted Deencrat, that evil teeth you for to not blo up the Main ! Mose, Nvich is the eat, he can bin up Ills tail like a, bloon, and Uncle .Ned he says that a fellers while bloes him up \verse than a powder mil. One time a man wich had a Pow- der mil he IVIIS a welkin along the street a thinkin about how rich be was and a wishing there wiel be a war, and every thing, and there was a boy. The boy 11B had ben to a buchers shop, and the bucher he had give the boy some tangs out of a ex, for to feed the boys dog, anti he bad took them home, wieli was in a flat, 4 storys hi. While the boy VTLLS handlin the lungs- be dropt them out the windo and they fel rite be fore the mans feet Nvich oned the Powder mil. The inan he was astonish, the ed, and prety soon Rags he stopt and man Wag, and locked at the lungs a set down on the side svolk in inlet of wile and then he sed. That dam mil the Nvindo of a milners slime Wen 1 has busted up agin I Was there aver . stood long side of him he rose his sech a. unlucky man as I be? paw, Rags did, and pointed in to the Then he re -cc his ambrelly and went windo, oos he new I like prety gerls, on. But I guess if it had ben a mans• and the prettiest one wieh ever was tangs the other feller wud ben un- see set in side, a going. If you breetb luckier than the man wich oned the irerd of this story to your angel • sister I will skin every belie ln yore powder mil. ugly little body, but bime by, with I Lungs is innards and Innards is cald • stood unchanted by her butifulness offle. cos nettling else isent so offle . • • ' - she looked up reel trankle, and in a. as innards. _ voles like a Ethiopening harp she sed, One day Mister Belly, the fat bueh- I wish you. 2 dogs wude go away. er. he was to the cemtery, with Mis- I eel: my sisters yea:1g man wot ter PItchel, that the preecher, and dld he do, and se sed, Wel, Johnny, they see a toomb wich had a. mar- we that it all over far a; wile, real ble lean on it. Mister Pitehel sed it series, and then we went. was a mity butlfle thinn for to look Dogs is a noble anmal, and so Is at, but Mister Brily he spoke &Jeeps, but my sisters yung man has up and sed, Mister Brily did, got reel nice eys, and hero ie brown letebby it wed be butifle it ite out. and the eegle it can look tie the su.n ards was of and its 'nerds out. and sereem booth loud and mil. ono to Ites trade. Is ellere wieh has Barb active trailer on the floor of eueet of the Swiss; Grevernment. Ex.• an arm of the Argeae, between elpal thing," or WIlieli °tee fear of in Non york she wont to reeeenee Smyrna ante lelletus. It waS the 1101- the Lore Is the beginning." Tide There was no. ajmulatment before. - a trade te werkeeen, bat lentlx is a the Stook lexchange. frein twO 1 I re _ feller which lueseat got ene. sense. Un- to five assietaxas or messengers. In Jeet or al:41'111g at the truth, anon, Itlein and commercial capital Of tile cle Ned lie eayti emu time there was every °Wee a similar wealth in the aceerding te °Metal report, to- leroyInce of Aesia. The leading eitiee 0, o. emitter evichi lecer lueenix meet- teimbee of assistants to be found, Wee° exerelises a benefiehla Janne ties proviuce were the down autl leoloal at the doeeter mit of lite too eyes natty sollem a.ne sed, hun, ane oae slay a. erato big 1110.4 while tile number of messenger boys 1 wan you for to take me as a pea tient, cos Ime crazy. Mehl carried a Glut) cuiu and Set on gall Is also unusual; yon crazy on . Tho doctor &ed. Wot subject are The big feller wleti had the club 0 population of the office buildinge is and less inclined Yto s'tehielgenr'eaallvealtiraebelte dtliParricerit "ateleite.onapyr rather more than twice this. For ev- °tiers, bet are inn Sar better able In the eepeeter emeoere C' eighty to one bemired epecial mea- nt is estinuttee that 'Otero are from take long and fatiguing marches, iions, chapters II. and III. EPliesue ence on soldiers weo are obliged to chanties of Min. named discipline," says the report, " to- tbe Aeiatio regions,. and the most bacco is its ally, since soldiers who 'Important elty of As 1a aalrleowneodt toontruoitte i)wtlitite Trek- teetntow utterly desolate ' atiO11, aad Nvhen "Inetead of petty; a detriment to was the greateemperluel ell trade for enruluebleerthatenillth°re with itte'geoNe." el) Q11 c) a Sala 13.1 la either. The IlVna).?Iy°,1 le the neene.0 tillo,11.11101\1.- IaLitioeinslY6on:ti.u'evioir ll on 16," The conditions or disolo- the peeelite 0001/1 enoW Who elm t• /miry as to "Whnte tho will of the Mind, and there WaS no way in WI/tele Wel lead to a. ell gen, ai tier° are lart?It13.101:11,170.010110: .110;.,,Conairr2:1.0 t b"t)Iftlythelini,: eye b: thy weal° , . this purpOse n , like tlie 0Y0 to woe Taking. lier turn, elle eat down c"Ite7te4 tl Sr tl by e o known., Ile. recalled cirounistancele rine i• onl the- two Juni ever o Mei: began to epeale Immedi- ti their acquaintanee "11 went int° te ere- acre, therefore, there are some to endure fatigue." liee with the eght, a love a ea messengers. Imagine an aere lot lows, "If any tlinae1:1t111 ;47 pwols111.,. hrthtUul$ to find out, con I dant kno. ere told -to Imitate their heavenly Father and to walk in loveeafter ho shall know of the deetrine." a flumes are . n na Contrasted coMmantle, Godes min- i thee English off ear n snit. n en I . this young lady's father was an 41A01.4.. ilQW, it so happened that mt. That's jest vvot I want yeti eee tive: "Thou shalt' and filled with 250 boys. Tees, would the example of Cerlst. Vie 1, 2. Arlen.. Among other thInge which' Evry few flans( I read in the papers of the enormous daytime population count" said Mr. Morse, pointing to jesting and idolatry, because lose , elialt nat." The first command to the your father's lifo once or twtoe der - pretty comfortably crowd It. -the yonng man told was thie ; 'f, am Teen, the dockter he Ind, How do A Question el Interpretation, you Imo that you are crazy at all? ' f 11 I; raeo wits, "thou shalt not.. Its " glad that 1 have been able -to pave It is difficult to realize the extent Y " oath s Companion: 'Here le an InapurIty, covetous-nees awl oo s "`They should avoid all uncleannese The fetter he sed, Jest this way. - ' .0 violatton wrecked the race. In Iike unout it I tax) I was the assasin, tho of office builiengs, all of which are saved from drowning be a mastiff 11, Have no fellows11111—Hane 00 e e e'er °vedette the man. wlio in- Nvreeki ft),,1 j3lowsodttisoelbrentiniheneweittiol „,_ i ... ._ . home from South Africa, being en - VMS murdered. As soon as I read cross -tied with gnat int • • eieete hives eel' the way in seinen a boy was God." • the commelh , e n - the strange co noiuenee, It evince - wino," Retribution will sootier or (leen only it be. The father writee 1••e the past sunnier.' New Wines that a mon has be,ea found which of the Wall etreet district. It is a peragrapli ie the evening paper, tango explain) from the. kingdom of manner I can't remember a elegle thing about d 1 . 1 t d Th I t of- welch belonged to Ills °cousin. The conneotiou Nvith or sympathy for • the elation lee i ws. -11 4 1' tirel • i orant of all that -had taken it tied indent Imo the ulna wich I kilti. Now got a good hart and a peecefile dishposiehon, so of cores I don't kit all twee poor fellers jest for fun. It is evideot that they have spoke to me and menshioned the partieler subjeek that Ime crazy about. That arises the steeple' tugger la my brest and I kill= NowiT 'want you to tel me wot it is. Wet Is my delowshion ? The doekter he backed of a way and then he eed, Please xcuse me Jest new? I ant entire share about it my own ,self and mite mebby meshion the rong thing. Ile see you later. Then the dockter he went out of the wind° and took the sash along. Rut if it bad been me I wude tole him wot it was, cos the Bible it seys all liars steal be casted in to • hel, together with the bolt, the lame and the blind. And now' Ile tel you one wich my sisters yung man he tole me, about a mity clever dog, thats ourn, he is that way, too, and so it; Mose, wlele is the eat, but Franky. thats the baby, is more sticky. Me sisters yung man says, Johnny, one day 1 was wolkIn' down town atendeci by Rags, Moats my dog's name, Rags, is, wich Is eery ob serivant Bim.e by I felt Rags put at my troweer laig with his teethe. Wen he sees he was noticed be start- ed down a side street, lookleg back sum times, much as to say, Folier me if you. kno wen you are wel of. With olmost human sigacity. roller - • A LITTLE GLIMPSE AT WALL STREET WONDERS. Where Fortunes Are Made and Lost Every Day. • flee buntline in the world are to boy voutured, too near the edge of anything done In the dare— under , florses the gigantic. wrong, In it be found within a stone's throw of a treacherous bank, lost his foot- cover. "We may not actually coin - I lo Pen f it be dashed in after him and succeeded la 'or encourage them, wo are partalc- dog mit certain sins, but it sve tolerate is "excess" of every eind ; inebriety, , • , f every element of hull - the Exchange, and many of them ana fee into the lake. The, criminality, iusanity, end the eb- pull.ng him out. tenants. "Thera" said 3Ire. Morse, turning Tee natural congestion on the sur- an aceuelng glance upon her 10 -year - face Is Increased by the unusual nar- . eld son, "that shows how dangerous rowness of the streets thereabouts.. it is for a boy to go too near the Many of them, though lined with water 1" . . twenty -story structures, aro little 'Why, mother," said the boy, in more than alleyways, torrowful aotonishment. "I thought Should all the intilebitents of the father read it because it showecl how great buildings on Wall street, near perfectly safe Ile be wherever I went, Broadway, chance, for Instance, to if you'd only let him buy me a big leave their offices at the same in- dog lu stant there would only be standing : Mr. Morse coughed and became dls- room for about one-fourth of them, ureetly absorbed in the ,quotatIons In other words, the population of of mining stocks. . Wall street, between Broadway and --- Broad street, would be sufficient to Report or ii Canon. fill the street four times over. The fatal crowding of the famous Black Reportere are said to be the mild - Hole of Calcutta seems trifling by eel of men. They are often so,,,and comparison. . . sometimes the wittiest of ineintoo, and their wit :neves ,them when ar- The enormous volume of mail mat- gement fang. A oelebrated Canon ter of all ciasees which finds its or tee Englise March was announced way in and out of Wall street die- to speak at a, meeting, and on this trict daily is an/ether striking in- occasion did not, wish his address re- dlcation of tts tremendous activity. potted. Ile conimunicated his de - The average business man through- sire to the gentlemen of the press out this section receives hie mail ev- who were present. . They 'ninon- ery • day by eigliteen different de- strated with him ."The interest of liveries. A delay of say thirty -min- tee meeting ieentered in him,". they are carried on in secret I leo Chris- ittes in delivering a letter is likely med. "Tiley were seat ley their tian should joie lexaself in any way to be a far more serious matter in chief's especially to take his speecie" to those vrhose aettons must be the street than a similar less of a The Canon was inexorable. He would kept covered. Semis seed, "On secret !nese activity, . ; - , uot be reported. At last one of have I said nothing." "-The apostle the fraternity 'said, with a merry reems to speak live or the -Gentile day or two in almost any other bus - The efforts of the postal authora twinkle in hie teye, "What ! a canon Idolaters, and • of their horrid mys- ties to satisfy ties demand are un- go off, and no report?" The Canon - teries whieh none were permitted to equalled in any other part ef the was vanquished, and on the follow-, indulge on pain of death."—Henry. country. In a 'tingle building op Ing morning all the papers contain- 18. They aro reproved— "When than forty feet, there are, for ex- . ___ . • they are reproved."—R. V. By the Broad street, Nvith a frontage of less ed the address. ample, three letter carriers con- light—It is the light which discovers Meetly busied delivering tbe mail. Some TOtlf.rtle Twisters. Russ, therefore we ought to be shin - what was concealed before in davit - And the letter boxes to be found at . Most people have at some period Ing lights In the .world, „a•ed. by a every corner are absolutely Made- of their lives been requested by cer- holy example and a godly Ole make building of any pretension, and there tale evilly -disposed persons to repeat inroads On the kingdom 'of darkness. quate for holding the mails. Every are scores of them, has one or more rapidly the Information that "Sint Turn en the light ! Let Us knew tthh: turtinutohr holeuor:et. the devastations of mail chutes extending from the first Dells sea shells," or to say the ''Sea to tee twentieth floor, or whatever ceaseth and sufficeth us," " What a 1,4, e.yeake. thou that sleepeet, etc. t150. , shame suck a shapely sash should —Sleep Ls an emblem of death, and it may be, which are in , constant sbabby stitohee show.". Or they may both sleep and death are used to rep - It has become something of an ax- hallo been deelred by a maliciously- resent the soul in a sinful state. tom that men in Wall street have no Inclined fellow -guest te requh.e an Sleep ie a state of. (1) unconscimis- time even to eat. And this is liter- imaginary individual to "Give Grimes nese, (2) seeming security, (3) dark - ally true tie far as the regular bust- Jim's gilt glg-whip," or to comment nes% (4) inactivity, (5) unconcern; nese hours of the day are concerned. upou "'How hard it is ,to say, 'Reny - svelte death includes the idea of nor - centre of So, many revolving dollars, 'When a, Matte-, teaser has obtadned Lupton. Seall shine' upon thee (R. -V.) From 10 to 3, Arbil& 'Change is the high is it ?'" ,, ., the great majority of broken never. a temporara, victory be getting you - Shedding forth his love, joy. and eat. Each minute is Inc too valuable. ' the aforementioned task, just request. peace ilito our hearts, and thus bring - But the population of Wall /Street her to repeat six times in tale 'breath, old 1,uhsollinnteossa, state of rest, comfort Is so enormous that restaurants are • "What a pity poor Peter pecked naturally an important feature of pretty Polly's pigs 1" If she survives, 15. Clreumspectly—See Watch- ful and cautious in order to avoid ere with the transgressors. Tile saf- ' - ' ' est place is that which Is farthest victual or national nobility. from evil. It is a perilous experiment Thankfulaese and prelim. The first, to see how near we ean aeproacb tho disposltione the second, the ex - to sin without 'becomlng contamin- PrOVSIOR. For the former there le weed .oureadves. always occasion, and praise is al- Darkness—"Ste is darkness and its ways: proper. "Whose offereth praise parent is the prince of darkness, glorifieth me.'There are no Ole - Plants cannot bear fruit hi the ab- sence of light." The graces or the ' cumistances so severe as to preclude oecasion, for thanksgiving. If bad, Spirit flourish in the light. "Sinful they might be worse; if sad, they works came from tee darkness of might be more sorrowful. God fills ignorance, seek the darkness or cote no 00 1) with unallovieted woe. cealinent and jead ' to the darkness . . of bell."—Henry. Reprove them— ' Speak against them., ielee++.1-4.4444.4.O4.4.4.+4. ÷ 4. 12, It is a shame etc —The are 1.. trim ornimirrt limo, + too vile to be mentioned' or:Yenne 1 lin Call Ana 1 a t! .ai..) .1 + thought of but with abhorrence. Tho z: only sign of their shame was tlia3. t VERY MUCH IN FAVOR. * they sought the ;sever of secreey. 'I', 4. How low they must have sunk when teenal.a.e.e+++.t. It was, a shame for the apostle to even "sneak" about want they "did." Nothing in fashion shows a more But there are NOM subjects about varied development than the separate which it is our duty to remain silent. waist, and new designs are eontin- It is a shame and disgrace for the publics prints to be filled with the nailyadded to the list all of which loev and nauseating details of crime. are more or less attractive. In- secret—Oh, the abominations that • There are three distinct differ- ences in tbe blouses, each one with its special uses and quite as Impor- tant as the others. First, bemuse it Ls most expensive, is the dressy waist of satin silk Chiffon and lace, made on a boned lining; second, the unlined waist made of every kind or ' its daily 111 e. The financial district :lee her to inform the company ten le so bounded with great rivers, so times In ten seoonds that "Six misses far removed from the reemenee see- mieed hisses." When the surgeon has tion that every one is dependent up- repaired' her parts' of speesoli, you on the public) dining rooms. may with propriety ask her, "If he There are restaurants at every sipped, should she sip ?" "Should te turn, on the roofs of sky -scrapers, 1.n ship's steward inn a shoddy suit r. cellars far below the street level or "The oure brought boar brawn," ha the interiore of great buildings "Sam should soon sell Shem six shill- ing single shingles," "He threw two far removed from any possible day- light. There are restaurants to cater true, throwa" to every taste and every pocket- In all probabillty thie will be the book. The millionaire dines in , res- coup de grace, and as your victim is taurants famous the world' over, borne In:spa the room In a swoon you *hose very names are household are at libertyto less in parting these words. The man who has lost prac- fatal Nvords, , 'Should Sooty Sue -Beek timely his la.st donee, the office Kinn ?" •• i boy ex. the bootblack are served with -- dishes for a few cents alongside the The Twentieth Century sionolity. dining clubs, so crowded is every one At a legIelative hearing on a quee- rer since. The most plotureeque feature of the ton of legal restriction of Sunday street is the cartons open-air push- trade, a gentleman favored wider cart restaurants, Nowhere else are liberty- because we are at the open - they to be found in such variety. e Precisely at 10 every business . rush of trading bourse Tbey give morning a liveried attendant, carry-, briefly studIes in the value of secur- ing a gong, steps upon the floor of Mee, reports on railroad and Indus - the New York Stock Exchange and ' trial properties and comment On the beats a resounding tattoo. The first money and exchange markets. mete is a call to arms. The newsboys, usunily about fifty Before it e echo has aied away hum &tieing, line up before the little dreds of traders with their scouts, pressee as the time for tie edition aids awl messengers are struggling approaches. The bulletin& flutter in a great seething mass. The same from the press at the rate of SOO a signal has meanwhile been carried minute. The boys grab them by the to thousands of offiees—the money handful' and disappear through the world is awake. nearest door on the run. Continuously for the next five The time of their exit and return hours the kings, hirelinge, servants le taken to a second. Wages are ad - and slaves of finanee, wage fierce bat. mimed according to these records. tie. Just 18,000 seconds. any one of A matter of twenty seconds or so which may spelt ruin, and the vet- in covering a route may be sufficient ume of business requires that each to distinguish a good boy from a slow tlek of the clock shell be a record one. More than 400 offices) in the dis- t something done. Nowhere else in triot are served in this way at least the world has the meehanism for car- every ten minutes. rying on business been reduced to A well organized istrike on the part touch an exact science. of these neeesboys, were it to come Wall street is always feverishly im- patient to hear the latest news about itself. The general public may be content to wait for Ile morning paper. The Wall street men demands the latest flu/in:eel news of the en- tire world at Intervale of seconds The financial news service under this pressure has reached a perfec- tion little seort of marvellous. The news is telegraphed over a variety or tieltere directly from the fleor of the Exchange to thousands of °elan, It is talked over telephone Nvires wite tontinuous five -hoer tonnoctiona or it le priattai in miniature news- papers rine idetributal by hand at the rate of fifty or more ketone every Dye -Lour finanteal thy Visitors to Wall street sviii eearce. -y fall to totem) the meanie of small boys elatching haultute ef papers an 3 They n.re arranged svith stoves and lag at a' new 300tarY' ImPlYthg boiler -s in winter and with lee in Sunday laws are a relic- of theedark summer, and, they offer imitations ages- Not of tho darkest ages, lie more or lest. palatable of practically should reflect. They do not prevail every dish of the expensive restata now in "Dareeet Africa," or in any rants and for one or two centa sen dark and saN-age land, nor ever did. dam more. . Seedee observance Is not a mark It is tbe thne-honored custom for of rude uncultivated life. There are the carts to assemble in tile side exceptions, ,at on the large scale, streets Leading into Broad street, and in the long run, exactly as men near -the Stock Exehange, just before Iran in epiritual leisight, attaie unexpectedly, would be felt more or noon. At the first stroke of the cloek breadth. of view, and a comprehen- less seriously on ail the great linen - they all start in one mad rush to on of the clad exchangee of th'e world'. A delay forces and tendencies of emends in distributing important gain the most enneentageoes Ponn relneb govern buman life, If they thrown in the hurry, and a liter- their conduct to their Increased enough to conform news bearing upon the market often tions. Not infrequently a tart is over- also are wise °awns serious flucteations in prices. At each times the other means of ally free Unica Is nattered about ramie e, they will prize Sunday, ence betareet the worship of the true di,stributing the news are usually the street. • , ated keep it Were all their heart. This God and of the heathen deities. nfter clog,ged and are far behind the actual le abeolutely sure. How do we knocv The menus of push carts are am- offering sacrifices to Bacelms, the fireuecial time So for a few brier azingly varied. 174:ra may enjoy /a.. it? On the Nvora or Him who cannot god of veine, it. was the custom of minutee the -financial world of Wall Variety of sausages, cooked to order e ern, 711:9 18 the truth, for he maid the people to get &Unit In his 'honor. tetreet nny be said to hang upon the and served hot, for a cent. The waf- --The ''elglath was made fon men"— 19. Speaking, etc.—Men need with alett boys. fie wagon, from which lien pastry le, ror man as man, anseays and eery- 19. sing vile songs, but God's peo- Incidentally they stand an excel- sereed with sugar or syrup at a Inhere?, not for Jews alone, Pot for re ging the songs of Zion. Christ - lent chance of promotion. It is pos_ cent a portion, is one of the oldest certain Centuries) outs, but for all anity is a religion of song; Infidel- sible that some of the great finan- contribators to the bill of fare. the centuries.. for the twentieth and eo one y oes no sing. i yourheart four enamelled buttons if the waist clan of the future are at present Other wagons Ine eke eneempoee et tan fortieth, Per all tame bless Le silk, and with pearl buttons if it PeoePetee" lige° 1511" hair•al "P"- trntil h t th 1 I t On .7.)--tebe Lord is not eatisfied standing in line before tie little soups, still others serve some vege- e ge a e heart. Cir s tali -- Is pique. buzzer presses, ialle, melt as beet corn in the nason• grsts shall have IMO, Man to the Ity le a heart relignen. The idea of the plait directl at til ceseant chatter and more or less greater variety time the more stains lam little tiekers with their in- Tile desserts are o1 fere] in evee lege vaSitage ground of enjoyieg the • , bieseinge a kind Providence makes . , reuirte for al fe Yand trial as well as In times of , 20. Always -1i times of adversity 1- styles but not in y .1 le ' ehoulders is used in coarse, familiar. These report the by :such delicacies as ice :trent), . it now, for they are like Very '011.13g es ,tr v. kittens—they have not got their e , • tees. v. 18. Unto God—Jamas A e ng. or all • 1 ngs— one v le. stitched amen jeet 1)1 th 1 many 01. ler intelligible hieroglyelees, are, of dishes, and one Is simile,- Lev/littered 1 s 01., Man men spurn bl sel F • tit R patty. It sonletimes is turned and , the sante line ex - danger. The Christian needs to be prudent. 16. Redeeming the time—To re- deem time is to regain what Is lost and to'' save what is left. —Hem. Com. "Buying elm the opportunity,"—R.V. mainini. By eagerly seizing the ino- ments, by diligence, by continued n,p- plication this can be done. Days are e41—"Tee present. times are danger- ous, and are full of troubles and temptations, and onLy the watchful and diligent have any reaeon to ex - peat to keep their garmente clean," 17. Be ye not foolish (R. V.)—Here is a most evident allusion to the orgies of Bacchus, in which his voter - en acted like madmen, 'running about, tossing their heads from shoulder to shoulder, a.ppearing to be in every sense completely frantic. 18. Be not drunk—Dd not become dminken with wine and act like fools or euridnien. Tenre were doubtless converted n drunkards artiong the Christians to whom Paul wrote, and srine was their especial danger... In- temperance is a folly, a sv.aste, a degradation, a sin.- Wherein is ee- eess—"Wherein is riot."—Ree. "The word here translated excess. means profligacy and debauchery of every kind, euelt as are generally connect- ed with drunkenness, and especially ' among the worshippers of Beeches." —Clarke, Paul's prohibition Is posi- tive and absolute: Wine That causes rioting is forbidden. Filled with the Spirit—Here Paul shows the differ - material from lawn td silk velvet and varied beyond descriptioe In Its methods of decoration; and last but not least by any means tbe shirt waist which ben a tailor made ap- pearance. The fancy shirt waist svhich opens in the back is the specialty at the moment, perhaps, but it is the simple shirt waist in its original guise var- ied and improved by modern taste which is shown In the illustrations. It is decidedly mora shapely than its prototype and more elegant in materials since brocaded silks and- velvete are used in its construction, to say nothing of the batistes, fine Hue° lawns, pongees and satin fou- lards. Pongee is especially popular as the beige shades aro so much the fa.selon and it is made quite plain with plaits and tucks, or handeem- broidered in the slime color, betinen groups of tucks, as shown' in one of the illustrations. A Mend of open. work embnidere, or heavy ecru lace down the front, La a pretty with a color un- derneath. This forms the collar bead and helps to make it becoming as ecru Is not diem flattertug color. Round pieeee of silt, in color, as large as a quarter, of a dollar, and button hole stitched around the edge supply another mode of decoration. These are set 'in, with spades be- tween, down two bus plaits, et either side of the front and back. Shirt waists are not especially dis- tinguished in anpearanze• so, a great amount of their ISUCCOSS depends oa your choice ef style a.nd color, and tho way it is put on. Tho last point is not a small item either, en so many women seem to think, for all otyle in the garment is oompletely lost if there is an un- tidy elfeet about the waists. It really Imola to be pinnea down all around to the coreet—and very securely too, ste there can be no breaking loose from its moorings, and no gaping spaces between the belt and skirt. 10 materians for the plain bhirt waist there is -a long list, of which linen cannel, French linen, Scotch Madams, white bistro, cheviot batiste and pique are conspicuous. In Nvbite plque there le elle shown in the illus- tration with bands stitched with blue); put en in military etyla down the front, and finished witli rather heavy white pearl buttoins. Another pique waist has side plaits etitched down hi yoke form, the ends of the stitching finished with crows' feet of embroidery. Two rows of small pearl buttons decorate the front. A pretty model for silk or any of -the heavy materials is the Gibson waiet with ono stile plait turning baek toward the point of each shoulder to the belt • in a sloping wbIeb makes the waist look trim and the ehoulders broad. This hue a box plait down the front fastened 'with plan here, and relates what seems -10 lem a, somewhat remarkable fact, He tells hoer lie was sitting In Itthl tent One day 'when there mime upon tem euedenly an unaccountable im- pression that he was in daner. It was as though some one were trying to make him feel this and induce him to move, So strong was this feeling that he.got up and Nvent over to the other side of the tent. He had hardly done this before a shell struck the chair where he had been sitting. Had he remained there lie would have been instantly killed, or course, it is not asserted that this is tinything more than a coincidence ; but the suggestion is, made that coincidences of 'this sort have been so very frequent as to make one wonder as to whether there is not same deeper meaning in it all,"—Rev. Minot Savage in Ainslee's. Mood 'enough for Ulm. Lady—I want to see something suitable for a birthday present for a man. Shopwalker—Men's eurnielang de - Pertinent on the next floor. Lady—The gift is for my husband, Shopwalker—Oh, beg pardon. Bar- gain counter in the basement. —Tit - Bits. ene.....11.eateataaPeOelteareetteael 1. THE MARKETS ti WririMe"WrWrqre Toroeto aarniers, elloritet. March 17.—The grain receipts were light on the street market. this morning, only 1,000 bushels offering. Prins . were steady. Meats wen a little higher, beef hindquarters sell- ing tet 318 to $9.50 per ewe, and lambs selling at 9e to, 10ec. eer lb. Wheat—Was steady, 101) btu/owes of white selling. at 77u to 79e, per bush - 01, -800 bushels of goose at. 67::. to 67lee per bushel, and 100 bushels or red at 76c per bushel. Oats—Were steady, MI bushels selling at' 47e to 48e per bushel. Hay—Was a little career, 'eri loads selling at $12 to $11 per toa for timothy and $S to- $10 per. ton foi• clover. Straw—Was steady, 2 loads' set Lug at $8 to $9 per ton. Wheat, white, 75 to 70 1 -le ; red, 78 to 78c; goose 67 to 67ee; seeing, 70e; Rye, 58e; 'Barley, malt, 5,1 to 63e; oats, 17 to .180; peas, 85c; seed, finlike, $6.50 to $8; red cloveg, $1.50 to $4.60; timothy, $2.50 Ie. $8.25; Hay, timothy, $12 to )114; clover, $8 to $10; straw, $8 to $0; butter, pound rolls, 16 to 190; crocks, 0,5 'to 17c; eggs, new laid, 12e to 15e. . Leeding Wheat Markets. Following are the closing quota - tone fet important wheat centres to- day t Caste July. New York ... ...-e0 80 7 -el $0 81 e -e 0 73 5-8 0 75 e-1 Toledo ... .. 0 81 ;34 0 78 1-8 Duluth, Not 1 nor. 073 075 Duluth, No. 1 hard 076 __— Toronto Dairy 0.1arkels. Butter—Receipt, are moderate, with the demand only fair. Choice qualities are wanted,. We quote Ito follows: Choice 1-1b. printe, 19-10 20c; choice large rolle, 17 to 17 1-2o; sec- ondary grades, in rolls, 15 to 16e; Jew grades, 12 to 1.8c ; creamery prints; 2e to 28o; creamery sonde, 21 to, 22 1-2o,. Eggs—The market Is Dim, with' salite ae 13 1-2 tee 140 per dozen in ease loes, the latter pride. the excep- tion:. 1 Cheese—The market rules firm at it to 11 1-2c per 'lb., the latter for choice Septembers. . Toronto Live Stock Market. Export cattle, choice, per cwt. 64 80 to V 65 do medium 3 50 W 4 60 do Cows .. 2 00 to 3 50 Butchers' cattle, picked 5 60 to 5 55 Butchers' cattle, choice 6 00 to 5 50 Butchers' eattio, 1 10 to 5 so do common 4, 00 to 4 60 do cows 000 to I CO do hulls 250 to 325 Feeders, short -keep 3 60 to 4 6ti do medium 8 10 to 3 70 Stockers, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs 3 00 to 3 80 • do light 260 to 300 Milch cows, each 85 00 to 50 00 Sheep, ewes. per Mt 3 50 to 4 lambs, per cwt. 4 25 to 5 50 Boot choice, per cwt 6 00 to 0 00 Hogs, light, per Cwt. 5 75 to 0 09 Hon. fa, Per ow t 5 76 to 0 00 British Live Stock illeekete. Leaden, Mara 17.—Cattle are un- changed at 121-2 to 18 1-4/3 per lb., dressed weight ; tefrigerator beef, 1.0o - per lb. • Bradstreet's on Trade. Business at Montreal b.a0 been mod- erately active this week. BUSIONN in the west IS expanding owing to the opening ap of large new tracts of land for Settlement and the increased. eumber of settlers goIng into the country'. The helm - trial activity the Maritime Pro- vinces in tile eaet Is also causing a big demand for /staple goods. The general coneitions Of ttade are good. The outlook for businese till elle be- ginning of summer is. particularly. Promising. The &eland for money is active and the rates cOntinue steady. .Veholesale business at elelnili on 11110 been fairly active Ole week. The retetericee and Mins are basy on ereera for the coining meson, and labor le Well employed at gOod •oragns. The whelesale firma are busy m • leng ehen nlente to retallein Wile have beat buying liberally for the spring, and large quantitiee of steple geode :Ire coining fOrIVare threugh tho custom,/ nett train se:num/tie nue ufaelehare 1001. usually on a dead run. Teen tenntle quotatione of stocks In thousands water ices, Ines, cakes eine pu ege. Is a. dea from enact' point it is left loose, utexpeetedly out ol basements. sils of offices In something less than a Ellinelrede are to ne seen daily eyes open yet. But the day or Nisiou 1- 17, appear in an instant -through the minute after teeir announcetnent, crowded about the pneh earte• cloorveays of great orfiee buildings, , During financial panics the lima Net the !east important detail of awl of velaienn will come, If not for 0,2t,..t1u.aleusbunbilinttlisnsgio,nerctria't`TIciehrreistlaus eis for the comieg man," ootdettonting ,,,,eonisint: hoafvothieltinradosetitiebtruolidnettng stnhirt but fastened In tit the waist line. Tbesso are the most alert neweboys : the tiekers find themselves an 'hour .k teiloabon. ra1tevesgteemffe: and 'trample Its best to beat one another's: burdens, e.ot Mat fly in the Seep of ewe one to another, . advancing themselves above others, , pi etty dainty flower design down to return shorty empty handed. ket at times beeomes so active that .110 Mechanism of Wall street is its man Ivir.)1*111 sVrawling oonventional destln er aa in tho werle. Thee- distribute by or more 'behind the news. The stock ftiaveetdeeetativ°111).7thesig; gPiTtSvidllenrideeell his ient• either Side of the front, done I it stele boy power tile Sammie riven. teeker trier been, elaborated of late been eeteblished at Fulton etreet for Throne:1 the votee net of written but in love serving one another. Teacilinge.—Wine le all countries mime color as the material, or veariedie feel news slips to tee offices of the in several ways. A complicate.° years, beyond Nvhith no crook known revelation alone, but through the cry market. operators:. anechnnisen which prints the news 10 the pollee, nor even susplcloes- of manes entire nature, y, _ g, aod soul 'le intoxicate and should never be by a combination of tints as you and spirit, be tlfe examplefe of Christ, used as a beverage. "Ibe only seem - In eterreal times they deliver an by electricity on a continuoue page looktng person, is allowee to pane fancy. Same of the now mod 1 t edition every ten minutes. Darien ft- tor eeroll is tile Most stmeessful of As an additional pretautIon a more ebere. a yoke tront mid back,el8lai00 and by the Provelentlal favor Sheen ity from. the moat degrading eins to nate/fah keeping In Ile good re- is -In being econstantly under the, in- he a return 'to the 1 I I lay ell lianelal parries or other excitement these devSeee. or more of Central Office detectives known lila will tluenee of 'the Moly goirlt We. , or g na ea of editions aro eyelet more freament all tepee remtsevattees a o re per- • are constantly on guard at the peal- emits, OW lme Made , s „ • • -. • the ehirt whist and Met at II. that man should tete ex10 day in sh never be idle—thee is too oulddesirable revival. One f ti10c a o t Mee le Tee tennelitimaanehour newepaper atcel eroni a -e'en -anion *centre eitl Ar mall entrancee to the financial <Lisa ite Is too :Mort are '' tett. They ilsUallY eengrega to reet, eeven, se far an the elaime Of no- precious, 1 there shown in the cut, but, Of co le organized niech th.e same. as, an on the floor or the I"xclainnt le- cessity and mercy allorw, to rest -the is tee IM1•211 to be done; ferther- oetlinnry news eheet, but seith More • d ' .- • 5 ihe Milted tates Treasury building the, yoke, l'a 1 • '. 1 I urs°' r es 1,3CMCW lat 11 81111PP. . ti011ra point Le frost tommun.caton e bony an° train ,the Soul. The more. Idle nitride are more truscepti- t t . . vitz e operator seaten . at Broad hnd Wall streets. The new cotton fabrics for elart 'thence and vareens labor-saeleg dee iv' ' Willow; of dollare are constantly .roreilder• bre to temptation than others, waists show Iv great variety in (dependence upon the telegrent. ti 1- •t3 It t ' - 1 (110-letiairS have a thanksgiving neeee, fore a te Dewriter writee neon 1 • vIec9, The, financial nevee is Collect- be " ' ' being carried pase this polet. The ' Rheims, Whieh Nyl 11 tI thonsend sheets In every section of money eomee in geld, peeked In ehohtto, do yoe know. why no 2 are spirit an° praise God with tiro whole Mee Prove to bo good ' 1 I (1 lel et e ar fa . he setae lastant of e heart '111e7 are not a fault-finding, from matt I ' ' ts4 1 ed end condensed in the briefest roe' -le .ty •,t '' alble Veen, arid is rushee to the type- ' m 'Y'll - . t s„eke Ind earriee by the ton In steel nj d k -0" titlir. CO a on ee,... y an/ not at all Witte sPttbs/Il machine% I , ,... , . Sok ,.. 1 wagons: it, 1,4 brOUght dOlVetOwn in ..Luat a donkey ,1„ coined 11„b450, arrogant, rebelliotie• peciple, but the3' In effect. 'White Metre cheviot with -'0 .. esee., eis is reetrieted eine realty in- -1 t • ' - • —eg opening his eves wide. 'I don't" eb. know hew to submit to, God and to p , • /ratan Femme le perlutps the most In a .eliott time the form has boan nun 7-1-sber fg '.--:.st,%(!•111sge cabs or carrial in or lirirv °ravel!' ihreown Into a buteng att:o r,reee and , '''''''''''• ' ' one Or in the peckete of the crowe , ., . ' •, • . • One atio er. attraetive of all, since the stripes '+lteltivie your better hau is stair - the edttion is being run ert. reeler . geemee deemes are URA 1.0 reioeat evideli conceal/tee pours Itito Well PRALTICAL SURVEY. are not very lleitt• together and can ordinary conditions bricf nPV79 AMP ' Ile oenetel figaree evetii the tenet tareete •- bornneee Ilself." be eptided prettily hi the plaite. '10 be /Mae • 'The jf'st pleased Robson ImmenselY, se 1 -. n, eu pera to, In its true signifi- Leather belts tl cam be wraten. alitrel. put ill e 1,00,aMe 16Pb iirn ,,,,,, V' be repeated ocer known. A cry for help in the finant-tial •,,-- - - ' Bee a -1 n' - • • Je •01 s net fee be qt (met, met the opporLunite cance, le a eery broad term; and kind Worn+ WIth tbe F11MP1e shirt : the east. Tho outlook for biednes,1 14, 1 ng an.I a proof obtainal in from three ' 115'm f`r"-It'a ''''''', '4 teen ore scw- , le . ell leseantle brine; a rot, "' f' gua.totr-3 tlig tvt 11 8 wife. iSO When ' i t ranks third ni the 1st, in KA. sti_toar ailed_ r. 1 wa • whether It Is flanne1, cotton 1 encourngliw. vnitief; 01 maple one • to four inhentese, other tickers., as. titere B i • *I ce°" 3") * r Emic• It t lugs ini•labl tore° of armed detectivoe to - . he root home he maid: _ conetellation of graces, wheel, am er eloth, and t!line(rical I: aneirtuleeurialiiNt.)tenf; paper or bulletin aro eacrifical to Wenn.; ee Inee-folin 'tonne tvierates ut i *vie /nen who Et±.0„!/.1 gulri hr.re c•In am ilke a !donkey 1 'The form and iYze of the news- • efeeleeleh eeeeleee "o• , en', ne ye ' -1 t • el . -3 • 't iP sot.. - "Mrs. Rebeen. do eon now whycor ns /3 . PcI. 0 --- no e 1 di t I P t I are the adorn- tete' in the la f I , ing9 of true Christian charsioter. of wide)! are morocco. in 'bright red.! There Is a mitnitletrtec.1 goiods coal= firinit Ii'llaze. P Et 1.001111 ly have been wi ten ed. The ebeete mentare nbeet kms et two or Prete - „velem, loll frem their lotul esrerl-'- - i „ pr ng rade continuee to develel) glance In the . official tleker is to repeat the NG,. toxin a, good deroana for money. Ile wa.t a =omen , . c ed t eepeetinee ble Forbidden. fellow/111pm eivii illation- sea lion In black, whit!, walrus and ' gr3 i - ± five by nine inchel Tht) volume of best. I 't th h it f itlei e tho ti e ',Imes ,,..n..c.,•.tidlo', sl 131.an eireiro n largo pur, .tvife to give it Irv, tat site (lir n . tively s6ekg e b c er 0 r . n 1 re are russet teenier anti , Wlilt the, nearer approaeli Or ...pita': news furienhed In this form In a (ley , By the thne the bdate° ht. +0 !,,t, t,- -"f. hi , 1...!“-. 10,-,k.,4 nt him eetnewlint pitee nos& wild!) rig4 n. itatqrall!, &lire! Patent leather with pretty elle tit) le, ie conelderable. • • 131413ey 1 OM ,,,C, I. ratillAili..41 u 9 t• t Id 1 . • t - -. •• silk•• •11111Pill, emit 'trade cen;r•-: lu nprivo an o.ptivo stook is I.J.:013, ' I -,. p 08 Forme sign of seefeeen. tegly /le I'M anAwere° : ne Aup00.3e the light, Thof is 110 exko &wan. !An kles. Ile.in nre also made 01 ,lan1±0ba generally, and the 7111' 'The ebects give the news more in helve flantentrel a dangerous •13-e-le7 ri- retie no. ia r...c• seful r, e Is kept In= beeafisii pp; were borti see' Von. that ilght Is 00/110 mee the . an° ribbon, but these ete More Milt- (antis are tattier' '1 • Ft 11 l'''' . an ON t i in &tall then the +ickers They aro tinee. "1.r.,'.e 7!est sabstitete for azf- eu'll . ' 1/4 1' Sur Y . 'tint— . . —Chicago /our nal. world, and men loved darkness able kr the thin, dresey eldrt 11,41Ste P Meant to be read at a . "II Yierlr of tau laturtr for business.