HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-13, Page 7BOERS STRIKE A BLOW
wl10 were anxious concerning
oss matters/ chafed at the unavald-
able decay. • 1
9The Etruria reports ]raving sighted
the Italian mall steamer Sardegna,
Wireless Apparatus Gave Out,
ice ee with ltheNorth hoping
ap commune
British 1 / steamer Irrahy. Wilhelm s
Men n and Four loan telegraphy. But her mast -wire
brake in several pianos, and she was
unable to repair it until the weatt ev
had improved, when it was too late.
After the accident the passage of the
liner was entirely uneventful, and
there occurred nothing of Intermit be-
yond tiro dally runts of the vessel,
Which ranged from 60 to 100 knots..
The ]?traria will wait here for the
arrival or the Royal mail steamer
Elbe, watch left Southampton for
Herta yesterday. The Elbe will carry
the Etruria's passengers to England.
The Etruria will then be towed home
btit t
way out from Liverpool for this pur-
pose.Tile passengers on the Etruria are
looking longingly toward the shore,
and waiting for to -morrow, when
they will be• able to land and be-
came acquainted with Marta and the
Island v1 %}ayal,.
Dead Number 41; Wounded, 87 -An Officer and xoo Ilea f'iissing-,--Figitt
Took Place on March 7 Between Winburg and LIcbtenburg---Boers
Took MI British tlaggage.
London, March 10, 4.33 p.
Methuen avid four guns have been
oaptureid ley Gen. Delaroy.
Methuen 'Vounded.
G. Methuen was wounded in the
thigh. Three British officers and
a8 men were killedl Five British of -
Deers and 72 men were wounded.
Oue British officer and 200 men
are missing,
The fight in which Gen. Methuen
teas captured took place before
dawn on March 7th, between Win -
burg and Liohtenburg, Orange Ri-
ver Colony. Tho British force num-
bered 1,200 men. The Boers captur-
ed all the British baggage. General
Methuen is retained as a prisoner.
Lord 1Citcliener' , Despatch.
Pretoria, March 8. -Saturday. I
greatly regret to have to send you
bad news of Methuen. Ile was mov-
ing with nine hundred mounted men,
under Major Paris, and three hundred
infantry, four guus and a pone pom,
from Wynberg to Lichtenberg, and
was to meet Grenfell, with 1,300
mounted men, at Itoviraines Fontein
to -day. Yesterday morning early he
was attacked by Delarey's force be-
tween Twebosch and Palmietknill.
The Boers charged on three sides.
"Five hundred and fifty men have
come in at M'aribogs .and Kraa[pan.
They were pursued by the Boors four
miles from the scene of the action.
They report that Methuen and Paris,
with the guar, baggage, ate., were
captured by the Boers. Methuen,
when last seen, was prisoner.
"I havo no details of the casual-
ties, and suggest delaying publica-
tion till I can send definite news.
T think this sudden revival of activ-
ity on the part of Iielarey is to draw
eta the troops pressing De Wet."
In a second despatch, dated Sun-
day, March 9, Lord Kitchener says:
"Paris has come in at Kraaipan,
with the remainder of the men. Ile
reports that the column was moving
in two parties. One; with the ox
wngons, left Twebosch at 3 a.m. Theother, with the mule wagons, started hour later. Just before dawn the
Boers attacked. Belpre reinforce-
ments could reach them the
roar guard broke. In the meantime
a Iarge nunlber of Boers galloped up
on both flanks, Thee() at first were
checked by the flank parties, but the
panto and stampede of the mules lead
begun, and all the mule wagons, with
a. terrible mixture of mounted mien,
rushed past the ox 'wagons. All
efforts to check them were unavail-
ing. Maier Paris collected forty men
and occupied a position a mile in
front of the ox 'wagons, which were
then halted. After a gallant but
useless defence, the .enemy rushed
into the ox wagons, and Methune
was wounded in the thigh, Paris,
being surrounded,. surrendered at 10
a.m. Metlrune is edit in tate Boer
The follows the number of the
casualties, as already cabled. The
killed include Lieuts. G. R. Vanning
and T. P. W. Nesham, of the Royal
Artillery, Who were both killed while
serving their guns with case -shot.
Gen Methuen was the British coin -
mender who led the arena to the re-
lief of the besieged town of Kimber-
ley, in Nov., 18,99. In thio expedi-
tion lie successfully engaged the
Boers at Belmont, Gras Pan, Madder
River and Megersfontein. The Bri-
tish were successful in the first three
battles, but suffered a severe defeat
at Mlagerelontein. The Boer com-
mander at Gras Pan was Gen. De-
larey, who has now taken Gen. Me-
thuen. It was after the Magersfone
tein defeat that Gen. Lord Roberts
was sent to South Africa, where he
took personal command of the Bri-
tish advance on Kimberley, and as-
sisted by Gen. French, relieved that
-Irlace, Feb. lath, 1900.
Mon Released.
As Lord Kitchener announced that
Major Paris had surrendered and
also telegraphed that he had reached
Iaraipan with the remainder of the
men, at would seem that the Boers
subsequently released the major and
his oompanio.ne. •
Read to the Rouse. I
London, March 10. -Lord Itohen-
er's despatches anlnouncing the dis-
aster to' General Methuen's forces
were read in both the House of
Lords and House of Commons to -day,
by Lord Roberts, the Commander -
in -Chief, and Mr. Brodrick, the War
Secretary, respectively. They both
paid tributes to General Methuen,
tho former expressing his apprecia-
tion of Methuen's success through-
put the war, declaring thax his task
of forcing the Boer position at Mag-
erstantein was an almotit' impossible
one. . 1 -
Single Windows nave Been Let
For £42,
Britain May Favor West India Sugar ---Duty flay be Abolished and Turn
Indian Sugar Toward Britain -Cunard People Are Not Worrying
About the Etruria -Russia Threatened With Revolutionary Out-
breaks at Several Points.
London, March 8. -This city is al-
ready flooded with illustrated litera-
ture, pointing out the advantageous
view points from which the Corona-
tion parade may be witnessed. Many
single windows opening on balconies,
at such " mints as Ludgate Hill, have
already uu,.. for £42 each. Single
seats in the Strand have been sold
for £3 to £5. Single windows, with
exceptional approaches on the Sur-
rey.' side, have brought £73.
Equally elaborate plans for view-
ing the naval parade are already
in full swing. The demand for high-
class steamer's is said to exceed the
supply. These tours will include a
four day cruise about the channel.
From 10 to 18 guineas are now asked
for a single berth. ,
To Prefer West India Sugar,
London, March 8. -It Is learned by
the Associated Press that the British
Government intends, in the near fu-
ture, to remove the hall penny per i
pound duty hich is now imposed on
West Indian sugar. This will af-
ford the Vest Indies the relief they
have demanded until the Brussels'
Convention comes in force.
Between now and September, 1903,
according to the terms of the con-
vention, Great Britain can take any
steps she deems advisable to safe-
guard the industry. The abolition of
the duty on West Indian sugar is
tantamont to giving it preferen-
tial treatment over all other sugars,
though this of course, ceases the mo-
ment the Brussels agreement be-
comes operative. According to the re-
presentatives of the leading sugar
houses here, the immediate' effect
will be to bring the West Indian
sugar, which is pow going to Ameri-
0 .tt markets, to British ports. A dele-
gation of leading West Indians, whom
the Colonial Office consulted this
week on this matter, declared that
unless something of the kind was
done, the West Indies would be ruin-
ed before the new arrangement com-
menced work.
Watching for the Etruria.
New York, March 8.-A. represen-
tative of Vernon II. Brown & Co.,
local agents of the Cunard line, Bald
to -day that no anxiety was felt be-
cause the Etruria had not been heard
from since elle was spoken by the
Ottawa 400 miles west, of Fayal on
February 28th. The Etruria, which
had lost both propeller and rudder,
was then in tow' of the Clyde liner
William Cliff, and was being towed
at the rate of from 50 to 60 miles
a day. The ideal Cunard line orfiolals
think the ship may not be reported
before Tuesday or Wednesday.
Towed Into Fayai at Six
o'Clock Last Evening,
Faye), Azores, March 0.' -Tho
Cunard lino steamer Etruria, which
wee disabltel on the passage from
New York for Liverpool, arrived here
at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The
Li/teenier anchored at 6 o'clock this
evening. All on board are well. She
hada comparatively uneventful pas-
sage except for the breakdown,
which occurred during the dinner
boar of Feb. 26.
Upon oraminrttion It was found
that the ship's propeller had broken
off outside the tube,and that the elute
(ler had been (snarled away by the
propeller. The Etruria then sent up
rockets, which were seen by tile Brit-
ish steamer William Cliff. The laI
bore down and was alongside in 50
minute.. after the accident. She stood
by until daylight, where, after sev-
eral attempts, she succeeded in pass -
leg a hawser aboard the Etruria.
The tank steamer Ottawa arrived on
the eoene at this Lima. The William
Cliff then attempted to tow the
Etruria, while the Ottawa attempted
to steer her. The hawser, however,
c,;tnpped. Tho Ottawa stood by for
two days, and then lett for Payal,
bearing the emend officer of the
Etruria to report the disaster apd
obtain aelsistanoe. 1
[Rigged Jury Rudder.
In the meanwhile the crew of the
Etruria had made every efffert to rig
a jury rudder. Tho first such rudder
wcarried away immetli,ttely an ata.
tempt Was made to use it. After
further effort, lasting for two clays,
a aeeend jury rudder was trmCCss-
fully adjusted, and is still In position.
Cho passengers of the Etruria were
satisfied they were in no daltgar, rand
they praise tire eonh
crovet of the cap -
talo and w of the vessel. After
the acoitlont the peesengcr's amused
themselves with the usual (leek
e»orts,, t d eoneorts were held In the
Mat andsecond Cabins. Only those
y e ugs, whioh are now ea their
An Order to Vaccinate the
Students Issued.
There will be some sore arms at
the University of Toronto this week
and for some time alter owing to
an enforced vaccination of all the
students in attendance. On Friday
night a suspicious case, which after-
wards proved to be smallpox, was
discovered in the person of "Ernie"
Simpson, a fourth year seienco man,
who was removed to the smallpox
President Louden handed out the
following statement on Sunday
night :
As a suspicious case, possibly small -
pone bas occurred in the person of
a science student of +he University
of Toronto, the provincial and local
health and university authorities
have carefully cons,dered what steps
had best be taken, in connection with
the matter, ana have decided to
require that all studenTi attending
the university be forthwith vacoln-
ated, and that laboratories in which
Life Sentence Passed on the
Captured Boer Rebel,
Plea on fits I3ehalf by the Peace and
Arbitration Society--Bloelchouse
Captured -The Use of Ox -Wagons
-Boer wedding Interrupted -
Groout Goes to the Front.
i3oriln, Marta 7. --In extra editions
of the evening newspapers here Is
publishedi a report that Commandant
Kritzinuor (who was captured by
Goa, Freatch In December; last) was,
after being tried by court-martial,
condemned to death; but that his
sentence was commuted to awash -
meat for life.
As a result of a meeting of the
Pewee and Arbitraition Society, a re-
g fest•, signed on behall of the society
by three members of Parliament, F.
A. Clataniug, Thomas Shaw, and 11.
J. Wilson., was sant to King Edward,
praying that clemency bo shown to
Gcni Kritzinger. \ t 1 r
Boers Used Shot Duns.
Helibrou•, Orange Colony, March 7.
-A party of Boers, ruched a block-
house on the Frankfort line, and wero
sueccssful in effooting its capture.
As most people know, the block-
houses are loopholed to allow the in-
mates to discharge their rifles with
a minimum of risk to themselves,
the aperture being so small that the
chance of a rifle bullet hitting the
marksman is correspondingly small.
Instead of using rifles, however, the
Boers used shotguns, firing No. 8
shot, which, scattering, invariably
found the open spaccet and did consid-
erable damage to the little garri-
san. : i 1 , , .
No Ox; No Ox -Wagers.
Tafelkop, Orange River Colony,
March 7. -Tito English papers lately
arrived appear to gloat over the
abolition of the ox -wagon with the
Ing with Deeewiior exceeded the ex-
penditure by $1.00,000, the largest
item of expenditure being for et duea-
oto revenue, thenCutshteme,r $305,000
How peace is overlapping the area of
war is further shown by the 'fact
that Canada, Australia, and Naw
Zealand aro supplying, at Mr. Cham-
berlain'!; request, 100 teachers to
proceed to the former Boor colonies
at once, while Mat Saturday the
principal of the New Brunswick Nor-
mal College left Southampton on a
three years' engagement as prin-
oipal of the Normal College at Pro..
Yet the war persists almost as vig-
orously as ever, though, of course,
in area gradually lessening under the
blockhouse system.
DoWet'n Drivers Desert.
Heitbron, Orange Colony, 11Qar. 0. -
gale natives employed as cattle dri-
vero by De Wet are deserting whole -
Sale to escape the terrible experlepco
of being compelled to drive their
herds of cattle against the line of
blit, and
ndsso enable
osoesin order to clear
the Boers to break
The Crape Rebels.
Johannesburg, Marcli 9. -To what
oxteut the two extinct Republics
have been indebted to the Cape Col.
any for actual assistance has hith-
erto been conjectural. The number. of
Cape Colonists who at varlou t times
luau/ joiued the enemy has beei. , ari-
ously estimated. The exact figures
compiled to the end of November last
show an appalling total of over 11,-
000 men.
Some districts have given lavishly
to tiro enemy. Wodehouse, for in-
stance, the seat of Mr. J. X, 3ltv•a•l-
man, some time peace envoy to :,rig -
land, produced 1,027 rebels, or a
little more than half the number of
registered voters for that district.
At the head of the list comes Aliwal
North, seat of air. Sauer, also some
time peace envoy to England, more
titan her entire voting strength ral-
lying to the Krugerian banner.
These figures show the exact
number which were known to have
j8oi0tnhed, 19the01: enemy up to November
Name of Province.
West era (including Cape
Towne.: f43
Northwestern. (this figure Is
since believed to have been
increased to 850).., ... ... 180
Southeastern.. ... ... ... 80
Northeastern... ... .,. ,,1,819
Eastern... ... ...... ... ... 3, 30,1
, 01
G r
qualaud West ... ... ... ... 2,•10'1
Gardenia... .......... 314
ICenhardt 597
Bechuanaland... ... ... ... .. ! 906
Charged With Inhuman Torture of Filipino
Oldest Canadain Senator, Who Was 98
on Feb. 19th.
the student in question worked be
properly fumigated ; and to expedite
this end vaccinators will attend at
the university and all affiliated in-
stitutions for such purpose at hours
to be hereafter appointed. (Signed)
P. H. Bryce, Charles Sheard, Samos
Louden, William Oldrigirt.
Simpson had been complaining for
a week, and on Friday algae had his
dinner in the university, dining hall,
He had been mingling with the stu-
denta up to the time of his removal,
at 8 o'clock to the isolation hospital.
On Saturday afternoon, Simpson
was removed from the Isolation
Hospital to the Swiss Cottage Hos-
pital, wltero smallpox cast=s alone
are treated. The case, which had
been under observation since Fri-
day night, was diagnosed as small-
pox by the attending physician.
Simpson roomed on Isabella street
and took his meals at the University.
The ambulance took him from Isa-
bella street.
The ]louse on Isabella street has
not yet beep quarantined.
Smallpox on Board.
St. John, N. B., Marolr 9.-7.lhe
steamer Lake Mlebigan arrived this
morning from the Tyne on her
maiden voyage. She sailed Feb. 22
for St. John tend coaled at Barry.
'4WD cases of smallpox were aboard.
Smallpox at Aurora.
There are sold to be six oases of
smallpox In Aurora. A clergyman
le ono of tate victims.
United States Want to l3nlld a Dont
tat Neal of ;Niagara.
Washington, D. C., March 9. -Tho
Committee on Rivers and Harbors ti>i-
atted its bill Saturday afternoon, and
it will bo reported) to the house on
Monday. Among the general provisions
of tho bill is ono wlrloli relates to the
building of a dam across the Niagara
River at the outlet of Lake Erie. The
bill provides for the forina,tioa 01411.
International conmisalon to be come
posed of three membore from the
United States and three from the
Government of Great Britain, to
represent the Dominion of Canada.
In the event of Great Britain ac-
cepting the invitation, the Prom -
dent le authorized to appoint ono
United States engineer, one civil en-
gineer, and one lawyer as eomrnte-
Plcrners from the United States,
The proposition Is to raise the
water two or three feet above the
1t 1 ater levet of the lake. ,.that
will give the Increased depth to all
tlio ports of Lithe Erie as far veet,
It le believed, as the Detroit Rtt'or,
columns. This satlstactien is, how-
ever, based on a false idea of the
situation. The ox -wagon does not ac-
company the mobile columns, but Is
parked at a poiniti from which night
marches oars best be made.
If the column had an ox -convoy
with 20 days' supplies it could remain.
out for a mo•n,"tlt without returning
to permanent depots, for its own
transport can carry nearly ten days'
food. The abolition, of the ox trans-
port, however, prevents this, and the
column• must return to the blockhouse"
lino oftener.
It is, however, only fair to the
military authorities to state that
tho abolitionof the ox -wagon with
fighting columns is due to the scar-
city of oxen.
A Boer Wedding,
Amsterdam, Maroli 7. -The follow-
ing intereeting contribution to the
history of the war appears in the
local papers!. It is the story of a
Boer marriage in war time.
"We were on commando outside
Lindley," ,says the narrator, "when a
young Boer came to nee with a re-
quest for pinta. I asked him what he
required them for, but gladly gave
him my available supply of medical
eafety pins when he told me that he
wee to bo married in the morning,
and that his bride had no three %
bandy for her costume;
"You should havo seen that wed-
ding 1 The young couple were 'sitting
for joy' among the ruins of a home -
atom]. The bride wore a white gown
pieced together with safety pins. The
groom was appareled in an ancient
suit of broadcloth (probably looted
from a •smaller man, and that a loyal
Britisher) ; his trousers and sleeves
Were quite three inches too short, but
a pair of dancing pumps and a red
tie made up for all shortcomings.
"The nuptial banquet consisted of a
frltel pig dressed with 'meallo pap,'
and Kaffir beer was the wine. During
the meal aur people wero fighting
fioreely two mhos off, but a veldt har-
monium drownoti the mote distant
"Suddenly the merry assembly was
Interrupted by a messenger from De -
Wet, who eamet with the summons
'that every available man was to go
out ass roinforoement: The groom
obeyed with alacrity, and went out
as 'ret reinforcements,'
"Noxa morning, however, when he
came to reclaim lila bride, he found,
muelr to Iris chagrin, that the British
had called at the farm overnight and
removed her for 'oonoontration,' "
London, Marek 0. -To -day's Bloem-
fontein cablegrams show that de-
spite the warlike disturbances, the
Orange River Colonysucceeded
in so far re-establishing It&e1t that
the rovenuo for the six months end -
Believ 1.1 to have joined since
cumpilatloe of reeturn...... 400
Grand total of rebels... ..11,813
It is worthy of remark that the
electoral districts represented by
Bond members furnished on an aver-
age three rebels for every one who
joined from constituencies represent-
ed by Progressives,
Malt Front the Queen.
Copenhagen, 'March 0. -At a. meet-
ing of the Crated Breweries Company
it was announced that Queer! Alexan-
dra had graciously accepted a gift of
1,000 bottles+ of Crown malt extract,
manufactured by the King's Brew-
ery, Copenhagen, for distribution
among those invalided in the war. A
card bearing the inscription, "A
gift from Her Majesty, with best
wishes for a speedy recovery," ac-
companies each bottle.
P. Kruger, fres. ('apo Colony."
London, March 8.-A correspondent
writes the Standard stating that a
friend of hie found in the ruins of a
factory near Pretoria a small statu-
ette of Mt. Kruger!. On the baso of
the statuette, witch was of terra-
cotta ware, were the words, in Dutch,
"P. Kruger, President of Cape Col-
ony." Tho factory had apparently
been largely, 1f not entirely, devoted
toe the manufacture loft these statu-
ettes, adds the correspondent, and it
is very significant that it had been
blown up by the Boers before our oc-
cupation of Pretoria.
Boers' "tillut" Trick.
London, March 9. -.Tiro story of the
recent raid by the Boors upon the
concentration camp at Pletersburg
was denied by Mr. Brodrick in the
House of Commons in answer to a
question by Mr. Lloyd -George. But
150 Wren left the camp to join the
enemy, for, awarding to Mr. Brod-
rick, Boyers managed to get 50 men
Into the. eanip, apparently as refu-
gees, and they induced 150 surrender-
ed Burghers to go out and join the
Shot icor
o Killing
London, March 9. -Cabling from
Johannesburg, the correspondent of
tho Daily Marl rites the first report.
ed cases where British troopers have
been shat for misconduct.
The Correspondent says two lire•
gulars, who wero dertvieted by n
Court-martial of shooting a Boer af-
ter he had snrrender'ed, Were shot
last week at Pretoria.
The Metropolitan Street Railway
Company, of Nate' York, has estitb-
1iB1ted a pension sytenr for super-
annuated om;:iloyeen,
Brave Engineer Gets Gold Medals
for Life Saving.
Rescued Pour Women From Death by Fire --•-Three NewspaPer Mea,
Drowned by a Boat Capsizing ---Two Indian Territory lieu Fight in a
Saloon and Both Are Killed ---A School -master Who Makes a Record
In Piggging Pupils.
Boston; Mass., March 10. -The atria
of the freight handlers of tills cit
whleh, according to votes/ passed by
tho tabor unions yesterday threat-
ens to lnvolye 10,000 meu, was be-
gun early to -day. The team drivers'
union embracing about 6,000 risen
led off. Other unions followed and the
strikers claim that by to -night fully
10,000 will be out The strike grows
out of the Brine Transportation
Company's! trouble with its team-
sters, which began several weeks
ago, but was precipitated by the
refusal ea Saturday of members of
the Freight Handlers' Unions to take
care of merchandise carteel by Awn-
entreeteam/tors employed by the
Brine Company. A largo force of po-
lice is on duty to prevent diaturb-
o Council bas voted a gold medal to
'a d engla eer, for bravery. The local
lodges of the Order of odd Follows
and Red Men also voted medals and
cash to him, although Wyatt Is not
a member of either aider.
Wyatt left his engine at three nat-
ural gas explosions last week and car-
ried four women out of burning build-
ings, rushing through a mass of
flames to rescue them. The women
were: Mrs.. Ida Achay, Mrs. E. Phil-
lips, Mrs. Mary Barrington and Mrs.
Mary Spurgeon. The two former
died of their injuries, but the others
may recover. Wyatt was himself
badly burned in pulling one of the
women from under a fallen chim-
Three Newspaper Men Drowned.
Everett, Wash., Mkarch 10. -Frank
Church and II, G. Jacobs, advertising
men of the Daily Record, were
drowned by the capsizing 91 a small
boat ina squall. John Costello, a
booverturned was rua ots
allmanaged toclingato
coons. SoonJaoobse
cheering scompanions..
his hold, Church following
within a few seconds. The bodies
were not recovered
Two Duellists Killed.
Ardmore, I. T., March 10. -Ina see
loon near Rush Springs, J. G. Green
and James McGee quarrelled, and In
the fight that followed both men
were killed.
Schoolmaster Makes a Record.
fessor or, FA. Lillie,
m sicale principal
of the Eighth District School, last
week made a record for chastise-
ments. The lie;, was 49 punishments
in 87 minutes, including ruler beat-
ings and general drubbings. The pu-
pils voted to run after a minstrel
parade, and when the bell rang for
school to begin only it few were pre-
Prof. Lillie bided his time till the
last straggling one returned. Then
there was an interesting executive
session in the basement and the
great record was made. Prof. Lillie
sings impressively in the chair of the
Congregational Church and is a great
rooter for the Hartford Club. He
chastises pupils with a rubber hose.
antes. The Team 'Drivers' Union
embraces nearly alt the drivers hand-
ling freight in the city. The New
York. New Revere and Hartford Rail-
road and the Boston and Albany
Breech of the New York Central
Road aro most directly! involved to-
day, the Freight Handlers' Unlace
6,527. which began the fight Sat-
urday by calling out about 600'mare
being made up mainly of men from
those two roads. •
Aebitratlon Offered.
In view of the threatening aspect
of the strike, the State Board of Ar-
bitration early to -day placed itself
in touch with all concerned in the
trouble. The members of the Board
did not conceal their opinion that
the situation was grave and that
the prospect of a serious contest
was unmistakable.
The effect of the strike was ap-
parent early in the day, when the
absence of teaming began to bo
noticeable: As the forenoon passed,
hovdever, there wase no sign of dem-
onstration by the strikers.
It was learned this forenoon that
the newspapers are exempt from the
embargo of the teamsters, and
their paper will be delivered as us-
ual, the same as supplies to hospi-
tails. and public institutions.
Bravery Recoguized.
Kokomo, Tilde; March 10. -The City [
G ere t Quantities of Stores and
Ammunition Taken.
A Maxim (fun, Heliographs, Telegraphs, Etc., in the Cache -Natal Resolves
on Compulsory Military Service ---.Rhodes Rumors Rather Conflicting
_.--Chinese Rebels flaking Headway in Kwang-Si-Looting and
Burning Villages.
Leaden, March 8. -Lord Iiiteheaer,
la- a despatch (ram. Pretoria, dated
to -day, reports the discovery of a
Boer magazine in et cave northeaitt-
ward of Rietz (Orange, River Colony),
containing $10,000 rounds of rifle
ammunition, Hundreds of shells and
fuses, 200 pounds of powder, a Maxim
gun, lrelios, field telegraphs and
quantities of stores. Thirty-five
Boers have been captured in the
same neighborhood since March 4.
Tlic magazine was discovered by
Canadian scouts, commanded by Col-
oatel Ross, i• i
Rhodes Ill ; Rhodes Well.
London, March 8. -While private
telegrams from Cape Town to -day
report that Cecil Rhodes is in a
critical condition, the officials here
of the British Chartered, South Af-
rica Company say Mr. Rhodes is con-
ducting his business correspondence
as usual. In twot cable despatches
received Iroan Mr. Rhodes this morn-
ing his illness was not mentioned.
The Kwang-st Rebels.
Hong Kong, March 8. --Tile Kwang-
SI rebels have reached Kai -Chou, a
town 80 miles from K hang -Chan -
Yuan. They surprised the local man-
darins, overpowered the garrison and
released the prisoners, who joined
the rebellion.
It is reported that the members of
the Triad Secret aooletyi have Joined
the rebels and are looting and burn-
ing villages.
alust Serve the State.
Pieter•nraritzburg, Natal, March 8.
-The Natal Legislature has adopted
a resolution' in favor of compuiaory
military service.
More elates 'Jlhail Palliates in
0atori 0.
The Census Deaartment issued to-
day bulletin No. 6, in which the popu-
latlon of Canada Is classed according
to sexes and conjugal condition, the
latter term bong used to express
the relation of the population to the
institution at marriage. The record
of divorced persons is published for
the first time. An examination of the
schedules shows that legal separa-
tion was consldero;l by soma enum-
erators to imply the same condition
as divorce. Accordingly measures had
Lo be taken to procure, a revision
of every reported ease. :alio excess
of married males is explanted by the
fact that In certain lumbering and
mining districts married men have
been eounteiu whose families, at the
time of enumepation, were living in
the United !states, Newfoundland and
otlu'r countries.
Tito figures for trio Dominion and
the Province of Ontario read;
Canada. Ontariii.
Males, 1901 ... 11,7 51,413 1,090,011
,talo., 1801 ,., ,..2,460,471 1,069,487
Females, 1001 .., 2,010,518 1,080,'106
Females. 1891 ..,'2, 372.768 1,044,834
Single aiat1es,
1901. , . 1,747,622 677,798
Single malts,
189.1 ,,..,.....,.1,001,5.1 1388,1149
Single female& .,.
11)01 .. ..,1,563,4a0 652,604
Single fcmrt,,.les
af1891 •", "' 1,451,851 (131,747
atri1901 ..,,,. .,. 020,01; 887,777
••=••••1111401.Married males ...
1801 796,153 358,060
Married females .
1001 . 905,081 , 883,668
Married females .
1801a. 791,902 352,798
Widowed males ..
1001 ... 73,597 30,955
W1881 a males .. y
Widowed femaleB 6 ,777 27,7?,;
1901 150,760 , 09,010
Widowed females
1891 129,015 ', 60,289
Divorced males .. •
1901 ' 111
Divorced , females, 1 -, 3on
... 322 118
Other i'rovinees.
British Columbia has 114,081 males
and 64,576 females. Manioba, 118,-
832 males and 116,615 females
North-west Territories, 87,473 males
and 71,487 female's. In British Col-
umbia there are 80 divorced persons,
in Manitoba 35, err New Brunswick
80, in Nova Scotia, 01, in Prince, Ed-
ward Island 14, in Quebec 58, in
Northwest Territories 19, Ynkon 36.
London, Mareh 10.-A. dos ' UCh to
the Daily Chronicle from Berlin says
that the Russian General, Gribskt,
who was responsible tor the mac
sacres at Illagevestehensic', has been
dismissal from the army.
According to reports of the B1ago•
vestchensk massacre about 5,000
Chinese wore driven by the Reie816,11e
.intim the Attar 1tIvor, Inn/elan troops
on the banks clubbed or shat any
who Attempted to land, and the
river bank toast strewn with aerobes
for mile*, t I