HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-13, Page 6^a "None knew thee but to love thee: "'Nene named thee but to praise." It in singular that some of the most beautiful poetry ever written is exactly applieable to MONSOON CEYLON TE.he or Longfellow was not thinking of 11tONSON TE.t when be wrote titese lame, but they deseribe this delleious beverage very accurately. The Coining of Gillian • • et et • A Pretty Irish Romance. 44.4.+4144•14414+44443.4•41 -P+4•444+444)4+4 -4•1•41411.+++4•49-a4•44-1-94 She almost conies to hate Gillian, as Gillian truly enough divines, far being concerned in that miserable disappointment, and would be glad to be rid of her presence, only that ate cannot very well dismiss :ter as ale had done Anne; knowing, too/ tinet efilleut itas really just at pre- sent nowhere to go ; iudeed, the poor tibial herself Kenneth:nee VaguelY weeeders why alto was born at all. Ehet does net aeonto have any place Lit the world of human ties and af- reetions she is not in the least ne- cessary to any one's happiness al. well-being, nay, in truth she feels herself a sort uf supernumerary — an minecessary unit in the two households Seto which she hes entered.. Lady Damer does not want her, nor eaxe for her ; her father and his bril- Beat young wife have not the slight- est need of her ; into the new- ly -wedded happiness of Anne Lacy and her hueband she dare not —would not intrude. Mount Ossory is a lonely, lovelees, joyless home for her now; the tender memories of ber mother are swept out of the house in Salt' Kensing- ton, and the dwelling itself is in the hands of decorators and upholster- ers, whilst its master and new mis- tress are in Paris. Se Gillian bas, literally, "nowhere to go." Sometimes in those dreary weeks gater her arrival, Gillian ventures timidly to seek air Harry in his soli- tude, and ask him if she shall read to hen or play cribbage with him. Once or twice he langnitily assents, but at other times he curtly refuses, and stares in moody silence into the burning coals for hours without speaking. Still Gillian perseveres, ;though Lady Darner has even sneered at her with her cold mile for "enacting the part of a. sister of mercy," on two occasions on which she found the gal reading it chapter in the New Testament to the poor invalid. Oece poor Harry Darner had volun- tarily requestel her to read to him Korne message of comfort to his trem- bling soul. a don't want to see Paterson, nor his curates either," he says, gruffly; "but I want to hear the etory of the Prodigal Son." sueltiem nervoue alarm tet the lea- ueuta bound. leor the narrow path beneath the Maitre Window simply 'runs around the west siee of the bouse to the tennisnawn, and the seri an la or gardeners net er use it. . iNe one needs to ma thet enth Ott „ "Ay, now---ree he is now," he says, faltering, and rubbiug his hands toge- ther nervously, "and he's living at thei Caetle mote Ay, to be sure.' There is a pause, and tillian's heart beats loudly in the stilluese; but leer Harry aaye no more just then, but ehivers and cowers cleser to the fire. Outside, the afternoon grows wilder anti more etormy each minute. The rain begins to beat down more heav- ily, and the fierce mats roll In billows of sound through the woodlands sur- romiding the house., "in any case I could not leave him alone like eels," Gillian says, men. tally, as site•takes off her hat and jacket again, awl sits down in a let- tle chair close beside him. "I must leave the chance of seeing Anne and teeing Darragh Castle again until SIII130 other day." She cannot help an involuntary sigh at relinquishing the pleasure she bas so earnestly coveted, these three weeks. Her faithful woman's heart is true still, true as it will be to the end of iter days, to the love whieh is its guiding star. True, in spite of the vain effort she has made to turn her course aside; true as it woman's heart is but to one love in her life, no me- ter how many affections and desires peteSeSS her exIstenoe. And this eege, true love, stronger, deeper, tenderer than evert Yearlui in secret for the merest crumb of sustenance to satisfy its hungry And to enter again the rooms she Gillian SAYS, soothingly ; "and I'll holds sacred to his memory, to con- write to him at (mice. And is there any one else you'd like to be sent for ?" "No, aobody else," he says, wear- ily, in a dull, slow way. e"Noboely ?" Gillian repeats, trying to keep her votee from shaking and her limbs quivering in excitement. "You aro sure there is tvo one you au mane of busintes at this hour, mid 110 tnie Natatit there for tame - sure twat aesitrally on a ninatelike tithe A senee of something strange and 1 Me:vile:010 eeeme to press her , forebodingia, and the girl's linebs I almost trenible beneath her au site I goes back to the fire and eles down meetly once more,: lest the invalid 1 perceive her nueasmess. Still she listens intently In pauses • of the interne and creeps inside the eurtaine more than once to try if elle can discern anything beside the black tree-elmpes outside in the wild night. But elm hears nor sees anything more of the mysterious sights or bowels, and as the time paeses on, she gradually tries to perseado here belt that both figure and footatep% were flange of her fa,ney. "Gillian!" Sir Harry says. ()widen-, lye "do you think your fattier would come over to see me if I aaked him?" "Yea certainly," Gillian says, ra- ther anuezed at the question,. for lie lute been staring into the fire with his Manic, despondent gaze for a long lime in utter silence. "Papa and pay Stepmother are in Paris at Present, "but when he re- turns to tc(wn I am sure he will como over as soon as you, ask lane Uncle Harry." "But I want )11111 110W 1 Now!" he reterns Nvith feeble impatience. "I can't wait till he omen back from Paris! I haven't time. My seeds are running very lowe • very low! I haven't any time to spare, and. I —•1 (want to put things all right, and tell the wbole truth before,. I die." His liaed fete puckers deeply in suppressed emotion, his grey head shakes in mournful meaning, he looks an old, worn -oat man as he sits trembling in the firelight, and Gil- lian's tender heart aolies with com- )assion. 1 ' "Unclet Harry,' she says earnest- ly, drawing olose to him, "I will write to papa this very night, and tell him you wish to see him. I am sure he will come from Paris speci- ally, If you need his presence so much," "I want to see him, I want to see lame" he reiterates, feebly. "He's my cousin Carrie,a Ittiaband, and be's an honest man, and a man of the world, and he'll be teble to relieve my lined, and help me to put things right before I die." "Yes so he will, Uncle Harry," jure up the fair, bold face and comely form of that dear, lost love, dead to her, to sit in the chair he sat in, Or to eat at the table where he ate, to touch with ber late the mitt or the glass that touchtel his, seems to Gil. lien a greater joy than she dare hope for. '4" aigh8 onee and again as silt' WO011ti f0. See, Thiele Harry? looks from the stormy evenieg outside "No, no one," he says, closing his to the lonely figure of poor Sir eyes, with a deep sigh. Harry, with his gray head droopine: - "Not even George Archer, Uncle forlornly, and as the time ' passes Harry ?,, • WI, and the light fades from the re' rie etarts au' ddenly upright in his stormy sky, and the wind howls and chair, his thin fingers clutching at shrieks weirdly, like human criee the army, his einem blue eyes glitter- an.1 lamentatiene, the loneliness mei ing fiercely. sadne.ss of place, n.m.1 tine, and cir- "What do you talk to me a.bout emnstanoee depress her like the , And then he cries like a child as George Archer for ?" he demands, Gillian reads the matchless relation - " ' nreeenee of death. t a huskily. "What about George Ar- tie infinite love ; and -the girl gee)) She tries her hes to shake 0 cher? George Archer went away away with a gently W hisper ea low spirits and gloomy fancies; .she without Ro 1=CW as 'good-bye' to me prayer. I lute tea brought into the library for 1 after six -and -twenty years—not so Zo, In spite Or Lady Darner 's eneer8 ' herself and Sir Harry ; she liege the much lip .gOod-bye,' Lord help me 1 T— ana delicately-barbea little tenant.. (took to send up a savory addition to 1 evoulln't spook to lane if I saw him. Gillinn meekly but determinedly tries the tea of which the knows ear, eio woeireee coins -awe to save zo• to dO whrit elle can for the 11a •'. or used to be, very .fond—Doi ed life ; bell never let me gee h:s face man who le bereft of every earthly teratted herrings with buttered twist :wane Olt, me luteasome Jed 1—ay (solace; and with deep pity, and timid —and she coa,xes him to eat with , handeome, brave lad 1" atrection growing with her Mel at- some success, much to Mee. Have 1 Bitter 'Ceara fill, the suneen blue tentiona she glides into his room arty's eatiefaction ween ale comes , eyee, 0 and wet UM furrowed cheeks, wile/lever mu> can wade Late in to look at her patient. . I and he Mate Ms wasted hande on Damera notice. "That's what does him ali the : , .. . ,, Nice outer in an ecstasy of piteous _ f!ti:Lod,„ in the wurelde-the cratblir ! 1 .4_ ••• (map," Ir. For his own sake she. compasSion ate,,s, him. for his son's sake she loves eta. etayee aside to Gillian. "I dlinnow , 1 "Uncle Herrn" Gielan says, trent- him. what he'd ever do without you, Miss Ming more aria more, whilst a rose - But t here comes' tit last one even- Deane, alanna! Shure he's lookine i red Hush burns betty In each pale Ing.— bluetery April evening, with like himself to -night, so he 1 nom gentleman." -- - .8, - ' cheek, "II I wrote to George Archer ; gusts of fierce southwest wind and nue naked him to come bome again, rain darting against the window- "It's.a. very dreary night, though, • would you not see, him ?" pence—when Gillan hurries down to nurse,' Gillian says, shivering, "and, i t 'Hee wouidzet come for you eitherl" the library with, a feeing of freedom 1 ,the house seems so lonely and (Diet! lie retorts., angrily and excitedly. that actually mtikee littr quite light- I can hear nothing but that mourn- e you treatal him badly, and VII never hearted. Lade. Dallier hats, gone to fid 'wind, like the ery of the ban- forgive you for it 1" Ballyfore, to dine at the palace this, • aim'!" I "Oh, don't say that 1 indeed / did evening, and gene early to wind . "Lora beeline us an' all harny . -, , not—Indeed eem are quite mistaken:" anne time with the bishop'; wife. Miss Deane, asthore, don't any that . aillian exclaims, flushing and paling. ; who lel an old acquaintance of hers ; Nell•v gasps, making the agn of the : ,'You. did," he says, roughly. mad she has 4 ,rdcr ed the carriage to : ertess• "'Would you like any one to e"Twist it, and turia it how you like, meet her et the Oseory station at I come and at near yea miss , Sui•te 1 eleven thenight. I a 1 le I say. Yon—you jilted him, and ! meself and Kitty '11 alt in be ttli ib k ! y o,ung lady you did treat him bee- n is now only half -past three, ti, 1 Mahe -room flea just norms , I you. never made a bigger mistake in there are nearly eight Miura of liberty : hall, If you like?" 1 eour lite, I can tell you! You'll be of action,deliveranee from the opprea i "Ole no, thank vele nurse," Gil- , I sorry enough by and by; you made sloe of her imperious presence in the . lian says, hastily, a little "halm"! , the biggeet mistake you ever mule house, to beecounted OIL 1 of communicating her own nervous in your life," ho reiterates, white Gillituee first resoluta deters:0111a- , fears ; "why should I need any one , and shaking with passion, with a tien has been te dress herself quick- ' near me ? They are all downstaire, distorted face and gleaming eyes, ly and hurry off as fast as olio can ! as neon', are they not? Mrs. Lynch t"when you thought, Miss Deane, walk to Darragh Castle, to spend ' and Denny, and the other eon 1 that that handsome, bravo lad was MO or three hours with ATIlle—th ell- I vents V" t not good enough for you." ter one:, again into the dear old ! "Mrs. Lynch is going to bell Nvull 1 She does not quail before his al - rooms, too well remembered—to go ! 1ier bad cowld, miss," answers teeny, most frenzied pension. With her back ix memory to the bitter sweet : thoughtfully. "and troth, Denny : i sweet, grave Mee, and dark, pure of the past. might as well be in bed as out o' 1 epeN, she COM eff closer to lam, kneel - But when sle. Coll:IPS Into the lib- I It. I never see such a Man for cod- ' ing on the hearth -rug by las chair rary, ready dressed for bier walk, therin' himself up!" she adds, with and clasping his thin, feverish hand her heart mites her at the sight : a malicious chuckle. "ere sez he's between her cool, little, soft realms. of the desolate figure, with his chin eat the lumbago'. ael' sure it's noth- 1 i "Uncle Harry, shall I tell you the Flunk dejoetedly on his brea,st, his ; in' but the hoighth o' good livin' i truth ?" she asks, in a low voice, wasted hands propped on his knees, ; RR' an alsy life that's neade him no 1 "The whole, real, secret truth 2" (rearing vacantly into the fire, alone ! etiff in 11,18 ante! The house is 1 "About what ?" he asks curtly, ir- in hie misery. 1 lonely to -night, though, miss; in; ritably, trying to pull his hand away. "Uncle Harry,e elie says gently, for i the elirary, nrermurin' sound o' 1 "What are you talking about 'the he has exhibited a curious aNeracet t them threes, toe her ladythip bein' t whole truth ?" You weren't born, to his new title, "have you seen the ; away; an' Carroll the foOtman's child, six or seven and twenty years Illustrated Lyndon News ? There are I gone wud !ler to Ballyford, ye know, ' (LW,' some int eresting--" • miss, Ft> we ere rale quiet down- 1 "About George Archer and me 2" "No, no, no," he says, irritably; "I Attire," . 1 Gillian pereirfts In a half whisper, don't care a. farthing for it. Where : "Very quiet, indeed," Gillian re- "You are quite wrong, Uncle Harry, are you going ?'' 1 : petits to herself later on, when the ,,when yoa ate. 1 treated leen badly— "Out for c walk," Gillian says, rn- • eight has quite eland in, darker 1 eou are indeed I" a. ther reluctantly. ; aud ):termler than ever, and there 1 "I'm not wrong," he insists ,sullenly. "Iter raining, isn't it ?" he Kaye, • are no sign); of life to be heard in , elle wits foal of eon—George was 1 with a einver—"a miserable, told, tee mean whilst ontside the tem- Ay, he wee: A sweetheart arty girl wet (lay. Ate no upon a time 1 et,,t Made, "it is as silent ne a ' might be proud to have 1 He was fond didn't mlnil the rain, or the void, oene—ae lonely and eilent ns a ' of you—In love with you, Mies (Milan, eit!Ter." i tomb net -night." awl you lilted him for Bingham Laey, "More, you won't again." saye Gie . Now and then (tome sudden Mile tied you were the chief. cauee of his Han, brightly, with le•e hand lai•1 on ei the etorm, weirdly sudden and teeing away tile way 113 did, and I'll Lie shoulder. "Yon tenet to t well nal Fall, tot it the fierce «pirit that rides never forgive Pee for it. never 1" let me go out riding wale enn, ['wee apt meet had paused to tirnw breath Ile brInge his 11110(1 down with a I'Lirry. yen premlael ;ten would, lotie for a treat. onslaught. : fierce blow me the arm rif hie choir. alft 7;3' %lid ilL one er these eannes Gillian. ' after ble ole, excitable fashiolt, and "I don't think eel ever put a I Pg. il»king out into the night, hoping wreneheo hie other hand :twine from rteroc4 a horse,. again," It, fit, s. Rila /7" in vain, for a sight of intton or Aare, the girre got i. clasp with hurtful l" 1'14 nr" 7. hc:*•ad I "'W. "S'Y : “111 MX" f:IlleleS for a moment that She ilf,e4 anutlineas. ham can rely lea with eine etel , 11 tire cc me ( nt of tee shrubbery.' "I ncle Berry, " the &tads trent*. FRB BABIES AND MORE COMFORT. el Ise Anthony Tains N'Igurousle , te aid itlerrlitee Rates j i Lon Div aieteeneeeteageneetateeene.-^. Mee SuSt111 IL Ailthoti„) Aloft not take 1110 popular N le W 01 1.110 eentent reporte. Mosel, people eeprees disap- pointment; when the collate femme a grail pepulation of less than 110 per cent, every ten :years "tend aro jubilant when the percentage ex- °Kele 1•11att .They do not rite) to in- quire into the °hammer of the in- t/Maori number, but regard ana tut- ditione evelence of prugeess. To Mies ailteletny the popul Won growth le tleplorable. It means, in ber opin- ion, the 'breaking (hewn wivee Nvitb the care of exeeeslye number of children, to wham they are unable to give the ueceesary attention. She reJotcee over the evidence of a ete. creaae• of marriages In proportion to PoPelatlem, but (Mule& Mutt it is nutinly due to the refusal or young' men to burden themeelves with evive(4 and children. Tito reaeon for the fewer marriagea evnich she of- fers le the Inereadee luteillgenco ol women, who prefer to live in Krim measure for themselves instead of wearing oat their Dace in the rear- ' ing of children. "Whet Clue world neede," eXclainis the veteran spin - (Rea "Is fewer children, and those better taken care of and better born and, 'bred." While it is aeleeniehinel bow mallet neglected children escape the fate which eeems Inevitable, no one can look on the army or little ones' who are born to equator aud are defiled the simplest care without being impressed by tbe soundness of Mies Anthony's opinion. Recent state, letios prove wbat common observa- tion suggests—that it le among the well-to-do native Americans that the rate of chileabirthe has declined enor- mouely, wbele nhe natural increase ot the population ie deafly =one the improvident and ()hiltless, evho bring children into the world with - mit the least sense ot responsibility -1 for either present or future. Minard's Liniment relieves Neu- ralgia, OBSERVATIONS. The stern resettles of life are not Pail as devastating to the domestic exchequer as the frivolities. It is a blessed tiling that a bad singer "'cannot sing the old songs," but why, oh why, must elle scream all obvious truth ? If a man wants to win a woman's respect he must be firm; site will call him a brute; but no matter, beauty bas always secretly admired the beast. There is nothing more comforting than to feel when the wind blows from the mat that there is money In the purse area coal in the bin, • Weloome as Sunshine after storm is the relief when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Al- len's Lung Balsam. No opt= in it. The good effect Mats. Take a bot- tle home with you this day. larom Scott's VieNv. What is this world? A dream *within. a decam—as we grow -older each step is an awakening. The youth awakes as he thinks from Meld- hood—the full-grown man despises the pursuits of youth as visionary— the old man looks on manitood as a feverish dream. The grave the last sleep ?—no; is the last and final awakening.—Sir Walter Scott. a g • , 1 1 • know." ' ft•otn the direct'ou of the white gate 101161,Y1 hut with eleternenation in the "Inngliam wouldn't auet to reit: out leading into the wotel, awl next ;towing Mehl of In r eyee, and the with atta" ttll'i"o eeeta lain:1011g 11114 moment tlef.111,1 it ill(' merest illusion calor in her (lima)), "yon don't know °ull'I''alr--1: ‘•31° iti's' 111R lel!''' it"w• e"" of the Wit‘11th; f ro014 ill the etterky the wit de truth 1 1 doree think you Melee 1 ' tele II trry." recent) 01,, yee, to 11. 5 nr 0. 14' 11. ila're. 11elle draws th • curtaine once more, -nee ii. 111 a iont, ie.' acelleteeitm. "MY awl le twang away, when she beer; ""la""'''' rfletitt' llit" 11 11 'WI eleae '• eistinetie, in the 1111511 of the tem - Ay, pa eAnte, (real ! it g•-041 girl : po, 1.0nntis r in LI:- petit beneath a gnat heart : a eats], trite hairl : lie. wait:ow-41w ,.*,ft tametiting / tir VillPri• 111 ell . new 9" the gravel Nemeth e Wavy, (gle- aner, he living lit Intrragh Ciietie tion'. tree a with her litteeten.1." unalati 13:1,114, With n Might tptiver iit her 'veleta "CaPinin ! t II ePTE11 XL III Lucy I, :tour a geill now_ yon know, ' Gillian ;Mors 10 tito slow, st wittily i'Deir. n:11TY," 1'090 1(11.4, holding in.r bren th lit a 611.4414•Mirirao:**11-..awai.., ears*440 - .. .-.....- .. .. f_ --t. - .. :. • t..-.1. , 1 1 1- .. I%Wein the Page Saaulard II /ler Fence, Italie ( f "Parc' wire which it twi.,c1 as etreng te eatornon wire. The eventuate reit, note wavynenearaneeallowe for eq,ansien and. 0011 trsetion wilt& is impertant owineto Combat cler.ote. Our upright sirs are in one plea end lave etrungth er aliertterOpowitiq. 1f1111511:oteleetain Felted at etalt horizontal, ties, empald have a tAtmelli of enly client 141_pd-iaii,.. We Disa ritalw 01(4, brnanientel funeet,' a mitve y at Ina wale inia melees. TER Pale. Wird Fence Cd.. ion Out. Weii4r.rville. 0,lt. 0 .612 -Ad t FERPF Minara's Litemenit mires Buena, etc. The New Philosophy. Aro you surprised? ;So is epring when the robins return. We hope you'll be as well pleased, But WO rather suspect we've came like the sandstorm in the desert, when least expected. , • Neverthelees, trying to lif t a maga- zine off the press at the long end of it lever, three thousand nelee away, is a little, more difficult than the uninitiated might imegine. But the editor is now flying toward the home plata and will Noon be on band to resume pereonal charge. THEY CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Many People Still [inquiring about Joseph Brown's Case. Oot1(100 Kidney leilts are Aektiotta lodged. to be a Wottder eVorkIng eledlelne—eltety Other ellatettlotte Curet, iet•ought to eight. Oslutiva, Ont., Feb, 24..-(apeelt11.)— Olio effect of, puberatiou far and wi le tie:meet t Ite peek ta lite in,l1ite;0- 101414 mire of a ease of Paralysis tare in Oehante ilea been to bring to the airtime a great iutepy elm:early won- derful and well nu Llientloittett cures by the same retneelyeelhnide Kidney Pale. alr. Brown, whose case Ims caused all tee teeneatioa, Is11, modest, lintel - Leman r meehat le, ntpioyed in the Cellawa Malleable iron Woras. Since the publicaelee of the facts of his ease and It cure he Mut been over- whelmed with lettere of luquiry from all over the country, and to Melt of these lie answere suety:, " Yes, Dodd's Keeney Pills (tercel me Alter all the doetore end hospital spectaliste had giveu pie up. I couldn't Welk and had .to eie red nice a baby for four months, but the pills scent fixeel me up and I nave been all right ever since." ([le late 'alio been in receipt of not a few letters Prole others who too have found Doddee Kidney inns a life-saving remedy when all eine had Daveral or ebese, metuuraged by Mee Drawees example, have writtoa to the papers reperting their cases, and all, ereaVery enthusiastic in their praises of the medicine. aut our explanation of all these oases has aeon htiered, and it seems to intik° them easile understandable. The Kidney's: are Neture's blooa fil- ter& If the Kidneys are healthy all diseases Nvill be extraoted and ex- pelled. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys and thus enable them to throw eoff sickness and to protect the 'body from any and every assault of disease. (tis Health, Not Wealth, That Makes a Woman Attractive. Dr. Duncan's Perioaic Blood Tablets prevent pain arta suffering due to weaknees of the generative organs. These Tablets are not intended to cure every ailmentbut are ,made solely and wholly to tone up and strengthen the generative organs. Dr. Dencan'e Tablets are the result of the experience of a successful pity - eaten and specialist in female trou- bles. They are alike beneficial to the girl in teens, to the married woman and to thooe ol• mature Years wilt) are at the period known as "Change of Life." , Each box pc Tablets contains a full description of all female diseases with directions In full for treatment. Price, $1. it Vex, or 0 boxes for $5. Sent securely sealed on receipt of Price, by the Canadian agents, Parke & Parke, Druggists, Ilantitton, Can- ada. kittiw any el' the truth. Let me tell eott," nal going behind ids chair she irate her heel lovingly ott bus (Monk dere, an 1 stoops ler preLty hetet ov(e- meal her velvete young face touches lils roue It, wee t her -ben ten e he ek. ' 1 enrol for neerge it hundred times mere than he ever cared for 1110. I pallet -eel to merry himapromisal with all me, heart. for I loved 111111 111,g1. (lama." There is a nolgueot pain and pletteent in being able oven to eorifeNs. "Ildt, he elitl not Wee me, nitrate at all. Ile went needy from Tit with -ma eten bidding me gotellae, mei I know bow way be wal in that manner ; I believe '1 11f,50 ult.! lie fled out of the fi 11 away from Darragh and Moniit Oesore• that night last Aug uet, without bidding anyone geed bytt but Ala , (revel:, (To Ite Continued.) At the Little Girl—Oh, Captain S'prawler, do pet on emir skates and thew 1110 the funny ilguree yon cam make, Captain S.—My dear child, len only a beginner. 1 .can't make tole' fig tires. Little Girl—But efabel mid you were Pleating yeeterday awl eta a eidieetheus flgitre. EIR. A. W. CHASE'S 0r; CATARRH CURE 4 -UO. Is sere dirt to the diseased parts by The Impruved lit•Aser. Malt NIA ciao. CIMitS the sir pettego, tmps droppings hi the direst era pemanandy cures Catarrh sec IlayFeveroBlower free. 411 &ACT 4, or Dr. A. W. Chace Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo, 0.0.1110 Ild•Odaykopeumel.16 To Keep Velvet smooth. A Milliner's trick is to fasten a Scrap of velvet over the first finger of the left hand, nap up, while hem- ming or otherwise at work on the wrong side of velvet. Tito two naps are then together, and there is no danger of matting or dampening, or soiling tee moat delicate shades. — Good :Housekeeping. Monkey Brand deans and brightens everything, but won't wash clothes. OnsueccesfOl H1PlorlineY• "I offer you my love," said the young man, with bitteeness, " and you offer Inc your friendship and good wisbes I No, Pnlsatilla, there cen be no such reciprocity as that between ue two" "So, thee," said the young Nvo- men, coldly, "it's annexation or nothing, is it ?" Alice's Reform. "'Mike—Alice lute qua eh lug bridal peosentun Etlu•I—How queer 1 What Is itee reason ? Loutee—Well, she says when a wed- ding invitation mums the feele butp- ptt'r ifklie, ttkes aome meney anti Wye herself a new book, Sin Fran - dodo. Chronicle. Minard's Liniment for sale every- witeret. As It Is Said in Boston. Little Emerson—Mamma, I find no marginal note in elucidation ot this expression, virejoh 1 observe fre- quently to occur in my volume of "Fairy Tale Classics"—"WIth bated breath." Vliat is the proper inter- pretation, of the phrnse ? Mamma-71'51-th bated breath, my sou, commonly oecterr »faIry talee ; your father often returns from Pia- eatorial excursions' 'with bated breath. The phrase in such instant:ea hovrever, leas no significance as ap- plying to the bait employed to allure the fish, but is merely an elastic term of dubious meaning and sus- picious origin, Milani!, as I have already intimated, simply because of the sanction which it has gained by customary wiage in fairy tales gen- erally. Do you comprehend, Emer- son? Little Emereon—Perfectly, mamma. —Judge. A Word or Good Counsel—When days are bleak and nights- are long anti cold, keep Perry Davis' Painkiller in the house. It is your faithful friend, ne it was your parents' friend. Ex- ternal and inteenne use. +444+4+4++++14++44.1)eneeet COMPLEXIONS FOR • THE CORONATION. %-pe-aefateetet++++.+4++14•401r The aiming coronation feetvitiee are being engerly looketi forwart to by women Of an agek; W110. move III What is etiown aft the 'their e het." It i antielpatea that, there will be a tremendoue Influx of weoltity Amerleen, ano elietineuish- e loreleners" and membere te eur urietocratee Who are blessee with n nee gett e (Mutate( re regeael the furthcomnig verenume In .its light of a lame nuirriage fair in wliiele owing to the multitude of Weer% they hope to obtain lege metes for thar wares,. v011sequenee every post -able melee to othanoe their own and their tleughters" beauty jw eing employee liy the 'female selone of "our old pobility." a Irani" through the west end thoroughfares or a glance at tbe ndverainnuent ceimuns of the society jOinnial i Will reve31 that a lnrge uuniber of profeesioett beauty doetore have come over nom the United State.; am] France ror the mn•pose. of replenishing- their purest; by adding to, or pretending to add to, existing alarms or by restoring those that ttre faded and gone. Tlease practitionees eau only be consulted by very wealthy would!), as the meanest of them would scorn afee. of less than five guineas for advice and treatment. Six months' treatment mutely costs £500. Van- ity L,11 illWaYS rowdy to pay a large fee.. Theyoccupy, as a rule, flats in aristocraiee streets—in Belgravia and Mayfair—wide1i aro fuenieeted sump- tuously and. fitted up with curious; and expensive electric mei/Ines. These people—mostly importers.— lentet that, with the scientific meth - (x1$ at their commend, they cue make any Woman of 55, or even older, appear as young and good looking at; the average Nvell-preservEd wo- man of 30, proVitling they submit themselves to their treatmene for sIx months or so, At present it Is no exaggeration to state that their monis are crowded with peeresses and their daughters, who are paying enormous blackmail and are submitting cheer- fully to operations which remind one of the tortures of the Spanish in- qutsitioneaReynold El' Newspaper. -- Minaret's Linimeat Cures Danfiruff. ISSUE NO, 11, 1.101.1•11.1•111011:17.101•111, Sweetness IsongeDrawn (Int A Washington man &amen that the average stenographer will not lettrn to spell correctly until the millennium comae. In support of lzls opinion he relates les experience with a young' woman, whose spelling, ag- ile describes it, had au " engaging originality," bat item was so amiable find even-tempeeed that he sel•lom found heart to rebuke her. One day she appeared before him with a neatly written letter for a southern correspondent. He hastily looked it over. "930 here," he slid, "you've spelled sugar 'saageg-a-re " The young wenuen looked at it a moment critically, and then her face brightened as she replied: "$e I have. II,Mv careless of me! I don't see hew I came to leave out the '11.' "—Youth's Companion. PULLED HIS PATRON'S LEG. Alitch to the Horror of the Salesman the Member Came OIL . ,terew York Tribune.) John Diehl, of Outtenberg, N. ;r., has a wooden leg, but the artificial foot receives just us good treatment as its mato. As a matter of fact, Diehl ratitee preferst the wooden leg to the other, for, as lie says, "I pick- ed ont the wooden one myself and it's a peach." Such an excellent member of soci- ety is Diehlal wooden leg that its owner te able to walk with scarcely a perceptible limp. Consequently when lie walked MO shoestore at 'Union 11111, N. S., yesterday and asked for it pair of shoes the Meek noticed noth- ing unusual about his appearance. It will be apparent from what follow that Diehl is possessed of a re- markably fine senile of humor. Said he to the Obliging clerk: "(amnia a pair o' button shoes." 1Vhile the clerk weal getting down tut goo& Mete unfastened his wood- en leg and prepared lemself for the merry jest that was to follow The elerk had some difficulty in getting the WOrnenut (41100 off the hickory limb, and Dlebl obeerved it, remark- ing: "Aw, bena yer back, why Mena yer?" "Kinder (dicks, don't it ?" 'Fetid the elerk, plateently, ith that lie bent 111; hack so imeeetteifully that lie car- rited away elate foot, leg and all, and landed on hie back into the bargain. When the tont Feller sat up and SIVW Whitt 110 haft (IOC 0 110 wart ever- tvitli horror. "ea at g g -g valet- s! he g :sped. "1 didn't nemartettn to do it." The male! 'Mr. Diehl wan purple In the Owe, while a negro porter who had StoOti by «tarted on the run for an ambillaiteet Ate 50.011 (18 Diehl voted mare .11ine front the holding of Me Aides, he remarked to the ereinfallen Meek: "Tiede; all right eamitg feller, but ye want to be careful how you latent to pull my Mg," 'Real got ale sheee at a rate that Ito himself litinetted was real readon. y NLIGIIT OAP One woman with Sunlight Soap will 4. -la better work than two will with impure Sleep. Ask for the Octagon Mar, If yout grocot oteinot aupply, writ° to MU, tRbtrstti LIMITED, Toronto, minding bio name and addvote, und trifle temple of Sunlight Soap *MIA emit you foe of tett. REDUCES - EXPENSE I eared a horse of the . mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. . CHRIST,OPRElle SAUNDERS, Dalhousie. 1 mired n norse badly torn by a Pitelt foilt, with MINARD'S. LINI- MENT. ; EDWARD LINLIEF. St. Peter', C. D. mired a horse of a bad swelling, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. , Ta10141AB W. PAYNE. Bathurst, N.. B. . Side -Lights on Life. Lots of people pursue a literary career, but few succeed inecatching Nvith it. Many a man who claims) to be wed- ded to his art can't prove It. In trying to kill time women of uncertain years 1180 a lot of powder. It isn't the 2.10 horse that travels the furthest in a day. Humility isn't necessarily a virtue. The- lowly onion would be juet as rank if it grew on a tree. STATE OF OE{ICI,CITY OF TOLEDO, }ss. LUCAS COUNTS% FRANK J. CliliNNY makes oath that he is Ma. tor partner of thefIrm of F. J. CHENEY 8100., doing business in the City of Toledo, Onunty and State ;I foresaid,_end that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of CATARRH that can - net be cured by the liso of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FetANK J, OHENEY. Sworn to before mo and Subscribed in mY presence, this Oth day of December. A.D., 1886, A. W. GLEASON, -(=.1 Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, The. Hall's Fr olly Pills are the best. 150 Kinds for 20c. • It is a feet that seizes vegetable and newer seeds aro found in more gardens and on more Tonna than any other In Ameries. There la reason for this, We own and operate over woo acres for tbeprodnetion of onr et,011e seeds.In order to induce yon to try them 'WO make the following imprets. °dented otter: For01) Cents Postpaid So kinds or rarest heel°. radishes, 12 magnificent earliest melons, 10,1,1, glorious toinatem, 25 peerless letfuee varieties, 12 splendid beet sorts. 65 gorgeously beautiful flower seeds, in nil 110 kinds positively furnishing bushels of charming ewers and lots and lots Of choice vegetables, together with our great eatatogne telling alt about Temente and PCD, Oat end Bretons and speltz, onion seed at coo. tt pound, eat., ell for gOe. In Canadian entraps. JOHN A. SAUER SEED CD.. 00 La Crosse, Wit . is all right, if you are too fttl and all wrong, if too din. ‘:,,ady. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There arc many causes of get. ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under -digestion - Stop over -work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourtelf with your work. You can't live On it—true-rbut, by it, you can. -There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cup for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work --you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has this picture on It, take no other. trro egltti, s haveend rt free sample, Its a- greeable taste will aurprj_§_e_yo4,_ _ SCOTT & BOWNE Chemlsts, Toronto. •••••* YIVIAINI*IIIIIM•111011.11.10/11.1• Agents Wanted In every villa,to end town in Mutate to sell Suits tont overeonte. The lined Reeds in Canada. Made to meaeure. Good conorile- glen. For particulare--- CROWN TAILORING CO., TORONTO. 50o. and $1.00; all druggista, BUSIN ItSS CHANGES. CUSH FOR REAL ESTATE OTt nev, no matter whore 1( 1., Send deserip- lion and cash price and get our plan for find- ing cash buyers, Patent Exchange and Invest- ment Company, Toronto, Canada. • ---- - • - A l'ENTS. • PATtrUg'itaTinT11;ticlgefa.,,T: plotted. Bookiet on patents,free. The Patent Exchange and investment Company, Pythiart Building, Toronto, Ont. DR. WHITE'S ELECTRIC COMB Sure Cure for Headache and all scalp ailments.prevente and stops Baldness. The ideal comb for toilet use. Once used always used. Comforting, economical. Lade a lifetime. Ladies Geo, Gents 40e. Sent prepaid on recettb of price from Dr. White's Agenoy, 13 St, John Se, Montreal. eissearownow BRICK STORE TO MINT, THE BEST teener stand in Brussels. Apply to R. Struthers, London, Opt. NTELVOT PIECES, FROM F.A.OTORY, r nice for fancy work. Send 10 carts for assortment. Northern Importing Co., Deplete' London, Ont. Mrs, Winslow's Seething Syrup should always be used for Children Teething.. It soothes the child, softens theguma, mires wind colic and is tho hod remedy for Diarrteta. WANTED— AT ONCE — BUTTER — creamery rolls and tubs; also eggs, poul- try, beans. potatoes, honey, onions and dried apples and will pay highest price, f. o. b. your station; answer quick if you have anything to offer in these lines. Geo. A. Booth, 46 Nioh- olas street, Ottawa. VRUIT FARM FOR SALE—ONE or 1' finest in the Niagara Peninsula, at Winona, 10 milts; from Hamilton on two rail- ways, 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in fruit, mostly peaohes. Will be Sold in one parcel or divided into lots of 16 to 20 acres to emit pnr- chasers. This is a decided bargain Address Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona Ontario $14 $41 $44 $44 Toronto to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other points in California, via Chicago and Northweetern Line, Excur- sions every day during March and April. Pro- portionate low rathe from other points in Canada. Through Tourist Sleepers and. Free Reolining Chair Cars daily from Chicago. Finest scenery. Quickest time. Call or write foe full particulars. B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2King strut east, Toronto, Ont. 11AVE YOU SEEN ITT WHAT 11 LEE'S Priceless Redoes -3,000 secrets for the home, farm, laboratory, -workshop and every department of human endeavor, with full index to contents; 368 pages' bound in cloth; send 25 cents for a copy, and if you think the book ill not worth the money, send it back and your money will be returned this is a good side Eno for canvassers. William Briggs Methodist Book Room Toronto, Ont. 111.010/11.11. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION—WANTED— wen Matched coach team, Me to seven years old; bay, brown or chestnut; 15.2 hIgh; weight 1,175,o 1.100; both mares or both geld- ings arid we'l bred; of hackney make•up, good rams, m no and tails; good knee and lioek tioliton; 118.1 actors; able toAtee in four Min- utes; must ets sound and right every way; will p ty good price for such a tgarn; in reply give lull description and price. S. F Angus, 910 Majoetio Bldg., Detroit, Mich. WANTED—E GOOD HOUS1CKEPERS TO use Electric Polishing Unite, the them - featly prepared cloth that deans silverware and all bright Metals without die aid of peso() or powder ; the bOlthelreeper's delight—so clean, quick and handy; etre 25 cents ; a tjew- drugeists, »oifon dealers, ;grocers and generalmerchan to; wholesale by LevyBros.Co. liamilton, Dominion Drug Co., Monition, Ts. Einnear & Co., Toronto, .For useful trill samples send two cent stamp to the Moiler( Co.. St. Cathsrines, Ont., Manufneturers.Tak no substitute. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED Dried Apples Poultry, Dairy and Creamery Butter, Holley, etc. Wilt buy outright or eon on tommiseion. Correspondence invited, JOHN'3, PEV, 62 Front street east, Toronto, Ont, Lady ALre nts Wanted In every village and town iti Cattalo. to soil Ladies' Jackets, tfultti and Skirta, man tail- ered'and made to measure. Good eotionis- eon. e'er particulars. - CROWN TATTAMING 00.. TORONTO. INIMMINIMMISIMI•1111111011010014.111101... MILS fiND TUBS nit Oile by All MillA OP . EDDY'S NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SHAMS, NO LEAKS. INDURATED FIBREWARE Art) Tegatly' saperiar' to WO ordinal.); , WOOdetn*itra Artistes for &month omit I 'TRY THEM. _eineereettea