HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-13, Page 3NERVOUS TROUBLES
Make Life a Source of Con -
Stant Misery.
The Sufferer Ss COnstantly Tired atol
Deprestegi. Will Startle at the
Slightest NOlees iota is
Neatly Irritate,
There he terture Mere acute and
intOlerable than nervousiunsa A lame
roes lumen itt j1 1.1, %tale of oonettutt
Irritation be clay itielsleeelesenese by
ingbL Thi eulferer starte at every
mese: • le oppretavd by a feeling' that
Ounialang awful is going to 11011Pc
ellaky, &premise nett, altimegit lat
couseantly exhausted elate, 19 un-
able to sin: or' do 911 11.
if eve ttro senesce:16i ee worried, or
suffer front a comienation e longuor
and conotant rritaa1011; you need a
aurve fool atta nerve toido, and Dr.
Walitinea Pink Pills. are absolutely
tho beet thaw in the world for you.
e!crti will fina after taking them that
y our feelinge of distress and worry
aro being rapidly rerliteed by
etreegth, confitlenee, and a feeling
that yeti are .ne the road to full and
complete health ana streugtle Get
rid of your nervouailess In the only
poosible Way—by budding' up strong,
eteady nerves'.
Mies but Pelmet, Bathurst, N. D.,
onye: "Weede 'fail me to atlequate.ly:
capx.eles veleteti owe to Dr. 1Vi111ame'
Pm% I was attacked by la
grippe, thearter effecteof wlech took
leo berm of nervous eaboustioni The
lettat wise would cetera° me, and I
would tremble for some time. I Used
several med.clue.9, butl they did not
help me, ante nei time went on 1 woe
gams tug woree, and was HO nervous
thee, I win9 afraid to remain alone In
a room. 1 eh pt badly at night and
would frequently awake with a start
that would oompel me to ecrenem
The -trouble total on me to ouch an
extene dust my .friends feared foe my
recovery. At this limo my aunt
urged me to try Dr, Williams' Plnk
Pine, and after using eight boxes I
WOO completely reettored to health! 1
feel thet Dr. Williams' Pink Pille
ssaved my 1.fo, ara 1 'sincerely hope
my experience will benefit some ()idler
puffer er," . •
Thee pills never fail to restore
health anal eareegth in oases Ilke the
ttlecests. Tilley make new, r:elt blood
with every ise, strengthen the
nerves, and elms delye disease -.from
tho teyetern, Dr'. Williams' Pink Pills
are a oexteen cure fea
sciatica, partial paralyeis, St. Vitus'
dance, indigestion, kidney and liver
troubles, and Urn aihnente that make
the. lives a so many women a source
of content misery. Bright eyee,
rosy (Meeks and an elastic step are
certain to follow', a, fair use of this
meilkane. Be -sere that the full name
"Dr, Williaraa Pink Pine for Pale
People" Is on every box you bny.
All others are imitatione, If you do
not find eliese pills at your dealers.,
they 'will be :gent poet paia at 613
cents a boa or tele boxets for $teal:Spy
adeireeolng the Medionle
Co., Brockville, Ont. /
OK041..10.1. ,....,..."..&t...."4"..leteaCCOGGCMCKPWCAIWCONOCON.WWW.."
Easter Plats the Topic :
i. BY A.roirs're,
PitesCorr. tlere are Deserlheci tile Latest Thing;
From New York mut 6,3ticago.
1:10.mor \i•voNeg--qq1P4";KNOwtgewr\oKOSINO,OV
Yon will need Ole year three
Easter hate. A teuali rouna etruov
turban, gayly trimmed ; et !teat hat
tritium:a with 11iwere tor cotiling;
a, very erkeetive, fluffy, floppy, ves-
ture lint.
Meth these three you, eau get grotessmo. SA Watt the tricorn° hat.
along through the Enteter month. It does not become all people.
Bat the day has gene by ani faded 'There Is a three-eoraerea or tri.
into anelent hietory when a we- rorne hat whole looks very well andle
n ea mad, bur ole nal aa I wear it peculiarly adaptea to trievelling
two later on. It le a bat with very
little trimming, but it is so out in
the straw or bo. bent that the /rout
comes down to a peak right over the
nose, while the tedee flare and turn
np little and are caught with a
ot velvet loops,
thee It of well. Tile latest veil is
One that is fatitenea in the back
with a great eplashilig bow, while
erels and loop.) set each. woes. Upon
one women It will look very nice, but
Upon arother It n1jl be posItlaelY
as an Easter hat wed Peter appenr
iu it enmities :01 the Hering until the
Consolatioes there are in the mat-
ter of later adttertiveneee. Yon sew/
make your Easter pleture hat do
for garden parties lu Angnet. And.
Yell are clever; you will 800 how
Your little fstraw Wino will 00 -
ewer as a traveillua hut tout au
getting hat. As for the neat flower -
trimmed bat or tome, it will do
for matineee all the sewing and
Io r a calling lust In atm, when
you go out for the P. P. Ct, can—
to tell people that yoa aro going
. But It is well to reoonelle your-
self to the feest that you will need
three . hats and to meke eatable
appropriation 10 the Mire° line, for
you must speed the money for them
and dank ahead as carefully for
;your Ester headgear as for your
dinner ,gowns. Three Easter bats
you, innet have, it you have to go
withoet a shirt waist or two e nd wh:ch was a low one, cite a suggee-
they must be in the new shapes elan of a parting at olio side and
and oolors. ,
The Raster cetera.
Tbe Easter colors In different
parts of the world are these:
In Peels, white trhumea with
Bowers and lace;
In Vienna, the black hat with
brilliant trimerangs.
In London, the ,uonservative tones
trimmed with purple and gray.
In this eciantry there aro daring
color combinatioue that evoke the
admiration or milleners all over the
For Me Bret time in the history
of American millinery there is a
demand for the .A.raerigan Faster
hat abroad and the "Imported" is
leature of the beet establishments
of London and Paris. The American
Sailor has long been known on the
other side, but the Easter hat not
until this year.
The straw hat or Easter ie oer-
taiely odd. It is chic and very be-
Taere are many varieties of It,
and you can take your pick and
choice. But in them all, and through
them all, there is the -note of odd-
Take the little straw turban which
is to be so mach worn. It is made
of grain retraws It is close and
secure. Or it is made of colored eloth
and f3trawe braided together. Or it
may be of chenille and StraNV inter-
twined with a etispicion of a pro -
dieted stitch. Any and many a way
it is put together. until it makes, 'a
Eester Cellieg
There are bats almost of nothing
but ono eurlIng feather, weleb con-
ceals/ everytillag edge from a Irene
view, and leaves very little to be
seen from the baek eXcept an .opeu.
work ceown, Very low tima very Vat.
AMOng the ionart oailtiig bate ter
theatre hats !nay be mentioneti the
acorn hat. Tido le 0 round affair of
witite tulle, with softly draped brim,
the whole Iyiug laniany folds. Over
the white chiffon there are laid
large green velvet oal . leavee, eut
out and appliqued mu) by One upon
the chiffon until the crown and brim
are uti covered.
A long brown stem finds its way
(oross the tc.)p of the hat. At one eide
there Ls a mama Of aourne, with 11,0WZI
cups. alluding into green.
A bat of Ile„Ift tan chiffon was Ili1to.1
at ono side, willio the whole top aull
brim WAPI 15 lease of the chiffon. Dig
dots of dark velvet trimmed the chit.
fo», Under 11e 'Mee sate there were
come teeoctet agree:ern of -Lhe world,
folds of white Velvot, edged with two made the se,.,ed, grawing. indastrx
black Velvet, and &twee were ar-
. unitrofitable to Canadian farmers. or
A8 Nestor elollime lint.
An Easter hat that was no. hat
at. ale bat a, bow, was sold a few
dues ago for twee 0 bunt, It was
ealled a matinee toque. It was made
oat ot pink satin, ribbou of the oolor
of a tea rose. The ribbon was four
inches wide. Over it was stretched
black 'velvet two inehes wide, leav-
ing a nutrgen of palls at each side,
'rite whole was tied 10 8. big dou-
ble bow, with two loops at each
eide and no end. It rettembled an
Aleutian, except that there were
double sets of loops at each side
auct a tight koot in the middle.
This was to be set right upon. the
hale, la the middle of the poinpadeur,
Ills Downward Course.
First M,onkey—And man was -ewe
OUT equal?
Second Monkey—Yes, but look at
him VW. Long ago he lost his tail,
mail he frequently loses his' head,—
Snie.rt Sot.
Exceptional Opportunities
To visit all points of the Great West
for pleasure, education or business.
The Unioa Paelfio has authorized
the following excureloa rates:
Twenty-five dollars from Missouri..
River politte to CalitOrela, Oregon
and Washiugton points every day
during 'March toed c •
.Pbeacienenally low rates to the
Paraflo Coast and intermediate points.
Singlo trip Colonises' tickets open to
all during the, conang spring and Slire
Special round trip excursion rates
Will he sold todthe Pacific Coast at
Jess than oleo. tient per mile. Choice
of routes returning.
`People identified with local inter-
ests at various points. ea ronte Will
show you over attention,. It will
be to your advantage to make in-
quiry In regard to. these low rates
to tho Pacific Cossets before deeiding
ela the trip. !
Call or address postai card to
G. G. Ererring, G. A., 126 Woodward
e.venue, Detroit, Mich.
When Politeness Doesn't Pay.
aramma-11 Mrs. Smith gives you a
piece of deka be 'sere and gay "Thank
Freddie—What good Is that? She
• never gives you any more.—Town and
With fuli sot of waves at each
skip of tho parti
Tile straw turban Is an outing hat
and a walking hal and a street
hat, It i9 a "trotting" hat mid
one that is to bo worn on all coin-
mouplace ocoasloas. The turban and
its corning, the neat little round
straw hats, aro charming -in their
Untrimmed sinadleita and InallY of
them are complete with their bows
a velvet without other decoration.
The very easily crushed flowera the
soft mantles and chiffons, the striped
gauzes and the tulles antl the soft.
stuffs of all 'kinds,: the best usea up-
on. spine other style or hat rattier
than. upon those utility' turbans, for
they are for wear and tear and are
of the ready-to-stand-byeyou 'sort
that will go. you through the elelssl-
toeles of spring.
The Easter church hats is also the
calling hat, for ono can be very
gaudy in one's devotion to Easter.
And here one canes to a much more
intricate treatment.
There, is an. Easter hat that le
a rose hat. It is supplied with a
roand crown, eovered with roses,
not a spot of the bat showing ex-
cept the roses; then there are roll-
ing sldes, also covered with roses, and
the front and bank are all of roses.
A. rose hat It is, with the only trim-
mieg consisting of n small aigrette
in front, with the rhinestone at the
foot of the aigrette.
Ftrese,r4oPftesr4",,,,, torevAplev*AnwhovevokAoe
OF FOREIGN.OROWN: SEEDS, Women. Who Cannot .Entertain
(fly Ci. H. Clerk. le S. A., Cbtetot Heed Division. Depertment of Agri alter:el or be Entertained,
It the farmers of Canada were ac- ties seed ,trade lase to a great ex-
que lilted with the sources of supply tout been piseettig from the hetiele
or their root orop eeede, and the ove- revise...ea .who devote all their
.01.1e0 through whIcli they pass; before time to a 9tioly of beede and the
ravening them, they mold be a great seed trade, tato the hande of loval
steel iturre particular when making dettlera. Unfortunately, fair compe-
their purchaeoe. lition la the seal trate). is praotleada
• • 1 000.1 for our root impomeible sew the appearaneo of
most conurterelal euede is but 6 gbt.
ladleation of tlwir relit value, The
eompotition has been, tied 19 too
largely confined to pricee ctioue.
it le well to menthes., howevetr,
that tbrough the progressive ,epirit
of wino reliable seed Itouties a Ums
boa trade of the host stoolce of
root trope, seeds 1,a9 been fostered,
nod there is littlo diffieulty expert-
eireed arnoug latelligeut farntere in
getting the best quality of seetle
provided they go tbe right way
utiout it, and ales willing to pay a
eosiononeurate price. But much of
the root crop seeds sole to Canada
aro retaileel to. the. farmer at a price
mutes al; low an our Canadian iiesd
liousee lutve to pay reputed Europea•0
ticed growers for the beet seed from
ecleetea pedigreed stock.
Offleial interference in the seed
tratto may have oejectionteele fea-
tures. Perhaps tho most etrikIng
example of where legisda Lion beet
beett applied to improve the 000111 -
thew ureter which continereati seals
aro sold, Is in dlte State of Maine,
where; all seeds seat must. be accom-
panied with a statement, 'Mowing
the percentage of pure and vital
Beetle. They have extended totheir
toed trade a modification, of tho .Act
which 1 9 used la Canada to regulate
the. quality of eornmerelai fertIlizere,
told the rosults havo clearly demon-
etrated that, whatever evils note
ueeompany enforeed guarantee
syetent tooneetioa with tee seed
trade, it Is en effeetive way to im-
prove. th•-: (meaty or ...entitlement
eeceis, espeeially of clover tin 1
graseee, of which a great -Steel is sole
la somo distriebt in -Canada, that
contains largo quantitiee of noxione
weal seeds, and is clechlel injury,
not only to the farmer who buys it,
but to the locality where Itis grown•
ruoticalle al te
crops le grown in foreign countrlee•
ilowever important it may be that
010 tieeel tor mice crepe be grolvn in
the ootintry where It Is wanted for
hooting, the cheap Ittbor in thane
couutriera. vehicle. haves t10
ranged leo leaves, ete that thou
edges lay as though they were the
leaves Of a book.
AUelaier het. Mel a top of grey yea
vela The front MI6 covered with 0
mitee ott tulle, and rlget in the middle
of the front there Ivor° two big Am-
erican beauty restos with their leaves.
feaster Piesure
The big brimmed, floppy picture hat
Will be a feature. Do uot confound 11
with the Galneburougb, nor with the
elnoide Romney, nor wile, the Isaltey,
foe it is nothing of the sort. It le a
loosely put together lest with
rthees that dangle upon the ends of
long stems aud Welchem of tulle that
blow in the breezes and big Tea -like
These leas aro made of toile, .tsbir-
red over a wire frame, or tiles' have
foe. their foundation a very open
1 tee straw. The traw is not stiff, but
is wavy in the brim, toking 011 Flutpes
item:Mug to the day and the aestre
Three big, floppy eltapea eau be pulled
dowu at each eide to look somethime
Wee a no&as ; thee' ean Ilited at
the back to glee, the face an air of
wietfulnese under the drooping trout
brim ; they can be Indeed at tow side
a little min a .1. ,rei sot under, juet
foe tho seise of' picture, or there
can be the eomplexion rose, which 18
the big pink reae, right over the eye-
brow, to sae off the peach tones of
the faces
It is on the Dig picture lett that
the greateet colering le seen, for tho
Dresden tones are voted in wonderful
color schemes, and there are pinks
and bluee and greene and white that
Ile all together In one lovely flower
garden, all nestling in a ,bed or tulle.
The covered or drape(1 brine no
metter how wide it Is 90011, is bent
and tweeted to look well over the
face. •
• Easter Church Hats.
Velvet and chiffon will be much
rens tlow Oittle Ones' Can be
iltept Welt; footented and Happy.
When baby is cross and Irritable
you autty rest assured he ie not well,
even if you, are uuable to see any
symptoms of las illness other than
fretfulness. It is not natural for a
baby to be crises rend he is not so
without reason. He has no other
way of telling his troubles than by
croseniees cold crying. When baby
is cross, give hint Betty's Own Tab-
lete, and they will ewe make hint
good-Oatured anti happy, because
they will coil his hot little Inotitil,
ease his sour little etomeolt and
leap hie obstinatelittle teeth
through palnlestely. datese Tablets
ore just what every mother needs
tor ber little ones—and for her old-
e •
eeed epeclallete.
Our supply of foreign grown seeds
Is bought anti Imported principally by
tom larger eeed firms. Teey may
netee, their puroltesees settler by pay-
ing a commeneurate price, to reliable
European seed growers, mon who
grow seed from selected pedigree:I
etack or they iney buy seed est a
meet lower prlee—seed 'Wet is grown
by Men whom chief aim has been to
Prodliee a large quantity, Indepeud-
ent or the quality of the erop it will
prtaluce. In the former enee, the seed
la grown front selcotea plante—from
roote which nave. an ideal size and
tom and are known to be true to
For Instance, an ideal tUrillp le One
lieving a emelt meek, and top grow•the
Such a. root when planted soill pro-
duce a comparatively small growth
of stalks, awl coneemently a email
arneunt or seed, but the seed from
0e011 a root Is apt to produce a erop
like the mother root which was
slanted. On the other hand a small
'turnip haying several root prouge,
and an excessive growth of top own-
ing from two or three separate neck
growths, wilt ernnennit its like
'through 'the seed. to the next crop.
steed out be grown from ouch roots
much more cheaply than from 081801.-
011 roots, bee 1098, in the first place,
the mealier roots are coils, and are
not no valuable. for feeding, And KO-
ondly, they will produce a much
larger quantity of meet.
During the last tea or fifteen years
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets, All druggists refund the money,
if It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's Rig -
nature is on each box. 25e.
Citizen—Madam, why do you p01 -
in punehing ole with your um-
brella ?
Madam—I want to make yen look
around so thee I can thank you for
giving; me your seat. Now, sir, don't
you go off and say that women
haven't aey manners: .
handsome, firm niaterlal front Nvhich
a hat Is built.
The thape qf the straw turban is
circular and turned up all the way
aronnd with. the brim nearly as high
as the crown, yet not quite ete high.
It is tot disteuet neat shepe
with high sides that conceal the top,
but a boat -shaped tutban.
The brine Wes oat a little, candlelit) but a modified Gainsborough, bas
hat, When laid tweet the table, is wide brim, fazed with alternate folds
perfectly round in &love. But when of chiffon and velvet; the chiffon be -
you haee trimmed It there is mere ins over the velet. Tale top of the
diversity. At eaelt side yott have hat, the plateau port, Is covered
litti velvet cords Woand round
'Toronto 9 tone.)
A 110111tallnleatiOil has been put into
my hands for publication from the
correspondent of an eastern paper.
headed "Soeial Lumps," Well reads
as follows; "Iloetessee partiea
el varioua kinds given, for tile enter-
tainment of ladiee ore alwaysl obliged
to lu4c a certain number who think
that they need not contribute in the
least to making the time pass pletetle
antlY for others; that they Iletore
only to drone, and go und seat there -
selves and Ilbsortf wbatever they can
of enjoyment. ,A. room full of theM
would require a professlenal en-
tertoiner. In the first oleo% one
wonders how women oan be so stu.
pid, or why, being so, they cant load
themselves on ether people. Evea
bears', it Is said, when they Wane to
'tuck tbeir paws, reamers lo seolusion.
On the other hand, who doe's- not
welcome the ehattee Ctgreeable,YrOs
men, who paee trent one to another,
radiating geniality. One cif them, on
beteg asked how. she enjoyed re-
cent luneneon, replied, 'I sat loseween
two lumps dressed in wontea'siolothes.
I started every thole of conversation
I coved think of, and they Were all
helieadeel. I told nay best lakes, at
which they feebly 'mailed. then Task-
ed question:3 which were briefly ans-
wered, and I collapsed, resale:ea never
again to trv to be agreeable to wo.
nion too stupid or too indifferent to
reepontle There ate so many who
ean enter into the feelings of my
lively friend that I would like to
try auti awaken pleasure -seekers to
oPleie of duty towards their hostess
and her guests. If each oae Would
inake an effort to leeep the ball rolls
ing it would be more interesting to
all. I tun', of course, addressing the
silly, the thoughtlese and the
Indifferent. There ls no use saying
anything to lamps." This letter eer-
tainly sums up the atmosphere of
many a. luncheon where the temin-
hie sex is alone represented, I fancy.
But who is to blame? There are a
certain number of people who really
eater from et sort of dumb .
lust eeia, which makes it im-
poesible for them to give
utterance to expression before their
fellows. Very often they are not at
all. of the "lumpy" species, but sen-
si.tive to a degree, and only res-
ponding at rare Intervale to the in-
spiration afforded by human inter-
uouree. have so often been struck
svitil the' roareesid power of ea-
preesion of women in this country.
Some people are cruel enough to
suggest that this facility of expree-
sion inclines to "glibness," but cer-
tainly the usual impression convey -
eel by the hubleat of an afternoon
tea, where the fern:ale sex are great-
ly ht tbe majority, is not one of
a Quaker's meeting! It lias been of-
ten remarked that the brilliant light
of the sun will extinguish the lesser
light of the wood fire, and possibly
the woman who puts forth great ef-
fort to infuse brightness—that "0011-
a:ions" power, which takes the vie -
tuts out. ot so nitwit that is perfeet,
when spontaneous—ornsitee the spirit
iinti pluck of the less gifted being;
who, under other eireumeta,nces,
might expand in the gentle warmth
of a less aggressive speeles of. fem-
inine brillianey. •Uniess there is the
quick appreeiation of the melange
preeented by a social gathering, and
the almost inteitiee "touch" which
gives the pace to the largest portion
. of those present, there ie none ot
the genius for social art in the host-
ess or intelligent guest nem sizes up
the attention,
"Charley, clear," said young Mrs.
Perkins, "there is one favor I want
to ask you. I hope you Neill realize
it le for your own good and. not get
"I want you to solemnly promise
me that yon will never lest on a
horee that isn't going to win."
Seeped -Flat Litey—My linsband told
me to tell yea that your piano ells-
trirbe film a11(10Y
Third -Flat Lady—Weil, teal him I
can't sleep at night fot his organ.
Second -Flat Lnely—Organ ? Why,
we have no orgau.
Third -Flat Lady—Yes, your hus-
bandee nasal organ. Tell him to try
a clothes -pin when he snores.
jilted Lover—You are cruel, Mabel;
did, not do everything for you, did
I not epend my last penny to give
you pleasure, and now you want to
discard me like that I
Summer Girl—That's just it; how
can I marry such a spendthrift ?—
Fliegende Brnetter.
"Mary, dhl that tramp beat the
carpet after you gave him that piece
of rhubarb pie ?"
"Yesan „ he was so niad because it
wasn't straveberry that he beat hard
ter two hours:
used together. Chiftoo- whicle has
been called the coneeeting link be -
Professor—Yee know Oat in our
country man can marry only one
wire. What is the specie.] term for
this? Well, speak up, six I Mono—
Student --elianotony 1 — Filegende
She—Oh, Jack 1 Yon didn't shoot
that poor little bird, did you ?
He—Why, yes, dear; I thought
you'd, like it to trim a hat..
"Oh, how goed of you 1 It's perfect-
ly lovely I" .
"1 could face starvation itself for
your sake," Ile exelearned as lie drop-
ped on his knees.
"You mean that yOu wish to marr7
tweet winter and summer holde ite me?" saki the heiress.
own thie season ana more than holds "seh, yes," ,
Its own, while velvet slips in as a "My dear count, I Nvish you would
companion. Velvet Is good every- kindly explain how 'you think star -
where and WW1 velvet and chiffon vation can get close enough to a
one cannot go fur aatray. family with as mueli money as ours
A Gainsborougle not a picture hat, to give you a chant() to race it."
or children, loo. I probably eaught it up o i a gr i
Mrs. Clarence McItay, Bottom's:a of bled wings and under the wings
N. Se, Hays 1 di and Bebyet Own Tab- 1 yon have placed a 'punch of velvet.
lete the best medleine 1 Iowa ever . The leaster Turbato
used for my Iittle ones. When My I
The ooloe, ir you ore out fort aprIng
baby :vast four months old he was effect, le groce with scarlet in it,
very 11111°11 ti‘°111"(1 with intligesti°h' !lore like autumn it would seem to
Ile would vomit hie food 49 soon as ,
ase ecarlet in the hat trimming, •but
lm took It, no matter what I gave titmice'. It Is epring you will rind that
tem, aml he neemeel to be always tilers is sA03.13,,
Ile sago 'gatemen frmir eonstipa- Let the hat be cettglit high nt
'lion. After giving lam the rinblets each 611e with the flaming red refuge,
rvw daY" t" v(mIlLin ceased ""q there 19 some black, and
witit e .
and round like chenille. Cought at
the front is a very' long, very thick,
plume, and tree eetende over the
top of the hat and fall's at the back,
until it ternehets the hair aud eweeps
it a little.'
Tho ostrich feather Instead of
going out Is coming ire And you will
see many et feather -swept ha4.
eanero 4111(1 kept thin and &Beate. I Maoist so (1' t"eit of 1110 Great, long, Curling ostrich plueeee
aro faatetted nt one side of a round
hat, and the plume Is allowed to eOme
across the front and to WI off at
the side In very pretty style, giving
width to the front or the bat. Tile
plume may curl quickly atici cOver
tho hat with We 01080 tendrile.
The little flat-topped bat Of tildr-
red tulle Is another medium for the
Ostrieli feather. It may be large,
without being largo enough to be
a pleture hat, white right in the mid -
tile of the top 19 a clrele of lace.
Aroutiti the brint there eerie plant%
whIoli le carried all the Way etrount]
Dean the loft side, clerose the front,
over the 'right el& doWn the
batik until it gracefully caresses the
neek. The wtty in Otielt title Is ap-
plied suggests the Nvay width a,
boa le worn areerna the throat -a
tOefeal earelessly around.
his 1vell and. .I let the ribbon ,be, say, n leaf green,
meet say that einem I began the . la two Flutdre, attrk lettf and a
use a the Teleets I hese had 1098 light lea,
trouble with this boy than 1 bad aronna the troWn let there be
with any or the rest of my child- mule velvet. Mil in a double roll and
roe." Every mother 931001a 10E)1)1/ at the back let there be 8 velvet
110 Own Tablets In the hortee At :how With the locate pointing both
ell 'Oliva—there le no telling 10" 'ways to snake a west finish. If the
tot eilieeetetoy luny melee.
Theee Tablete are A eertain tore
r)• ell the minor ailments of 11 1 -
tit: celes. meal ne eonetipation, ies
ellgeS t 011e, (rt irrhota, Riser br I nt
stomanoli, and simple feVer. They There la anothee turban color 0010-
bl:ee14 up eelde, prevent erollee and lenation, This le grey owl violet
sillay the Irritation aneompanying with a teach of green, and lovely
the settling 1st teeth. They are sold it la The lett which 19 ill grey Is
under a esnarnittet to. contain no trimmed tvitlt latices wings, While
opiate tn: other hriufti1 drng, anti violet velvet le 1.wistel arena( the
ellsectival in water, limy be Odeon erowe mei 01101 velvet Rote orr the
t (113 elisolete eafety• to the young-- isslages
eta lanta. Sold by all druggietts at A. startling 'style of hat is the
eeilts 8 lov. or vent post paid tricoree, bat y011 Innst 1311 et-FilSit to
7.1 reecipt of prise by addressitase weer it. Like the neer veil it 1,e -
11,e BE Willitinte' afedieline Co, quirt% some peculiar eliarm or man.
Broeltville, Ont. 3100 004 eorelage or the head to
tutban be cut down at the barlirthe
mule or the velvet cam lie upon'the
hair. OtherWist! a ribbon bOw cati
be set toiderneatIt the back or the
Slops the Cough
aud Works Off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-quinine Tablets ours
re cold in ono day. No Cur, No Pay.
Pelee 25 cents.
Mabel—Harry corapared ino With
sparkling wine last night.
Clara—a3ecause you have improved
with age, 1 tiresome. ,
Bachelor—a am 1.01c1 that a mar-
ried mein eon live on half the in-
eome that a. single ntae requires.
Married Man—.)fes. Ho has to.
In Deatttrs Neme.
There is one cognietie never laid
down in books ot beauty. It is hap-
There is nothing which so beautifies
tbe face as a happy expression —the
oatward Ogee of the condition of the
Happiness le eernetithig Nvhich mAY
be cultivated.
It Conies leest frotn Olrbutestanoes
than from the will to eee and Make
the beet of things.
rt Is a nelp to "math, too. Make
yourself happy.
Think always of beautiful things:
'For the thoughts you dc) not epeak
Shine, out in pine lios and eye."
The great Iittchad says in her
memore that she gained her beauty
by looking hour after hone at sta.
tues and thinking much or them.
Here Is a oliarming model which p realises to be a favorite for outdoor
epart. The illustration was made in greenish covert, with belt, cuffs and
collar of dark velvet. Tho effect was atrikinere
Intel the second-hand shops of the
metropolis Is contlimally pouring a
stream of finely made and little
worn garments of good material that
toll n. sad story el' decline from
better days by thoso who part -with
tile clothing.
Stylish dresses ef finest cloth, or
silk and Satin trimmed with late,
no longer proper after financial re-
verses, go into these shops, and bring
to the former wearers a fete dollars
that, under changed conditions, sem
so much more than did the large
sums paid for teens.
And into these eltope go pnrchasere
Nvho desire goods better tban those
they can afford to bay In the first-
hand stores, and so, from those who
aro going down to those who are
struggling up, go the finery and
substantial garmente that are fitted
tie servo two mestere.
Into one of these ehosis, near
Herald Square, last Friday night
thee° came a timid looking woman,
and 'when 1 star her I stepped Into
a, corner darkened by a orofusiot of
i.Gooil Idea.
"What a eveved or lades sholmers
there are lb the shoe departrnent
to -day,” remarked the valeelatly.
"A marked.tiowit sale, 1 suppose?"
"Year" teplied the saleS-gentle-
inali, "all the ladles' nutuber 01500
ftro Marked di:mit to utifither !oar,
alul so on."
hanging garments, for I thought
that khe had entered because she
believed the women in attendance
to be there elates. 1.
She asked to see some street
dresses, end a number Were ShOWn
to her. The bargalnieg was pro-
tracted. The voleswourtn insisted
that lier itrices were low and that
OW was really asking no profits oe
her goods, yet the other hesitated,:
reNfreavielir fere°rlittlicilirtitge. easel with any'.while dress nitor dress WILS
before her.
1 thing but the Singers tr they • itch.
Do not tree the oa , -
Finally it grey etreet dress weaheadl tips, or ttnfythipiarne ofhairthat
Never let the feet beeome calk
and clamp or sit evith the back te-
Never pat milk, Sat oo any oily
substance into the ear for the re-
lief Of pan, for they 0000 become
rancid and tend to incite inflamma-
tion, Sineple warm water will an-
swer the purpose better than &nye
thing else.
" That Wog my dress," she answer- Never be alarmed ir an insect en -
ed, eo'bbing. " ;lest a Fear ago, when ters the ear, :Pouring warm water.
xrdsfortrine overtOok ince / sold it to 1» to the canal will drown lt, When
an Old clothes; men for $2. II Won't it Nr111 generally eeme to the sat -
dress to -night.'
face. and can easily be removed by a.
the 'ringers. A few pale of smoke
blosen into the ear Will stupefy the
Cere of the lears.
Never meddle with the ear if a
foreign body. Hitch as a bead, but-
ton or seed, enters. twee it abso-
lutely alone, but have a physiclaa
attend to it, says Woxuan's Life.
More dconage has been done by in-
judicious attempts at the extrace
don est a foreign body than could
ever come from eta presence in the
Never put anything in the ear for
the relief a toothaelte.
Never apply a poultitie to the in-
side of the canal a the ear.
Myer drop anything in the ear
unless) it has been previously' warm-
ecaltnd warm water for cleansing the
ver use auything but a syrInge
Never strike or box et, elders easel;
this has been known to rupture the
dromhead and cause incurable deal-
Nver wet the hair if you liave
:thy tendency to deafness ; wear an
oiled silk cap when bathing, and
spread before the curdomer.
That 19 a great bargain," said the
shopkeeper ; "sem pan have It for
The Nvoioan raised it from the
counter, lune instantly dropping it,
burled her face in her hands atal
burst into team
"What vs the nuttter ?" asked the
With' an effort, elm restrained her
tears, wiped her reddened oyes, adul
'walked from the shop -'-N. Y. Herald.
A Sufferer From Backache
Several Years of Kidney Disease—A Prornitient Merchant Cured by
- ........................,,.........................
, Every' day adds scores or :melee to ithe long liet or petsone Who have been cured by Dr, Chao'e Et&
aoy-Liver ?Die, and among those who, aro eow eatintelasts in praising this groat medleine is Mr. W. 611 -
toy, tho well-kaown merchant ot 131enite1nt, Ont.
Zile° many others, Mr. Gilroy MO -Wonders slily he did not use br. ternee's Kidney -Liver Pillin the
first place, instead of experimenting with how -tangled and untried remedies. There is Ito doubt about the este
rapt's:MAI virtues of Dr. Chase's Eidoey-LIver Pine. They aet direetly e81 tho kidrasyte liver fold bowelso and
thorougbly ouro complicated ailmente whloh -eanaet MI reaelted by ordinary remedies. .
Mr. W. GilroYS general merely/lit, Blenhohn, Ont„ kolas; "I am rather enthusiastic 10 the prolse of Dr.
Cluteenl IaideteenLiver Pills, and bellcese I have good reason to be. For teiveral years t Was a. great sufferer
frem kidney disease, and had polite in my letek Almost vonstantly. I tried a great many remedies, but did
net nets:eat In Obtaining more than slight temporary relief.
444 erieed of mine odeleed me to try Dr. Cautee'e leitiney.lAyer Mile, and I did so, vita grest satisfattiMa.
t lead lot taken half 11, box before I began to feel better* aud now realize that I have entirely reCovered.
t Often wonder tow why 'steeple go sifter new-fangied remedies when ills tried and proven medielrie is so
cavity obtearted, and so certain to cure."
tr. Chase's Eivitey-Liver 11918 have the hearty endoreement of good eitizens in nearly every pity, toiress
nal 'village In Canada,. They are probably the most popelnr remedy that Vas el'er introdueol into this
emitter, and their enormone sales; etre tilos to the feet that they radieally cure serious and chronic diseitic
Orie pilt ft doee; 2:ie a box at all dealer9, or Bdinensan, Dates & Co , 'Toronto,