HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-03-13, Page 1 a ,t 'e. 29T11 YEAR, NO, 28. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, MARCH 13, 1902. $1,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DOIfflON BANKI Capital - • - $2,500,000 Reserve • -• $2,500,000 WINGHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business transacted. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, 'United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno and alst December each year. A. 1. GIBSON, Manager R. Vanstono, Solicitor. Waal 'gums 1 See Halsey Park's advt, Special line of pantings at Maxwell's. Mrs. J. E. Swarts is visiting in Berlin. Jno. Addison has returned to Lon- deshoro. , ' Two weeks from to -morrow, 14th, Good Friday. Half-price Sale of all winter clothing at D. M. Gordon's. Wm. Drummond of Blyth was in town on Wednesday. Mrs; (Rey.) Rogers of Fordwich is visiting friends in town. A. Bennett of Lucknow was in town on Monday of this week. The Advance for 75c till the end of this year. Subscribe now. 1000 Bushels Good Potatoes wanted at Meir & Co's. Elijah Manuel and Abe Gingrich have gone to Listowel to work. Jas. Ward is home from Walton for a few weeks before going West, Wingham Epworth League intend holding a shoe social on the evening of Good Friday. J. J. Elliott. V. S. returned on Fri- day from a trip west. He reports a successful trip. LADIES, -See the newest creations iu Footwear M Greer's, • Rev. R. Hobbs is lecturing in Askin Street Methodiet chore's, London, this Thursday evening. Mr. F. Hodgine of Langdon, North Dakota•, was the guest of his friend, J. B. Ferguson on Tuesday. Court Wingham, No. 505, I. 0. F., will hold its regular meeting to -mon, rosy evening, Friday the 14th. FIELD SEEM -Clover and Timothy; Oats -New Sensation, 20th Century, Etc. -Goose Wheat, Spcltz. Etc. G. E. KING Miss Henderson of Goderich returned to town last week to take charge of Miss Macpherson's millinery rooms. Mrs. Kerslake is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. 1tarborn, and sister, Mrs. Templeman of Hibbert. Robert, 'Worth, who has been ems ployea at Bell's factory for several years, moved to BeILnor•e last week. - comfortable cotta e centrallyA co located. Apply at Advance office. Arch; McDonald and King Wade are in. Sarnia for a few weeks work« ing on a contract of trimming buggies, Principal Musgrove is suffering from a painful knee ; the difficulty originat- ed some months ago, as the result of `a fall. According to the report en the con- dition of the ice in the great lakes, is- sued this week by the Detroit ot1 ce of the United States Weather Bureau, there is much less ice in the lakes at present than at this time last year, in- dicating an .early openiug of naviga- tion. Grand Valley, Ont., March 8.-W. E. Tookey has finally and definitely accepted the nomination as an inde- pendent candidate for East Welling- ton at the coming election. He sold his farts in Erin last fall and purposes retiring from farming. but will still he a resident of the constitueucy, hav- ing become a citizen of Fergus. Get your New Spring Suit :at Max- well's. According to the report of Thomas Southworth, Directory of Forestry for the Province of Ontario, twenty-five per cent. of a country should be per- petually covered with timber to se- cure favorable climatic conditions and regulate the water supply. Thirty of the counties of Ontario have less than this per centage. York and Peel have ouly 7 per cent, and another county has less than 10 per cent. York county's acreage is , 536,015 acres, in- cluding 432,135 clearance, 32,934 wood- land, and 50,416 waste. Over clear- ance is more pronounced in the west- ern and midland districts than in the east. AUCTION SALES. -Those contemplat- ing an Auction sale should secure the services of the best auctioneer. The hest is the cheapest; satisfaction guar- anteed ; it pays to get the best. Orders left' at Wingham Advance Office re- ceive prompt attention. -T. Brown, Seaforth, Football. A meeting to reorganize the Foot- ball team will be held in the Council room, on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A Great Age. Cochrane & Johnston are lettering a headstone to mark the resting place of the late Mrs. Laird of Brussels, who died in August last at the advanced age of 108. Auction Sale. Household goods to be sold by public auction at the residence of Wnt. Fes - sant. corner Centre and Patrick Sts., on Friday, Mar. 21st. .Sale commenc- ing at 2.30 p. in. sharp. Welcome. Rev. D. Perrie will cordially wel- come young men to his Youug, Men's Bible Class, held , each Sunday after- noon in. the_ .Foresters' Hall, Chisholm Block, fr rn. foist to flee .o c1Ock For Said. r A. fine ;building lot on Diagonal St., 00 feet frontage, fruit and ornamental trees, opposite Dr. Towler's residence ; also 18,000 sand -moulded brick. Apply at residence or office, to -A. J. InwIN. Welcome, Mr. Graham, the purchaser of the late Chas. Gillespie's business, has ar- rived in town and is preparing for the season's work. Mr. Graham is from Toronto, and is favorably impressed with our progressive town. We trust he may have no cause to regret locat- ing here, and we extend bins a cordial welcome to Wingham. Auction Sales. On March 20th, on lot 11 and 12. Con, B, Turnberry, farm stock and imple- ments; ten months' credit; unreserved sale. J, Currie, auctioneer; R. J. Day, proprietor ; see posters. On Saturday March 22, the land, buildings and plant of the Belgrave Cheese and Bat- ter M't'g. Co. Sale at 2 p.m. on the premises. For particulars, see advt. Walter Scott, Wm. Wray, Liquida- tors ; 0. Hamilton, auctioneer, Do you want the most stylish Dress yon have ever worn -if you do, come to D. M. Gordon's. Diploma. Mr. F. G. Sparling has received the Diploma awarded the Gray, Young & Sparling Salt Manufacturing Co. for excellent Salt manufactured in Wing - ham and exhibited at the Glasgow Exposition. Grand Lodge. W. J. Career, County Master, E. C. Clark, Co. Secretary, Alex. Young, W. M. 704, Dr. T. Chisholm, P. W. M., and Rev. W. Lowe, Grand Chaplain, are in attendance at the Grand Lodge of Ontario West in session in Petrella. An Old Resident. • One of the pioneers of East Wawa - nosh, Mr. R. Chamney, called to re- new his subscription to the Advance last week. For fifty-one years, he has been a resident of the township, and though gray-haired, looks tolerably hale and hearty. We hope he will be spared to renesv his subscription to his favorite paper many years yet. The Walkerton merchants have agreed not to deliver any order for goods received after 0 o'clock on Sat- tsrday nights. D. M. Gordon has 11ad a woriderfill sale of Mnslitis and Dress (foods. Peo- ple apprepiate pace, hobby good. Miss Leyette of London errieed in town last week and will take charge of Miss .Boyd's millinery apartments for the fifth season. Doctor -"Your mother-in-law is in a 'very bud way ---she is at the gates of death." Son -in -favi -"Oh, Doctor, do pull her through." The room used as bar -room in the Brunswick is being changed into a bar- ber shop for E. McLaughlin. One of the commercial rooms will be used as bar -roost, The Wonder Herb Concert Oo. are giving eoncet•ts in the hall all this week ante are having large crowds; they give a fleet -class entertainment. • Sonie large timber is yet to he had in Huron cot;qty, Mr. Wire Brander:, of etas held, felled a ghost elnl the other cltay, which nheasered 7 feet aeross the batt, eleven ten -foot logs will aggre- gate abont 0,00 feet of lgmber t}q8 lA Fords et stov@ wiodt la», I', V'. Andrews in the "Lancet" says -'.One is constantly asked when smallpox is prevalent. "Onght Ito be re•vaeeinatod?" The only answer is, "Be re -vaccinated and see. If yon do not need it, it will not take, and you will miler no inconvenience ; if you need it,' yon will by roinliensated for your inconvenience." Go to j. li. Mulhoiland, goyrle, for your next photo. He solicits a triad and will please yell. Successful Sale. A. Tipling's .sale was a pronounced sncoess, and the stock all sold well; one cow brought over $51. T.Brown of Sea - forth conducted the sale, and it is safe to say this sale, though his first in this section, is not likely to be the last. Mr. Brown has decided to extend his busi- ness in this direction, and will at- tend sales when desired. Orders may be booked and dates arranged at the Advance Office ; see advt, in local col umn. Delayed. Just after pulling out from the sta- tion on Tuesday noon, the Kincardine train was partly detailed at the +twitch. Two freight cars left the rails ane of them breaking from the trucks and upsetting. Both cars were con- siderably damaged. Little delay was caused to the passenger section, which was detached and sent on. It is said that a hobo was riding between the two freight cars, and jumped just in time to avoid being crushed. The cause of the accident, apparently, was a sinking of the rails. -[Palmerston Spectator. WAN MD. -Two more apprentices to learn ne ilinery ; apply at once at Mrs, Green's, A Good Record. Rev. J.. 0. McCracken (son of Mr. J. McCracicon of Wingham) has been ap- pointed. rector Of Thorndale, and is one of the most saccessfnl of the younger clergy in the diocese. He "was'incumbent of Chesley for seven or ei kt . ea.a 0414 and . a4fi n. len Sd d record:' Wh *it be.•todh tenrgeof the parish, -the church property' was worth $1200. He will leave it with two fine new churches, one' out of debt and the other nearly so, worth fully $7,000. He found the mission of Grace church. Sullivan, closed and to -day it is one of the most flourishiug missions in the', deanery. The Rev. gentleman has many friends in the vicinity of Wing - hare, who are pleased to note his suc- cess. Died, Mrs. Thos. Holmes, a respected resi- dent of Wingham for many years, passed away on Saturday last at the age of 67. Deceased bad been in fail- ing health for some time past, but re- cently bronchitis came in addition to other diseases, and she is now number- ed with those in the silent grave. She h of the Methodist church was a member and while in health was an active and valued member of the Ladies' Aid, al- ways willing to do her duty. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Kins- man of Sarnia, and two sons, Dr. Hol- mes of Brussels, and Mr, R, Holmes, barrister, of Toronto. Her bereaved husband keenly feels the stroke that has deprived hits of a kind and loving partner, and thus left him to finish his career in loneliness. The funeral ser- vice was conducted by Rev, R. Hobbs at the residence on Monday evening, and interment took place in Toronto on Tuesday. GENTS' FOOTWEAR. -See the most tip -to -date Gents' Shoes ever shown in town, at W. J. Greer's. The News, When ybil ask a newspaper publisher to suppress a piece of news simply be- cat;se yowl are personally interested in keeping it pet of print, yon are asking hiui to defraud his subscribers out of that which rightfully belongs to them and just what they pay their subscrip- tions for. Please paste this in your hat, How He Views It. The editor of the Prince Albert Times has this to say of our fait pro- vince. "The Ontario newspapers are printing most startling statements as to the increase of insanity in their province. At the same time there comes cut a batch of claims to the effect that the Ross Government will have a big majority at the corning elec- tions. There 'Is evidently tniich'aiad- ness somewhere." Sunday Trening. Yext Senday eyening ,}iter the church services, there wilt be ay Gospel Tetpperanpe'peeting in the' .!owa H.nll. Mr, d. of Montreal, Qrgenieer ter aha Dorxtiniop 4.11t4nce, will address the gathering. He It said to be a for. eible, eloquent speaker. On Monday at 2 p, m•, a eonvention for West ,Hur- on will be head to consider the Taction to be taken in the approaching elec- tions, and Mass meeting will be held at 8 p, in. Ail are invited, Good music twill he lirovi4ed. New yorkls newest Silk Tice stet nolibiest Bette foe ladies z i e at 11. Cortoh, Dm, PAdate. •-•s- Apply to wetter liiorden, Winghatll. Social. A Birthday social was given by Mrs, Ia. Pearen on Monday afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. W, H. Green. It was the regular monthly Tett of the laadies' Aid, and netted $0 towards the second $1000 subscription of the ladies towards the Building fund of the new church. Our stylish spring Corsets have ar- rived. You can always depend on get- ting the newest at D. M. Gordon's. Paid License. A Mediciue Co, bas been holding entertainments in the Town Hall this week and selling medicine. R. A. Douglass considered it was a breach of the Transient Traders' By-law, and promptly laid information. The man- ager paid the license $20 and charges, in all $23,85. Sudden. Mrs. Ross, wife of Premier Ross, died on Wednesday of this week after an illness of twenty-four hours, at the age of fifty-six. Mrs. Ross had been mar- ried twenty-five years, and was the Premier's second wife. The Legisla- ture adjourned as a stark of sincere sympathy with the Premier in his be- reavement. ]ifeir & Co. Kent Block, pay the highest price for all kinds of farm pro dace, Dissolution Sale. Hotnuth & Son's change of ad. cane late this week ; they announce a Dis- solution sale, commencing March 19th. The entire stock of tweeds, gents' fur- nishings, boots, shoes, etc., will be offered. The balance of the dry goods stock is offered at 50c on the dollar. The store is also offered for sale. All accounts must be paid by April 80th next See advt. next week. Changes. There have been changes in the Wingham, office staff of the. Canada Furniture Mfrs. Ltd. this week. Mr. D. Wright has gone to Stratford as Secretary -Treasurer of the McLaggan Furniture Cu. Arthur Knight is pro- moted to the vacant position, and Frank McGuire of the Bell factory office steps upward to the desk in the Union office vacated by Mr. Knight. Mr. Elder, of Toronto, takes the vacant desk at the Bell factory. The Advance congratulates each on the promotion. The Same Here. • Here are some of the sayings of so- ciety critics in England on the wed- ding present nuisance :-"The habit of Pioneer. An Aged Mr. Geo. King of Morris was in town last week; he is one of that sturdy class of pioneers, that is fast passing, Mr. Ring, though nearing his ninety- third birthday is still quite hearty, He is a native of Ireland, and boasts of being an Orangeman since he was six- teen years of age, and a member of No. 1400, Ballangroty, He claims to have walked in seventy-seven Twelfth of July processions. He emigrated to Canada in 18$7, being six weeks on the voyage, When he reached Brockville, he found the rebellion of 1837 in full swing, and went out at once under Col. Ogle R, Gowan as a volunteer, and fought in the battle of Windmill point. He came to Morris in 1847, and hence hats been a resident of the township fifty-five years. FOUND. -Placed in a cutter by mis- take, a lady's wrap and a cap.• Owner can have them by paying cost of this advt. Apply at Advance office, Another Teacher. It is a stark of a progressive town when its educational interests are re- garded as of the utmost importance. Wingham has an excellent School Board, who regard the efficiency of the school as an important factor in our town's welfare. As will be seen by the report of the Inspector in an- other column, an additional teacher is a necessity if the work of the Contin- uation Glasses is to be successfully prosecuted. The Principal cannot properly teach all the classes in the advanced subjects any longer without an assistant. The Board has decided to carry out the recommendation" of the Inspector, and by removing some partitions, prepare another room on the west side of the building. This will be fitted up, and probably cue of the present statf will assist the Princi- pal, and a new teacher be engaged for one of the junior departments. This arrangement will involve but a small expenditure for fitting up of the room, and will give Wingitan the advantage of the High School cnrriruhrxn, with- out the heavy expenses of maintaining a High School. As the change would of necessity have to be made in July, the Board wisely decided to make the change at the Easter vacation, and thus secure the additional grant of $200 given by Government for Contin - nation class work. By this arrange- ment the principal and"his assistant will be able to thoroughly tench the advanced subjects, and the annual grant for such work will he increased from $200 to $400. By making the giving. Wedding pres ents has appar- cha..nge at once, this yeaxs •;r en t c on Stown,hey ZId.lll orxnds.l aeiea1ra1, .lec o• lthen (save oneis ex pec ed to gve, While, there; nine teachers, Rndt. e Stilioof g are many who would be happy to do course can Be successfully taught. so in moderation, they feel that unless they go far beyond their means their little token will be merely brushed ]Kaye you seen Macwe11's New Suit - away as unworthy to he placed side by Ings ? If not, you should. side with the gorgeous things that are FLAX SEED. -I am prepared to fur - showered down in every direction, nish seed to any parties, who desire it, We want to show and be shown. We and wall pay $10 a ton for any quan tit.y of good flax, : lap I desire to rent are a lot of sheep, we English, because'land suitable for'fls -growing: we fail to see that we are going the in- 28-31 A. Tipling, Wingham evitable pace to ruin." Fon SALE, -A. beautiful cottage and We are still paying 18c for good But- 4 lots, corner Patrick and Catharine ter, and giving great big values in all streets. he Cheap eaad locations snsin town. ne lines at D. M. Gordon's. Apply to A. Dulmage, Real Estate Agent, Chishohn's Block, or on the premises. SnilgoL S11mee.-Misses and Chil- dren's School Shoes, all solid leather- splendid wage, at W. J, Cheer's, This Trick Failed. Saturday's Toronto Star has the fol- lowing despatch from Galt :-Fred N. Wylie, who is the Galt and district representative of Chicago photo -jewel- ry house, has issued a warrant against James B. Fraser, who was in town two weeks ago in the interests of Drs. Ken- nedy & den-nedy& Kergan,Detroit, There are two charges. One is forgery; the other, at- tempted theft of Ilis Majesty's 'nails. Mr. Wyllie, who has charge of several agencies, leceives returns on Mondays. On Monday of this week he went to the post -office and asked for his grail, Then came the st}r rise, in the shape of a Postal F ira, dated iaistawel, VOL 28th, 1002. Purporting la: bp signers by Wyllie, it a414 that lltonclily'e tiuyii Died. On Friday last, Mrs. Thos, Calhoun, passed to a better, brighter home than earth can give, at the age of thirty- 6ve. Deceased, when young left a comfortable home to engage ip the self-denying work of the Salvati on army, and later along with her hus- band joined the Christian Workers. She was a bright and happy Christian, and all who came in contact with her, felt the influence of her life. It is of- ten the case that in humbler walks of life, the brightest examples of christian conduct are found. Just before she passed away, she realized death was near, and in giving her sorrowing hus- band directions as to the children, urged hips not to sorrow, as they would soon meet main, She leaves three children, one about fifteen months old. The kindest sympathy is extended to Mr. Oalhonn in his severe trial. The funeral service was conduct- ed in the Congregational church by Rev. A. E. Prior, ea eh wee[he forwardeij to Wipghalll, 'Why," 434 Wyllie, i'X a;rtArea Nt Wyllie, nntt T aro hero, not to Listowel or `yingham.i' Fortunately, Mr. Wyl- lie was in time to intercept the mail bag for Wingham. There were sev eral letters ; some contained money orders, and one held cash. Mr. Wyllie removed the enelosut'etl, resealed the letters, and sent them on, ' .hrls, they benne dec:nys, and vyhep the forger ceitls at the Wirtgblatp poet -office i11''li final n deteptiye thAi'p to ITcgtye i1i111• Besicieb, the llaaliFs ill Wigghatu Have heel' nntifled, grid whether he appears at the post -office or not, the lave will haves hint. Town Council. A special meeting of the Town Coun- cil was held on Monday evening to consider the question of the Iron Works ; all the members were present. The Mayor reported that he had at- tended the assignee's sale of the pro- perty in Toronto, t)nt no bid had been received, nor was there any im- mediate prospect of a sale. There was ft difference of opinion betwt;eq the town and the assignee, esi to whether the nhgrtgalge coypreci ftz tans, gten- sile and petterne, batt it had aeon agreed to leave that iu abeyance, and if a Gale was effected by the town, alae matter coital easily be adjusted. The town salioitat•'s wt'itton opinion nn the lnattor wales read. It was clan stated that the assigned had disposed of the merchandise on hand, and office furniture. After a long informal dis- Mission and consideration of the whole matter, it was decided on tnoLion by Coons. Bell and Elliott, to. ndyertise the property in the {dobe, Mail and Mothetalry 'ithhes. Letters of eljfialit'y have ,leets received by private fiettie8 itt WWII, 40 it is piled that a per - 0440' DIV he fuiin'ir MONEY To LOAttG-At 4i per rent, on improved farms. Easy tering of re- ttaayment ; expenses light, Apply A. I)ultnsge, Real Estate and Loain Agent, Uhishplig} stork, tk SCHOOL BOARD. Shot By His Son, Mr. Alex. McGregor of the town line between Kinloss and Culross was accidentally shot dead by his own son on Tuesday afternoon. The old gentleman was splitting wood in the yard at the time and seeing a bird alight on an apple tree close by, be called the son to come and shoot it. The boy brought out the gun and fired at the bird, which only wounded it, and after re -loading the gun was in the act of raising the gun to bis shoul- der when it accidentally went off, the whole charge of shot entering his father's right side and back, He only lived about three hours after the ac- cident. The boy is almost heart- broken with grief, and the family have the sympathy of all in their sor- row,-[Lucknow Sentinel. TRRUNKS AND VALIBLs.-Always go to Greer's for good value in a Trunk or Valise, Farewell Social. The monthly meeting of the Y. P. S. and literary society of the Presbyterian church was held on Friday evening last, in the basement of the church, which was crowded to the doors. Mr. Herb. Wightman was elected Presi- dent of the Society, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. N. A. Farquharson, whose illness is much regretted by the Society. Mr. John Ritchie was appointed Treasurer, in place of Miss Cline, whose removal from town deprives the Society of one of its most useful members. A varied and excellent program followed, con- sisting of solos from Miss Chisholm, Miss Lillian Ross, Messrs. Harrison, Cline and Hanna; quartettes by the Cline family and Messrs. Chapman, Linklater, Skeates and Pearson ; a reading by Miss Carrie Fisher, violin solo by bliss Pearl McIver, and an in- strumental by Miss Kertie Ross. The orchestra, ander the able leadership of Mr. 3. A. Morton, added much to the evening's entertainment. At the close of the program, Mr. J. A. Cline was called to the platform, and was pre- sented by Messrs. P. Linklater and Campbell, with a beautiful Cabinet r' Silver, the gift of the congregation, Dr. Irwin read the following address : Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Cline and daughters,- `Ve, the members and adherents of the Wing hatn Presbyterian church, have learned with the deepest regret of your intended departure from our midst. During the many years you have been identified with this congre- gation, you have taken a most active interest in all the departments pf the work'; especially lly would We mention . yourmush-'apprescated services in the • ilter,:.yaue *oak nn the .&Tt to d of Man- ltfement, your interest in the Young People's Society, and your devotion to the church's welfare in every respect. We assure you, that it is with the greatest reluctance we part with one c.f the oldest and most esteemed fami- lies of our congregation, but while as- suring you that you carry with you the best wishes of the congregation, we would also wish you to take to your new house, ibis tangible token of our sincere appreciation of your untiring interest and devotion to the work of the Good Master, whore we serve. We heartily wish you all happiness and prosperity in your new home, and may yours be "The blessings of the Lord, it maketh rich, and lie addeth no sorrow with it." Signed on behalf of the congregation - Rev. D. Perrie, Dr. Irwin. W. Ilolmes, W. H. Pearson, A. Perrie, E. A. Matheson. Mr. Cline touchingly expressed his appreciation of both the gift and the kindly words and wishes which accom- panied it. Rev D. Perrie in a few well chosen words, spoke of his regret at the removal of the Cline family, his appreciation of the readiness and efficiency with which they had always engaged in any work of the church. "Auld Lang Syne" closed the evening's entertainment. says OF IIAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,300,00 J. TURN13ULI4, General Manager.. President -John Stuart Vice•President..,A, O. Ramsay Cashier --J, Turnbull: Geo. Roach, hA. T, s Wood,. Proctor,.431 Toronto/ ' Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to .1 Deposits of $1 and upwards received Int- erest: allowed and computed on 30thNovemlior and 31st May each year,and added to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. E L. Dlorzxxsozr, Solicitor, W. CORBOULD, Ageub Iianriltonnland its are issue C rcu1 motes of the National Provincial Bank of England (Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or trouble in any part of the world. A regular monthly meeting of the Board was held on Tuesday evening; present -Chairman Derr, Messrs. Abra- ham, Homuth, Moore, Griffin, Button. Minutes of February meetiug were read and approved. • The Principal submitted his report for February, showing the average atten- dance as follows: -Dept. 1-44; 2-44; 3-47; 4-43; 5-45; G-32; 7-40: 8- 4ti; total average -340. The report was adopted. On motion by W. Moore, seconded by 0, N, Griffin, the accounts of Wm. Ged- des, $14.25 for wood, and 3. McBurney, $25.50 for wood, were ordered to be paid. The report of the Inspector was pre• seated and read es follows: - To the School Board: - Gentlemen, -I visited your school on Feb. 5, G, 7. I found the rooms clean and warns, but the ventilation bad. The outbuildings were also in a satisfactory condition. You hare an excellent care- taker. Tho new teacher, Miss McLean, seems to be doing very satisfactory work, The other teachers are doing as usual- quito satisfactorily. I am of the opinion that au assistant should bo engaged to assist the Principal with the Contiuna« tion Class work exclusively. This would give you all the adyautnges of a High School With wale of the expense. A now scllogl rann could easily he Made by taking part of the up -stairs hell and the twit: email rooms now uneeecl, This arr; t gement wools incre0d0 your grant froth $309 Gq $400, 0. Rono, Inspector, Informal discussion of the Inspector's report followed. It was then- Moved by Messrs. Button and Griffin -That the Inspector's report be received and the Property Committee bo instruct- ed to carry out the suggestions eon - tabled therein by making the necessary Oranges to awake a roots at the west side of the school; the changes to bo made doting the Easter vacation carried, Griftjti-1.7 sore- Tllat the Seeeetery adl'ertise far b felllalle toaohee, And elitss cetrtilleato, for ono of the lower rooms, dutiog to eeomtnonoo April 8th ---carried. Griflln--Ifornuth-- That forty single Seats and four rears bo secured for the Principal's roots. Payment of the salarieg for l""ebruary Were anthori od and the Board ad- journal. Rvnit RS 1 RUBBERS t -Green's is the place to get them, Women's, 25 cents a pair. $a REWARD offered for information leading to recovery of Thihet caperine taken in exchange for an electric seal, trimmed with Thibet, from Masonic "At Home," Wines ars, Jan. 31st. In- formant's name will not be used. Leave word at Advance office. !t4 tirrb news I www.sw..vr Ministers and church workers generally, are cordially invited to contribute items of church news under this heading, from their respective churches. Rev, 17, A. Hall, of Bervie, has been appointed by the Bishop of Iiaron to be inenmhent of Gorrte, Fordwich and Wroxeter parishes, The London Conference Epworth I,engto Convention met in London this week. Mr. Kaiser and Miss Page represented the Wingham League, Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secretary of Sunday Schools and Epwcrth teatgees, will preach hi the Methodist church next Sunday, morning and eveningS. Ilei, , Seliery of Dundas, preached to large congregations in the Metho- dist church last Sunday. Ile noticed many changes in the congregation since he )eft this charge about eight seat's ago. A. Faroe number availed themselves of the opportunity of hear- ing and greeting their fortnor pastor, (`0Nonimam1oNAT. Oiiimezr.-.'Fences of sermons -Morning,• ---"G tilio the In- difterent;" Evening, =-•"From the Cross to the Beautiful Palace." The "Lan- tern `rlerntotts"are attracting good con- gregations, with promise of -still larger attendances as they become better known. All seats are free and every- body welcome, COMMUNICATION. The admission of a communication in these columns does not imply that we endorse the sentiments of the welter. -Editor Advance, Editor Wingham Advance, - Again I presume on your kindness and the patience of your staff for another space in your much appreciated columns, And so, Bro. Citizen, again we write thee, greeting. We have read, marked, learned and inwardly digested your com- munication of last week, and Fair Play would most emphatically state that in- deed he would not bo satisfied with 98c ou the dollar, but would want the whole 100 every time -nothing more, nothing less; but should the baker allow more than the standard weight of the raw material, he would not get the 98, no nor 90. The standard weight of a To- ronto loaf is one pound and a half, which sells at 5c per loaf. How would that catch you, Mr. Citizen? Had. Wingham a by-law to that effect, the bakers would not then be compelled to be so exact. In speaking of anathemas we did not intend to use the personal pronoun in the 'Singu- lar, but iu the plural, having reference Mr. Citizen to those who like you, have been for the past five years, gentlemen of leisure, weighing the bakers' loaves. In fact they have been looking for a mountain, but finding ouly a mole -hill, have turned thereon a strong magnify- ing glass, which deludes them to that extent, that really they believe 'the monntain is there. So strong has be- come this delusion to them, the baker's dishonesty becomes an miler demonstra tion. Hoping that aur vocabtilary this time, will not: 'ar thy sensitive,aherves;-:- d I deur. Citizen,. 411W Me to reg ectifrl y <, p remain, still A Lovxra OF FAIR FLAY.. MARRIAGES. Argue -Bricker. -On March 5th at the parsonage, by Rev. D. Rogers, Me John Argue to Miss lethelinda. Bricker, both of Fordwich. Gray-McOrea.-In Belgrave, ,at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. II. Brown, on Wednesday. March Stb,Mr. Richard Gray of Mor- ris, to Miss Katie. daughter of Wm. McCrea, Esq, DEATHS. Holmes. -In Winghaxu. March Stb, Eliza., beloved wife of Thos. Holmes, aged 67. Calhoun. -In Lower Wingham, March 7. Florence, beloved wife of Thos, Calhoun, aged 35. A GREAT MISTAKE The farmer who thinks that I will charge as much to sell his farm as the agent of the West- ern Real Estate Exchange, is laboring under A GREAT MISTAKE. For my terms, call at my office and investi- gate ; and should you not call, bear in mind the following :- lst.-I do not ohar•go 315.00 if your farm has been listed for two years and is not sold. Suci,--I do not receive $4.00 for every farm I have listed, from some firm who will hove your money to pay ore. 3r0. --I do not charge you *X on the sale price rtlron your farm is sold, 4th. --I do not believe in charging fOr some- thing 1 have not done, and cannot guarantee to do. When you list your farm for sale at my office, von aro incurring no costs whatever. unless'I effect a sale, and then I guarantee you will be satisfied to pay rue the small comtuis- sion I ask. Oltleo over D. M. Gordon's store. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE AGENT Compound Syrup of White Pine WITH Eucalyptol tol and o yp Honey wS Will immediately relieve and quickly cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, (Bronchitis and all affec- tions of the Throat and Lungs. PRICE 2ge PER EO FTLE. SOLD ONLY AT AT DR 'G Hamilton's sroR WINOI-IAM