HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-02-27, Page 6ADVICE TO OLD MAIDS tavo your gentlemen Mende .geod tert. , It ie unneeeesery to go to. India for a efonamon.. LEAD PACKETS. ALL 0110eilellS. feesease+4.4404,44.4-1-144++.4444•44.4•44444********++4•44+++.4441 I a : Es a The Coming of Gillian se + i 41 A Pretty Irish Romance. 4, + R44444.+1•4+44+++4-1-144,4144-14.41.11-effi-1-H-t+++ ++444444 ++++41, "Patrick, my darling!" repeats Gillian, voleeleasly, with a face of ietense amazement. "Who on earth does she mean r Slight movement elle makes in ourprise renaintle them of her pees - ewe, arid they come over beside her, Lacy with his arm around his wife matins Welting fleshed, and embar- rassed, nod happy, and rather eel -tamed of Itereelf, llian, dear, I would have told You. We should have confided in You, but we were afraid the secret might leak out and make matters worse," he said, rather awkwardly; "not that they conid be worse, unfortune ately, as far as Aunt ,emtnnette is aorieerned. But you have no unkind feeling in your kind little laea,rt, I know, on acconnt of our secrecy', Gillian dear ?” "We have acted clandentinely, and not quite honorably, Mies Deane," Anne interpose% in her delleata proud way, bat with a ring of pas- sion la her clear tones. "It was principally my fault. I loved him, fold I neither could nor would live *without him. That is the real truth." "Then when you loved him so well, and he loved you, you neither could nor should have lived without earth other, and you did quite right to marry," Gillian answers, gravely, with soft, serious eyes yet dewy with tears, and in soft tones very tremu- lous with emotion. I am veey sorry for Lady Darner, but weat she wish- ed was wrong, wicked, creel l" and the shy, dark eyes are full of keen creproach as she gases at the two who havo been at least commut- ing parties- to the doing her a life- long, deadly ineury. "Yea, It would have been wrong and =leery milt emsuml," Lacy says, Shrug - rang ht a saoulders ; "but as long as Aunt Jeannette woo satisfied it did not twitter to her. Yoiell give us ab- et -station and good wishes, though, Ga- llen, dear, won't you? We want it, I assure you. We haven't had many marriage benedictione ot any sort, bave we. Anne ?" "You have not," he says, with a curiously meek regret in her coed, sar- castic tones. "It has been all bene- diction to me." Lacy flushes again, and laughs ner- vo-uelys "You are too goad to me, Anne," he eays rather huskily. "You are ten times too good for me." "yam wife doesn't believe that," Gnaw vays, la her quaint, wise way, while she is beishina timidly; "and if You loves her with all your heart, it caret be true." "Thank you, Gilleta, dear," be Ram laughing a tittle ; "you meet give me a. sisterly kiee Stir that kind little 613010,1 it 15 oniethinee new to hear anyone apprOre of ue, isn't it, Anne?" "Yes," she says, simply, though she might have added again. "new to But her wistful eyes are fixed on Gillian as Lacy stoops and kisses her cheek. "Anne isn't jealoue now, Gillian," he laughs; but Gillian, knowing too well what a jealeus woman's love is like, is not surprised to see that the dark, terilliant, eyes seek his with • ewift, passionate look, and Lacy, wisely discerning- the meaning thereof, turns and kisses hie wife once an° again ere Gillian leaves the room.. "Anne, won't you come up to me soon ?" sho ELISka, hesitating at the (Moe. "I want NO 111.11th to talk to you." • "I will come up in five minutes.," Anne cepa with a slight smile and a blush. eI want to say a few worde to my Inaba:et first, and give ktome directions, Miss Deane." "How glad and happy 8116 looked" Gillian thinks, with a Elwin, retro- epective pang. "She has gained the very desire of her heart, and she book e as if she had." For Anne Lacy, who smiles and blushes in that pretty, womanly fashion, is indeed strangely alter- ed from haughty, cola Anne O'Neil ot the past. "I wonder if she knows anything of him," Gillian think, with a weary sigh US she toile upeadra ahe Is sadly altered, poor elate as she (limbs up stair after etair with weary feet e.ed a tired, heavy heart, to iloz • epiritee girl wile used to run so lightty up and down in these golden eivaa luet mantel -a "Of coarse he cared fur her," she wastes, with a oilet, eigh. "Who would m,t prefer her to me ? ilecept for that wri,teittel inoitees temptation he wooed never have thought of Me. ant he IV0.9 to )est to impep up the pretenee et caring fur meg net oh, if I cuuld only see les tee.' tianin lout hear lea flhle Oh, If cetat only be hie friend—only see Lim smile/ int me amol touch my- hand no he used to 41., IILAinerita, Bing- ham eaitl 'Gene back to America .1 • Groree ib, George the whole wide world 181 bi.tween ea!" Atel tho altimet fancies it le an Is - Melon of lier 14616106. conjured up in thut paesienate, witiewzred longing. ma slue 140441 a mieor epee; on the land- ing right Naar her. and the rotund ligare ant tianttle fare, the Onowy eapelenelere, of itidiariertmed feH hi. 1116 eilioplwrd's-pbeid wieilett kerchief 41ild C.:10WY spread 6v6I' 1161' 111118-11l 1. very preeent writ of aire. Net le TT wart y, fir-orge Arvin r's imeemem maper—tt ppezt r the I I: railielti. She courteeii ft E•11,.11l1;1! owl deferen- tially, deopite ber quick limit of in - AS Nitr, iipaermitme- by, when (in- tern gloating hi r with nu impuieive toxin met arm. a Don't you remember ate els, twenbling with oteitetuent. "are You trot 3 1.0:. Ihiearty, the Ittereekeeper at Darragh Vitiate?" •AT NOTE tOTTOM ttthIE MESH elre-te * ixt pretenee et indifference. "An' We l'in glad to eeludes politely. but edging away • A KIRACLN ee yelwe i ll us," she eon- osilAw :rem tlUinn, and, as tho quIeliest re. Jest left treat, retitrulne to the room she ham , . , ITRIATED NvEs . .$ liat Milian Las heard so patch tient now she mast and will !leer more. "Tell Me whet ,you inetiew" elm A Swattl Statement Of recta AI- urgos in a low tone, tieterminedier most uoyond Belief, staying- her with the atmeing twee - sure of her soft little palm on Nalleds stout arm. "Do tell me, Arra Hagarta—ir I aon Whe Toronto Melt aria lanitare settee do anytlentre do tell um I I ant Air. .e.reber's friend, haleed I am. .enel e-ou zeny trust me cUtirelY." Bet Nally is alernied at lier own ills V1Y IllatlY 4 tilthtlinDgojrrlie:idne43; discreet tattle, and eneuelly trate to went er u cures .3/ worde. smooth away all signeficanee in bee Pills have beeu published in these .. eCtlu "Fa, Uotlien, shure, Miss, at all; 'iniloll:tellig? ud tb4oeoluantortyh('Lomilwtiflulilectilet"Fab, only they OM her lailyehip tiowinit tau,. , like Mealier George, an' allure IllaYlai 1 thehoe a word o' disagreensent Every ease bas been -80 well aue and it can't be hoped, rue more's thentwated as to leave little room the pity," she says, shatfilag out of ter doubt, and yet tins statements her difficulty as she hopes. ago to Guam auswe lottv rs Imo lealy, s.i:ayc,..sti inottti,.andt.iit: eueros rep:rt:d1 int imeie,.., sey es. 1 knew that, I anew teat e ebhii eaoa y claspiegi the caller hand ease around =gen5 es to 'be almotit Woad, be -i Nellete big arm. "X know it always, lief. : Mrs. HaSarty, and — I wonder if ! Reeently, the Mall and Empire, ea Lade' Denier had nelythiug to Oa with Toronto, and other Mr. Areher going away so suddenlY," , her papers, publish - Her lips are parted, her eyes burn- ; cd a desIlat°4 fr(mi It311aWa" 141' whie4 lag like stars, tier bosom heaving, In It was field that a 111°°bani° 1° th° the aisles of the wild •Igipe that that cruel dopartuve way be explained la 'via cti,pd of pari ;yeis by Dodd's Oshawa Mineable Iron Works had any way bat in the intolerable bits - es eeraess of tile explanattoin Lay Da. Kidney Pills, anti that, after lie mer LAS always given—that George's had been atnioletely helpless for four sudden departure was the result; of manses, and had keen given up by a sudden meet& lamming for eitange and liberty Mol worldly success, well te„m p,sic,iane at the iospital la , knowing what a Oeeper, cruelsr aignie Tonto. • eyl • , , acreage such an assertion will bear i This was too mates for wany people to thie girl who !eyed iiiin so Web to believe, anti ,ireinerous eeniantle that site would fain. have Meng ti, were ma de on a ill i g soon his side for life. I paper 1i tie Mrs. Hagorty gives one earprised, for a verificatioe or correction. , half-pitylua took of astonishment at 1 Ono correspondent elfasiag nines the lariocene, Yeareaute face, and ties- self eatedicus" ie a letter to the perately retrain& tram the tempta- Lion to enliglaen it. etaall and Empire openly disputed the "Well, °Worse, Miss Deane, it isn't possibility of swell a euro. , no besiness o'mine to give guesses to I To get at tee Teal eacts a re- what'e belougin' to we bettbera" she I says, stamen wadi praivaiag gut :porter was sent to Oelloota, and ritY of expreenion. "6111•13 ma )Ady rthe result was a eomplete, and very. ketava her OW11 16111t1 beat, an' MIs- eatiefeetory confirmation of the or- ther George knows -tie mind, and it isn't for me eo spike or what doesn't iginal deepatch, TO put the matter consult me." abeolutely beyond question, *the fel- persists Gillian, eatreatinglr. "I am eared: . I , , k 1 "Weii, hut aqua do you mak de1eieriag ewOra 1114:011,16nt was,48- e,pealtins to you in coeficienee, and 1 Archer going away, I know. Iknet with 'what niost el the doetors called Daraer was very sorry for Mr, In the fall of 1.897 I was taken iii -The stittemost or Kr. Brown. you may trust me, Aire. Hagerty. Ma you tliixsa he in est.'s him, and would paralysis, and otuere marmot pros - he glad if he was back again ?" Nelly's keen gray -blue eyes light up ntreatiteit'Iastorcenuestasainnegeweiatii n vfi etsriff m; with a flash oi scornful aseuranee, legs, and graduaily 1m:reamed till I For, as in her excitement and long- could riot move eitaer Of My arm/ or g to learu soros gong of that lea- lege, havtng lost all power in them. ter myst.my which had shadowed alt I could not have raleed any arum to the dawn of her womanhood, Gillian my head, to save ray ate. For over four forgets, for the moment, every other morithe I could not stead or walk coneideration, so dos a certain reek- alone a siesta step. I doctored with lessens impart itself to worthy Hagerty, bidding her Meg prudence a Bownaanville dactOr. Each one NeilY all the local doctors, and then with to the winds and utter the words gave me some edetereat medicine, but which are burning on her tongue. !the more I took the worea I got. "False, Miss Deane, he misses him ' At lase the Bownuoiville dootor told eo much that P11) afraid it will be the me tbat nothing could be done for death of him, hot.foot nether pOor tue unless I went to the licapital in Sir james—Heaven rest hie 80W11— Toronto, where they might perhaps is alisther George doesn't come back have some later treateneat tor par - and let lain see one eighth of biro I" alysis, which would fit my case. I obe emtas, impressively, folding her went there toward tile end of Jana. arms and shaking her head with Ma ary, 1808, and remained under treat- bittered meaning. "He can't get no meet In that institution for a little rest nigbt nor day, whin ba is in hie over four weeks. All WAR in vain. 1 closes nor whin he's out of them, wed got worse. Twelve doctors told me I longing -the hart oat of time to see mad uot recover, and that nothing him, an'—sure—rny grief — why could be done for me, so as I was wouldn't he ?" getting worse every day and there She darts a (*.utak look at Gillian was no hope of their being able to with lier concluding words, but she help 'me in the leaat, I was 'removed sees plainly they are all teneompre- to my home hereI Was like a baby, ilejjadledien. unable to move. Mr, Archer muet be Sent ; At Ole extremity someone advieed • for !" Gillian says, tletermiuedly, me to use Doeld's Kidney Pills, and though she is trembling like an as- ley wife bouget a box. We had not leen in agitation. -"I will see about the slightest Mee that they :Mild flier. say? Does he say he wishes Mr. help me, but like a drowning man 1 It at once. Never fear, yoa may trust grasped at every karma After I had me, Mrs. Hag -arty. What does Mr. Da- used the first box the numeness be- Arcizer to be seat for ?" ,, gan to leave my .finger tips, and I "He sez nothere—day nor night— felt a little better and kept me using but the wan thing 1" Nelly answers, the pills. By two months" time I looking down and Jewelling her feet could walk a little, and shortly at - about restlessly, "Sure he's not right- terward was- able to go short die -- Or his heed at all, so he isn't— poor tanoes without assistance. "'What does IM say?" persists Gil- lTeone of the doctore wbo had given me gentleman !" o firetti • me I went down town, lia"nliup saw me nevem the street, and riot e on'y sez them WOr‘14 over net' being able to, believe 111-0-eYes, Went over again," Welly says, rather to ney brother, Robert, and asked: stumbling over her words, "an sure "le that your brattier ,7oe ?" Robert Lt's not -Old merciful heavene, bless told Iiim ill it it W(1.6 1, and he said in us an' *gave us i 00, Mather Da,mer— aetwashment : "Well, 1 -never expecte Sir Harry Damer—now, sir, sure it eti to ace iiiin !troupe again." isn't getting out o' your bed this I ueed, altogether, tortive boxes of maid day you'd be, sir I" she urges, Doddet Kidney Pilie, and by the fleet distractedly, pushing Gillian back, of May I eves; male to stare to work ' and pushing herself forward, as the againein the shop here, and I have bedroom door le auddenly snatched neva; been eleir or off work a day open, and on tho threshold site and since, and that is over three ahd a Gillian see the gaunt, barefoca fig- halt yeare ago. ure clad only in a dressing -gown, who I +Ina glad of• the opportunity .to eta,nds there &taring wildly at them make this statement, for I am sure I both. owe my life, itealth and etrength to "Wheal that 1" lie demands, with a W01.14 to that great remedy, be -atlas rapid, hollow ittteranoe, which le as Kidney Pills. dreadfully cheesed from his plea. (Signed), JOSEPH BROWN', mat voice, with its soft genial ! tones as is the wasted shrunken Sworn Confirtrintien. figure, the pallid yaws z, the sunken, I, JOSEPH 13ROWN, manhood from 'hanesoine Harry Ilne o Province of Ontario, of the town of oshie CANADA: fevered ey-es, the pitiful wreck of County of Ontario, we, in the County of A.t fifty T years of age, a wretfehed Wit: j Ontario and Pro. invalid, with a disordered brain and owince of Ontario, nearly worn-out body. DO Solemnisr Detzi•re. That the • 'Wags that ?' he raterates, point- above statement, signed by me, ie eat- ing at Gillian with a shaking finger whitely true, and I make this Bol- as she draws back, pale and terrie earn declaration, believing it to be fled, for there it; madness in the true, and knowing that it is of the gleaming eyes under the lined, hag. mune force and effeet tie if made un- gard brow, with the disordered leeks der tenth and by eirtue of the Canada of faded, grayish hair clinging damp.tElid(seingtneedAftt" -1816 ly to the hollow temples. S'EPII BROWN. Beano come t' inquire how )e are ' Metered before me at the Town of} Oshawn, in the Con my of Ontario. "Sure, nobody now, s , eta but Mise Sir Harry, Mrs. Hagerty says: this 15th day of January, LI). ities soothingly, beating the door with her rotund figure. But lie hardly seems to hear her, •••••••••111.0..e., ••••••••1,11,11,..11ryl leeporter to Oshawa -10s In - (owe* rimpozt in Complete Verifie cation et Origami Store. "Yis, miss, shure," Aire. Hagerty responds, smiling and mime grati- fied, "Slaire I reminaber yeti svell, Miss Deane, an' your great kinkiness to naeseir, odes: whin you weir so 110 I hope your health is good, miss, multi shure yeti look web and hence, some, too l" "Ara you living here now; Mr. Hagerty?" Gillian atikEl e e.agetty, aud looking at her with sparkling eyes of feeerish interest as if She Is afraid that Nally Hagerty's Tun. pie, matronly form is "an airy nothing," witich will presently Tart- ish awaY. • "Yis, shure, ellse Deane, I've been here for a bit," Nour answers with some laesitoney, egtoothing down her welairened apron. "I've been stop, pin' ea here a bit iu the winter- time off an' an; for whin lier lady- ship was gone, an' Miss O'Neill was gone, ame Mee. Lynch. the cook an' houeemaid—she's my grand -niece on the mother's side, Miss Kitty Fag. an is—wanted a helpin 'bane ones er tvriee whin the master bad some &Menem% comp nny; an' thin the masther sod as I wasn't in no place 84166 my poor =ether wint away frora me, I'd betther stop ma awhile till her ladyship herself come home. All' newt, my grief' the sorrowful job I ha,s now, helping Mrs, Lacy—Miss 0 Neil that was, yeh know, miss—to nurse the poor weather 1 "Your master 1 Why—oh 1 I know. You mean Mr. Darner, poor Eer Harry, ; Danaer, as be is now," Gillian spelu- nkers, crimsoning and paling at her own wild ideas; a,nil Nelly Hagerty looks at her with shrewd tsviekling eyes- " Aele no sieve!" she says, with a lend sigh. "My poor masther, Misther Archer, is far enough away in foreign parts, miss. Anathe good ruasther he was to rae ; my grief! III not 11nd his match agin. I tould lava p' your kindness, miss, In givin' me five pound"—Nelly continues, her woman's instinct diseenaing plainly that Gillian, standing quiet, pale and smiling, is yet listening with geeat pleasure—"an' he Rae ra'al plased, atid smiled wid that beautiful smile o' his," Mrs. Hagerty says, waxing sentimental; "an' he sea lin very gIad, Welly,' 1m eez, 'o' Miss Deane's kindness to you, Bence Iona do so little for you,' thougli he pet twelve pound, my year's wages, into me hand on the spot the night he went away! An' ro, wid his kleeness yonr kinclnese, Mise Deena an' keenin' dein' a, turn now an' age], I've done rery web senee my poor masther wInt—praises bet" • "Perham; Mr. Amber will come back again!" Gillian says, tree:sibling, end not daring to lift lira eyes because of her own audacity; "he was in London not long since, you know r "Oh, yis, miss," Nelly says., volubly with no increase of gratification, "share I ha.d a letter from him from London, nn' his likeness brought to me, by Miss O'Neil when she mine ever—Miss O'Neil an' me was al- ways the best of friends, an' shure ehe's the Wee lady, and the real lady, inlets !—a -u' she bronght am the letther from Misther Archer, anise; I have it in me bex, an' his likeness I'd axed him for so often, an' a sover- eign to bey meseir something for a Christmas -box from him,' he sod! 'TM he was the good masther, an' the kind masther, wid the sowl of a gen- tleman 1" "Yes, indeed!" Gillian says as engeriy as before, wondering fever - ether how she shall coax or bribe Nally to show her that letter and that picture. Oh, precious posses - Peale 1 it tbey were only hers to ade to her poor little meager hoard of treaeures—a withered spray of heather, carefully folded white hand- kerchief, and a common brasa pin. George's hand had given her all three, and they are hidden away in a jesvel drawer, Draliman-looked—the taoet precious of her earthly beloag. Jugs. "But shun' as for las corn - he back itere again," Welly re- el/mere despondently, with very in- quhAtive glaneee at the young lady, "I can't say wan way nor tit' other. ra afeared poor efasther George haul thrubblee or his own, shure," she says in a lower tone, and rather nervously, pleating the fringes of her shawl, 'and he it:dna the best o' friends rometimes, aril there was thim that wouldn't welcane him back, Miss Deane." "Why do you think so—liati be tronbies ?" ftege, with hurried breath and glowing ; "tu re were --others-ea-Ito would serve him to— the utmost 1 efr Areher knew that himself." " Fnix, Wave 1 can't etty," Nelly Ram more slowly, arid watching Ga- llen closely. " Meseir doeen't knew how it Is at all," she adds, znyeteri- °near, arawIng nearer to Callan, aria lowering her voice to a whisper. Tint tie It is a whiper ot intenen petition ant fp err•ey, Nelly elabsratee it. Into a nel,y Wiens- sound sutra (gent to attraet the meet wandering a tt011tiOn itt n eeesiderable filetanee. Seure—one sez wan thing an' wan FM another," the begins, "an' We:, allure, Mem Deane, a boly cane, 'items puttin' tbi 1,111' that together, IvItert they beam it, an' there, you're a frieed of poor Mather Geroge, miss, or I wouldn't hi; mit a breathin' ov 11, though shwa manya the one that I sumo:nee at it -e" But at title vent ee.Ily patina' per. e.•Ives In tallittna eyes of alarm ana tater notonishinent, that there is' not even n. sitepielon nr tlio truth elle tries to hint at in the girl's hem- i !Mitt Mind. • "But. share, WC; Ot, Imeineekt o' mine te b Abell- me betthern," 1 idle mare. entaleely, with. 0, ATM% age Adltid oultry Notting in closet -egad atbatten rind enee rot require rill or hoard support at (three, havingtt1oii etralimht'Wir6 511/41-6, 12e:tweet at to,, bettoin end irt centre, eannOt ;m1/.m and is easy to eget. The "Page Ames" nettiett1., et neat ailpeermiee, very dureble met cheep. ive f! 1) make fat -re eta stattreentel fenee, veils 111,11 etnplel. Tao mime of Pogo le your guarantee ot qualms The hot Wk, Fent. Co., Leafed, Welkereilio, Dot, b 3. P. GrUlate•Ole, a Notarir {8B8Is or even to see Gillian now, as he looks' Thle theretorea Is the true atoll up and clown miserly, reetleesly. 1111 detab of thee most aemaritabla "I went to go °tag he says, esid. case. No room le lett for doubt or, tlenly—"I want to go out and iree dispute, and the es:lethal 0, hewer des - lam " And then his mood Omega again aim patch is confirmed in hIl ita pnatiou- s and he lifts up hie limutels with a (tremble( hry of despair—a hoarse, If this is positible—altel me one can walling, beseeching ery, terrible to now mloubt it—then 0116 can eitelly hear in a man's vole e, from a man's undeestand how any of tixe tuany, lipe 1 tflkmm'tu1 cm NI repot et have been "r Went to go mill 1 want in go net ticeompliehed by the eatne uterine, and Re,M,,, him. Ile won't came here, he won't enter my doors. 1 -want to see n°4-14.9 Mari*" hint 00, my ton I my sort! 00, my f OWII 116Y., GPOrpM6. My own son 1 I want to see libm I want te see t10 'Woezs Very- Wiles Iiirininglialu CHAPTER KW, man, on a vita, to a Sammie Cam. At the sautta of that terrible try.vbrtlg 6611°°1' "Mew would yen pronounee the those terrible worile of remorse end dedvde„ imam, hdandi tpeeemeee end mime of the mmeonti day of the week ?" etiteree, riveted, na ie were, te the meted n, ;youth who was.beaggina, now, in the eitook or th6 pain and all*„,tit Cc'lle°0 (141"(itti"n• In:teemed: tbey had given her. Bat „.,-',1000., saa," fetid the ;tomtit nitsieteNtiettilltx;v III:ittgatti•ttaylasplacttic;Itistilettieteistit• wairvIeri.zyd 1r,t,r yeztitn viator., "Why, in my pall: tho ommtry We Mto Tifn room again. she hurries 'Meek to Anti the doer. mei to Rita ae„01'°"Ttli" it .rifnililnYti"—Allgsv"8. out. ',Go nwny. muthit, ms,- dear CID dWitY, nsili e re 1" Hite Mutters, v ere- bed sometimes. Poor efree Lacy lind a potter o' Ile tend him herself, an' bee* got tle ineday fit on him now rf (To be Centintiede • tieeat Difference of Opinion. ••••• Tier "teitberedleal tenet eater see mimy41:1uglito' ilawley--Well. I'd jtiet no lief do my eouriing in the daric. FL- ^ SETTLERS RATES WEST, Emir day (hiring Meech and April, low, the Chicago. and Northwestern beltway will sell one-way faceted clans settlerme lickete at Very low .raterm trout Meow) to palate in Mentnne, BMW, Wasbingten, Ore- gon. Colter/Ida and Utah; Oleo to %ea torte, VancOuver, New Westminster, and to Nelson, ROW/land and other pointe In the Kootenter Distriot. iartleue 'K mus to • tee t a it alearest Tieket Agent, or 11. IL Bell.. nett, General Agent, a Emmet Xing street, Torouto, Ont. letime•Stiperior Gre. The first discolvery by wiate men of the iron ore or the Lain) Superior region woe made Sept. 10, 1844, emir the eastern end of Teel lake, in Wertheim allobiga,n, by William A. Burt, a -deputy ourveyor or the gen- eral goverament. In juue, 1840, time 3aeltsoa Mining Company was or - Sauteed ot jacks= and In the same year it secured poisseesion of time cele- brated .Taokoon iron mountain. Tile ore from this mountain was ifiret used in a bloomery at jealison and afterward in 1847 and eubsequent- ly in bloopeeriee in. northern Alicia - gee, • l'ormentiog Oold that wade you wretched last wetter will not come beets 11 yon take Allenee Lung Baleen) when your throat is raw and sore. This admirable remedy is free from Opium. Take It In time. Timely Maxims. owietz is a place where Idle sample go to get weary. Gray lathe are not more bonorabIe than he who wears teem. It takes a goal general to keep himself' web clieciplined. et. little eneouragement has made many a nlasnk Who looketa ever for evil Sees ilttle good. It Is lie Who miles when all others frown whoaesserv.ee the gweateet credit. To gar that there is a dark side tti a pereon's character is to admit that taere is also a light side. If you are sad aeoause your hr0- liter rejoices it le- a sign tluit you have not a'good lien,rt.—Buffalo News: Monkey Brand'Soap is a cleaner and polieher combined, but won't wash cloth. He Wouldn't Interfere. An old Scotelaimax, went to stay for a short thee, ne he said, with friends of his, a yoang couple with no family. Af ter ferias wita them Mr some two or three weeks the youag couple began to get tierd of their visitor, but did not like to tell hint the state of their leelings toward lam, so. they arranged a lit- tle lelau between.. them as te how they would got rid of him, " Toanorrowa said the husband, "when I eekall come home Per ala- n,er 1 «hall quarrel about the soup and ,say it is not good. In the midst of our quarrel wo will appeal to our friend, and if he takes your part I will give him notice to leave the house, and if he takes my part you do the same," Next day met dinner the "quarrel" arose about the soup, and is the heat of tbe ar,g-ument "uncle" was appeale,c1 to, but he coolly replied; "Ye meee*um freens, for a,' the time I intend toe be bere—ettet' a. Month or two—r byte Made up ma. mind nO tao interfere wt.' ye'r hoose affairs." e-Pittaburg Preemie Afinard's Liniment Cores Distemper. ili Court. ,Iudge--We are now going to read You a Het of your former °Device -Liana Prisoner -1n that ease, perhaps your lordehip will allowme to sill Alliard's Liniment Cores Colds, ete. Au -Essay on Habit, A story le told of an English schbol- -master whis offered a prize to the boy who should write the best composi- tion le five minutes on "How- to Over- come Habit" at •the expiration of five minutes the eempoeitions were reed. The prize went to is. lad dr I) yearse Fol- lowing is his essay: '"Welt, eir, habit is hard to over- come. If you take off the first letter, it floes not cleanse 'abit. If you take off another but you still have a 'bit' left. 11 you take still another, the whole of 'It' rernalust If you take off another, it is not wholly used up ; all of which goes to show that If you want to get rid of a habit you must throw it off altogether." Neuralgle May net be dangerous, but it Iterte. tit seerna to tear the face with red-hot pincere. Stay indoors and use Perry Davis' Painkiller. The blessed freedoni from pain welch fol- lows cannot be told. Mal be St. 4;eorite. " Mustapha," plaid the lady trona NOW' Vol* to her dragomen et Cairo, "who- bu ilt time pyramili ?" " I not keow. I sink somebody make hire long time age; maybe hunerd yeare." " Was IL Mahomet, do atm think?" "Not Isink not Atahosnet, hot 'so long go. All de travellin' peoples go bee 'Om.' "Wan it an Englishmate do you think ?" alustaplut looked puzzled, then a smitten illumination seked lam, " Maybe $1.111' George made him." MI/lard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. There's Jailerentia, The ethies of the difference be- tween the professional Wilton of a paid advocate tend the hoimet colt- vietion of a learned Wan were eet forth by a well-knoWn Enlialish bar- " iister who (ilea recently. •The story le not te be found In the reminia- cetates Which lie pnblishecl shertla betore Ida death. It Wail a woe of , martier, an (ho client and coml. 1 weve closeted together. "Smite," emaid the batrister, -"of eourge I know you didn't murcier the mans bet, as a matter of feet* th1 yon ao It with the butt end of a revol. es, with a Mick ?" "Air," eaid Sialtie "I wear I at1 intwoolit," know that perfeetly well, but you meet tell mei leer if you ald it with LI; revolverd eay tO the prose- amition, 'Produce the ethet a and if you dal it 'with um ,stlek t shell say, ! 'Produeo the rrevolVer ?" The client I pausal and ecratched hie hotel leee ' eitatively. tt stem the butt end Or .8 roveleer, emit" tItILIGHT OAP • One Melee of Sunlight Soo is Warth Moto than REDucieS Two ounces of irnpuie t•qap. XXPENSE Ask for tit* Ottsgort tar. If your your °Moat sang', write to :Una- ItIlitIlt8Ita, UNITED, tante, setelieg 1tt name end addrese, tee t trud oarntue of &retied riaat• Vttill 106 15614 &I! free of cosh roe issux $ KISSING 001N6 .4t 1 ' OUT OF FAVOR. ' . Tim 3C148 is going out of favor, It la perhaps, ste popolar as over be- tween sexes, bat not between mem- tiers at tile saute sex. i A few' years ego when two women on terms or eriendship met they inthelably sot- lited each other with a ki SO. Now they eittiply Simko hands, as men do, and are apparently emt as well sat - ler lee. At it con,ntry eitureli not tar from Chiang% where everybody menial to be related to everybody el$0, before We morning service on Sontleye a re - striae oecniatory meeting was how in the vestibule, even the rector be- ing sotnettines involved, thou-gli, of course, Without Scandal, ior nothing lose than emend colleens were cermet., ed to matte lam. After serViee aelloire were Raid In the same warm fasimion, and then the flower of the tiotattryside drove away web pleased with itself. Sometimes email 00,143 6,11t1 Etolf-con- solotrem youths writhed out of the grasp of those who would caress thent and managed to elude their pur- elvers, lint generally °sere -one sub - Witted with the best gratiehe contil Muster to a ceremony that MLR plainly perfaactory, bet done in the best interest at the commlenitY. A little later than tide the cheek began to be offered for the Write instead of tile mouth Tuning the cheek, it neer beeornes apparent, was an expedient intended to let one's friends and relatives down easy before *easing to kiss them altogether, for it was shortly after Ole that the mescaline grasp of the hand came into such VOgtte. Said grasp seems now- more than po- pular. One rarely sees a warmer greeting between two fel/deities in public, but it Seems sutficient to ex - mesa re rare eegree of cordiality. The bachelor girl ;voted acorn any- thing more enthuislaetio, cif 000050, and her mother almost as rarely tor. gets herself. Oceasionally a white-haired old Indy indulges in some show of ten- derness when people are about, but she gulekly cheeks it as she remem- bers that she may lave an audience. After all, why may pot a warm clasp of the hand exprees as mush affection and sinderity as a Mss? Perhaps it expresses more. At all events., femininity seems. to think it the most fitting greeting at this period of the world's hister,Y. ' Deafness cannot De Cured Ily local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is onir one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies, Deafness is caueod an in. flamed condition of the raucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube le inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfeet hear. ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to its normal omidition, hearing win be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by (iatarrh. which le nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars. for any case of Destnessicaused by catarrh) that can. - not be cured by Rail's Catarrh Cure. Senator circulars, froo F. J. CIONSY-Sc e0„ Tolear4.0 soid by:druggists, 74e. Hales Family Pills are the best. Morality Among Savages. Dr, Lionlaoltz, of the American Mu - • of Natural History, bas laved for eeveral years among the wild In- diana of Northwestern Mexico, and he says they are an intellectual rano, In spite- of the fact that many of them still live in caves, aie did their forefathers thousands of years ago. They lead a very happy life, and In many of the tribee there be a hisber degree of morality than (Wets in civ- ilized countries. Theft isaunknown among thein; so are many of the worst forzna of disease. They hold their land in common, and their prin- cipal food le corn and bean. MINARD'S LielierENT is the only Liniment asked far at 'my store and the only One we keep for wee. Ali the people use it. HARLIN FULTON, Pleasant Bay, C. B. • . Itentarkable Memories. A recent writer has been giving examples of particularly agile mem- ortes, but the renewing were omitted from the list: Henry VIII. of England could re. peat the names 01 his wives in their coneeentive order without inhales Gee. T.hemletocies could remetuber for a week the name of a mail he t rowed a dollar from, even ietem Athens numbered 120 000 inhabitants, Sawa 23. Anthony en.eev her brother Marc's addrees by heart, without comities a directory. George /II., though deficient in education, nevet forgot hie own face atter oceing it once lzi a looking - siege. A School teacher Of Londoti, whoze name vi-ast Dawson, posseeeed a re- markable Memory. He cOuld re- peat the first verse or the Hook of Job, and, On a wager ot two Tuna deed pdunde, he repeateil withotit the mild of a beetle the title to Spentier's "Eatery (lame," a poem et nearly 400 et/meats ot nine ilnete 011011, Poreon, the Greek seltolar, timed repent the 13eat1tudes 'in the orig- inal With, his eyes chesed and one lined lied bolded hint A noted Scotch [Urine bas Fuca a reenarkable Memory that lie used the mile grace n,t table in his gOtie year that ho used 70 years before, Lord Chesterfield alvveye relent - beret) to ette- "Thimmilt you 1" without the nal et it niteroecolue Coming down to madame times vvo liege instaneee almost oe Obi ;Agee Romeo I l'ailbete •Clevetarid own recite "Marra' LUII" Lomb" without wpsetnetes. Minerals Liniment enrols Garet in Coire. NO. 9. op the 211 kZ It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest, They never do well afterwards but stay strudl and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children, Good health is the natural right of ehildren, But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small arid weak, Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small, Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it—the kind of strength that makes, things grow. Scott's Emulsion makes • children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch, up wit11 the rest. This picture represents the Trade Mak of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTTSmBOWNE, TORONTO CANADA soc and tt. all druggists. BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH FOR REAL ESTATE OR 13118I. nes,t, no matter whore it is. Send descrip- tion and cash price and get our plan for find- ing eash Immo, Patent Exchange and Invest. meet Company, Toronto, Canada. PA VENTS. ATENTS, OAVRATS, TRADE MARKS, etc. Bowe or foreign procured and ex- ploitPd, Booklet on patents free. The Patent Exchange and Inveetment Company, Pythissi Building, Toronto. Ont. R. WHITE'S ELECTRIC cons Sure Cure for Readaehe and all scalp allments.proventeamd stops Beldame. The Ideal comb for toilet use. Once used alweys used. Comfortine', economical. Leath a lifetime. Ladies 6110, Gents 40e. Sent prepaid on reccirtiof price from Dr. White's Agency, 13 St...Joint 81., Montreal. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup should always be used for Children '1 eething. et soothes the child, softens thetu erelt cures wind colic and is the be -it remedy for Diarrheas. FOR SALV,VALTIABLIt FARM, 60 AO AIM, partly iu town of Leamington. goodbuild. Inge, foneee,"flowing wells, apple and poach orcharde, will part or all. Address Oswald Russell, Leareington, Ont. 17RUIT F.A.RX FOR SALE—ONE OP TEM fineet in the Niagara Ponineala, ai Winona, 10 Milos from Hamilton on .to rail- ways. 180 acres in all, 36 of which is in trait, mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel er divided into lots o115 to 20 acres to suit pur- chasers. This is it decided bargain Address .Tonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona Ontario 11111"AVE YOU SEEN IT 2 W.RA.T I 1 LEES .1-1- Priceless Recipes -3,000 secrets for the home, farm, laboratory, workshop and every department of human endeavor, with full index to contents; 368 pages bound 111 Moth; send 25 cents for a copy, and if you think the book IS not worth the money, send it back and your money will be returned t this is a good side line for canyaesers. William Briggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Ont. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED Dried Apples Poultry, Dairy and Creamery Butter, Honer, oto Will buy outright or sell on commission. Correspondence invited, TORN 3. FEE, 62 Front street east, Toronto, Ont. u 'essereseseati.'?",- ' ee-Se geereiese Barley fa prodignIlyprolific, yield - hag in VIOL for Mr. T1'ells, Claws 00., Now Yerk, .119 busha mels pe. Does welt oVerytthere, That paya. 20th Century Onte. The oat nerve', prod doing from 200 to BOO bus. per tore. , Sager% 0050 WO wk. routed to prattle, grate yields. The rt. Ag. Dept. . anti* that the very WWI That Snyn, Three Eared Corn. 290 10 210 bus. par sore, is extreniely.W4fIlablo 1pres- Ciatprlees of corn. Stasi:Wu geode prochtee everywbete, Marvel Wheat yielded in 60 States lust y over 40 bug, per are. We echo have tile celebrated. tilaeta* Dtlt roldWheatorbiehYlelded an our faits 03 bus. 1,01 00011 That $00 Gradeit emu0 food on e0rt0-80 bile. grain hild tons resgnitteent boy per see. That Sayer. Victoria Race moos it 1,000106 to gra* bee, *beep sod esate st 00,0 01100 les lb, Navel. only proligo,, &es well eVerywlare. 1'llst rays. 5, firdaItiorrnit. Most Wonderful grass of the minty. Protium' 6 tons br boy and lak and lots of puturogo batiks per sae. (00154 Wherever toll it found, Flotle.eton seed it warranted. mitt Ogyis. t$10400 for Moo Ivo Wleh you to try oar pee fent aerie, lama offer to and 10 Strut sal sumplee,eontainingThoutend Hooded Mlle, ecoesis, Rept, 150 maers, sole, rto. fatly Worth $10.90 to get et eta t) together AV one great °shag, fol u AlliD11 OP EDDY'SNO SCAMS, No HOOPS, NO JOINTS, No Le AK& INDURATED MENU Aro *ftettly tstivrIor to the ordin t WOOttelltfitte to.rtioles tor dorsiestin TRY IRE& tefeeeeetateeseedAelda"seweseieleetlailaddeSed******"*"!Ite********************Ii ror giallo by WI titMAO deafer& 0 •