HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-02-27, Page 5Filial +IT 27, 19032 THE WING -HAM ADVANCE, NC , JOHN CCURRI,E Licensed auctioneer Box tido - Wiagharn P, 0. Sales Promptly Attended, TERMS REASONABLE, A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Propet'tY, ASSIGNEE;. ACCOUNTANT. OFPICL'-.-Two floors north of i)r. Cltisltolut's surgery, Itealdence--Cat]tcrirta St, 11. J. MAG'TJIRF REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AC,ENT, GONVEYANCING Collection of Rents end Accounts a specialty, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPFICE,.-.Over D. N. Gordon's store. Residence; Leopold street. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Mesio, will bo prepared after Oct. lat to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R, C. Church, Wingham, PIANO AND THEORY. MIS$ SARA L0U1$E MOORE, L.C,lti And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction an Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence -opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham. DRS, CHISHOLM & CIIISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS . ETC. Josephine Street -- Wingham DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office ;-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post office.--WINGHAM r" W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal _, College of Dental• Surgeons of Tor- onto, and Honor Graduate of Dent- al WO. of Toren- ''4P-'t University, Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. 822FOnleein Beaver Block. E L. DICKINSON ' BARRISTER, ETC Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton MONEY TO LOAN Office: Meyer Block Wingham. LIFE Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. 01/Ice-corner Minnie and Patrick Ste., WINGIX'AM ACGIDBNT PLATE GLASS jP.KENNEDY, MI. D., M. C. P, s, o. • (Member of the Brits h Medical GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children,, OFFICE HOURS: 1 to 4 pan, ; 7 to 9 p.m, VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-95. W TNGHAM. WELLINGTON • MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1849. Head 0Mce GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro- perty on the cash or premium note system. SAtuEs GOT,n1E, CEAs. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, A.OICNT, 4VIN(313AM, ONT WM. DEVELL Builder and Contractor. T wish to inform the pnbllc, that t ata prepared. to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Parties intending to build wenid do well to see me before closing contracts. Plans and spectfloations furnished if desired Itatos roasonablc, workmanship the best. kAlm. DEYEL.L, 20 --CM, $gilder and Contractor, Rasfcloneo on 'Newsiest St. Shop over Steam 110019 Works, near Uho Un on $a0LOry. ere ter. f 1T ands ph ao 'ti odlts Y4 The (7redt English Remedy. Sold end recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able rnediblno discovered. Six 2)eCkdgaa guaranteed to cure all forms of Ssxnal weakness, all ei'ieots of abuse 0r excess, Mental Worre, i>;xeeesivc MO: ofTo- baee0, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Of priee, one pabk'lge $1, six, $a, OW vitt Ihiease, six wilt cure. Pamphlets free to hill' address. 7CIta 'W0611 COZI$atuv', Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sol,, in WinCrbaan by A, L. Hamilton, T, E. Davis. 1t. A. Douglass and 0, A. Campbell. I ootsts. L902 4 . l% 4/a IS MOVING FORWARD, Ours Winter iatetuie rea onable-oJam 0,ur)2Courses o Equity_ thorough and , o t l rite rt 1 h b Llt t . 1 Sendoar arta o t h i to what •t t t w 0 teach, Students may oulor at, any time, Two Courses of Study.-.Copttuerol1l ant Shot Wand. 0, A, PLP,MINO President 011011 Soueal A, L. McINTYRS $e0'Y. J. J. ELLIOTT, V S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, coruor Victoria and Minnie Streets, Winghani, Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. Suis for $10 Regular Price $14. AT .. Robt. iiaxwellls I have a number of good all -wool Tweeds, in the latest designs and colorings, which I intend clearing out at the low price of $10.00 a Suit, made up with good trimmings, and any style yeti wish. These are regular $.14.00 Suits, and good value at that, but I have decided to sacrifice then to clear them out, and make room for new Spring goods, R.E.MIEMBER-there are only a few of these, and the limit of sale is until February 28th. Coyne quick and get a good selection. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - i Ingham Worth The Price. You cannot excel the tailor- made suit, though you work very hard, visit many clothing "parlors,,, and pay less for it. You will wish you had a really arst class made-to-order suit every time. The kind we make will surely give you pleasure. E. G. CLARKE 11P -STAIRS IN SR.A W BLOCK. SniINCvI€ATdd Saw MIIJ McLEAN do SON All kinds of rough and dressed..., Lumber, Lath, shingles Apple Barrels 1 -lard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 50 YEARS, EXPEi iENCC TRAOK MARKS DKSIONS tdPVR IGHtm 07011. Anyone sending a sketch and oeOcripvtIon WWI* quickie aseettaltt snit apleimr froe(whetheenrlc n en Intention is probably. pattable. o a tlonestrlcUS"chnfdoutial, liandboakonPatent, ANA free, oldest agency ler /wearing nateno. Patents taken through. Minn: CO. receive ow/atm/Me, ivifb0ut cbarRo, la the dtlitAfit SA 1Cbtie A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.nreeat t1r- ontn 1. Tonna 3 a t nttan n . $ a intron of any 11 o u y 1i n wn iralers. Bold b ali o t aartfourmanthb,ffiL B y MUN Co 8BI2raadwey, Newlark Grant't7 ice, ba 73' 9t,, IftioMtivaton.. v, ',ice:: . Colds ,,,,,,, . , 4 '.".' Vtfg=rrArrSgrr ' "1 had a terrible cold end could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it gave the lin- r " ed to is e relief." t e , W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight ? Worse, pro 6- ti. ably. Fol' it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron- chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend . downward, Stop this downward tendency by'' 'takingAyear sChel'rypec- toral. ' Three elzee: Ede. lneualt for an ordinary • cold; 500 Iuet rigt for Lbonebitia, ilaaros• no C hard colds, qts.' )!l, moot hand. dear lox chropie canes and to kgep on hand J. 0.QTER 00,, Loyal', Mass. I ' QUE$TION ANSWERED. Yes, August 'Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your Mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything olse for Lldigestion Or Bili- ousness. Doctor's weV0 scat•ce, and they seldom heard of Appendit'itis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, ete. They used August Rowel' to clean out the system and stop fermen- tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the live;', stimulate the ner- vous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and had with headaches and other itches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, , to make you satisfied there is nothing 1 serious the matter with you, You can get D G. G. Green's reliable remedies at J, E. Davis', • Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted atreasonabierates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. Rome MOONDOO. *980 RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK TRAINS Palmerston London Kinoardino.11:10 t(inoardine.9:50 London Palmerston R. T. SUTTON, CANADIAN PACIFIC TRATNs Toronto and East Toeswater Teeswater.. Toronto and East J'. IL TIME TABLES. RAILWAY SYSTEM 8:55 a, m. p. In. 8:38 p, m. , .3:10 p, In. p. m. 8:38 p. m Wingham. 0:2- ,,...a p. m. p. m, m. p. m. Wingham • ] r• ' ' I l t ; S i ' 1 r LEAVE FOR 6.53 a, re,. 6'50 a. no...3:10 a, m,.3:25 p. ni., ARRIVE IMO ne a. m., .8:55 a. m., 11:10 a. 01...7:55 2:45 p. in... Agont, RAILWAY. LEAVE .F012 0•57 a. m ... 1.17 p. m...10:43 ARRIVE FROM ..0:57 a. m...3:251.1. 1.17 p. 10...10:43 BEEMER, Agent, Dress Goods, Black and Colored $erges, Cheviots, Venetians, Home- spuAs, Voiles, Buntings, Basket Weave, Grenadines, Bi'oadt,lotli, ITenriettas, Cashmeres, etc, .r.,. 1113 .r : f -. a SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO Canadian North=West Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April 1002 at 9 p. ni, Passengers travelling without Live stock should tate the "P:tc'ilie Ex- press" leaving Toronto et 1.45 p in. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Tot -onto 9 p.hn. Free Colonist sleepers will be attach- ed to these trains. Berths may be secured on arrival at Toroul 0. Tickets and information from Agents Grand Trunk Railway System, or M. C. DICKSON District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Sale of Whiter Goods continues at cost price ; all must be sold. WANTED. --Green Wood, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. t k't n1,r T Settlers' One -Way Second Class Excursions Kootenay & Pacific Coast IRoh+ VJINGHAM To Nelson, E.C. Trail, S.C. Rossland, B.C. Greenwood, B.C. Midway, B.C. Va c 'ar n dal i3 C Victoria, 8 C. Mew Westminster, R.C. Seattle S Tacoma, Wash, Portland, Ora. Proportionate rates from to other points. Alen rotes to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana and Washington. Tickets on sale MARCII 1st to 30th, 1202, inclusive. For full }particulars apply L0 your Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. II. NOVA All, Asst., Geol. Passr. 1 King Street East, Toronto to Points $43.70 •li and (lotto, APRIL nearest Agent``; r •, e4.,.., ply ,t 4 ' lal! . s4 A r leq u i! f,, t itc i4 ., t t 1; i,tl,,,, 11 1 , „\i` . a,1. 3 "lit 1' i We invite our former cus- tomers, and 1 others,to ccalland examine the goods we offer to make up for fall and winter. Prices moderate ----cloth is or good quality` ---we give you a good easy fit. Webster 8 o, Godericb.. Work is catnineueing ou the fisllinF,- fleet i11 prepllrittiW1 for the opening of navigation, which it is expected will conte rattler early this year. H. R. Jordan has been appointed or- ganist and choix master of Brant avenue Brantford, Methodist church in Brantford the en- gagement tgq ,1 gagelnont to 00innie11100 March 1st. A petrified snake, 18 inches long, was found in Ransford's quarry last week. Mayor Cameron, Major Beek and D. McGillicuddy are in Toronto this week in the interests of the Huron, Bruce and Middlesex Electric Railway Co. whose application for inoorporatiolh is before the Legislature. A woman who gave lies name as Mrs. Burton arrived in town on foot last Fri- day, and stated tbat she had walked tall the way floni Brussels. She told Police Magistrate Seager she 'was insane, He took her at her word and committed her to gaol, Horace Horton passed away at his home on Tuesday morning, His health lead been failing rapidly for some time, and for the past few weeks he lead been cenfbied to his house. Death was the reeelt of heart weakness. Mr, Horton was one of the best known men, and at the saine time one of the most highly respected, iu the county of Huron. The bill of the Huron, Bruce & Mid- dlesex Electric Railway Company passed the railway committee of the Legisla- ture on Tuesday, with a reduction of the bonding powers from $20,000 to $15,000 a mile, and of the authorized capital from $1,000,000 to $500,000. The building to be hitherto known as the Goderich Summer Hotel only needs the steps, brick veneer and verandahs to complete the outside, and the inside is being pushed ahead, with vigor, Geo. Johnston and Wm. Hy. Miller, two of the inhabitants of the jail, were removed this week to the Provincial lu- natic asylum in London, by the asylum bailiff. Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor Is the only remedy that positively (sures corns and warts without pain in twenty- four hears. Asir: your druggist about it, he hag sold it for a long tinhe. Club auy druggist wl-io offers you a substitute for Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. He knows it is the bust; you will too if you try it. W. C. T. U. Meets in Chisholm's Hall 1st & 3rd Tuesday in each month, 0011 PLATFORM Morel suasion for the roan who drinks.. Montal suasion for the man 1110 thinks. Legal suasion for the drunkard maker. Prison suasion for the statute breaker. How My Boy Went Down. It was not on the field of battle, It was not with a ship at sea, But a fate far worse than either That stole hien away from me. 'Twas the death in the tempting dram That the reason mud senses drown; I -le drank the hiring poison - And thus my boy went down. sown from the heights of manhood To the depths of disgrace and sin; own to ti worthless being, [been -- From the hope of what ho might have or the brand of a beast besotted He bartered This manhood's crown; Brough the gates of sinful pleasure My poor, weak boy went down. Tis only the same old story That mothers so often tell, it:ll accents of infinite sadness, Like the tones of a funeral bell; 3ut I never thought once when I heard it I should learu all its tnemtning myself; thought he'd be tree to his mother; I thought he'd be true to himself. ut alas, for my hopes of delusion! Alas for his youthful pride! Inc I who are safe when danger 18 open on every side? h, can nothing destroy this great evil? No bar on its pathway bo thrown, o save from the terrible maelstrom The thousands of boys going down? The catnpuigu upon which we are en- ering must be a campaign of education is well as action. Public 0pieion on I ,has recently become apathe- tic bemuse of disappointment and delay. 1ow that bright pro<p;:cts have. opened t3 ui, we must take steps to stir our friends to the earnestness which the int- portanest of our cause and our positicn demands. Public meetings are iltvulua- bie. Every church ought to have n pro- iibition meeting. Every young peoples' Society ougl,t to have a prohibition meeting. Every temperance organiza- tion ought to hold a public meeting. he A11iaece Secretary will endeavor to fnrnisll names of sp•; akors and sugges- tions for such work. This work ought to be commenced at once. Tho amount of dust throwing and ef- forts of the "blind guides" on the prohi- lo 1 ' b1t n question in the ' t 11110 res with - the 1 p s « th n t'he past few weeks, rt'gniro the efforts of every friend of the cause of temper- tinee to unite in turning on the search- ights, to expose the "bluitms" of the 1'ould-be temperance hien. Consltfnption Is Infectious. litery precaution 81101111 be taken to revonr its spread of tllo"Wliite Plague," ersotlfi Coming into contact with 0011• somptives should inhnlo Oetarrhozone several tines each day as it is a newer - fol destroyer of disease germs turd ten - dors bison 1110 rt p 1(pEh CL 'P t tial 11 x , r enc+ iA a most 10101 1t preventive ito all Ditty be thoroughly rclii'd 'upon to promnto ex- peetoration soothe the cough. and bene- fit 111 many ways too numerous to men- tion. Both from it medical and scietltifie point of view latarrhoznee is the mist valuable addition to the armament against consumption. Its merit meet he tooar'n t. w, tl 1 ,antic r d. Sold tit all y pp ll druggists, tv0 oaths ti( atneIr, alivee $1, small size 23e, or by mail from N. 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, $rgssels. Court Alexandria No. 24, a P. p'., lags 111 members. 105 pitoh-holes were counted in the one and a quarter miles north of I3r4- sola last Sunday by a gentleman of a matholnaticrll turn of naiad. The i' quarantine at Gorge Mcs'»ay, s is removed, the house being thoroughly disinfected by Dr. Toole, medical health Meer, and J. C3. Skene, on Thursday morning, the new generator being used. North Enron Is Q, L. has decided• to celebrate July 12th, 1002, at Brussels, and ar'r'angements are being Unshed for:, ward to make the celebration a 0)1000813. A oanvess of 1110 WWII WAS made on Tuesday for funds to pay the necessary expenses, and the result was highly satisfactory, The news of the death, of Mrs. Win. G. Mooney was (heard with surprise aild regret ou Saturday evening, Deceased was a daughter of Hugh Ilium of Mor- ris, and was marded to Wm. G. Mooney a little, over a year ago. She was much respected, not Only 111 I3russels, bat among her old neighbor's in Morris, and the funeral on Mouday afternoon was largely attouded. She leaves a daugh- ter hardly two weeks old, The bereaved family and relatives have the sympathy of numerous friends in their sad be- reavement. According to a return issued recent- ly by the Crown Lands Department,. 1,367 families were located on 148,813 acres of free grant land last year, and 43,017 acres of land were loused for agri- cultural purposes. The mineral produc- tion was increased to a very remarkable extent. ` The pig iron yield alone was 116,870 tons, as compared with 58,984 in 1900. Steel to the amount of 14,471 tons was produced, and 444 tons of nickel and 4,197 of copper. -The quarantine ou the border is stricter than ever. No person is allow- ed to go across from Sarnia through the tunnel uuless he has a certificate from the health officer of Sarnia. At the ferry crossing every passenger is warned before ho boards the boat that he must be vaccinated if he has not been already and at Point Edward only the working- men whom the officials know aro allowed to cross to Port Huron. Several more suspicious cases of smallpox have devel- oped at Kirkton. HURON COLD STORAGE CO, (Exeter Advocate.) The Exeter meeting in the interest of the Huron Comity Packing and Cold. Storage Company was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of last week, Those who were net present missed a treat in the line of sound business pro- positions and the discussion bearing en our trade with foreign countries during the Paris and Glasgow exhibitions. W, R. Beldeu,.who spoke first, reviewed the past trade iu hogs and pointed out clearly the immense benefit our country hall de- rived from an improved system of hand- ling that animal, also showing that at present much of the profits that formerly went to swell the bank account of a few persons was now more evenly distribut- ed, and as a consequence farmers were the gainers. Great improvements eau still bo made and in the Huron County Packing and Cold Storage Companies' propositions we have what will save Huron County $200,000 or annually not only this but fanners will have a place to store their products, with the assur- ance that no matter how much they pro- ciuce it will not have to be sacrificed. l'dr. A. M(sD. Allen gave it splendid ac- count of the handling of fruit at the World's Fair showing to what perfection was attained in handling tender fruits and apples in cold storage at those places. Apples had been in cold storage from twelve .to fourteen months and were exposed on tables in the show rooms six weeks and still retained their solidity. Hundreds of barrels of apples were sold to French dealers at $10 per barrel, Thousands of barrels of apples wore shipped to Alexandria, Egypt, but all weut iu cold storage. Thera is one way, Mr. Allen says, to make money out of fru: t and poultry, and motley to inves- tors that way is by handling these goods through cold storage. Mr. Erwin, per- haps the oldest grain merchant in Huron Co., has subscribed $5,000 to the institu- tion and is giving his time to furthering the best interests of the people. His re- marks were pointed and cletlOy macro showing bo bats gone to considerable trouble to ascertaiu facts about; the busi- ness. His figures cannot be refuted and for a man of his years to take such an active interest in the welfare of the comity, is proof that we have some men who aro or a philanthropic disposition. There 0 aroOUn, men who have Y .,1 ase their way to make in the world who could take a lesson by Mr. Erwin, not leave their work to be done by i11e11 of his years, but by putting their shoulders to the wheel they can complete this cunl- pany this year and In in a position tc save such products as may bo grown in the comity, By the way subscribers headed the list it is confidently believed 05,000 of stock will be taken in Exeter and 8112 rounding townships. Weary Brain Workers. Fagged out ideas come as slowly as molasses, You think of things just a minute or two too Into. Sanp's genol The buoyancy that made worlf a plea- sure --that's gone tee. The doctor would tell you that you are run down, not eat- ing enough nor digesting enough. Your stomach needs aid, peer d1 c s on nerds c s a bracer too. Your blood requires Phott- phones and iron that it may be formed n adily. Now b'errozollo is a wonderful nerve bracer unci blood maker. It's food for the blood and nerves, it will melte .you strong quickly and pernhanenLly. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Sid by All 1 ews e alers ePt.I.W. 1., ..x a+tt 4 1 r, L.: 1 t„..,,...,.........„z , 1 y ,. L P • 55 7th iN R Kuri, ilea rsen.hly to 1111 )mere df :S< and Mosie a 111.1 Yoltun0 r•f Na,iwChoke Conyr17t1t COntponitians t,t•the0U:F.1 top• tnnr tt rnr,:u CA Pagel+ of 'Milo fdc,aic, tm 1 Ve , i, britt -1 r 1 trail= 1 Coe. 0i.,•fe Picota for f tAt,o On C a Diu.,t1, 0.r 55 C,.ata. Y•a )v 0ul/scrip Ion,IS:aorb. Iftin Ici'l soul its the 1(101231 1:11,1 aitch Cis of l •rvt; pet torOiertun the 1.1in`tor 7)18541. wet ilii r 1 , al you n copy of the Magazine Frac, 61iht;tta Lacus Sta., P! ittisdeklph)ri, P. 3. New Spring 000ds M rt aCo t New span Caodo ofielihig LC NEW GOODS Spring Goods are now coming forward, and we are already in a position to interest prospective buy- ers with the latest styles in the following :- Dress Goods, Black and Colored $erges, Cheviots, Venetians, Home- spuAs, Voiles, Buntings, Basket Weave, Grenadines, Bi'oadt,lotli, ITenriettas, Cashmeres, etc, New Prints. New &Iuslins. New Pongettes, New Silkalines. New Silks, New Dimities, New $a.teens, Pineapple Batiste. New Belts. New Ties. New Ribbons. New Organdies. New Zephyrs. New Laces and Embroideries. New Shoes. New Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. Money Saving Prices No need of send- ing to the city for in Whitewear .. „ Whitewear, We have it in great var- iety and as good value as can be found in Canada. Every garment is well sewn and nicely trimmed. See our White Skirts at $1.00, regular price $L25 No. 1 Night Gowns at 75c, regular price $1.00 No. 2 Night Gowns at 50c. regular price 75e Special Corset Covers at 25e, regular price 35e Blouses and Wrappers we are showing a larger and bet- ter stock of Blouses and Wrappers than ever, and you can depend upon getting the very latest style and select patterns. Please ask to see them. Sale of Whiter Goods continues at cost price ; all must be sold. WANTED. --Green Wood, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. 11. E. IBard. & Co. Opp. Rank Hamilton 'Highest Price Paid for Produce Manitoba White Fish. Arrived this week, a shipment of fresh frozen White Fish from Lake Manitoba ; we can recommend these fish very highly. Salmon Trout. Fresh frozen Salmon Trout from Lake Superior. These fish are noted for their firmness. Finnan lladdies. We have a shipment arrive weekly direct from the canning house in Nova Scotia. t Griffin's Ili IW IRA YifYlNWWW1f WA, e?in g FROM 1st OF MARCH. llSilleSS The Stock must be reduced several al Tliousalld Dollars before the NEW COMPANY takes possession on Marek 1st. r.....,...a., A Great Slaughter Sale now Going on -( F - Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Oil Cloths, -fiats mots Caps, l p , & Shoes. Mantles, tt.C. Goods will be Slaughtered regardless of cost. T. A. A/I'LL&