HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-02-27, Page 44 TRE WIN GUAM ADVANCE. .4.311Y11 .11YYt1111Y1YY4'111Y1. 11111111111Y11111Y11 M11111111111111111111111111111111111111Y111111111111t111111111111Ytt •� , . Bewail, at +t Jo:.eph, which really I (i1' 1t1i1t b�JL1ll. .G � u, e dtl ,r harbor about ats much as –Xs rt�nz,lslzz,n Lower Wingllatu, Stlelt cxpendi• 1 EVERY TI1U SD(13t tures are deliberate Wa0te of money with a view of securing votes, and: t 1 t t ,. dT 'MU of r ici therefore expenditures, for corrupt . _ .. JosLrWNE STREET -- W INGli..it>t, ONT. l plii'pOSeS. Tr nnzs or' SLTnscltiP'rtoN: -1.00 per annum in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. No paper (Us - continued ti1i all arrears aro paid, except at New Springy Dress Goods 1 oice ' What a wealth of choice awaits those who buy Dress Goods at this store, Never had:a:4better assortment, The best as well as the newest fabrics' have ;.been gathered from the most reliable sources of production and are now dis- played on our, counters. the option of the publisher ', Rates nY dr e tist A r SPACE, 1 YR. G 010. 3 010, 1 bill, Ono Column .?G0,00 $35,00 $15.(„4 $i0.01) Column 1001V0 I.00 Quir Velmn8. 0.00 L 00 Legal Notices 8 cts. per lino first insertion, 3 cents pei' lino each subsequent insertion. Local' and reading notices 10 cents per,lino for first insertion,, 5 cents per lino each subse- quentiusertion, Professional cards, ono inch and under $1 per year, 32.50 for sib months, Advs. of Stray Animals $1 for 4 insertions, Ades. Farms for Salo or hent -1 month $1, each subsequent month 50 cents. Advs. of 2 or 3 lines. such as Lost, Found, House to lot, Servant Wanted, &o.,25 cents for ono insertion, 75o por month. in- serted till forbid and charged accordingly. . '1'he Job Department is stocked with an ex- tensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not excelled in the county for turning out first-class work. T. HALL, PROPRIETOR. English Cheviots. French Broadcloths. Black and Colored Satin Cloths. Black and Colored Crepe-de-chene. French Veile. 20 Pieces Cashmere Serge, Black and Colored, all wool, new shades, regular 50c,special, ....40c NEW SILKS. New and Trimmings to mata ch. NEWPonge. Tr NEW EMBROIDERIES at 5, xo, 15, 20 cts. NEW KID GLOVES. NEW SHOES. NEW TABLE LINENS. NEW NAPKINS, NEW SHEETINGS. NEW QUILTS. NEW TWEEDS. NEW SUITS FOR MEN & BOYS. NEW SHIRTS, COLLARS and TIES. NEW CARPETS and LACE CURTAINS. We suggest an early inspection. Theo. Hall, Proprietor. Our Specials to Clear: 6 Women's Fur Mantles, $30 and 00 $32, for 2 Women's Fur Mantles $13 for13.50 2 Men's Fur Coats $25 for 18.00 15 pieces heavy Tweed $1 & $1.25 .75 20 Boys' Suits,'regnlar $2.50, $3 225 and $4 -for 10 Boys' Overcoats, $4, $5, $0 for 2.75 ,A.11 -winter gooclsl at cost to clear, at WINGHAM, FEBRUARY 27, 1902, M. H. McIndoo's 1i17:1:1C��.otts * fere wears ago, it was a rare tiring'' for the Senate to have to deal with more than one application for di- vorce in a. session, indeed there have been less than two dozen di- vorces granted by Parliament in 35 years ; but recently a perfect epi- deulie seems to have broken out in the matter of divorce, and no less than ELEVEN ap lications for a roverenee of the marital tie Have been made this year. The debate on the Address was short but interesting, and the for- mal motion that ‘An humble Ad- dress be presented to His Excel- lency in .reply to his gracious Speech from the Throne," was car- ried ; and immediately thereafter the Hon. Mr. Fielding laid the estimates for the fiscal year 1902-3 on the table. This was commend- ably quick work, and shows that the Government has been really preparing for the session ; and the result is that the Ilouse is comfor- tably at work now voting the or- dinary appropriations, the largest portion of which are fixed by stat- ute, As for the estimates them - solves they are, as my friend the Postmaster General would- express it, "Greater than has been," amounting to no less a sum than $53,361,638.00, as compared with $50,398,823 last year, an increase of $2,962,815, and it must be re- membered that there are supple- inentary estimates for 1901-2 And 1902-3 to be brought down. Last year the supplementaries amount- ed to over $9,000,000, and there is every reason to believe that it will not be surprising if the Government asks for $75,000,000 before, the close of the session. —According to statistics com- piled. by the Department of Rail- ways, there were an J'.ule 30th railways u ' i last, 163 stearal 1 ysin actual operation in Canada, including the Iutercolonial and the Prince Ed- ward Island Railway. At the close of the fiscal year the number of miles of completed railway was 18,291, an increase of 658 miles, besides 2,710 miles of sidings. The number of miles laid with steel rails was 18,154, of which 634 miles was double track. The number of miles in operation was 18,110. The paid up capital amounted to $1,042,7S5,539, an in- crease of $51,598,893. The gross earnings amounted to $72,898,740, an increase of $2,994,396, and the working expenses aggregated $50,- 368,726, an increase of $2,987,037, compared with those of the previous year, leaving the net earnings $22, 530,023, a decrease of $29,642. The number of passengers carried was 18,385,722, au increase of 1,281,379, and the freight traffic amounted to 36,999;371 tons, an increase of 1,286,149 tons. The total number of miles run by trains was 53,319,394, an increase of 727,870. The accident returns show sixteen passengers killed. —The design of Hon. G W. Ross in the introduction of the re- ferendum appears to have been to provide his prohibition friends with the healthful exercise of vot- ing for the unattainable. �11Y11111!'tt11Y111Y11Y1Y11Y1111111 ar▪ - W e Guarantee all Our * * —The Weekly Sun ' remarks thusly:—In speaking of Mr. Petty - piece's motion for the second read- ing of his bill, Mr. Ross said that care must be taken lest the tax- ation of railways should interfere with their success. We hope that Mr. Ross will be just as regardful of the public interests, and that he will see that no subsidies are grant- ed this session that will mean the taxation of the people for the bene- fit of the railroads. Dubber . .e •▪ -- .......vo w Goods _ e Hot water Bottles, Syringes of all kinds, Atomizers, Tubing, Breast Pumps, Corks and Bandages. wee 5- Coln A. Campbell E THE DRUGGIST The Best is always the Cheapest. MONEY TO BURN. February 27, 1902 pro• THEPEOPLES' PaPULARSTO.REV M JNO. & JAS. H. HERR anfoeat everybody and everybody knows ft. For good goods at low prices wee Y ......._.____.�..a....--..._.__..-_,...._.-•---._..,...,.-... _. .. _ .� For Fancy Chinaware, good Boots & Shoes, Fine Dry Goods, Pure Spices and Hill Class Groceries, We cer'tainl3r do take the lead p High - E High Class Groceries. Emil' Dry Goods. .aa1111) Or - 4 4 r.... M (Goderich Star.) The Dominion estimates have been brought down. The , total amount to be voted is $47,845,038, as against $44,102,323, or an in- crease of $3,750,000 over last year. Of this Clinton gets a second five thousand for a new post office ; Goderich harbor dredging $10,000, and $15,000 for general repairs and improvements to harbor, river and bridge works. St. Joseph, Lake Huron wharf, is given the enormous, sum of $50,000. Last year 5,000 was placed in the esti- mates for this work, although St. Joseph has no more need for a har- bor than it has for angel's wings. Reformers refused to endorse the grant, and several local newspapers notably the Brussels Post, protest- ed against such wanton- waste of the people's money. But it will be remembered that Tim STAT. made mention last year of a select party from Quebec, including a son of J. Israel Tarte, visiting this section and St. Joseph. They were dined and wined and had a real big time. The promoters had the votes of the people for forty miles square, right up in the sleeve! The result is a $50,000 grant. Such wanton extravagance and wilful squandering of the people's money cannot be condoned and it will be the bounden duty of the three members from Huron, Messrs. Holmes, McDonald and McEwan, to enter a vigorous pro- test on the floor of parliament. They know quite well that such a grant cannot be endorsed before the electors of the County of Huron. * —The investigation of the Lon- don municipal election frauds shows what a determined effort the Liberal machine made to win the electian for Parnell. A surplus of 311 ballots, used and unused, was found in the boxes. 10,500 ballots were given to the deputies, but 10,811 ballots were found the boxes. There were 163 more marked ballots than the poll books accounted for in voters. Ninety- four forged inety-fourforged ballots were unearthed. The rascality was general. At only one polling booth in the city did the ballots in the box tally with the poll book. The forgeries found were invariably marked for Parnell. North Waterloo, West Elgin and West Huron rascalities aro now being repeated by the machine in our municipal politics. The wonder is that the machine is shielded and its work defended by so many who consider themelves respectable Liberals. * * * —The Liberals now control the Senate, and all committees will TIMI N To waste with an old sewing in ramachine, doing its work clum- i silt', and trying the patience 1�s1 of the mother who has so flranch to do. Life is happier when you use the NEW WILLIAMS machine. Call and see our stock. Kong Life Too Short Organs, Violins, Guitars 4 IN In fact for anything in �.{ the line of Music. D. BELL WINGHAM Best Sewing Machine 031. ESt{tfA'.M, ,!p��� ES:'[O NI An Archipelago of 3o,00o Islands. orton's English Pickles. We will be pleased to 25c show Jou our new goods for �5c ` Spring, Come in and take a look through our large stock, and feel under no obligation to buy. F,....– Chow Chow Mixed Pickled Walnuts Pickled White Onions 25c rx Pickled Olives , .... 15C aw E Evaporated Peaches. E Evaporated Apricots, Choicest Cocoas` and Choco rates. EIcing Powder. E- Jelly Powder. Puddine Powder, ' Gelatine, white and pink. Historic interest surrounds the lo- cality, and health and life permeates the atmosphere among the 80000 Isl- ands of the Georgian Bay—that great eastern arta of Lake Huron which is visited by thonsands of tourists each year. Splendid fishing, good boating and bathing, house -boat and camp life galore, immunity from I -lay Fever, magnificent scenery among the tortuous windings of navigable chan- nels, and good hotel accommodation are some of the attractions. Write for handsome illustrated descriytive matter giving full particulars, list of rates ete. to M. 0. Dickson, District Pass. Agent, Toronto. THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT Very Low Rates To The Northwest. 1l1 rch 1 to April 30, 1902, the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway will sell triekets to Montana, Idaho and North Pacific coast- points at the following greatly reduced rates: From Chicago to Butte, Helena and Anacon- da, $30.00; Spokance, $30.50; Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria and Van- conver, 333.00. Ci*oice of routes via Omaha or St. Paul to points in Mon- tana, Oregon and Washington. For further information apply to any coupon ticket agent in the United States or Canada, or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, Winnipeg, Man. (fly J. A. Phillips.) The private legislation promises to be not only larger than usual, ena , show a majority of Liberals. but, a portion of it at least will be Death and olcl age have done what of very great interest. Notice has Sir Wilfred's platform promised to been given of 108 bills, of which 18 effect. The amusing part of itis— are for railway charters, 38 for that Grit speakers who used to ful- minate volleys of abuse at the Sen- ate, and describe it as the home for defeated candidates and political hacks, have gladly accepted seats in the "asylum for worn out and defeated politicans." When Mc- Mullen., Landerkin, et al, were ac- customed to say nasty things about the second Chamber, few thought that those same men would so soon be glad to take refuge among the "worn out or defeated politicians." They will never poke fun at the Senate any more, and they are pro- foundly grateful to the grim mon- ster, Death, for his work in effect- ing "Reform of the Senate." As a matter of fact, that plank in the Grit platform never meant any- thing more than a change in the political complexion of the Senate. a * —Electors may well pause and reflect for a hour on the extravagant and yearly -increasing expenditure by the Liberal Government of this Dominion. With probable es- timates nearing .175,000,000, and at the same time large additions to the debt of the Dominion, the sit- uation should cause alarm and de- mand for strict economy. Notwith- standing a larger revenue than ever, there has been not the slight- est effort at a reduction of the debt, but on the other hand, annual in- crease by transference of expendi- tures to capital account. To pay the interest on the debt now will be required $11,320,041, an in- G 5 over the present of 4 -.0 uo3 ov crease $ p year's interest. Where will the present rate of expenditure land us? The men who took ofih(e pro- mising to reduce the expenditure have -done the reverse, and those who shouted economy when in op- position now seek to justifiy ex- travagant and unnecessary expen- FRt1 ,EPTLY S : IUREA Write for our interesting boots i Send h k tth or model of your in- vention or improvement and to w efts Indhne b1 Rejected app'icat o duct full equipped r d office! ,n Montreal con q Y pt+ 1 " nvent- or's Help" and " Flow you are swindled." us a rough sketch c ill tellyou free our opinion. as to whether it i;ptobably patentable. been successfully prosecuted by u!. W1 nl ,t- rifles n !to prompt- / •tusrua p r and Washington, 1 lY dispatch work and quickly secure Patentsl as broad as the invention. Iiighest referenced furnished. Iatents procuredthrou h Marion & rite, e tthar tion receive special notice without charge inI over roe newspapers distributed throughout, the Dominion. !Iseletty.—Patent bigness of Manufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION iPlttsnt Exports and Solicitors.. i'Ne w Yorje Life i8'I 1'll', Montrealf Au tuttit,Woish1 #toonD amendments to railway charters, 29 for miscellaneous private bills, including mining, insurande and other financial and industrial enter- prises, and 12 for amendments to exciting charters. These latter in- clude the Bell Telephone Co., the Georgian Bay Canal and the St. Clair and Erie Ship Canal. There are also 11 applications for divorce, 6 of which are from Ontario, 3 from Quebec, 1 from the North West and 1 from 13ritish Columbia. FARM FOR SALE. High Class Tea. We have all prices in Blue Ribbon and Monsoon package i Teas. 25c, 3oc, 40c, 50C Blk. & Mix. It will pay you • to use the best, as you will get Purity, Flavor and Aroma not to be E found in cheaper grades. South half of lot 1(8, con. 12, East Wawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation • bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDUE, • Wingham 21tf. The . session does not give pro- mise of being of any great length or of more than ordinary impor- tance. Still, as my good old friend Archie Bremner used to say, "One cannot always tell from where one sits, what thing it is be least ex- pects the most ;" and it is a cur- ious fact in Parliamentary history that the three longest sessions on record—those of 1885, 1900 and 1891—were all' regarded, before they were opened, as likely to be "short and uneventful," yet the first lasted 173 days, the second 168, and the third 155, so, it will not be very surprising if "some- thing" which we "least expect most" turns up, and the session drags out to midsummer. One thini;, however, must be remem- bered with duration of future '; es- sions, and that is that last year the sessional indemnity of bunators and Members was permanently in- creased to $1,500, the principal argument in favor of the increase being the greater length of the res sions now compared with 20 years ago when the indemnity s fix dat $1000. Indeed Sir Wilfred Laurier said hi almost as many words,that it would be useless to expect session's in future to last less than four growth awful; t0 the {,t orvth of the eoutttry and the constantly in - increasing volume of both public all Our Own Blend, �-- Black Tea, ar-- "= 20, 25, 30, .1.0, 50 & 70 ct . lb. Here again take our advice Er: and practice economy by using the better grades. You'll be delighted with them. - A Swell Wedding Good Coffee. Try our 40c Coffee. We claim to give you the best value in Coffee, no matter what price you pay. New Dress Goods. Brocades, New Shades, Satin Cloth, New Shades, New Serres, Lustre, Cashmere, Homespun, Cheviot, etc. New Muslins. New Dimities. New Art Draperies. New Prints. o Butter, ,Eggs, Dried Apples and Onions wanted, also Cabbage, Pars- a.=-.-- nips, etc. .0:9061,11M. F— E Jno. & Jas.II. Kerr Great bargains in New Flannelettes. 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, IOC, I2c. See these goods February Sale M-3 woe -- 5 -.-er ---m of seasonable goods at 75 cents on the Dollar, ...a• New Trimmings. Applique, new designs. Sequim, popular prices. New Lace Trimmings. Anything mentioned in this column you can have at a discount of 25 per cent. Move quick if you want to secure some great bargains in New Goods. New Lace Curtains. 25C, 40C, 50C, 75C, $1, $1.25 up to $3.00 a pair, and bet- ter value than was ever of- fered in Wingham. Overcoats Ulsters Suits Caps Gauntlets Mitts Lined Gloves Wool Sox 'Wool Shirts Carpets Mantle Cloth Shawls Winter Skirts Blankets Hoods Tams Toques Felt Boots • Long Boots Rubbers & Sox Moccasins Overshoes .Leggins Men's and Boys' Underwear WEaCd011aliu. Blick, Williiam �lilltU!{bttd60iUlUililli6�lli6i{biUtiiitiiUli1ti66tlitllt{Fi11i1611lUltld{iilli�liilllNllUi6i{1tii6bitiildF's ated� —^e Inman a w.o Jno. & Jas. N. Kerr means rich and handsome gifts for bridal presents, and handsome table silver is atnong the most acceptable as well. as most useful of anything that can be offered. Our fine array of flat and hollow ware, solid silver spoons, forks, ladels, and a fine display of cat glass sets, are something to excite admiration. The quality is fine, the workmanship elaborate, (Mures, Take for instance the grant $50,000 for n harbor on Lake (1 private legislation, nom. Confederation down to a H. II, Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store r\,\\\\t 4 a, \\ `rr1 l , •! i 4 1�t�� J i �0� , ,'y/.o ' '''i'd'bf ‘,\k,1:.,;1. %%'.1 kri. '1 ,' ION\ i�� :r4. \``\\r,: ''S ^tet . 1,`, l�.i�1\ Ll ru6to s§ nd. 11, 666\ \t ` timo;outgb�g�� \\\\1\\\.,1.4 \\ x1, \1, ROVIS .rho r oiivo a light i N that'd rich end brli- \� i\\,itl►ant. No odor. \y' hrnnq style$, Sold everywhere. ra.s.s. STOCR MEN, Attention! *1,111 Before purchasing your Winter Supply of SUS; PHTJR, SALTS, SALTPETRE, ETC. CALL ON II. A. DOIIQLKSS Chemist & Druggist and get quotations. Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. Have Perfect Silent )aetwoon perfect sight and pi+rtial blindness are many degrees of fleeing. Modern sci. *nee enables us toi • jive perfect vInlgn to nearly a. ll who see; 1J� (hoowev�erryim�rperffecctlyy 9(�'' Y . Halsey Parit Scientific Optician. tonal 3oWeler ,a8' .®0` Windham, Ont. THE PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE A Dining Room. A cosy dining room is appreciated by every member of the family in winter. Our Furniture makes it a cosy and handsome room, It does not need to be fine architecturally to look com- fortable. Our graceful quarter cut Oak Extension Tables and Dining Chairs will transform the plainest room into a hitndsome room. We have a fine assortment of Couches—from $5 to $24. For a Leader our $8.50, in the best Velure, is considered by everyone great value. w'In a few days we will be able to show you something new in Picture Moulding (American design.) Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, where night calls receive prompt at- tention. Iros. al Furniture Dealers & Undertakers ,>. The General Election Is approaching, but present needs and present opportuni. ties are of greater importance. Do you treed an Overcoat ? We have the best materials, the leading lines, and make it up in the latest styles. Do you need a Suit ? A glance at our superb stock will convince you that here you have the best choice. It costs no snore to have thein made in style, to fit with comfort and look well, Do You Need— Hate, Caps, Shirts, Underclothing, Socks, Ties, hoots, and Shoes --of any kind, ladies', Gents' and children's, Our stock in these lines is first-class. IN TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS WE EXCEL. Homuth & Sons.