HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-02-27, Page 129T11 YEAR, NO, 2.6,
Capital $2,500,000
Reserve - • - $2,500,000
SHAW 131-0011.
A General 13anking Butanes&
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same.
Drafts boughtand sold on all
notate M Canada, United States
Intereetallowed on deposits ot e1,00 and
upwards and added to principal 3oth Juno
and 3ist'Decomber (Ault year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager
R,Tanstone, Solicitor.
For Sale.—.A. Y. Irwin,
Settlers' Excursions. -0. I. R.
New Gooas.-11, E, Isard es 0o,
Mite Fisb, Trona etc,—at Gri
A, Swell Wedding. -41. H. Chisholm,
New Spring Goods.—M. IL icIndoe.
See Halsey Park's advt.
Special line of printings at,Maxvveln
Alf. Broker of Brume spent Sunda
in town.
Bert. Leevis of Toronto visited friend
in town over Sanday.
LADI8s.—See tbe newest creation
in Footwear at Greer%
Miss Boyd iSattending the milliner
openings in Toronto this week,
Nye. Cuyler and Miss Winnie wer
guests of Mrs. Manners last week.
The Toronto Star is of the opinion
that .1`011n Cameron hawing left tbe
editorial chair for the postmasterehip
of Lonclou, will not have to.pablinh the
letters that react him hereafter.
Jas.Donean, of Glenannan, has been
Q1 for the past few weeks with an abs-
cess on one lung. Dr. new operated
on him on Weclnescley, nod it is bayed
be is on the road to beelth again
Have you seen Maxwell's New Suite
inge ? If not, yoe ehould•
What do you think of the man who
when esnen to bring his plionograph
to a party the other night, took his
vviftt, with the excuse that his other
talking inacbine had broken down.
line', son of D. M. Gordon, is doing
well in Trento, Though only six
*mouths in the employ a T, Eaton 00.
Ie recently bed Ins wages raised $1
per week, for "faithfol servive," •Con
binned suceess, Roy,
Step I Consider 1 Is the cheapeet In-
surance the best Experienee answers
No; bewareena. J. Mageire.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Robb of Clif-
ford, and Miss Frankie Hainpeon uf
Mount Foreet, visited their uncle, A-
1)111111.1ga of town, Sunday, .aliss Mag-
gie Smith, sister of Mrs, Dulmage, was
also a vieitor at the same time, .
The nest convictidtt in Toroeto for
packing the small apples in the centre
of the barrel and. the big ones at the
top is registered. Eben James was
fined $4.25 for having in his riossession
18 packages with "big ones" at the
Y top.
If you want Lace Curtains yon
s should buy .theia at D. M. Gordou's.
A. big Attack in lovely designs.
s A. gentleman was surprised while
out for a drive recently bythe conduct
otha boy whom he asked to ride, The
boy refused obstinately, and when
prevailed upon for a reason said he ex -
petted a whipping when he got home
and was in no 'hurry.
Love is blind. That le why so man
women marry men to reform. thorn.
Y A young man recently got even vvith
a girl who had jilted him. He sent
her a request to go nriviug and when
n she had joyfully aeeepted and rigged
berself out en her very best cloth-
. Mg, he sent her a hammer and
• Jot of nails with the information that,
she coald drive all she pleased.
a Tettnexe ANO VA.XASIgs.—A.I ways go
to Greer's for good:value. in a Trunk (»;
Valise,. ,
Colored Shirts are all the rage. ID
M. Gordon has the swellest ones i
town ; see window.
John Farquharson of Teeswater vis
ited relatives in town over Sunday,
F. 33..Beemer, 0, P. R. operator
relieved the operator of Teesevater
few days Iasteveelc.
Mr. and, Mee; Aley vet -tweed t
town this; week from Detroit after n
Absence of a couple of months.
• swift rtini,waa made by a livery,
nt 'mine an SetIneleh e'S`elehh IninOaqn7
more of Port Huron was driving inetO
town, and as the rig Champed into one
of the many pitch -holes on the roachthe
horse took fright, eat into town and
;termed the block, smashing several
panes of glass in Gannett's implement
shop, and badly vvrecking the cutter.
air. S. Merrifield is still confined to
bed with inflammatory rheumatism,
and at times suffers intense pain,
; WeleTers—A house in the vicinity of
Bell's furnithre factory, •fear a cash
tuner ; apply to T. J. Maguire.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeMath, and
. daughters Margery and Ruth, ef Olin -
ton, were guests of Mrs, Manners lest
Two 'nee at Kirktouecut,, split, and
piled 100 cords of wood in 00 hours.
while two others cut 10 cords in 81
Robt. Maxwell's advt. Came in too
lite for insertion in tlxis issue. He an-
nounces the anneal of neveCspring
goods. „
Motes-La—Rolf Butter.—We pay the
highest Cash price in Canada. N'o.el.
Mink or Fox $3.50,e -G, E. Knee. -
"Miss Minnie Greer spent a few days
in Brussels last week and attended the
wedding of her *tend, Miss Jean
Miss Pansy Reynolas left on Wed-
nesday morning to attergl tbe milli-
nery openings in Toronto e before re.
turniug to Essex.
Rev, If.' I. Oaten, Rev, R. Hobbs, F.
G. Sperling, A. E. Lloyd Med .Tno. Kerr
attended the Tenaperance Convention
iu Torouto on Tuesday.
Sermon 81101/3.—Mistes. and Chil-
dren's School Shoes, all solid leather —
splendid value, at W. S. Greetes.
Mrs, Cash of Goderieh was the
guest of Wieglicon, friends last •week ;
she was on her way to. visit a relative
in Grey who is 105 years of age.
Miss Bessie Wash, who has been
employed with E. C. Clarke foe the
past few nionths, left. on Monday for
Loodon, Where she has setured a situtte
On the steed in Toronto on Tuesday
fall wheat solcl at 77e to 78c; spring- at
70c to 72c; goose at 67c; barley 5S'eto
03c; oats 45c to 410; baekwheat 050 and
rye 59c,
AUCToN SAUL —Ou Satertirty, Mareh
8, fern) stock, includingten good dairy
cows. young cattle, horses, sand twenty
breeding ewes—A. Tipling.
The live business Ulan tegards it a
duty he owes to Ids patrons to let them
know through their newspaper what
he Las to offer them, eepe..cially if it is
sortiething epeeial.
Dr. liolloway has pleeeta one of the
latest improven dental chaira in his
office. It is said the contfort of sitting
in it drives away the thooghe of pain
in dental operations.
Winnipeg, Feb. 25.—The Dominioe
Alliance ollicials to -day presented a
petition to LieuterienteGovernor Mee
Millen asking his llonor to 'clisallOW
the Mratitobe, Referendum bill.
Iusuranee effected at tide office on
life or property, at such toles as aye
governed by unimpotiatetble •secarity,
which slitudil be the point for cousid-
evatioe by the intending insureree-T.
3, Maguire,
Tbe Clinton New Era says :.—Wife
in conversation-. the other day W.
Newcombe inforined us that he paid
out $700 in advertising daringthe past
year. Although be thought this was
quite a large sum he considers he was
well repaid in returns. While there
are some merchants who do not adver-
tise so extensively y, e there are others
wbo might well take a lesson from Mr,
Newcombe' for advertising is the lever
which moves the mountains of trade.
Get your New Spring Suit at Max-
The Exeter Advocate says :--It
would be a great convenience to the
public if township councils would erect
sign posts at, the road corners giving
the name of concessions anti sideeoache
The expenses would be trifling. Far -
melt, too, wind hen) in tide matter by
placing a small, neat board on the
gateway, giving name of owner and
inituber of lot. If some enterprising
township would undertake to be the
pioueer in this scheme it would spring
ioto fame and popularity.
Town properties for sale, ranging in
price from $100.00 to 84,00000, also
some flee building lots.—T. J. Maguire.
Clean Sidewalks.
The orders have gone forth—Olean
tit your sidesvelks, so that walking on
them will be preferable to wading the
shish oo the street,
Please I
• Will the party who took in mistake
thibet caperine et the Masonic "At
Home," kindly return it at once to
Ilanna's store and get their own.
For Sale.
A flue building; let on Diagonal St.,
00 feet frontoge, fruit and ornamental
trees, opposite Dr. Towler's residence;
also 18,000 sand -moulded brick. Apply
at t esidence or office, to—A. J. Dewier,
Mrs, Eleanor Johnston, Who has
been sorely afflicted with rheutnatiarn
for many months has been inueli worse
diwitag the pe,st two weeke. Her rela.
tives have been summoned to her bed -
as her ease is considered critical.
Mrs. Johnstott has been a great sitiferer,
For the past two weeks there has
been a deluge of job work itt the Ad -
vane() ale°. With the Town Auditors'
report, three ohurch reports, 3 librery
catalogues, it pamphlet, it large mum-
tity of Society printing, several thous.
and business forms and it lot of general
job work, we have had one hands full,
but if our patrons have it little patieuce
we will get their work done as quickly
as poesible eonsistent with good work.
GIAINT8' Foterennene--Sea the met
np-to-dtite Gentili' Shoot over shown in
town, at W. 3, Greer,
Auction Sale,
On south balf of lot 10, con. %More
on Monday, March 8rd, veluable
stock and, implements, aud ten
twelve tons of hay. Sale at one p.
Hay, and sinus of $5 and under—cas
for the rest ten months' credit, Th
Feeder, Proprietor; J. Merle, at
Here's A 44Corner,"
Within the last ninety days, it
Amid that Armour & Co. and Swift
Oa. uf Chicago have "cornered" 11
egg market to snob an 'extene Wet
they sell their stocks at the prose
prices, they would make a clear pro
of $1,800,000. This is robbery of t
consumer to profit the cepiettliet, bi
uow a-cley suck it move goes by th
Uatue of business tact.
'180 Dr. A. J. 1rwin has sold his residence
V114 on Diagonal street to 3. Lennox, 'Who
or takes possession about March 20, the
m, ititme time that Dr, Irwin expects to
; remove to the resklenee he recently
os. purchased from Win, FesSant.
1°' Ill 24 Hours.
The 200 extra copies of last week's
issue of the Advance eve gone.
is twenty-four hours. Four hundred
he copies would enarceiy have supplied
is the demand. All day .Seturday and
if Monday canie requests for copies,
nt. which we could not supply, and even
fit yet customers are asking for them.
he. Steunae, Rectengular and Triangular,
or any shape of it farrn you desire, for
• sale at this office,.-. ,I, Maguire,
The Advance 'regrets to hear of the
; loss sustained on Monday lastaby W.
h R. Davis. of the blitchell Advocate.
d 13y the explosion of the gasoline tank,
o the office was wrecked, and the build-
ing enveloped in flames, whicb,. bow -
Q., ever, were soon extingoiehed, Ralph
Davis,son of the proprietoieand others
d of the employees were severely burn.-
" ed. The loss is placea at $2,000; insur-
ance on contents, $1,000; bnilding,
g $600. Mr, Davis is making prepere-
e tions with new material to issue the
e Advocate as usual. The paper was es-
tablished in Meech, 1830, and has not
yet missed an issue. The proprietor is
s brother of Mr, H. Davis of Wingham.
It “Took.,,
The Obatsworth (Ont.) "News" say
• "A good joke is told on it Chistewort
youug man who went, to Owen Soul;
one day last week and dropped int
Die Lang's office to be vaccinated, Th
doctor asked if he had ever been va
ciliated before and he replied
been vaccinated teviee aucl baptize
three titnes and neither of the took.
The doctor hesitated, but finally con
ducted to vaccinate him, and judgin
from the way he holds his arm th
third vaccination "took," even if th
tined baptism didn't."
Romenns RUBISEus l—Greer's is th
place to get thein. Women's, 25 cant
a pair.
Costly Living.
Chas. Clark of Kincardine) writes it
interestingletter from Johannesburg
South Africa. Among other things
he says :,—To live comforeably in Jo
hannesburgtequires a fat purse. Vege
tables are away np, Tomatoes bring
half a crown (about 00 cents) a pound
eggs 13 and 14 shillings a dozen and
frnie likewise.. Tim person who is so
unfortneate as to become sick would
do well to a,void the medical fraternity
unless possessed of a couple of bundred
quid. After my unfortunate experi-
ence here I visited an American clene
tist to inspect my teeth. A couple of
teeth regnired filling end upon enquir-
ing the price I was mimed to learn le
would costnee ;828, oe anent $1,10. Of
course] refused' to sit. '•-
,Pree Library. -
The newly elected.Boarcl or Manage-
inent for . Free 'Library is
eenetthated as,fullows t—thoseappoiree,
ad • bY tue 'Tem') Co ; nc11-71.1dv.
Prior, 3. A. Clime, A. Oosens ; appoint-
edhy the School Board—I. H. Mus-
geove, 3. E; Davis, E. L. Dickinson,
A, meeting a the Beard waa held op
Friday evening -and organization effect-
ed. 4., Cosens was elected President,
3, A. Morton,,Secretaey, and .j. E.
Davis. Treasurer, It WAS, decided to
issue fiekets to ratepayers of the town
at five cents. each, coveringthe loan of
twenty books; otasiders to pay the
*sante price as before. The regular
meeting night of the Board will be the
first Thursday of the month, in the
Reading Room,. Members who have
paid their subscription to the Public
Library will receive books free until
Ike expiry of their present subscrip-
You cannot make a mistake in buy -
ng your Dress Goods at JD. 141, Gor-
The C. 0. F. concert on Friday even -
n ing was not as well attended as it
, should, have been considering the ex-
cellent Went secured by the commit-
- tee. Ruthven MacDonald as a vocalist
- won golden opinions from his audi-
ence. • He has a magnificent voice, pi
, great onmpass and richness. Miss La-
Dellewas happy and entertaining' in
her 'elncutionary renderings. Harry
M. Bennett caused heaps of innocent
merriment with his comic songs, Mr.'
IVIailland's piano solos were well re-
ceived. Air the performers were
encored, mid responded' , liberally,
Mrs. MacDonald was accompanist for
her husband; The program. -should
have drawna tali house.' •
don's. The mosteetylish goods alsvays
on hand.
Huron County.
Says the Goderich Signal :— The
criminal statistics of the county of
Huron for the past few montbs(if
collection of ciphers can be said to con-
stitute "statistics") may well be made
the subject of a newspaper paragraph.
Since the 7th of September last, that
is, during it period of uearly six months
there has not been it single person
charged with crime within the bonnds
of this large coanty. There are a few
inmates in the count:, Ratan but they
are all, without exception, confined
either for insanity or for vagrancy.
These facts indicate a condition which
is probably without precedent in the
history of the county, and are a coin-
tnetiterv upon the gradual bet sore ion
proVeinent in the inerals of the people,
11 svould perhaps not be too much to
say that we have in Huron county ono
of the most orderly stud peaceable cotn.
munities itt the world.
AO. II. W.
The following gleaned frotn the very
eoinplete report of M. D. Cattier,
Grand Reeorder, will interest not only
members of the Order but, the public
generelly. The members initiated in
in 1001 was 4,810. Members in good
etanding Dec. 31, 42,552, Average age
of new members 29 yrs.) 10 mons., 11
days. In 1901 there were 20 new lodges
organized, Total lodges In Ontario,
410. The Reserve n'atul is $226,315.69.
Paid in 1901 for 337 deaths $333,030,00.
A,.verage age at death 51 yrs., 8 mons.,
7 days. Amount paid for deeths sinee
organization $0,830,108.21. Cash re -
coated io 1001 from all sources $721,323,-
4i. Death rate 8,13 per 1030. Dr, 3.
M. Cotton, Grand Medical Exantiner,
makes very loll report oe eacb death.
Chief among causes of death are; Tu-
berculosis 88, accidents 31,heart disease
30, °ander 27, Bight's disease 17, Alm -
May la, diabetes 4, appottc1iciti 7 it.
is interesting tO note the ages et which
members died ; 11 members died be-
tween 18 and 24 yrs; 5 between 25 and
20; 12 between 30 mid 01; 27 between
35 and 30; 20 between 40 and 44; 40 be-
tween 45 and 49; 47 between 50 and 51;
02 between SS and GO; and 104 at the
as of 00 years and bver,
• The long-standing feeliug of dissatis-
faction with the Grand Trunk tilde) •
ser viee, ena the branch lines:„ running
narthetly from Palnierstep Cnenfirteted
'in it meeting on Tqesday in the Palm -
C b 4 b Of n
erstair, c er, me repree
sewing nearly all the municipalities
affected. A boa 00 delegates were pre-
sent, sent by theOeuncils or Boards of
Teade of theelifferent, towns and town-
ships. Among thenowere three mem-
bers of Pat Hamel) t, Messrs. Boventan,
Cargill, and Halliday. After discus-
sion, it resolution was passed appoint-
ing a permanent Railway Committee,
to be.cornposed of delegates from muni-
cipalities. Tbe committee is first to
confer with the railway authorities,
and failing relief there, to approach
the Government, asking the appoint-
ment of it Railway Commission or
some other relief.
EvERTTIIIRG Naw—Expenses and
prices are light; Suits strongest.
Shorey's niake, bought for cash, sold
for cash.—A. R. Smith, Chisholm's
A Good Suggestion.
The ITensall •Observer :suggests that
it would be a good idea, for every town,
village. or country elite.) in °uteri° to
hold a:concert with local talent at say,
1.0 or 15 .nents admission and send the
proceede tO the Free Oen s u tit pti ve Hos-
pital at Mtiskoke, Sinalitiox has cost
this peovince during the past year,
about $150,003, and where smallpox
has proved' fatal in perhaps twenty
cases, conseniption lias carried oft
nearly three thonsand of our people,
Ibis the opinion of those who know
that within ten years this dreaded
white plague may tie literally stamped
out. Then the law of self preservation
should inspire every loyal citizen with
it desire to do his or 'her part in the
work of ridding one land of an evil
which dining the last twenty years
has carried off fifty thousand of its be -
habitants, The suggestion of the Ob -
sever is a good one, and should , be
carried out in every town.
Wingham curlers were favored witb
a visit by &Moral lovers of the "roar-
ing game" on Friday evening, and au
interesting game was played which
restnted in it victory for Wingham,
The players and score wore I—
Wingliton Seaforth
L. Hanson , F. Kling
W. H. }tele .1, Steen
A, a. Alderson W, It Pearce
F. Patterson W. Ament
• (skip) 22 • (skip) 8
II, Jeffrey G, 1, Hendersoit
O. Inneebtel 3. M. Best
D. Dinsley T, Riehardson
V. Van norniati A, W' on
(skip) 23 a) 10
Majority for Winghtun, shote.,
After the game it WV entiti s en-
joyed at the Nathaniel hop,
51cDonald favored the Ow •n,
choice vocal selection, Tltti
players, thongle defeated, ,a;
the gentlemanly treatment ace d
them by the Winghain team.
13fte, Powrien, — Apply to Palmer
Norden, Winghain.
Pon Your; ItY103,--AVOitl trinMAI
puke, and try home talent, We
ottly the littest and mod Imprint,
methods for correcting defects in sig 1.
IL Chlaholre, Corner Jewellery Store.
About forty of the friends of A. 1,
• Sebastian met at McKelvie'e restaurant
on Teesday evening to extend to him
their cordial wisbes for his future wel-
fare. After the oysters had been en-
joyed, 11. A. Douglass was called to
the cbair, and the, guest of the evening
was presented witb a beautiful gold
innket, with the initials A,J.S. prettily
engraved thereon; accompanying the
presentation was an address, convey-
ing the kindest wishes. Songs by j. M.
Maitland and Milton flonuitie, recita-
tion by R. ,Cfordon; it quartette and
short addresses follilwed. Our young
townsman left on Wednesday for To,
ronto, lie will an an early date go
west, nnd expectsto locate at Devil's
Lake, May- be meet with tbe fullest
measure of success in the great west,
where se faany of Ontario young men
have made their- home, is the wish of
hie Wingham friends.
Better buy it Ready -Made Snit at D.
M. Gordon's. Every Buie will be sold
at it bargain for 30 Days,
Farms for %lie at any price, suitable
for either stock raising or grain Lona*,
or for hoth industries.—T..t. Maguire.
Losue—On Wednesday, north of
Winghani, a Week fue Ganntlet. Find-
er leave it at. Advance office, and re-
ceive reward,
Death has been bnsy since Our last
issue, and as a result several homes in
Ibis vicinity are saddened because of
the lose of loved ones.
On Thursday last, James Miller, a,
respected resident of 13, line, Howick,
passed over to the great silent major-
ity, at the age 02 45. Re was born in
Blanchard township, and had been ill
about a year, A lit tle over a year ago
he removed to 1111chigan, but, being ill
returned to Howick. He was a son of
Andrew Miller, of Wingham, and a
member of the Church of .England.
• On Mondey last *Mrs Prior, at tbe
age of 02, paseed the bountlary of time.
Six years ago, her hiesbaed passed
away,. For the past two years, de-
ceased resided with ane of her daugh-
ters in 'Wingliani.. Three sons and
foor ditughters areleft to meurrt for
mother ,The Sens are Hogb, Biehniel
itud Arthat ethe datighteks are Mrs,
'Fryfogle of altchigan, Mre.,Wilson ef
Hanover, Mrs. &ticker of Winghant
and 111 Ise Minnie, now of Wingluttn.
The funeral took place, on Wednesday,
Rev, W. Lowe conducting the service,
Last week, we reported Mrs. Ininsley
in a critical condition from the effects
of ,ar stroke of paralysis received on
Tuesday, 18th inst. She lingered until
Saturday when her spirit took its
flight. She had been a resident
of Winghani for the last twenty
'Years. She had been twice married,
her 'second lei:hand predeceased
her five years, She leaves two eons
and six daughters. The sins are .Amos
of Michigan, Abram, of Wingham ;
the datighters—Mrs. Wm. Ilomuth of
Turnberry, Mrs. J. 3', Homuth and
Mrs. R. • J. Irwin' of Wingham, Mrs.
Broderick and Mrs. Ragine of Michi-
gan. The funeral took piece on, Mon-
day, Deceased was 71 years of age.
By the death of Mr. John Eingg,
Wingham has lost an estimable citizen
and upright bneinees man. For some
menthe be had been in failing health,
as the result of it rapid growth of can-
cer. The skill of physicians proved
unavailing, and the enl drew near
rapidly, until on Saturday led the
messenger came a,nd called his spirit
home. Mr. Bugg had ouly been a rest -
dent of Winghain for about three
years, but in that time had won the
esteem and confidence of- the commu-
nity. He leaves a widow and one
daughter, Miss Birdie ; also two sone,
Herbert of town and William of De-
troit, The funeral took place on Tees -
day to Wingliam cemetery, Rev. N.
turwash conducting the services. The
0. 0. B'., of which deceased was a
member, also conducted it service at
the grave. Poor brothers—Richard of
Cutnnock, William of Chicago, Charles
of London end George of Shelburne...
were with him in his latest hoers.
The sorrowing family, Mrs. Bugg, bliss
Birdie, and the sons Herbed and Will-
iam, have the sympathy of the com-
munity in their trial, but the Ines ,of
husband and father is one of. those tei.
ale where human synmether fail* to
lift the burden from the heart, Mr.
Richard 'Rugg, who came to be with
his brothee itt his last hours, was taken
stiddenly il on Fridley with appendiei-
Ms, and it was feared that an operation
would have to be performed. We are
pleased, however, • to hear that he is
Dr, Ottruutn, goneral superinteficlent
of be alethodist church, preached two
fine sermons on Sandtty %St, in Wing -
ham Methodist church. Notwith.
standing his age, he is reinerkably
Vigorous. Tine elecerie lights tailed itt
the tvening, and the cdotreh was but
dimly lighted With lamps. Dr, Oar.
man melted the evening Set-1144re les.
*nett 'Mahout Any whatever.
Ws mewing subject was l'God's Cove.
nante laaard on DettSfr. -8 t 18; the even.
1n btI'e wtts—"The old Mall and the
tarn oundea on Rpheslans 4r2241,
Ministers and church workers generally. are
cOrilially invited to contribute items of church
news under this bending, tram their respective
A. Presbyterian therch to be built at
Moosomin this spring will cost from
• $7,000 to p0,000,
Rev. B. A, Hall of Bervie is likely to
be Rector of Gerrie within a fey
weeks, if the 13ishop approves of the
Rev. James Livingstone of Windsor
has declined the -cell to Dawson Oity,
where lie was offered $3,000 per year
and free passage. He will go to Petro -
lea on July 1.
Bowinanville Methodists now use
individual eims at communiou services.
The sot provided, mitts about $100 and
includes 850 glossae, ten cane trays,
silver pitcher and other accessariee,
Opening services will be eontinued
in the Methodist church next Sunday,
Rev. C. T. Scott of Landon will preach
morning and evening, andr, Scott is
eye of the able, younger ministers of
the churcla, and will be heard with
His Lordship the Bishop of Huron
has arranged to visit the deanery of
Huron in May for Confirmation servi-
ces as followsi—Seaforthl Sunday, Ma,y
4th ; Olinton, Monday. 5th ; Winghain,
Tuesday, 0th. and Exeter, Wednesday
71h, at such hours as may be decided
by the several rectors.
Rev. Dr. Chown spoke on prohibi-
tion in the Broadway Tebernaele, To-
ronto recently. He expressed himself
as being decidedly opposed to it refer-
endum, and the religious paper that
guggested it, he said, had made a mis-
chievous proposal. Under the present
conditions he fully expected 030 it
would, if submitted, be defeated, and
to see Premier Ross go back on his
pledge and side with the anti -prohibi-
tionists simply for a moss of pottage
was the saddest thing in the history of
of the country.
The pastor of the Congregational
Chtlreb begins it course of "Illustrated
Sunday evening services" next Sun -
d:1. to iPlluensdtirdaitetThs o'Vni osnVVBn
i be
t -
y a n's immortal allogory,`*The Pilgrim*
?regress." The semen, views,hyluns
ilMstrated and plain—scripture -Watt
end, !wafts fare projecte4,1 Means
of it poweeful Scloptican auto a 12 foot
screen. AU seats are free and every-
body is cordielly welcome. Subject of
morning sermon will be "Esau, the
birthright seller."
The annual meeting of St. Helens
Presbyterian congregation was held
on thel7th inst. Very satisfactory re-
ports were presented. The Treasurer's
report showed receipts of $1760.29 ; the
Missionary Association report, tits.
bursements amonnting to 8410.85;
the Women's Auxiliary- expeuded $87.-
70, the Sabbath School $55.71, and the
Young People's Bible Class $07.20.
There are on the roll 218 communi-
cants ; during 1001 there were three
deaths. The .pastor, Rev. S. M. Wha-
ley, 13. A. is doing a good work, and
his services are appreciated by his peo-
ple, As an evidence of their apprecia-
lion, they recently raised his salary
$50. May Calvin church continue to
The Rdinisslon of a communication in liege
columns does not imply that we endorse the
sentiments of the writer.—Editor Advance.
Editor Wingham Advance,
DEAR Sun.—With. your permission, I
weuld like a spiel space in your valeto
ble paper; woulti have done so last week
• but knew that all available space would.
be taken up as previously announced.
Now Tam interested in. "dough" as was
"Citizen" in his communication two
weeks thugs The weight of bread great-
ly distressed him. If he knew the many
disadvantages that bakers have to con-
tend with, we thitik henceforth his an-
athemas, towards that class would be
milder auet more charitable. , Every
baker weighs each loaf of dough 2 lbs,
3 me.; the 3 ozs, are for shrinkage in
baking. Now Si', sometimes the Oven
will be a few degrees too warm, .001350-
quently the bread whoa baked will be
I oz. short. A change in flour will Immo- .
times fool the baker, Also different Wood ;,
yes Sir, 1 have know% even a ebauge of
temperature to *fleet the dough in awl -
it manner that it 'will dry more iu the
baking, Why blees my heart, the bah -
era as a rule are the mosb generous peo.
plasm this beautiful earth, but yet none
take so much abuse, and none work for
so small profits. Yon gob it pound of
steak, 12 11 is an omme ehort, wonld you
eall the butcher a rogue? No, bitt plod
of bread an ounce Sheet, then the baker
Is dishoaest, his btead iettiketifromhim,
he is fined and lieneeforth earries With
hint it brana like unto Cain of old, which
shall never be effstakeoking you
for yoor courteey,1
P.cs.,tfufly reninin,
A. Tama or run Prav.
Money to loan on netts, tied notes
disconnted at reasonable rates. Money
oelvenced 00 mortgeg,es At 11 Per tent.
Wit h privilege of pitying et the mei of
ttny ymr. otee and accounts collect-
ed. Oftice—Deaver- block, Wingbam.
11.0trr. MoiNnoo. *980
.11.1cK OF BEM
Gapitaleald up ete.000.009. Reeerve, e1,500,00
1.11112/13111,14, General Menem.
President—.Tolin 'nutlet
•Vice-,Preilident—A.G. Ramsay
4,ashler—.1. Turnbull
Dingeronsu—robai Proctor,: Win. Gibson,
Oee, ROS-Obt 4, T. Wood, 4. B. Les (Toronto
Savings Beni,: hours10 to 3; Saturdays lb to 1
Deposits of $1 and newardareeeived.
Greet +Mewed and computed on Seth November
and 31st May each year.and added to principal
Special DeOosits also recolve4 at -current
rates of interest.
Drafts ou Great Britain and the 'United
states bought awl sold,
V- IA. rhogiresorr, Solicitor.
Travellers; are notified that the Bank of
Hamilton and its grata:hes issue Circular notes
of the National Provineial Pe, '- ltualeed
(144J -which can be cashed wh,..-att pbarge or
trouble in any Ilarf of the werle"
Sha*',—Tzt Morrie, on Feb. 10th, to Mr.
• and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, a son.
AfeLachlan—At Tolleete Rome,' Obate
• ham, Ont., on Feb, 17th, the wife of
D, 1VIcLachlau, of it son.
Ounninghatri—wolace—In Westfield,
by Rev. S. M. Whaley, 2. A.„ on the
20th inst., Mr. John Cunningham. of
Markdale, to Miss Thomasine
• Wheeler—Forrest.—At the residence
of bride's parent, Morris, on Feb. 12,
by Rev. F. Swa.nn, Mr. Geo. Wheeler
of Grey. to Miss Agnes, eldest dangle,
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Forrest.
Broadfoot—Walker--At the residence
of the bride's brother, Brussels, ore
Feb. 19th, by Rev, Sohn BOSS, 13, 4.,.
Mr. Robert E. Broadfoot, merchant;
of Gladstone, Man„ te Miss Jean
Walker of Brussels.
Barnhill,—In Mina, on Tuesday, Feb.
18th, john Barnhill, formerly of
Brussels, aged 81 year, 0months,
Mooney.—In Brussels, on Saturday.
Feb. 15th, Maggie Ronne, if of
Wm, G. Mooney, aged 87 feers and
4 months,
Bilgg.—In Wingham, on Saitirday,
Feb. 23rd, John Bugg, aged 50 years.
Prior.—In Wingham, on Monday,
Feb. 24th, Annie Jones, relict of the
late Mr. Prior, aged 62 years.
Kinsley. Wingham, on Satornay,
Feb, 22nd, Mrs. KineleY, aged 71 yrs.
Howick, on Thursday% Feb'.
• 20111Jas Miller, aged 45 years,
A Panacea For
Rheumatism is treated With mifitZ
big emcees at Mount Clemens,' Mich.
Severity-fiv0 'per cent. of Rtteumatirs.
are cin•ecl, a,nd ninety per cent. benefit-
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The bubbling springs are 'highly
cbarged evitb mineral constituents
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ties that have proven so efficacions
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Excellent hotel accommodation. F'or
free booklee giving full particulars,
list of hotels and boarding houses with
rates) and all information write to M.
C. Dickson, Dis. Pass, Agent, G. T. R.,
BEST METEOES.—Have your eyes
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Jewellery Store.
Cony eyancee, Land, Loan
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Farms and town property bought, sold,
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Money to loan at 4} to 6 Per cent.
Liberal terms of repayment.
Piro and Life Assurance at lowest rates In
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Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange.
Extensive list of properttes to choose front
Notice To Farmers.
/f you are not satisfied with the the site or
situation of your farm, this matter eat be
easily remedied, as I have applications from
all parts of the country for farms or everY 818e
and description: acme to buy and others to
exchange; so that ram sure that if you give
moan idea as to what you wanta eat assist you
and in to ease will there be any costs unlosa I
accomplish your object.
If you would care to exchange your farm
for town, village .er city propert y,or for a farm
in Manitoba or the N. W. Territoric$, call and
siteerwahtirtotnp. ropoaltions I eau offer r mi. for con-
'l'o'i'n property for sale to suit the ,PeChet
of any intending purchaser.
T., J. MADUIRS, Real gstate Agent .
Office over 1), M. Gordon's Store.
Compound Syrnp
of White Pine
Elloalyptol ahd
Wilt immediately relieve and
quickly cure Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis and all affec.
lions of the Throat and Lungs.