The Wingham Advance, 1902-02-13, Page 6Thanke, dear Mrs. Oremly, for elver etlatee ele as -10e ettassosea
CEYLON TEA. I baVe tried It, and sunat eay it le most deleasus.
husband 110fir says that breakfast re eeraceirlesse Is* teat terevaal sar.
I The Coming of Gillian: I
+ A Pretty /rash Romanee. re
444++4444444•44++++++++++++++++++++++++ el -f-4-1-1-1. 1- 1-1,444
with Captain Lave a departere fee 4+++++.+++++++++4.i• f+++++++
ly' Of ilk, dEdeat Sir titindlnir Of tie. . •
It4,1•0111V '1,F Stil1. tilin ildnI
lit 13 00011* I FORTUNE TELLNG I
feat. alio emontlito over the defer- e.
red wedding, runti the britiegrounie t
abrupt return to Ireland ite ts IA- T
vial delay, and the merest bueincie aosaa+++++++++++++4,eaaeaease.
calves for a flying visit.
"lit all probability me, hauler vfl A Anodise writer, allse Koadacheff,
return whit leapt:Ain leteyhasito treys, 'tend in the Febroary at. NIchotlee
blandly. ..nk, wouLt Lave anise over ewe, ways of eenseesing ase gates;
"It" n°"Iier*
tit•tained u It might perhaps Interest the rde
irately rIreland on
nuttters conneeted with the 'CIihla.'H ( ihla Eitzille to liee'"allte-
satiate llie agent resigned his thing aboat fate reading 10 Russia,
ea -nation tn tile autuum, ana there tins onowy land-, still so full of east.
bueit L cilulty in Mang that post, ern lore, customand traditions. Of
yon know, Mr. Deana in tear willowy cotsree, it I nowadaas, a pastime.
eeuntra. Englishmen do nut (etre tor and an amusement( indulged In OW"
the eithation, and Irielimen are often 1Y daring the Christmas lioShlays, and
tot quite euitable for it." more for the fun of the thing than
, "Weed:" Mr. Deane says, with a UM, ear pellef in the truth a the
, look of great int.sreat. "That IS just prophecy.
wiett, X eliould euppose. Ale, land in There are a good moue' wayed
)1rekinti Is a tieldisit Investment, Lade. looking into the boots of fate, and
:leaner. And the agent that Mr. Da- I will bare glve short descriptive)
luta had; what tilt you sae- he left ott the two that are most in favor
leatly Denier ? 'What ran, I among Yowler folks Now Year's Eve
* -, •
;mean ?" oust Twelitheenght are censidered the
They are at dessert during this best occasione of the year for these
conversation, anh, Lady Darner is anmeino experiments.
daintily pealing a Tangerine orange, Wlseuever a numbee cif young pee-
It'iti ho ,ts.hs up smiling, with a strip ine came together during this time
of the year, weether it be for done-
ing, playing gainee, or just spending
a Amities= (nesting tegether, some
ono of the party Is sure to propose
"fate -reading," or "gado t," as it is
called in Russia.
Seeking to know beforehand the
nitrate col ono's figure sweetheart, is a
relay ainoeing experltnene, and there
are two mecluods cli going to work.
rinse first Is managed thus : sheet
er Paper is oat up Oleo stripe about
Sour lead a half inches long, ate every
cono of watch a name is written. A.
basin is Iola Oiled with water, and
by Wetting one and of the straps of
paper these are made to adhere to
Use Are, off the basin all round, the
dry ends pointing berizoneally to-
ward the centre. A nutshell ontain-
ing a bit ot lighted wax taper is
Oxen set arloat by one of the party,
the vrater navlug previously been
slightly disturbed with the fingers so
as to give it a rotary movement.
Sometimes the skiff will pass by
many names without barn, or again,
It may stay a pretty long while be-
fore one without igniting it; but the
name set irre to is believed to be
that elf the person who is to play a
prentiaent part In one's future life.
The next question, of importance is
to ascertain in "what direation Iles
yoor fate" -that is, from which
point el the compass you, are to ex-
pect it. The answer • is obtained in
the •following way: You step out-
doors and throw your slipper high in-
to (the air; then, the quarter to
whieb the toe points when it alights
is that whence will come the per -
set Who ie to influence your future.
' of the delicate peel clinging to lier
No, not at present ; we meet e4e- eeelly ant pro. le. "lady Damer ielye fmit knife. '
ter the matter for awhile, at , 1 reepiire stales; and a southern en- i "Well, really"-lier emile grows
least,a Lady Darner athrough
mate. Pe shapes that is toe reasou , very bright as her eyes rest on Gil-
sys, ) wreltehed.'
lier k hut teeth, 'unless ,yoe eonsider ' IN 11 1 leek :s" iliart-al think the real reaeon lie
that the only real kindnese to 1111- "1arh4slas- s ',"" •11hrtio &nag' drabs.- `,'I " went, letr. Dem, was that the young
Ilan would be to make her forget
wish yreael trrast urn, oilatin. VII be a " man wenteel-as the servants say-
geol friena to eou, though X gins your 'to better himself,' Ire assigned other
all this unha•ppinees, as she very seen :
would in change of scene a•ad plea- ) atepreptiter." reasons, of course, but that, I be -
sures and excitement." 1 Si are :ore kin•i to me," Gillian neve, watt the real one. .& chance of
"My mind is quite made up. Aunt eaye grateful:le. wish a. little wietful . a better opening anti better pay was
Jestunette," nephew rejoins, eold- I glanee at the brilliant belle; "but offered lane and he seized it at once.
ly deeleive, "and I shall leave town thero le nothiug the matter with we Rather ungrateful, but oue can
at (Mee. I thbak the besL thing I! that you could, alter, atintle." i hardly Marne bine Online. dearest,
- • ltttle r e -
can do is to run over to Mount Os -
soy for a month or two, and stay
with Lamle Harry. ale is complaining
of the loneliness of the pause, you
say, In his letter to you."
"Yea" she eays, contemptuously,
"he misses his pet, George Archer,
dare au-. Don't you thiak you
had better hunt that highly -valua-
ble oersonage up, and reetore bem
to all the hearts that are Teaming
for him?"
"1 vvish; to heaven I could," Lamy
says, earnestiy. "I've never done
anything of numb good in my life,.
I Wish I could set this syrong right.
I shooldn't care what it cost
me, if I could only do it. I'll go baek
to Ireland, Aunt Jeannette, and stay
with Uncle Harry for a month or
two; he doesn't like me much, but I
shall be soraebody to talk to, and
he rate% most respectfully important,
atm only repeats; more teoughtially-
e1 don't know, I'm sure, but they
are queer. Your Gillian ie queer. She
-and, yon know -upon my word -he
is not quite fit to be left there bY
birnself in that lonely place. My leave
expires in June, as you know, seunt
Jeannette, and then I think 1 shall
gel back to Bombay."
"Very well. Do as you. please,"
Lady Darner says in a hard, nrechan-
Seal voice, staring before her with
eyes or angry despair.
"I am sorry for your disappoint-
ment in this affair, aunt," Laey says,
gently. "I fag not sorry for myself
in, the least. Good night !"
"Now thetas sweet of you:" Minele , ince p. „
SAYS, with her arm round Gillian. "It , Ino for you, and she offers; it play -
Militia.' My eieter Agatha-Oa:ethics'
you to call me ; fully on the tips of the silver heeeho
ecomds real nice of 1 ltr"No,Downeiscan hardly blame
we eall her -is just your age. Id like sae, thoughtfully ;
to think you were Ilice Gettlile to me." I "though one doesn't like to be left in
i the lurch, as tb.e saying is. Was he
And to Gillian's great surprise two your husband's agent very long,
Bent hazel eyes.
big, Isright tears dim afintle's bell- 1 Lady Dealer ?"
"011, yes-yearel" she says, smiling
' You're not fretting about Captain !and shaking her head ; "and Mr.
'Lacy going back to Irelana, are you,
,- Darner llas been such a good friend
Gillian ?'" she asks in a whisper. ' I to him, too 1 Ala well! Won't you have -
the •Ta,ngerIne„ Milian, darling?
"No, thank you." Gillian says,
ourtlen with a curling lip and ris-
ing, angered eolor.
"Now, that is ungrateful of you, my
pet," her ladyship retorts; "thougb
not quite as bad as Mr. Deener'S
agent 1"
Her steely eyes glitter and the
edge of her white teeth gleam. as she
looks steadily at Gillian, whose
whole) fair face, is one flame of proad
wrath. She Morns to be cowed into
silence, and yet dreads to speak.
"The absent are always iii the
wroeg, Leely Dainer," she says, her
don't believe you are in love with him
from svhat you said the first night
I saw you; so I don't think you're
fretting because your svedding is not
coming off yet awhile. He told Mr.
Deane you were not, either of you,
in any hurry."
No, we are not in the least hurry,"
Gillian says, with a slight slaver,
"and Iassure you I am not fretting
fal the least, dear afintie, because
Captain Lacy is going back to Ire -
"Ram 1" A -Untie 'says to herself -
"no thorougafare" in that direction.
I guess I'll map out a line through an-
other section." delicate face aglow svith courage,
'No I didn't think you were," she with passionate loyalty still, poor
admits, slowly; "though I heard you
say yesterday evening you were
never so happy In your life as when
vou svere in Ireland."
child. "Mr, Arelier never spoke of
Mr. Darner but as his best and most
valued friend."
"To you, perhaps, dear," Lady Dra
" Ole yes 1 I was very happy rner says, smoothlY, her eyes flit -
there," Gillian says, hurriedly and tering fiercely, her smile withering
confusedly, looking about restlesely. into a sneer. "Bat I regret to say
They are such nice people -Irish George Archer did not always .utter
people, you knosv, and it is a lovelY the true sentiments of las heart in
his professions. In fact, we knew,
dear, he was false I" applee," "Yea" the lady replied, "1
And Mintie, watching her eters "Sunday Nvith Their Royal High-
g-uess you smell these apple parings
droop, as with a mortal pang, aisd nesses the Prince and Princess of
on lbe plate," "No, no," said she,
daughter's face, sees it blanch and
the quiciewitted belle Americaine Wales is passed in mech the same " 'tain't them- I smell. 1 emelt whole
gullet way as with Iler Majesty the leo"
Queen, inasmuch us religious cere-
monies are faithfolly observed, and hEnard's Liniment Guess Diphtheria.
the houeehold and servants are
spared all eenneeessary duties. The
guests wend their way, as the hour
"Good -night," she retorts, curtly. country, though it makes you sad to
see the waste lands, and the for -
But when he is gone site gives way saken and ruined cottages, and the
to her petraup feelings of rage, and sorrowful, neglectful hook of the
grief, and bitter disappointment, bit- I
ter almost as death to her self -wined 1 towns so deserted and silent, ex-
arr -ant naeure. i cept on market days."
Lase in the night she is sitting ' "Hum!" Mintle says again, ins
there still by her fire, wearing her
brain with plots, and plans, and re-
solves, and elaborate scolieming to
Attalla! the ond she desires and ie re-
wardly; "queer reasons for being
happier than she ever was In her
life." 1
"Yes; Irisli people, wiles% they are
solved on as armly as evers nice, they are awfully niece" she
"Once he returns to Mount Os- 1 says aloud, with an absent air. "So
sory, I shall make some urgent rea- : cordial, so tender-hearted, so Quick
son to leave Lon•dou the week after i In Intelligence and sympathy. are
and take her with me 1" she says, , they not? Oh, yes; I kneare euelf a
with muttered vehemence. "And once sweet women once, an Irishwoman ;
1 Dave her safely back there in my 'Indeed, the was our governees when
power, I will compel that girl to mar- Nre were girls -my elder sister's go's--
ry my nephew if I go any lengths erness. I mean ; I was only a little
to do it ; and now( I most go to bed tot of , seven or eight. Such a pret ty
anti try to sleep," she says, wearley. young creature ,]ie ware too - a
"I feel sometimes as it this worry is young widow. She was with us for
bringing my death -warrant 1" ; two or three years and than died
CHAPTER, XXXVIII. 1 gmite suddenly or Infirm -auction of
I her lunge one severe winter. We
"Englisa saris are so queer," the put on mourning for her, 1 rernern-
new Mr Deane says, thoughtfully, ; minima and father were so
"they're just as queer as can be !" her
tirendfullsr sorry to lose her."
But wiles. Mr. Deane inquiree the
reason tor this weighty statement of "Indeed," Gillian says, not Indeed
hle brillittat Mintie s opiuiuns, witch much heeding the story of the
young gOverness.
isl a sweet little thing, only, she is so
odd and Oily. Why, i can't get one "Yes." Mimic! says, thoughtfully,
bit of confitionce oat of her about her "my sister Sonliie-Mrs. 'Wilton Har-
vard she is -has her photograph. She
lover, or her engagement, or her
trousseau, or anything !" was a lovely young creature, I have
"aim doesn't know you well, you heard my mother Say, riot the re-
hee, my jove,,, Mr. Deane „ye, ahaas gular Irish type of beauty, thouzle
getleally. "I eon sure you will find her for she was very fair, with Molder'
a very affectionate, amiable little heir and splendid violet eYee."
girl by and by " "I loe-e fair hair and blue eyea"
How the Present King and Queen
Used to Keep Sunday.
, When King Edward and Queen Alex-
andra were the Prince and Princess
of Wales, the following interesting;
account of how they were in the
habit of spending Sunday appeared
in "The Quiver." • The writer says :
The Pitiful Experiments of a
Young Man to Cure .111mself
of Rhettmatisrn.
birdmen ts, Otto and everything fatted
to relieve his sufreeings-Be used
Dotiaes leldriey 'mound they cured
Boissevaln, Man. Eels. 8.-(Speolel.)
e-lnive years ago Ale. Ca S. Heiden, of
this place, then quite a young Man
owl larmer's son, became almost
a erIpple with Rheumatism Hie own
account of his experieuce Is very
interesting. Ire says;
' Foe about a year and a half I
had a dull pain my right elioulaer.
It grew much worse in cold Weather,
anti in winter was so baa that X could
scarcely use my arra at all. When. I
went to bed would have to ,take
my left band and hold my right
shoulder to turn over. The pale
was nearly unbearable. Words can,
not express it. often said if Iliad
to endure such pain n11 m,y life I
would rather hey° no arm.
" I was almost a cripple and could
not help oomplaintng very bitterly.
Everybody had ecauetlang to tell me
to do One sold, 'Rub on Spirits of
Turpentine.' I did so, but only grew
wors•e. Besides this, tried every
other liniment and oil could hear
of or get, bat ,all to no purpose.
Nothing seemed to give ine the
slightest relief. I Was growing very
downhearted, as it looked ae if I
was Paver going• to find anythieg
to cure my dreadful pale,
"Now it happened 'that we had
some of Dodd's Kidney Pills In tho
hoese-we always' loop themaand
having triol everything else, my
father suggestect that I take eome, I
commenced, and when I had taken
three closes I felt some 'better, and
I kept on till la a few, days( the pale
Was all gone. •
"This is fiVe years agO, and I have
not had the slightest pain or nette
since." .
English Spoken by 116,000,000.
The place of English •• among the
European languages has just been In-
dicated by a French statistichol,
was; says English is now the most
widely spoken language in the world.
Upward of 116,000,000 persons em-
ploy it. Russian comes next with
85,000,000, German third with 80,-
000,000, and Freoch next with 58,-
4.4444444++++ ea++++++++4"Ht ISSUE No. 7, 190%
.0 -
1 whorl is Yours? And OM Each it .
Make YOU Better?
In all direethms steadily and sure -
1:71071. world Is getting bettor. It Is
getting better morally, physioally,
eocially, industrially- in every ;lir-
Some Nosiest developments are tens-
poirarile- Oiscouragteg and some are
hard to understand -but, as In the
growth of a child from feeble In-
famy to mature manhood, the tele
dency is eemetently to it better
state. Mumps, measles and whoop-
ing cough correspond' to revolutions,
strikes and trust formatione in so-
WeldltaYe. y a the ;least Important agen-
cies for hoprovemeot are Ignored and
The earth wornts that the boy digs
up when he goes fishing are ab-
solutely essential to the agricultural
growth of the notion. How many
realize the importance of these lit-
tle wriggling worms ? I
How many people know that the
, duet In the air gives color to the
sunlight, colors the clouds, makes the
fruitful rainful mediae ?
seems toetear Iteles in your throat.
a eold sticks, and
31 on t it after ttionth
Axe you aware that even a stubborn
and long neglected cold, is cored with
Allen's Lung Batsam ? Cough and
worry no longer., ;
; How many hese thought ot theeeee
• treordinary good widen comes ado
the world because of the universal
habit of celebrating each person's
birthday ?
When is Your Birthday 'e
I Hes not every single alrthday
made you at least Sor a time a
. better 111413
We may ignore the beginning a
the new year, Sor that is a very
general celebration.
No man ignores his own birthday,
the day selects begius all or • hts
years oa earth.
And very few human beings, In-
deed, fall on each, recurring birth-
day to make good resolution's, de-
termined 'that they w,11 try end do
Even a man's apparently selfish
birthday resolutions are good for
all -the people. '
ele resolves to suieceeti better -
that rmeamethat he must work hard-
er and add to the productiveness
of the race.
• He resolves to be temP'erate, to
exercise self-control, to give up
gambling, Or in some way to im-
prove himself -every such resolu-
tion, eneltiplied mialione, Is good
for the whole race.
Of the 1,400,000,000 hutaan beings
on the earth, a,000,000 on an Aver-
age celebrate their birthdays every
Every single day 6,000,000 cif human
beings begin st new year. Every
single day that great number of peo-
ple form good resolutions, and de-
termine to do better than they have
Nobody can °estimate the power for
good ou Meth SW this constant ex-
erelsoof the greateat mend force, the
will to do right.
Whenever your friend lias a Wirth -
day, encourage lam if you can In thie
noble human tendency towed good
resolutions. And When your own
birthday comes make up your mind
that, as one little drop in the ocean
of Ionuanity, you will do what you
can to Make yourself a better man
or woman, more worthy of the trou-
ble taken by yoar father and mrsther,
and more usefal to the other humau
beings who cling to this little ball
of earth. with yieu.-N. journal.
aler Sense of amen.
A little girl went into( a. neighbor's?
houee one day, and same apple por-
tage lee on a plate; on the table. Af-
ter sitting et, while, she Bald, "I smell
utters a mental eiacalation.
"Gracious 1" MIntle says to her-
self. "It's as clear. as mud."
And now, after her nephew's de- „
parture, Lady. Darner, resolute and: or eleven approetiliee, towards the
obstinate as ever, carries out, in little March of St. Mazy, Magdalene
hex owe permit at least, an assume- 1 in the Park. 'Tliere is a private
tion of the belef that the engage- ! footway direct from the house to
ment between aim and Gillian res 1 the church gate; by this, the Royal
mains Intact. 1 Family and guests often proceed,
To Mr, Deane indeal she has eons driving mond by the road only in
tided a fear that there has been ease of u•npropetious weather. Sun-
tween the young people." De- , day afternoon is quietly spent in the
"Fame slight misunderstanding
"But one cannot meddle between 1 house or park. Dinner is served at
either betrothed or married people halt -past seven. Occasionally, bow -
without Menet rub -chief ; so we must :ever, dinner is a. little, later, as the
let tho foollea young creatures alone, Prince and Princess ina•y be attend -
until they make up their little difs !,r2g, evening service In one tof the vb-
. finances their own way," she sae's, reese cliu•rehes near. T,he small sta-
wals a maternal sort of gentle -vas; tion, some two milos away, where
dom and patience. "There was a • the Royal Family have their own
tiff and tears, I know," see says, , waiting rooms, is closed on Sunday
smintig- Forrowfulv ; "and poor Bing- . as nol train whatever( is run on that
Expensive coronations.
It -may. be or Interest to point
out at this time that the most ex-
pensive coronatien on record was
that of the present Mar of Russia.
Upward of a15,000,000 was spent
by the Government alone, and fully
another $5,000,000 by the public
authorities of various Russian
towns. The representatives of
other powers vied with each other
in lavish cartla,ys, and, counting the
esitToffnst!Zoonnt obi irelhieoyaspel•foricsa, ntntioti
have cost less than $25,0-00,000.
The eoronation of Czar Nicholas I.
was also a very expensive affair.
Tee then Duke of Devonerhive was
the Britieh representative, and he
spent fully $150,003 • or his own
money in connection with. it. The
ObUl'011 18 coronation of George IV. was the
ham vowed awl abjareel in a most day. By this means, e
tragle manner to nie in confidence. • kept clear of an attendance prompt- most expensive in lenallsh annals,'
But I just said to him, afy clear ed by curiosity, and also the men and this cost only $12,500,000, or
I•oy, you must watt hall Gra employed have the entire day's; rest this remount $125;000 was expended
Ilan comee back to her own aeon -red to them. In fact, no un- on the cororration robe, and $225,-
nensible little self, and to her own necessary work in any Shape or way 004ilieemootglite oci oat
sense ot justice and kindness; and, is performed on Sunday in any one coronatloa of
George III. did tot amount to half
I trust you will endea.ver to return part of the Prinee's domains.
to your senses at the some timer , Sunday at Marlborough House dif- tr'itnir,e't Itv,trre=te-i-olt's3thrser eoGrrfig:
4•0h, she is affectionate and amiable Gillian says, suddenly. .11b young creatures 1 they -little fees slightly' from- Sienday at Sand- tree Of WiiV;Sat.'2 IV. areoanted to
enouga," MOM° saes, arching her "Cin aptaLath
cy Is very fair foe an know e real troubles of lifa Mr
---- 11- ringhain bat the day is spent In
laixneleome eyebrows, "too amiable, in Mailman," Mrs. Deane observes. ( „ 7. •
en . oomparative quietnde. In the merle- e'ef.ieelrs, a4:1;,in„.-sefo4thdattt. of Olean
fact -a. curt of aTeplitha's daughter* "Yes, he is fair," Gillian anewere, ing, Their Royal Ffighnesses attend "''''''-4"'" '"'° '" -hssa'-`-rjik•
What was; the quarrel about .
butriness," careletosly. "I never think of Captain Mr. Deane asks, with losvering diviner service held in what: isi knoveh
Then, a little abruptly, and with Lacy as an Iriehrban, thougli." brows. "She doeen't leak well. Lady
a. eget of catch in her breath, look- "N.0 ! ite ig ton21r1"1110tionel and RAI f. Daener-Gillian doesn't kik weei at err the Germ -so fr,!;therrtat eteseare • Slefess.i'tey rfl--4-,..4 eitt,?;-,,v ,,,,,T.1 1e4,111
controlled," Mrs Deane says. ealmisr all; and 31intie-Mrs. Iseame- rt- . -
titer lereigore t11. PrifleA.:St onr1 kel.* ee.,„„.......: .. , ,..•-,..-Ver,-#..11,
leg away frona, her husband: inarks, it, toe," he mine, imprereihnny., .. daeglotrare mese posselissiO aliteal eta ,!, is" --4'-`'' ''''' ' '
" It's a love, mach, isn't it 1 She assenting; "but he is very riles. and e ....4,-.....4...`
cold, calm. English style, isn't hs?" rat' belief in the matter, Mr. Iseterse." g, erigre- Preree:er rwre-c;,ir, es" te, M'
"Web, it I must tell pm ray era- of the Waset. End ea gages tee 'S
1,14104/g3 4.',1.l •,;;;;Ite,.
ts marrying him to please barged, gentlemanly. So well•bred, in that
"Certainly, my dear, " Mr. Deane "Oh, yes," Gillian says, eordially, she replies, with otaricNI reltxtar.erst rp,.-1,11:nit ‘..t .0... (.1,,Iliiv:eR gil":17:::l'itr. 5t.1 ;, A t".t.' 0,7`;;.,:',4;.'.,:l ii,c't q41/ at
Isn't she?"
says, rather reproachfully. •TO sou he iii very well.bred, Twr.7 gentle- awl with a displeased caoarl on rasa reaary rmy.. tar, PrSeres aril Pri,e,...-Ang , 6,,"4.,450 17.'•••',"»,,,; l:'....7.`,•"'• ItfAl r91.1.14!,y day,
think I would countenance anything manly, aid he Is so kind-hearted rtncl ilanghtY coniteenalice. "f ileaeve. re ' reeve oreseseoe fatier are' e,c'W13re'el fir, -,..0... r;.',if..'"; 41)'-";'::::`., t'"*„ '-''.1;1.1 „.`4" -",.'lit ; slifetlier,
but a marriage of pure affection?" ceneiderates" i ,
- sae jealousy on tee part of' toy '. ii7f,%.,-,."....::. e el see, en re rir.enetrate, 1744';'''x''' r°11''''' e'..1917 1 ''"'4(43'''' 1'0
• • .1 .
MIntle looks at him through her "She clootin!t pare a crooked straw, flerileW,
' Rutin Lae.,' l':. •fir:rir.-.,?, reass coegratefester essereseteee ( "-it,'''' VIP Pharsaniagje a.k,,,,907.1.661i-,'
long lashesfor him," detains alintie. "There must' • "Jealoney,' repea.ts Mr. Leater. - teat ear e,,,,,,,,,, 7.7,-i,,,,,, ,,1 ,c,e,,,„,,,,, vt,,,,-, , '.'''.1g. OW -It gil, fAVAP,4S," eiral the
"I suppose not, fate. says, age a, lie sonerborly else -I wonder who he rather arigrilysejealet iy ef ree ' eesessige ea:7 saaeore tee. keret:es,. nh , feeeireas ".... trii !**) 5..1'51.41147..1 for /sat n,
droll, half -sarcastic smila anis n la and where he is? In Irelan:l. I daughter i What ca e lee te. 17..:r.ri7.- ' t.1 ,,,; f,,,c,..,-p .o,r. (i,...1. eel tr„, 4, -;„,,.,..-,.•"ii ,,e.-.•vx4f., sir; „rvAl0-000:1. WI -
swill little sigh. " You're ' full of . ellenect." lag of. ? Wrey dal yee not t:,..a. --.., "i. t --c- '• .-' .14.- r si *- --- -'' ' t r4/'',Z V't V.4''..';',.'-''ZI.10 4' 114 Pateb*
4 - -, fp, - /:er -arti....5...,0 ...,,n7e,,,f, .
heart and all that,' like arra Skew- . "I sernsose eren will go two: to ------------ lerfore, ay Darner e I nagra Leos, I. ' -
P',:s7f-dCgli0 kJ-Writs:Wt.:W/10.a,
rasa ear reis „;.71,ro i4p7,911 Mot pbrek
ton, Aren't you, Herbert?" land and etner with the Demersoy. ters streigat iatesear, ti,„:a." i'. -- -
ts,:e King; (sets Vadat mate&
me- love," Mr. Deane says, mei bye when yon are nuerrirel, iritr- "Vilr'fi I c'f" 2LA `:" firoVir',5 i
.t "Lf.;,..1", 0,...1.1p. -f„''
With A_Olenitt g•allantry / haven t Ilan ta see mese. eaagesay, ,es yeas Lane' Deemertaes Straker of 1: Procaotteros egeleet mallkox.
Captain Lacy to take n steratinstatesse lairs old her proed itle reel tier coca, 4,100108. ViAtulCir4r. inheireff team rZfx,:ir.!- eherere
gaily ; ' Ill take care of it," nail then ragh-what do yen call that lillaqs. f--; --'S 9 4 - - -1 - .- ) t ,..!' '- , • , ,' It . 1'1+ "1 .clra "9 r''''"' "401 -Iwo Calk,
any heart left. X have giVen it all to inqt wondering is yen woatti not igv. seorn in her resliegterly ovzvad bgng token he MO vg.try' L;igtet.41.• 1./.415'.f1„e;i4 Ctarttitt
s All right old elan " elm ea s there, pear (anomie se. Date eareastic errale tr%r Steady brigtit, Lteil Irearre he areat toy etsroly",iNg.,
4,110 rustles off: In her silk tea -gown 1,ady Denier Pall wne f?,; Menne fitterilr:O. itirth leases -arra, rxml:tttsta
13 -a Watteau -like confection of bwa Ossavy ?-sn ti It ;1.-011 er111,1 qppnd l lerrteetal rigarte. ralreatan fig, I fettigLt. bcrfn cuoulitf,IsitvIt forr14 ▪ It7/1! 41411', Ingiri hin
=del silk, soft white lace, :end pate miter* of monties of every ;Interim ;elite ievoeent and b;1 "1 of any I l;t:tr.i 'three t1sagl,a. au tees arra sae': ere fl W;4:1-1 lie'14
pink ribbons --to her fitep-disttglitePH ther"'" 4 real cause for liar L-iver's treed time there VS/0 f.fiarefeAY efati,7 ers-• 's P`Psirths4--la iselioonran
We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT, is,
the best. .
Matthias Foley, 011 City, Ont. ,
-joseph Sneer, Norvray, Mn.
Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Idulgrave,
N. S. • .
Chas. Wheaten, hisagrave, N. S.
Pierre Leary, sena, Pokeinonche,
N. B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. R.
a s
. To 'rest Eggs.
Place an egg in a begin of water.
If quite fresh, it will sink rapidly.
If not so freshen; will sink a short
If it floats, it is, a bad egg.
Or, apply the tongue to, the larger
end pi the egg; if it feels warm, it
le fresh.
The shell of a fresh egg looks dull.
That of a fetal° one, glossy,
Hold the egg before a strong light;
it the yolk appease round and the
white eurrouncling it clear, it is
probably fresh,
Xt le judicious in cooking' to break
the egg flret into. it cup; this pro-
ve:Ito all possibility of spoiling an en-
tire dieb, should the egg prove of
doubtful freohnese,
rooms. "Ole re, net at all," Gilliati serve, arra" she gese; SASS SlEnsintlaY : "and I „ Erna; verafe tee te.lret Victik.., tr...A t:,..1.1rA,,f4i14. f '•::'•Oe I"; kt. .
" FOr yoti must let tne inva,ee your 1'111'1'10(11Y. "r should tint ear., for W/Ove ro'Y dear boy Bingham le f sIncegufut nutt tea• ht rz,,,:i 44,.:5, re,..:.. 1 ,, . ,;140 i,',0;2; b'? i..,:,t,•;4 lir Itlitt eltter,
a. , s ;mite ea innocent end alarnelsee teetering freest raelser a lessei este. s '-'• hst 34; ."'''.4 ‘,1e*:.?•%4 the" l''
, ,
tam over beam 00 ine ',:e sa s' so a•ee ', la, - /41. ..2,4 ,r.LIP '4.,,) ..t$ gt ,ria.,.rt, baVii
elf.fleptie,44 ',Mfr.,' try ria;et'i ot,,,t,t t//: As
1L:10 tot tintfuttg.ina fi?,:ff 1-,4?;.1,3,441:,4,f1., ;i .;.1 Vi!„. .;?., 1 ..?.!.U12 PA' 1 Lihk 'Mg," Bad
rgaratien. Ifor-r.o,iorfr, th. :,:af,.:i.;;e:,:,:-,%:.i ; :i.e:i',.,V...;':i::::,-4,2;;;,:.:1'44.1 IS'i' 19 4 fit) 1140530
i ti " se .41("'' '" 4{ 1' f .'• tl ' Sil .r,., - 1
room soznethues, Gillian mia, ' she ' • . . .
to an beek to trebled ageiro"
„ .
says, coaxingly. " X eten't stand her ., of everything' but a. warm-hearted
ladyship, except at company times, "")/i." Mintle &eerie& HI
".„..r.ii be ' Young lover',; natural unreasonable -
and X can't think how you get on so war; in Ireland or lie le there now. /WM Gilteut woe vety much. ad -
sweetly with Iva' end 111 ft nlr ea5:1 there bite been mired In Ireland, she is such nu-
• . . , t ,T, qui,ite stylo. so mutat find modest
11 . •-• r ri:Aal I Lick..
" Laxly Tremor le always ielite and l' "12 r 211 2 3' ,
10 ma I have 00 cauee tr one shle or the other. mare my on 1 sweetly well-bred, with that
aniiabh 1 raper Parer rtV10 of beauty Whirl); rearefOrery prosee."Sets hose a reseesee , so te et he --16wielo firet "
behave illeagreeably toward her,"
Milian says, ht a MI'S merteured
hort 'wee-.
" Haven't ?' Rays, look.
big keenly into the girre white
Mee, new alimmt transeeireut in deli-
cacy, rin.1 with deep smrple eliadowe
beneath leer peas. "Them who is It
whet hal9 inunelably to you ?"
"What (131 ;‘,0)1 neon ?" cayre
fitielling -sleepier a flaeh of pride ratio
making her sift. clerk roles brilliant
awl burning'.
mennr' Sara Pantie says. &allay
nal lant,tiely. Wing lo -r two jewelled
hawk; on shoulders, "who ty 1.14r. -ft 'worial be gool lam to mike
It cal wline, le it th'It is noticing aret her inaa!"
leek like that ?" eke turns the It vterdn, however, allalorial
entre fitea• towarn the toilet vexatiou to ernmiele the tale er
mirror, wreote itereelf free* "(aria Drowira Mit or on relminee.
frem :Mintiest -4 to.veIt.i blighted holism, futile pretenhe,g,ind
"t rattle enneet IIII yoet," ebe Caro hopeless resoltes. as the week eloses
the pie; she ionas nri ir cibp W1,4 l-4,1 mirdi higher (hall tha eeery-day, of well knorofs se! 00,4 ' -, , ..: 07 ',, 0.: ,-- 11
. ,, , n
pool at crushing young low, of...' Wesley, actreetelital style of beauty . senate/I titofrn 1.-....•••,...t. ,',.:',.... .(.10,,,,o,',„11 ::
fairs; in the inel !" ;one mese in the sieep-windowe"--seith I Daily MOM, lere, 1,
„,n3 tilty epeeelt null agetient Maptie-easae i Worlefeserat arieleteetersts, e
little white lintels, -tremblina
She glntiers pityingly ai gliaan•e' un otlamity of aecalit that diranta
twitching In hor wiale am. finite turned linarte and stole lice rte c.;.1! betvr 1,„;;;,,
whnn sho was in 'viand: and soon; kiwi, of cad:: ;
voloir tA)bs and flowg, and lifintie
eyes et her relnarere have come !icroTt emsageee o! gfee poses' -,e oe"-Sa
comprelientle fleet the droop's -1
lea path, (1 1)11 of erten-se her fiftp"M br 1,4 r, $3.
nag and ftyraibly-poltinreased lipg Pre
40 mineral the Missionate emetion Path, Itoro in terstn*Din Trent" nusilft" ate Inra• eterrel ealestitselse.
t .1 re re lei en 0,11 la
the girl will not betray.
thin„, pouto, Mei tenter, and tyagle speeches.
"I should just 1110 to mit But till that %via not prevent her
$.(Inetre to mat, my lady," remehelee from bring Counteee Fernard In
Mee. Aramintler nialleierielee to Iva -
the eettre to come."
"There is something under Italie'
artistic, says, shrewdly, to liereelf.
r•Tfiti Inorti I Fff.43 of niy lady the
lest; 1 like her or trust her. She
'pane ont batty,' as fitthor WOUld
"Hour hear In Captain I;ecy to the
tale, Lady Darner ?" corker, In-
rodeitively. ."rno preemit Earl of
Iserrarti line it son, Viscount Mount:-
ea:awl, hasn't he r
-ITh he (ontittird.)
?&g Woven Wr Fcnce
1ntto only reliable fence for holding stock owing
le die continuous roil or opiral Spring.
"wirea wilWitlitanti a strain); 3.13)0poluidg,
-NIr..,.411 41O' Owl arerainry
of Iasi gearale (lemma wienerlearegied or bent
A ors f• ii?
out with tiro fleet ;erten metre mina
to. Pagefenec%arenOWttry ohcap.fsnall
they lucao eiwearg teen the lest. Vsge ttileC3 Are
need by sill Canadian valiwity
7 Pa ' r Oft inuird. WiikArvIlla.11ni 4
ne who 10 turt hbffffil With what
ho, ba5) (100:4 lett deceive himself when
lie iblitk:g be would be liberal if he
had mom -AV. Pi, rimer,
',ram' ma ind
Iti lamgry OlY'Vtitl$ 41.?..01;
"I'm Imre to e;:trt l0 itrt-ad 4504
And then ho got sp, mit!.
• "di 17',/17
6-.0itkii3 you got 14
d•lefUt ?"
JJ) 131) .0410-
,5 4)1,44 11,31 "I'V' got. to •
o.'3i wi'*'5s'rX'1 ,trgin 113)41 let
isefri reorder nie) alt but)
eee era Z,,f1to 4jt ;'.1, Tot) averago
seasIO bIt, tare stoutis eni 14 Eke 101 410
, 11,r, 'woe tivet wriele piertee her .
'no vastitula saw, awl, smelt
She alrene alepeeed moire
alotessi, he Relied Ibo laxly up and
t.:A105t4e4 Ili,' ; oco,t1fiti to ker. Elm
t,,P.It Hot own Pa,- '1. 1",
One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than Rtnvcr,„s
Two ounces of impure soap. EXPEISTSE
Adk for Eno Ootagon t or. XI yaw roster ostnatt tomb', write to
=Vitt t/tOTIElBS, tilitlitS, Toronto, tending hio nanta and Arlaftritob
enii trivl ootitide of Sunlight ow opiu be 000t fro of rioot.
You have used all .
!sorts Of cough reme-
dies but it does not
yield; it is too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is more liable to
I produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri-
1 ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
up the body
Iwill do this when everything
1 else fails. There is no doubt
1 about it. It -nourishes,
it strengthens, builds up and
Imakes the body strong and 1
healthy, not only to throw i
off this hard cough, but to I
fortify the system against f
further attacks. If you are I
run down or emaciated you I
should certainly take this 1
nourishing food medicine. , 1
LOOTT & DOWNPUltd,r'urlogal$10°.NTO CANADA /
strength and build
Stfnuff'S Rape
gives Rich,
food at
2.5o a
what al
Catalo4I,'0 tolOg
1,000,000 Customers
Proudest record et any seedsman On earth,
and yet WO are reaching out for nioro. Nvo
desire, by July 1st, 300,00 Moro patrons and
lust= this unprecedented offer.
$110 WORTH FOR 16c
Wo mail npon receipt of 15o in stamps
o ur great catalogue, •vvo rth 8100.00
to any wide s.walto farmer or go,rdonor,
togetherwith manyFarm Seed samples
positively worth 810.00 to gat a start
With, upon receipt of but 15 cts.
I n Canadian. stamps.
15 pkgs. earneet ve6<de.
1de eaes.$1, 0 O.
Please 554
send tbis
adv. with
Vie for above.
RE -
0.1000. 10.
Send et onoo.
C A 14!P tFnOo altIttINT,'hggTelEse?SdAgli
; tion and cash price tind get our plan for fln
ing caeh buyer, Patent Exchange and Invest.
( ment Cell:many, Toronto, Canada.
Minard'e Liniment Cores Distemper.
1 .1. eta Home or foreign procured and ex -
obit. d. Booklet on patents free. The Patent
Exchange and Investment Company, Pythian
Building, Toronto, Ont.
What to lexpect.
Tlie woman candidate was starting
"And now, :oho," she saki, "give
Me all the Moll change you have."
"What ?" asked the husband, as he
Wowed Ile belay's face.
X Care buy 'some of the niOest
VIYIOSI you ever heard of to -day for
1,earscos cannot Ile Cured
Ily Pieta applarttlens no they menet reiteh the
diseassd portion of the ear. There is only ono
way to sure deafness, and that la WI constitu-
tional renicilles. Ims.fnesscloacaby ito
flamed 1;r/elation 01 1)111 environs rons ii, o t
Zustachlan l'tthe. When this tube ill inflaMed
VOX /la PM a rumbling sound. or Imperfebt hear.
Mg, and when It Ix entirely cloaca, Deafness is
the result, and unless dm intinnenation etre be
taken °elan(1 the tube resterea to It normal
r;otglitimi, heating will bo destroyed forever ;
141,0111:34garigr,' rrn 1,,i1;°1»lirmst(cl `e)Yon(dineiaOlrleOht.
tho mucous 4111 racer*.
Wo will give One Trundred Dollare for any
1)00.40080 ce, iset )3r (Atari' d t int can-
not. (so ()urea by ifell's Catarrh Cure. aendfor
gi4'4:34a"' fre(k. CIIENItY 8s 00., Toledo, O.
54o14 by 1-riare Vamailsilio 44; the bent.
lite Choice.
"Merle ,Sonr eltolee for Governor,
Valdes Dave'?"
'"Well, snit ; des at dis time my
mist is Om 111)' opOti ; belt I'll say
;Ile mural : rad marl mighty bard up
ills year i".-Atiantio Constitution.
Mr,,. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always be 'used f or Children 'loathing. It
soothes the child, softens thegartv. cures wind
code and iv the bolt remedy for Diarrheea,
to 312 per week -send stamped envelope
for e.pulication. Anchor Supply Co., D0131,212,
.I.finest in the Niage,re. Peninsula, at
Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail-
way& 130 acres in all, 35 of which is ha fruit,
mostly poaches. Will be sold in one parcel or
divided into 1018 01 15 to 20 acres te suit pur-
chasers, This le a decided bargain Address
Jonathan Carpetter„ P. 0. box OS, Winona
SIIiLESME ftoAdpeNIErDn nd;185111
trade. We are the
largest and only manufaeturers in our line in
the wo-Id. Liberal salary paid. Address
GAN -1) faX MFG. CO., Buffalo, W. T.
New Laid Eggs, Dried Apples, ,
Poultry, Dairy and Creamery
Butter, Honey, Etc., WANTED.
Will buy outright or sell on commission.
Correspondence invited.
JOHN J. Fella 02 Front Street East,
Toronto, Ont.
1902 1902
1W� are the Fiancees of the Seed
, Trade in Canada reid-TiTve made our
business a success. Our knowledge
1 gained from the experience of half a
' century we give to our custortgas In
the pages of our Catalogue, which wa
maii tree to all who apply for it. The
Farmer, the Gardener arid MI
Amateur arts ail served, and servad
37:1177ho patronize the .....3221
'-'1777;r7noniTT.,..1 alled to ail parts of tha
Hamilton, Ontario.
Everything Looks Differeet.
Xaok-When a itan 'Le in lovo ovary.
thing looks different to hint
Itarry-Yes, ytho same wa
when Ito knocks itle head -against a
gas bracket.
ISeinterdhl Irnbnent Curet( Colds, oars
MilDri OP is10 HOOPS,
is10 JOINTS,
arts tI iraperier to tho (actin 1 1,14, artiblao far domeittio unity la,t1
We by o,11 ilrot MOO doolors,