HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-02-13, Page 5r' t.e'brU'Iry 13, 1902 lei Ammiammtiww re We have some choice samples in Dinnerware. Wedgewood and J. & G. Meakeni make ; 116 pieces, consisting of 12 Bread and ,Butter Plates 3 Covered Dishes 12 Tea Plates 1 Sonp Tureen 12 Breakfast PIates 1 Tea Pot 12 Dinner Plates 1 Sugar 12 Soup Plates 1 Cream 12 Cups and Saucers 1 Bowl 12 Sauce Dishes 1 Gravy Boat 4 Platters For 2 Weeks Only riffin's iwwww,FA AC' THE PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE A Dining Room. 4 A cosy dining room is appreciated by every member of the family in winter. Our Furniture makes it a cosy and handsome room. It does not need to bo fine architecturally to look com- fortable. Our graceful quarter cut Oak Extension Tables and Dining Chairs will transform the plainest room into a handsome room. We have a fine assortment of Couches -from $6 to $24. For a Leader our $8,50, in the best Velure, is considered by everyone great value. sarIn a few clays we will be able to show you something new in Picture Moulding (American design.) Residence -Patrick 5. aracey's former residence, wharf night calls receive prompt at- #entien. 11 • res. Furniture Dealers & Undertakers cStill t r Friiit4 3e The holiday still here, in the rush is past, but we are Corner Jewellery Store • We carry a choice stock of" -- Clocks, Gold and Silver Case Watches • SILVERWARE, OF ALL KINDS, BROOCHES, RINGS, BRACELETS, ETC. as -Repairing receives careful attention, You will 4 i 4 it 1. 4 4 4 4 4 4 ▪ find our Optical department worthy of your confidence. 4 n4 ,y H. H. Chisholm 4 o444444.44444444444+444* • Munshaws Old Stand, mason Bieck 4 etirillg FROM usilless, lst OF MARCH. The Stock must be reduced several Thousand Dollars before the NEW COMPANY takes possession on. March 1st, A. Great Slaughter Sale now Going on -oF Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, O11 Cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Mantles, &c. Goods will be Slaughtered regardless of cost, rr. TUE V M I.1,.`1 GTT. 1'.L ADVANCE.. HURON COUNTYCQUNCUI,. Lueknow. Maple Grove L. 0. L. No, 1014 (Ash- field) intend to have an At Rome on fri- day evening, February 28th, Au excel- lent program is being prepared, Wallace Grenacho of this village has sold out his boot and shoe business to Messrs. R. Willis & Sou, of Seaforth, and the new firm will take possession of the business at once. Mrs. Bunter, wife of Kenneth Hunter of this village, died very suddenly on Friday last, from the effects of a paraly. tic stroke the previous day. Deceased who had been in poor health for some time past, bad reached the ripe old age of 75 years, At the Orneial Board meeting of the Methodist church ou Tuesday evening last, a uuanhnous invitation was extend- ed to the Rev. A. G. Barris to continue the pastorate of the church for the third year, Tho municipal officers were all reap- pointed at same salaries as last year. Clerk, Hugh Morrison; Treasurer, John Murchison; Assessor and Collector, John N. Ross; Eugineor, Samuel Barber; Constable, Robert Moore. Catarrhal Poisons & Their Remedy. The dangerous bemuse they oisonous secretions from trh he he stomach and bowels, giving rise to an unhealthy condition of these organs. Catarrh is the source of much ill health and was considered practically incurable until it was demonstrated to the satisfac- tion of the medical profession that key the use of Catarrhozoue any case of nasal or throat trouble can, be perma- nently and quickly cured. Catarrh - ozone by its unusual merit has enlisted the support and endorsement of the most prominent medical authorities who freely state that any one giving it a trial is sure to receive permanent benefit. Sold for $1. Small size 25e. At drug- gists or Pelson & Co., Kingston, Ont, OF INTEREST AND PROFIT TO THE FARMER. The Huron County Packing & Cold. storage Co., with headquarters at Chu. ton, have secured W. R. Belden to take charge of the financial end of the Com- pany for the present. The aim with this concern is to accom- plish as much with applets, poultry and produce as has already been done in the hog trade with this exception, it will do business entirely for the beuefit of its shareholders, which 'eau easily be clone on the plans they are adopting. Nearly all the apples grown in Huron county the past season wore purchased at around ;12.00 per barrel. They are in storage in Toronto and can be sold, and are being sold out daily, at $4 50 per bar- rel. Each year farmers sell their apple crop for oue halt what it should bring simply because they have no means of keeping them. The Government has provided cold storage for fruit while in transit and re- peatedly points out to farmers the neces- sity for action ou their part if they wish to receive a fair amount of the profit in growing apples and other produce. In 1900 it is estimated that Huron Co. lost in apples alone $100,000 and annual- ly it loses a large sum. They can prac- tically insure against such loss by own. ing a storage plant of their own, situat- ed where it can easily be reached. Besides the above a most mocleru plant is to be erected for handling all kinds of poultry, receiving them alive, killing, dressing and crating them as the market demands, Tho entire County of Huron will be canvassed and the tributary townships, and an opportunity will be given each farmer to identify himself with the con- cern. If he desires *1.00 more per bar- rel than he now receives this will be his time to insure for it. It, would be well for all farmers to bear in mind the one fact that NONE BUT PATRONS OF THIS COMPANY WILL SECURE THE FULL BENEFIT, Clinton being in the centre of a weal- thy county it will not be long in secur- ing the desired amount. Already nearly $20,000 of stock has beau taken. The aim is to secure as much as possible dur- ing the winter and it is ''believed the greater part will be taken the next three months. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 88, con. 12, East Wawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleat ed and ander grass, in good cultivation; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings, Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDTJE, 21tf, Wingham 1902 LISPD ' EL Is MOVING FORWARD. UOWinter ateeaio reasonable -our Courses of Study thorough and pr•antical. Send for our Journal to see what we tenets, Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study -Commercial and Shorthand. C. 'A. PLSMING A. L. McINTYRB President Scc'y. Owou Sound Listowel The Student at this Business College is surrounded by every incentive and assistance to good work, That id the reason our students learn so rapidly and also the reason our graduates ate in constant demand. Hook -keeping, Stenography, Typewriting, Penmanship, and Business practice. Forest City Business College Y.NI.C.A, 73ui1ding ;:- Lotidon, Out. J. W. Wl STEIVS7ET,T, Principal, Cook's Cotton Root aetapandr. 15 sltecestally nsed monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your Ctruggist for Ceek•s Coifed Root Cons- oaad. 'Take tt0 other, ea all Mittures, pilifi and mItation3 aro dangnrcee. R'rice, NO. 2, $i per box , NO. 0,10degrees stronger, $3 -per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of press And VIO 3•eent 9tasnps The cook company windsor, one. r sponslble Dreggiatsd Inn COO'.uonded fry all No. 1 and No. 2 ore Hold in winghant be 11. A. Doltalass, C. A. men:boll, .1. E. Davis and A. L, llatullton, Dttt:oazs'rs. (Continued) from last week,) ]i'IODAY. The Executive eominittee room ed. that a grant of $2G be made to of the Teachers' Iustitutes in the 00 that the clerk order eighteen cop the Municipal World for 1002 for 11 of the councillors, clerk and trees that a grant of .$20 be made to the Children's Hospital; that the a1 grant of $15 bo made to each p library in the county; that a gra $25 bo made to each of the three F ors' Institutes, and $20 to each Ag t'ual and Horticultural sooiety ill, county holding exhibitions in 1002; $10 be granted for the purchase of ers for the Court House Square, an for the Prisoners' Aid Association; the Goderieh Star be awarded the tract for the county printing; that county license fee to pedlars be red from $50 to **25, the former figure, that a refund of $25 bo anode to per who have taken out a license for 1 that the following amounts be poi the different Collegiate Institutes of county, on the basis of the statem resented by them: Seaforth, $2,346 Clinton, $2,090.53; Goderieh, *1,8 he Council appoint Robt. Deachma county pupil of the Ontario .Agri ural College; that a grant of *1,000 ade to the proposed county hospi o be paid to the proper authorities wl the building is taken off the coutracto ands in its completed form; that the sual grant of *600 be made to the 33rd egiment to supplement their pay at the uuual drill, The report was passed, J. H. Cameron, of Brussels, and J. H. igert, of Dungannon, were appointed linty examiners for 1002. Two votes were then taken for county uditors, W. Clegg of Wingham and P. antolon of Clinton being elected. The road and bridge committee recent - ended that no action bo taken with ference to the communication from e Good Roads Association askiug for e sending of delegates to Ottawa; that e request of the township of East Wa- anosh for the sanctioning of a by-law close a certain road be granted; that e matter re Stanley bridge referred to the application of Alexander Elliott left with the county engineer to Make angoments if necessary; ; that the plication of the Huron, Bruce & Mid - sex Electric Road Company be grant - subject to such restrictions and regu- ions as may be necessary to properly eguard the public interests, provided bridge be found capable, or can be de capable, for the above purpose, d that the road and bridge committee, ether with the county solicitor, have raft agreement prepared containing necessary conditions and restrictions men d- caeh rutty; les of 18 1180 um; Sick mind ublio lit of arm- rioul, the that flow - d *10 that. cou- t11e uced and Sons 902; d to the euts .57; 00; n as cul - be tal, ten is p a t 11 u r a T oo a C m re th th th w to th in be ear ap Ole ed, lat sat the ]Illi au tog ad the for the protection of the county and sub- mit the same to this Council at its next session; the Council having the right al any time after the expiration of one year from the opening of the road to cancel this right or franchise upon giving the Company twelve months' notice in writ- ing if its continuance is z]ot satisfactory to the County Council, The committee reported that Mr, Ansley had received tenders as follows for bridges over the Bayfield river near Clinton and over the Maitland river at Lower Vitinghain: For superstructure -Hunter Bridge Co., Kin- cardine, *3,975; Supply Co„ Windsor, $4,398; Stratford Bridge Co., $5,025; King Bridge Co., Cleveland, 0., *5,803; Hamilton .Bridge Co., $6,720. The ac- ceptance of the Hunter Bridge Co.'s tender of $3,975 was recommended. If this company do not give satisfactory assurance, the tender to be given to the next lowest tenderer, For substructure (per cubic yard): Rowan & Elliott, St. Catharines, *6.85 for Clinton and $6 for Wingltaut; Charles Barber, Wingham, $4.50 for Wingham.: F. Gutteridge, Sea - forth, *4.75 for Clinton and $4,50 for Wiughant; Reid & Co., Goderieh, $4,80 for Clinton; S. J. Andrews, Clinton, $4.70 for Clinton. It was recommended that the tenders of Frank Gutteridge for both the Clinton and Wingham bridges be accepted: that no action be taken in regard to the application of the reeve of Colborne regarding Young's bridge. The report was passed, Out of the Shadow. Tho discouragement, the despair of ill. health, out into the noon -tido glory of health, vigor and strength. Are you seeking, this way? Are you wishing to replace weakness by strength, despon- doney by bopo and expectation, pale cheeks end lusterless eyes, by the roses bloom and sparkling eyes. If you but use Forrozonp, you will make rich, red blood, year nerves will grow strong. Old time vigor will return and with it endurance that, will enable you to live an active, energetic and successful Iife. Remember the name,, Ferrozone. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Clinton. The assessment roll is said to be in "n disgraceful condition," Two assessors, Messrs. II, Stevens and T. Cottle 11a't°e been appointed to straighten out the tangles. A monster demonstration is talked of for Coronation day, Councillor Combo says the Cold Stor- age Company is now booming and there is every prospect of the buildings being erected when spring opens. Fifteen can. vassers were set at work this weolc and next week a series of meetings will be held throughout the county to place the advantages of cold storage before the people, A System of waterworks for domestic purposes is now being talked of, to be supplied from artesian Wells, A few nights since, it man named 1\T10. 111eGibbem,y, left the house of Refuge during the night. Hie absence wits not discovered 'until ,'ext Writing, and when a search vcs instituted his body was found by the Aside of the river. An inpaost was hold, and it was found that no blame whatever meld be attached to anyone. 1le had boon out of his mind for sono time before. 01t0a weeks and coals findglnoforelef until 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, Only, one-fourth of the bottle cured me." u L. Hawn, Newington, Oni. ..Mewv..ywsc. .Neglected colds always lead to somethingserious. They rut; into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins, A few doses will cure you then. cold; 50c.1juat tight ger bronchitis, ohfer itie hoarse - new, hare colds, etc.; g1, moat economical for cliroalo caeea and to keep on hand. J. 0. AYEIR CO.. Lowell. Maas_ E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations, VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Music, will he prepared after Oct. lst to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. 0. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L,C,ML And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pro - paring for examinations. Residence -opposite the R. C. Church, Wingham. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOL1t PHYSICIANS . SURGEONS - ETC. Josephine Street -. Wingham R. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at' office. �RTIIIIR J. IRWIN A.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the I en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Of[lce-•WINGIlAM W, T. Holloway D•D .S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal' ..ollego of Dental t onto c an Ho or Graduate of Dent- al University. Jt uipl t. Torou- FJ to vorofsity. Dentistry�plPrices ved m oderate. all Satisf Satisfaction guaranteed.sat-office in Beaver Block. E.L. DICKINSON BARRISTER, ETC Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton MONEY TO LOAN Office: Meyer Block Wingham. • LIFE Abner Coselis FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office -corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., WINGHAISI ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS r`P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.0. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN tMEDICINE, Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, Oman Rocas 1-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 t09 p,ni, VANSTONE ' BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. Office BEAVER 'BLOCK, 7-95. WINGHAM. A. DULMAG-E REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCINC. MONEY 1'O LOAN . on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, OFFICE. --.T ,-0 doors north of Dr• Chishohn's surgery. IResidence-Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Bents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. 01 FICf.--Ove b. Ill. Gordon's scorn. Itosidcucc: Leopold street, s0 VEA1 ' EXPEOIENOM l'RADE Manias t?aNv OOPVI71GIIG.IT$ +&C, hssyeeetweeting t. Art and treat:o,tten relay welch? asertaln nor opt010n tree tvt,e1her net 1nveutinn tit 5,54 x111°AMhh`, 1Y,nnnnn IA 11001 atrlrtly rontldCntlal. IInndbnok nn Patents 9011E free. 0ulnet nnrnry for oe0urtnOpatentr, Patents thIcen thrcnul, X1101111 & Co. receive rivIs;liintles, without eherr d 8 td, 10the k$ ®4 tifiC riton, A hpnd5omely Illustrated weekly. largest rtr. emotion of any orientate ,lumen,, 711'111$,S3 a liar • Sour months, RL sola by all n6WldPalerr. Co 36I6r6adway, NOW )(Olt Deere Sface, 924 V Ste Wa tatvittee, D, U� Bargains= in SUITS H. E. Isard & Co. Boys' 2 -Piece Suits, Sizes 22 to 30. Boys' 3 -Piece Suits. Sizes 27 to 33. u Bargains flus DV RCOATS Gigantic Sale OF Ready-to-wear CLOTHING We offer unmatchable 'Values in our Clothing department for the next two weeks, Our stock must be reduced in order to make room for spring Clothing, which will come to hand in a few weeks. Every garment is well made and guaranteed to give satisfaction. We handle the best Clothing. Note our reduced prices : Reuular 1�ri .75.. , .Sale Price $L25 " $2.00.... " $7..50 " $2.50,... " .. $3.00.... •' $2,25 " $3.50.... " 5 $2.7J IN ONNIMININMINIM.,10111....... Regular Price $3.25. . -.Sale Price $2.50 " 34.00. " „ $4.50.... $ Q.a�so .. ... " $3.50 $4.00 Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Ulsters, Reeffers, etc., at COST PRICE. Regular Price 55,00....Sale Price $4.00 .: $3.00.... " $1.75 " $7.50.... " $0.00 Men's Suits lel Great Variety. Youths' Suits, Sizes 33 to 35. egular Price 30.00.. 36.00.. " $7.00.. $7.50.. MEN'S OVERALLS, Strong, Well Made, and Riveted Seams. MEN'S PANTS. Ml kinds. " $10,00.. regular Price 50c 65c " 50e 85c .,• " ., 1.00 „ 75e Regular Price $1.00.... Sale Price $ .75 31.25.... " $1.00 ,. $1.50,... " $1.20 $200.... " $1.50 31.00 ,r $2.25 " $2.75 -Sale Price $4.00 • • " $4.755 $5.25 • " $6.00 , "` $7.00 •. $8.00 Sale Price 40c " 32.50... " $3.00... " $3.50... Men's Winter Underwear Shirts and Drawers. Reg," Price 60c... ,Sale Price 39c GSC... " 5`Oc " 90e.... " 6JC Reg. Price $1.00... Sale Price $0.75 $1.25, .. " $0.95 $1.50... " $L20 Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Dried Apples, as cash. Q E. isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce The General Election Is approaching, but present needs and present opportuni- ties are of greater importance. Do yon need an Overcoat ? We have the best materials, the leading lines, and make it up in the latest styles. Do you need a Suit ? A glance at our superb stock will convince you that here you have the best choice. It costs no more to have them made in style, to fit with comfort and look well. Do You Need - and Shoes -of any kind, ladies', Gents' children's. Ties, Our stock in these lines is first-class. - IN TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS WE EXCEL. on nth Sons® You do not buy a Cook Stove every year, hence the necessity of a GOOD SE LEa EO I, We have Line upon Line for your inspection this is only one of them. Examine Our Stock, HEATING STOVE'S a. fine assortment. es OOfl s 1014 LINE" two �l' �Ki.•�.+� eV'v. SaRAN ec1 All at reasonable� prices t Special attention to I insn ithing upG & SON.