The Wingham Advance, 1902-01-23, Page 6/70-4/ C44t/ do it " pg., bit>dAt, 00-aktide Wad • iit eleiremeeaemeepam The Coming of Gillian: A Pretty Irish Romance, +4444-easeeteateeeee++.4+444-lee-esiseet+++++++4•44÷4.+4-1-feletiefeetta itil'r rt p Ait-4, i”,noviotk vart.MN %Ai 11,AtiN, liesiMer at what benillelcil gil tht ws, atett a ,tikne as oti,1 aliteate vale osi eveettee, Vieille ae Ittei Walliell nt 1 ot O, peel -are (won Ler k. V., 31 litst ! it,eN Mt, {AIM :4 it gale veer tired, let it di r-ietaterelle, I Wel eini tItt look Orett It1111 illealliti taettaa a !reeves (iNeosee teleseet ; teeeesre yea teem little soul 1" lie i 1„.). ea!, a 1,1 et e„ ;awe • eeet :tarsi I •Nee 4, ,;toilietteeleitatele-, ,"I 'ivtdil, PHI ta -ea a ,ee , a,•(,:e N., u..0.% 1/4m1c, cui ,oitilli 1,i1.7,1 t kw....4.4 ,i,),,,kx %pilot I\ windows., nut u u,,, m li t tor, -...1‘,..; ,,,t,i3t :1 10 ll •',1 4 Il• k 4 ,5 • t;ovORY5MOIN oil %Milli this el 011111p,. i '•',' ',' t'''f' •C . \ 11'-'7' %.' rl %' 4 ,"1.'1-1l -w A ,s,' l'e, N oll 1440.4A . titillailt %Intl tar I a tits i‘e Ilt tes teem", Mel lir - " C eve, etse. el; e.- 4,It'..intss xl•YRIM• N4%0 loi ,` 'tee+ te est no,11 ateet e ' roam mime ititniti!" t11111611 (IX- etta taken leen lei,le Pewee twee I: %VI: %WAN. gawk litg White Mill red by tea ti etiee eiesee. Nes-eating 43‘,Ak kt 'NO. 103.4IN " 1 Meer keen' I NOW'S' tOlt1 trg lee end inatomeina etemittliiit la tit I Di" \YIlOrt% IN It0 l?" 1 tvrItz-6,t,1.,o10,N Jim, ea:ems hoe l --'ht' le tireeeltig for dinner, ae ital tie eke terms tot eet !tie llot." VaPtaill 1./10Y all,Y11, With ote,tr hoe with tweeted a feint attottpt at Mettle', notleing tette. Twee, in ltie ION" tl itttlinOr 0111141I10 deartbl lave, "Mut lie-einn go- • IX veer ,e " Latie 1t te•.et etwerti tn leg to eurpria) eult, te lit ritettra "I shall not won- tilettgreettitle surpriete tote weree der in the hetet it 1 flint fresit„ ittelt Your Palter line married Needle ettieliteitt sinvet eletteotitt Win. or tome timer, anti larought itoule t,0I011-0.101:11. nde(Ittetel 4j 8U'14$ III the part er to elm!" of this -absurd, tealtiele itemortleal no in nothing nett er though Itt, le inneouidetweuty ! I have bad et we ter eon." Hlte iterrhel- le-, tut Bingham runlet; into the draw- ingeroom. "Shut the door 1 I imitit to you for feat tuniutes-1 nave iery itews to tell you "Moe 'you," he says, in n, low, eon. strained tote, an -1 Indy Damer woo: tiers it in a prat ision of her bad newt4 whieh' makes Iiie !eve so (loan - Is pia-, brulv sa gloomy, end bis The 'ling" of the little bronze eloek slon with a sort of deepair. " vsefi nereeix tbata near her has marked the halt-heur ivould uot be guilty ot the hiast for- nothing strange. Mutt Jeannette. Go 'several minutes before, but there is getfuntess regime of Lady Deaner no sign of the return of Captain Lacy ana Gillian. She had receive.) a brief message an bour before that they were going out for a short time, ad has scarce- ly troubled herself to think twice about the matter. Tile 'lovers" so frequently take walks together, and late ats le the hour, and odd as seems their absence, stilt even Mrs. Grundy stretches a vela in raver of a betrothed pair. en any acettunt," "Pray do nut apologize!" Lady Demer says, with stern brevity, grow- ing baeghtler as he grows humbler and more erabarraesol. " No, pray, tion't ! It isn't any use, not the hetet bit in the world," laughs Aramintha, "You did forget! or 'you didn't do "It is quite time for them to be back now, however," Lady Deaner thinks, knitting her brows. "What can Bingham be thinking or? What a contretemps it would be if iter father were. to arrive just at this moment 1" Another five minutes pass away, however, and then there comes a roll of ea :Meg° wheels, and a loud knock and ring. 'The hall door Is thrown open hurrie' My by the butler, and a strange voice heara in loud, auth- oritative tones in the hall. Lady Damer sits absolutely still; growing cold with apprehension, growing hot with alarm and displeasure; her face paling under its delicate rouge. "It is Mr. Deane, I believe," she gasps, in the strange pe,nie that seems to seize on her. 'Where can Gillian be ? What ea.n I do or say ?" when• the butler throws open the drawing -room door and eenounces: "Mr. and Mrs. Deane -my lady 1" CHAPTER XXXIV. For the space of half a dozen, sec- onds, Lady, Darner sits petrified with dismay. And then she rises, slow and stately, and stands in tall, statue -like rigid- ity, her imperioes 'brow slightly thrown back, her bnperious chin slightly raised, watching the portly, pompous gentleman with the bald forehead and long, drooping evhisiters, and the lady by his side, who are entering the room. "Lady Danner! My dear madam !'" thus the bald gentleman begins with a most deferential smUe and bow; "allow me to introdace myself. Her- bert Deane at your service, as I be- lieve I have never had the honor of meeting your ladyship before! I be- lieve T am not wrong -I have the pleasure of addressing Lady Datner ?" he says, pausing ;Atli some uneassi- on, pleetet, "Gillian's father has returned un- expeetedly-eome here a few mine Mee ago," tete fetes, ehnose stain - agitation. "etta what do eou thluk, Beetham ? it is dread- ful for me to hate to tell eou Lade - Denier saes. with teare of despairing rage asing te hoe isees. eThe wham' man aetualle has goae and married ats you ought to hale one, e 1, giri •feW Zt-ksa!pi older than it 8 Deane; and I suppose you win lea daughtisr-a low, ilesigning Yankee all the blame on me!" " girl! Morried her ill disgriteettd, She flashes another •arch glance hole-andeeorner Rolhion, at her eewly-wedded widen. withcut adeinaillefilg fine 11 one unlucky Mr. Deane -between the Lady Canter apparently denies the two Sires of fear of his bride's• Possibillee of few voles Anutriean pleasure and ies titled gueslee (lts- eitiFeets p.,beessing any indivitlualty pleasure-reettived with a sickly them OWD. mail% and wipes Ins brow, **Oh!" Laey eays, With a serprised "rn explain it all to Lady Denier looks and a cold, scornful smile. by and by, my dear, he says4 "Has he really? I fancied he was a pitiating Aramintna with a lea ivery shrewd, lottgeheaded fellow. He seeehing glance and ti ying io only as big a fool as every other vain to propitiate her ladyship matt -that Is elle comfort 1" with her deferential bow', if elVhat are you, talking about ? Is allow me to ring for your maid, Ar- that all you have to say ?" Lady amiable dearest. It is just dinum . exelahns, griudiug her foot on the floor. time, my love, and WO must not keep Lady Lanier waiting. pre_ "It'hat else ehould I say -?" Lacy curtly, his fair forehead sumo dinner is served at the ueual retwths, weal nta darker and sterner than Lady jean - hour, Lady Darner ?" other timid bow. nette has ever seen it. "If I knew Air. Deane better I should be sorra- "I eave not altered any of your Lady for 'him, I dare say. At present I am arrangements Mr. Deane," indifferent. What .does it matter to Darner says, vouchsafing him the briefest of Owl:tees, beneath her haughty eyelids. "Dinner at 7-1t. now wants five mieutes to the hour." And a certain obliquity of tone sends tnis in the direction of 'the unexpected guest. "Gracious!" AramIntha tetys, with a bright little. laugh, quite unabash- ed. "It will take • Sylvia five minutes at least to fix my bang, and • I could not get into any- of mystiln- nee dresses in less than another ten minuteel If I can come down in my travelling dregs Leen be ready in ten minutest not sooner." She pauses smiling t oward Lady llt line nlarreel ae,ailt 1" Oil. TO.WEAK WOMEN EVERYWHERE. Mrs. Maxwell Tom tiow moo Pow and Suffering. may be, Remedlea. ft. Very interetiting eitetement by an Mora litis Valuta. a IiitD4 OW% for all iceniele 'Weeltness teed 'Wants Every W mantle Co nude to IlElsott' it, Elora, Ont., ,Ta -h. 1.43.-(Speole,1), - Aire. Manville. of title platte, line writ- ten for piiiilleatIon v pry scrong letter which mho elanne that Distidei 1KlilileY Ville have cured her of nie jinn :jays, Nirti blailkoHt tulmzonioat• mate Weitineerse af ter slim 'ma tried itt iter thee alat vt,len, but with no tilluost everythiug elNe, trftee Of indeed or woutelen feeling lit 11)1110 !Peed WY, acOordime to ber either. "Papa married 1 Who oil earth Ina toillelM suffered for a lung' thee iltil he marry ? Ween did lie get mar- with idanoy tronble, enduring leo Med And novel. told me tote *orate greatest pain With a dizziness and Her fee° Leashes iteligaian ay coy a illeadaelies that made her very 111. She Montville ., . Was Manilla through 'what. is always "II0 has .breugla her home with 't vralmti Porloa 111 every dvololail's Wee of (entree," Captale Levy says, ilfe and her triathlete were emend- orably ilierceseti by 'tide. Indeed llor grav OA tearing (11111311 le nat i1' c- eomprehendifig her miefor- tile was1 for a tlia0 ill, !great' draogele Kite gays silo usea Dartifre Kidney tenets. "She is Imre now, dress - Inn. for dinner, tie I ant; not, Pills witlt the motet remarkable re- Yoar lethal' married quito re- stilts, beteg ahresst instantly re- eently a ;teeing Amerlsan woman- !lewd and la a very isteert time, com- ity -es -only eibout a fortnight sine pletely curea and re:Oared to geed Lade limner says, quite a girl, I un- 11;s1Uth' deretatel, euld----" See Is Very grateful, and in her "My tether has married an Amer).- letter she eaye: "S cannot find word's denly, With a rising color eau OAP Gillian Interrupts, Mal- " and a Theis are tho groat -est medicine in the lei expreee ney gratitude to God for no; marrellotte cities Dodd's. Eidaey heaving breast, And thee 'a, few large tears r 11 weldia, a:specially for those of my ago. down tier cheeks silently, °-- "X could 'scarcely move bland or foot trembling voice! but says no more. "Poor mamma 1" she says, In a T was SO diezY, and violent palms tx;ftlrbolatzigitt ubttyo, owolat(040 isc.);d8: "Bat that le. not quite the wortit, ney Pille I feel well and mart." twl.11,1(ibuliwnO Gilliam dear, 1 ant sorry to flaYi" This easet and its curtelfits created Captain Lacy says, pitylugly. "Poor quite. a sensation and ivtrs. Maxwell's ' little girl! I feel for yen In my very full andlrank statemeut of the mat - soul I Lady Darner says that she is ter, late been the subject di a groat not at all a well-bred or ladylike deal of confinent. . Person, 'Horribly under -bred,' was Deed's Kidney Pills' s'etira to be an' hex( expreselon, but let us hope Rho infallible cure RA. Dieeases 'Of Wo - exaggerated a little in her vexa- mon asewell as Inc Rheumatism, Dia - ton at your father's unexpected bete% 13rIght'e" Disease end all Kid - "Try and make the best of hor, nay disorder& , marriage," t dear," lie adds, as parting console- Still in Stat,u Quo, tion, with, ids arm around her 6110111 - dors in a brotherly sort ot caress. They have asked the visiting Eng - "She le your father's wife neve, and yora, lisewoman what she thoegitt of New nothing can alter it, and she may not be an unpleasant person, even "I think it will be charming - it elm be vulgar." when it is finished," said the Eng - "I hope she Id a good woman,- and lishwoman.-Exehan,g-e. • will be a good wife to my father," • • Gillian says, firmly, even with these - Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Piteous, trembling lips. "Of course, T "What does it mattet e Are yen shall be respectful to her and try mad, or are ;you only insolent and 4 oe ma,ke her like me." -ungrateful, as you have often been?" I "No one could help liking yieu, dear," she says through her shut Lacy says, gently-4the code not teeth. "What does it matter to you help liklng you If site were.. a, got:- -to your prospects -to me- 'tliet i ,gon 1,, ,. iliere has come a. yeung wife and all "Hush," C.11111in says. apprelien- her .poefsible future children between sively, looking hook at the deer ime eentetna fortune ? Mat does iC -mat- mediately belling them. "This is ter $ 'How dare ;am ea -reach a thing papide dressing room." - to nee !"-' ,• • tee' . 1 Aed she line -hardly- spoken when "L bave no doubt it will niake a, tite door open's and a dazzling vision diffeyenee in the itanouut of- appears: , • , Gillian's fortune frient • her . . father," Lay says, compos- dHAPTER XXXV. edly moving away. , "It will not af- • Simulteneousty Captain Lacey and Darner in what ie certainty an ap- feet the money settled cin her un- der -her grandmother's Will." Gillian perceive the dazzling vision- :- a tall and gracious form -Pa daughter peal to her courtesy, and with a sort ea. -gods,". clad in goddess -like at pleasant, womanly confidence en paltry • twenty-five thousand 1 of -tie Just enough to brieg you a email -... • rottee of. silvery shimmerigg -silk, the - - 2 alill habited," her ladyship- says, pats - her remelt. decent income=ii, man of your taotee ;hue of moonlight, faintly green and But Lady Darner takes up het book once more, deliberately ignor- I : lufer >us, with pearl embroideries Ing the presence oT her unexpect ed 1 1 sionately. "Are yon, going to ad- el ea mg areund her. . splendid • 'white e ‘ tint ,Itl ut I, word ? To reeign , 4 V. l0 4. but ond arm% and a band or Delo-- guest. all emir ,erdeedid PeosPeats without . , If you wieh diviner delayed for struggle 9" , levelvet-studded ' itl di d • gi, e , 1 , . tv i amen & some time, Mr. • Deane," slut say 'sel tillatin - aroand 11 r nclid s' 'W1it - 1 I • i i- • ,1 lo 2" Ile g - e ; sPle nese in his manner, anti a certain I ;somewhat in the tone in which she la n ou i 1.1 la e in. t . Avitite neoe. . . tusks. quietly. '•Refuse to give Mr. ; rei i , - . ; ..•• stiffness as teen. addresses her own husband; eplemse . a• tore s a ioa,ni• en. wlute leceis and Dela-, the honqr of owning ine for a Pearl einbrolderies On ' the trailing ' I am leedy Damer, Mr, Deane," to give the butler your 'Oath, , -ta ,i ' • " her ladyship says, with her stateliest that effeet." ' )11*'111- trnt. 114, -,t,M3 ,, 1 ' i 110 pay 'high for i robes ; there are yartia of lustrous . • • . , ' the privilege •. ' • tliegslivery-'' 1 ; ens t -green am white bow, her icteet ' Bugle, "and-" she "No, no, Lady Deaner, not on any . "I Would 'eertainly.have Mr. Deane looks majestically toward the lady on account !" Mr- Deane exclaims, lime timk;, as. y011 laces lying on the crimson steat- ite ample settlements dazzling -vision Itis left arm with an imperious Mesh vously. "Well"--evitli a -glance at have every aeaeon to expecte' her earPotinge the of her eye -glasses. Areaeintlut, whose bright eyee aro "" "- - , but • , might • be 'Venus Apbrodite ladyship says, swim -tee unpres- ; risin • froen the waves," With a lit - My wife Lady Damer ! ely wife!" wathhing 1'141-•"fived ruimItes• If Y.°1 fl.Yely : her keen busineas . inatlucts elt Mr. Deane says smiling and bowing'. will kindly allow us fiVe minutes, Lady .„ . , . . t . . ,, I t 10 8 r etch of the imagination, lenly again with a secret deprecatory rub flamer 1 Aramintlia, love, you theist °s-1.' a "0. aria overcoming eten nu 1 , . . that Vends Aplirodite has a given - of his hands together, as she is grati- fied to - detect. " I -we, . that is - were married only very recently, anti there was really not time, that is to friends all waiting." on future inberitance you must at say -at least -to coinmunicate, but- And as he uses this vagueephrase a Aramintha, dearest, allow me to In- recollection flashes across him of his least make eertain• that your in- . Come on your marriage veitb tee girl, please hurry your toilet .on this oc- casion," he .says, imploringly, "We cannot keep Lady Denier. • no our pout cusp easure a • a .cor tic cluster of red geraniums and difference . or relucta,nce evident in 1 . ; green leaves clinging to her . left per nepliew'e manner:, shoulder, and is buttoning a ten - "If there be leas money in reversion i button pale -green glove, as she ad- va.nces with a, pleasant smile and a ' certainly ''Self-PosSessed bea,ring. ' A. quieft look of winna.nly interest troduce you to Lady Darner. , daughter s existence. • a.nd youe own private- ailow'ance,te Another bow, almost slighter than ; "I suppose my little girl -Gillian, not lees than . d es ere . =Otos her bright, self-satisfied faee' y the preceding one, 'net the' leintest my daughter -is at ems,. and quite ou 1Me ia reason to think they wawa be ; 1-01 085 in a , moment, as she looks. trace of a smile-ity or otherwise- well,• end all that, Lady Damer ?" Yea meet be firm' and decided on at the young pair standing • to - Is Lady Damer's sole acknowiedg- .lie says, smiling and glancing in an every point," Lady Darner saye, ment of the intreduction of the 1 embarrassed fashion. warmly. "The' man is a tradesMan, •new Mrs. Deane, who, on her part. 1 "Your daughter ie quite well, Mr. Mel with; it tradesman's instinct he lbows more gracefully and quite as Deane," Lady Darner responds for- will try to beat you down and bar - haughtily as Lady Damer,, and re- ! malty. "You will see her and Capt, turns the Dash of her ladyship'e . Lacy at dinner." glasses, with a , brighter, keener ' And then, as Mr. Deane has fol - glance of her own brilliant eyes. 1 lovved his Aramintha, nervously int - "I suppose you are astonished, Lady; pressing on her the necessity of Darner, at Mr. Dea.ne's marriage ?" ; haste, Lady Denier is left alone, she says, coole. "The eeremollY Netts i and she takes off her glasses and on the• twentieth of last month, and. her hands drop at her sides, in as we left en the twenty-sixth there , helpless* disnmy. was no use In writing; we should ; "Who would have imagined this ? have arrived nearly as soon as our 1 Who Would have dreamed of such letter, you see, and one can break ' a thing?" she gasp% too etuntted startling news( rather better in per- ! fer much wrath as yet, as she be - son than in a letter 1" with an a.udit. gins' to fully comprehend the over- does smile vrhich points her words, ! whelming calamity that has fallen and makes Lady Denier feel quite upon her and her plans and well - Mint with speechless wrath fee the I laid schentes. time being. i "Married again to a young wife!" "Nevertheless, Mrs. Deane," be, 1 she muttere, trembling and bewild- ladyship says frigidly -with the mostereee staken by surprise. "A young wife ofhe Is so utterly, helplesely galling reproof that deliberate con- . descension of tone and faint, pitying five or isix-anti-tweety, a elever, bold, audacious creature, who has smile can eonvey-"yon should not married him for his money and :wondering at Iter splendor, and her weeds; but it is just no good to spend have failed to acquaint me at. the. ' , rulea him' like her slave. A norrible, very earliest opportunity with this , ed on white skin; and tho otyllsh ettiffnre When I am 'done With it. I dpn't do Certainly unexpected news. You ap- i underbred, designing, Caleulating her dietanee and never presum of luxuriant red -brown heir, which le it for show, or to. make a display' American girl! 'Fixing her bang!' the connection." pear to forget, both you dud Mr.! and 'getting into' her dinner dress! "Ay -true, 1 forgo -Le' Bingham coped on the top of her head, and of eceentrioity ; bee I have found Deane," and the eye -glasses ' LaOY Hari), sardonleally. "Tt every- among whoee ereped wreaths and that there is nothing quite so good. "()f e eve. everythitos will be al - with you; he hats this new wife Deane," my husband's daughter," - of bis to think of now, ;you see, 'no matter hew anxious he may be for she -adds, with a gracious smile, but extending her hand slightly. "Won't an alliance with us 1" "Ile would not bo if Ile knew ail," Pee say Yon hope we shall be Lime- says, tvith a mild, peculiar friends, or am I too litterly de - 'mile. "I want to have a long talk testable?" and her brilliaet eyes with you Tater on ilde evening, Aunt flash half a dozen •arch menninge Jeannette; et present there is bare- In her last queetion, and Captain ly Hine for me to make myself be- Litey feels himself 'tingling down witching and sedtictive for our Yen- Into his boots with shame and 'eon - fusion of faee. kee bride. "If you think it worth while," her "Aunt Jeannette is a fool," he ladyship says, diadainfally. "'You Oinks, savagely, "to let her jean. have eoareer taste than I imagine, ousy and temper make het blind and however; it' you are not thoroughly stupid %owl designing, ' vulgar, disgusted before half an hour, The horridly under -bred; married in a woman is lierribly under-lared." . hole-and-corner fashion?' The Nve- "Ae bad as that ?"" he asks, shrug- mart is a young New 'York belle, ging his shoulders. 'Poor Gillian! and a, handsome one, tool" "If all goes well, a vulgar step -mo- "Yee, Indeed, I hope we shall be Hier wilt not matter to Gillian," friencle," Gillian says, timidly, looking Lady Darner say -s, coldly. "And of nes aft the goddess in pale green; and course you would take care that this di o cle with sl • d 1 In eyes, person -the new Mrs. Deatte-kept .gether in the centre of the lobby. "I know who you are,!' she ears to Gillian, with a sudden - which, however, ,see represses the next moment. "You are Mise +0+44 ++++ +40 It+t•+++.1++,0 Tilk, UNCROWNED QUEENS OF ENDLAND. ++++++++++++++++11+++++++++ Eligindrd Mtn Jlitti 1011113 royal women tilteelia 111 their owe riglite and; queene by virtue ot marriage with tho reign - Me' ereign, but IL iti not, generalle known that tieVeit of the, women who ttre knewlt In history no (Leone were net eu In feet. They never reeeived efficially the insignia, of a monarch, the mown. Tile West watt Margaret, of Tettuce, the young, plane anitable :emend wife ot Edward 1. 110 natt hpelit, 0111011 Money lu conqueriug Waive and in trying to viewer Sae!. Med that lie could not Word, the ex. liens') of a coronatlen for ids girl Ureic, mut elle had to du without the ePlendore the pageant: -King Henry VIII. took oare that Anne Boleyn ehoult1 be erowned with extreme magniticotom He ticeired to show the Weida now Amish he loved Mir and hOw very much he defied the Bishop ot The four wives wig) Ina:seeded her were never crowned tit all. For one things mOney ran tiliort, mid for another there may have lurked, ovon lu hiS euterleriut stand, a. wets') et tile "Mama; et things" which may have caused him tnouns1 yk tr tit lbtliztobiltievlyoryeromivirAiall lesig eeseitin. AL Ivey rate, the beloved Jane Seymeur, the deeplsed Anne of (loves, the girlish Catherine Howard and the wary Catherine Parr were itever coueecrated in public as queen consorte of England. Henrietta Maria, wife of (Marie's I., reftteett to be crowned, Site was young, she watt pretty, elle was a lereauli prirrease and bigoted Roman Cathos no and elle enellaed to take part in etate fundtion. WOuld etnn- pel hey. to partake of the 'sacrament accoreling te :Church el Eagland Sophia Dorothea, of Zell, cannot be reokoned among the tiOren, because else wee never called Qtmen of Eng- land at all. While eecorge.T. was be - leg crowned and anointed; and - bored, the Lady of Ankle* was pitt- ing heri long, monotonous captiv- ity. . Caroline( of Brunewick is tale and most remarkable, inetance of the uncrow.ned English queen& Though George TV. had, been foreed from pop- elar indignation to give up the hill of pa1/1,1 and penalties against her, halting would induce him to let her share hie eoronation. She• was not permitted to be present In West- minster Abbey at all. 'Repulsed front all the entrances, she returned to her house, to tile within tem) weeks! of a violet fever, brought on by incietbe of fearful excitement. The etralikel cord mapped. The tsrave heart was broken at last. - 1140W He Felt. A certaen 0111e1 Ju,sticte of' Su- preme Court en one of the Western States was noted for the disinclina- tion to admit that lee *as ill, as well ais foe isie roundabout method of ex- pressidn. One day.hie wa,s approached by tbe State Lelnariate who' courteously asked .after hes health. ."Willleana said the Judge, cau- tiously, "I am not well, but I ant ter than I Wtta wthell I was vttoran than I slow am." , - Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Clowe. The Population of China. ' It will- surprise moist people to ;els- :never teat tile population of China is greater titan that be Great: Britain, Germany, France, ja,plen and 'tho United? States coinnined, and thee China bits a population. capable Of bearing anue of 'almest 100,000,- 000. To those ether elements which go to- make- up- a urationee potential • strength, such as vitality, enaure Mime, Indifference to 41s -comfort, ab- ility to* subsist on the smallest ra- tions and to thrive amid uneitnitaety surroundings', the Chinese are un- matehed.-Froin No. 28 or the New York CentraPs "Four Track Series." No. •BS of the "Pour Tratek Series" • will be sent free, postpaid, .bo any addrese, on, receipt ett five cents in posbage, by George Da.niels, Gen- eral Passenger Agent, New Xork Central, Grand Ceetral ,Station, New 7i);b1(e.ro is no such thing as a harmless , • . - ' cough. The -trouble goes from 11a4 to worse unless checked. Alien's Lung Deism cures the worst of eOldS. It allays inflatranatien and clears the air passages., Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ISSUE NO, 4, 1902, Repairing • Neatly Done A Counterfeit. There are a number of counterfeit Dominion of Canada two dollar bine in ;circulation here, and tlie public le yearned to look but for them. The bill counterfeited le a neett issue of the one that lies a fishing sceee on the face, It looks like a wood, it, and the back ts very poor. The words "Dosainion of Canada" on the face, look as though the ink had run. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any, ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cum, 2'. S. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, 0. . We, the undersigned, have known E. J. Cheneyfor the last 15 veers and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any oblige - tions made by their firm. WEST tt, Tituax, Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo. O. ' WaLDING, 1CDorabr i Martyrbr, WiteloSal0 Druggists, Wed°, 0: Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, Lut- ing direetbr upon the blood and mucous sur- face of the system. Testimonials sent, free. Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills arh tile best. Spectacte vie Observant man who is always aware of what ifs going OD about ! hint, and always alert to gather 11140- ful infoemation, recently bad an in teresting eeperionce in a Chicago ! hotel, says the Yeath's Companion. 1118 - attention Was drawn to an end man, a stranger, -who sat next to Itim at the table. "Excuse me," Fetid the observant ; Illan, "but do ,vou know what you : are doing ?" • "Yes, sir. 'I am wiping my eye- glasses." • "Do yoneknow what you are using?" j . "Yes, I am rusting a new two-doi- • Jar bill. I never use anything but a new bill for that purpose." • "Rut isn't it rather expensive'?" "It world be, perhaps, if I took a new bill evoisy time 1 wiped mY glasses and threw It away after - flash on him so that he ; torrid fleece! Lady Denier goes on. winees„ "that I have, at his re-:. with a elgh of despair. "I dart say guest, taken upon nut the poeltIon nd the duties of the mistress of thiK mercenary ereature has p01- 0111! : beaded him its make a will entirely thing went well, she wom uld be y Shining coils big diamondfl s ash like as a perfeetTy new bank note for moliter-in-ln.W. 'Naturally I should dewaleope. 1 1 &leaning glassee. I•t (deems them per - desire that' she kept lier distance. Gillian feelfs a very pale, small, fectly, and never scratches the site - Well, I must disappear. It is past faded, Ineigniacant creature, in 00111- . time of the glee& Make a note Of this house, pending the preparation's In Iter favor already: There is II-- 1 seven. parieon to this 'superb step -mother, ; it" for his daughter's raarriage. I sheaf, tie chiteee of Gillian's Iterelred , "Bingham," Lade' Damer says slid- but atm not utterly ettenehed, be- 1 --The oilier man del so, and In teen at least, nave recei•ved notice" ---with ' thoueand pounds now: There amyl deetly, with an intuitive suspicioncause of a certain kinaly regard In has pageed the recipe, on to his smiling tolerance Inc dense ignorance '--, be lime ebanee or ft wedfiing at all t"13Ingliain ! stop a moment ; that the etendY, keee light Of the fine ' friends, at; may be a rimy' idea to that I should be required to resign ; row! What shall T do ? What course ' American woman won't be down for brown eyee sparkling* on her. 1 1 many periwigs who wear epeetactell, my position and dutitss." ! must I blend on Dingliant adopt- half an hour. She SS fixing her hang, 'I liepe We eleall be friends, and 'My dear Lady Darner 1 Now, my ing at mute ?" elle SVH, if y 01 1. know what that that you will like me, and that ;you dear Lady Darner l Pray don't SaY , 8 she hear g her nepeow's means. Whitt le it you want to tell Will be very happy," she says, tatter- Minard'es LIIIIMOnt Ourell COI% etc. • And a anything of •the kind I Pray do net :" , ing• anti indistinctly, bet eiltnently, laneek lit DIN moment, tui In P to -night ?" Mr. Deane protests,. pe•owing red all : nervous and so 'melon's is elle to "Think et ..1.181, 4111, Illyoly and ae. and looking up at Mee, Deane, whit- 4 n04000 WOEID Talking About. A:t which the ouperll steremother ' A. little girl troin it eroVeled tette* time guelies lute quite unexpected nifeea Meet bowel waif florightmlfy telling a, ; friend bi Has tedlige mottikinpot ..t •tvill tell yeti whea to-nIght comes, "I'm sure., to like you," she says, , n'hOut INT tieW is Peller, i eehees emt it, perftest lady, Antes Omaha tIcalle-"you'ra (sweet !" Aunt tie/inmate." But as lie AWN illilliPf11,y llp-Stfilill. A/1:1 Will' klescia GI lae very 'warmly, " what silo M." sahl the elolld. awl,- with one arm anent her, bottle "Milo 1 They oft! eini kiiiee eladis it it 'slender, dark -robed fignre in a „irt be ti r j a 4 t I, At 1 / 'ley perfeet Voir le' seiseilf ewe, lier elimeng, velvet gown contee :levees ate <now who to have written, Imre enough, only 1 el whet to speak to you fit ()nee. the lamp -lit lelinv, awl with mita eod tire without tell- (rived "View,. Weevil ler too Imo wo hurried thing's so at the lard -- ; her ladyeaje, &aye, 'sternly. WI t i " •• -In - -51 !stretched haudistburriee up to him. With it gay glance flung at Iiim- ; the matter ?" "Yoit haven't told Lade Darner - "that r oleos you forgot till about 1 "Notning very mettle" be sare ane-thime?" Garter' wiiiRjr.rs, feVer- it V' ' teselly, in a brief. determined way. Ish1,v, with two littiv, not, white " indeed, 110, Aramintlia! Indeed, , "We Walked too ter, end Milian le minds ei„spad lightly on ids arm no, !del not, Illy love:" Mr. Deane over tired and ratber upset. That ta-iii; Vaptain Lae" ' von itaVen't over his bald head. " It would (lis- • commence her hasty isketelr•d-out eomplieluel relative -11N C0118111 Fee- fully that you -s. plan of aetion that 011, IllirritSR to the tress Inc extremely if you were to Hay i drawing room door and ' ',ails told But the new Mrs. Deane internerts beckons to 111111 impsrativelY. her husband witlt the mitlacloun endie ; (Mime. is it, mint ?" he -Pays, eolillY in !her height 0300, 11.11 MD10010118 ring mad Impatiently, pausing at tim In her clear, slightly nasal accents. ' ra,,,t or tbe, stairs with Gillian Hut- " Lady Damen; quite right, Mr. Deanel She its quite right. We engirt big on bint, Or rather elinging to elm, no it appeare. 11111 11/4481 to, taty-coeffeuting. to a vul- gar enrioeity like an orditittry Nvos man 1" Lacy say& seorritullY 13US4Nit'SS thIANCICS.. CUSH FOR REAL ESTATE OR ness, no Matter where it is, Send descrip. don and cash price and got our plan for find- ing cash -buyers. Patent Exchange sad Invest- ment Company, Toronto, Canada. par ENTS. Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsioii. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over -work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made—and all of the old ones are racked born long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds.' It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones ,hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma- terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show • through the new glow of health: No one has to wait his turn. Ydu can do it yourself—you and the bottle. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott't Emtilsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO cANA.De soc. and eteall druggists. 'PATENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, A. ete. Jenne or foreign procured and ex- ploited. Booklet on patents free. The Patent Exchange and Investment Company, Pythian Building, Toronto, Ont. eaye. vehemently, growing redder and is all?' told her, have ;Noe 'litre not go looking at his wife's gay eelf.poesee- I "I wish to epeak to you," TAuly Dee 't , own 1.01 810 MOM: it httlie• 111111 arida of ; always Wee I" MIGHT SOAP One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than Two ounces of impure soap. RUIYUCES P ENS l& Ask far Cis (Wagon liar. If year grocer tenet oupply, unite to • matt BROTHER% LIMITED, Toronto, kending his naitio alte address, a a Wel sample of Sanlight �op edit be sent ;LI ilea of cost. f•treat bright (earn well up into the (leek, • gazeile-like roes, itud she drams 'leek with -quivering lipe. Co bet Continued.) "You prontieed yoa would -pity me • • • ee--(----e,--saseeseeas -an(1 It( kind to me." 14110 falters, Powder 2 5c with it ritshisee finish, 1111)114111, re- , Tooth proachful look Itt her 'sweet wet Ing, she says, With n, srrille that aYis. sleeve all Iter White teeth • "yon 'it 8 uloy ProJelio $141101ivr *jig ebe are Glilian'a firtneee, Central! 'Binge Indignant enewer, "f Wee glaae ft ham LacyMel 1 helm" - With et pErfeet lady is,,ame 0100 infikepi 4.1a2zli11g finall nt eyt41, teeth feel polite nil 1 bit /line" and dianiendes - "you wil nave =ea saes melting to say againist, her 'trill "i / vim c01(711,1 1411i ,o else /04 Me being gooil frientle. 11.`e,y and Meier rta rele ftfettl eittieMt goer Opinien ot Ine, Won't liniments ere adeerfleed, (tale (eve you e" Derry Dash' eleedl I fle asaltre you, Aire. Deane," Lefty tiles If piety yeare, gitts it VI 0111304o TS/Wing', "rou tool not ei"' mere Islitilar than etor. h".1 on•I NOe. sire iny opinion or you to be " 'Hero Jy POUT, II( had rva eon to think you eared tor Me-symt Were NO MCP 1.0 111, Shee-litit 1 mike H. a pant to be eyes. etre. Melaprop-That'is yeting 1110)0 to evilY man' 80 188-1 11 floW &dues Rape gives Bich, green food at 25c m ton. etti id he is, irisiosimidodidaleirikm MOst filitittfilly, Gillette deer,' he rind, eqYli knowe Pays, eVrit tenderly. "DOIlst Mris. Gabble -Indeed ? And hi thtit •SOZOLIONT "lety T tee will, 1 pitomisel yea ,Tenkine. 1/01 engeged to be Mar. 11 he afraid: I have Maid 4tothing to two young woman 'with him nowt" X,* tor tho TEETH 25c FARM SPE LTZ- What Is it Catalog tells. SEEDS 1,000,000Customers Proudest record Of any seedsman on earth, and yet wo are reaelsing. out for more. We dear°, by .Thly 1st, 300,000 snorepatrons and hellos this unprecedented offer. MO WORTH FOR 15c raMil upon receipt of 151 in stamps onrgroat esitalogtte, worth feii100.00 to any wide Etwalce farmer or gardener, togetnerwithmany Farm Seed samples • poSitively worth 810.00 t� get A start With,uponre0e010 of brit 2.Sets. in ca.:;;I:reird.izestiatini.,obp0;.t.. '4 SED e„,t;;;)!7' a 1Coanta,1 Bend at once. • Please send this adv. with 130 for above, 1 tt FEW MORE GOOD MEN WANTED have you a paying occupation for the winter 1 We will put you in a way to make good wages; we employ both on salary and commission ; handsome outfitfurnished free; our side -line helps our salemen splendidly; write and got term e and particulars. Chase Brothers Company, Nurserymen,- Colborne. Ont.; established 46 years. MIRUIT FARM FOR SALE ---ONE OF THE finest in the Niagara Peninsula, at Winona, 10 miles from ..xailton on two rail- ways. 130 acres in all, 26 of which is in fruit, mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel OT divided into toted 15 to 20 aeres to suit pur- chasers. This is a deoided bargain Addreen Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box (09, Winona • Ontario VIRGINIA HOMES. You learn all about 'Virginia lands,' ;Mils, • water, elimate,...resources, products, fruits, berries, mode of ',cultivation, prices, etch. by' • reading the VIRGINIA FARMER. Send 100 for three months' subscriptieni to box201, Far,. mor Co,, Emporia, Va, TURKEYS WANTED 3. ' *We will pay you 0 cents per potted for Piu eked Turkeys, large or small lots. We buy all kinds,. of Poultry. We pay freight and send cheek or Money order -as soon as we receive the Poultry. SAMUEL L. LEWIS tre Commission Merchants, London, Ont. 4.'"'"•,..,I'''''''. ,/,,`,/N. "".",`,..1 ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Highfield - Hamilton RUGBY and HeiDEBURY men on the staff. GOOD rnesion. Magnificent building 1111e home of the late Senator Turner), and several acres of beautiful grounds extending to the top Of the mountain. Splendid home for boarders. Apply for prospectus to the HEAD MAirren, J. 11. COLIANSON, M.A., tate Open Mathetoatical Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge. PAU AND TUB8 Win OP NO HOOPS, NO JOIINTS, NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS. EDDY'S INDURATED FIBItiNfilit, aro titetly nuporior to tio ordinary WoOdOnware artiolom for domestic oao. TRY THEM. 'or nale by ad ftrot °lain dealer',