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The Wingham Advance, 1902-01-23, Page 2
fel ,doubt is whether freedom from second. "Giving is a part of wor- ti.,- I W1 7 . T ,.,,; strikes ie worth• the Interest oil A ship; rano was of expresslltg love and / - ; � � 49 ,� , �� THE ISLANDERS sum llka $1U,0(}0 to rc firm, or rvortil dovotiop to (dad; " o � � r KHAUSE A � ' ,'j 1" 1 �, ' the Possible loss of the Principal ic pal In eachloge.—Chvistldits should olh ; ,��; h�� �> � � � case, the Board h,pnlld reach e serve regular flours for prayer .and „; ;' " . "' ?;.. , j _ ... __ - cislom SvhlCit the flrttz could not ae• , CONVIVE no study of ase s word. There aro '` y.1eopt. 'J•liat ire a nxatter for each eat > ito dlff[autt crises wits) the a~rord; It �_ti"14ariy in. Jatruary ;:,WU * '" " I;ito so pang tt<Rxaubleai Rhat ye, also ployor, > ti,1�111'1 /. �trc+ tp 1>a en,i,stad ala mobilized. Inherit IOxgaG lost as. rasp for hins to heal a cripple G , --. ' * 4k Tule melt are to be iseat It was stat grade with the mountains; who has never walked as to haal' y, :,' to Alderellrgt !n batches o1 ;iW it is nwu one with tit° deep. m person suit)! a slight Injury. There to ^ �cl :,+1_ . .. r r irk- ,,, , y , / for eight, weeks! train AUen, not gads, devised it, Men, not h d� 6Q01+t no respect of persons with t3ad. � ti -• w ► * * t9ct tltra Cape' (tavern-' Mls, tlzAzwt loop, s)r p ,AI i �,i t, t"0 � :%. 'r /� utt~zit raked flue, l)alauel to cows home It1en, trot uluadren, stuvante> or klns „�,.. PTtACTICAra SURVT:Y. Pro -Boer Will Serve No, f� //•,r %' ��� / � ic,ntil ifecuro suzltabM moa fqr hiareal- folk called from atar, INTURNATIONAL ViNS50N 1V(>, IV. The apostles were fresh Iran) Pen- . „^" /� % V. slut each matt bora in tic island broke JANUARY :10 180:'1. t000,st... Their hearts had been might- � �J.,-� f )444th sly stirred by the seenes of thAt Arid Years i(1 Prison) �'` � ,,":; 1( i .- Amy form of compuU6ory to the mattter of war, ..-_ the fcilowhig days. They imdivIdUAliy 1J �,,,,,,. `"- wervioet bows inipgastglo . alwag 14 Moberly and by custom taken and Tho L,u,o Itfan Iioplyd. Ackss:l-1G. had beets prepared by the tangos ly free people." u • trata;ed for the same;those 1,7 8.lkead of game fall- Each. roam born in the island entered � Commentary.—Peter and John ^^ triorks V, forth Chris a forrotolti1=Jolm ATHLETICS. 'rldaY night Jeffries and Tit, sim- tag to four gape• Thanks to carOfue xt youth to tile, game— .rico two apostolic leaders; the old- xiv. 12. As yet their field of work p t�t(1 p��1 'y (I �n11(�(� mans were ran view spectators, , hey and est attd t -to youngest, probably, of I FOR INCITING 1 0 MURDER Jack Ctr20— orry ot►. were is plain view of eabh other, and zi,uri saienthllc attention, the more As it were alm�ast cricket, hart to be + �• .was Jerusalem; that persecution . � , the, crowd )oiled for scare sensa- were never in better coaditiou."— mastered im haste," tate noble twelve.—whedon. '' Old which, should scatter them like fire- Buffalo, Jan, ,0 -Jerry Pierce, of tional developments. But both Jim But atter trial and labor, by temper friends and partnors in fishing cit g°fox Jesus not Ilan. I . -- the Pastime A, G'., New York, defeat- 4.40 efeat- and. Bob dodged. Just why the gltain- Daisy It�+�, ance, living chaste, brands witnessin )1J,i fifteen moIlttts out , Wig arisen. - ed John Caffery, *of Hamilton, Ont., plait did not got into tilt ring and !taro have made me fairly keen on As it rvera a,lmast cricket—as it'were Galttee. Luka c. 10, Now Partners In The mail ]tnd no doubt ton since even yore play— . ' fishing for men, Different in man g Cogvictlon is Toolt.uleally for At.- to a special mentplle fact race, r- any that its was ready to make a Wtnyui,y,ry aerviee far all England. Weighed and pondered and woo Y given up all hope of ever being any, alto 74th Regiment armory an Sa1ur- arta)! `viol tlto Cornishman, and It ie,. !simply awful !hart after two balls. ed and practised day an tvaya, alike to principle, In dovotlun, !)shag but a lanae. Uoggar, To his toxnptlugtorotsuadtrtotheCrMtt just wily the Cornishman chid ,net years. you send us out man wbo,have day, and in purrposo.,1 r1'lrcry-)vont to the irl ods hta case wvts allke hopeless, 114xplosion Horrorut Barcelona (lay night. The time °raoofive room the es ni,nko a verbal statement of lite wir- to tots taught, to shoot and olio. its (Htlace of . Caiapltns on tiro night of awd they could gaily leave him At the lingnees to sign arttales, puzzled the like expecting a board school bay to tae yd shall bad,e sure guarded when the betrayal (John-xviti. 15) ; to the gate, the pitiable Objeot of otitert4'' Causes Many Deaths. start was slow and uninteresting. crowd, for It Mid been noised About is in a county ,eleven:'—Private the restless lightnings wake, - Caffery took the lead mud held it for that as soft no James and Robert play y sepulchre on rite morning of tit° con;prussiaut. Moved by the Holy Ghost Letter. ' Jin th?a womb of the blotting, war resurrection (John xx, 2-4.) and lira the apostles ss;w In him a fit subject London,` An. 18.—Trite trial of Dr, a mile and then attempted to drop • should catch! sight of each other they -- cloud said the pallid nations seen together again in Joltu xxl... 7, for the glory of God, e , Krause, who was the former Gover- back. Th a. Indlatt refused to act .48 Would loss no time in making them- FeuCeid by youtr oarofulttatUleri3, ritygetT quake' 20, 21.—Spenao. Tlteso rove seem to .The msraole wrought was a convinr• nor qt Joltannosbttzg, on the chari,+e, Pricemaker, n.nd tit© Canadian w:.a selves• clearly understood. ' So, at the ltavggard trumpets, .instant tii,r.e )lad a peculiar intiinaay atter Ung proof of the power of God. It compelled to remain in •file lead. Tho,. by your leaden seas, T Cln•Lst's resurrection, more than be- was performed openly and would of Inciting Coknellue Broocksman, the men ran in title manner until the Inst buoky alrsa Slater. your soul shall lar �, Long did you) wake in quiet, and long Forthright, full harnessed, accepting fore. Tile hour of prayer—The Jews Iocazr the closest linvestigation. It Public- prosdoutor of • Johannesburg lip, when .Pierce pawed. L'affery eas- 'St; Loals, Mo., Jan. 20,—Young''CorT lie down at ease; —alert: from tint) wells of sleep. had daily thrr.e, )tours of prayer --the was abundant. He asked an alms and (who was exeen'ted by the Brltlsh fly' apcl won. I ' s • • bett, who arrived In St Louls to - 7111 y0+ said of Strife: "What; la 1t?" So at the threat ye shall summon— .t1d d, sixth and nlnth, answering to received entire healing. So God deals A, Big Uitclertakhng. • night, says lid' is not ongaged, and Of the Sword: "it is far from se, at the neer} ye shall send 9.aaa, 12 m,, and 8 p.m. astir His ohll4rpn, ireasaring out"to authorities in South Africa), to rnt'r- London Jan. 2O.—Hart, the ailt never intonded to marry the Dea- '11111 yo madouv e a,spar! of your shrunk- 1jen, not children, or servants, tem 2. Lame, etc. Now above forty then4 free pardon, ontire ,cleansing der John Douglas Poster, an English lets who 'Is. trying to run 2,000 miles ver girl, Mand Slater. II'e Mays lie frit hosts rind a t, oI our pored and taught to the end. ears 'old, da confirmed cripple, not and finally an abundant entrance y lawyer, who ours On the staff of Lord in thirty days, at alto Royal Aqua hoped. she would deny it, but as she, Y Cleamsed of servile prase„ elary to able, i walk with or�te iiia but oar- tei•st the heavenly kingdom• i alas Roberts, o o rium. at noun yesterday entered on has not, -done so he makes the doulai armed mangy dread or despise, riot) like, a child into #tie Pablla place Rnstsntaneou8: , Immedh.tf�ty his toot I3 add at the Old Bailey yds- the twetlty-sixth hour• of his trial, TJd i )titnsoM Ile also says that he hits Ys atapp:ed your ears to the warn- Humble because of knowledge; in: where he might beg. Incurable except and ankle boues recKved strengtb. Aerdax, had then covered 124 miles 81-2 laps the same_ trouble with the bones in lag --re, would neither look nor Uy sacrifice. b divine ower. Gatti ,. eantiKul it was thtmough, Talose parts which To day rite Lora Clifet Just}ee, (X31-1-1 lape to the mile)..He reeled off, Imo- Y P P his nose that Terry McGovern has. Yet set your leisure before their toil, +. -'This gate was probably on the had never exereses heir proper Baron Alverstone, sustained the ten tulles today In 1.:3 :30, But you say: It ,viii ill our cam east side,. -toward Olivet, It was •sev- funotLom were restored raid the host! After completing his feat at the, Death of Jack Lyrnatt. a,nd your h witless above their need. tort" Ye say, "It will minish our duty -five feet high and sixty feet was not Only strong, but know. how ',contention of the defence of Dr. Aquarium dart Intends to negotiate •Now i'ar$, Jan, 20.—Jack Lyman, Bepatnss o[ your witidhh IearniOg and bade. ' broad, And was made chiefly of Cor- to uaa his strength. Krause, that the charge OC inu}ting for an American engn,gement•. Xie , u your berate of warren atop Do y° wait ibr• the spattered shrap intiPlan brass, and overlaid with gold Tho message that Peter immesh- to tnurcitr w(tst fait ms there ryas no will perhaps attempt -to lower the tlttoo Po]loevera oide f these iLol known to ca nbaae ; net ere ye learnt how A. gun as and silver plates. ately deliverer} wAs a model 'for long distance running record at P Yw ar•udg,ed your sower for their ser. IaJd? 8. Into the temple -From the enter . Preachers of silk time, The power evidence that the letters• in the case, rfndeson Square Garden New York, on Saturday at the Now York Hos- ries and your fields for their For the low' redtglare to southwlard court o1 'the Gent4e9 into the court and glory of Gqd guvo the text lead reached Broeeksman;, but, the rift! Nat [>rutest� Urtort, pital from cerebral hemorrhages. t'iamptag•:place. when the raided coast towns of rttil,then and the other courts and asroetod the attention of rico ,. Lyman was stricken at the corner To forced thoil glean. La the high- burn ? of the tempts. Ari thealmotherite giving and a• roto some Statures of the question of attempting to persuade, Philadelphia, • J,an. 20:-7fana�ger J• of Broadway and 84th Street on ways the straw for the bricks ,(Light ye "it have an that lesson, of alma was a sacred duty, .insisted' sermon : o It was ilfeatt. The the must go to the jury. C. Gilpin, of the Universtly of Penn- Friday alts fill to the sidewalk um Penn - they brought; but little time to learn.) upon in connection with the relig- ties Immediately ascribed the Dr ICrauso was found guilty and sylvaltla track team, has received consclon's. In life day Lyman was Ye forced them follow In byways the Will ye pt oil Eome white pavli:on ; apd power to the name of Jesus. tier- , a letter from) Manager "Marshall, of looked upon as one of the cleverest craft ihlat yo never taught. lustilyeven this odds [ons Fastening of zlnt temple. ,� was sentenced to two years im- the Columbia track team, in which To Idildered and hampered and crip� With netand hoops and mallets, 4 Fastening its epos—Nota mere ands. as ban SeternalAwa,rnin to prisonment. the report .that Columbia would faayman'st'mos itt the.buvsknetl glance; but gazing upon itirn with'all g P Lyman's most important battle Was . tt4eK1: Ye tirlruAt rut of eight and with racquets and bats and that sympathy which love teaches egotists. Divine anointing , is the 1Cxptosto,i .horror sit l3arcelona, protest - Irvine Orton, Penney]- with George Dixon He fou, ht the away rods? the heart to feel for Christ's sake.— only safety in success, as well as Barcelona, Jan. I8.—The boiler of a vania's middle-distance runner, was former champion when the later was Those tbs,t' would serve you for hon- ;'ill tits rabbit ani: with your toemeIl tiro onl road tq succus, 2, It we, t denied. Lange. With. John--Witltrrhtt inter- spinning. mill near'Uhures0 exploded fiat blossoming as a• ptton, o, Tit or and fihose that servers' you —Fite red clear horn them for bold, ,here was no hesitant in--� ' change of !verde Potts Icnery that ht Y to -day, and worried Ilio bulldtn A fight took place at Bgston, on Jan. for pay. , hire ? and John were of one mind and agreee preaching 'those vbry triAlls which large number of working people were BASEBALL. 2, 1888. Lyman, rvh`o has met boot, TROD, werd the Judgmeatat loosened; The -kept cock -pheasant keep you? to ask for the ours of this arlpilk,, might lead, them to lirison and buwled in tite debris and many were � George Wright and Eugene Horn - than was your sh4iute revealed, .He is master of many A shire, assuring him that their prayer'woulcl death, 8, Direct. No lon�g.lntrodue- killed. A numberofbodles werehurl. Dreyfuss 'Witlr Spalcling• backer, was thought to have an ex- A.t� tblu h'autdr of a little people, feta Arid, aloof, incurious, unthinking, un- be answered, - . tion nor smooth ,luelnuatlo:ue,, but. a � long distances. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 21•—Barney collent chance. against Dixon, and but• a#t tau this field. thanking, gelt-=- 5. Glave heed—Obeyed Petm's direo- olbar statenront of fact: Tate God Drsyfuss, President of the • Pittaburg his backers lost a Pilo of money Will ye loose your schools to flout tion to look, which gave evidence of of our fathers hath glorltied 'Hes National League Baseball Club, was when Dixon knocked him out. The Yet: ye )were, saved by a remnant them till the browbeat columns fault in Its beginning, acoording to . Son Jesus, ,whour ye delivered 'up," q M tbis city yesterday. He said: contest lusted five rounds, bat It was ,(and your land's long suffering melt? d , Ili.,; knowledge. 4• Remedial. Repent ye therefore FROST BITTEN POSTlh A ''f have been lying low; because I m vicious one. Star) iVall ye pray them or preach 'them or g. Silver..... bone—This was ' after 'and bo, converted. What a message do .not believe !n tb'o manner- in Wheu your strong men cheered In print them or' ballot them back the estates were sold (Acts It. 45) to those who prlded themselves on —` , wh!eb. the controversy has been• oar- YAGI"ITM. • their milleovj4 while your strip- from your sbore ? and shows how tar tha apostles were being Abraham's children Lind ready . ried on. I ratan Lt understood, how. , lings-wenti to the rear. Will your workmen. issue a mandate from enriching themselves by the for the kingdom of heaven; bu�t;tile ever, that I am;,with. Mr. Spalding p Som! cid the,sheltered city- lltlmadd, 1 t yaebaAt Citlttn ioashtp. nnhYtndled, unmeet to laid them strike no more? treasures which Passed thrangh their gospel recognizes men only on the Terrible EX erienceS 01 a M this Tight. The public will realize Poughkeepsie, N. X•, .Tan. 20.—If Ye pushed them raw to the battle Will ye rise and dethrone your rul- hands•—COM, Com: Such as I have— ground of being boric again.. 5. P ort lou wbo is an the right side ors 2 (Because ye 'Were idle both, With this power from Christ to Ilea], Waicning•. V. 28; The resglt of imt g g conditions permit a match race for sstreet. ree picked them rawlI tit's pride by Insolence chastened? Indo- he aeeonlplis4ed far more than in polittence was clearly pointed out. Yukon Mail Carrier, ar this, question. All tit° letters Mr. t.lic world's Ice trcltt championship Brush can write in twenty years will Y P rWt fence purged by sloth?) Christ had assigned him the revenue Q. Inviting. V. 2tj. Unpalatable not .make us weR;ceu.11 pennant will take place oil the Hud - And what did ye -look they should Ot a kingdom-Gdener. Nazaretb— fru"tbs were followed b lieatiq hn- son River, north of this city, to - compass? War -craft leari4sd In Na doubt but ye, are tile people; who y g p- Waitinud•t 1 k -lips, morrow afternoon, The Pennant is Jesus was still living and performingvitations to receive Jesas. 7. 8cri a breatth?', shall make you afraid? the same works He did when An the turaI. V. 24. Every word was ac- CANED (N ICE, STRUGGLED ON, wank (Silk) O'Loughlin will umpire, flow field by the HudsonRiverIce Know'ledg° unto oc radon at the first Also your gods are many ; no doubt flesh. "Tips title had been attached cording to inspirafiion, and the Seattle Jap. 19.—Late Dawson ad- in the Amerioan League next season. Yacht' Club, and tltd Slu ewshury Club, far vier<v ifT Death 21 but your gods shall aid.in derision to and In thusits- The Buffalo, Express says there Is of has sent a Be I And ye -train your horloes and idols Of greasy altars built for the Ing it Peter.embraced the humiliation clothe! trurth� quoted Lastlysit pare sin S'Ices tell 01 the narrow escape from every likelihood now tit rt the anter- cal vJ)ichultasibeen accepted bytheRem the dogs ye feed and prize, y a -.cues d little brazen Bale and talking and crass of Christ in the condition 'demonstration of the Spir4t and death by freezing of Benjamin Dawn- bines ballate tacltb hasle. In hich tiheldeTor gatta Committee O2 Vto local club. How are the boa -ate more worth of healing, as well as Hes power and power. The Ho] Ghost fastened lit;, A down -river mail contractor �a�t� N�. than tbo aoule ,you sacrifice? fetishes; glory" Rise up and walk—Thal man the truth on the hearers andmau and cropper alto at last rd months past will be straightened; But ye said: "Their valor shale share, Torapha o1 sept and party and wise I�It i:lrere was no mockery in the belleved,—Wesley I�. 1Matthervson. y ' ports was out, and quickly. e thee'; but ye said: "The end is wood -pavement gods— In a Dawson hospital, sufferings __ A'•Alatclt lot N,nglaud, These shall came down to +he battle command. clone" ; 7. By the right hand—As Jesus had greatly from injuries 1}e, had receive8: Barry the P n lis And ye sent them comfits and pie- and snavch you from under tlis done with others. "Net so much to i) It avais believed that a THE RING. s g h scauIli 1 alta nvputatlon; of Barr Pearse, alto was Iii Canada tares to help them harry your rods? strengthen his limbs -as lite faith." OLD . RICK . NIN DEAD his fest• rpa I tie nee, sear He was, Rt,bdrts and blo(.i,vern. )visit Gear o Towns, are matched does, / From the !,"!tarp. flickering gun, rept Lifted him up:—'rA sign intimating the ' u d e y' find ye vaunted your fathemaless with viewless salvoes rent, supernatural help he would receive frozen-from'41a knees to the illas Nero!' York, Jan. 21,, -•Jack Ro,berbs, to row over the Tyne champlonship aver and a flaunted your iron. And the pitted hail of the bullets . it he exerted himself as ht war Oom of Jtife toes while tnaking a'remark- t^he EngIi!sh featherweight pugliestic •course em shells on Feb. 10th, for clit=plorh; fhay coma to title country, .£50' a side, sand a mile opt ,the Tyne pride) ' y that tell not whence they were manded" A . able trip from Aagle.t,a'1jawvani • oo-pint &Ilei fight Terry McGovern. The Ili open boats on February 24thfor Ere—yo fawned On th4 3faunger Na- sent. 8,;Into the temple --1-118 first net. Stroll a NOW ,Lif . Of;.. a. - tit° same s'tnke. �u a •The srtory of hvvr Downing went Britisher to now, under the' manage- for taw met! who, could 'When ye are ringed as rweth iron, 1 -urns to join the woraltkppers. Walking, C� through the lee the Yukon, lila orlot of Charley 14fiels`eevsr, the Am- shtoat a.»x3 rids! Svhen ye are scourged as- with: a#c.=He wniked In obeclience.to the Noted $Wif]dle�s sttbsegount miraculous escape, and Brio&n, who at pi•esant lialds i:lre Then ye returned to your trinkets; whips• command of the apostle•; ,leaped to alJtrll�rLE�.1L sL'd o� then. ye contented your souls When,the meat is yet in your belly try the strength of his Iimbs,'and — hiss struggles fo• 1,ite atter get#fr,g Ens;lilolu welterweight chatnpiOnslPip, oast Ives oautsidcars a faint idea. of and ,the latter has written• to ,yam With the IIan0lelled tools at the and the boast is yet on, your to be convinced of the cure; praising . g a rtsfeke't or the muddled oafs at lis Gat e.a the testimony of the ath- what the pioneers int the Yukon coun- Harris, McGovern's manager, in re- I . ►j�j]j�MAK . tine goals. 'When ye' go forth' at inclining and tude he felt. • I � .SU,'CI')E .. TO .ESCAPE ARREST, try have to. contend with. The spat gard to marking a match between 1 Qr�i � ' whore Downing went thraagh the the two featherweights. L� @.d YY Given to strong delusion, wholly be- the noon beholds you broke— 10. Wonder and amazement—Strong Now York, Jany 21.—Whdu crank 'tae le 150, mdse trona Drksysau. His lieving a lie, tae ye lie down: at even, your rem- emotion of awe, admiration or retch- Aldrich, a wealthy rouldowt of Wash- strdggles resulted in further break ?t"" scop arse, Jrltgies. a Yo sane that the land lay fenceless pant, under the yoke. lshment.—Spence. They saw no rea- ington Heights, shot himself In, the Ing thef Ice -and the freezing matt( re- Philadelphia, Jan. 21.' Billy '. Ne ,&r rr *r Mich Nv *,A foe wk- a>.nd ye let the momthis go by; son trhy such an event should take head with a revolver last Thursday poatedly tel] back iniba tl>e actor. Delaney, manager "off Ohamplon t'oronto l,arnaora' Piarket. Waiting some easy wonder; hoping No doubt but ye are the people—ab- place 1n that man's life. at his ad- hd put an end >:o� what was urachi B a desperate b k head, he fate ,Jttfrkes, is oiP= Itis ,w1ay to Ban, ,some saving sign— solute, strong and wise; vancod age, for surely there wits no P y y tP'ratteiseo, to arrange far Jeffries' Jan.' 20.—Grata receipts were only idle --openly idle—in t3fe lie Of the Whatever your heart has desired ye merit In llln now, more than before. ° inthis lives Of two Frank Aldrich {lived 'made manastuched tadditions to Iout isadreastias comAn'g battle with 119m, SirarS oy, middling 1,800obu heels otferv.ig. rices fewespent Line. have. not withheld from your 11. IIeld Pdtsr and John— ----"He tilt wttlr a dervated pvife and daughter In was possible.. �, . Doli said that ate had Iteard g Idle --except for .your boat6tin and eyes. -the strongest affectio Lor them, as g were Basler. p g 'g, y y your, own Lite Instruments by v�hich the divine a handsome "residence •.gat No. 52:3 The thermometer registered ¢2 n'otltf2lg directly fromu,.1; tzsty>tttona, tfbes.t was taster, 400 bushels of what is your boasting worth? On our own Meade . in Influence rva8 conveyed to his die- West 148th street, six. doors from .degrees below zero rand the nearest regarding lits pin butt 1 t* b's would' white selling at 70 to 81c per bushel; It yslordliieeat le a ife on Earth? ear of service to the lies s, the sin and the saving, rased body." Ilan together—To the the Items of District Attorney Jer- place, a road hbaiao, kept by Jphn. be xeady'tn. negatiaito rvttlr the for- '-O) of .red at 70 to 80c per bu+ -,)tell arid Ancient, effortless, ordered, cycle on—T.udyard Ifipling, in the Landon central paint of attraction, On the o0me, He vid the respect•of his neigh- Wagoner, was eight miles away. c} to., arrange an 1r 8 urans 303, of goose &t 671.2u per bushel. cycle set— - Times. clay of Pentecost, when the Spirit bores, and was supposed to be a, site, Night ,had fallen before the eight J g - Barley was steady, G03 bushels sell- rr.as pbured out upon the disciples in ceosful ruining opdra.tor whose in- miles were covered. Anproacl(ln�g the ha1°h• t 5ng at 55 to 68o per bushel. the upper room, the attention was terests required frequent trips to the' cag)in, ;tire stiffering man could sera )fid tlorrick Ali But,0ut. Oats were steady, 203 bushels selt- trawn from the temple service to th" west+ na sttlaokd Troth th;e ohemney, ,and Chleagoi Ill., Jan. 21•—The fight Luig at 461-2o per blipthel. aerwvw^-•�^^•�••_ .�.,. _:_, '�^a M_ disciples; so now;, the ilikracle wrought According to the police, Frank Aid- when he b4retl in the door he found between Benny Xauger, of Chlbagoy Rye war. easler, 103 'bushels selling celled the attention of all those who rich is know+p in a dozen other cities the interior c6ld and cheerless. Ills and Kiri Herrick, of nochosL•er, at at 57c per bushel. �� p�q r had tittered the temple at the hour +e,4 the Unitcd Statea, where Ilia op- coat was frozen so solidly to his t'be Americq,n A. C. last night, -was H9y waw steady, '20 loads selling �/�/ of prayer. ' s eratkms have been recorded as a body that it was Impossible to bond stofpped by Referee 'Hogan, in the at $11 to $12.25, per load for tim- 12. 'fen of Israel—Tia whom mir- dealer in goad bricks. He Is said to or remove it. third round, who gave the decislon Idly and $7 to $9 fort cloven. acles ought not to be strange things, have had such a lucrative 'burnness When Wagoner finally returned to YArigor. Herrick was on the verge Straw, receipts were nil. , '�'j'� /� ��i��� �i �y waving been wrought far you as a that he was often. Galled the "king" to his cablh he -found Ddrenakng rv.4th of a knockout, as he 'had been " i,e,trlinc !Vicat ltarrcets. O L7 LI i-1✓• nation, in multiplied instances from O'f the' craft. his faro, hands 'and Pett frozen, Icrroeked dawn seven times, taking Following aro titlt closing qu'oi a- c age to age. Why marvel—Why do you frank Aldrich, mining operator and Coal oil, the oply remedy at lipxtd, full count each time. tions, at important •centres to -clay: < " wonder .at what Imo now happened, law abiding citizen of this city, and was employed hit removing the irolat, Eddy Lenny 13eat Harry Lyoas. Caeih, May. A PLAN OP ARBITRAriON FAR AHEAD OP THE 130A5TEt) when so much greater miracles have Frank Aldrich, roputed ,stvindter, of. and whan title was accomplished Pliltalelphla, Pa., Jan. 2,1,—Eddie New York ... ... ........ --- 857-8 NEW ZEALAND ONE. lately been performed among you? other cities, were one and tho same the unfortunaite carrier was in Mw- Ldnmy, of Philadelphia, had the bat. Chicago... ... ... .. 773-i3 81 Own gaze of person. Not only were friends and ful agony. P Tolkl... .. , ... ... fld 89 Ea le power Or hoed to The neighbors here egnolant of Ills real On the next dti Downing started ter of six -ratted (Pout with. Harry s (Brooklyn $ ) the people seemed to say, 'What g Y g Lyam:9, of Baltimore, last night, at Du Duluth, NO. 1 Nor,...•, 7,84 78 v3=4 vast power resides hu these men," ar occupation, but his wilt and daughter for Rawson ry#tit his mail, entreat- the Pooh A. C. , Duluth, No. 1 bard... 78,9-4 — ���� '" .. "what holy men' these must be, since had Implicit faith in Ilia Integrity. les and expostulations front Wag- ' This was illustrated on one ocea- oner havingno effect. He was de- Jue Flaherty Lost Decision, F111--liblt Live %tock Market The men who are trying to find 'meth, That provides for a court of Gad rewards them with such mlracu- stun, when Alti -to)% was convicted of termines% tilnhati hos journe .Ind Baistait Masa., Jan, HI,—llilce Sul- Undo% Jen• 18.—Cattle, are quoted some preventive for strikes are oom- five, two from each side and rite lour4 sits, y, mondecl to the arbitration now In man from the State Board of Arbl- 18. Good of Abraham—"After the er- lAvinditng a farmer, of Alleghauy, 1'a., set out; Alternately hobbi]ctg and Itr'an, ox Cambridge, goft ilio decision here a"c 121-2 to, 181-2o per lb, progress In Brooklyn between Wlcb- trateon. It is practically a court O7 row had been exposed the truth is Out of $10,000 by the gold brick riding, when the condition of the Over Joe Flaherty, of Lowell, in rix di*Zsed wedght ; refrigerator beet at ert A Uardiaer, shoe manufacturers, one, &a the two partners appear on tact forth, as in chapter it. 15. Pater game. 'ars. Aldr1oh, believing lnipllc- roar) would permit. Before Star, rounds, before the Lenox. A. C. last 1•e, to 101.4o.por ib• <d their employees. Here is a firm oine side and two of the tasters on presents no now, religion, no new Itly in her husband's innocence, suc- the next otation, was reached,' lilts- night. Toronto five :stook 1'farkata. which, Without any publicity, has put the other. The filth man and final power, but only tine workings of the deeded In interesting many noted ters as large as a malts hand had ailauormlek-Rouncr Hout $tow. . �xopormts024tle,ohokoe,oar ovvl~ gI 50 t:o $5.?0 Into operation an arbitration agree- judge far Bernard Stark o[ the State same God aha had alone wonders for men w'the case, with the result that ormed on the frozen feet, an"ll + Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 21: — Jack do cows per 0 -,VL :.;....... 2 or, to " s bo uaant much better than the oompul- Board. If Mr. Stark decides for the their ancestors. The Old Testa rile State Board of pardons even lonely man trade a camp oil the MOUormick, of Philadelphia, and Jack 8utohors'eattia, picked,...... 4 zi w 4 50 wry arbitration in New Zealand, men and the firm refuses to pay; the mon is the typo and foundatlan of tunljy freers Aldrich after he had snow for himself and dolgs. Open ,Iirotiner, orf Summit hili, Pa., 1ueL in do ohohce.................... 385 to •415 about which labor advocates have advance, it mast turn over its the New." Hath Glortfled—Nat by this served nearly two years In jail. water again Interposed between a six round bout before tits 1V'aslrttt do Pair . nim .................. 3 5) to s 05 talked so much for several years. The miracle only, but at Hilo baptism and becordtng to a despantch, from Tyr• the traveller • and Iles haven of. saf,3- , g- do common,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,1, silo to •3 40 first arbitration under the agree- $10,000 Norfatt N'und transfiguration, by His ata y mighty banal Ohio, Frank Aldrich was in ty; and the Arrival of another ob. 'rtaln corClub laet nightand afil a do b i1N;:;;,;;;;;,,'; ;;;;;... 2 2s to s e,5 to the union to distribute as the of- dined by the last round u r provi. 1''obdere,short•keep..,....,.... 3 57' to s 75 mint is now beta(; conducted, and the w(awda, by His ' death, resurrection, g 3 ry titre t at•eller, born by nate;,, Svaa slaw. &oceptaitce or rejection Of the seri- fivers see fit. If the men strike, esti- and. ascension.—Cook. Ye delivered- On a charge of having swindled aar• dential. Tate blisters were opened dotnodium................... 300 to 3 05 er before arbitration or to avoid a Vey ICeaiton tit 1887. Aldrich Is said and the test band u„rt tinnekerl :+!slit our. Stockers ...................... Boo to s 50 tion wits . a test of the value of the a wisp deeply. peter probe(I aged and tithe rent Louisville Xy., Jan. 2i.•-IT,arvin doli$kt....................... B50 to Sol) the sttm. It is almost certain that rlecislon tort the board, they 'forfeit rite wound deeply. to have assutrield the name of J. B. of` tttt journey marked anOthor , ltiltoh cows, oaoh............. 4009 to 50 00 tto decision will be acquiesced In, be- their $10,000 to the firm, and every 14. Holy One --A title which had Saul and to have made the acquaint- n4onizing struggle. When Dawson I-1art, of LOulsv}lle, knocked out Billy sheds, owns per eivt. s 6) to 325 saute each tide has too much at hand In the shop has•a, shares in that been applied to Clirifst in flue Oid anco oP Kemton and offered )nim a was finAlly reached lite feat were Stlfft, of t:;rliicag% lm the third round Lambs, per cwt., ..............•. s GO to 4 50 stake to risk rejection. That is the fund, ahs much Ills Cava as 1f it were Testament, Pea. xvi. 10. Just — See gold brfck, whlch he said was made in a bad conditiun, and 110 was tu- of a itwonty round contest at Moble 1ioKn,eholce, notleas than, 10) and up to 900 The .............. G 021 to 000 corner stone ort which the plan is deposited In. a savings brink, It a Cha , vii. 52; xxil, 14. "The word from gold Sound an ICenton•s land. stantly taken to a hospital for Hall last naglit. Aags,est Por .-W, . •.........,, n 1e, to u 00 built. The system tukefr the question than reaves the shop at any time he ',JaN; here means ftinOeent, uu one Kenton drew $1,1300 from the bank treattiteat. Amputation may save t.eronatiun arlghting 'tourney.` gaiscligftt, under 10)ebe....,,, a 124 to 1) Ca V arbitration out of the realm of g� his $25 back with 4ttterest. If who, ,was .free tram, crime. It denotes amd borrowed $1,000 more, Iris lite. New York, Jtu1i. 21.—"'xaminy>, Siert, !it•ctdstreot's" cit •t'ra,t3a. •thieve or sentiment and a new man is taken on he Is assepood one who stands upright in the eyes Aldrfah talc? Kenton he lead sev. the Brooklyn boxor, who has juret Wholomle trade at Montreal • this five per cent, of lits wages until he of the law." --Barnes. A murderer -- oral other gold bricks -in Bellpfan• , , >E ut. t: Loon a 13ustnass (ie,*tet. has ties $05 stake in the peaceful BAtabbas. ri2att. xxvlt. 21;'Sark sv. talne, Ohio, and wttile the two overt COI„ LYl'+,CH STAYS IN PARIS. returned to this country from L a= week has shown soros revival after This to the way it is dons: The Wfah- etrnduct of the business like lite fel- driven they were met b two men . _,� don, brings with him tele format In- the hoViday dullnaws, which 38 al- ert Ghnliner factory Is a {nil lows. IJut}er #lyase circumstances the 71 uFrinevtioflite- `opts wart] ren- n'i#h nears bricks iO sell. Ont o[ tit hears lie111g1ttbe'i'rratedin:xn Un- vltativn from the management of.the waYs 1wticcablo after t;}le turn, of eoncerm. It has had the usual rO decision of the Arbitrator will be dered prince donates properly a mil- men. was an Indian. Kenton grew National Sporting Club, of London, the yea�r. At Quebec dtiring the past blet with its employeeir. If the men very likely to Co. �•, p P sus Peefous and wanted to retutu sportsnuitctllke nfatitier. to the boxrrs of this Oou'ntey to take 'week tonere its Ihttlu clmago to !rote shote to break their agreements the The enforcing of agreements !troy loader commander. In Hell- home. He w'as field u at the oimt Paris, Jam. 10. --Colonel Arthur Part In -it mammoth tournament dor• in general business front Win!; of the eonhad rews If. 10, it is translated captain. P P int, tie Coronation services of lung at Hots o a, Of of whirl ththose se against unions, or against employers Hath raised-11bey were fighting of a'revolver and relieved of h1s Lync% the recently elected member hiss da,,l, i)m�klninrc)Y d�'far�spottg rvha chose to violate t}tem, Iters been a alutab God Lind could not but bet de- money. of tho Hausa of Commons for Galway Edrvatai VTI. 'T;tt° Iciest of tato re,- oil -dors aro couittig to hand and trav- irrehponstble soppy in lary That is the tiro stumbling black 1n. all plans for feared ; Jesttir was alive from tiro 1'he despat0}i. staite8 that proceed• thenal Glrrb is to IrOld six-xaund bouts .Teak spot in all Attempts to secure dead. Witnesses .T}l'O disciples had g City, who Is Fald tohave foughton ellers' reports are generally tons:til• etrbitratton, and the ono which maker orbit aitiarct from the, beginning. In in s had boon began to obtain rho t as it sort of trial heats, and thole e,red very yronn5stng. At Ilrtnitlton I4ow Zealand the whole power of Gov soon Christ after His resurrection arrest of Aldrich, rviton news of ilia title eldo of the Boers in South Africa, br}tlg tine winners In ..the prettntinar- this week' c ccOcidtn t p I business men distrust the ernment, with a cumbrous and and they spoke what they knew to suicide was receivers. to atx• iu3,orview yesterday, , denied les together in 20 -round contests for ceived by Ilra4streo .a tiara has born schemes of philanthropists unci re- clammy system of courts and boards• be the trgth. - .. . , that its had trier} to go to England tiro pliwsas, belts altj titles of "chain. n. fair b Breis (frond in s Prin goads. foragers. About a year ago all arbi- was brought into play to get around 16. hiss name -Vere wait' no eifi- for the opening of Parliament. Col- ion at the world:' , 1 g trittion agreement was made, with a it. IRELAND. Anel Lyauelir said 110 I;ad not left � 'pie wholetaarle firths have baolced ahoy a the !)tort! 'name of is Author- but 'VIL DAYS It I GLAND, largo ordor8 and will noon be .busy forfeiture elenlao, stirs wltt a deposit A Vtefortt Provision. Paris, ler Chia cod retisati that he Anutltc•r T+;rite, ' the healing war drsna by Ills aruthor- ---- g New York, Jan. 21 71oin Sliailtay delivering tato goods, The factories largo enough to mala h breach of , „ , , appt'eciatad the tact rite,! ho would " ~^ contract a serious matter. The firm Tliere the un -lona errs Incorporpted - sty 'nnd power, #n title way tiro 1301 eOLt 1>;r►forccd !ru Sligo and pet.. .not be allowed to reach, his !arid Peter it1 titer tarp t o to I,ouls_ aind mills aro busy an orders for tlue ami the vialatfan. of an arbitration sod Or 1)Isorder t+rurocl. tlt0 Tlbuloo of Comtmo s pia hadsonta vll)t to ro-Tiglft the ba#tIO rVltiatt re,- . sprirtg and surrim0r, and labor is well Pat up $IO,f100. The men raided a atm- word name often rased by the Ho= g Ilse' sum by assessing e.toh than in decision iq punishmble like any !other bream, especially "witch speaking of r) r � employed, argot( aro good rand the tire' shop $:'.u" front Ilia wages and bretic:h of law. Uullonism es thus made - W.'r,-,Barnek. See chap. 1, 1.5 ; 4, Loudon, Jan. 20. --Tate state et at• tafm Maga) conrteeuplated going to tire, stilted in a tnelure at I hittttielphla outlook far siring troAle, is bright. each woman .*vi"P. If either side breaks compulsory. No mini, can gat a job :W; EpIL 1, 21; Stev. 3. 4•. Thrarrgli fatrs to Trelancl is really 'worse, it isjokinglyP 6 of Parliameitt, but, aaai8,.lna, on Friday night. 'pian horst, man- 11bor° 1, been a good demand for tits agreement this Joint fund goes and be prortected 1n ht untess he b©- faith—The a0nneateng link between stittfrl, t11Aii many persdns In #its : Ager 'af the Southern athletic, is no. ILlieB ,or floe spring trade at I.ondun to the other. Every single hand has longs to thte, union of Ills trado and thitt'doed drits its Divine Awtbor was eounity Kara any Idea of. In Sligo, 1 did rift! think tbeti that a naf glrea.dng e.ecl aha fighters anti has tips succi, jobbers having bnokod It money staled in koeping t)ie3' shojs makes ftia eontr'acts through the their faith. Pdrfeat salri�dness-- for instanar, several well-known tionbaat cansidars Itself end of .tlraa.dy reaelVttl Sharkay's carseat quit° a number of !orders. At Ottawa running. union. Such tyranny would be Intoi• ,,Tglls ward Is not, used elsewhere In rucn have been boycotted. eportsmery Would bo so unsportsman. to meet )baiter. • IlaMst Is now wait- fids week thcxo has been, a fair erable here ,&nfd the system has not the, ri'owTestam('nt, it denotes free- 7'Itoso "tri the knave" declare tire, like no to seek to reach, me im cold Ing too beAr frOrn M::ulaer, anti It the tt4overitl)nt it) wholes(r3or, trait. Tho >l'Ian to Iso Tested. been Working F&IIsfaetorlly of -late dam from tiny defeat:' 7Citte cure was fTnitml Irish League only another bland wheal it rltlght haVo had hie in fatter aecpPts the terms alrcatty of JAnurai;y frct)inres. Vor a year ovcrythtng has gone on In itc( home for tint reason. Under a perfect one,. Of yarn ail --•You are mime i'ctr Ilia Land I.caque, which warm' bl&)d In, thb Transvaal, fered ]riot tile, contest Will be decided ` Itepoi+ts to R. y, Ilan ('Ca. slaw tirntcrrrthly. Recently fire float brrAnd tilepu simpler and volnntttry I3raoklyn sunitr yenra ago oreat'ed 94011 disturb. Col. Lyirati aci,Icrl that his future in the, near tutus, ltabt(1#fes of a nitnerc:l.ti fniltires lir hown�g a mart• style of elippere an.# ptai) ixnfonfsm Is compu}et;ry only In � all wltnessos of« this tinct ran jtici>~a Anaes in IrelanO, . Movenionts would bn govetued' by the , 7 for you'rrselves. It this lymn Is soand, A wf•ll-flown Irishman -sold t a counriele of thio Trish party, inwhiol) Are flotks At'rit"trt i' two wpeks in .7annary $li.8sa,^S.i, of 'tile Ir�starp !thrall the, vtoa•k is worth tl)�o a taper wIl}rrll aulapt tit Plan. It _4001113 ., h milttAdeiphia, J'an• ,.O.--Jntlgingl . w}lir.lr a coxa $nil olie half por pair more tn!ight eyml ba moo a to work in A _ dor his Ls the risen bfessia•ir' - other (Tay lie antimil'wrecd 'things so , lie has avl)r;r confidence, and by the $3,0„ 0,366 were In mannfao- tha.n the ��r}ee whIMI the Terni offer- na)1•unum shop, witcre the !nett or. rhOught4 The kindomt and most serious that the, 7{In unci c�tlaen u`ibh� of his coiistttttants. tram file way they are behaving, it !:ming awl $3,713,'03' kn tra,ling'. Im ptl. Ilio ditteront o Ls t4titrtl), but it le gantxtsl fcP:' this special purpose only symlrn•thotlo people In )lie Sao>t'ld atr(la Svoutrl not )a a v!a 1 •- „-. lcxrkN n8 it ,lef[rles an(d i ttzsimmons ` tlra firi3t ]telt r,t T:ruuArv. 20f)1, liry- Ept. itfrslj' c)no 02 Ilte' grfevana)3swhtch `l'h:fr workLnp of floe plat► avhnre the prettying Note." hitless we obey the 3e, n]n 71e1 nine) n i,i � frclancs this y r t Aro afraid' of endli tither. At long b'gttioa were $•1,259,081. $'allures this tv brin,g Airy it ]are strikes, forfAit many lea actually ole site+) f}rirt table of trio law we gra not tike. c � g � 8A s tort, rtttholsah I remi r Robl n amid several main- ralipa they have, beat) talking f]rxIlt week numbered 334 It the United (pufystlertW r>R Prick) h to been put is lrnu(h simpitsr° !iasis tiny stats s s• ly to shop tr9 second; brit it tva obey rxhoothig hard t commf'ne,01, atlie brrs of t}roti Manitoba Leghlature are for tho past six weoks, tach maktng S't4te% ngaiust 3_, 5 last ear, ,and tl: �, r pr eoT it, he ryas r utill- surd one making A tour of In:3AMMOn Of tile var}a(ts propoiiltloas for it matob. On JQ in Canada, ht�Itst �I3 last ear, out tar ltrbltrtttIod !sudor tate agree- tens can possibly be. Tile onl ant the first we ronin surely Obey tits 141g'ht bear of stfah things any ditty'. 'Culadlan Nortfterri tttlaw'ay', y . . .....-.... .. _ .. .. , _._.....- _ . "-- �.,. _..... . a 0 • 0