The Wingham Advance, 1902-01-16, Page 7HOSSIIINS OBEY POLICE. Luck of &lois' 'Pro.Boor Fanafloo, NO WAY TO CET TO AFRICA 1.1,1••••••••,,, '1'rOZIS1'i4al MOPS 100r Gag g J ltel Oulent — latiteed equate, Seelting Ail-Weter Routes to 13rH4Lin and the Continent, $t. Petersburg, jail. 14.—Owing to 'recent evidences of, a disposition 'on. the part of tile popolace to demur at the dementia -of 'the police, Gen- eral KIeIgel, the Piefect, has caused noticea to be posted, ordering im- peratively instant oleedience to any ()niers of titepolice, failing in. wheal the delinqueat is puniehable by -1m- prieonment fOr three months' or the pa,yment of a, fine of 500 ,roubles. tatoie to buele, New Orleans, Jan. 14.—Capt. De Vii- , lifera, et the Boer army, who is in tale city, is in eeceipt of a letter from IE C. Arnold, of 131oorulagton, Ill., Oeciaring that he has organize. in I1Iui.oi a company of young mon, ail of whom (served in the Lautee States:ern:1y durma the reeent 'trou- ble vielth-S,paita who are anxioue te servo wita the 13oere in South Af- rica, ,and to know 11 Capt. lee Vil- liers eon make any arrangemen.ts for their tranap•ortation. there. Capt. De Viaiers replied that it is an- poesible to get men to Africa, •al- though he Ilan reoeived eumeroue of- fer.% of tais kind. Trveee, .lilitef) jolionnesbarg, Jen. 14.—The Chain - iter of Minos • ilea issuea- a report sbovetag that the output of•the minee for Decemaer was 52,897 ounces ol Sae gold, against 39,075 ounces lot „November. ' want 'tenter teoutese London, Jan. 14.—One of the onosit Important of American commercial *n torpr.tses in Europe has just culme noted here. It coast:ate in the secur- leg of all water routes for American cargoes of green and commodities. from inland ports in the 'Unitec States to tuland ports in Europe an: embraces the .aeurchase by American capital of eeverai British aid other canals. URI LOST HER 1.11.ER, Startled by a Kiss, She Ran to Her Dad, WHO WAS CLEANING A GUN. Goshen,' N. Y.,, Jan, 14.—Tbere wili Boon be a eveckang in Hawley, but the bee 'ategroom ta-lali had fa, bat. fright as 'a. result of a 'cl,aintof mis arideistandengs, whioli resulted in the aemourioement of the engagement, and at one time lie thought he woul. not be pertatted to nee long enougn to be zearried. • PielJaninaty to making a formal pie posa,1 to Ms Mary .Wileon IrI tha par lor of her bome lasteveneng, JoepIi Jackson attempted to ides bete Re cent lig the - uhexpected familiarity the Youeig woloan rem to eomplain tt her father al the kitchen, where she found lam cleaaang a gun. By thi, time her angealletteleolee, and as tee excuse for her sudden appearance she told her father Jackson wentod to see the gun. A moment later Mr. Wilson, gut in hand, appeared in the parlor. Tatkeon, believing Wilson was about to ehoot, ran from th•e house. . Th( father thought Jackson bad becomf leleane, and made an effort to stop lain, bat this relay Increaexed* tbr young man s epeod, and Mr. Wilson gave up the chase. Mies Wilson ex platned mattees to day, and Jack- son now has her father's consent to wed here SLAYER'S STORY OF DRINK. Thought Ile Owned the City %hen Ile Rifled Allife and Unifil: • ' • Newark, N. S., Jan. 14.—A1thougn the &Meth murder trial was onle begun yesteraay ruornteg the out Wok Is bright for its =rang tomer- row. Henry Schaub, accused of murder tug his wife, and baby, Was swore an las own derence this afternoon Schaub said he vetts 48 years °la and then he told aboat hie eitot and trade. He had received notice ti. move June 11, he said, and the first he aid (titer he got up Was to gel a drag( 01 whIskey. "What dal yon do then ?,"-lio wee asked. • .. "1 Ilea som.o more." At 8 o'clock lie went to the Ilom( Brewerer, and t.fter that to a sa loco In Orange etreet and drank 'scum whiskey. This was followed by a (Irak of applejack in another sa- loon. terom there he went home Then he went out again and ha, another drtnk. The prieciner detailei the buying of eoinefood, whieb lu Loft en the house for his wife. A trip to a. nearby ealoten lollOared, where- he drank tchoeniere Of beer 'Where dtd yon 'thea go ?' "To a saloon. ' "Did you get anything to &ink theta ?" 'Yee, eienle whiskey and abeinthae Fm this ealooll hie Went to an- other, this time in Warren steeet iand had another &irk. Ilo thought it was &bent 11 o'cloelt in the morn Lig Whenlie got home. "ItoW did you feel by that tithe.?" 'I felt tee it 1 owned the city." There WM a violent querrel las wife, he tolled, and lie was: naked what happened heat. "All I kneWle leo tried to explain, "wn:s sitting or a Chair, and allele 1 e/lAcit), tC) myeelf Ifotind thy Wird WM dead. 1woslied her and washed the baby. Then a (baulk more WhieleeY. There were tame !Wore- lytng in the retarr. Plekeel. One up and Cut my threat. tbett 1 cat my Wriet, then 1Raw velment leoltina in through the -win dow, than 1 etablual Mysielf over the heart," u Tho eaten:1141On Verity bet Wesel Chin and the tf. S. hits aeon ttpatov,ed )ey tee Chilean Caegtetes, , MONEY OF A COUNTESS. -- Intwyer Arraigned ea chorgo or. mit,. appropriating $15,000, London, jail. 1:3.-44.. Francis, a solicitor, was charged in Bow Street Paco Court yesterday with Ln.tilap. Prenritetiag 4.8,000 of funds belong. ing te the 0Ortattess Of Orkney, for- merly Mieu Collude allehriet, titO Gaiety dancer and. aotress. He wade her truetee under her marriage Bet- tlettaent With tbe Earl of Orkney. It was announeeti jo Ocala to -day that the marriage settlement ot tile eounteee tionsisted of tiee lease of a Mateo worth alfie9 monually, and an Insurance policy on the life of tile het- tior, Worth e11,426. The settler died In May, 1e09. His wane wan not men- tiooeci in court, but the date of death colecidee with that of tbe late 1)uice, or Beaufort, who took a great inter - suet in Miele Gilchrist and gave her 4V)Y4Y Athol, marriage, Francis Iota £16,000 by epeoulating In Amerlean ralircad ehares. HERE hilittNLY INUIT if You Bought Little Louislarr Lottery Tickets. tN ARREST MADE IN BUFFALU, Buffalo, Jan. 13.—Postoffice Lave°, or 11. IC.. Cochrane sate loot night' hat the Federal authorities, after niontlis of hard weak, lied suci- ,ieedeein breaking up one of die ,vorst We -ladling games that had been worked ha several years. One arrest aas been made, but it is clahned that •nougti evielenee aas beinatueoured flame° the arrest Of many barbers and aloonkeepers in Buffalo and agouti .,1 the alleged swindle in filmiest every mall city in the United Staten, and .rave sold nutria tickets in Canada. The matt ila'rested last night is An- ew Gifford. He is proprietor of a earber shop at. No..169 Seneba Street and tie lives at No, 521 Proepeet ,teenue.' The pollee allege that he is ;resident, searetarv,general manager> .reaeurer, dhectore and trustees in he Little Louielaea Lottery Com- -tante wjiioI, the authorities claim, .uts been piling up money for ite melee at each aegreateratet that he is eautv iadependeutly rick. Commissioner Richardson admittea Gliforel to $3,000 bail for his reap- eearauce fur trial, to be held to- morrow at 10 a.m. Allege Straight Swindle. • Not only does Gifforda crime, ea tharged against him, involve promot, ng lottery and further' using the mails to assimilate it, but it is al- leged that lie eold lottery tickets and leter lead a drawing or paid pre- miums. Inspector Cochrane eatimated hat Gifford's income through the maile may have amounted to Home- Jang like $5,000 a year. Gifford lives in a handsome home at No. 621 Prospect etreet, several doors tfoutit of Porter avenue. In every town where tickets were sold stories were related of the fab - aims sums that were being made by the people who inaested in the lote tory. Ces maxi was credited' with winnitig 015,000, another with $10,. 000. But it leas. never been shofwn that anyone living in :that particue lar village had won anything. In one prime the Inspector found thin sign: Little Louisiana Lottery. M. Ottenn & Company will pay $50,- 000 thremeli the Union National Bank Kaosas City, to anyone who pre- sents a, ticket signed by them draw- ing a prize attd hag failed to reeelve payment, The Federal officials say that this Was thesafest kind of an offer, for as their investigatione preeed,•no one ever haid a ticket that 'oral a prize. There may have been drawings, but 'the ticketthat %von the money were the ones that weren't sold. ' Lottery lecitete Found., Three bags, of lottery tickets, con- taining about 15,000 eoupone,' were dragged to the front; room and stacks of lottei'y literature were brought forward. There were three seta of tickets on three different . lotteries, each set consisting of tickets of the de- nomination of 25,..50, 75 cent. IFFEHE1111.1MANCRIFICE. Yumas Tortured a Medicine Man to Death :•0 EXPIATE SINS OF Tfil BE . Denver, Col., Jan. 14. — A News special fee* Phoenix, Ariz., says: "Padre," a big medicine 'man ot the Yuma Indians, Who live& or a re- servation near 'Yuma, Arizoua, has been offeted as a sacrifice to the Spirit, in accorclaneo witit theft cuotoms, and has expiated the sins of the tribe, which are held re- sponsible for a.n epidemic of small- pox. The Medicine man (Waled the In- dians' intention Revered days ago, and fled to the mountains, but in a half-starved eoudition wandered back to tho Indian village and pleaded for mercy. Ile was prompt- ly bouhd band and foot and convey- ed by a delegation of Indians to Mexteci, where he was battled to a tree and cruellY tortured to (bath. "Padre" bad e, warm place ih the hearts of hie tribesnien, but the chaumetalmee required them to make a heava sactifice. A SLICK POROER. Get $15,000' lit Government 13ende leifotti Boston latuicees. Iloiton, Jan. 14.—It became known today that, goverament bonds: Valued it $15.000, Sateen hero last 'Mon- day, were obtained from N. W. Harris & Coo banker, on a forgeti•certifled Olietme on the National Shaw/nut Bank. • Other* leinkere had been naked to buy,$25,000 Worth ot bontle and to iceept in payment 11 bertiried cheque ea enothet then. It is understood that /Terris & Co. were eelled up on efoildna by a, Marl giving his 111111)6 net Bruce, who pre - melted n cheque Certified by the Nae tional Shawalut Bonk, neking that there be laid wale tor letii quickly it bondt . ten el1,000 goVertiment per cent, eoupone dun in 1926 and aye $1,000 IL & 0. seethweetant 14 eouponti (100 ;fitly I, 1025. The clicane offerNI Won tteeepted Without gime. 'Lion eild the ben& del)Vered. HUSOANO STOLE BOOBS, And H1,3 Arrest and Convio- tion Killed Wife. SAD STORY OF WIFE'S DEVOTION, 01110ago, Jan. 14, Jaime Bane on Woe permitted to leave the county hal yesterday and view the body of ae wife, W110 died a few hours be- foro trout grlet over hie diegrace. A, touching mama was presented ia the little home, 4048 Archer ave. 0110, 'When. the Coaltiot haebancl fell eeatlettig over las wite's bier, 'And te tithale that jwas thecainee el it all," lee groaned. "She Was too legocl for me." waa for thirteen years bead of the over -anti -snort freight department of the Waboataltallroad Company in Chleago, He was arrest - eel at Ilia bone° on Deo, 5th follow/lag ecoleeeiva mama Ley las brother- in-law, Hugo aanaki, 7.1 Deetboven ptace, who Mal been taken in custody .ter Detective Nieleole while endeavor - leg to ale:Tose of stolen goods. apecial Agent Jamee B. Niehole fur- ntelteel the evidence whieli secured the conviation of Bannon awe Shake 13oth were eeatanced a week ago to a year's imprisonment 1 eito House of Correction., bitt)01C0d by et.rrtst. When Damien was aceuseci no one ehowed more surprise than his wife. Palo and trembleag„ she watched the officials search the premises, final- ly, it is reported, turnlog up a box of plunder where it had been hid- den in the basement of the house. Jim? whY did erop do it" Mrs. Bannon exclaimed as her aeme an - folded the accused mates neck. Visibly affected, the repentant man begged the deteetivee to refrain from pro- secution of the charge. However, Bane eon was taken to the East Chicago avenue police station. "I will admit," said Detective NI - chola for years the head of the pollee force of the Wabash raliroa,d, that the night we called to arrest Ban- non et was 0110 of the most unplea- sant duties 1 ever had to perform,' While the accused ma.nwas iu pra eon his vvife visited friends* and re- latives he the effort to obtain her auebtiod's release on bail. She had no children end• all her endeavors from the time Bono= was arrested were directed towards: counforting her husband. Day alter day she walk- ed the streets to secure a bondsman and then when her hopes in thh:. dir- 'ecitioei lead vanished Rho devoted her time to tripe to and from the pollee statiom. Carrying a dinner pail, witie her she,w1 wrapped closely about her, the devoted woman became an accustom- ed visitor at the police station and weekday stie presented herself to the gesk sergeant for permission to visit her husband in hisi cell. Her devotion touched the bearts of the patrolnieu and their sympathies were aroused lot the plucky wife who braved cold and, fatigue for her husbancl. Allooet, to Attend. ieueeral. It was through interceuelon of his attorney, David it. Twomey, 70 Dear- born street, that Special Agent Nich- ols yesteruay coneented to allow Bannon his freedom from die county Jail until atter the funeral. ele had not. seen ins wife for it week before .her death. With that time the worn - an had -seruggiedhard to fight off her own grief that she might be a corefert to the prieoner. Sleepless nights and painful meetings hat; ex- hausted bar, and Mrs. Bannon fell a victim to nervous prostration. Fever set in, anti in her delirium her hus- band's name was repeated again and again. Tuesday niglut she sank rap- idly. She begged that her husband be brought to her bedside. eViten morn- ing came the physicians bad given up hope, and with the name or the men 'she loved on her lips at 10 .o'clock she dropped Into -an uncon- sciousness which continued until Iter death *a short time later. Mrs. Bannon WU& 60 years old. The grief-stricken. husband is twelve years her senior. Ivor' the past year goods had been syetematically stolen in -the freight -- 110118e, and until the arrest of Sinsiti efforts to ferret out the perpetrators had preyed unavailing. One day as Detective Nichols was concealed In the freight -house he saw oases of goods being loaded into a wagon driven by a etranger. The latter was arrested, and gave his name as Hugo a brother-in-law of James Bannon. • A FRENCH DESERTER - --- relies Across Spanieh Froutter In an Automobile, - Paris, Jan. 14.—A. sensation has been- caueed In society here by the desertion from the army of the YOuug millionaire, Count taloa d'Axi• vers, woo is a member of a family which is amoog the leaders of Paris 111811 Lan. Th•o Count, two years ego, antice pated. commie/Won • by enlisting in the ranks of a cavalry regiment who the apparent intention of rising to the rank of officer. The other day be wits imprisoned at Niort ler a beeaoli of discipline, together with a plebelau private named Claude. Irlie two reeolved to escape, and they accerdengly broke through tile roof of the guard house. Count dein - vers had moaley and the two treeeel- led together to Bordeaux, wher0 they parted, Count •deinvers, anticipating that treats would* be Watelied at the frontleaabrought an automobile and oroceeded to Spain.- It is be- lieved that he is at San Sebastian. tile family are doleg theie utmost to dietuover his whereabouts and in- duee him to return and surrender lameelf, preferrbig that he be pun - fished rather than to have lihnseir rind las relatives- disgraced. His sis- ter, Ceitntess Dittaillly, hoe gone to Spain to Weir lam. Desertion from the rimy to punishable by two years' Imprison it eat t. JEAN DE 13LOCH IS DEAD. Father of liague Conference Its:piece in 'Warsaw, leondota Tnn, 18)—Private t elegranle recelvecl bare from Warsaw t announce the tleath - that night of ;Teen De 'Bloch, Cottnellot of State of Iteesitt, political economlet, railroad expert and outlier Of "The Wag of the Fu- ture." It woe title bock of the dece. dent, together with Lite pamphlet, "Ilie Warren Nleder" ("Down With Arms"), that turned tin: nand of the Czar or Russia toward ported, awl prompted lee appall to the natione resultIng in the ITague cohrererale. M. leo Blocies weak, whifeb eoneiste of six large volumes and contains 1, - eels ilinetratlene, lets been translatt ed into all the In/Oder/1 languagee. Tho t VOUb10 Wit 11 11101gt T0 en W110 One 0 tie good deeds Is that they Weate thee reed; of their theme admire In' 'theta, KILLED 81 ISLANDERS. Berlin, Jan. correspondent at aamoa Writee tat the Ctelfeglie Get- eette, giving a latberto unknown ea - planation fer the killing of Dr, Menke, leader of a German ea/entitle expea- aloe In the Bonita See. Ielana, and hte party by nativeef of at, east- thele's Is1ad, ielattrok Architect - ago, The correspollident ea' e that Dr. leferilee and his party rutbleealy sle- et:aged a number of palm treea of withal tbere Were but few on the trauma, and taat tam natives acted in derenee of their property. The Ger- Mae punitive expedition eent to aYenge the killing td Dr. efenice and las party, Whasb landed from the Ger- cruleer Corneoran near the scene of the massacre, killed 81 Is- landers:. "alak is the eivieesationel says the VorWaerts, "that our colonial pol- iticlana are (spreading," PtifIKEHN 'MUG, Former Thinks Latter Made a Mistake JUST AS GLADSTONE DID. Mr- Gilbert Parker, who was enter- eealned at a banquet by the Toronto Canadian Club recently, made the following reference to Rudyard Kip- ling in lue speech • "I view with alarm, and I say it honestly and I say it seriously, the assaults 113a,d0 by the Imperial poet upon the athletic quality which has made England, if not the nation with, the greatest temperament in the world, the nation meet courteous, which bear e with lees anger the as- saults Made upon it than any other nation In the world. (Hear, hear.) You and I have seen the vile, the atrocious caricatures of England made be foreign countries; you and, IN rignifil TORONTO The Good People Do Such Very Funny chi9gs. MUSIC winwui DANCING, llama° Slew The Queen Street illathertlibt March held an entertainment last alght which nth puzzle oldefatileloned mem- bers: of the .ohurch. It was not a "dance," nor a "ball," flor a "bop." 41 woe called a "con- versazione and reunion," eut it NYVY not :tech 11 °unwire:Won° ae the tete' has ever before seen. There woe A concert in the churcie followed bY—a promenade iu tlie leundaY echool reona below,Jtaoh Italy had aprogramine, on which slie entered the mune of her partner tor each—let us say each number. There were to numbers. There woe ow: an Italian orchestra, but mum Was supplied by the orches- tra or die Bathurst Street Medici:list Lhurcle aunday sieliool, Number 1 on the progrunpue woe "March Zia - gore" Number 4 was "March, Stead -- 11Y Onward." No(l . 5 was " ayette, Press Forward." No. 8 was °March, Belle of New 'York," wane No. 10 was Selection, "Pritiee Ye the Lord." Dangling from the card by a pale blue haring was a pale b;ue pencil, making the whole thing all evident reproduetion or a dance programme. Certain portions .of the room were marked A, B, 0, awl D, and were, according to the card, "rendezvons," where pertnere eould be met after well—let us say each, walk. It wait a very pleaeant affair, but It was not a dance. Evidently it was, intended to let the young folkenjoy as many as possible of the seesailans of a dance without dancing.. It was only a "pretend" donee and no. harm In it. The partners did not clutch eacii other. Tbe rules of this new' game eeem to be that the young man can have the ha•nd of the young wo- man on hie arm, but he must not reiteli around her, waist. Also, you newt not wiggle your foot when you trt it, you must not ireep time to the M. Jean pa tual Council -ler of State of Russia, arid member of the Comite des Sav- ants of the Ministry of Mance, died recently at Warsaw. He had been a constructor and administrator of rallwa,ye, and had written mnay works on vela! and economic ques- tions. The LATE M. JEAN DE BLOCH. Bloch, who was the ac - M. De Bloch is best known from hie six -volume work, "The War of the Future," written several years ago, ir f.viiich he follow, out the logi- cal eleeets in the recent changes in name void methods of fighting. Many theorists have tried to cle, this, bot et. De Beech was the only one whose predictions have been absolntely- verified in the South African war. a'ae""•77"""e'e7e' I have seen the very shamelessness of the gutter disseminated through the length and breadth of a country, in order to prejudice that country against England. I ask you this, is there a paper in England, Canada, Auetralia, South Africa, one paper, which caricatures disgracefulty or speaks disgracefully of a single Euro- pean nation ? And in the light of that I say that the man we love as w poet, the genius, the true genius set for the purpose of advancing tho cause of Imperialism, has made a mis- take, which makes ono sad and makes one eorry, because it plays into the hands of our enemies, becaUse it pre- judices us—I say us—England and you here, we here, all here, all of tit, inherit that mother spirit, that sound faith in our institutions, not band upon' monarchy alone, but based on the eutrtice ot those insti- tullohs. You and t, who inherit that spirit, we have been wounded In the house of our friend. litts Hurt ifts "1 sety that he hae shot ids arrow o'er the house, and hurt his brother, and that is 0 thing for whieh, I hope and believe he Will repent, and the man who hoe hurt us, who bis wronged us, who has slandered the English epIrtt by' his referente to the Ilanneled Peale at the wicket alai the muddled of at the goal,' Will take, it back like a man, as he le. His explanation is not sufficient to me, tha.t he meant those who etay- ed at home. Those who otayect at home ate the class from which our of. floerS are drawn. Thosto who stay- ed a,t 11)001101 aro as willing to go 11,0 those who wont, and therefore I en- ter my protest here, where 1 have a right to enter it, not against the man who to a poet and a genius, but the man who ham allowed 4 mo- mentary els:ooze:ion Of las political intelligerice to lead him to make a mistake. He is not the fleet men whet has done that. X have in mind the Memory of a man vehose nom° nowt be rOferred to th•rouglanit the Eng- lislaupealdng World while it is an English epeteking Woeiti, who yet Made mestake dragged bie party to disaster, Gentlenten, I re. ler to that honored Itame of Gina. atone. Well, gentlemen, 04 nastrate is riot a Orime, and so when X refer to It you will, X know, believe that helee no politicAl feeling In my Mind, Thee() tbinge are 11111.ttetee of 1118tOrY, and thie atletake of err, leiplinget will ttiso be a Metter or !adore', and no One '0111 WOG it to Wax am a, °Hale." nau,sic with your feet. We are told oleo that a fare bowl, containing a harmless beverage, stood with drink - trig glasses upen a table in the room, „e sta.nding away from it you might inaigin•e it a plinth bowl if you liked. There was in all thinge studied re- semblance to a wicked, worldly donee such as the Church prohibas. The young people no doubt hada delight- ful evening. By the exerelee of a lit- tle Imagination they might, If any of them were eo dieposed, transform the steno and suppose themselves •participante in some such wicked function as a Government Howie ball or a party at the residence of some member ot the English or other dance -permitting Churele Ti delici- mutely flutter about the borderland of thieve forbidden, to talk of that gavotte, to meet at the rendezvous —it muet have been fine. JUDUE COMMITS SUICIDE, Gitiug the kflioule of inneeeetlY Vienna, Jan. — Dr. lIolzingori froudenined,a Vee4-Preekiellt of the Vienaa erlini- Xial Court, committed aulekle td•day by shooting inmseit.410 was 611 old, and lot' the lamt 1100 years had presided over all tile most $00sa. t1.01041 trials ta Vicuna. fIo was Unt- voroally foar,e0 ertnairiale ac - 00111A 01 th0 f101cerItY 01 his saa. tenoeft. The C(overinnent found in him a willing tee', copeelallY agalteet the Soelaileta On a desk la the room in wheah his demi, body Was foetal Walt a paper, coataleing meeetege to the effeet that he Wria afraid of loolag Ole eye- eiglit, It toncludea male tlieee words: "I bid good-bye to Ole, and ara tired ho of twOrld." The Arbeiter gee- tung says to -day that his coffin will be followee by an army or seule, of the ineocently condemned to bear witneee againet the dead judge. Still HIS WIOTHEfl ii135E0. Boy's Dumiging Testimony in a Divorce Case, WOMAN DENIES IM PROPRIETY New York, jun. 14.—Not poly Mr. anal Afra Oaket: and Mario Del Sol, the co-respondent, were on the wit- ness stand yeeterciay in the Oakes divorce trial, in taw Supreme Cutlet, before judge Truax and a jury, but the child Paul also testified. He was the strongest witness against the woman. • at was a trying day e'er Mrs. Oakes, but she proved herself equal to tile ordeal. With a sigh oft relief she left die court room late in the alter - 00011 at the dose of the evidence. Mr. Oakes roma% ed a little jacket, and, turning to the jury, demon- strated to them that elm could take off her waiet by unhooking et at the back- without the asiststariee off her raaid. She explained this because of the etatement mita° by her maid hat she could not undress herself 00 had sent her out of the room vlilIe they were in London, when el Sol escorted her home after the theatre. Sao denied positively that there ver was the slightest act ot imro- riety between herself and Del See r that the had paid his expenses broad, but the severest test of' the day for her wae when her aright -eyed ine-year-old son Paul was called to estify against her, as the final wit- ess in the case. As she looked at im, when lie took the witnese chair, ex. eyes filled with tears and her other love showed itself plainly as he saki, in a pletuliing voice: " Ole please, don't do that ; don't sokthherimle to ;testify against his But her plea was not heeded, and re little fellow testified he saw Del ol kiss her at the pier at Liverpool year ago. His mother looked at im longingly, and his voice was all f a tremor as he told his sitory, 111011 was somewhat shaken on cross- xamination. His mother's eyes tot- Nved him as he lef the court room. ot -once did the boy look at her. Del Sol; who is an opera singer, tall,' road eliouldered and of commanding reeence, with bleak hair, wine all le tray from Milan a few weeks ago or the purpose of defending the mum of Mae. Oakes. Ho denied that o had ever kiseed her or acted im- roperly toevard her. in any manner, ncl said he simply had 'been her cert throtighout Europe at the sug- estion of her huthand. Mr. Oakes, atout, gray haired and (by, in a most emphatic manner nied he had ever requested hie wife visit Del Sul, He had received the nger at his home, believing him to 11 genileman, not knowing at -Lite me that he was ecoundrel. The lee will go to the jury this after - on, after the summing up of coune 1. a 0 a a 11 a lo 11 05 (10 et to 61 be ti c. no Se flEICI_OF THINS, Citizens Organize Vigilance Patrol Guards. FREQUENT ATTACKS ON WOMEN, Den ver,J ani1a,-111u1 tiplicity of naur- dere, or attacks upon women even La broad daylight in their own homed. , ' street rooberees and of burglaries tare blowietge, has brougat the etty of Denver face to face with the Vigilance Committee. As in the oici days, \ghee the streets "ran with blood,' want horse thieves stretch- ed their lengths from the most con- venient tree, the Co•unnittee of Pub-. lie Safety could find. when mur- derers: found the shortest way to the gallows, armed citizens are to be- come their own policemen. Plans for practically taking the guardieig of tho clay out of the hands of the voice, Ivito he,ve preyed wholly Linalequato to put rie end te the ter- roriem that prevails, were completed to -day at a mass mooting. A com- matee of safety was appointed and the members of this body were em- powered to call on any or all eitizene to turn policemen and carry a re- volver and knife. The resolutions provide teat this improvised bead of citizen:, guards is to patrol the entire City, both business end resi- dential dietricta Tim larger 110111- 130r of men will look after the eleep- ing population at night, but owing to tho bold daynght mimes that have been recorded the vigilance will not be relieved while the eon is shining. There will be 0. day patrol that will be apial to all posistble erneegerieleS. Withing the last year there hove been thirty-two riesaults Committed upon women of Denver. In at least tout of "these eagles the victims have beelepmutelered.In oho of them ithe the (Luther of the Orime been brought to punishment. Most or these crtrites have been Oommitted at night. Some, of them have followed attempts of the victinte to go upon or return from Vieltst to the 1100009 of loggia hors, the victim being alone upori the street w -hen rettaeked. In other cases the attacks have been made in daylight during the absence of all members of the faintly eacept tlie vic- tim hernia Cold-blooded murder has been the oleo() of resit/bailee to the naealloets. The crime, that ellIalie: stirred the eitienne to notion Was tho attaek made upon Harold Vegetate:re. 14 years old, and his sister, The tea° young people were skating when a ntrature man emAle advances to the glrl. The boy &deeded her With all lIig Heat, roe ltte resistance he was Mardered and then tho defenceleee Wan cireggeei Way to a dark t by the inarderer, Who left her, tly almotst But somehow it reminds na or a different place and a very differ- ent device, It remincie us of a com- peonage made by the manager of a city theatre, who, in running les playhouse on Sundity nights, with something of the conecience of a Covenanter of old, sternly- forbids smoking at the Sabbath perform - once, although allowing it through the week. What vvas this entertainment in Itov. CI 0. johnston's church? Was it a perverted dance? Woe it a dance under an alias? Woulei it in- crease respect for the chureles con- demn/Won of dances ? There hes come a great ellange over the Methodist Churth in this City on the onestion or amusements, and wo think the change. Is in the right direction. Many clergymen and good Methodist laymen have long favored a relaxation or aboli- tion or the amusement clauses In the dleciplibe. They prefer to net) the discipline changed rather than to nee it ignored, and much rather thati See it orodnee a state of hy- poerisy in the church. But the Queen Street 'Methodists have at- tacked the problem from a new point, and it will be ate:loge )Jr. Johnston and ills congrega (ion, in elate of the purity of their motive% do bet tonso fl cliorus of dissent. Twenty-eix .Tripanese merchants who liaVe been worittag itt the eenal Fran- eteeo Union Iron Works:, Who wrre tlilhrng the placeo of Rome el1' the Ana tart (abea)1 steel workers, are en strike spc far a lebortee day. lin a A MOST BUIL CHIME irI Choked to Death in De- fending Her Honor, SODY SHOVED UNDER THE ICE, Chicago. clan, 3.3.--Oonfined In a cell Ln the Maxwell ,street etation, is LaMar Thome, catirgau With ono cd tho moot hetuoaa 444 arutal mur- aerie le, the memory Of the ellicago ponce. .4.1; the vouaty morgue boa ieleuviptim, Mmuto Idarwa, 44. years a pretty NerWegiall girl. eler kale' Wree recoverea erela iittder tiee to in the Chicago rAver yeaterciay, At the game elietei0a is Weld Rob- ert iN.eissis, 12 year910, Wiee eage ea Waa a eyeewitateas to the al - 'wed muerte, iviaoh occarred early leridae mottling of last week. Kees - she is the acenser ef Thome: mad in Llie Ilreaellee pf that prlsoner Keise hig told tea palate- a startling ;fancy yeaterday morning. His etateumets reeulteel in the police dragging tie Chmago, Durliugtou. and Queue:ye:lip ot Twenty-first eted :Sangamon &treats, where the body of elies Laze eve wee recovered and removed to the county morgue, Minnie Lamm, It IS mild,. was hired to the steamer Peerless, Of the Lake Michigan and Lake Soperier Com,. pany's line, nuaged in the Burlingtou slip, leat Monday evening, and at 2 o'clock Tueeelay morelag elle lost her life, It lei Raid, la a desperate Stragva tor Her fl nor. Ifelsolg says that he Witnessed the fieree battle, and he says be saw Thome strangle his viotint to death. The ' r else confesses that he as, I Thorns to carry the bodyfront toe boat and throw it into the river, A portion of his statement was car- roborated by Mies Catherine Henna.. berry, connected with, the Ialuolet Free Employment Agency, 9 Canal street, Thorns was a Cook en board the Peeiless, which has been dee up for the winter in the Burlington slip. His wife lived with Wm, but she watt absent at the time of the alleged murder. Morsclay afternoon Timms went to the free employment office, where he met Mee Larson. The young wo- man was seeking a position and She Accepted a Place, offered by Thome as cook on the steamer. He made an appointment to meet her at aeventy-first and ganga mon streets that evening anti to escort her to the boat. The two met by appointment and the young womae was installed In the kitchen of the steamer. She later retired to a room adjoining the kitchen. About 2 o'clock In the inornIng young Keissig was aroused from las slumber. . by hearing Thome, it is said, demanding admittance- to the young woman's room. Site, however, refused to admit nim. Then he re - plaided the woman that he was her employer and that he wanted her to prepare breakfast for hint "I was sleeping on the kitchen floor," said Reiss's. "Mies Larson, or Mihnie, as Thome called her, came -from her 1: oom and asked where the meat was kept. Ube= pointed to a door and said the meat could be found outside. Tem woman started toward it, when Thome Leaped Upon Her, forced ter to the groand and clack- ed her until she was dead. "Ffe attempted to assault her, but she fought Aire:rusty until dead. Then Thome secueed a long knife and threatened to ldli me unless 1 helped him to carry the body from the boat. First Timms tied several pieces of iron to a rope and 'then wowed it around her neck. I took the body by the legs and Thome took hold of the shoulders. "We carried the body from the boat and then out upon the toe ot the river. A hole had already been chop- ped in the lee in order to Beetle° water for use on several boats tied i•ti the elip. Thome pushed the body into the: water head first and It immediately sank. Then we went back to the boat and Thom s went to bed, 1 press he slept the re- mainder of the night, bile I was too frightened and remained up." restreCI for Ills Life. Kelesig says lie was watched con- tinually by Thome and, fearing for his own life, he decided to escape from the boat. Thome sent the boy for a newspaper and Keissig did not eeturn. He went direct to the home of his sister at No. 567 West Huron street, where he remained until Sun- day. On that day he deoided to inform the police of the alleged crime and went to the Canalport avenue sta- tion, where he told the story to Lieutenant Haines. THE PA-AMLFICH MESS Suit for Foreclosure Makes More Trouble, THE END IS STILL DISTANT, Buffalo, Jan. 13,—Shortly before 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the sum - mune and cemplaint in the forecioeure action which has been threatened for 601110 time against the Pan-Amerioan Property was Lied with the County Clerk. The complaint is (Afferent from the umial foreclosure complaints in tlia.t it tteks for the appointment of (1. receiver who will be able to nego- tiate the sale of the property. Tlie plaintift in the action is the lekiclity Trust Company, as trustees. Attorney Franklin 1). Lucke, prepared the complaint. Tile Complaint sets forth that this notion pertains to the issue of the first. mortgage -botch:, made in Suly, 1900, aniounting to $2,500,000 in par valet); that the Fidelity Truet Coln- pany, in its capacity of trustee, cer- Waal to the IMMO and riecepted the firet mortgage as security. The tompliant letatee that 03 per cent. of the ,principal has been paid as follows: On Sept. 14th, 1901,. 50 per cerite Ott Oct. 36th, 38 per eente ou Nov. 181, 5 per cent. 'rids leaves 7 per tent. unpaid, The beginning of this notion intro - due ee all sorts of complications, not the least being, It le the block- ing ot the plan to sell tile buildings to 'the Chicago 'Wrecking Company At its offer of $80,000. The onsaver to the complaint Must be, filed with tile Trust Company's lewyer within teventy days:, and will be eiWalted with illterest. Clitrenee Leva, a, paling New York. er who came to liamilton, Bermuda, on tho steamer Trinidad, accompan. led by a Alrse„ became suddenly In. nano shortly after his arrival XI Was very violent. Lovy lntis relit- -Wes la New York. 11