HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-16, Page 6ADYICP TO A YOUNG HUSIMIND
Don't start out by giving your wIfe aliviats, hut bring bee
home a packet ol MONS() ON CEYLON TEA. "
.., - •
email not help b ine 11)Y' with me. a yellow rile). al, aud elte goes down- ii TElisuAitaiNGus
VA/ faiLlifel ;eel t• 1, fen 1 of eon, you loosely mental 1'i' throat, tied with
Int, my tiarlites. that other peond, • stairs. . . .
'cold women wal net //' WV:. ''S'011. at4 I ill. iti 0111Y fiVe Weinek now, Mad
liell,Vell I pity nie, an 1 rt G,P;IVE. 111 ' f Or Wile Ii110 tlanite. wearily. '"What SENDS li STOIlY
welt an I di 1 -18, W 1 1 :1,4 1 do, - Oli, there are two long Mews so (alma
earn I thee my life ? -.haw van I in trry , klark I would esi out in spite of the
I The Coming of
A Pretty Irish Romance.
Mai. sho is 41 neld-mante3red. "Of course tbere if you Make
quiet little girl. who will let me go one," her ladyship says, with a
71131 WaX in life, awl not bother nee" stormy aepect in her angry, cold,
Captain Lacy says, with a shrug of gray eyee, and the quiveriug lines
indifference, on the day when he told of her h1lughtY nostrils,
hie. aunt that Gillian has consented. "I shan't make ane," be etare,
;to merrv him "I think I (Shall have shortly,
pence with her, ani that he some- But hievertheless, when he seeks
thing to be thahkful for." las pale little fiancee ethertly after -
"My de:reit boy." Lady Darner ward, lie cannot quite forbear testing
eays. trying. to leek tend rly distress- her ladyship's conatient lteduraneee,
tel, "what a. way to opeak of -a sweet; "Are you willing, Gillian, dear?". he
loving girl like ! She will be. 1 says, after hinting at Iler ladyship's
am quite sure, one of those gePtie, programme, "are you quite williug to
raitlifee, adoriug wive, who revere marry me very soon and to let u$ go
their hueban'e. and feel all their hap- away abroad at mice? Go to the
pinees in—" Riviera or to Rome for thenarnival?"
"The memory of somebody else 1" "Oh, e'res," Gillian says, with • an
interrupts Captain Lacy shortly. "I eager gesture, some color and hope-
loiesse all about it, Aunt Jeannette. fulness coming into -her listless lace
Gillian loved that somebody else and manner. "Let us go away. •Awner
with all the hive of her heart, and from London and England and Ire -
that somebody else treated her Iand, 7 am quite. tired of elienn, and
coldly and eruelly, and half broke go amongst strange scenes ape
Iter heart by way of recompene- strange people. I enould delightln et:"
ing her love, and she and can "Go away froln the memories of
afford to pity each other, Tliat is Mount Oresery and Darragh Castle,
. you mean," 'Lacy says to himself. •
So. after this, Lady Damer forbeare "Then we may look -on it as quite
to expetiate to "the loversn as elm settled," 'he remerke, piesenthe "1111._
calls them, on the bliss that awaite less your cruel parent interferes, Gil
them in, wedloek. Ilan ?.!
But in spite of her ladyship, and "Oh, 'yes, quite settle -en she. says,
the tour to the lakes, and through carelessly. "I don't suppose papa will
the Highlands, ' things Irag, as it
were, and thoee bright visions of the
future sometimes exhume very mirage
etre qualities to her alarmed eyes. says, stooping to lase her t'ht et.
e, as soon as Mr. Deane's letter we shall enjoy ourselves better out
arrives, containing a pompous but
eautiously-woreal consent to an en-
gagement between Captain Limy
end his daughter, Lady Darner re-
solves to expedite matters.
"The man has soma bourgeoise
notions about a long engagement, I
dare say,'' sbe says, decisively ; "but
that is all 'nonsense, Bingham, and
must not be permitted for a mo-
ment 1"
'Be says he is returning immedi-
ately after New Year," Lacy HaYR,
raising his eyebrows. " lef course we / .
must wait --until therrale•hi nevem- , "A marine Darby tend a. °an! What
• . I - an idea 1" Gillian Says, • leaehing
" Of course we need not wait 1" gayly. "Suppotio we quarrel in the
Lady Darner retorts, sharply. "We yaeht, what 01011 we o
shall have everything M immediate "We hall not 'cluerrel," he says,
readiness for the wedding, and quietly. "Yoe and I, my dear, may
I will writ o and tell him so be candidates for the Dunmow
In the. course of next month -just flitch if we like, actee say." -
too late for him to attempt to elliere is not the slightest dan-
propose a delay 1 What are you think- gee of our quarreling," he steye melt-
ing .of, Bingham! I am not going to telly. "Where there le not ft spark
drag yea both bach. with me to Mount of fire, yen eau hardly kinale a flame.
()salary fee the winter 1" AO she .i.ee too gentle, vela 001
'Neither of Ms wish to be dragged too indolent - to be aetieely Mame
back to Mount Osesave I enure you," tured or disagreeable to each ()th-
e:apt:tin Lacy Nays, bitterly. or. Oh! no, a -e shall not qua:reel!
"So we meet Miter abnut in. 13righ- . It will be a donut calm. Peeeefal 'ea-
ten or Eastbourne for •few weeks," tit it growe -monotonous.?
pureues Lady Immure 3lecidedly, "un- Airl then wl la a sm.- if re evespectIve
tit I 'elm Write to lain anti tell him pang, comes the mefaory of -the wo-
that Gillen wiehes to return heme to man who lied so often quarreled
Keosingt en le preparation for le r fiercely With him; and the memory
naneriage in early treeing. as you both of these after-reeenelitation.s,
tenet a lovine father Nvill not (appose full of passionate tenterneres, that
your hearte" desirc."--she males up Id.; 4heert . beats fast at• tee. - pare
coldly at nee nephew through her thought Of them now. '
glittering, eye-glaeses-eaml that iny "Ay, tent Weald be a Santee worth
old Irieni. Laxly lgoestensh. 1 teready taking,". he thinks. with 0 eharp
talke of the 'Ammer(' she will have deep eigh. "To sail 'about for happe
in presenting your. -.tear daughter at we- ke and months through sunny ssas
court on her marriage." wit!' that .Nvoinan beside me. The
"Very well.'" Lacy- eaye. aequienving thraiest and -quest en the
carelessly. "Aunt j-eannette may eel most charming of companions, ,full
well have her awn way in everything. of resource, full or ieformetion, ace
until the desired reeult la obtained," complished and witty awl nrary, the
he thinka. "for afterward most devoted and tender., of wives,
ebe shall have it ne mere. I haveoen- Au, brave as. tigeess andeas gentle
dured her ts fanny for ten year e ; It ns a love -bird. Oli, Anne! Anne ! That
is; quite time it s'hould cease. If she I had never SUell yea, or never Met
aste me a reni wirei I will mane' le3r You i"
the memo; elm has. spent on ine, and And Millen, the girl who le going
the money elm nas lent me. with in- to be les wife in a few short weeks.,
teamed ; eel then my dear aunt tine 'I bounteto him and he to her, "118 lung
rneet on equal ground for the reet ef as they 3 both shall lite," hae „laid
or Hype." her book down, nett is looking up at
Truth to t.-11, it le One of Me Arcing- him with wistful eyes, and a forced,
etst reresens for Illam.ing the , Wan smile.
girl whose money win free him from "What 811811 sve do when we have
the thrall Ion' of Me inearea1S role- entire tal le -lend the. world ?" she asks
tam, aim ha e alwa ye assumed mere ; blankly.
than a inother'e minority c/Ver him, "Begin and sail around it the othcg
a sviLt IV NV ! with myself ? 11 11 were liot
Captain Leese wieni erg.* i the; cula or in teeth of Lady Damn." Site
1111;th:old of my wee?" utters the !pet worda half aloud In
This le what happens when Laaly tliseoniethtte Impatieene, and IR
Denier% "pair of lovers" let tie' etar t lea and eshamed to perceive thee
epirite eseithe from the trannueli or ninglatin Lacy, half hidden by the
the present, anti meet fly bask wi Lb ; ettpaueee flre-sereelt, loesakinK at
Yeurning, unavailing. torrew to the her, and listening to iteieswith an
vast they nate Wet, taulteed 14114110, -
But unfortnnatvly for her lady- "Went is it, (liaitte?" he says, with
slaws valve of melte white) te lea slight stress of menalue in his
eimulng 'weevily restored, and lier totem "Whet nee you going "to do
latlyship's visione of the future, le spite or Lady 1)a -mer ?"
altieli grow brighter ami better telllialee wlate faese crimsons, and.
defined with (30011 pansina day, the, she throws twit her head ithgrily,
quondatto lovers iteep their present "I want to go oat, nava I Malt go
and the near -coining future well be- Oa!" elle Saga passionately. "It is
Lorca their eyes, anl train their spin- 11 free country, wo are told, end. 4,
ite into decorous submiesien to the , have limbs, am4 waist to go oat
inevitable, and their faces elite for a wale, mid I can't, esI ate,
timorous smilimeness over their state -prisoner; beeenee of.LadyeDem-
nate; alai so the (lees and weeks .er fuld Mrs. Caneely!"
"Blame Mrs, Grandy, my clear,"
Captain Lacy says, enaelessly. Mlte
makes the 'Rewritten laws of Society,.
What on earth do you. waut to go
out at this lemr for, Gilliau ? There
le a piercing east what, and it Is a
dark night.'
He 'looks at eer anlatellly,41.1111 there
slip smoothly , atter, the en
of the yetis! is tenne,
"Now," Gillian saps, inwardly,
"nothing eau save me unehss 1 Vora
to die."
It is the thir31 day in the new
le a certain surprise, or suspleion, or
Yeer, and she la baee, egam in ner
old home le Keneingtim ; back where damleasure, in iliS telleS, and Gillian
chafes' against it all with inere/114041
her 111011)01 1, lecture meet; wiet-
feveeleh irritabilite,
fully after her from the walls, end
her mother's clear and wore -table to"Itiowlclet ire, 61°1006'14 81.11'1=iieyI. Ivaralliet
«thud by the window, and all reneon that Sterfees stareng end for
memories or her quiet, peaeef al,
obetlient childhood and girliimel stirs callitig pee througe •tee Ore of 1110
cage '1 smut liberty l' I want to
go out awl feel the whet and the
mid, nod be ie the gaslight 1. sWeest
harm wattle it bo? What baratV
Her voice breake with a sort of sob,
no Oho hurries over to the window,
iooka, oat longingly into thteWire
round her a -alt then. influences.
Iler father, too, is return-
ing heene itaday or to-morkew i
his last letter written front ileooklyn
has sake he will leave on the 26th
for England.
Her father'S autleielty, elle mem. try duels,' starred with gas -lamps. .
arias of life-long obtelienci3, , her -.."No berm, dear, if yen are le nate
fr""' w111 63 .I" own illeag""ve-rd; • keeping," Captain Lacy says, follow-
-nu, eothing can save her 110W learn Mg her. and epeakiag eocethingly. He
the fulfilinalt of the engagement
she has entered into. , has. a dile of sympathy for her rest -
She has even ecareely.tie desire to
escape from it, though ehe dreade it
with the dull, slow, chilling dread .of
mute despair. Sim busies hereelf with ti:)(1,v4014 11/71111)11,Y•t0hIle•cinkilaseelfU,"'Ililliete
eases. coldly. "You. have been 'on 'duty'
a nightmare fear.
By day she manages rnostlY to
elutes.. off this oppecesive weight of •
pionsures, or letres, or distractions once to* -day, alecaely. 1' wonder you
of one land or another more or less ceisiel endure to, go into ehose dress-
makers' ehowrooms !" Wite a ZOOM-
tal gesture. "'Yeti have suIfered quite
sueoesshilly; but at night lier tor- -
tare 0011108. . enough in my behalf • far one clan I
°lent." Maddening ni 10 ire s mat t en n
"And I shall 'have my little Nviho, e . 1 • 3 eg am sure 1 - • .
1 teame, ant ob 1 tes eruel, cold aw k
in a month or two," Captain Lacy ' ng• in the gray, winery Owns, wilit-11- "I ani quite ready to ouffer more,"
the tboughts of what .see bas lost lie gays galleatly but with' a rather
A .5turcly Farmer Stricken with
Rlietanatisrn is Cured by
Dedd'S Kidney Pills.
1 ozormov000zouvc,9004Nowcovax
1-10Vii TO QM i
• "ncrat%voi.00"::01.40109000000?
„. , . , 4 4 I .
Tiltla Allan WOO so lead (hat WaB
parnlyzede A evenderful ease
end 33 eere IMPPe cure by lids ees
cell en t,
Norte Temiecanague, Qtlee dan..6.
-04.11poitte.-Ae Doitessies Feria
never hero limes IN a W. II. J'olinstan
who to -day coeleidere himself . a vete
balmy male uldeetle
The cause oe ateltueton's , hap-
piness hi bis soinewleit onation and
very- rettotreable•-recovery from the
111111ii: tievere mese ce
ever •eden eountye
Far a Icing time Ile eafferea avith
the 'Rheumatism which • gradually
gretweworee till it thresetenee•bits ilre.•
Hie principle trouble. watt in his left
side, nia It wee B.J4 bad 'Mat bief neck
stiffened so that he cenla ocareele
nerve it,. and wag begerining to fear
Paralysis. The pale seould go ewer
fee• 0. -nine nut realm, with great:-
er foroe, . and a eteange feature, of
lite ones) swao that atter tee pain
would leave any part, it left behind
it that ' prickly 'Tina 'had needles"(
He tie:aught that perhape sintek-
lessaess under the thraldom lu which
they' both live. "I will go oat with
you If you nauffio up in your thiekeet
Men and We can Pave a brisk walk
-and worse -the teought of what
of,,oEh0gylancl, de•ar.
es 1 Don't let es come huge shee ha. s to live Rm.
-me hattlee wlth herself brae eiy,
'willing,' _like Batelle." •
Poor itttle eerl ; elle rises early ana.1 " You,, are very kinel," Gillian says,
to England for years'," -Gillian says., -
excitedly, "I don't care if I never goss to bed late.; see rides. And slowly, Nvith a hopeless sigh. l' 13ule I
'see it agnin. 1-.1 ant tired of It (Laves, and takes long Nvalks, with her , don't want to sacrifice anyonea coins.
yo14••111tOW. 1 have. lived here -at betrothen leisbann always her °cm" ( fort to .my whims-. It is cola anti.
least in London -all my ilea!" with 1 sere as•you my. I must stay Indoors,
a weary !ntonation, 08 if 011113110.g .. '1"
eto tee course of belt a. century.
"Vere- well. We wi'l illtV0 a yachl.
tool go ettiling around. the world,"
hillian's betrothed says, smiling. "A.
Ort of marine Darby and Joan. Elie
weary leek; "eo if you wish to go out
again across the gardene for a ;walk
before dinner tem .quite reedy and
He 18 tender and kind to her. He however mach '14171811 to go out."
pities her and he pities Iiiineelf 1 brit 1 .' YOu. will not, -dear," he sees,' snore ship at Pertsmouth,•rs to be paid ore
he wants her meney fuel he means i vordially. " Bun up at once and put and her crew turned 017131 to the new
to marry her, and Gee bitter truth . on your sealskin, end Nvell be tiff and store sbip Industey,. T,Ite Dlecovery
warm liking, whicli poor Gillian 31111- say nothing to any one 1 'Hurry, is a. famops ship. She was'bulit e6
simile the growth of the boneet,
G1401111.via.,te, for Itis nearly half -past five
,. long ago as 1878, at Dundee, •and
gently 'tries to foster. • .,, was; Intel -idea for. a. whaler, those be -
"For I must try mod be fond of "Poor child," he mutters, as sh Mg the alm days or the Dundee
a .P 9
him," elle tells herself pitecnisly. "1 goes) away, 'rather reluctantly, how- whaliag. She was, hoaceve.r, bouget
can't live with him for years and ever. " 1 Nvonder what has put this lby the British Govemunent and took
years In Pet dreadful polite italif- into her head tlas evening I She Is- parte alohg avith the Alert, in Sir
ferenee! I thought I could, but I I quite mutinous, and encitableetoo. I George Nares' fganous expeditiOn to
can't. I must care for him when I i don't much wonder at it, upon my the Arctic regions in 1875. t'he Die -
have nothing else en the Ivories, to 4 honor 1 Aunt Jeannette' e swn.g would °every- passed the winter in what
care for !" . 4 make a baa -lamb rebellious !" wag then named Discovery Bay, while
her nee In part those or her own of -an hour" of it himself wee]. her' the Alert was held fast in the ice
And so, the trammees tleit enchain He has been baying "n, bad quarter
formieg, and hor fate winds her ladyship since b.er reture , from nee:14%03i distance ..further" north ,and
Maciame Therlamens._ .. Miles froria lama. lehe explore
('10 01 and teener in its cone, ancl 'a 1 : 2 ars went north in sledgeci, and reach
there l's no longer, any Ivey of cle. i She has felly expeetea to, ilea en.
1 t le a 'or e letter from Mr, Deaee, ed the most liortherlY peint attained
I t ti. . namely, sa deg. 20
. . .
The leapeeirneutals- Fame atitliorls
ties. neve Issned e repot by Prof.
Friona; T. Salina, oltemite, ett the
Farm,. upen the eltaracter nod onusoS
of tee( pork. Sof 1..nees 111 pork is' a
eerioge tlefect, mud so the (petition
ie of great import:use° to the Celia-
beicoll industee's "rot. k"hat ;mine
mariees the restate experiment:a
an fellows.;
I. That. efeall the reticent.; em-
ployed, the etnieleting- of equal parte
of tette, pease end barley gee() Jae
firmeet pore. It may further be tat-
tled that the fat wax depeeted twee -
2. ,That noedifferente Neel ife
toidae that tele
le and llot too th
rattan 1;41Vo a very. thrifty_ growth,
geryna elle 'firmness el the pork
from' tee, preceding ration weetlier
foil e4aked or dry. •
. Teat when lien the -grain, ra-
tem emits:lets- of eeen meal, the re -
imitates pork Weave. alt lacreasted -per-
emattge oe olete ; other words', a
teuileney to seances.
4,• Teat in tille ration (half corn
meal, hale °Me, pew and barley,
le equal -parte) the feedieg of it boiled
gave ti. higher olelii content,
-but tate le only ti.pparesit avitee the
averege from the fop; pens le taken
In Mmeldertielop.
5. Teat -considering 'the effect or
reeding -1)e% ration. op °eta. peas .giat
bailey during the first period (to a
rug, totmoco, hAd something la 310 N-vith
et au alto gave the; up, but received !live Nveight of 100 potende) and corn -
nom. blieunerf.elitnetitity allot tiointinditetoubeeetia.DocdotIln'e.H-fitat is,
ooee first, followed with
lettlany • Pille. . ' . • , a pared: With the reverie cif leas -plan
meal during the finiseing period, aim -
pieta mild absolute cure for hie -mal- oats, pease and barley -we may mil-
ady, out very soca alter commencing elude teats -the former. gisee a firmer,
the use, lite, peen. began to., leave Dim yore.
and now be le strong and well. , 0. That in both methods mentioned
That melt an extreme caeo sboula ih, the preceding paragraph, no mare -
yield stet easily awl quickly prover; ea differenee wee to be observed
thee Doed!e• Kidney Pills - 'will care ir0111 1.110 ration, fed dry or areviouely
any ease, etr Rheumatism. . soaked, thouge taking:en asserage or
' the tWo grattleS en 'each eation elle
.' 'dry" f eed gave a soznewbat higher
Ethel -George, de-ar ,motlier
Egging Ulm On. '
7. As when cornmeal formece liela
sa,'w °loth content
e Geawratieetserioeuditisedml.r,evilirtttnelgslft
the Dist period ration, ana the 'Whole ,
say ? - of the taeoond period eittion the re -
'eating pork wag ansiewhOt softer
Ethel -Well, elm' said she felt 'satire
thnn from time; of tiny; of the rations
fled nowethat you meant business.
already disenseee. "We conclude that
drives sleep and the longer the period during which
, .
the corn is fed as a largo preportion
comfort away. Too cart conquer it
with Allen's Lang Relearn, which re -
A leteggiug, Cough
of the ration, the softer will 'be lie
neves heed ifreathing, pain in the 8. That beans orothice a, soft and
edit:Set ItafIlid.oi&rittotttti/Ohne cOhfilatrbeen.rri Oat..
Pige so f ed NM'S' poor and miserable,
inferior pork. The growth of the
, . ' and the deposition pf the fat Meagre;
. 9 That cornmeal fee excluively as
Lest of Nares'a Discovery.
the grain ration, either dry or -pre-
en looks as -theugh Ills Majesty's viously soaked, results in an extreme -
ship Discovery was 'about to disap- ly, soft fat, the percentage of olein
pear erten the Navy li.st, for tee Yea. being considerably higher than from
sel which' it; now used as n .steee any other ration tested. fJho .pork
ems of an Inferior quality. „Here.,
also we note() the miserable growth
of the animale, tees ration in no sense
being an economical plea
ISSUE NO, 3, 1.90*,
is alt right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
* Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consul
doctor; too thin) persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil. °
• There are many causes of get.
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over-
work and, under -digestion. -
Stop over -work, if you can:,
but,. whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
on it--:true—but, by it, you
can. • There's,a limit, however;
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"Can't eat," unless, it comes of
Your doi,bg no work—you can't
long be•well and strong,without
some sort of activity.
The genuine- has
this picture on It,
Utile no other.
It you have not
bleu It, send for
free Batt ple, Its a.-
greeable taste will
SUrlerlee you.
50o. and $1.00; all druggists',
A few Wee104 more-Latly Darner • announcing the exact hour of Ins up t o I; at me, , ,
cape. , e gr 111
aliently allndes to the first Smelt In return, but • none Earth Is • there,- min' 136 see' N' ' S.in" her return
February as the peseible date. Of • avid the , elotal-" no bigger than to Tvarnser climes the Discovery bas
the wedding-eat:I even the liberty, st mane; hancl"e-which .has begun eerved the navy as a. store ship. She
of thought anti Memories, the secret to arise on • the 'horizon of .a; a three -masted wooden sellooner,
weeping, and the nightly dreams will 4 her ladysbip's hopers-,er•stwhile. -so and bas engines op 860 horeeasower.
be foebillaen to her. .1 eunny-darkens like her ladyship's -Newcastle Cproniele. ; , .
Lades Weiner has furthered an her , brow at thin fresh disappointment .
preparation.; to the narmet. 4 ilits afternoon, whieh she covet:rues lainard's Liniment turesColde, etc,
Mr. Deences second -last. letter has , lute an affront t.o her, her birth, . . .
contained o draft for five handrail and .her condescension, whiehashe HE RESTRAINED HIMSELF.
pounds for the purchase of the ling- almost fears to coeetrue according .•
erie and the lesser artkilete of his . to the meaning she dimly perceived
-- .
daughter's trousseau,. and has de- " In Mr, Detune's last' tavo letters. ' lieu, an Impeeitulous Debtor Got Bah
. ..-•
sired laser flamer to set' a leading A something' which is not 80 "lanai of ifis Importunate Teeter.' •
modiste to work at (Milan's reeeps unwillingnees er hesitation, but 11
-Wm and vieiting dresses. rather needleesly expressed resole- (11 1',f Jortel, lode at. that imps-
A.utl Lady Denser has taken nim at tion of "behteving justly and gener- deist ma a an the other gicla c(f the
his word,
00 this 8/1 11Ie third clay of Jane- , ing Gillian an allew.nace from the the .1e;8'6 'bon ellenitee• • •-•
has 3 , ously to his dear child," and of mek- street. He has been following 3.1B for
ary, wearily ' (late of her marriage "equal to
fore? rit teach that intIstedinet IMPPY
eones--Why didn't yea tell me be.
returned from Madame Teed- 1 what elle will alossees • in her own
. ,
81'(l'14ermine, after a three right on coming of age." a 'lesoon. .
hours' inspection or eillts and satins 'He epenks as If the fortune -tee Walking .boldly across .the streee,.
and velvete and ecteliemeres and tea- hundred thousand pounds which -he Stones eaye to theanan: •
gowns and peignoire, until her see- alwasee anneuneed au settled by will "Look.liere, Snip, I am very sorry
eel( 80111 1)88 loathed teem all. . On 1110 daughter, were not in I've net got the homey to 1403r You;
She gladly melees; from Lady Da- quesaion at.all 1" Ledy Darner Hays, for that last . mit, but youoeglianot
mer's society into the peace and with angry =attempt. "Does he ha- to follow me up and'duil me whee I'M
quiet of her owe 30011114, and lying agine for a moment that his (laugh-, trying te ca,ptore that glee- Sierhass
feennY got; lots of cash, anti if I .slekeed You
tIoNvn to rest by the fire, for the af- ter Is going to enter our
tertmeal isbitterly ooldt Svith n ' without proper and eattisfactory will not 0)117 got yone monee; .blit
searching eitet wind ,blowing, . her settlements ?" also an order- for a Wedding outfit.",
thoughtrevert, in ;mite of Itere to ' And upon title theme she diseourses, Sniri goes off .satisfied:' • . -
the pamt-her past -which is all ante her nephew le wearied out 01 Retorning to the young ladY, Jen:lea
boanded-beginning and ending- the temper and patience. . '• gays : ."r an) glad yea called my Ma.
0.'.. 1 t e 1 "I always di I 'LOU tote Aunt Jean- .t o n le on to that ',cowardly:. scoundrel.
1 dereis think lin wall e'er' stele' at
Yon agate, I had 'great diffidulty in
restraining myself, l -Tit Bits. .
I know MINARPS‘LINIMEN'll will
'core Diphtheria.
. French, Village.
. ,
I know' MINARP'S LtNII1EN']1 'will
011170 Croup. CUNNINGellAl41.
'Cape Island. ,
I loMI
host remeay, on eareit.
'NorwaY, Me. ,
naorally anti mentally, with loss Way, he save a 1 a g , • • a p In an ea
titan n mother's rigla or a motherettho blankness himself. it 800.12111 to her, in 'those three or Mite," be says, coldly, "that a for-
. 1 And then, at; they have 00 more to 'four woe; in ihe early days of the tune dependent 00. 1118 Nvill of a lath -
"I supreme yea antigpele no olo , say to each other just 110W, he kisses gol,100 still living is not quite the eame
e.ction on (Menne; part. or linve ' her soft, fair face once more and It llamas her, It tortures her, it as a fortune absolutely settled (111-
37011 already arrange -1 le all with her, goat tovay, leaeing her to geed the wrings tears of hopeless, helpless der a. deceacied person's NvIll."
Aunt Seannette ?" lie askm, avail a book 1410 venni . sorrow from her eyes, those ' dear "1 See,„„ it ., ' ' .-1 Tal
half -veiled sneer. 1 She keeps the open page before yet forbeldeth tie -eights" of her no to cry sour grapes' then . her laelyo
• r/4-
9 have spok •n on the en -levet lei 4 log, stering at it minute after min- briefgliinpee into the Eden of this shin says, with hot reproece,
her. She ha 0 mnde no oldeetion," 4 nee, unseeing, uncomprehending, world's roagh wilderness. , And then the weaeLsome dieoussIon
She le wearing one of her singile, begins over again, and las imperious
Lady Denier nye, coldly. "Wil yon \011ie the storm gathers in her vale
o1ea14e write to Ennio house -agent, lug heart. pretty, girlaill dresses too, this af- relative insists, ana menaces, and die -
Bingham. and SE,' about getting a 4 And then presently sine ;awe and ternoon-lier beet -loved dress, the tatee, what Captain Lacy shall saY,
small furnished hones or euperlor I glides away quietly out of the mem, soft, downy -trimmed, pale pink and do, and demand when 'this man"
apartments for us in Brighton ?That 4 with her book etill in her hand, time tea gown •svIiicit she wore on that -his future wife's father -arrives, and
will be more convenient for you to . gaining her bedrtione goes in and .August afternoon long -ale lio longl the necomary understanding about
Eastbourne." ii tossed down allywhere, 1111/1 Nile COMP. 10 her in the soft evening -,levis " And it must take place 'at once'
ago, arlien George Areher had Gilliares dowry takes place.
run up and down from town than leeke the door. And then the 'book ...... .
" For how long will sem require is down on her kitnes, with wila out,. 11 /
!eget, in the peace mei quiet of the --at once, Bingham 4 Do YOU hear ?"
the )t u- 1 ens...?" be noes, 14±11111) 11 arms, and wild, sobbing aim, Slitulowy room in tbe gray old Lady Jeanentte saye deeisivelY. " I
ota:flioot ly pampering to wri 1 e. prayers and cries, stifled With the eastle. And, in les presence, the light will not give another order to the
"For two menthe," 'Lade dean- pillow where her face is burial. Or Mfg eYes, the tenth of his hand, tradespeople, 141111 tot stay in the
Mate 140.714, promptly "Gilliall'el "Oh, Gump ! George! my love, my the sound of iliH VAN,' the Weems 'of house three (leas atter this man
troueeleau ('1411 10' completed nom- love: now can .1 live tothout you? 1411413148-0,14the world mud nil her arrives, if h0. does- not let us urelers
Variably in that tbIle, and net seen 021, my love, can't I dire -can't I die, , -life had been filled with the glory eland plainly aria clearly what he is
as her father returns we shall go and get out of my mieery? Oh,' OS happiness. teeing to do I Not that for e moment
to Iecesinp,ton." George, I shall have to marry tide i a i long ago 1 Ah, so long ago 1 1 iningine," elle gave loftily, "One he
"The course of true love is run- ether nrin and live long. dronelnil The dreary, mild, dull world lieR ill Will be Ignorant enough, oe short -
Ping very con001.11," ite !Ines. ear- • • t . co i•fe tile
donically. "I can't holp thinking,
Aunt Jetinnettes that there Nvill be
a hitch -yet."
veers with him; ami never, never ;me the belet of the plereina east wine , g . ,
pin or hear your yam, or tomtit *this afttayrsen, and 111e IN 41 chill and immense solvantages of an alliance lowing the eget nox than (luring the
yenr dear bane attain. 011, George. 1,1101411 thing -even lapped In luxury • With a family like ours. He has been week of the eqtatiox. That the euries
dear, Ivey eouldn't you have loved ate; warnah-for the glory ici trope, • 31011811)10 enough hitherto. 1 ito uot gaming an pauglnary line, should
ine a little and mnee me the hap- mil the eweetnese le penal nnd the really believe that there is Melt to canoe ce dorm ie. absard front elle
baleen] and Wounded peeve eierit can fear when he once understande Ds eatentiet's ;item:1point, but, it Is
' tette, ligicertIveleee, that the storiati
They haunt her, thaN eaters; her, iloes nederstaml uti fully and 'clearly,
eilliardea Liniment Curets -Diphtheria..
' Stotens.
'The belief that the enta's oreesing
the equator in the ageing and. fall
caveat Maltose/eerie disturbances
dies hard, bat It is dyieg Jar an that.
It is trtre,• as a' rule, thee we do
have oath. digterbances tebeat the
mindle of Meech' and the enlddle of
nepteanbee, but. tie) mere "cmieeing
of the, IWO'? by elita eon dowel hot pro -
(beets them, ae Mailt •petetine believe,
,The'dietarbanees; are due ,to atmos-
pherio chengslie that take place over
the equeitorlal belt when the cola
eleason gives place -to the warns, and
when the warm geasen g•ives place
to the cold. It Itas been shown by
carefully -kept tecortle in laigland
that tnolfe 'storms occur durIng the,
week pretedine and the week foe'
Opal •AmaiysteS
"HoW Co you know lie Rites you ?"-
0141(1 Miss Cayenne.
•Ole writes me such beautiful let-
tere."- - • _•, .
"liuniph I That egret loves That's
literature." ---.-Washington Ste.
efiniaiells Liniment Gueee Diseenmer.
Sad, But True.
Yanclerbeek-eYou don't megn to say
you Make a, living out of writing
Nolatir-Well, I hope you tient-
think I 'write them for the fun of It!
-Brooklyn Eagle. - • -
ea nese no matter where Itis. Send desorip.
tion and -cash price and get our plan for Red-
ing meth buyers, Patent -Exchange and Invest-
ment Company, Toroeto, Canada. ,
We offer Ono Hundycd Dolia.rs' Howard, fOr
any oasenf Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hales Catarrh Cure.
- 1'. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0.
We, elm undersigned, bare ItnoWn- P. J.
Chenoyfor the last 15 `roars and believe- hint
perfectly honorable in Et.u. business transactions
and financially ablii to carry , out anY .obliga-
tions made by their firm.
WEer '& Taunx, Wholesale Druggists, To.'
Iedu O.
WAT,DINO, ICINNAN & MA:arty, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0. • ..
Hall's Catarrh Caro is' taken intbreally, act-
ing directly epon the blood end mucous sur-
face of the epeeist. Testimonials sent -free.
Price -35c per bottle. Sold by' all druggists.
Haller Family Pula are tho best.
pleat girl in 1111 ? ewer Se
SOZODORT for the TEETH 25c .11.1,1,`"y,l'i'llyeeergw.'31.11:14(111 I Than•vo):t1,1411I1)111(11•Pe 1)01(1'417
Hand Reading By Mail
and as practised by the North American School
of Palmistry is not FORTUNE TELLING. To read hands
by the careful examination of the Hiles and other marks
and signs contained therein is PALMISTRY, an earnest
application of which cantot fan to bring thebest that is
In you to the front. he method by which the levees -
SODS of the hands are obtained, the cost of the reading,
and other information are con tained in our Booklet which
we will mail to you melt on receipt of your address.
Clinadien Branch Box 22s, Hamilton, otth
fial no beim In matorial things'. fuile. You mu8L tocltr
aro easteml by the min positiOn in
the MeV. Teem is tie. Obeeetem to
tailing the legating equirloctial lee-
entles they (acne (it the equireetied
season, inft there ta objeetion to ales
plying that toilet to 1.11e411 beettmee
they aro eXpectete on the equInoes
14.01(101.0, .
111•6e hitt( r-SWett Int1110VieS ; lila 13110 (111)1 svitliont delay, Bingham." •
trive bravely '.till te resis1 them and , She wipe:tee thie asentelarce to het -
drive them away. . i e011 ii, great, mamy tittles, though eers
S. / Nile gas up ant takes off the i tale boding euggeetIons awl. newel -
little, Mee tea -mem no she (I1'4'1414' 14 vorne ideas epring Op ineesmantly in
ter Melees, end pato it aWa.i, secure ,. her own taind this evening. .
utel 410P1) at Cho b atom of the cedar- I eir Meta takd teem or 1 shell beget-
vegel cheat. n ie ewer.; it up safely. ling nervOus and otereitatinea age;
eh*' ale keep that little', eon. pink wine I halm most Wee of nay
gown which hes /ulna heel inelnepod, ntreligth of Mind nailbody," she
v., well hal elerrei with the beatinge t.olls heesele feeling very tielf-gatie-
of her happe heart preseed neeintit acel and self-sacrifielng, and tato-
hice-mhe wilt keep It ag long tie she 4 'tether ratimithle, as tete tleteeernis to
lives:. but elte will novae went it tbe •etalvieg-recne, 00111 half -past
melee . ,1 Nix, in le r earefill dinner toilet, and
Sete le gnieltly ellassee for ("Inner. en scats Itercielf le the tiezieta ebalr 'With
these (Thee of eppreesive . millinery her , fat . betWeen tile nre, nue her
eidenulors 'teal elreetenneeriea totem., eompleelon, wheel has; 11.01113artleils
Oen», She imieninifiee aerseer an• the 13141437 !151p3701811.- • ' .-
a (ter'inoe; of It; all be '' weerine her "Tiett Man may return unnxboet.
platne,t awl tali (It gowns: with,,ut odly,, thougle it will be a waned tool
orienneet or Jewelry, nave Bingham rinderbred thine Of 111,111 to tie," She
1.110) i< 04 n,11,1 engnemilient ring or lute thought, while putting ou the
eat's.rp( 0 un) dinmomin. :Qin puts on artistic bloom and Masi' to. 'tertian,
a brown velvet peeve' with none, eon, aristotantie eettturee. "IL le Otte to
old lade ef the eleaveg. and falling Onerelf (0 properly itilPrees olle of
that tangs nt onee. They can Weer
Seee"'"e's"-eaesee'eeesegeseegensene nfterleaftl Melte free theses:16C05 OM
SOZODONToh Paidor (0 be tontitted
.)To'1't I'Pr''8Itn•"
etc. Home or toreIgn procured mid ex-
ploited. Booklet on patents free. The Patent
Exchangeand.bivostnlent Company, Pythian
Building, Toronto, Ont.
finest in the Niagara fa
Winona, 10 miles frem Hamilton on two rail-
ways, /30 acres in all, 35 of which is in fru%
mostly peaches. WM be sold in one pared or
divided into lots of 15 to 20 atria to suit our
chasers. Thetis adecided bargain li.ddresa
Jonathan Carpenter', V. box Ma, Winona
Ontario '
just *1 l'easpootiful of Perry Thiele-
Pelnkillee 111 Warie water or melt,
token niter expospre to cold Or wet
will smacketi. the circulation, and
thee prevent a chill. There Is but
one Paitgitiller, Perry Ditvite.
oltsaiyle Prov orb.
"Note, Zoinety, erty your prOverb,"
sweetly mama the schoolmietreee.
"Plettety, Ma'am, I forget," lisped
-.Isabelle'. •
"I win' rerrnsh your tnettiory, 'Peter
pie who IWObn glass housee--Neer
f1111811 IL"
"People who live in pease 1101180e
tenet mill down the Minds,"
Sohnny took the first prize.,
1/11,nardia Liniment Cares Ottrget It'
nioney after school; samples, outfit, ,an11
particulars sent for Sc postage, Star gupply
Co:, P. O. Box 459, Woodstook.
_L. have you a paying occupation for the
Winter! Wo will put you in a war to make
good wages; We enralby both on salary 'and,
commission; handsome outfit furnished free; •
our side -line helps cursaleanen splendidly
write arid get teuns and particnlars. Chase
33rOthers Company, Nurserymen, Colborne,
established 41370816.
We will pay you 9 cents per
pound for Plucked Turee3-s, large
or small tots, We buy all lauds
of Poultry. We pay freight and
send ehecer or money order as
soon as we receive the Poultry.
Commission Merchants,
bondon, Ont.
Highfield - - Hamilton.
the staff. Glom Fie:suer.
• etagnifleenabunding (the homo of
the late Senator Turner), and. several
acres of beautiful grounds extending
to the top of the mountain.
Splendid home for boarders.
ivaafor ,prospeetus to the Hese
IAA.) Open Mathematical Sehtlar
of Queen's College, Cambridge.
rese.W - m'oeseeenwe'sesees
ror !ale bY PI
• •
- NO snAms,
ate Teethe emperier to 'Cue °rain
Viroodenware articles tor domestic lute.
first OWN tletOori,