HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-16, Page 3ozodont GOod for Bad teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth T1ILcARI OP LAMPS. CIIIILDROOD INDIGeSTION SOMetilitli PArtleularty Well, 'Worth Often beade to, Serious, Trouble line , linoWinget lade Season. leste Prompt Steps Are Ta:Rest to Lampe etre bOtit useful and erne- Chocle it- Bow This Otto Mental, bat a pertain amount of ear() Best se Done. meet be given them, tio that they will do their utetoet toward ligitting the Indigestion le n, trouble that le Very , houte tit elie beet manner. a4F'.eeeaeeee.'ea.,'Keifes,ase'e-he.(a.e.aeee"..aedaefeavetiaes'..se.a.-.Sae'&S.e*a?iae-Wtaseeteaaf'a'.a'reeeet I A TABLOID RESTAURANT: Chicago is to boyo On to Servo Compressed and condensed FoOds. (Aro taleald be given to them, (tett 0 I enmure; •:.•aa-a•eeili1K10.-Sese..4.....:seet-seaaesSeleitiOSseseiteeShaQaetehzesSessataeaSaaheserhoSePel'eseej 'Da" eoireaon In infancy Rita eaely child Change is to Italie tableid ros- ly palutable, St tasted like meat, yet • to do ties le the best nutaner titer° on un tss mu in are taken to (metro' it the rettult is ehould be certatil tools provided for (lin • in tire near future le the ito oompueition not so arm. riot be %sect a,ny other way. PrOelloutivti ''Xiiat is really pretoe •,' explatnea the outlets°, auit those thole should often very steams. It prevents One pieta la tee UL propee growth of the clind and come vu l; right. Tee neve potter the eaterer, "the balite of neat Of . Vital. .01 all provide a tray mita- weakene tite constitute -el, eo that let where fooataafte ill compaci't form our Osbert. You get the to.itte of ° clently largo to hold all the eeees- e - -1' no meat Logi the emelt of meat, but you sary artieles, as well as two or. , • three lamps. Clean cloth for 'wash- ing the chimneys and one for dry- ing theta some eon paper for ritb- Ding off the charred portion. of tee eta , wit*, e Pair of eharp'selssors for cut - %oat tin Ices* novae's) awl a box con- ,. tairling 'tore or lateee wiclo that have been• polled ea vinegar, so that they are really for inenediate U60. Irregular care te almoet as ne an no caret ti,e all. The llama &mild be kept perfestly clean, tied they elrould be ghat every ilay without . fall, or elm) 'they abode not be used. a a partly -filled lamp le elte lamp that .'t es apt to explode. If the wielt in BY THE HUMAN HAND. , rubbed alone every day there will not a be danger of broken or smokea chile- , . + neye, that will surely °eau with a . 4, negleeted lamp.- - , .4.4,44+4-4,4+++++++++a++.01.++++-44+++++++++4+4 4)44•44++++++, A small dishpan should alwaYo be . kept for . washing the different • A. new methoil or determining the mueeleia in the band, which aro usea parts or the lamp. A. soft cloth foul alternator or the 131:Meet from his for closing and opening them and plenty of soap will keep the china hands lias (been discovered by a moving them sidewise. 'When the brain nay in good order. erhulual coert judge. The fact that is healthy and the mind is calm all Let a certain part of the day be tee meteaurentent of the nedille finger the nuteeles are „entect elpOn equallY• set aside for this daily duty, and gives the boot neatens of Identificatien When the brain of a chita ia healthy when the task has been accompilen- boo long been recognized and is new and the child is asked to hold out ea pat all the necessary artieles in tete the world over. These measure- his hand lie leelde out to symmetrical on tho tray where they belong and ments afford more certain means organ. But if the brain is more or put the tray at once in its place., than the best of photographs or de- lese disturbed there will be more or where It will be ready for the next eoription of criminate that the peliee , ,,,,„ ,„„ less distortions ofethe hand% Thus one officer can get. The theery of the 'ivtl° h"" ;•he hate brain' work, very judge referred to IR that the hands little thinking on ' profound etibjeets*, indioate the ohmmeter tied that they ' • • will hold out 'a hand somewhat like are mar.° to be relied uponi than the ,the Child's :au:owing-a. calm mind. But farse, for the readon tiiiiet people from •Alter a. hard day's Work he Will prole - long being accustomed -to the idea an ablyndrop the thumb, which would bo Indication of fatigee, control the muscular movement of flbose alto have studied tiiii way that othere try to rend thelr faces the letter So that it ,decelees even people hold their hands will tell you thee it is a amen 'better Mex. of experts. Not so with the' hands. mental phenomena than is the face Even it ho were coneelous of. it it is -upon Widen most people rely, but clionbtful if the most expert orisminal wlech is often deceitful, Anyone could so control his hands as to de:- . who cares to make a few observa- stroy tho telltale marks and inch.- 'dons oan verify the following cat:Ions of character that are there facts : displayed to tne initiated -like the isind Brains In Finger Tips. page of an open book. It toolaimed First, select n. man who you that the passing emotions,. as well know has Intelligence above the Kg the general chara.cter, of the sub- average; ,a persoil who is gifteil 6jeot are betrayed by the mottoes, with excautive ability, and you shape and manner or nettling the will find that he has a, strong, firm, bands% Thei judge who ie responel- well -shaped 1,10.0q, full of character. 010 for the theory male it i'expres- Second, take one whom youknow filcul . of hand emotion." Be says he nas only sufficient intelligence • •to has made a study of it for set:feral eat, drink, sleep and do manual • • I hi hand and you interpreting the signs that are nev- will lied it short, clumsy and thick- • ZZs lama* Were Dislocated. The rack wee icnown to the 110111ntel It tatiero'S thee, and Was applied 'to toe efirlY (11rieLlatie 111 the aretuu S. 00161 eenletriee. It wars Introeueett„ Otto lieglenti by the Duke or Exeter Ju lee?, and woe there called the "Duke of Exeter's daughter." It used in •tilts thee of aieurY arat • teite. lit ailnotit 0014 1,6131t no dertnse tlie reign ef , • in the, Various Dmitri:rhea of Buret* tee rack was extiolt notra ay both coal Wel religions anthorities to ex, treat confeeslons or recantatiouse It bee now neon obelilted in every part aim get the nurtatn,nt 01 nuts, with oi the eiVilized world. • none of tire baneful effeets at' meat,' A0 an lestruaient or diteacillefel tor-, Liao dome eat neeit quantity in food, -Lure the tharaberew was capable ef but nutriment. a• ea get it from pro- Inigifoline61:1101411 IttS11,,eviet.A18," ecitenrsni:tittedlnle etTignei,i,uvtit%,Itatioutientstalcklya budieeilieeo!).i. all a clamp, for eompressim thembe ay minute of a sierovei, at the Centre. MI a upo riecrets OE the culinary It Wire a favorite inethod,of tarter(); t•gc,ipitoliarutligonelioftoc•oteitileireisnsgeduireft;o, ils Tat; oe Id oa. ridIntseapeoteteiamedatailtonwellseindc browe gravy nerved with several of gsge ot In the wara against; the Covenanter% and the -famous Care :Stares was thus tortured for hour nod a half at Holyreted to obtain IIB secrete a tha Argete party, Tile theentoorew' yeas on of .the simplest inatatireents of torture, but it was Capable of inflleting untold -suffering. Sozodout . .. . P. 25e. Sozodont, Tooth -Powder ((( ,. '25to. Lay& Liquid and Powder • ,.. 75c. Ali stores or by mail for the price. Sample fer the postaee, le. HALL & MICKEL, MOINTF;EAL. ...,..... . ._ _...„.....- 4+++++++++44444+++++++++4444+++++4++++.4+4.44044+++++++ 1 4. '.> TO TELL CHARACTER . MTH and has formulated rules for , II3 111111,1)10 tt/ retilitt other (Ilse:wee IVLII (.' ht."(•1 0 A., IIIIII: are mere tlangerone. Fortunate- located on State etreet • coaventeat 1,v, however, the trouble is 08e that to the ehopping (notelet. A. Lagoa.; 18 costly controlled, Proper food- reetaurant, it le neettlese to ex- tort too emelt, but absolutely pure- plain, is a plaza whore the •orttran. plenty of fresh air, ana naby's Own 1 may teat! a square meal itt a tozeuge Tablets, freely tislintelitteeed accord- which: may Ire, awallowed at a tangle Ina, to tile directiene, will sioon put 1 gulp, it he prefers it that waY tim ('utterer right, and make both , be may nave lai dinner in a. eap- 1 otlier and child liaopv, ',Mee. W-. E. 1 elate The people who nave become Dasstun, of laingeton, One., is one of i thoroughly aecuetomed to the tab - the mane Mothere who have proved 1 loid diet lace it and netko no attempt the ece.upreeeed dishes Is 001 alone the truth of Ole statement. ealle I to eater to tho depraved appetite rain in color, but le most /relatable three mcarths old, Isles had Indigos- that demileile something bulky. Those, and compares favorably with =ally HtLyb; " I \leen my little ger' was about i tien Yore teeny, elle wits vomiting,' tswellTetlitlo"tinteutholan%eoll;att()11:11,ceadostelelenoli °:Perttlietioreilietteerfm elloPeTatilenn.eealed Cans and noel diarrhoea almoet eovistant. find 11 hard to and eurresponde to ban Beall such as fl4oViu8:1/Tortlivs,a1,13, 1:1(071" aikilnihniviVg811110,11 on, la' bilril(tetrikmertavytat el•I'°1‘rvoemvert'lle eating 'mitt, beef and mutton, without. partaking rat -awes eppetith her rood di 11 (11(1 1380 Tioe , ..• I e e(oige about the necessity for ice,f0 11:hieinslintaillItz.,ntaithettir.oe iesf ittio,rtiinente.01 fbiemtales. no ,goiel whatever, 1 11 -til tried. sev- providing the 1000014 for diluting the tablete in water, la etbleh 10001 1110 much nutriment and sustenanee for the human body In a pound of pro. Oral medielitee, but they (1 Id not help large majerity of the tabloid res - her, Then 1 heard of Ballya Own 10.00aat pateeee. it is expiated, wet tose as there would be la five times Tablete, and procurea it box. After that amount of meat. giving !ler the tablets for a rew days, take them. There is one thing in favor of the dilated amen that per- Loolts tette Pressed Turkey. the vomiting awl diarrtmett ceased, elte bogie ler improve la once, and haps recommends it to the pa - grew plump and fat. I always give lengeh ate and than 1.9 that the meal lasts her the Tablets. now when HIM Is ail- '- ittg, ane the result is always good. The tabloid restaurant wee possible being elightly (throes. Vonsaquently Bova Own Tablets ace tne best by the invention of compreesed foods medicine I have ever used for 0 a few years a -go. Compressed foods a le easy to mete up,. compressed (Mild" . . , were supposed to be deeirable only ehleken salad made from tan while ao an eautrgelloY eation, compressed proles° hash aleo lias These Weds will promptly cure ell eoterprising indivieuai found that , meey admkerit. but some A Fiendish Device. The leen clesp, sometimes called the ...,, "Scavenger's •Baughter,". Was a broad hoop of iron, consisting of two parts, fit:stoned to mph other with a. binge. The prisoner was made to kneel on In appestraece prolose looks like the floor and to chntraet himself pressed chickee or turkey, it into ao small a aontpans as he could. resemblee in color, autd what IS mare Then the es:etutloner, kneeling On Ll. ke.epe up the deception, by las victim's shoulders, and having in- -- tho hooP undervthe latter'S legs, compressed. the victim close to- gether until he was able to fasteh 1.1e3 extremities over the small of the back. Tile time, allotted to this kind of torture was an hour and a half, during wheel time it commonly hana 'toned that. feem 0,XC0813 of compres- sion the 'blood started front the nos-• • . so severe that blood spurted from be - 1(01(111 the pressure was eolith the finger and toe nails Of the ' • • Breaking en the enheel was one or the horrible modes of lit- flictleg the dee•th penalty in France and Germany. The victim was tied' cal a wheel with, his arms and legs extended along the spokes. As tho wheel WAS turned around the execu- tloner fractured the victim's limbs by successive blows with en iron, bar. These were repealed until death ensued. Sometimes the. executioner - was permitted to shoev tbe victim. the • mercy tie a. speedy death after a few Wawa by stating lanee on the head or Stomach. Occasionally in France the sentence eontaissed,a prol- e vision that the vietim be strangled - after a certain number iol-blorwS had been struck. It is said that when - Patkul, the envoy of Peter the Great, was put to death on the wheel ben day' H work. - the minor aliments of 11 I. le once, , For a reading lamp one should be such as sour stomach, inalgestion; the compressed foods woald appeal ItebooltkeR compreseed tootle best, eelcieted with a spreading ehaele. gone, constipation, allay the trritas :Ls' a certain portioa of tite patine, men Zar wellies ?" was asked. The round globes that aro I10\V 80 atm aceompanytug alio cutting Of 01'01 *here there was 00 abundance "1 think women. really prOfer thane. generally shown are lame oven.- teeth, eta Thee are good for 011- of restaurants of the ordinary type. e You will find that written, as nerele, mental than useful, and, while drea of all agate and crushed to a Hence, the tabloid resteurant. require little food, and consequently they are very pretty for the parlor powder or dissolved in water can be Will Sell Condensed Foods. they are quite satisfied to indulge 1 t ' fet to the Thie irojector of the tablet:1 ree- in only a. moderate amount, if they or pitting -room, the library slem g v n , bo provided with- a lamp that will youngeet Infant. 11 you cannot ob- templet recently explained the mys- give, out a. clear, strong light. tale Bales Own Tablets at your torlee of his proposed novel place of Ageeen shade is best for tile eyes, druggists', iv111 be Rent postpaid entering to the hungry. There will and this should always be well con- at 25 meets a bee by addressing the bs In connection with the restaurant sidered• before tile purchase Is Dr. Williams' Mealcine Co., Brock- proper a department for the sale .. I 3 ed packages know that is of the bee . u p11 ronage, of (entree, will come largely from men, but those who are steady customers will talk to their friends of the value id the dishes, especially to"dyspepties, and the 'time is not made. Never purchase a yellow •):, • far distant when women will be our shade for a reading lamp, for the A. GUARANTEE -"I hereby . certify ° in e•liteli tee cum ;Tossed food 18 put . , • • tt . d 1 ts light is alintost as trYlng as when that I have matte a careful chemical i - 1 iiQSt up for the market. siaready sale for a white, stelae Is used. ierany • per- analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, time, is confidently expected, and Tablets tiara Pleasant Taste. sons become nauseated when red which I personally purchased In a this will be no inconsiderable part " Compressed foods are the most lights/ aro freely -used, and a tette dreg store In Montreal. My analysis : of the .beeiness of the concern. The dige,stible," continued the restaurant 'fitted° gives a cola light that is not has proved that the Tablets contain • always pleasant. absolutely 110 opiate, or narcotic; following* bill of fare which will prob- man, "and the result le that the cry For a. )(itched the best la.nip Is that tile'Y eiln be given with perfect alley be put before the,customers of for tabloid food comes from the dys one that can be fastened on the safety to the yourigest infant; that the new restaurant has been pre- peptic clear. They find It aids them. wall. witli a reflector . placed batik they are a sele atel efficient medicine pared by the, projector and was ' The professional men of sedentary of it. These may ee purchased at for the troubles they are Indicated ' slielre as n. sample of what coital notate, whose exereise coueiste in .an a moderato price, and should be to relieve and 00r0.' till farces:died to satisfy the appetites findooea sinoin)alalcowNavliike, ngoltadhatvo lighe is net sufficiently good to be satisatetoreti MILTON L, HERSEY, M. A.. Sek, 'Provinciel Analyst for Quebec' adopt the improved method of eat - Chicago citizene who may desire to petite or sustain 1110 'Moot Of the tabloid foods are pre rewohleilddobese resat, 16 _every kitchen where the (Signed) • and sustain the working strength of to gorge himself to satisfy his ap er-failing. F1'0111 the lia,nde of crim- et. Sothetimes ill -shaped or wit'a Me:Areal, Deo. 23, 1901, ing: twisted fingers. Look for ,peculiara le digested. For instance, ebromose Compressed beefsteak ' ties; you will find them. Follow EPILEPSY CURABLE, NOT BRIDE AND GROOM Compressed fieh balls whieli comes in small boxes, or this -practical Informatioa, it will Compressed fricassee ho tablets:, le comet/eat of nuts an help yuu: . HAND IN FRIGHT. teas .or witnesses who come before him be la aline to read the character' n order of Charles XII. of Svveden, the d latter cashiered the officer in ih..) cereals, sterilaed, in which the fat command of the guard for permitting --- Compressed roast exists in a state of natural emulsion. the bead to be stricken from tbe It f an 1.5 - mangled body of the victim before a life was extinct. Breaking on the d, wheel was a,bolished in France der- . married In order to enjoy the rich- eulous dIscoutaiets of a wedding Jour- Protose has11 31.2.1-.5,,,i ' aazollIi outtyi of oltaif toitzthcilviii,n)ntraslitace:oitorststeionspiovIlwtvetaiiigsalini t wbostsreer kin: ilatINI, Protose net meat ney. Teat fact :has been discovered Nettolene by writere of notion before this ; but i Pekoe benne with protest) Mr. III. A. Gauthier, of Bucklegham, it leas borne in upon a young lady ...pi ii • • tt l 111 arranged inelades everything neve Gives Ms ithepetionne for the Ben- whose home is In the Midway diStriet , . Tomato beefsteak 15 airy .10 create and sustain healt elit ot Other Suirerere From This recently le It way that she will not 1 A. sample of the compressed beef- strength and a normal ameunt soon forget. -The whole affair was a steak was also,shown to the investi- flesh without disarranging the dige . . , practical joke, but in the end tile gator, and bo was permitted to try tive apparatus in any way. If pr „Terrible Malady. (From the Peat, Buekingliam, Q,ue.) jokers found they bad beaded better the taste of the article. In appear- periy and intelligently eaten co thaa they knew. That, however, is once coinpressed beefsteak looks like presstel foocts are 'ali euffielent." Tell me by what hiddeit magic Compressed meek turtle But They May be as the Resit 141 Our impressions first are led Into liking or disi.king, oft before fled Medical Skill,. A Disease That Has Long Baf- , The tablet closely resembles card Biaborate Practical Joke. mels, are pleasant to the taste, ca Not roast Gratine of cauliflower i be served plain or net, as preferre at isn't always neceesary to be a word is mai.O. Scientist:1g have 'found in dissect- ing finger tips of the blind that they contain brain cells or percep- tion, or gray matter of which the brain is. composed. The wonderful pereeptien and keen 'sensitiveness of the nands or the blind have long been an, Intereeting steely :and sa- w:see la at last demonstrating elle ceuse of suet). a flee herceptibe, of - lug the revolution, • • r. Boiled in 011. o Bolling in oil was: another favorite o mode off torture during the middle age% The victim was placed in a • huge caldron of .under whieh a, O fi.re *AA lighted, &ad the oil slbw-ly st brought to a boiling point. Other • barbarous modes of execution were pouring melted lead oa the victim, ea.wing 111111 asunder, pressing to death, tearing to death with red- , hot pincers, quartering alive?, tear- ' lug to pieces by liorees and impale- ment on sharpened st.akes, tzt, mode of execution Is se vivid. e ly described by Ileneyn Steen:Weide a in his trilogy , ottpelesh romancee. Under Chariee V. of Spain Impalement: was effected by Calving a. pointed stake throregli the heart svbile the victim wa,e,ebeing buried alive. Burning at tho stake and. the ap- plication of fire in every, 'terrible manner that would add to the agony of the victim were ever fay- . orite modes of tortilla in the dark 00 ages. One of the eltapters.of Ras- es sia's leetory is that containing the til record. of the terrible tortures in- flicted In. that eottratry by" Spa With Knout. at of til In in as ish to We venture to say that Ig our town anticipating the story. 1 hamburger steak, and It is decided- Chicago Chronicle-. . and to arrive at a knowledge o • the touch. A. physician ass s mg n iwbat is passiag betheir minds at the an tuflopsy on a person blind 10010 of 3,000 innabitatits 'few besiness The young leder in ques , timee out cif '.0 hundred are able to of the index finger contained a to Cleo:Igo Rome months ago :saute time. These same mein ninety birth found that the inner surface men are head. knewn than Mr. e.t. A. down most complex „and del:taste randfl- Gauthier, the young and hustling to visit relatives. 'While there she • either blank maske to the observer, cation of nerve latrienents, dainty butcher ors Main street. He wasn't, met it number of yining persons and, its she is something Of a practical aso control their incest that , they. are or else they convey a wrong IMOres- and minute nerve twigs In 'alumnae Itowever, us energetic or as bustling hem*. Bile batten: been there long be- aten of the paeslons that are surg- nuataitees, eeraeolang from the a couple of years ago as he is to- fore several of them were "just aen- leg underneath the Ofterier. • day, and for 'a good reaeon,- he ing.for 0 ohanee to gee even." , The plan pursued to read a man by Through coestatre use the anger ' , , , Finally their opportunity came. A wean t well. Having gone into bust. - main stem. . , • sual development. When tvis ae- nes ere reaching hie majority his 'tore, and the crowd went down to day was set for 'the, visitor's depar- hie hands is to 'Watch bove.he holds tips of 'the blind aeuuire this_einu- fine, oubtle nerves of intelligence In tile station to see her off. Just out- : knowledge the presence of these desire to succesd was such. that no ': -.' the hand we can no longer doubt the'ttattereln! its lines, mounts and con- tour all intelligent force has 101 - printed an intereseing history; and that tho. hand gives.. forth ite own story, ' • . " . • : SUNDAYCARS HAND IN HORROR. tiCese members when he is engaged In doing certain things. By applyitig /the knowledge Of the new way -to read th.o human mind: the judge says falai he Is enabled 'to determine whether the' Witness is telling the truth or not. False Witness Easily Known. The perjurer's' hand, is 'easy to rer cognize. When the witness is speak- ing the truth 'and is making no effort AO conceal anything his hands. hang TIAN1) 011.1NUNA.D. The "tem' geld" :of Edinburgh are up In arms over the Sunday team question, and a bitter fight has 'begun with the coepOration and the Sabbatariane on the once aide alai the pepelace and.' the tramway. company on the. Other. Fist blood lese been drawn by the tramway company, W11.0, taking. the enemy by surprise, instituted a ser - vide of ainday oars yesterday for the first Pine in the history of the Sabbath observing city. For some time past!' there Imo been considerable friction betwe•en •tho company, who aro merelyi the leseees of the line, and the corporation in . regard to certain points connected i 1 tn, lease side the depot she was Introduced to heed was paid. to keeping the body a young man, he friend of one of the ' to titan(' a strain, and In consequence of - boys, who was a be in the state or health necessary 0 the extra demand& upon the system Minneapolis, and who intended to 1 Torture as a punishment and a ju- tributed greatly to ite suppressi it became run ;dawn US such: an ex- take the same train. , s . claial instrument for extracting eon- elsewhere in Germany, bet it W tent that epilepsy or falling sickness Through the gate they went and- 01.11.31 from unwilling witnesses has not finally ab•olishea in Hanover no resulted, and these lapses into un- into tho saute car, the elinneapilie been largely used in many countries '1810. •coneeionsnese netioming girl in the lead. As she entered the In the past, and it stilt endures to In the low countries and in Sp 'teem -tent he consulted physicians and saki i alsrminglY Pullman she tented laughingly and 1 tome extent iln the east. The ancient torture was carried on to a gra i took some remedies, but WitlIOUt • "Just hook at that section ! Evi- Atheniazie were privileged to torture , extent by Philip II. It was a part slaves in order to extort confessions.; the Judicial system of France un Williams' Pink Pills advertised as a dently we are going to hare a bride Slaves were also- teetered in an- 1 1:780, and was in frequent use benefiotal results. Finally, seeing Dr. cure for falling sickness Ito (leaded to and groom withes on the way up." clout Rome, and oecasionally freemen i :Scotland, being abolished only [Tv them a trial. As to the result ly decorated with white. ribbons and The section in question was lavish- ' • tract evidence in ea,ses of high trea- repugnant to the gentile of Engl when it became necessary to ex- 1 1708. While the use of torture re ge"Joae.&71"...e.p'-e-4t,.."&e›.128-aFrrE•eN TORTURES OF THE AGES LED TO STRANGE ikVENTiONS. Days When the Law Was, as. Cruel as the Fiends. • Mr. Gatithier's story - in- his own marked, it was "certainlY a spien- , eon. A.s a winds, however, the en- law, bridal roses. As, one 0 1 p Nv,, .. the Poet eannot do better than give words : "Yes," add etr.,Gauthier, "fur did piece of work." The odor from the lightened Romano condentned welt 1 in that eountry in trials of state nenrly four years I suffered from nemeses perfumed tlhe •eptire ear, and practices, and until the thirteenth royal warrant sanctioned its use epilepsy or falling fits, which took everyone in it wee craehig las neck century torture treeing to have been the Templar trials 111 1310 and dur me without warning and eSually, ht to eatelLeight of the newly-mrale unknown under their laws. the Tudor period torture warra most incenvenient places. 1am just benedict and his bride the moufent llerettes Put to the Torture. were given to the lieutenant of twenty-four years of age, and I think they ehould alMear. • About that time, the Roman trea- tower and ether °lettere for I started business too young and the Then (same . the porter, and with eon law began to bo adapted to against state prisoners. $tinidnr w fe'ar of failing 6113.urrecl me to greater grandiloquent air deposited the lug- heresy, and at a later period tor- rants were issued in state trials efforts. perhaps than Was good for gag° and wraps of the Minneapolis , tore came to, be largely employed. der ;Femora I. and Cheries r. Tort my constitution, and the censer:hence girl in the bridal section. 1 It was La universal use in heresy and was inflicted in England as tate was that I became subject to those "Why," she Stammered. "That WiteheraIL trials, as well as for the 1616 on witches. The pate -Oen is attacks, Which mane -set-theta any len't right. I don't belong in there." i punishment of criminals, and tin, now foliowed in any countries in ' i ter- The porter grinned, but said noth- form of savagery, which endured en ,k Spanish Inquisittone where it rope. Its use wee probibited in t1 *esorted There isi scarcely a mode _of tor, -tura 'that the mind or teen* could devise but what, has been practiced epee countless thousands of hap- less victines in the past. .The usual made of capital punish- ment in England for many center- . A les has been and still Is hangtng. In i This method has been adopted 1I,y inv and is in use in this country ex nte cept in cases where, in the interieu the of humanity. electricity is emplot use ed. In the middle ages, in. Englan 1 nr- every town, abbey, anti the import- un- ant manorial loraa had the eight ere of hanging, and the gallows was as to be seen almost everywhere' in lea some of the earlier reigns little re - 1113(1 of Henry 3;t7:1111; gviacitlinewaVes It is reeorded that during the reign expeaTantgeedliu.bmyanthollafesaziadesil VIII. 72,000 criminals the, were Draconian law that every offense executed: - In that ade the meritea death was very closely o11 - the served, and offenses which are now the trentel lightly were thee punished nep, by henging. Many victims were • In- hang in (amine, some alive, and left isea to die, but ustattly after execution. hen 'Various Modes of lettnishment.,: Beheading, which was once quite "rY of modern times. In England and dishle; _ , general in 'Europe is atin In prae- for WitH one of the bloodiest periode ttee in France, and the reign of 7 - the guillotine. (luring the revolatton or - 0 eteotittlia beheadIng was popular for a time, ana the "acottish Mala- ita- en" of the sixteenth century; figur- 3' "1 (NI prominently_ woo m 1 a e le nem arratiaemenh Later 011 nailer offenses in En - ‚s Tana were punished by mutila.tion, (1 018 branding, whipping, expositre la the eillory and stokes. Rome of these nfor- • mocha were • brought to emertaa, until but happily are nota obsolete. warning' wiuttsopeer, leav ng me into one of cable haulage "the leSsees passed. I got to dread ----------------------- - - 't 1 a entleman's sui t rat 01 4.0(1 darkest chapters. beeu largely employed, 1E316. anon the syetem \Vila converted rible sick anal weak af ter they bad lug. he turned away, mid a moment thraughout the miAidie ages, al s aonteitioted to pay 7, per cent. on the fence very numb. I consulted doetors case othe floori close beside the I During the midele ogee torture b.- Cruel' Instruments osea. • capital' outlay, amoun ting to *aver and took their remedies to no our- little satche1 'Grit tad preceded it. came a part or the legal eyetem of Many and 311.1•10116 have been on the ground that the cable system entv Dr. Williams Tink Inas adver- bound Tor Minterrite cut Into the munielpalitlect adopted it early. iestrumentra of judicial torture, t1,250,000, but recently the lessees, pose, the fits still troubled me. I Thee title e•oung man who was most European countries. The flat- . is unprofitable, refusal to pay the 1 ileed and determined tO try them. I conversation. ere, porter," his In (tummy elaborate apparatue for most celebrated of whieli aro atnount in full. Aulgnient was imam. ' sot and the mettleine helped nee eittled, "what's all this tommyrot tts infliction existed in the dungeons reek, the thienbserew, the iron el dia,tely taken against them, for eeeh I so much. thateS got more and kept on 18 that my bertli ?" q of the feudal castles and In the the tylieel and boiling in oil. Otbet 000, and the corpoTation threatened taking them, until to -day ttm as "Yes, salt suttealy is, still! 11p- vaults beneath the town halls of vetoes instruments were (ley , to enter into possession. 1 well, yes, better, than t ever tva.si Ilea Per sieben. The Ilttle Italy has the Nurernber d It ti b II ill g ate a s en, orr e and put in 1180 front thnc to t 1 tter to the , ant not troubled Alt all by epilepsy or lovvcr, and, with a guffaw that could tortures were inlicited in the NIX- until their name WAN legion. T1 loolaele hiti side Or behind his back or are quietly crossed before him. it when fhe is giving fable oyelence the thurnb Is bent and the fingers tare ()rooked. If you will obServie a criminal 10 ;the dock Who IS charged with a great • 41 / I - a ein have been heard for blocks, the blue- teenth and seventeenth centuries. It b tb„ • the sake of extracting, evittenee was a, distinction from toeture I. Ina mode town clerk, ratsed the question of the fear of the Ate z ng me g Then the lesseca n e running Sunday care ast a .mectas of was redoced to a fine cegr earning additional profits. laxly alflicted, I give my story to the Um' mai a 1•11.9 "Sit down, please, and :try to look past masters of the art and was di. elided into degrees, of severity, „ie. putting to death by lingering, eruel punislimen 14 Thinking there ma h tl •st sled- coated attendant made for the far - y o cision on the part of the corpora:- I meet t SI grea met le ne r a. . Iilensan.t," called a voice . from the tire, as In the latter eases •e tion when On Saturday an hittina- Dr. Williani•g• Pink Ville are a sl- " )° Dye *y man h the p rt had ' - he° 't Ilr'gree inciall°1 "I" nig= v of in1/1 e001.1 inyent. eseowel. , tied then began a shower of I e cording to the offence. e form vylts applie.1 which the fien Post; it may perhaps lead them to The question was pending a de- I tl 't 1 1 t 1 1 " tion reached the town( clerk that the •tive cure for all dieettees arming from , 31',' • ' ing the thumbs, feet or head in iron le ri• tali as an inetrument of seteice of cars would begin on Sun- impo shattered condition of the nervoes verished blood, or a weak or , cc in e(1elt) one of list pock° s. ,vely girl had a bag of it eoneettlea bo- nnet!' her wrap. I Ins the sides, arms and fingernails ' apparatue, and the thircl degree burn- ture etnalettel 01 an oblong faun d •Itl .1 11 , 1 °Witit Eire or Red Itiot Irons tut each end, to whieh the victim with their design 1110 lessees en- +tuts curing sueli diseases as ell"' 0 1 and "pincers." Torture was still bound by write attnelied to his • day. 837s -tem. • Every dose makes 'new, ID order to pPevent interference 01011 red bloOd, end gives tone to the "Damn l' said the masculine tray- tered cay•eat in the bill chamber '1"e -ea ) s 'anletek you s" said the girl. "Please Practised In the orligens in Germany and legs. It woe used chiefly for sas it again for me. i in 1770, but it: Was abolished In Pang- treating confession:4, and the u el, by Frederick tile (great In 17,10- tunieto WI1 stretched or pelted epilepsy, et. '1, lois' orinee, perneysis, e taking out an Injenction against the anaemia, etc. These pille are also a VI ill • ;the train sterted and their a . of the Court of Sessions, which ef- fectually debars tIto corpoeation rh.elimatism, selatteft, heart trouble, cure for the ailments that make the tormentors were compelled to leave. s •• lereaerick 0011- frequently . On the intentien •of the company malla Afterware the rIbbons were torn — becontlag known the senior magis- misery. 'They arcs seta In boxes;• the down and the rorses thrown out of • company, women a eonsteut Ite T W N matte -Dr. WIlliems• Pink Pills for But ties troulane of thet very lintel C 0 s hat 111 1 trate held a meeting, the result of wrapper around wilielt bears the fell ills wimirrw* inertrried couple were not yet at to ever be Cured .--- • --------- - lead Peareon ------------------ d a ' andefound that tile solicitude of thele eat pabi alt 50 cents a rex, or( s Are Being; Contracted Every Day -The Treatment Prescribed by an Eminent Medical Author I 1.1et(s)11 e.• 111 Telnt by ail cud, They went in to einner together, !the Iingersa More 'widely separated sion, but the ctompany refused to were ellown to table decorated as and Physitian -TiMely Action th6 All important Point in Treating Colds. crimp lto Will hold out hie 111111(1 with special sitting in the Court of Ses- eee ee 41, ft./mule leal preceded them- they - which was to tok the. company to p p c,,t1 PtItItilltItS STANDS. refer the question to nrbitta.tieured from - 1012(32 11 lend in a pofiture nett se repellent. attend. . . , a 1 Innis Medic ne Co., toe cc 0, iind boon ow wit,,eving nar motion, "Colds that will never be email." A. etariling sentence, but eon know Lt to be trite. Scarcely a day passes Nearly everyone will reeOgnize the rilto whole queetion will be Vought but scuie death from comniviptkm, piteunamia or 1 1 1111111.0 ailment emphasizes the truth of this statement, grasping hand. •It, hoWeVer, is not out this Week .int the courts'. Ont. . with u bite ribbon'! 0 nil bride's roses, Dm -1110 tlie eight, each thee the It Ls well to remember that a newly-eontraeted cohl eon, In almost every else, lie cured. It Is the negleet- ahvays an evidence of avarice, and The rorporation may avert( ail fn e- -One and Two-Toliths Drunks train Htoppedtelegreme Were ree.eiv- rel cold that leade to tleath-the eold that rune on and on -the eolil that es tolled to by freelt (setae lame evill be eeen In most beggars. tiler scandal by getting Possession iaTivage, your boner, this man was ed inquiring 1021011817 after their That the hend should be eXpreSSive of the cars Miller their 'Judgment ; one and two-tenths drnnk last vvelfare 113(311 altogether the trip was ttino, to time But allot treatment Is ta les domes% from the great number of remetatie tali are recommended ? Vi,u of emotion may eeent surprising to but once niV•akenml to the whom. night," a policeman tola tlto pollee one lone; to be remembered. eau use common sense in buying latialoine, eat 88 °,‘0.1 tall 11I tlev mute:nee ota piano, a bleyele or a, sew - ;meet temple, but it Is easily explained, tage of a car; to thrt kirk the folks eourt jarlge yeetertley, when a r1 p, - However, out of that meek Mee- •Ing meal:Ina Eitel out what 'treatment has the best record In the pest, apply the ,test, of time anti get the • ;When yen consider that every Muscle of Auld Bookie will ohlttlor tor it. erepit old fellow named Xelly W11.6 views trip my grow t110 teal article, ) In the body is Mostea by an impetigo notwithstanding what the Mae arraienee on 0, eillaige of vaereeete for the (100100 men's beelnese has eatelon of people who know from experienee. If yon apply this test to ea -cholera for eaughe, coital ana familia' ailment:a eow wlil select Dr. Chase's Sytap trroin the brain the reason for 1110 fathrrs or ininipters may say about "What's that ?" asked the 'rourt. brought Win 1434101) '1.0 MinOoaPolis or of Linseed rtnil„ Terpentine, leseitese of the extraordinare. merit whieli it poy•sesses, and Nvilich have beeeme 'rite sales of this remedy lure for in ekeess of any shut. lent. riliere are a ittrge number of oinsidmetit.-tinnion nvpresd. "Weil, your honor, your theory le eil shortly.--etinnettpolis Journal. knoWn to tlie public generally through years of teed. .eapressiveness of the I and is tomer- the breftking of the longest coin- "How do You figure that out?" late, and ivii announcement is expect- tlta,t if a man takes (Ant drinks he's . . Tar prepare:titan, end nave never been sof largo as divrlitg -Cho preeent seeeon. These two facts lire, 11010Vei, itecontintikts cell, Wire Petters is made of “Pege, wire. whielt le twiee strong. es orilinwev wire. I now in tee eva Mee:take Oates. exittive Damao Quinine Table -astute a eola 11,1 At el 'Xotl It • wl'ow's woecIfi, Page Woven Wire Vence Owle to the variations of the Canadian climate copal erahle ellowetice must e ea& In ee. doh whirl% =ekes en or - for contra:tan and amen , (Wary wire faneennservicrable, es when it expands iJ thio makes it eke:Wand self-regulatlint, 'The liege and Works Oft' MO COW. Stone the flotigh heroines soleose as to prove of little value. Note . �rlltLlfl('llttli 1311(1 4-js34.11-11!-8 tirgissCrrec:flovief..thit4.0.• ti ono 66.7. No •Ouro, No Pty. I nto 26 cont. 0 . the strongest evidence thee van he prodaeeil In veritc Inv; the merits of any lamely that 110.8 110011 thOt011glIbt - leaded," .replted Lite polleeman, TO elJ1212 A 'COL --------- AY • "IC told live Ilrento Quielna nablete. All ------------------------13( Ci lee' ie:geed and Terpentille prized especially heel:wee of Its far -remelting ellet•tsr, vomiting on fingem ( Telco nee teste me he had twelve drinke." ere plat* reftual the mew if it fails 10 (4100, i; --.Weeldinetmt Nines. reller for tits Xelly went doWti for thirty anye. Le 3, GTOVOI goal:lire 15 00 ottelt 21a. oven in the moat merlons eases of bronchitis, whooping vowed', croup ana asthma. It is not a min coin, , . tl 871410111 thoroughly, (wing tint cold and removing chest pains, soreness of the Whilm Anti klead I Alan not crave Iton.40 and brone7lial t the:. awl (di inflammation of the respiratory orgens. ' A eowleie of the seeite, • /tat a word of warning. There are other prt v808.0011,, of turpisatine and itnseod pat in tatitattoo 431' Dr. Thio aowerA on, many a good melee (ilisisaae reyrep of Lleaseil and Turpontino. ,rk, be mire you are getting the genuine, see portrait and segue- tusse of Dr. e,.1ir, Om OU the wrapper. Twenty-five (Tutu a hot tie, fondly three times as untolt, so (tents. At all dealers, or Ednumon, DateS Oillrentpt.