HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-16, Page 1291,2 YEAR, NO. 20.
Reserve M
- $2,500,000
A General Banking Business
uhers' Salo Notes Collected, and
advances made on sarne.
Drafts bought and sold .on all
rupointe' in Canada, United States and
Interest allowed on deposits of
$1 and upwards.
A. B. GIBSON, Manager
It. Vanstono, Solicitor,
Toilet Soaps. -at Griffin's.
Worth ;rile Prico. -I,. 0. Clarke.
Sacrificing Goods. -Thomas' Bazaar.
County Council Meetiog.-Wm. Lane.
Big Whiter Sale. -,Ino. Jas, H. Kerr.
Grain, Etc -Rowson, Harvey & Brocklebank
Kota '1QIII
See Halsey Park's advt,
Mr. R. Kinsman is improving.
George Thompson of Goclierieh was
in town this week.
Mrs, John Jobb of Brandon is visiting
relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs, H. Ball has been upending a
week with Brussels friends.
Watson Button of Walkerton visit-
ed friends in town this week.
Mrs, Rich. Porter of Medicine Hat is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr. John Spinks of Manitoba is re-
newing acquaintances here at present.
Fred. Korman of Walkerton, for-
merly of Wingham, was in town last
Miss Gertrude Felinan is spending a
few weeks with friendi in. Waterloo
and Brantford.
T. T. Field has -added a new safe to
his office furniture,, for the safety of
his books in case of five.
• Miss Minnie Fessant returned last
week from spending eleven weeks with
her brother in. Holyoke, Miss,
Stepheil•township; eceinc l ,hes made
e-aeSinatioraa'oropiiieney,'on - aceotant>M
the prevalerxce of smallpox in •the t
township. 1
The "Young Ladies' Fortnightly p
Club" will meet on Monday evening, d
January the twentieth, at the home
of Miss Corbould.
'Miss Addie Sackrider who has been
visiting her cousin Mrs. W. E. Scott
of Belgrave for the last two weeks, has
returned to her home in Woodstock.
Stanley Mahood has fully recovered
from the effects of a second opera-
tion for appendicitis, and paid his
Wingham relatives a visit on Thurs-
day last.
County Council,
Huron County Council will nieet iu
Goderich on Tuesday, 28th inst.
Bought Wood.
F. fa. Sperling has purchased four
acres of wooded land on the first con-
cession of Morris, and has ten men at
work cutting the timber for fuel at the
Sept works,
Call For Them.
A number of plates, sent with cakes
to the Reception in the Team Fall 'on
New Year day, have been left at Mr.
John Kerr's. Will the owners please
call for them ?
FOR SAI,E,--i onse and lot, apply
81 Leopold Street.
Large Orders.
Eli Elliott has large orders booked
for brick for next season, to be shipped
to Berlin, Ripley and other places.
We understand that present orders
call for over a million bricks. This is
an encouraging sign. $o early- in the
Grain, Flour and Feed.
In another column will be found
market quotations of grain, flour
and teed, to be corrected weekly by
Howson, Harvey Sc Brocklebank.
See whet they have to say this week
about wheat,flour, etc.,and watch their
space weekly.
Rev. Win. Lowe and his amiable
partner entertained the members of
Mr, Lowe's Bible class and the young
people of the congregation at.the Rec-
tory on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Lowe are excellent entertainers, and
the young people enjoyed thenlsely"es
very much,
MONEY SAVED. - Bargain Sale of
Footwear at Greer's.
Necessary improvements have been
made in the basement of the Baptist
church. Cement foundations have
been put under the supports of the
auditorium and the floors repaired.
Wm. Moore did the work, aided by
some of the members of the congrega-
tion. The work occupied the whole of
last week.
Married vs. Single.
On Monday evening, a curling con-
test took place on the rink, betwee
the married and single curlers of. town
The grime resulted in favor of the bene
Ects,.,Ttte<iollowing wer'ethe' lay,.e
ink I/ -Thomas '-C
k No. L:LW.'" Op Kneel-)
, K ecrsh
el, F. Patterson, V, Vannorman,(skip
3. Rink No. 2-D. Dinsley, E. McAl
ine, Alex. Alderson, D. J. R. Mac
onald (skip) 12.
Auction Sale,
0, Jobb announces an unt'esel
e auction of his farm
implements. Sale will be
21st inst,, lot
'1'urnberrv; ten months credit.
Tankard Contest,
Seyeral rinks of Curlers will hay
friendly contest in Wingham on
day of this week. The group cons
fine, Conservatives.
tier The annual meeting of Wingham
to Young Men's Conservative Association
will be held in their rooms, Dent
block, on Wednesday evening next,
for election of officers and other busi-
ness. A full attendance is desired,
All Oonservativee welcome, -J. J..Elli-
ott, President; J. F. Groves, See'y,.
A, 0, F.
Installation of officers took place in
Court Huron No, 840$, A. 0. F. on
Tuesday evening, A. Oummer and R,
Worth performed the installation cer-
monies. Chief Ranger Eel. Nash is
offering a gold pin to the one who se-
cures the largest number of new
members before the end of the winter
t s.
Wingham Council.
The first meeting of Wingham Town
Council for 1902 was held on Monday
evening, and minutes may be read in
another column. The indications are
that the Council will prove as efficient,
as if each member had gained his seat
by a hard-fought contest. Mayor Van -
stone will no doubt be not only faith-
ful in guarding the interests of the
town, but capable and agreeable.
Coun's. Holmes, Bell, Mclndoo and
Irwin have had sufficient experience
at Wingham Council tabic to serve
them to a good purpose this year.
Conn's. VanStone and Elliotthave also
had municipal experience, the former
having served in Brussels, and the
latter in Clifford. None of them have
any personal interests to gain nr "axes
to grind," and their efforts to further
the interests of the town and transact
its business should be appreciated by
those who are benefltted by the expen-
diture of thought and time, on the
part of members of the Council.
of Mill -ends of Cotton just received at
Isard & Oo's. Prices 3 cents up.
Fire Alarm System.
.The telephone fire -alarm system, re- tion and offlee. viz.: -Richard Van-
nte 1 9 atone, Mayor; Thos. Belt Robt. Mc -
he ho f ctorhly At the alarm given last A.J.Irwin,J.J. ]]))loft Councillors.
ill count themselves young, wh
ould not hasten to tackle a walk li
is, on a winter's morning, thrnug
the snow.
District Lodge.
The Loyal Orange District Lodge f
irnberry held their annual nteetin
the Orange Hall, Wingham, o
esday afternoon. The busine
ransacted was chiefly routine, an
s followed by the election of officer
e following were elected :-D. Ai,
.McManus; D.D.M.-J. Casentore
a -Sec. -E, Joimston ; Fin.-Sec.-
ewart ; Treas.-T. Abrahatn ; Ohs
n, W. H. Stewart; Dir, of C.-
trber. It was decided that the nex
nasal meeting should be held in Win
no and also to endeavor to secur
e services of Grand Organizer Duff.
am Advance.
sal bystock
in held
Tuesday,, 7, con. 9,
just and Unjust.
Even the wicked fail to stand on
and some of the slippery sidewalks, and
on both righteous and wicked utterly fail
to keep on their feet at tunes. Some
Sate of our citizens would like to see the six members, The total result zees to exercise caution and refrain
at one o'clock G. Barton is the
tioneer. See ostors for particula
Census ]Figures. Caution. 1
The official census figures givo the bio far Wingham has escaped the Bad
Dominion a population of 5,809,666. smallpox and reports to the effect that
Quebec retains her sixty five members there are cases in town are absolutely
, tYou a well for all citi-
according to the Act, but Ontario loses untrueIt Id b
aim- by-law enforced in reference to keep- is the loss of ten members and a from visiting the vicinities in surround- Capital p4i4 up sessea00h Realm), $1,300,00
re, ing the sidewalks el ' 11 I f
the front street. - meet, or net lose of three members, fists. Too much care cannot be ere
ear, especta y on gain o seven, in the Dominion Parlia- ing townships, where the disease ex
e a Money! Married.
Fri- Tho profit le guts in shoes for the A pretty wedding scene was witness -
next 20 days at W..). Greer's.
fists ed. at the residence of Mr, and Mrs.
William Page on Wednesday of this
week, when their second daughter,
Mise Ethel, was united in marriage to
Wm. McTavish, of Rainy River. Rev.
R. Hobbs tied the nuptial knot at high
noon, and the guests sat down to a
tasty wedding breakfast. The happy
couple left by the afternoon train, and
in a few weeks will remove to their
future home at Rainy River. The
bride received Imtny tokens of esteem.
She was a member, of the Methodist
church choir, an active League worker
and teacher in the Sunday school.
The Wingham friends of Mr. and Mrs.
McTavish wish them a happy future,
The Holy City.
This popular opera was well rendered
on Monday evening, and the attend-
ance was very satisfactory. The en-
tertainment is an excellent one, and
tree from objectionable features. The
troupe was at a disadvantage in having
lost two siugere and their accompanist
recently. The substitute for the latter
was unequal to the task, and hence the
vocalists were unable to sing with the
same expression and effect. The tab-
leaux were excellent, many of the
scenes being very touching and im-
pressive. We learn since that the ac-
companist received her discharge next
morning. The church choir will have
abort $25, as their share of the pro-
ceeds, to apply to the Organ fund of
the new church. Mr. Bennett, mana-
ger of the troupe, was a resident of
Wingham many years ago, and prac-
tised dentistry here.
Lose. -Between Wingham and 31
mile turn to Brussels. ou Belgr.ave
road, on the night of the Scottish Con-
cert, a grey Lamb Ruff. Finder please
leave at the Advauce.otflce.
of Wingham Lucknow, Kincurd
Brussels and Wroxeter; the la
team won the bye, The finals are
be played in St Marys. This matt
one of the Tankard contests.
When you want a Trunk or Va to Greer's,
License Commissioners.
The following have been appoin
License Commissioners: -Huron So
--Daviel D. Wilson, Peter Doug
enry Doyle. Huron East -G. F
une, G. Annelle, A, Littlejohn. IIu
West -Samuel Sloan, Jaines Steve
Iiugh McQuarrie. Centre Bruce
lumberstone, W. C. Chivie, G.
Win. Ellison, for many years a r
ent of Wingham, died on Monday
its week. He had been in ill hexa
or several years. He was a mem
f St. Paul's church, Wingham, a
Iso of L. 0. L. No, 791. Deceased h
eached the age of 08, and was a pea
ble, quiet citizen. His wife pre
eased him, and he leaves no family
BIG BARGAINS at Isard & CO'S d
h is
See advt. on page 5.
o'Sault Ste. Marie.
James, Frank and Fred Elliott, so
f James Elliott, sen., along with W
Valters, left on Thursday last
;cult Ste. Marie, where they purpo
mmencing the rnannfasture of brie
ith the rapid growth of the So
ere should be a great demand f
ick, and these industrious you
en should succeed. The Advan
opes they may, and will visit the
eekly with news of the home vieinit
Aged But Active.
The Port Elgin Times gives the f
lowing example of art aged, but mai
man :-Donald McInnes, 2nd of Sit
0 geen, is visiting with friends on t
boundary, The old gentleman is
- year of age, and he, walked the who
Sl tabes; n,:•>tltout*fou'tee4t, anfl'
Monday morning, and was fresh wh
- w
u -
Geo. Sills is home from Manitoba
on a visit, and rumor hath it, that he
will not return alone, but take with
him one of Ontario's fair ones, well
known in Wingham.
Do you want neat, stylish Shoes
That give comfort and ease -that give
wear and satisfaction -shoes at reason-
able price -Then go to W. J. Greer.
Mrs. Thos. Forbes received sad news
last week of the death of her brother,
Mr. G. M. Maxwell of Winnipeg. • At
;line of writing no particulars had
been sent to Mrs. Forbes. °
Dian -At the General Hospital, To-
ronto, on Thursday, Jan. ltt'n, Arto,
second son of Dr, and Mrs. G. L. Ball,
aged 12 yeairs. The funeral will leave
the residence of Ii, Ball, Patrick St,,
Wingham, on Friday, 17th, at 10.30 a.
tet., to the Wi)igham cemetery.
0. H. Conery of Guelph, (brother of
John Conery of Wingham,) 'and
Charles Mattaini of Garafraxa have
entered into partnership for the manu-
facture of cement sills, tile, etc., etc.
They also expect to make building
blocks for houses. Their headquar-
ters are at Grand Valley.
Mr. T. A. Haslam (formerly of Bel -
grave) now of Devil's Lake, North Da-
]cota, is visiting his parents at Bel -
grave and his sister, Mrs. Jas. Haugh
of town. He brings with him hjs
bride, formerly Miss Emily 0, Morgan.
of Beyfield. The marriage took place
at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mrs. Mercer, on Jan, 7th, Mr. Has -
1 nn is one of the loading business men
of Devil's Lake,and
has ac tfi�ed ex-
tensive real estate interests there, Af-
ter spending a short time with friends
here, they will return to their Dakota
The sale of new books is limited to
those who can afford to pay fancy`
prices for then), and when ib is an-
nounced that the Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal, has pur-
chased the exclusive right to publish
that clever Canadian story "The Man
from Glengarry,"one can envy the
readers of that great piper. "The
Man 1+'roni Glengarry is the talk of tho
book world. The common question of
the day will he, "Have you read 'The
Man Frain Glengarry?'" The pule/.
cation of Lhls renaarkalhlo storybegins
with the Family Herald of the issue
of Jerome.? 20th, If there are any of
our readers who are net now aubscrib»
ern to that great family paper, they
should tike aclvantaree of this nppor-
tunity. Each subscriber receives, ars
Well, three premium pictures, the
most valuable the havo ever seers given
to newspaper subscribers,
The Soo.
John Kerr, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., in
renewing for the Advance, says :-The
Soo is still booming, and prospects are
as bright as ever, New buildings are
being erected even in the winter, A
by-law to raise half.a million dollars
for streets and other improvements is
to be submitted and will probably be
carried. There are no concrete walks
as yet, and the expense of keeping
wooden sidewalks in repair ib very
great. A busy summer is expected.
Watch for special sale of Boots and
Shoes at Greer's.
W. C. T. U.
The Canadian W. 0. T. U. day of
prayer will be observed by the Wing -
ham Union in Chisholm's hall onsTues-
day, Jan. 21st, at 2.30 p. m., conducted
by Mrs. (Rev.) Patterson, Superinten-
dent of Evangelistic work; program
will consist of prayer for the success
of ',ho prohibition movement ; praise
and testimony, with five-minute ad-
dresses on the following topics :-The
work of the Holy ,Spirit, by Mrs. Ford.
What are the hindrances to the work-
ing of the Holy Spirit, by Mr's. Ritchie.
1Vho is eligible for the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, by Miss. K. M. Fisher,
The responsibility of mothers in train-
ing their children to become temper-
ance workers, $y Mrs. Sperling and
Mrs, Ross. Suitable music will be -fur-
nished. A. cordial invitation is hereby
extended to all who are interested in
temperance work to be present.
S. 0. S. Concert.
The concert held last Thursday even-
ing under the auspices of Catiep Cale-
donia, Sons of Scotland, was a great
success, The management spared nen
then effort nor expense to furnish one
of the best progrhmmes ever placed
before a, Wingham audience, +° .0 the
public showed its appraaclatici 'r giv-
ing a crowded honse, so tba : :extra
seats had to" be 1'itotided. Tia - ..ie
talent Was represented lty Afiste , "cel
McDonald in Scotch and Irish data ei,
accompanied by her father nn the bag-
pipes. Miss Jessie McLachlan fully
sustained bee reputation as a vocalist,
and is indeed a queen of song. Miss
La Dell's elmmttinnary renderings were
well received, and Robt. Buchanan's
accompaniments and piano solos ap-
preciated. Jets. Fax never appeared to
better advantage and (as be always
does) captured the audienee with his
comic songs. Jimmy's power of facial
expression is indeed wonderful, and is
grate a factor in his eontrot of an audi-
ence. The programme was an excel-
lent one, and though the expense's
were necessarily heavy, eve understand
that a nowt balance renlains to the
credit of Catnip Caledonia.
Pon SAt.I1.-Rcsklence and two lots
on Minnie street,; Itos'iession given in
March. Apply to Jas. McManus, on
the premises.
arrived. There are many w
The Council elect for 1902, met on
Monday pursuant to statute at 11 a.nr.
The following were present and sub-
scribed to the declarations of qualifiea-
en cent y installed; appee.s to be Working Indoo. Wm. Iiolmes, W.F. Vanlatone,
. +
o week, Mr. Vanstone gave the alarm Minutes of Last meeting read and
Ice from his residence, and before he left confirmed.
the phone the fire -bell was ringing. Holmes--Elliott--That Coon. Holmes,
h The following instructions have been Beil and the Mayor be a Striking com-
drawn up, governing the use of the naittee to strike the Standing commit-
tees of the Council -carried.
phones :-No person but the Chief, or A1cIndoo-Bell-•That J. A. Morton
or person acting in his place, shall use and A, E, Smith be auditors -carried.
g any of the fire alarm telephones except Holmes--Bell--That the appoint -
n for the purpose of giving a fire alarm trent of other officers of the Council
ss (which shall he given by one long ring) be made at the regular meeting of the
d mid except the agent at the Bell Council in February next -carried.
s; telephone office, who will test the Council adjourned to meet at 7.30 in
the evening.
- phones every day at 8 o'clock a, m., in EVENING SESSION.
which case the test must be answered Council met pursuant to adjourn -
T. immediately. In case of fire alarm, urent; present -the Mayor, Councillors
p- the Central office, besides giving the e1lcIndoo, Holmes, Irwin, VanStone
C. general alarm, will ring up private and Elliott,
t phones Nos. 30 and 90. All fire alarms A communication wars read from
must be.sent in to the Central office, Gating Bros. e Co. of going ore-
g -stating that they were to ro-
e and may be sent in by auy person trove from Kincardine, and asking
from any of the undermentioned fire about the National Iron Works build-
ings, alarm stations or from any private ings, and intimating that they might
e telephones:- locate in Wingham. The proposition
did not meet with machfavor, and the
No. 1. -Bell Telephone office, 2 rings. letter was filed.
No. 2. -Town Hall, 3 rings, Ex -Mayor Clegg was present and
No. 3.-.T. Davidson, 4 rings. laid the setters received from Mr, Rus -
n T sell regarding the sale of the Iron
No. 4.-\1 . Wachsruuth, 5 rings. Works, before the Council. Mr. Rus -
o No. 5. -Thos. J. Elliott, 6 rings, sell was proprietor of a large manufac-
No. 6,-R. A. Dinsley, 7 rings, taring concern in New York, and bad
No. 7.-D, Small, 8 rings. sent Mr. Collins of the Michigan Brass
h tta and Iron Works to look over the plant
No. 8,-A. Ooe , 9 rings, and buildings, and he appeared
s General Alarm -1 long ring. satisfied, buttintimated hatif Mr,
Test Call -2 rings. Russell purchased, the buildings would
WANTED -Roll Butter. --We pay th
highest Cash price in Canada. No.
Mink or Fox $3.50.-G. E. KING.
To South Africa.
Air. Dowson, wife and three childre
re ticketed to Liverpool and Londo
s week by IL Davis, agent of th
Ian line of steamships. They- com
nce their return journey to Sout
rice on Friday. Mr. Dowson ha
siness interests in Johannesburg
speaks highly of that city, and say
t the opportunities are excelien
re for energetic men; He consider
t it will yet be one of the greater
the world's cities, By a regulatio
the British Government, those wh
to South Africa must obtain a gov
trent permit to enter the country
d must either have $500 in cash o
w that they have friends there abl
support theta if necessary, so tba
re may be no danger of their be
)ling a tax on the resources of th
s have to be enlarged, more machinery
t Winter Shoes :-and a second boiler added to meet the
s Greer's Shoe Store is full of good requirements of the business.
things to keep the feet warm and dry,
is c
if a
r1y Election.
A short titre ago,a prominent Libara
Wingham, in conversation with t
servative intimated that the gen
t elections for the province would
held in March, instead of June, a
ouncod by Hon, G. W. Ross, Thi
o fir no h
n t d Wednesday morning
y y not ur
ern, which state that the genera
pion atnoug the Conservative
tubers of the Legislature is-tha
contest will be over by the end o
reh. The Toronto Tetegrairt is of this
nionelso,front the unusual prepare
s made foe aL short Session, and
- "The Prohibition question f
to be the reason for the rush, fox
n early elector Was held there
lid not be tJ-9 opportunity to or.
ize ori the question and it would
play such an important part in the
Hone, The Ministers refuse to say
ori the elections ;vilt be held, and
OS great ignoraneo on the sub-
) TAT. --$3,50 rents ft comfortable
age of 7 rooms in the vicinity of
))tiled Purni titre factory. $0.00 per
lth for tt commodious dweilin of 7
08 in the sane vicinity. Hard and
water, garden end stable. Apply
J. lliealtuire, )teal !f',state Agent.
Last week we referred briefly to the
death of Jas, Wilson, V. S„ who died
of congestion of the lunge in the city
hospital, St. Joseph, Mo„ on January
4th. Deceased was the fourth son of
the late James Whence of East Wawa -
nosh, and was born October anti, 1800.
itis boyhood days and early manhood
were speut in East \'Vawfnosh, his
parents removing to that township
when he was very young. Ile received
a good common school education, In
188'.3, in company with his brother John
(now V. S. of Wingixani) the entered To-
ronto Veterinary eoilege, from which
they graduate in 1881 with honors.
For some time thea' practised in pae•t-
uership iu \'t inghatn, nfterwards
Jaynes practised in Ripley, Kincardine
and Seaiforth. Ile then went to Lin-
coln, Nebraska, where he practised for
three years. In 1801, he entered the
service of the Ii. S. government and
was appointed Inspector at the Cuddy
Taros. Peeking House, South Omaha,
In 1595, in company with Dr, 3.Fortiori.
he was sent to St. Joseph to establish
the Bureau of Annual Industry, where
he was employed until his late illness.
He WAS at, metriher of the I. O. 0-, 1*".,
and possessed good ability. His frank
and kind disposition won him friends
wherever he went, Ito was unmarried
and leaves an aged another, five bro-
thers and two sisters. Sb beautiful
wreaths -five from friends in St. Jos-
eph and Omaha, and one from the sin-
ployees of his department, accompa-
nied tbo remains, which were fall to
rest in the family plot, Wingham
coneetes y.
On motion of Conn's. Hnlnies and
Elliott, the matter is Iron Works was
left with the Executive with power to
Tax Collector Robertson asked for
the time for return of Roll be extended
until Feb. 1st. On motion by Conn's.
Mclndoo and VauStone this was
On account of Mrs, Brown's serious
illness, from which it was not expected
that she would recover, her taxes,
$9.55, were refunded, on motion by
Coup's, Irwin and Elliott.
A letter was read from the solicitor
of the assignee of the Iron Works, to
E. 14. Dickinson, suggesting methods
of settlement, nue of which was on
payment of $1000, the property could
be conveyed to the Town --•letter filed.
The Striking committee reported
the Standing committees as follows :-
and Sidewalks -Messrs.
don, Elliott and W. i', VttuStone. •
Fittan:e---A.tessrs. Irwin, Akimbo
and W. F. VanStone.
Waterworks -Messrs, Holmes, Bell
Executive -The Mayor, Messrs, Bell
and Holmes.
The report of the Striking committee
wits adopted.
By-law No. 431--1002 for governing
the proceedings of the Town of Wing -
ham Connrii, repealing by-laws 10--.
1880, and 381--1899, and amending By-
law No, 853-1808, was introduced,
read rcgnisite number of times and
By-law 452-1002 appointing J. A.
Morten and A. E, Smith auditors also
passed its several stages,
Vanstone---Mclndoo---Than Lie May-
or acrd Clerk be empowered to issue ,x
cheque for the payment of the night
Watchman at the Iron'SVorks-«vah•rtrd.
Some disensslon took place regarding
the Ir•ots Works, It WAS decided to,
leave the matter of foreclosure in aiel+-
ttuce at, present and await •deyeial,\»
rents as to prospective sale,
Look 1
For snaps in footwear take a look i
the windows of Greer's Shoe Store,
Bye -Elections.
Up to time of going to press, the fol
lowing results of Wednesday's Do
minion elections are obtainable :-
West Durham-Beith (Lib.); Kingstv
-Harty (Lib.); West York-Oampbel
(Lib.) majority 150; Hastings -Porte
(Con.) ; Addington --Avery (Con.) ; La
val-Wilsou (Lib,) ; Montreal -Brune
Morris hes lost another of the earl
settlers, Mr. Thos. Brydges, a respect
ed resident of the 4th con. He had
not been in the best of health for some
time, but pneutnonia was the"cause of
his death, which occurred on Wednes-
day, 15th Inst. The funeral takes place
on Friday to Brandon's cemetery,
Members of L. 0. L. are requested to
attend. No particulars of the life of
deceased are at present available.
OYSTERS. -The oyster season is at
hand, and customers will find the best
grade at the popular restaurant.- s_
J. McKelvie,
J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
President -John Stuart
Vico-P5esideut--A, G, Ramsay
Cashier -J, Turnbull
:-John-John Proctor Wm. Gibson,
Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto)
11 Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays0 to 1
Board met on Wednesday eyening ;
pteseut-Messrs. Kerr, Griffin, Abra-
ham, Hornuth, Moore, Button, The
Secretary read the names of the Trus-
tees elect, and asked the Board to elect
a Chairman for 1902,
Mr. H. Kerr was re-elected Chair-
man, unanimously,
16 38
19 29 48 45
27 23 50 48
21 22 49 47
10 29 48 45
22 15 37 36
7 27 27
8 40 31 71 46
220 411 371
15 days; teachers present
54 45
-School open
lg days.
Pupils registered -boys 261, girls 278;
total 542; average attendance 311;
teaching days 199: school open I97, In-
stitute days, 2. The teachers were
present, except a few days some were
absent on account of illness. Olassiff-
cation-First reader, 117; Part II, 61;
Second book, 109 ; Third book, 113 ;
Fourth book, 69; Flfth.book, 70; total
542. In Arithmetic, 542 ; Grammar 861,
British history 139, Canadian History
139, Ancient History 40, Algebra 70,
Euclid 70, Physics 40, Latin 40. Chem-
istry 40, Composition 361, Geography
361, Reaching 542, Writing542, Spelling
542, Drawing 542, Boo -keeping 70,
Physiolgy and Temperance 69, Litera-
ture 542,
Between 150 and 200 days -310
" 100 and 150 days- 81
40 and 100 days- 84
20 and 50 days- 47
Less than 20 days- 17
Examinations• -Part I to II, 45 ; Part
II to Second class, 40 ; Second to Third
class, 343; Third class to Fourth, 37;
Entrance, 29; Part I Junior Leaving,
13; total passed, 200.
Balance from 1900 $ 51 54
3520 00
260 00
200 00
20 05
Government grant
Continuation class grant
Non-resident fees
Total receipts
Teachers' salaries .
$1000 59
Fuel, Caretaker, Secretary$3156 33
Treasurer, repairs, supplies.. 898 50
Balance ou hand 5 65
ResRespectfully $fQaO 59
p y submitted,
A. H. MUSGROVE, Principal.
The report was approved and adopt-
On motion by Messrs. Abraham and
Homuth, the Secretary and Treasurer
were reappointed.
Moore, Abrahaw,Elliott, Griffin,Kerr;
Finance-Messrs.Homutit,Bel1, Button.
It. A. Douglass, supplies $ 2 75
Boiler Inspection 10 00
II. B. Elliott, priuting1 75
T. Hall, printing 1 75
T. Jobb, repairs 35
Armstrong, 7 cords wood.... 21 50
Mr. Roe, 23i cords wood 83 12
Mr. McCallum 41 cords wood 14 25
W. Holmes, repairs . , 45
The Chairman stated that Mies
Campbell after teaching two weeks de-
ttiled to heveleesed, to take a situation
in the North West, After discussion,
it was unwed by Messrs. Griffin and
uot tth :reel
carried, that Miss Camp-
bell's resignation be accepted.
The Secretary was instructed to tele-
phone Miss Smith (Board's second
choice) and if she is not available. to
advertise* in daily papere for a teacher.
Provision ,Lq t•.
vrngde for p:xy►tteut of
Miss Campbell for two weeks she hail
taught, and the Boated adjourned.
Rev. J. \V, Holmes of Askin street
Methodist church, London, recently
preached a sermon on ".Prohibition."
Napoleon had said, "Scratch at, Russian
and if you go deep enough you
will find a Tartar." :The preaeher
declared "Scratch it prohibitionist,
and if you go deep enough you will
find a politican," Ile could not, he
said, disassociate the voter front re-
sp0usiititity for the minted produced
by Strong drink, 1 e0;ateling the finan-
cial aspect of like case he cot ten
p r 1 tlod
thgt lifynor past the cogntry very
'youth More more thiel) the revenue
Deposita of $1 and upwards received. Int
crest allowed and computed on 30th November
and 31st May each year,and added to principal
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of Drafts oneGreat Britain and the United
States bought and sold.
E L. DIOBresort, Solicitor.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of
Ilamilton and its Branches issue Circular notes
of the National Provincial Bank of England
(Ltd.) which can be cashed without charm/or
trouble In any part of the world.
ingoshoes intoes cash e tat Gree er's Shoe
BEST METHODS, -.Have your eyes
tested accurately by latest scientific.
methods, at H. Chisholtn's corner
Jewellery Store,
Go to J. E. Mulholland, Gorrie, for
your photographs, 4 Sunbeams for
25cts. If you have any enlarging to do
bring it to us and save agent's travel-
ling expenses. -Satisfaction guaran-
BILL POSTING}. - A.pply to Palmer
Morden, Wingham,
McTavish -Page -In Wingham, at the
residence of the bride's parents, 011
Wednesday, Jan. 15th, by 'Rev, R.
Hobbs, Mr. William McTavish of
Rainy River District, to Miss Ethel
Somers -In East Wawanosh, Jan, 9th,
Mrs. Robert Somers,
Ellison -1n Wingham Jan. 13th, Wm,
Ellison, aged 68 years.
Brydges-In Morris, Jan. 15th, Thos.
Brydges. aged 77 years.
Crain; Flour and Feed
This market is corrected every week and
any special remarks we have to make will be
found below the quotations.
Fall Wheat 75 to 76
Spring Wheat f 75 to 76
Best Family Flour (Star) made
from a mixture of Manitoba
and Ontario Wheat .....,,.,,, 2 Dar
Pastry Flonr(Ont. wheat) 190
Manitoba Flour 2 00
• Graham Flour 1 90
2 00
1 30
Germ Middlings (for Porridge)..
Low Grade Flour
Chop 1 20 to 135
Cracked Wheat 1 90
Bran 100
Shorts 1 00
Screenings a+ 1 20
Those prices aro for cash, as we will not sell
on credit.
Wo will make a liberal reduction from abore
quotations to parties buying 2 barrels or over,
of Flour, and you will find our Flours, both
Star and Manitoba, the best on the market.
Special to the Farmers.
Now that Manitoba Wheat has cone down
in price, and Ontario Wheat gone up, we can
afford to put more Manitoba wheat in and
make a better quality of Flour, and give ono
pound more to the bushel on grists.
Bring your wheat to the mill. We will pay
the highest price.
Thanking you for your patronage of the past
and hope to have a continuance of your trade.
Both Gristing and Chopping, we are pleased to
say, Is increasing on account of our good work.
Two cars of Manitoba wheat received this
Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank.
Notice To Farmers.
If yon arc not satisfied with the the size or
situation of your farm, this matter can be
easily remedied, as I have applications Froin
all parts of the country for farms of every size
and description : some to buy and others to
exchange ; so that I ant sure that if you givo
mean Ricans to what you want.I eon assist you
and in unease will there be any costs unless I
accomplish your object,
If you world care to exchange your farm
for town, village or city property,or for a farm
in Manitoba or the N. NV, Territories, call anti
see what propositions I can offer you for con.
Town prope••ty for sale to snit the pocket
of any intending purchaser.
T. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent
Office over D. M. Gordon's Store.
Compound Syrup
of White Pine
Eucalyptol tot
Will immediately relieve and
quickly cure Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis and all affeca
flails of the Throat and Lungs.
°# 4