HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-02, Page 8• Morris. Tile..th tto:a form. lllorris has been , Bold to i%fl. (`ooms, of Myth, for the num of Weenie The spavin,; of aelmol in No, 10 wa e Bather sorrtlwfel owing to the sever- ance of pleasing relations between the pupils and their te;acliee, itiir,131•yans. John Watson, township assessor, Will injured by a branch of is tree fall- ing 011 blur in the woods on Monday. J:Ie got quite a bad cut on the head, Ou Wednesday, December 21th, Miss Rebecca, only slaughter of Simon Forsyth, formerly of this township, Wars married at Alzneda, N, W. T„ to Angus McMaster, Miss Maggie Me- Cutcheon and John Forsyth, cousin and brother of the bride, and former- ly of Morris, filled the important poet - tions of bridesmaid and groomsman. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Irving spent their Xmas, holidays visiting friends in Tor- onto. Mr, B. Warwick has returned from Man, ; he looks well, .A sleight load of yonng people drove over to Mr. R. Roy's on Friday even- ing last where they spent the evening in games and other amusements until the early morn, Mr. Leishman attended the Xmas tree at Ethel. The Xmas. Tree at Browntown was excellent ; the weather was all that could be wished for, Messrs D. Irving and E. Moss drove over to Mr. R. Hoy's on Friday even- ing; they report having a good time. The Annual Financial statement is- sued by the Township Reeve and Treasurer for 1901 shows the total re- ceipts to be $11874.05. Disbursements for o roads nd br e dg , s 103. Y $ 7 4G ; mis- cellaneous, $221.17 ; schools $1267.05 ; salaries, $721; printing, $31.70 ; Co. rate, $1902.10; drainage, $13,50 ; inter- est, $11,00, a total expenditure of $0669.97, Cash on hand is reported as $2204,08 and uncollected taxes $2077.91 and these two items with road grader $210 and Town Hall and shed valued at $670, made a total asset of 85161.89 out of which the Co. rate of $1917.80 has to be paid. and $888.57 to schools. Morris is `evidently in good shape financially and will be able to go in for permanent improvements in roads without any trouble. THE MARKETS WINGHAM MARKETS Flour per 100 $1 05 to$ 2 Fall wheat per bush new 74 to • Oats per bush 0 37 to 0 Barley per bush 0'50 to 0 Peas per bush 0 75 to 0 Bran 16 30 to 20 Shorts ...., . 18 00 to 20 Chop1 50 to 1 Hay 9 00 to 9 Butter per lb 0 16 to 0 Eggs 0 16 to 0 Lard ) ,7} 0 14 to 0 -. esses_nseseer1� cq'u°r-pet. eel - 0 to 0 Maples per bush...:f, to 0 Hides per 100 lbs ' t .e .o 0 Lamb Skins 0 45, Ao 0 Dressed hogs 7 00.,. Live hogs 6 50 tit - Tallow, per ib..,... -0 Chickens per pair , ; ta5 -o Ducks per pair0 to Turkey, per lb, ..... 9 to Geese, per lb..,....,,., 6 to Hardwood, per cord 2 00 to 2 TORONTO STOCK MARKET. For full and accurate market • ports see second page. a r 'nem from aft Over the County THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, Fordwich, Gorrie,' Rev. J. W, Mahood visited his fain- Begin to write 10011, fly in this pineo at ()briquets Ile is a successful ev anl;eli:at of the Iowa ('on- forenco and has secured the services of From Own C�rresponur entaand , :a singer to accompany him in the Gangly Fixcliandes person of Mr. N. Large of Listowel, ..wowavasswalexwoomponomus.4 VINSIMACIANIAINVAIIN .157.551015415Ad AI 5.54,A05mg, Mr, Rockliffe of Thellford vielted at George \V•alkey's, We regret to report the sonlewliat serious illness of our townsniau„ Mr, H. S. Cook, Thos, I3onston of Clifford, has moved here with his family, He is engaged with Mr. L Wade itt the shoe business, Mr, B, is an A. L workman, An unusually large congregation met at the dethodist Ohureh on Sun- day evening last, , The pastor preach- an able and earnest sermon suitable to the closing year, and Rev. Mr, Ma- hood led an after service of much in- terest, It is expected the Presbyterian church will be ready to open in about one inonth. The event will be attend- ed with interesting services. Rev, A. B, Dobson, the pastor has been untir- ing in his efforts 111 this building enter- prise. We are likely to have the old furni- factory in full operation in a feu' Wroxeter, Turnberry. • Council re-elected by acclamation. Mrs. Watson and daughter, of Sea - forth, are guests of Mrs. Wm. Mit. ellen of Turnberry, The following is the report of U. S. 5, No. 8, Turnberry and Morris, for the month of December'. The names are arranged in order of merit ;--.4th Class —Ethel Ferguson, Geo, Elliott, Olive Cruikshank, Thos.Walker, Flo Martin, Chester Walker, Alec, Elliott, 3rd Class-- Clara Hummel], Pearl Van- stone, Bert. Martin, Percy Hogg, Fred Tipling, 2nd Class—Lillie Hogg, Lillie Moffat, Bert. Elliott, Gershon) Fergu son, Hannah Walker, Annie Walker. Sr. Part IL—Alba Hogg, Ethel Tipling, Jr. Part IL—Pearl Walker. Sr. Part L—Willie McKenzie, John Walker. Mac. Elliott. Jr. Part I,—Alfred Fow- ler, Percy Martin, Wilfred Walker, Violet Miller. Average attendance, 25. —N. J, Isbister, Teacher. Quite a number from here attended the Methodist S. S. entertainment in Gerrie on Xmas evening, They report a splendid program, Dr. and Mrs, Brawn entertained a number of their friends Friday even- ing, it being the anniversary of their wedding day, Mrs. Charles Sinlznons met with a very unfortunate accident oe Xmas eve. Going One side, she slipped on a piece of ice, badly spraining her wrist and fracturing one of her ribs. We hope soon to hear of her speedy re- covery. Mr, and Mrs, Filmore of Thamesford spent the Xmas holidays with their son here..., Mr. F. Wilson is visiting friends in town ,...Misses Fannie and Margaret Miller of Toronto spent New Year's at their Ironies here....Miss Fannie Vogt of Detroit is visiting her parents in town Miss Millie Play- ford of Toronto is spending the Xmas holidrys with friends in town,...Mr. and Miss McLaughlin of Brussels Sun- dayecl at Mr. Geo, Harris's.. -Mr. Mr. and Airs, John Bray visited Orange Hill friends Sunday. .,,Mrs. T. Gibson and Miss Edith Gibson Ieft Monday morn- ing for the Soo, where Miss Gibson has accepted a position as teacher Mr. Young of Saginaw visited his sister, Mrs. T. Gibson, last week ....Mr. W. G, Hazlewood and family spent Xmas with friends in Clifford,,., Mrs, Alex, Stewart of Harriston is visiting her father and sisters in town at present.. ,.Mr, and Mrs. George Dane and chil- dren of Hamilton spent Xmas with Mrs. Dane's mother, Mrs. Wm. San- derson of town ....Mr, and Mrs. Mun- shull of Gorrie Sundayed at the Par- sonage.... Rev. and Mrs. Keine of Pine Hive', visited Mr, aid Mrs, McKelvey on Tuesday., ..Mr. Geo. Brown, High school teacher of Ottawa, is holiday- ing with friends in town F. Mc- Dowell of Chicago is spending a few days with friends in town ....Mr. and Mrs. John McTavish and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Hamilton are visiting at Mr, Jno. McTavish's of Howick ....Mr. Alvin Hemphill of Walkerton spent the Xmas holidays with his family in town .. „Mrs, McBride of London is visiting her father, Mr. John Goftou, 50 of town ....Geo. Leckie is spending the 75 holidays with friends iii London ;Wal - 38 lace Leckie of Hamilton' is taking 50 79 charge of George's tailor shop during 00 his absence. 00 (Too late for last issue,) 00 The members of the Methodist Suns 10 day school held their anneal entertain - 16 -went in the Town Hall on Tuesday 14 10 night. There was a fair crowd • not 00 nearly as large as was expected. The 50 program was splendid, ia- r `very way 50 was up to th ark affd we feel that � those lvhrz of up the entertainment 6� v cur, tit to congratulate themselves on 35 the result of their labors, as shown in 60 the rendering of the various parts by 10 the children. Special mention ought 00 to be made of the drills which were the result of the careful training by Mr. Keine of Gerrie, who is an adept re- in this Iine. As a small token of their • appreciation of Ms services, the Sun- - day school presented Mr. Keine with an umbrella, Altogether the enter- - tainment was a success. Proceeds about $20. J. Donaldson of Blyth was in town Monday,...14lisses Edith and Evelyn Evans of Gerrie visited Miss Minnie Hemphill, Monday.....Misses Birdie Gibson and Jean Moneau of Moles- worth Sundayed with friends in town. ..Mr. and MI's. B. Simmons of To- ronto spent Xmas. with Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Simmons... .Misses Eleanor and Jeanette Ritchie of Howick called on friends in town Saturday.. , . Master P. Smith, who is attending High School in Galt, is spending the Xmas, holidays at his home here....,Miss Elsie Mc - Micheal is visiting Stratford friends at present Mrs, F, Saunders enter- tained a number of her lady friends- on Friday ; ,'ening..,. Messrs. Jno. Bray and D. Myles were in Wingham on business on Monday., , . Mrs. Lawrie is spending the Xmas. holidays with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers of Ford- wich-„.Master Steve Goodfellow is spending the holidays at his home here.. , . Misses Mao James, Florence Harvey and Maggie Brown of Gerrie were in town Monday. ...Miss Clara Simmons of Brussels is visiting her grandparents this week. ...A. Robin- son, who is attending college in To ronto, is home for his ho.:days, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK 1tAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAVE FOR Palmerston 6:53 a. m...8:55 a. m. London.., 0 50 a. m.,.3:10 p, m. I{incardihe,11:10 a. m..3:25 p, m,. 8:38 p. m. dRRIVE FROM Kincardine. 0:50 a. m...8:55 a. m.,..3:10p. m. London 11:10 a. m...7:55 p, m, 1'almerston...,,....,..2:45 p. m.,. 8:38 p. m R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. vv TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 6.57 a, m... 3:25 p. m. Tee; water—.„.,,,.,.1:17 p. m...10:43 p. m. ARRIVE• FROM ter. , „6:57 a. m...3:25 p. m. d East 1.17 p• m,..10:43 p, in. RT'v'T” R A ent, Wingham EST .ST IA BIA oast Points. vice. arlor Cars on through For tickets, Pullman berths and all in- formation, apply to agents grand Trunk Hallway System, or M. C. DieKSOt4 District Passenger agent, Toronto. ..eery Sae ii Rif iftp,�°>' Tourist Car rrunnfag Service Tuesday and - Saturday Through Equipped Tourist Sieepets yor:: ?oW Neo to VANCOUVER • WITHOUT CHANGE Leaving T0RoNtO at 1 43 p, m. Langsicle. A happy and prosperous New Year to the Advance and its readers. Last Thursday evening our Foresters celebrated the opening of their new hall by giving a conrert to all their well- wishers, Mr, Bennett, the popular comedian and stage performer, was press ent, also Mr. and Miss Skilling of Tees - water, and with the help of some home talent supplied the program for the even- ing. Mr, Yule of Lncknow spent a few days last week canvassing our neighborhood for new members for Court Langsido, 0. I, Ho met with wit good success, Messrs. W. R. McBurney and A. Gor, don have returned from the west, look - ng quite hale and hearty. Mrs. Jos. itlotieruey of I-iartney, Man., 'visited friends herd i,last week. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Phillips, of Sani- Ino, Mieh„ visited the foriner's sister, Mrs, Geo. Carter, hast week, Ben Switzer and Misses Emily Switzer and UM() McGregor spent last Saturday and Sunday in A shilo ld y , Nell McDonald is home from Mfani- oba, on days flM11 U. 111 addition to uecoud.elaiu pa•;sagn Iic:ket, additional charge for berth in these :;peepers Toile to Eayol iipeg.......81.fiO " Regina G,,.oe •' Dunmore Jo....1400 '< t'aif;:try i?OdaO " Itevelatoke $0.50 Vancouver I$7,5O r � rna . �a apply C . t(.p : •lir plat a .lt 1 1t 1 ri,if�l � ii . i A. II. igov�ncA;v [rdkct ��{Gilt, or to A. , ,kHSt, t4enera1 k asiengor Agent, Toronto, t CRYSTAL WEDDING.—Tho new re dence of Mr. Wm, Mitchell was t scene of,°an enjoyable time on Tuesd evening, Dec. 31st, being Mr, and M Mitchell's fifteenth wedding •annive sary and also "reception day” at the line new brick mansion. Their invit guests gathered for six o'clock tea, ai weeks. "Never give up, is a good motto for he people who don't pay their debts. ay rs. St. Helens, r- iI, Brown Smith, son of Robert Snaith, ed Oth concession, had his thumb taken id off in a turnip pulper a few days ago. e_ Brown has been very unfortnnate, as le he has had both a leg and an arm bro- ke ken previously. a, Fred. Bond spent Xmas at his bre- e. ther Alfred's in Kincardine. s, Mrs. Jas. Reid of Stanley called on st friends in this neighborhood lately. 8' Mrs, John Woods visited friends in t° Stanley last week. r- John Clark of Toronto is renewing old acquaintances here. y Wallace Miller is visiting friends in Y Guelph and vicinity. 0, We are pleased to learn that the d, beautiful new Church of England, e- lately erected in the village of St, g Helen's, is completely free of debt, and of the popular rector, the Rev, C. H. P, Y, Owen, and the members of the congr•e- as gation are to be heartily congratu- ll, luted. s Messrs. Robb, Miller, Geo. Webster, p and Miss Mary Olark, of Goderieh, are e- spending their Xmas holidays ender e the parental roofs; y Mr. Tebbutt, our worthy teacher, f held a very successful school concert h in the public hall on Friday evening, a. An excellent program had been pre-. d- pared by talent from a distance, com- v. bined with home talent. • W. 5, Mc - t (trestle made a very suitable chairman i e- d n k Y e e 0 d e r 1 e u e upwards of forty sat down to an el gent repast, at which all did amp justice to the- "call of nature," T evening was entertained by song musi c, games and social conversatio They received many lovely present and their friends returned the ho and hostess a hearty vote of thank and hopes that they may be spared see them enjoying their new home an a like occasion, their golden annive sary. On the evening of Christmas da there transpired one of those happ events which we all look forward t and after a time, looking backwar can call np some pleasant recolle tions. We refer to a quiet weddin which took place at .the residence Mr, John Hutton, 10th con. Turn beer when his eldest daughter, Mary, w united in marriage to Wm. Campbel Jun. At the appointed hour the brit (attired in a costume of pale blue) a peered, leaning on her father's am The choir rendered an appropriate s lection as she took her place beside th groom, "under the holly"—which b the way is a time-honored associate o Christmastide, perhaps not so mus here as in the °Id land beyond these The knot was tied by Rev. Mr. War rope of Teeswater, assisted by Re Mr, West of Bluevale, which no doub rendered it doubly secure. The cer moray ov4, the young couple receive the congratul"a ffitr'a" sfetheir' frichcl who to the number of about sixty the repaired to the dining -room to attac the menu, which, as we are not ver well versed in the culinary art, w shall not attempt to describe ; suffic it to say, it would have done justice t any Chef de Czcisne. All had fare sumptuously, and there was ampl provision left to have done anothe wedding; in fact, we heard severs hints dropped among the young peopl that it would be just as well, when ev erything was in good shape. An ad journment was then made to the draw ing-room. Rev. Mr. West was install ed as chairman, when an imprompt program was gone through. After th chairman had made a few choice re marks in his usual happy way, he call ed upon the host, who gave a warm address of welcome to the assembled guests. Master Johnnie Hutton gave a good recitation on "The Old Flag." Rev. Mr. Wardrope, who, despite the fact of his having seen nearly eighty winters, gave a practical and pointed address. The 'choir, with. Mrs, John Ritchie and Miss Aggie Mundell presi- ding at the organ, gave choice selec- tions throughout the evening, which id them credit. After amusing them - elves with games, the guests departed arly, "keeping elders' hours," accord - ng to the old Scotch saying. A noted eature of the numerous presents re- eived was that they partook more of he useful than the ornamental, a fact o be appreciated .by the recipients. mong the guests from a distance ere Mrs, Logan, Mr, and Mrs, Cleaver from Bayfield. Letters of regreb were eceived from the bride's brothers—Das id, who resides in Ohio, and George, ngaged with the Lake of the Woods Ming Co., N. W. T. Mr, and Mrs. anipbell take charge of the home - tend. Mr. Hutton has gone to North- rn Ontarfo.to take up mission work under the auspices of the Home Mis- sion Committee of the Presbyterian church. d s e 1 c t t A w V M -0 s e Salem Ezra Merkley bas his two teams hauling logs for McLean. Some of the teamsters think it will pay better to save horse flesh this winter, Miss Ada Gallaher returned on Tues- day, 81st, from Toronto, where she has spent the last two months, She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Mus- grove. :Robert McMichael has taken the - , Don r c t a tofsapp] fi Wroxeter sk oof with a year's wood, 'The entertainment and Xmas tree given in the church here was a decided success. The program was excellent, and a large crowd was present. The proceeds amounted to Money to loan on notes, and. notes discounted atreasonablerates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of payingat theend ndof any year. Notes ad founts collect- ed, Office—Beaver block, Winghann, I1011T. )ifdtttaoo. "800 Mr. G. Brown's sale on Saturday was largely attended, Mr. and Mrs, Oltns, Williams of Strat- ford returned home on Tuesday, Jno. Keen of Paris, who visited, friends during the Xmas, tido, returned home on Tuesday, Mrs, Lawrie has sold her place to Mr. Green, and will be leaving for Ohioan.. shortly, Mrs, Lawrie's, many friends will miss her and also Miss Bertha, who is very popular. Our space will not allow us to say all we would like to say in favor of the Methodist concert hold on Xmas, night, Suffice it to say it was splendid, The children excelled themselves. There was alarge and enthusiastic audience present. The total receiptsat the •door and the collections amounted to $53. The Public school meeting was poorly attended, which should not have been. Mr. W. Dane retired according to law and was re-elected, so the Trustee Board remains the same as last year, For vil- lage Trnsteos—Jas. Armstrong, Jas. Me- Laughlin, R. Toung, Jos, Wray rind W. Bonnet; three to bo elected, Election on Monday. On Monday Monday evening Mr, and Mrs, E. L. Morren celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. There was quite a large number of invited friends assembled to do honor to the occasion. At 10.30 the guests sat down to a sumptuous repast, so daintily provided by the host and hostess. The presents wore nice and use- ful. A very pleasant evening soon passed away, when all returned to their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Moxren many more happy anniversaries. The following is the list of officers elected for the ensuing year, of the K. 0. T. M. Tent, Gorrie :—Past Com,—W, T. Dane; Com,—W. 3. Gallaher; Lient.- Com,—J. I:Ineston; R. and F. K,—J. S, Found; Chap,—B. Laird; Phys.—Dr. J. A. Tuck; Sergeant—A. D. Strong; M. at A.—J, Beswitherick; 1st M. of G.— W, West; 2nd M. of G. --G. Ashton; Lieut. -0. Topton; PiOlret—J.1i•IcCreary. Deputy -Coln, Townsend is with us this week and it is expeoted to add at least 25 now members to this Tent during the next 10 days. Now is the time to joie. It is our painful duty to announce tl death of a most highly respected pione in the person of Catherine Carson Stron wife of the late James Strong, at tl ripe old ago of 74 years, 5 months. 51 passed away "Asleep in Jesus," at tf residence of her son, J. A. Strong, Tuesday, Dec. 24tH: ,after an illness about six weeks, Mrs, Strong was dear old lady, full of sympathy fo others, alwayssexliibitiug that true cirri tiara character so manifested in her lac and manner. You could tell by th trilling face and the hearty shake of th and that she knew -the Good Shepher he will be greatly missed by all wh ad the pleasure of her acquaintanc Her funeral took place on Thursday a .30 o'clock, The service was held i lie Methodist church; Rev. R. J. Gar utt spoke of well founded hope; she ha good hope where her last words, whic was the keynote of the Rev. gentleman' iscourso. Mrs. Garbutt very feelingl ang a solo, "Some Sweet Day." Th uneral was largely attended and th cruise very . impressive. The remain were interred in the Gerrie cemetery Ile leaves behind to mourn her loss, tev lughters and two sons, viz.: Mrs. W.H legg, Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs, A. Laird W. G., the well-known C. 0. F. orgauiz r, and Councillor X. A. Strong, •Tile be eaved family have the heartfelt sympe by of the whole community. 'She fo horn they mourn is at rest. Monday was nomination day and romptly at 12 o'clock, Mr. Geo. Walks ok the chair and announced himsel 1e er g 1e 10 10 o of a s- at e 0. 0 e t u d 11 S y e e s 0 r and a splendid evening's entertain-, s m n was carried out. ! h - .S • Brussels.• h John Beattie sold his fast pacer, "Puzzler," to Kidd Bros., Listowel, for 12 a good figure, They intepd putting 1 him into the ice races this winter. 1 b a Two of the children of John Long • have had mild attacks of diptheria this' d week but both are recovering, s What threatened to be a serious fire 1 f occurred on Saturday morning at A. s Strachan's store. A large Pittsburgh lamp placed in one of the windows to S thaw the frost off the glass, in some d way iggited the goods in the window, 0 and in an instant the whole window was in $antes. 13y aquick use of buck- e els of water, the fire was got under r control without the use of the engine, t All the glass in the window, including w two large plates, were broken. The total loss will be about $500, and is covered by insurance. - P The death of George S. Rogers on to Saturday morning, though not uncle p petted, was heard with universal ex- pressions of regret. He had been in t poor health for some time and fur the D last three months had nob been able M to leave his bed. The body was taken T to St, John's church and the beautiful L and impressive burial service was read w by Rev. Won. Lowe o1 Wingham' ti every seat in the church being filled, At the request of the deceased no ser- ea mon was preached or address 'given. 6. ca Deceased spent the 30 years of his life a in Brussels and among all who have e known him since childhood hot one to opinion is expressed, that, as boy and to man he bore the white flower of a sp blameless life. of to Grey. its th Last Friday evening a large slumber $1 of friends of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Savage sin an Fr 00 Relgrave, Ttie smallpox scare is subsiding' was a mild forma, Mr'. D, Sprout, we are pleased to s is recovering from his Illness. ; it ay, The Methodist Tea -meeting was well attended, Good order; good tea; good addresses by Revs, i•Sobbs, Ottt'rie and Brown, John Wilford of Blyth acted lie chairman, The officers elect for A. O. 321, are --M, 'SV,. -W, Janette)); Flare• man Il, Johnston ; Overseer -- Wheeler �. Wheeler; Recorder r, Wheeler; Treasurer --J, Campbell; Financier, L. J, Geddes; Guide..A,Stewart ; 3, W. —A. Nicholson; 0. W,—N.. McRae. The English ehtircli Xmas tree was a success, and the program splendid. Only for some hoodlmns who perched. themselves on the porch, and lay their howls annoyed the audience, every- thing would have gone off well; as it was, $x and costs ehotildi have been meted oat. L. O. L, No, 402 held its annual elect. tion of officers on Monday evening. Most of the officers were re-elected for another term, For next year they are las follows :-•-John Watson, W. M. ; John Armstrong, D. M, ; Robert Me- )►Murray, Chap, ; R. McCrea, Sec. ; Hy. Orea, Fin, -Sec, ; Win. Bryans, Treas. ; Dorse Gallaher, Lect'r ; Committee- men, John Nethery, Jos. Ruddy, Thos, Bruce, Henry Brandon, and Chris. Corbett. MARRIED. — A very pretty, quiet wedding took place on Wednesday af- ternoon, Jan, 1st, when Henry Perdue of East Wawanosh was united in mar• riage to Miss Louie Daley, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Daley. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A. H. Brown, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The groom was assisted by Mr. Chamney of East Wawanosh, and the bride by Miss Laura McKague of Orangeville, May they have a happy, prosperous journey through life. HOLIDAY VISITORS, Mr. and Mrs, l3rownridge of Brampton at A. Proc- tor•'s.,..Rev, W. J. Brandon of Allen - ford at his brother's..., Miss Lucinda Wray of London at Mr. Daly's....0. Lawrence, of Buffalo of his fiZther's.... Miss Morrison of Kincardine at Mrs. W. Watsori's,...Mr. M. Walker of Glencoe at Wm. Wray's Harry Black and Ed. Vinson are renewing acquaintances here ....Miss Bella Alii - son is home from London for the lioli- days.... Rev. Mr. nestle has returned from Mount Forest Mr. Roy of Stir- ling is at the bedside of his son John of Bclgrave, who is ill. D. Bluevale. Hubbard Cornell has returned to Preston, Frank Balfour of B. C. is renewing acquaintances• i n Lhis vicinity, Mrs. J. Bfaek is recovering from a recent attack of illness. James Anderson is making prepar- ations for the erection of an addition to his barn next summer, Robert Stewart of Goderich, who is visiting in town, had the misfortune to fall on Monday and injure his knee. Will, and Bert. Bailey are spending their holidays at home,. The Methodist Sunday school enter- tainment, given on Christmas night, was largely attended, and those who trained the children are to be congrat- ulated on the success of the program. The proceeds amounted to $2.3, etas, Marsh of Woodstock, -and Mr. West of Grand Valley, were visitors at Me. P. Thomas' during the holidays. Edward Leech is visiting friends iv Lncknow this week. George Churchill has returned front Manitoba, Walker 1 repared to receive nominations for the fl -ices of Reeve and Councillors. When to hour allowed was up, the slate read bus:—For Reeve—J.*J. Gregg, W. A. oig, W. A. Irwin. For Councillors— srs.Strong, Jno. Spence, W, McKee, II, Schurter, J. Gowdy, Jas, eeoh, Jno. McGuire, Jas. Mitchell, R. , McLaughlin, Juo, Stewart. By this me the hall was packed to its utmost pacity and the speeches began. The ndidates for Reeve speaking first, in eir turn, Mr. Doig retired. The ouncillors all retired with the exception J, A, Strong, W. T. McKee, H. Sohur- r, Jno. Gowdy and Juo. Spence. The eeches were very good, at least some them, the gathering being much in - rested. The Council was mostly on defence, for the large expenditure of is year. There was something over 100 unforeseen, the lawsuit' and the allpolt case; the latter we don't think y person blames the Council for. mil the expense that the disease is sting in other neighborhoods, we eau consider ourselves lucky indeed to got off with the $600, if such should prove to be the case. The old Council has been far' from perfect and if the voters who vote en Monday next live to see a perfect Council, there need be no fear regarding the low birth rate. There has been quite a large number of converts to the commutation of Statute Lryllor, since Mr. Campbell's acldreee alta there is not the least doubt that if the ratepayer's thoroughly understand the question, the By-law would carry on polling day: it may, notwithstanding the lack of know- ledge on the gtiestibu. The slate that will fake the poll stands thus: --far 1%eevo-3,J, Gregg, W.A. Irwin. Ooun- Fri oillors--J. A. Strong, Jno, Spenioo, Sellurtn, W. T. McKee and J. Gowdy. The two latter aro new aspirants. It vVill bo noticed that R. W. MOLanghlin, a member of last year's Council, drops out, Ratepayers of Lowick, this is the slate and it is your 'ditty and privilege to c re a who shall rersr represent t o i1. That p y at iso thole() wilt he made we have not least doubt, and Wo linne the hest 11\011 win. gathered at his home on 8rd con. and presented them with a pair of easy chairs, picture of King Edward and a 0. 0. F, pin; accompanied by an address. Mr. and Mrs. Savage are leaving this vicinity where they will be missed; they will take up their abode on a farm in Oalross. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of 1}Ir. Ed. Cooper of How - ick on Tuesday, the contracting parties being his daughter, Miss Ella, and Mr. Chas. E. Leppard, teacher of Moles- worth. The bride was beautifully at- tired in white organdie and was assisted by her sister, Miss \ ietoria, while W. ID, Br yan J s attended the groom, and blaster Armstrong of Walton noted as page. Rev, D. Rogers, of Fordwieh, spoke the words which made the mystic; union in a company of about 80 persons. The evening was spent very pleasantly, Mr. awl Mrs. 'Win. Mines, Sr., colo- brated the 5th anniversary of their wed- ding Iast Monday and a most enjoyable time was spent by all. East Wawanosh. Miss Addie Sackrider of Woodstock is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. E. Scott. George Vaneamp has returned to this township, and may be appointed collec- tor this year. Donald Patterson is down with bron- chitis: his many friends hope fax a speedy recovery. The Council for 1902 were returned by actslametion on Monday lest. There seems to be a growing feeling in favor of a two year term for Municipal Councils. It is expected that a bridge will bo built on the 6t11 con, this goer, providing W. Wawanosh will do its just share, as the residoitte of that township would be as much benefited as of this township. The smallpox scare is subsiding; the cases are of a mild type and come say 'tis only Cuban itch. If so, there is a- chance .for some ono to win fame by erecting scratching posts in the affected districts. Blyth. Messrs. John and James Stalker are visiting their lnotller. Our burg was visited by another mys- terious fire on Sunday night. The rear of A. Taylor's store was fotind on fire. The firemen were soon on hand. T_Ipgs covered by insurance, BoIl.N,—In Myth, Dec, 31, Mrs. Jas. Mumble, a daughter. On Moaclay, the Reeve and Councillors were elected by acclamation, There will be a hot contest for school Trustees, While to rot ruff u ng from church On Sun- day morning, Mrs. Jas. Diok fell and broke -her arm, Tho Methodist S. S.. entertainment on day Wag a great atteeess. The Xmas. tree delighted the little ones, Proceeds $27. The Plyrtnontli Prothro); are having do l their anntnnal rally this week Oii the 2nd rt w ken. A large number of visiting broth- the ren are present. ;j me There has just been placed in my hands for Salo a 200 -acre furan on the i3 line of Turnberry, three miles from Winghanl. Large hoose, }part brick veneered, Commodious polio o t us itnli. cor lata outlitnildinga, Bank Barn 11. 411 erasept .3 or 4 acres an �aet?r et ltivntrpn -- . A. Rnlina o, Ileaastute Agents Winglian,. anuary 2, x902 BIG mut StOO .( Sa=e OF NEARLY $10,000 WORTH OF Dry Goods ea _ A � � �y XildCle Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Bovis, shoes, ex.c. Having purchased the splendid Bankrupt stock of ,A., R. Smith at a low rate on the dollar, we are now in a position to offer the public of Wingbaln and vicinity up-to-date Goods away below regular prices. Every day with us will be Bargain Day and every article offered will be a bargain. Come early if you want snaps. Remember the stand, late A. R. Smith, Kent Block. Your Bargain Friends, We will shortly be prepared to buy all kinds of farm Produce. • MEIia Sc CO. Tho s zaar T3ation 13kock, AMmisaiavix. Arrival of New Goods, Direct Importation, -No Middle Profits, Lamps, Small Bedroom Lamp, in opal, amber and green, complete for .20c Small Il edrtt oo p Larop, in opal, amber and green, complete for 25c Lamp, 10 inches high, in opal, amber and green, complete for 600 Parlor Lamp, in opal, amber and green, complete for .75c • 2 Bottle Castors, decorated opal, fax ..., . , , .,.. ua.rp;zti;, Sugar Shakers in atrrbgr and green " r• ' Molasses Jugs in opal, nickel top 25c Soap Dishes in opal, white iDe Bargains on balance of Toys. Our regular 10c Toys for 5c " 15c " 100 25c MAGIC LANTERNS—Our regular 35e Lantern for Dolls 11 25c. 15c Our regular 25c Kid Body Dolls, only a few left, for 15e Our 50c Kid Body Dolls for 355e Our 15e Dolls for 100 POWDERED AMMONIA for household use and disinfecting pur- poses, in half -pound packages, for Sc. Liquid Ammonia at 10c per bottle. EXTRACTS --in all flavors, at 5c and 100 per bottle. Machine Oil at 4c au&9c per bottle. Vaseline at 5c per bottle. Mucilage at 5c per bottle. Turpentine, pint bottle, at 14e. Castor Oil, pint bottle, at 15e. A large bottle ok Sweet Oil for 8c. Furniture Polish at 1Oc per bottle. Silver Polish at 10c per bottle. Nonsuch Stove Polish at 10c per bottle. 3 bottles of Boston Oil Shoe Dressing for 25c. Gilt, Edge Shoe Dressing, regular 25c, for 20c. Remember we sell Grand Mogul Tea at ...25e, 30e, 40c and 50c, •, Save your coupons and secure your prizes, 2 lbs. Baking Powder, our own make, for . 25c A few cans of Salmon left at., ..3 for 25c and 2 for 25c Worcestershire Sauce, per bottle 10c Challenge Brand Corn Starch, per package... Ge 1 You Can't Afford To Miss This SPECTAI, PRICES IN Springs, Mattresses, Parlor Suits, Couches, Lounges, and all Ep- holstered Goods this month. Couches as low as - $3.75. 'WALKER BROS. 8 BUTTON The Leading furniture Dealers and Undertakers. •1' 1