HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-02, Page 4•U > gliagbam
EVERY 7.111li,,Si)A.Y • •
! _ - 3 AT TU 010101;—
t� -
- -.P" 414 JO E1'111NZ S13t1 3 -- wesse uos. C)i,T.
A Iia . y
New Year
%Trots 08 Sunsoat metra- 1.00 per annum
in advance. $1,50 if not se paid. No papor dis-
continued option of tholpn publisher paid, oxPPpt at
Advertising Rates :
ilium. 1 vit. G oto. 3 neo, 1 mo.
Ono Column $00.00 .$35.00 $15.00 $0,00
• 11n1E Column 33.00 15.00 10.00 1 06
Quarter ()einem18,00 10.00 0,04 2.00
This season's trade has sur-
passed that of last, year's,
which was of unusual volume,
Tho people have plenty of
money. We find that the de-
mand is for better Goods and
a growing business like
this demand is met naturally.
We thank you for the very
liberal patronage.
The Last Satur try
in 1901
cents peat line moll sotices 8 ts. er lino first ubsequen t insertion. 3
Locals and reading notices 10 cents per line
for first insertion, 5 Dents per line each subse-
quent insertion.
Professional cards, ono molt and under $1
po><.yoar, $2.50 for six months,
Advs, of Stray Animals $1 for I insertions.
Advs. Farms for Salo or Rent -1 month $1,
each subsequent month 50 cents.
Advs, of 2 or 3 lines Buell as Lost, ,Found,
Rouse to let, Servant `Wanted, &o„ 2,ri cents for
of insertion, 73e per month
THE 6 r r .l J \ l TIA31 ADVANCE
A.,�,�j. CE,
--This Canada, Pacific. Railroad Marc. mi', system was put, in South
_ Lr,t_ ode1'iell.. Row 1.-.A• is Dorm
will seek 1t' islatlon )e'rwitting it Area Wag ill connet'tion with the qui, Laill, IS ir.e. iitntl 11'Tanitaba $Till• The ilrst ;bine in lift, luitla t11c,�tt�a►a-
11 g } equally , , ,allttun ,lreol,le is to t;et riatt ; the
t0 hold iallxl out,idc the T10u1iniull, a�'al , fog' it oheratc s o� i'n Ing t o, fs now ti11fl, tfn„ flour regularas, „alma; hcuv to a,ga s'a goad want the
authorizingit to snake a. further is- land `O.tlti water, Governments will Postmaster (:alt states that fihf, email- Ti'lliit'st etbll be <,{g1L 1t"d by energy',
sae of cont olidatetl debenture stele}: be, for that reason, £ot'eetl to 11(le tity of mail naat:tltr states
through the honesty and »Ilvint; ; the t=l:cand, tgoall
)9 . f aiding in the ale- it, thonglt it is out of the (111( tion he;tlth) bey (tern;; tirecaia August
1l6 the purpose o �, r one Government sliutrlti (Deal t�flleo during the past week has Fames, t,ltould you be Ia deepottdh'nt
(111io ma of Stearal vessels, BV, ella4b1111t, that any t Q 1 been the heaviest ill years, being 'Hilly etIt1'erer from any of the effect.; of iys
It to manufacture O1' acquire and be able to monopolize it, If It were double that of tiny Christmas time since e iAa; Nivea GoMPlaint, ApPeu l t ,
P, ricit for motive power possible to da fie, the nation pos- til.r. GA1t has been ostiilaster, indigestion, ei.o„ such as Eitetc Head -
electricity. y 1 ache, Palpitation of the ((cart, Sour
" • r r
e t
, a v
and other purposes, and securing sensing' the facility would enjoy
1 i lands, great advantage over others; but About twenty young ladies have wil- 1•itotntteh, Habitual Costivenes, 1)iz-
to it, in powers of.etion with t a tlir 1 offered their services in lotting don, 5 of the (lead, Nt:rvous l'rostra-
the an irrigation and there would often be a risk than g y tion, Leah Spirits, etc., yait nerd (not
land company,
' t' }rich might we a hnnnorons play under the auspices suffer another day, Two doses of the
the communications
require the greatest secrecy would of the I7auglltei's of the Empire, to be well-known August Flower will relieve
•» t cl 1'.Chnrsda ovonlug 2tncl Jou., vera Itt ante. ll,eg I Size. t
=feted, on y > n ar i e. 7i,. as,
* be. in danger of getting into the tau ext, get l),'. G. G. Green's rentable
—Mr. W. E, H. Carter, the min- hands of au eiaenly, and be used at ti'ictoria Oi,orn (tease, remedies at J. l+J, Davis'.
big inspector of the Ontario Bureau against those for whose special Whon Arthur 3, Manger was book -
of Mines, (.las returned from a, tour bonefit they were designed. flues- keeper for Ogilvie & Hutchison at the
of inspection of the eastern districts tions of Government control, and big mill, or later at the Godorich organ
of the proviuoe. Ile says that the even ownership, acre sure to arise, factory, no ono would have credited the
price of iron is se low that there is and. their settlement will call for stateineut that one day in New York
no great boom, although there is a decision. pity he would buy a block in that pity
steady development of mines which for which be woiild pay $102,000. But
s .
are oil a good paying basis. Mr, so it is. Late advices from New York
Carter visited the mica, graphite, West Waw;tnosIh say that he purchased a site storey brick
• salesrooul.
to Haar on,
Advo. without specific directions will be in- hematite and felspar deposits, and Mrs. T3. M. Duff and Mrs. 3. Cranston stole at the New oik
sorted till forbid and charged accordingly, reports thew all to be progressing. have both been chute 111 lately. SLTTLEIM NT IN THE ELNv.A.ToR SUIT. --
The Sob Department is stocked with an ex-
tensive of all requisites for print-
assortment t q
iug, afrording facilities not excelled in the
county for turning out first-class work.
T. HALL, ['aoritlarolt.
We will give you about double
money's worth instead of
Xmas. presents this year.
Kid Gloves for ladies and gents,
125 pair, regular $1.00 and $1755
10 doz. ladies' and gents' Hdkfs.
15 and 20 cts., Saturday 10c
150 gents' Ties, regular 35, 45 and
50 cts., Saturday
150.gents' Linen. Collars, 20 and25
ets., Saturday 2 for
20 ladies' kine Mantles, $10 and
$12, Saturday... ...........
20 men's Fine Overcoats, $10 and.
$12, Saturday $7.90
Bargains in Blankets, Shawls,
Shoes and Slippers, Dress Goods
and Silks. Saturday will be the
greatest Bargain Day of the year.
Theo. Hail, Proprietor.
b�artZ Xl"Btes
—The DeBeers Mining Company
reports making a profit of 42,750,-
000 during the year just closing.
Evidently there is a good deal of
Peaceful industry going on in South
Africa along with much warlike
are issued for the Do- by probably 40,000 farmers, or an proceeds were $28.
minion bye -elections in ten vaeaut average of no less than 1,600 bush- Mr• Donald Patterson, county tom- on February 1 next, that being the $50, -
constituencies. The elections will els per .farmer ; or an aggregate missiouer, is laid up with the lagrippe 000 of stook which the town temporarily
take place on January 15th. The cash production, at 50 cents per at present took is the Elevator Company, together
vacancies in Ontario are for Ad- bushel, of $32,500,000, or $800
i ,; s.
Town of t
hoT 10
Inth.caeoft w
re S
aro he says,a.been
improvements)ah t
i1'Tan'h f n
o t a
being made at the 'MUM Arefn- spending the last few days with nst1oG
Jori h ElevatorC
ery ie being erected in the graphite father, was on trial before Mr. Justice Ferguson
district. Two large deposits of wm McMatli lead a slight paralytic
at the Woodstock icon jury assizes last
magnetic iron ore are being level- stroke a week a o Sunday night; he has wool', a Soettlelnelit was effected where-
aped. in Mayo Township, ltastiu.as partially recovo od, but fs still confined by the Company agreed to tasatziue $2,G00
County. to bed. of the amount of interest which was in
* '" t. Herb. Whyard, who has been attend dispute. The main facts of the case are
til the School of Pharmac in Toronto,
well known. When the Company was
—Perhaps nothing will more g yformed in 1808 to build an. elevator the
clearly illustrate how it was that is home for his holidays; also his sister
towntook $50,000 of stock in the Con-
over 18,000 extra harvest hands Maud, who will spend the next two
cern, Afterwards it was agreed that
were required to garner the West- weeks at home. the town should withdraw this 50,000
ern crop of 1901 than the following Mrs. Robt. Durnin (nee Mies Mabel and should instead guarantee the Gom-
statistics, gathered by the Farmer's Wilson) died on Friday, at the age of pany's bonds to a like amount- A delay
Advocate from a few of the larger 28 years and 6 months, acute cousump- in getting the Cm—imply in good working
grain producers. The figures have tion being the cause of death. The order was caused by the necessity of
been obtained from the growers funeral service was held at her father's dredging the harbor, and in the moan-
themselves, and can be relied upon home at 1.30 p. nl. on Monday, conduct- time the town was paying interest on
as,accurate. The .Advocate Arran- ed by Rev. R. Fairbairn. Her husband, the $50,000. Tho dispute was as to who
ged the statistics in tabular form, Robt. Durnin, arrived from Manitoba should pay this interest bill, whioli had
so that one can see at a glance the the Wednesday night before she died. grown to about $7,000. His Lordship
There was a fairly good attendance of strongly.urged a settlement, and on Sat -
age yields, and the totals. Putting the citizens of Dungannon aud neighbor- urday an agreement between the parties
acreage under each crop, the aver -
000,000 bushels and the North-west
the Manitoba wheat crop at 50,- hood at the entertainment given in the was arrived at by whit(( the Company
Agricultural hall under the auspices of assumes $2,500 of the interest and the
Territories at 15,000,000, we have the teacher, Jas. Tigert, and scholars of town pays the remainder. Accordingly
a grand total of 65,000,000, grown the school, Thursday evening last. The a judgment was consented to by which
the Company pays to the town $52,500
Walter Whiteman, who taught in S. with the Company's share of the interest.
dington, West Durham, West Has- worth of wheat per lama. h f couple Thereupon the town will guarantee the
tings, Kingston and West York,
—According to a letter received
by Mr. Thomas Southworth, Direc-
tor of Colonization, from Mr. Thos.
Armstrong the Crown Lands
S. No, 9, East Wawauos of a bonds of the Company to the extent of
of years, has severed his connection AGO 000 as agreed.. The Company is to
therewith and returned to his home at a > b
`LIQUOR LICENSE REPORT. Leamington. Henry Morrish, a one- have exemption of taxes for ten years,
time principal of this school but who has
except fdr school taxes, and fe to have
been in the life insurance business for free water for fire protection. His Lord -
The annual report of the inspee- three years past, has been engaged this ship congratulated the counsel and their
clients on the settlement of what prow -
Agent in the Temiscaming district, tion -of liquor licenses has just been year byte trustees
of 1sed.to be a pri longed and very costly
the population of that district has prepared.by the Provincial License ANN1\- 16S ltY.--Tho Sunday
„• ands
school litigation. Each party pays its own
Before purchasing your Winter
Supply of
Chemist & Druggist
and get ,7uotations.
Qface G.N,W. Tel. Co.
January 2, 1902
tttttittttlltttttitttttlttttt tt tlimmt�ttittttttttittttttt tttttttt
The Peoples' Popular Store
Noy For Cold
Woather Attire.
We bavo everything ready to
meet the demands of the fall and
winter season ..
increased fully fifteen hundred the Department. According to it there anniversary services at Nile on Sunday costs, except' that the Company gays 6110 j jpi �t
Shop Early at past year, making the total popula- were 3,008 licenses for taverns, were indeed gratifying to all connected extra costs incurred by the holding of ej (U ngs
tion now about 2,500 people, dwholesales1901 which the k and also inspiring to d , k t d of at
1899 there were 3,040. Of the St, Helena, addressed the children in •
shops an In ,
withi, wor , a . the trial at Woodstock instead
is 111st one less than. in 1900. In those who attended, Rev, itlx. Whaley, Goderfch.
- A statement of the religions of 3,008 licenses, 2,582 were ordinary morning, and in such a way that the
• �„' '• soon forget;
�.. nt, is as 24 wholesales, a,nd' mei '0€t"Gilre� ject was "Trio 'Heart." 1W'r. Whaley' is Size
his sub-
the people of Manitoba', Pare'1 tavern lie sses, 303 were shop an al, .i h � will not s g
by the Census
follows : —Pr
To Reduce Your Boot Measure One New Overcoats ns
Cytec line, 65,322 ; over the previous year. There has certainly an adept iu making his ad.
M thodiste.,�4 909 • Episcopalians, been a gradual decrease in the dresses to children plain and simple. an
16 477 Mennonites, low water made w largely ,
15 222 Baptists, The the Scott
44 a5 Roman Catholics 35,620; number of licenses since 1875, but the afternoon the Sunday school Was
Lutherans, , i as reached whenattended, and an offering of $84
s 9,118.total Act was on in 1887, thenwas collected. The total collections for
Established 1810, - population of the Province is placed the total was 1,496. the year amounted to $104. The average
Bead case isllELPIS, ONT. at 254,945. The total revenue collected from attendance for 1901 was 110. Pl•izes
Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro-
perty on the cash or premium note system.
JAMES GOLDIN, Cita, DAVIDSON' —1� German paper haspublished year and $589,381 in 18$9. Of that school received Xmas. cards" Nilo
President. " Secretary. p p day school gives one of the best, if not
JOHN H N RliGHiE, statistics in regard to the relative sum $250,482 vent to the mtlnici-
A.GENT, , WINGHAIVI, ONT speeds of the fastest trains of the polities a,nd $304, 676 to the Gov- the best report in Goderich district,
• European countries. According to ernment.
* fees and fines this year amounts to were distributed to all the primary and
* * $629,238, as against $629,841 last infant scholars, whilst till the rest of the
RYL1 this table France leads with an av- Fines collected amounted to $14,-
{,J L.. erage speed of fib miles an hour, 705, as compared to X14 339 the An Arab Saying.
follows with 51 There was an increase of 145 in 'Remember, three things come not back:
BUildPa andEoutractor.
England comes next with nearly 55 year before.
miles. Germany ,
.--- --- and Belgium comes next with 49. the number of committals to county
I wish to inform the public, that These figures apply only to the jails for drunkenness, The follow-
/ am prepared to take contracts t k for
fastest trains.ing table showing the average year -
the erection ofa
.. `
11 kinds of buildings- ly commitments fox each five year
Parties intending roe a to build would to * * * period from 1876 to 1890 is given :
well to see ine before closing contracts. W' Press is 876 to 1880 inclusive, 3,812 ; 1881
Pians and apeci8cations furnished if deslro —The Winnipeg Free
re t 1885 inclusive 4 016 1086 to
reasonable, workmanship the best, authority for the statement that o ' ' '
1890 inclusive 4 311 • 1891 to 189b
the Roblin Government will go to inclusive 2 703 ; 1896 to 1900 in -
the country immediately after the ,
2m' iii er ' corning session egl > There was X63,762 paid for in -
hcalled for January 9th
elusive X.920
Builder and Contractor, of theL stature > ;
pumpWDks, neart, Shop Deer Steam which is ca e o anu ' sectors' salaries and commission-
orke, th0 Union Factors. R bl' 't ' further said; p
e�Aitti3t`'-t does not feel bound to'carry out $10,317 for office sundries
��lTll1�'l'l'1°I'�'it��-tt�tt�ttt remises of his
deeessors and that the Govern-
Aet. He will then appeal to 'the
Premier Roblin, r. is ur er a , ere, expenses during the year, and
will inform the Legislature that he
pre -
Can the prohibitionp P
We Guarantee all Our meat will not enforce the Liquor
country, and the elections will be
held before June 1 the time set by
thef the issuing of the
— riot water Bottles
ed Friday afternoon by the Ontario though in some particulars greatly
ld of operations,
new liquor licenses.
* * «
• 'rett Order -in Council was pass -
The arrow sent upon its track—
It will not swerve, it will not stay
'Its speed; it flies to wound 8r slay.
The spoken word, so soon forgot,
Fly thee; yet it has perished not;
In other hearts 'tis living still,
And doing work for good or ill.
And the lost opportunity
That cometh back no more to then.
In vain thouweepest, in vain dost yearn,
Those three will nevermore return.
The Monetary Times, in discus-
sing Wireless Telegraphy, says ;--
It is obvious that after it is per-
fected, so as to be applicable to
commercial purposes, the Marconi
system. of wireless telegraphy,
Syringes of all lcln
Atomizers, Tu gr Government incorporating the A1- enlarging the field
Breast Pumps, gems Tube Works, Limited, with will not supersede cable telegraphy.
authorized capital of thirty mil- The weak point of wireless telegra-
Corks and Bandages.=4lion dollar" By long odds this is phy is that messages sent by this.
a= The !lest 18 always the the largest company ever organized means can never have any assur-
ansin Ontario. It is one of F. Ii.. auce that their confidential char -
Cheapest. Clergus's many enterprises, and actor can always be maintained.
r -
intercepted. by pe
� promises to eclipse all the others. They may bep
Campbell Tho new works will give according sons who have no right to receive
THE DRUGGIST thousand lama when completed. doubt be a spec if not absolutely
• �; M ; Mr. Hamilton,
tat a said tat in all probe- impossible of supppression. I€ the
b'i't would be started on the new system lnilodttcecl
A. e to Mr. Clergue, work "to several them. Interception would no
'res. of piracy,
Mr.Clergtre s rep- eay to atlppress, .
resen 1v , great
worklry- 1
works next summer. tive cheapness, many persons would
,k,.- n ^^ run the risk of the information in-
'` ,r 4,- tended for one going to another;
The Iiaton
nlilSpectator says :— but where absolute confidence is
i\Jr. Ross, having monkeyed with required, resort would still have to
the prohibition question and _jollied be to the cable. All or nearly all
the prohibitionists for years, finally Government coo)munications would
promised that, under certain stated come under this head, as well as all
conditions, he would give them commercial information
of alaation while
prohibition fa Ontario. These con- looked to exel1 iv g
rlitions are now with us,and Mr. tween, the persons eommunieating.
Ross meet either do whahe prole- 'At sea and on great rivers, wireless
ised to do, or be better known than telegraphy would supply new
he now is as The Man•'Who Doesn't; wants, and the hope has been ex-
1(Cep Iris Word. It is not a Cues- pressed that it alight be found of
bon of whether the province wants great advantage in increasing the
or does not want prohibition. It is safety of navigation a general way,on the
not a question of Mr. Ross private Lawrence riverAg
feelings or opinions. The question this may be so, but a practical plan
is, simply, 1'Wi}l Boss keep hie of b erations has yet to be made.
promise?" i The first practical use to which
Isn't half as hard neither is it as painful
as before the introduction of Pntnam's
Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. In
twenty four hours the corn is removed.
Pretty and small feet are .well assured
on everybody, but it can't be done un-
less you use Pntnam's—others are not
nearly so good, Patnaiu,'s is the best.
At druggists.
The latest material. - To snit .ereryone
Satisfaction guaranteed both in
making and price. Come along and
be made warm and happy,and have
the assurance that you are well
Yours Truly
Ready -rade Clothing
0 for Men and Boys;.
.1.••i ,4
for3 ......days. ---rj
rz Our. Clothing stock is not old shop-worn. goods, but
new and fashionable stock. We must move it out to
Clubbing Otters. Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor - 'ingham
The Winghaln Advance till Dec,
81st, 1902 $1.00
The Advance, • Weekly Mail and
Empire and choice of two prem-.
inlns 15x25, two-color pictures,
balance of 1011 free
The Advance, Family Herald and
Weekly Star, and three beauti- 1 r5
tiful pictures, 1 year
The Advance, and Farmer's Ad-
vocate, balance 1001 free 1.85
The Advance, and Toronto Week-
ly Sun
The Advance, Hud Weekly Globe, 1.7ii
balance 1901 free
The Advance and Toronto Daily
Mail -Empire, year - 1.35
The Advance, and Toronto Daily 225
News, 1 year
If there is any other paper you
want, ask us for rate,
-iere is a Pointer.
Because you haven't used Catarrh -
ozone is the best reason why you should
use it right away. It will cure the Ca-
tarrh that makes your breath so heavy
and your hearing so poor, Catarr•IlozOne
is a scientific cure for Catarrh, Bron-
chitis and Asthma, recommended by
doctors and druggists as a certain cure,
Mr. Henry A. Taylor, the oldest drug-
gist in Halifax, says "Catarrhozouo gives
satisfaction wherever it goes, it is 81n1-
pleand convenient to use, and enjoys
fully tlireo tunes the sale of any other
Catarrh rerliedy sold in the ci,ty." Ca-
tarrhozone is guaranteed to cure and if
it fails you can have your money re-
turned. Price $1.00 for two months
treatment. Small size 25c, Druggists
or Polson & Co., 1ingston, Ont,
The handsomest Calendar
of the season (in ten colors) six beauti-
fur beads .(on six sheets, 10x12 inch),
18se irodnctions of painting by Moran,
ned by GeneralPassenger Depart-
ment, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. ,Paul
Rail way. will be scent on receipt of
twenty-five cants, Address F. A. Mil-
ler, General Passenger Agt., Chicago.
write for our interesting books'' Invent.c
ot's Help" end "tiow you Are dwindled.",
Send us a rough t,keteh or model of your hn•e
vention ari,nprovelnent and we will tell you,
free Our opinionasapplications ht is ave often
bpe*en suce. Rel prosecuted b1+ its, we
been *uc fully
inn vet ,fill n; thiiidualifiesustcfpro apt.
6',i'Washington +l.
nllbra desthe; v etioit.ItigC secure references
furnished. gt
tion w helve procured
once vithoot charge f
over too newspapers distributed throughout
Specth altyt-.patent ini*lnONI' of 109,lufac-
d era
(pttfeitljt Ns wy Itst4e11g digt�, igta trey
ili9lcabdl 1 _Atlantic Std wit*ttf t n wy
Italn and d**0*
have se effect on
barons* treated
nets 011. It re-
sists the damp,
er soft eat, pit«
Wt. ,",tithe
do not break,.
Ito rongllstir. '
face to chafe
'indent, The
11*rues* bot
-oafs�•• kttpi
looking like .
beet, ut
*mete twice
use of I:urnke
I/masts 00.
In cant..
*if sires.
Itrrpertal oil
' poly
J Farms listed this weak should 3
J be seen by farm hunters boundary en Af from Winthe gh Mfli l 31 from Tooswator,
all cleared, good buildings,. -a bargain.
200 Awi l bo sold tog the11.1a1 otfb gaiil
yet. 1 tnifo from School, l', 0, and stero.
•1 OA ,Dies ht itle 260 fp, of Dotviek, 100
L l/ cleared,ingoodshnpo,splcudidbelld-
ings, corner faint, can bo had mean,
101 acres 0n lith OOn,'Of Om,lross, frame house,
bank barn, over 80 rteres cleared which
lin boon Mostly pastured for ttlo past 10 or 12
soil; Omni, oars; nova was rented; back 0 level and rho
t of reed Wator;1 miles from
Teeswator and 6 troln�i'irrghanr, Will bo sold
cheap. ,Apply to A. Dnlmago, Ileal Estate and
Loan Agent, Wingbam,
11 yon want to buy or soli a farm, enquire
at this office. Apply to Dulmage, Ileal Estate
Agent, Winghatn,
relieved lis•' glasses
.lryestratn rarely se
eompanlea very bad
The "nearly perfect',
sight in its effort to'
secure "perfect sight"'
usually produces eye-
strain and suffering.
We remove eyestrain
by perfectlnd the/
Itoilrlrery Graduate, Ontario Vet- -
erill,lry College. Office and Inflrrary, .
corder 'Victoria turd lliiunic Streeter
Winghaln, Day and bight calla prompt-
ly attendee( to. Telephozre eenneetion.
Horsey Parl'rk.
'ta`ciezatific Oriticia1,1*
rind 3e- )z:llor ,e7' eJ
VirillkdhatrA, 6yznt,
msike room for spring arrivals.
,w . .
E Long Boots, Felt Boots, Snag
Proof Rubbers, an6 also ,
E- %ochs for Rubbers,.
w These goods are all new, but we don't want to carry
any ,stock like this over until next fall. So right
now e offer you these seasonable goods at COST.
*Ws. ^^'
Potatoes taken as flash; We want 1000 bushels
of good Potatoes. We will pay highest market
price. Bring them in as soon as you can.
..— .-...,,,
_ ... . .-. ...._ ____ , _ ____ .. _ . —rj)
ele," ...
"ii: -.1H2— Jno. &
Jno..& Jas. 11. Kerr 1 MACDONALD I Jno. & Jas. 11. Kerr
at Cast for 30 daysc
a1.6I,.i.III, ,e:.iiiw.k,ltt.,t,oeifii.s to
ti g
dor 1902.
W: have a splendid stock of Stylish
Hats --- Finest Shoes — Natty Ties —
Fancy Shirts, etc, . In Gents' Fur-
nishing we excel. Try us for Ordered
Clothing—we have the stock to select
from—we are up-to-date—we are ex-
perienced fitters --we guaranteeour
work. See our splendid lines of Boots
and Shoes. A call appreciated,
A Happy New Year to all.
llomuth Sc Sons.
Customers will find us in
our view quarters, up -stairs in
the Shaw block, over Domin-
ion Bank. We solicit your
Saw Mill A GOOD F
patronage and1promise you,
All kinds of rough and dressed..,.
LumberLath, shlligles BEST OF WORKMANSHIP.
Apple Barrels
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard-
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone Orders Prop's ptl}'
attendee( t0.
McLean. 8a Son
M a y we have the pleasure
of a tall. We are confident.
you will not regret entrusting
us with your work,
E. O. CLARK:01
Tailor & Clothier
Wo have on band
It number of
abr nets
(These are Beautiful
Goods, and cheap.)
Advance Office