The Wingham Advance, 1902-01-02, Page 3SOZO Ord Tooth Powder 25' Good for Bad Teeth Not.Bad for Good Teeth IsT-04 Sozo4oiret leiestsite. 25Ce ',mega Teeettelel area Powdor 75A, eetaUstore.% or by mail. Sample of the I ieeie fe,r the postage, 3c. HALL & RucKEL, her got into your deist Olio Wei i never pay rent. Among ley regular • euettonaere, saute come Wh ei store' thot they leave left their purees be - bled, end feenetblog like that, and wiseme to trivet then. I neeer de. that with O cocaine or a chloral FerIWeeesereeensegegeOeseeek..eaeteeoseesseace eeteaseeehegeesegoefe ace& r 4i k THE CRATINfi FOR NARCOTICS. §, 1is ki 1 INCREASE OF DRII6 DISSIPATION k ee Morphine, Cocaine and Kindred Habits in London ' Ilim and Paris. " t) ib_11 4.5VirilMieRnaaMiViatZtaiagRere-e0.'an' ...eePRZOk...oakeesieee,Seslffle Tho two greatest evils of modern qui...to supply can be had by visiting . times, viewed from their effects upon half a dozen draggists. But not a Moral and phyeical man, aro the leer- little of the morphia that is used by phIne an cocaine Juliette. Indulgence the morphia maniac is brought pri- lu them drugs is not (waned to the vately event abroad. lower and mere vicious classes •' in- deed, they are the dissipations ofthe Opium Ste -loiters are Numerous. intelligent anti so-called upper reviles Very simila.r to the morphia tea of society. Tee men and women -who party Is tbe opium -smiting party. seek solace for their ilia in 'soporific The opium habit, Cabal as it is, Is or stimulating drugs are often people alarmingly on the Increase in tine of recognized intellectual ability and country. Its devotees art, in almost high social standing. For the most every Instance women who are des - part they keep their vices from . the !satisfied with their surroundings and public knowledge, anti it often hap- liable to fits of depression, , pens that the public) rivet learns of The effect of opium Is peculiar. Not their addiction to the thug habit by only Is the drug extremely comfort - tee announpement tie their death Mg, but it influences the imaginatien "from an overdose of morphia° taken to suelt an extent rebut the viotim to relieve pain." e es led te believcenor the time being The morphine habit has of late be. that she is in ? anotber world — a rosne a fashionable fad in some eh- world full of beauty and gayety. oleo of London society, and "'nor- For the moment she is treed from all phine tea partiee" aro alt the go. her troubles. And not only this, the Theo are especially popular axaong a memory is refreshed, the wonia.n at certain class of idle women who one stage being a,bIe to bring back make some pretensions to social tie her mind incidents which she has prominence. As a supposed cure for long since forgotten. It ia character - the "blues," a never -failing panacea, esti° of opium that it will light up for every !arra of depression, more the pest ir. 1,46 vixidly than any other labia, one of the most deadly of drugs, drag. A.t a later stage— that is, is unfortunately increasing in popu- when ast excees of opium bast been larity by leaps and bounds. The Dar- consumed—the smoker •becomes in - ties in welch -this dangerous poison sensible and remains in that state figure so prominently have only late- for several hours. . . ly come into fashion—they- originated Those women who indulge in the In Paris, by -the -bye --but the amount opium habit are ses a rule beyond re - of injury and misery tbat they are call. • Asi with inorphist, the craving responsible for is already beyond all for the drug inorea,ses rapidly, the reciconiug. , . victim being quite unable ,,'to con- Wriat Happens is This: tent herself with a moderate dose. .A. number of ladiee wit°, owingto the She generally loses all lier refine - similarity of their individual tastes rnent and all her sense of self -re - and weaknesses, are in sympathy spect. She becomes, indeed, a dif- with each other, form themselves ,ferent being. Mentaily and physic - into What may be termed a morphia eiee'ly she is ruined, and it is seldom club. They meet at about 4 o'clock very long before she goes to her every afternoon, ostensibly to enjoy grave. The °plum habit is exec- Zotbiug more harmful than tea, the toady incurable and it .is not too =ember's providing the glsastly enter- much to say that those who are tainment in turn. laves to it are well aware of the (Tea, is certainly co,asumed, bat only fact, i eto avoid suspiaion on the part - • ef thedomeattcs, for as the repast Take Cocaine Injections': - progresses the hoatess produces a ' Another dissipa.tion of London's idle tiny syriago containing inorplitia. Tee set—and the habit has obtained a appea.ranee of this little instrument, , Whilell, has been eagerly waited for sttrong foothold on this side of the ,A. lantic—is cocaine injection. • Tele ter the -whole on flS tbe eignal ge----heere, sprootice can be carried on so secretly tor the eoto Jay that for a time even the neareat a ey do hurriedly enough, so friends of the drunkard have no sus - anxious no to lose a moment, _ pinion of it. • It ham none of the intenee is the craving to put them selves under the influence of tho repulsiveness of ordinary intoxicae poieon. The bostess thee goes the tion. Dootors are its chief victims, eteend of her visitors, glytng each alt writers and politicians come next and ention. , • i the more artistic the temperament Very frequently a .guest is not the greater the peril this new- ha,bit eatisfied with one injection. She presents.. hes aceuetomed herself to the drug Cooaine injection is, without gees- e/ace a small doee has ao ....,Piaisentiane..eneentost dangerous and most precieble effecton, her. She s .e.....:euettlaleorneef inebriety known. Com - Cries for Throe Injections. pared with it, even morphinomalla Shie then gees them if her. hostess is harmless. It grows on one 'with is devoid of sense, whieh she gener- amazing rapidity, and gives little or ally le, and thus urives a,aother nail no warning of the ha.rtn it is doing In her coffin. The women who re. gintil the evil is accomplished almost kart to this proceeding belong eto beyond recall. With most narcotics that numerous body wile, bereft of you have quick presage of coming selfeeontrol and fea,ther-brained to a evil. Let the average man injeot a degree, cannot live without excite- dose of merphie, and he will find the ment wed vrhoeghlret for new sensa- temporary ease followed by excru- tons. They attend the morphia cia,ting headache, by ra,sv nerves and tea party to drive away—as they by fearsome depression of spirits. foolishly thenk—melancholy. With But with the cocaine at first there out the morphia tea party they is none of this. You feel young and would not care to exist. Liffi to them vigorous again. Pain is deadened. le aninsufferable bore, . ' The things that troubled you seem In. a very short time the poison - swept out of your life. You have a does ite work. The womann Who was sense of self-satisfaotion, of buoy - depressed and dull -eyed when. she anoy, of ease and of pleasure. In the entered the room is full of life and normal man or w-oman'there is often gayety, she talks wittily, even bril- at first no great reaotion, although neatly, her eyes are bright, her in ties, as in every nerve poison, ehteeke but a moment before ghastly i white, are fluehed, her whole coun- the effects differ according to inde. teatime is animated. Pny the Price of Death. But what a price she pays for this plunge! Submitting herself to the influelnee of morphia, at these parties, vidual temperament. , • A Deadly Practice. . But the pleasure passes verY quickly, even more quickly than with opium, and the victim, his al- as she, does every day, the drug Most ibevitabiy driven to ronew. whenadministered in fairly large the injeetio.n. In many eases from ileantities quickly loops the desired twelve to twenty doses aro before etfect and the wretched being must long taken in a single day. 'lees costs anohey. Cocaine hydrochlorate, Wave more. Three inleetions once a day are not enough; for her; sho in- the form or drug ueed for this pur- jette the fluid morning, afternoon and Dose, is very expensive. Wholesale evening. To get the poison she will i it costa 25 slaillinge at ounce, and enerifice everything --her clearest I retails usually at about three times possessions, her money, her jewels, . as •mitche In one kir-Own ease a man her all, lu fapt. The result is dis- /Vends as much as 10 shillings 4 y estrous; The poison obtains a com- daon his cocaita plete eattetery over her—she can no The fleet harmful result seen is snore resist it than site can fly to often enough not pberisical, but thle moon, t r , moral. Cocaine, even more than Vile Leevitabie earegequenoo is morphia, destroye the moral sense, that she dies an early death, wreek- This is no figure of speech, butt), ed beth in mind and body. Nothing plain • statement of an observed tind is mow) frightful than the sight of undeniable fact. The cocaine fiend one olf these women wben she is de. does not become violent or bretaa. nieti her favoeito drug. Pilled with On the contrary, lie ;seems, More despair, Oho is tapa.ble if not tvateh., gentle and more refined than ever ed of destroying herself tet easy mo- before. His artietio perceptions . mete In her gage she will team her aro in even?way quickened. But though he hate bitherto been scrup- hair and eercam as no madman could eeeeem. . t, 'Motley honest, lie will now often steal without shame. lie often -Seems Needless to remark these parties are coliducted with the greittest see- tO forgot the nietheing of truth. It reey. The, eervants are sent out oti lie Yet a meet poillt with psycholo- the room, the tloer le kicked end °vim Oafs hove end why this !Vestige:lien the master a the houses ime no know.. of the moral sees° Is accomplished. ledge of what isageting on. The frig- But that it is accomplishee admits lability of hie wife, brought Abode e•f ho denial. by the fatal arug—for the !Abner- Many et the easeof kleptomania afloat oecasioned by morphia to inwhich excite so much surprise And variably followed by the most awful ntahy of the untiecountable crinuie depreesion. Ile sets demi to "nerves." amobg well-to-do ,people are eolely Ile would) do well to get home early due to this. Alt ono druggist put it ono day. Not that he would gain Much somewbat bluntly: "When a person by eo doing, however, for the morphia Caine* in her an4 asks for cataine Mantati, as; a rule, Carries a little or Morphia or chloral, I, of course, syringe on her person. Inclosed in fill in 'tho doctor's Prescrinicon, leatimr cases, these syryingee are This is my business. But I take oare very dainty articles, to keep a. close eye on that etieto- •Unfortunately morphia is not dB- Merle flagera all the time she lain %Leta to buy. If one &enlist will the store. The toeitine fiend will not sell eufficieut to meet the re- . eteal anythiug It she thinkshe quirements of hie customer an Ade- cah dor it unobserved. If you let . .., ..... .. taker now. I liege been bitten toe often, &Very ether OrliggiatwU toll yon the Meuse' Cause PhYsical Degeneracy, Tele Is only tee beginning. The Moral effects are after a letup fol- lowed by very deoleed physical ones. rivet comes lindeseribable depretielon epirita eleepiessness, distesto for lood. 'Ma Is oftee ewough follOweci by complete mental breakdOwn, sometimes by imieltie. Lo niece hoe the btt groWrt that u now induetry bee sprullg up in England during, the past teW years, the cestablisement of "Lome' for welleto-do narcatiog. These tomes aro not usually regle- tered under any act. Many of tbent do not advertise, but aro euppliecl with patieete by their private connection of clootore. Others advertise regularhr in medical pa•pers as great hotels de tiiordinary organs,. The cooaine luebit hay not reached the common people. It es doubtful if Lu all the long Het of vietime you will fend a single mechanics or working wiontan. It is people to whom ordi- nary drunicennees is repulsive tliat norocitiem appeals in the most eub- tie, way. A. few closes a cocaene enable tee busy society woman to get through her season all right and she can maintain tilde habit often enough for moarthe together without even those nearest her knowing it. r Cocaine injection le not the only nor th,e most popular form of narcot- ism.. In •great districts, etber drunk- ennees is general, even anions the poorest. You can get drunk on ether for a tritlinee cost, and you ean be chunk and sober again several times in a day. In the Fen country in Ire- land opium taking is cenntaon 'among the agricultural poouletion. • Two Kindred Souls Impinge. They had just been introduced, and, asi she looked Into his thought- ful biao eyes, the young girl felt that she had at last Met a man of high Ideate "Are you' interested in the eleva- tion of the masses, Mr. efcSmudge ?" she asked, after site had worked up to the seinject by' easy conversational etages. I "Inteneely, Miss Oushineton," be aeowered. "I have dedicated my life to this' great week. I ant just now intereating mYself in circulating a pamphlet on the subject, which shall be pleased to send you." "How lovely," he murmured. She knew that Rho had at last found a kindred soul. But thisi world is full of bitter clieappointments, and it was a hard jolt to lithe' Gurehington's Ibter sen- sibilities when a few da,y0 later she received, with compliments' of John Watley. McSmodge, a catalogue 'ot Passenger elevators, for whioh he wcte ageot.—Salt Laic° Herald. 1 I O. C. Reeleartesi ez Co. Del= MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy foe soresthroa.t, colds; and ail ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. • CHARDES WHODTTEN. • Poet Melgrava, The Eiders Wit. Three young 'students wished to have a little amusement at his ex- pense, One saluted him as Father Abraham. "You are wrong," said the second, "this is old Father Isaac." "Nay, said the third, "you are both mistake% he is old Fa.ther Jacob." Eyeing the would-be wits, the Elder gravely replied: "I am neither old Fateer Abraham, nor old. Father ratio°, nor old Father Jacob but I am Saul the sweat Kish, seeking hie fa,thetoe asses, and lol—I have found three of them," TO OURS Ik COLD IN ONU oat - Take Laxative Brom° Quintus Tablets, .A.11 druggists refuna the money ft it teas to ours, R. W. Groves siaaatattais on eaeh box. 25e. , Thought They Resat a Man. 61:4.. 40;411/40.4. , " PAGE METAL GATES S1S 86101/ ree ho Ohl! can ord to VHS woodelt Mies. Light, and yet strong retoneh to frep, porta heavy man on the rad while he awaits ahead the circle without reetsleg them to seg. They etre tate in eppetirence, will lest ft Will Zaftig nor get rickety. They ars inipplied with latches which allow them tabs, open ad either way mid 0,reself WO*. The only,g6ocl metal gate that is *a ettwAth in Taloa for ftencral farm parposett, We also mike Farm and Ornamental Venn*, ltr 'Netting, Nano foul Staples. The Pro Wits Pinta Otallinlisa, Wieketalllio, Ord, 1 011U6S Of 11. B. Connick Relates filo Ex. perience with Bright's Els., k:ase and Dodd's ney Pills, orttr.trrtrr•trt,trr Suffered with that Decoct Malady for leireeen Years—Treated bY "vo Difikereut Doctors—J1teratily 114esetted front Death, by Dead's 1(ttluey • • • - - • . • ^ y ^ nOMitl.::P..Aiesa,' "'eye' ' Does Meatr-Eati n g Cause Appendicitis ? • Appeadleitle is the malady of the day; it Is the meet prominent naalady in the couree of the disoussione of the learned iseeletieS. Its causes must Middleton, P. B. L, Deo, 23.—Mr. bo:leasstimemertt"ed; ritepaelelytineg"rietihipeptellieer: Oonnick, the well-known b1401anoe are manifold, A t smith, of 'tele Place,w, knO n ovor lif. Illeteltnikoft, in a recent cent - the Isiend an the =in whom Boddie munication to the Paris Actecienty el Xidney sitved fromdeath as by Medicine, attributed an important a miracle, Juto often been interviewed part la the development of appen- regal:cling Itis case, end is ever ready Idolitie to intestinal worms, asearide tho e to supply e Pieta. and tric000phalee, especially 'the "I laid been a reetnre to kidney. last mooed, which, by causing erce. trouble- for fif teen yeare before I took' eions of the intestinal meow mein- Dotieles Kidney Pills," said IVA*. Cone . nee( in a reoelit conversation, "Did Yeti know it was Bright's Die - ease, Ille. Couniele?" "Not et fleet, I didn't, imt when I found it out I was startled, I eau tell youle those days, you know, Bright's Dieease was, incurable. went to five differeet ilootore. They could do no ,geod. Finally my wife and I iwent together to one who told no right out there was no use taking my money. I could not be cured. I felt that it was all over." "How dia yeti come to take Dotheri leidneY Pills ?" "Well, one day a customer ond were talking of the death of a, neigli- bor, and my customer said be was quite num if lie had taken Docid's Kid - flee 'nib.) he would hey° been cured. That set me thinking For the last six years 1 had, been forced to hire a. men to do ray work. Well, I began to take Dockl's ieidney Pias, and before I had finieheil the third box I was at work again. I can shoe a - horse as well to -day as ever 1 could in rayi life." "Do you mean to say that three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured you dr Brigitte; Disease of fifteen years' standing ?" "Yes, sir, thates exactly what I mean. I was so stiff and sore I could bat stoop to pick up anything-' Qouldn't put on nay shoes. If my wife was here she would tell more about Dodd' s Kidney Pills than I ean4" - Mr. Connick Is now fifty-eight years old, and the picture of health and etre:ell. • The Czar and. the Gamin. Tie late visit of the Czar to Paris' has filled the Parisian papers with anecdotes. Here is one of the Czat's former visit: One clay he drove incognito to the house) of President Loubet, then Pres- ident of the Senate, and while bis companion .went in to announce the visit, Ito amused himself by putting his head, out of the carriage window and looking at the people who passed, . In spite of his incognito the Czar Was recognized by a weistling urchin, who, seeing eine sitting alone and at leisure deemed the occasion appro- . , priato for a friendly chat. So he ap- proached, took off hie cape and said cheerfully: . "Good -day, sir. How is the press ?" . The Czar was naturally muoh as- tonished, but he replied with a smile: "Thanks, young , man. The Em- press is quite well and has enjoyed the trip very much." The boy seemed glad to hear it,nod- ded a farewell, and went whistlinse on his way. The Czar, in narrating the incident, said that he was much more embar- rassed tban the gamin appeared tobe. t "A 'Little Cold, You Know" will become a. greab danger if it be al- lowed to remelt dowtz from the throat to the lunge. Nip the peril in, the bud With Allen's Lung Baleam, a sure remedy containing no opium. ++++++++++ +++4++++++++++++1 THE PRINCE 1' 9F PROFANITY a+++ ++ 4 +4+ + ++ ++ 6+4+44++++ "Speaking of the generous use ol ease words,". said the ad conductor, reminieceatly, "I allow old Bill Ma- gillieuddy was about the command - leg general of the grand army of Softly (who has fallen overboard profanity. Old 33111 lived up Troy way, and been dramatioally rescued)—Did , which may swami:at for his peculiar- - —you--avv—faipt whett you heard them yell, "Man overboard?" ity. lOrt that's neither here nor bran°, create au easy means of Wee-, tionby the morbid germs contained in the inteatine. Northern China is, perhaps, of all countries in the maids the Ono in welch heimenthiaels is the most wide- ly spread, and in a recent communi- cation preseotecl to tho Academy of Medicine in reply to 311, Metchnikoff's coramuitleation, hf, Matignon states that appendicit1s. is very rare there, eveu if it is nortieed tee all, 4.31107114 the Celestials lombricsold parasites are found among ninety- five to ninety-eight per cent. of the children and among seventy-five per cent. of the adults*. Among Europeane the proportion is Only twenty-five per cent. in ehert, it is very rare to Lind a. Chinese whose digesitiee tube is not infeeted by these parasites. The /marls lonabricoldes is the common- est form ; ericeocephalee are also met with. In spite °lathe great frequency of intestinal wornis, M. Matignon dur- ing the four year that he spent in Northern. Mina never met wit». a eingle ease of appendicitis, either in the French minions or in the hospital at Nantang. Nor did he lima any dur- ing the sande period among the little international Oemmunity di 120 per- . eerie who were under hi's care. Three times) only—in the wise of a. young leuesiaa girl and of two Lazarist mis- sionaries—did he observe abdoniinal paths haying a distant resemblance to epees:40111er colic, but they ap- peared to be due to the presence of a toenia in the inteetinal tube for they were not reproduced after the expul- sion of the parasite. The extreme rarity of appendleitie —not to say ite non-existence—among a people whose digestive tube lo in- fested with worms, appeared to M. lefatign.on to be in conflict with the theory of M. Motebelkete which tends to attribute to lombrieolds an. lin- portent part in, the appearanee of appendicitis. He considers himself inclined to fever the theory of the influence of an excessive flesh diet', which bas been incriminated by Keen, of Phila. delpeice fn the Met place, and since by M. Lucas) Champlonniere, of Paris. Thio hypothesis is strongly supported by what lie has observed itt. China. The diet of the Chinese in the .north, says M. Matignon, is not a flesh diet, but rather vegetarian. At Poidu and in the country very little Helen (sobbing)—No—no, Molly. I tbera' never ones suspected they could eHe used to come down to New have inealte you. -71t Bits. York pretty fregnently during the wititter ; had a married son living over in Brooklyn. B.II used to open up new records every time he tra. veiled over to Brooklyn. Ho ;said he didn't blame New York people for swearing at Brookly,a; if he lived here he'd eooner take a trip to Philadelphia than he would to Brook- lyn, ttams that's about right, too, fov X know myeolf what it is trYiniC to find anybody living in Brooklyn. "Why, one aueday, when I wa,soff the ruin, I set out from my home in 'West Eightieth attest to. see a fellow living In Brooders Aboiliti SOnafet HOW'S THIS? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars' Reward for any own of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. 03111INEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. 3. Chepoyter the lest 15 years and believe him perfectly honorablein all business traasactions aud finencially able to carry out any nbliga- dons made by thoir firm, , West Tatasx, aVlioniatte Druggists, To. ledo. O. WArmIllett 111UN2 & MAIrttOkt, WhOlese.lo Druggists, aaledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Caro is taken internally, act- ing directly upon tho biood andmucous sin- Priee-75e per bottle. ;Old by all druggists. 'N. Property be wanted 'to sell. I took the elevated down to Chambers street of the system. Testimonials sent free Nall's Family 13.1119 aro the best. Ord walked over, to the bridge. Then I rode over cm a• Wedge car, and took Cheap lipor s in fe'rance. another car for the street where tny man, lived. I had tei changes An inhabitable flat at £4, a year, i three demo and it took ine two With tiled kitchen and three or four hours, from the time I struck the rooms prepared and floored in oak, I ; bridge to the time I rang the door sounds tee wildest impossibility in a bell. You can bet I was pretty crowded industrial tiny. Yet comfort- able, well-built fiats bave been built I Warm' "I asked the email Why he dideet A.t this priee in the most crowded 1 live in a civilized land, and hie asked quarter of *the city of Lyons, and me what was •the blotter. I teed thiri Where the prioe of land on Whieh the flats Were built was 25 to 85 • 14111 bow long it had taken me to trahee a. square metre, which Is ra- 'reach blin' 'Yea ccUlti have got here tiler more then a square yard. The . in fifteen Initiates; from the Twenty- Conte,ny that etarted the 'Venture third (street ferry, NeW Vork**tride,' bag a aaseavc, fund er 50,787 franeal he !Said. *You've circled the eity when and pays a, steady intereet of 4 per you cotild have come in a !straight Cent. We, says the Westminster aise • And that's all the satiefaic- zette, ought to 'add that the profits tion 1 Vit. have been largely Increased byeheap ; "So, ad 1 TAY, I don't inucb: Maine reetiturents tii conneetion With the old Bill for using language when he flats, Whet% a good meal can be had had to vigil: Brooklyn,. I romeilaber the for 11-2d the °oared, This interesting last time ho was down, here. lle iniernintion is given by the Co-oper. was going back to Troy ext, My train. ative News, Jvhiell is Iottd In 'tie praise . He had junt: Canto from Brooklyn, and of the Lyons Boonornie Seildieg So- he west making the air of the °each clety. I r so blue it looked like a smelt.'ing ear, which it wasn't. In the same ear wasr it ministerial Woking •oltap, wife. At the Virat Sign of a eremp or other listened •In horror to /MPH talk. ral"' in tho bc)"t9 ta" r61" navie "The ministerial fellow stood it for Painkiller in hot water, enveetened teriti you have mastered the difficultya while, but finally, after the Car There la but ale painkiller, pel." started and Bill grew more and More Davie'. 25 and 50c. profane, lie stepped overlif to egillt- ' middy and said, holding out a wariti- . l'oo Long a Joie ing finger, 'Do you know, 11151 poor peineneeeeno mark 01 tile „gentleman friend, you! are oa the road to hell?" Is then he alwaya keeps hits hands "Bill started out of hie at as if ho beers that. eTuet nay dashed clean, lank; her saki. 'I' inet bouglet & ticket don't know. I know a gentleman who never WitalieS Ills for Troy."—X' Y, IT"0,14' recime now i Punishing the Weenie, tilimm—gact. tia eteployea I:00in New Arrival----A.nd there are vroeme hte factory. tortures yet? leatan—Are there 7 'Why, over . . +S teps the Cough there in that c:kle poem I hovel in Works OW the (3614. tmhelt of soelety folks playing aft d tit:Adv. Iltemo•Ciptinite Tablets awe tole emilees game of progressive euchre. cere,47., Ne Cuts, No Psy. Want eti Seta reAlitaltimere World. s- I beef is eaten, Cowie anal titmice, mute ton, and especially pork, being pro- ferred. Europeans ohm° eat beef. Meat is it luxury which wily the vvell to do can afford, and its consunip- tion is extroieely small. Tho groat majority of the popuiation, who axe poor, mostly consume millet, simply boiled in water; a little rim cab- bage, sveeet potatoes, turnips pre- served "a le. saumure," and a quan- tity of garlic. The Chinaman also eats a great deal of maize flour or wheat flour, of which be makes cakes and buns; and unleavened dont, cooked by steam. It is possible that to tills diet is due the nelmirable "'Worts du, ventre" ot the Chinese—to use M. Motignon's expression—and the consequent ab- sence of appendicitis. It cannot be denied that the preceding observa- tions strongly support the theory which attributes to the stimulat- ing in:, lance of an excessive flash diet the ' equency of eases of ;ippon- dicitie observed for some years past among civilized nations. It would appear that compresses of aloolioi may be used in the treatment of appendicitis. At any rate, Ise. Filutoff so asserts. He began to use this 'treatment from the day when alcohol, used as a tonics at the early period of whitlow, appeared to hi 4o be endowed with specifie pro- p Aeo This surgeon, in feet, con - .A.0 that it suffices to keep the f. ger In it smell glass o! brandy for half an hour, and repeat the bath several laines a day to put a stop te the pathological prooesees oa the point of breaking out. This conclusion led M. Filatoff to env° recourse to the application of compresses of alcohol in the case of a boy twelve years of age, suffering from appendinitis, in which he was sent fer in consultation. Here is his method of procedure: A' compress of gauze folded in four, and wide enough to cover tee entire stomach, is thoroughly steeped in alcohol at 93 degrees, slightly, squeezed, ap- plied directly. on tho skin and covered with flannel, Over all is placed an lee ba,g, and the compress is changed every hour, ea soon as the alcohol has evaporated. Opium is adminis- tered at the same time. • ' At the end of two or: three daye very =irked improvement was re- corded, and the child completely re- covered a. short time afterward. do not think that in this case the curative role should be attribut- ed to the alcohol alone. It has hap- pened to all physicians who are not convinced of the necessity of an op- eration in every 08,88 to witness the contraction and cure of appendicitis under the action of cold compresses mad opium, and it would appear that in the case cited, the alcohol. acted as a, refrigerant.—Europeau Edition N. Y. Herald. ++++++++++++++++++++++++a-14+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i` HE KISSED THE' BRIDE ; - .1 + -3o. + + —T-Ii_E—JOKE -WAS. ON HIRVI• 1.., 4. • .10.....;:„... .i. ....1. 4. .... , + 4' How He Obeyed the Injunction of the Bride's Father— + And the Result. A. -r + . + #1. + o+++++++++++++++++++++++++6+++++++++++++++a++++++++++-a taw/king and he greeted me with ell the werinth Of old fricediselp. "What de you &ay to a little brandy ?' Ito &age " entitle me, Menne,' said I, and Irina a Weisel, lie brought out it bottle anti !some glasses. Liwooklyit isn't as bad as site is plattiogranbod, I titouglit. "'NOV iits aireg,Itiar thing; do I ap- prove of brantiy, tend the fat InVont ',bite tide is a neoe"str'ord'uttry sees eashien, My dear—say, I've forgot- ten your name.' "I told hinr. " 'Friend of the grooln ?" 'Yea' "'Known him long?' 1 11 • '"Ali my lite.' think of hier?' • "Say, now, honestly, what d'you "'Ile is one of the fineet boys that ever lived,' eald 1, 'honorable, ambitious and clean.' " "'i» you mean 'If I elidir,"1: I wouldn't bavecOme it?' all tho War PPM); Upper New York for hiseeivetidinge said 1, and tkile then eceaviliceti the fat mato "Ho told ete Meat he woe the bride's father. He would alWaY0 look upon me as his own Son. He was prouid to know his son -hi -law' friend, 'Ihey must make itlie house their owe and—would I, as a, favor IlAYS just ono more diet* with hen? "It waif. approaching the supper hour, and I finally persuaded my aister to come downstairs wahine. .riehe crowd around the bride and bridegroom WAS so denee teat we could not penetrate it. "We fell in with the people who wore going down to supper. That sapper was all right, though we dicliet know a bieseed seal in the room. We heel dined at e o'clock in oreer to get there, and we were hungry. "The conversation armed mg was about °laurel eoeials, challenge mimeo and a Mrs. • Somebody who won the Withet Club's prize by meth- ods little better than downright eireating•• When we went upstairs again the -bride and bridegroonr had disappeared to get lOto their travelling clothes. "I was feeling very comfortable and I again went over to the fat Man and shook hands with hint. "'1 ant art old friend of the groora,' said I, 'and I haven't yet eeen the bride. I intended to kiss her when I did.' my daughter. See "won't mind, nos " 'Kezzer, my boy, kizzer her. She's mi. bit. You jus' [nand on this stair - tray an' when see comes down you kizzer for yourself an' you kizzer for. "Williams had told me that elm WWI a peach, and with this parental per.• mission and the courage of wine I was d'eternaned to kiss her. The pleats crowded the door with rice and old shoes, but I stood on the !stairs. "Suddenly a commotion in the upper hall broke out and there were cries of 'Here they °ohm 1 Look out for theme " The bride came first with one et those loose raglan affairs with the hood drown over her head. She bolted down the stairs, and when she was about to pass inc 1said : kiss.' " One rainute, please.; I want a "1 grubbed her around tee •waiet, pulled back the bood and— well after going that far I had to kiss her. In fact sh.e seemed to expeet it. I thought that Williams' peaGh looked dedidedly frost-bitten.' "The growe at tee foot on the seeeehteirseeneSeeslapproval, and I let her man's plaintiteeee,11 saes go, pretend, not to hear tbe fat " Kizzer her again for Lnty boy/ "Ile might do lee own •iug. As I stood there, sobered by the eessot the .bride's face, a little man with side wiliskers darted pant me, and everyone pelted him with riee. leaned over a rail and asked a man who was teat. He eyed me maple. cause there was a very noticeable iousiy as he replied: 1 odor of moth bails tn the air. "'Why, the groora, Billy eohnsone "It took me less than a minute to "Atter walking about eight bloicke we reached the house. A. group of bolt into the men's dressing room` and I coat. I didn't give my sister lerroognettes wstna.dtouwareambrimfreoclmoutlitoolopthene net nrY time to put her rubbers on. Chucking door came the subdued sound of them in my pocket, 1 hustled her voices. out of the house in a rush, feeling like a -thief. It wasn't until we had "As we entered a maid at the door directed us to the dressing rooms. walked two blocks that she said: • When I came down' to the ladiee' —I don't know what to Make of it. dressing room on the second floor my I didn't see any of Williams' friends.' sister said to me"'Of course not," seed I. "We : " 'See, I don't see a, single soul haven't been to Williams' reception. here whom( I know. I am hot I led you to the wrong ehurch and we ing arrive. These women all say 'bean' with a, eonseious gasp and shake 'My sister's idea of the humorous hands on a level with your chins."' sooNtions Strom, and she just I'm not up to mingling with. that escaped llYsteries.' • kind of a crowd unsupported. You " 'I'm glad it wo.sn't Williams' wed - go dotwri and .prospect around for rif)ee'f.w.,' hIy askect . the Shows or the Batters OT the And - oracles or some one svitom we know "'Well, You know Williams said and we'll make up a little party be that the bride was a peach, and the fat man, her father, you know', said oru,rieveilvori" . reached the paolor it wee that it would be all right, so, I stop - filled entirely with the bride's ped this bride on the wv.ty dOwnstaits friend's. There was it generous look- and kiesed her. She wasn't .a peach, leg buffet in threar room, and with that's ail. If Williams had 'married e several oithees I drifted toward her I'd nevete gone' there to call. MCI been travellina. for nearly 'My sister seemed to think it was three hours and neededsomething. all very funny and. perhaps? wiould to eostake me. • , eha.ve agreed with her 111 hadn't "A puffy, fat mate wifo evidently kleeed the bride. She wrote a. full wars a 'member of the household explanation of the- affair to Wit' caught my eye, eye and between us we Mime, and Ile and his wife sent a joint made a small bottle letter from Atlantic City yeeterday. blook empty Atty. They knew about the other vveddieg only on ,subb 000,asione as this, and they assured me that the bride my boy, do I operetta of wine,' he was only 43. 111never tako euch Said, ()Aug inc with nutlet eyes. chaneoe at another Brooklyn wed- " 'ThO is is Indeed a happy occasion,' en, you may be sure."—N.IM Y. $. Saki I, 'and let's, have one more, for I am, tired.' . "The official value of an illegal • .11,co ‘111.1.,), Y by deferent courte and as it is just cense for a damage suit, I want to tell you how 1- rendered myself lia- ble far such an action without giv- ing you the right nainee." :said a rug expert "Mee joke wee rather more on rile t•bao on the gee, because whuem o was awfully lely and she does not know. that I had noietght to kiss her. "I have always lived la York, awl I know absolutely nothing about Brooklyn. When I reoeitved on invi- tation to the wedding of my old fraud Daus o r g , of Brooklyn, I telephoned Williams my congratulataer ione awl told him I nev could fled my way to the church and thee to the bride's lionise. " 'You met come, old mane said he, 'because I want you to meet my bride. She's a peach. You'll feud the church about two inches off the map. Doiiit mistake another ohurce around -the corner for it. You don't care for the church eervice, so Piet ci,rreinge to get there at E1.30 when that part or the show will be over and fallow the crowd that cennee out. It will lead you to the bride' e home, sehtch is °eV tepee blocks away. 111 never forgive You if you don't come and delete my wire's health' "Such at invitution as that vras not to be dodged. The wedding was le.et& Thursday oight. I persuaded my Feetlo with me and at one minute past six ere left our home. in (waning, dress. 11 Williame -had been, married Up a tree it veceildeleeve bean water fee hie friereild. We exhausted. several trolley Mee., and 'after leavieg the la.st car and walking eiX blateks w.0 came to tho church . just S.80 o'clock. We vrero exaetly on time. "The bride and bridegroom had just driven away and a large array of men and women in their beeetogs were filing out. A. few got into car- te:Agee. Most of them walked and we Id! Into line. 'I dieliet happen to see any of Wil - Dm ae trioxide. Ili3r 'sister very un- kindly Raid that thio event must haire been the first of the social aea,stnt for the bride's friends, bo - clown until some of Williams' friends followed -the wrong crowd, and I don't want you to mention the thing again.' His Only Way Out. "We drank to the bride and beide- Me Loving Spouse (who has been groom and the puffy ma,n squeezed talking for five Minutes Without a my hand affectioeately o,nd told me break)—I'ake to know, now, what to owne to him whenever I needed 0 you've got to Say for yourself. When friend, witleh I thought was mighty you went down town 3 told you ex. kind orf aotly the kind of beth sponge 1 "I wandered around for half an wanted, and you wrote it down, and h.eue *Ithout sneinrct familiar face. no* you bring me this miserable, Then t Went me, to report to myt sea pititut, good for nothing—what are ter. She decicied to walt until game you throwing that sponge up in the �f our friends arrived, and I event air for? to the men's &Teeing room to smoke mt. eieeker—My dear, it's the vele, a cigarette. There woe my tat friend thing Tenn do.—Chicago Tribune. IS NOT THIS STEALING? In Spite of at Least Half a Dozen Irnitators, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turperitine Has More Than Three Titnes the Sale of Any Remedy Recommended for Throat and Lung Troubles, nave YOU beeh invested upon when asking for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 'Larpentine by being offered an imitation? Many loom been, and We know of smite who have ehanged their druggist ail A result. It er" not gale to deal with 0 druggist who offers intitatione and substitutes. An honest druggist wilt not offend his enetomera by smelt queetionable Methods. The use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 'Turpentine has become so waver's:11 that on all Mee are springing up preparations of turpentine and Mowed, put up in packages similar to Dr. Chase', with the object of making MUM on the reputatiaa of this famous remedy. Is not gide dishonest? Is it net stealing, Or even worse? For besidee the injury done to the proprietors of Dr. ,Chase's Sgrup ot Linseed and Turpentine, the people are being deoeived. Ia some eases, no doullt, even life in lost as a result. Are you being deceived? Have you asked for Dr. Chase's Syrup a Linseed and Turpentine and been given an Imitation or eubstitute ? Tiller() is no doubt about the vir the of this groat throab and lung remedy. It Is too Well known me e., thoroughoUre for btroneltitle, eronp, erhoopingeeplugh, nntlfrata, toughs and col& to need further %VW& Of eolumettdation. What we Want to do is to warn you against tidies ltd. thtlofts. To be certain that; you, are getting the genuine, be sure that Dr, Chlifte'S portralt and SLOB.. tura are on the wrapper. ClUtfie'a Syrup of Lineeed and Turpentine lool rettehed ythenometuil sales, because- it tures When other remedies fail. It is far-reaching in effect, miring the eolkas welt as the cough, anti Uprooting the most serious forme of bronchitis, asthma, end similar throat find lung diseases. Teoteity-five cents a bottle. Venally sift, three tinee much. CO eents. At all dealers, or edinaltoon, Bates & to.. Termites ItalidgCnin and wide' Christmas preiteat" for mother or gran1ee:411er Is Dr. Case's Last and. flente plete Tteeeipt Book, Macerated folder free. , ; , r ito Pope's W hilt. One of law Vopese favorite spots in Ida gardette Is aa elevated pOlut wheeeo he Oen Mee tbe oecon. Tee ludee Of 'the Wilereg Lulea to Soothe bint lUo 3111.16111 in the days whoa he was able tO be aeae the water. Ile recalle with pleaeure the time when, as Nuttiest lo Belgium, Z6 years ago, he uecti to take his daily swim in tire oceaa; and during reeent eonvereation with his nephew, Ootiat Peeel, Ite expresse4 tit° with that he might be able onee more to visit The fiture1l0Xe. Don't Licata -to. TO tell your.father when you have disobeyed his injunctions. To take your motber's advice when a, man asks you to go out with him. To tell your oraployer eta why you were late in getting to Inielness. To defend your religious principle when it le 'attacilted. To tell your brother wben a, man lute become flipoa,nt. To rebttke the mast who speaks Ole- i'espedtulty of a woman acquaint- ance. To couress inability to hold . up your end with extravagant com- panions. To openly nonfeers you have been beaten In toe argument.—Philaciel- phia, Or. racemes Lierery. Whet a clever author recently asked Dr. Parker how he manages to draw thousands to his City Temple in Loudon simply to hear him talk, he said: "You would understand if you read my library." "Is it such a good one 7" •asked a listeuer. "Oh, it's good, bad, indifferent, grand and squalid," answered the mighty talker. "Ws everything. It's in underground trains and ien 'buses, 1 h aerated tea, &hope, smart restaurants, at Churches, stations, parties, receptions, meet,. Ings, jubilees and eick beds; you find It in pristine and boudoirs, The fent le, you can never get away from it. We call it 'human nature' for want of it better name. I study it—that's why I call it ruy library. Kok men don't, you sea But that's why I am listened to." lee Pulpit is. the Bar. An einirient American lawyer' now deceased was sadly given to introce. cation. Oa ono occasion, he entered a church ivhile a rainister was hold- ing earth on the futere punishment' of the wicked. Fixing his eye upon the lawyer, who was reeling near the door, tile preaclier exclaimed: "There stands a fanner a.gainst whom; I will bear witness la the day of judgment," At this the lawyer folded his arms, planted lihnself as firmly as lie could, and addressing the man In the pul- pit, electrified the whole congrega- tion alter this fashion: . . "Sir, I have been practising in the criminal courts for 20 years, and have always found that the greatest rascal is the first to give State's evi- dence." ---,The Scotsman. Bow to Write to the Pope. When yearevermenedetife ope ,srour • totter inust be in Latin. The style need na! be classical, but the lan- guageeje oblig•atory. Some sort ot. Latin pellet be emPioyed. The letter* mat elm) 'addressed to "His Holiness Pope tho XIII., the happily reigning (Pontiff)." It Must begin with "Bea,- tissineo Pater," "Most Blessed Far there' and must end with some exe pression of regard. Whou It reaches the Vatican it has Little chance of arriving at its des- tination unless some special preemie time have been taken, for the daily budget numbers 20,000 documents. An excellent wa,y of getting a letter into the! Pope's hands is to make use of two envelope., the outer one cll. recited as above prescribed, and the Inner one aeldreesed to "His Holiness? the Pope, the eleael of the Universes' Holy Romen Inquisition." A minor of- ' Hotel who opened an envelope thee addressed would incur the penalty of exconiteunica.tion. Such coraraunicsa tient; are handed to the Pope, who opens them and passes them on un- read to Cardinal liampolla. • Queer Story by Lord Grey. Lord Grey was fond of relating this story of the death—in a court in Edinbutrghi—of a naval captain who had been noted for his eruel- ties at sea, but especially, in the slave trade: Menial terror made bilei death -bed most appalling. According to Scot- tish castom, the family opened the door for the spirit to pees more eas- ilnwhen, to their horr r the ,bloody leeadoelheerfrit n sud e seeehhheee,alt. roiled. lett—the room. The dying ma.n gave the most feariul scream and his relatives rushed to his bedside. When they looked around the head was gone, but there was fresh blood upon the Door. To them It seemed inexplicable, but the feet wasthat Professor Owen lead been attending an anatomical seance at whit:lithe body of a black man had been dis- sected, and there was Something so curious in the way en which the head bad been attached to the body that ho had obtained leave to °eery it bonie in, a cloth, that he might examine it more carefully. It was a very slippery, wet day, and as he was passing the open. door of the dying man the Profeseor had stumbled and the head, slipping out of tire cloth, had rolled leto the house; teen, in. a Moment whim they were all oceupied with the dying man, he had pursued it and whipped It up ihto the cloth again, and booed it had not been observed. '"ai • rrr What Is Priendship? I Wonder how inane' People have a really trite Wet), of wbat friendship le, or should be. We meet a, man oil the street; perbaps We take a Wasik With hitn, Invite hint to the club Or to our liOnto anal talk oolltice Over the "core noir" and cigars. Ilo la and. able enough to agree with us and, lo I lie becomes my friend, Mr. Two women meet at a "pink tete" and aro "delighted." They hold SIMI- lar VIOWS as to dress goods, maxi wed books—perhape they agree on relig- lone'" and, behold -Meek& notes fly bach. and forth between them, signed, 'Vette Vea.r Friend, Mary 13.,'• or "Ever Yosir Friend, Ag. nee," Try the friendship of these natures which ;von touch so lightly, "on pale Mat." „Will they make a !sacrifice fon- you, or' you for them? Do they know when you need eympathy and give It from their hearte—unasketi'? recognite the hoot a,nd finest in :Von and respond to It le kind? If not, beware leet ;your prolate the etfttne of friendehip, for It is se.. ered to thoee wba knottr ite meaning, —rind in ,profaning It you loeo ' power of Ito interpretation to year- eelf.—Teoe Angelee Herald. •t 4;