HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-01-02, Page 2I
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____ -.-.- ___ - .- . -, , . , ��______ . I . � I .— I � — _—_ + - 7 W wevi, we itatt tan bt,xlu A' ower der tile tree and wall;ell pa"U'll"I'y ,i
-T pooi news that could be called a, woll- VW4VyWVVVW_-A0"WV~VWV*,-, V--_§��� ft-*VVVW tile miserable 10011
I Sdpday Se, , (lortno(I thelight. Ido, physiold fact .I- again, All, a wftefte ilmo Ave had until Ono by Ono "r dis,cour,,iged by.'
�� &r 1 tlo3 are In full command. The things r I itforo Iva got throug4. I)oUgftl Cot 1110 were exIlauotol c �, go their
t I � that tire felt, tasted and ; A LITTLE BEAUTY TALK . thcom sihnne'd Ill'i knuckles, an' wealctle" Awl bunger, 101 ) Of
+ evenge on a INT1114KNATIONA1, 1414,18SON NO. L 4 �,%lst 1kjI()ek(mj Ills elbow cot o" JIM. hold al)(1 foil to the groun4 tlllr
ru _ . '
R I Jilt StAttito, Ills existence. I ( , I It at last tile thing NOV Eltine, tile to, be torn tO JA0000 And oaten. �
JANUARY 5, 19Q2. God Created mail thlia: 1way. Because � e " I
) otovo wig set tip, All, tile p1poe wero Due mail (>illy wap ablo to 11014011V
Or [low 'n — Of thlio fact, &,Ila limanvo God'$. ) BY A PROFEWONAL6 wired tip firm au, guld, all, Dougal until the Ilonor grow tired Or Wait- I
The 11rowlso of Power. -Acts. I. 1-11. ivxA,kfj are always In perfect liar wav taldn' a tura In the baoU lot, tao Ing%.
t - I maivy withi e(wh Diller as well as WIG __ _.__..____ , J__'� , t, of amiL 1.
. I I .
I . .
Commentary. I. Uate former treat- Himself the rovelatlan of God As made - -40elvv.--".*IkApjv4v~A$I;�--,;-�ARwkf �. ���.;A,��N � sea It tho fenepa wore a' r1cht—a Elr,phatxto aro a -great source �
Z � )on at he said that wt$'% lilt took him trouble to tile engineers or tile M I
. Mail Carrier Got Even. I 1130-ThO V,0131)tl Of Lllk0i' 1411kO WAa 'to 119 i�' tho Bible must mt first be Thera Is for emaolatlwl (to suce,esw- regularly maintained You IV I fIIII, tbero. , )lite, More than OR06 tilor Ilavela- W
� all3o tile ",,.filter of ilia 4ot,'s. 0 strongly alon matertallatle 1113P.S. rul and rjjjjtplo� a treatment VIE for an jacroaso in your 1."Cigh't before a, I - . vade4 tile tiouet office and atrippe(I j
..... +.t+++++I+++++++*++++, *I.—A-1-s-'Nothing Is known of this Tliareforc In file Old Teutnitient act] (lb hity. out) noed notj ba tlila (lily mouth. . It bare of both. furn4uro and tick- I
Is continually silo,wing Hm le, I
' ore, Qlan Ono need be rat. If unelb N'xerelso Is peoullar. lYlille It dl- at", or lia,va overthrown ombank-
Witshington, Nov. 25.-I'The Ittoln- royealed no slgn Of a fray among ijorooli, but lie jyas no doubt aper. Hia works., em is run do,wit. from har(I work miniolk-es tile weight It Cue Ili too ouble and
tile rodents, and all the time the poll, of IlIgh, rallic alla porhapa IV In, tile reivel4it-lon of Xoaus 0brist worry or egurse thi�re aro two stout It licreases It it too thin. No, expense. Tale line wJII probably
auce or a Qenoral Delivery Window small grew worse. lit (IcepaIr tile lot* yl �Ilat . I FOB I 01 90ST-IRENCEI
le o le jutea mail postmaeLor sent for a plumber, Who ]ROMall officer who had been 0011- iv'� the Suit oT Gott there is a . g I ran . ol tjIlngtj +,hat lijukt, AT, (yace ba (Ion, one Can. hove to a(la flesh unless tile — . , Do 111110hail some time lit IM -at
Carrier," Is tile title under which a pronounced the military condition of vertea to Wiristlanity. IlegUll-1110 forward MO-YOU1011t tO SPIrltualI410 butiort, VIC troatilivul; to began. First , circulation be good and to make It I present about 800 uillos are ()Pan I
tile material, or rat -her to bring In t,lko a tollia And build your SYstvin all that It u1jv)uId be It Is Absolute- for busilt000 out of about 000, tile
case recently under investigation by tho pipes and drains toi be excellent. gospel Is not a history of (%It that prominence the spiritual which so up as well As you'ean. $coo,nd, join . ly necessary to exert tile M111,0108 A Return to Old -Fashioned passengers beliq principally mer- I I
Post Office Inspectors has becomo Tile oijidl continued to grow, III Jesus did, but only ail account of long Imid becit; h1dolon. This could not tale, ,'Don't Worry Club," at unoo. and got A, good free breath, a( air. chants, coolies, caravan porters,
foroi�, volatile And effect, 11,01veyOrt tile fountiationa which 110 'r oitlyou may li,�gliu the troatininit . And British soldiers and officials.
known throughout the Department, � Ile laidand be do all at Cope, nor could It r h Few people are aware t1lat It IS �
A letter Carrier to All 01110 post- nud the raIr clerk applioLl rar .4 rter- be done too forcibly, for that 3vould - _ to breathe well to IlaYo Teaching of Temperance,
week,s leave, which, was granted. A oil which the churcle should 'a, for onlaclattoxv. neoes6ary Tile cost or the line b 0 been Doti- I
ha,va, prevented It's b6lnic received, or co-upao you must <].J�t and avoid goo(l health and few have Any Idea I mated at 901000100O.-tondon Malt. I
� office was ongaged to a young lady maix. ,was soloothd -to tempLwaillY fill wards be bujIt.-0am. Bible. 11io do Therefore the coulDeption, birth, life, All acklit As inualt; as poisolble-that how badly, 'they are breathing. A ., I I
whose aslit ations ran lit the dlreo- her place, and lie appoaretl for duty *Aila ,tenoll-ji Very ImpOrtant'Stil,tO 0 like a tonic
r ., - works Anti 1111,1110ta'Y Otf Josue ar a bile likiS lonion, -xinegar, OtO. full, (loci) respiration Is f
tion of a Government office. TIta equipped with a poseguard anti sov" melitt dividing the work of 011r4st atranr.p yet natural And, logical '1')','-jufk pletity of milk, cat cereals, good to allY.011D. I I I THE FORCE OF EXAMPLE, I
letter carrier had An aged mother Dr,tl 1,ottles of perfumery After it combination of th,6 %Aterlal�and the steak, roahtu And All gourlebing. food, I ow " NICKEO HBO;
to support, iwd it was Ilia Intention day lit the stuffy office, IIO;V8VOr, lie, Into two great bralialwa; tho Ono spiritual. Ile wAs coilloplyed by tile fruits. are,excellon't; (10 not <trick 41L C-balrod Face. (Chrl,311(ta Guardian.) L . .
%O save, A 81111101011t surni Of money to.), protested against tile Inhuman - embracing Ills work, all earT,11, tile Holy Spirit, but bprn- of a woman, toll, o0a a lit in I . . .
, or coffee, but Do I not I r - ,&a ilia cold weather anti swift Is an old-time temporaince revival
to enable him to marry And keep orueAlty of a chief wW) would ask A otlier His subsequoilt work front Ila passessed tile perfectiom of .tile till I . winds come Juok Frost nips Our needed in oi-ir Matilodist circles, that I
those dependent upon bim, In coal- mail to work in all Atmosphere neaven; the one lit Ilia own peruoul spiritual nature, yet wua tempted In iii a well-valittlated room, And flngerk; and nose. There Is going -to
-4ort as wall. Yielding to the tile other by His spirit. I bo a lo t, of comIdainInW unit finding Is, In MOU10dist churches, Sunday Will the Fashion Pass Away *I
ngth I all poilits as 'we are. I sl(rparjejug Ill ths) morning taki . I
. per- whioll lie tiesoribed at great In when rault IvIth, tile old gentleman, but - Schools, societies, and homes? -W0
ollowigns of his lady love lie went Ili. exceedingly picturesque lang- 2. Ulitil the day_11�lo fortieth (lay The advent of the Holy Spirit exeirclso With dumb.bells And Indian , a gi urgilig
to tlie'Postinaster and recommended uage; and a further soarole to (later- after 1118 resurreoti(ru. %hrough, marked nort only thD .beginning of a clubs before taldng a bath, then use " we treat lilzA . properly lie will not Ilayo Tcoolved sever I letter With Queen Vic'-oria T �
the Young lady for a olorkohl.p. In mine 'tile cattse of the trouble wile the Holy Ghost-Uod gave act tho.-now oll"MRAtIOU, but tIkO flu"! All(] frilotton with rough towe'lu until you , bo so ,� very oevere, tu us. thle subJect on our Attention,. and
dile course of tilao tile girl passed the determined upon. Willie the labor. SpIrlL by measure unto Him. Jollu coul,.Adito -tran,ofmivatlon of all Our aroilin a parfect g1tow. Then you are, Tile north wind muot bo:provitiod private colIversations have pressed The -land of loi,v peaked dresses
Civil service oxamination and was ap- are were moving tIIO OaSO Or Pigeon- Ili, at, Jesus, iylio was atio-litock relationv to God by tile OItmInAtIOn reattlY to sit'down and partake or a for. We must build barriers strong �
whioll Contained ilia mail it was with ilia ljoly Gliost (Luke IV., X-att. I . getbo,ilism ill ,also the land of ,'Oadl! tIlroats and ,
pointed to A pla,00 at the general 11010-9 Ott all that wais purely hiaterlallstle, g0,Dj1 brealcraet. cliougli to keep (jut his Chilling litugh- its impoetance. 10 tuberculosis, is to ba.vo a good ex- 11
delivery window. She wasn't In tile knocked over and tile contents so�at- x1ij, in tile puwar or the Holy Ghost Th.o promise, o� the rather was tile A ter tadq, If you work, walk to tei- and )its freezing growling, FurN )roaoh1ng'h,u(1 pi-aotico as advanced, ample of ways sensible and coinfort- & 0
place very long before she conceived tDriedf all over the floor. gave commandwonto to tile apostles revelation of God, thq Holy. Spirit pour the (Its. and wooleng keep us warm, but they * arnest * as forceful, as united now I
" do not protect tile clip 3, W wo OR q ) able set by its new and beautiful
what are all these funny-looklug .ek- �3 don
an exaggerated Idea at liar own tin- 4" Lo be Ilia wl,Cnesses.-Lange. Apia- ao a SVIrlt. tance p'aiee Of buel`a`oaa� rt of the is aa in former $mra In liar temperance
litt re- wav the
portanbe, and when the carrier , , Is too morning. veil, and, to prove that It
to boxes?" Asked tile postmaster, ULS-10io twelve golierally called diti- TILo promlf;6 df Power was the and do (;,r,e0,_t,,*htAI anpdIt' queen, Alexandra. Mitts lovely lady I
through whose instrumentality she xv-1to, was d1recttilig the Work of the 01plefs Ili tile goapo;lp are In the A.etfs fare purely spiritual, yet regardless When lanchoon time Comes don't sit I'llglitter tIjun tile gauzy Lituff', ilia 'work? in propoaln,g M. serious Con- has anuouncea that ',dispensational �
labor -era In person. RD stooped and kipoken of as up"ties, oi: "thoue of all warnings, Hisdiselploy expect- 1, t I 0 1 n t ' - wind blows It agallist Our faces, alld this question to our
had been appointed calue to the win- .1 I 0 ffloo a] noo, , ba A red nose, chapped cheeks. and rough sideration otf will be granited. to those ladies W110
dow, for, a chat, he was coldly'. re- plolted up One, thou dropped It with sent forth." od tempoTal polwar. "toy ,60uld not � Tnko a Wa.11C. readere, Iva ha,ye no reference to d court functions and for any � ;
ill) oxclamatloa, of disgust &lid rush- 3. pam"joll_Stufrerjuge Olt the* divest thcIr raluds Of tile thought I re he . lie Is a relent- atten
Calved. Things went from bad to ed to tile even ir it to only around I 04liferenoo resolutlons* Or .
I window. ,'Bundle, these cross. lafalliblol proojii�_.Ealo single tleat tblFj promise of powel* . in"At the b -00k loss old gentleman, but if wo tire ! A.11111111 reiag6ll do not w1sh tofwear the !
11, ad .1 upon- It.
OYD found tile Ureek worili translated "infallible mean, the restooattorn of the Icing-' erect, shouldeps thrown back and solid Clear almost bod�celess dress Inbiste, �
worse, and after A mon-th. or so she thiligs up," lie said; 11w( and ba-ek. Wallo'briskly wit lie bold andlay aside the v011 lie will Generat Mpference report", .and re- good
gave the mitten to the Carrier. Ile smoll; and put them In. tile cellar. proofs," denotesthestrougest;proatis dont to lurael. Ile saJd He ,would send . uoL bother us half so much. commendations: these lire . I I by Queen VietoTia. . � .
took his dismissal with very bad If anybody calls for thom have I'lln or which a subject Is capablb, an another Ckimfdrter. He si,vid the world chest out. The -yell In, cold weather bocomes And unTwaverinK. -The IaTe Q4eell was not above liar �
get even. . alloo." I . Vor t�y could not: receive and could not even Whe'll you return hom� At night dump, anti wlicil It blows agatinst the We Ilti.ve In mind tlle depth and little vanities, It seems. When. a 7
A month elapsed. One day the girl arrested for abetting 06 little irresistible proof.--SDh.aU, bavo a good dinnor and retire early. eltecka and nose it creates a TrIotlon, warmth OT peroon,al conviction ; the'l I
Whon the boxes wore examined jays -At different times during it kiaoir or see this spirit of trutll,,Yet one wh1a in weak from o,yerw,)xk i's This. 'is seemingly trivial to Ulu at cloarnesa and strength 04L personal young woman liar shoulders and arms "I
appeared In the .office of the post- they were found to be twenty-sIx perloa or forty days, The kingdom after all tills, they must now cm- were or dingular beauty, And even
, . tatloally be taught tha par y re- In ii-eed of rest and should sleep at, the time,, but wbon we havp entered example; the purity and Cf'01`1010tency when she grew o,la And dumpy Ill :
uxaster. Ili number, aill addressed to fleti- of UW-111ils expression has several l(ing, as posslibla tho.warm house the face is unsightlY. Of social customs; And tile humble figure, her little hatind9i remained so �i
"I can't, work In that Office," she' tious, names, beginning with every sigillfioat.ona, but here, As W -Mark 0 es wer, An t t this er of . If You have A. wheal Spend What To relieve tlio ollocks, It Nvoulol be . wIlliagne" to be singular, If needs be, Loft And shapely that they made one 1 4
said, tearfully, "It's dreadful. There letter of the alpliabot, from I A to i. itt It includies the whole uhr,st- e, oly . pIrIt a ling up tile time you can on it, but remember ivell to rub a little, okoam Into them In Order to beeafe and useful, "'a forget that the Queen was not a I �
is such a torrifle-er-smell some. Z, all "Vare general deliver�,, anti jan �Iispeneatlon, its ineimage, pro- And a 151 ith the helms .
wbcrc." each containing a little, voluarO Of Wress And, economy. and an, OhItterates the n as Ity Olf Lit' riding to sit erect and br0a'thc before going oat, but be sure you old-time tomPerance revival was r tty or a rcgal-lookiing woman. . ;
. hem -Probably temporal porwer. I through, the norAxile. Ono hour of nseoi4very little, for tOo much, will built On those, And was aimed at Vol- P" a - Queonle ' ,natural f
ThA postmaster, 'impressed by the Ilinburger cheese. & Assomblied wtiat. t r", the untary total abstinence, and at Out Of the young ')
manner of the fair Clerk, accompan- Insp,cotors were detailed on the o -a wicension day. Commanded them- I . ng and breathing through prove as bad as none. Whon the dust rIc was voatty for. liar beat points grew tile 1.
le niouth Is warse, than none, -at all Th, -for there Is dust even Ili eo)d pledgea to, abfftatn. 1 grand we regulation .sleaveless and very decol- :
led liar to the little box -like general caso who, after maell trouble and Phe last Commandment g1von by ti + r4so, with Ito lining, acts as a illter vreather-blows against the face the clone. In E tile evamgelloal, free leto court dress. Many were the . :
delivery office, . with tile aid of a handwriting export ljord to the apostles directed them , I ugla1d'thol mitlor, of such 11'+1
. + or tale aiT. cream catches It, and ive have Church&$ are 11 protests agabast It, o6podally among -)
9 n h e sender or the ,o awatt the gift of the Holy Ghodt 't. S IP If possible take exercise In a tToublo, in restoring the complexion a revival now, 80019i,119 1), Million tile thin, and rheumatic Old dowagers ;
"W -h -c -w," lie said, with a Ion I I
drawn breath. I'HoNr' long has tills boxes the letter carrier wbO had lia Jerusalem. ilqol; depart -from .Jbru- + * gymnasium, but It a gymnasium is I pledgew. In the la,ldfft of such a work And. the newly fledged deblitantes.
. -general delivery calem-The coulling of the Spirit wao 't ,o perfe6t whitelices. and conscience .
been around here?" been. jllte3 by the + Of A BUROLAR -1 not a,vallable there are good ax- 01-ange Iflower (11.6a0l. both. reason have But no exception wAs ever made. I"
"It's been gptting worse for tlid' girl. He frankly confessed to the i,o be af the next great feast after so deeply tha Health, age aald boues all had to
,,I . * (Rooky Aloujitain Newsj ;, ; ergises to practice at llome.j.Stand ' . bean stirred t neith- ;
, intention. at making tills one-tlmc� Lite Crucifixion. ,jerusaaem was the , - resting one hand on Take of wlfj,t,e 'wax And spermaoil, utilic - 0
last week," responded tile. clerk . ++, +.Ir+ -r by a allah or the p . bar nor social ,wille cup give way before tbe decree. Tile re- I i
didn't want to sa.y anything about - fiancee desevt liar -post 0,nd lose ,3eu.tre of Jewlsli Influence, and at - -+++*1 ....... i I � - ouineo eachl; lanolin, two,ounooti; n
lit) -At first, bat I'll have ta go home I favor with hor chief, besides sub- ,,Ilat time etmug&rs would be reached Frederick H. Weber, tile atyllsh bur- tho ba6k of It, thell, with the heels One, could eliako thQ firm resolve to ab- ,,ult was that the irreproachable i
I together apol, the toes turned out, sweet almand oil, four ounces ', beat -6tAlit. Young women and, Young men 'Queen Victoria had the "Most olecol- . !
if, it Isn't awaT.", .. . jecting her to worry and annoy- from all parts of the world. Promlise glar, m-licrje trunks Nvere Wand 'to bond the. knees -and sink toward O"Ver'tho fire. ventil. melted, then re- 11AVo been sa,foguarded and greatly lbite court in Europe," And the dress !
"Something must be dead under the Alice. And -aftrer he told his tale al thin Father -Through the prophets o9gutialn many hundred dollars' worth move beat and willie cooking, a(ld, -a revelation !
. tile floor, bringing the arm that Is '
I 1. ' etrangtilened. . of liar daughters was
floor," said the , 110 said to the Inspectors: I'WbaL Lite gift of the Spirit had' bee prom� of stolen J)ruperty, will In all pr�oba�, little by little, thirty drops or tine- �
Postmaster After due n, . blilty be sent 'to. Kansas -City for free. forwArd with every staking anti . we fear that there are usages to to- visiting princes, 'who have re- !
dellberatioll, and he Ordered tile are ),on going to do about it?" Ised. by the I'Ather. , ridlig. Tea bf these movoinients 'will turn, of benzoln, and lastly two ounces society to-d&y, in Methodist -e,rcI08; corded their amil4ement (and amaze-
� boards removed And the space be- Tile Inspectors found t�at they 5. 4ohn-The Baritbit, tfie forerun. trial.. Tho authorities of -that city tlr.o�you a good deal at first. . of orange flower water. Keep WOII that are unfavorable to total ab� ment) In their notes of travel. L
neath searched. It was done and could not do'anything, for there Is liar Of Glirlat, With water-JoI11108 AlaTo telegraphed ,tile .Chief of Police Place the hands on. tile )lips and corked In a follot bottlo. - stineuce. Woman are yielding to Sweet AleNaudra has other Ideas. i
I ilothUxg found. . _ no provision of the postal regula- 6aptism waa: 1, a baptism anto re- . here to ljold NVOcal for them. % band as far back' as you can withp- After the creaul. has been Applied sc,oial standards in afterilooll iatll- I Even at the coronkl.tion no one Is to be
that An -is several aliases, accord- ..
Then the Chief decided tions which prohibits the sending pentance; 2, a type of the baptlim Weber It. out hurting yourself. Bead forward, and wiped off with a soft 11noin it Ig Cringe that are of very Question- unconifortable or uniha,ppy If Rile can ..
Army Of rate mast have. fought a de- of cheose, Ilinburger or otherwise, of the Holy .Ghost. Johm,po!aited to. 1119 to the press'. leapatches, but the keeping tile knees stral�lft, touch well to da'st a very little of this ii,ble tendency, for fear I prevent it. The coronation bids fair ,
cisivo, action. behind the partition through tho, nialls. The letter car- othrist, who should baptize with tile prisoner Claims that Weber Is the the fingers to the floor in front.- ' po-ViViler, whipli 1v perfectly pure and, ity to old. principles" W.11 yo -1-1- to be a fcarful affair,, as far ail COm- 1�
. only nama he ever. went under ex- .
walls and lie ordered the carpen- rior -was, of course, fired ,,ror Holy Ghost And with fire. Shall be Dept wIfen he gave the name of �iahr 11alse the arms ,above tile head, thOrefOrc,' Bate to use with creant, . ' ered --.narrowness or fussiness." fort goes. It will be In June, and - .1
ters to remove the waluscoating and cause." But lie seemed to expect baptl,zed-rrlile w4[ki 'the 1.�"o,uIise of � ston of his arrest here palms back to back; lower theni to Over t,6ke face. . . Let tile ,old fervor for lotiol ab- . ernillie and velvet cloaks, are to be .!±
hunitf for the victims. Bull the search that and moved to another town. thin F-ather. It could niot fall, With I the side' an I try to *toucli' them In rNike of the finest corn,st-Arelt one I
the Holy Gliost-The Holy SpItrit.was Wednesday night. - stluence i�i,lso; let tile oirl appeals '&Fj common &i's peers. There Is, still
_,._______.________________- , ------------- .. them in . greater "What's the ditforence ? A� thief by the back; hold tht�m straight to iouiuc6, limat quality, of puxo oxider ring from pl.,j1t,fOrin_VIa pulpitt back- much uncertaInty, kowever, as -to
about to be given a 0 steal , as the sides And describe small, circles of zinc, ,thlree otinces. Take a very 566 and light; let how far tradition will be followed, 4
tuy,,, ther name �-vvould ad by'neiv ���
At , tills - d- mothers who would and If the King -and Queen, who are
+ fullness than ever before. tgic 11. remarked Weber, with a twirl- with them. Bend the olbows, touch fitro piece of silk bolting cloth anti tile fatheri an, �
� time their hearts would be cleau.�Led � , thie, finger tips to the shoulders sift -Lite powder through,,it, ml= well, lead society, pledge themselves to ' practical, kind-hearted, and very * , : I -
and they would be ftired with love. kle, in hits eye, . and then- straighten the arms. and after rejectAIM-5jiY pieces. that put aw-&y strong drink rrolir side- much Ili touch with the world and Its �
I COURTSHIP OF THE. HABITANT:� . 6. AVere . tope togutkler-4t .tile Weber Is a remarkable man in �ome Breathe in when you bring the ar me m -ay ltavo-lr"�'9' left Lit Vie silk, Oft ways, can h4ye their way (*bIch, be- I
t respeocs. Ile is. a type of tile chill) board and table And. social f0eUv-
ith, which silly women become lia- 4p to title shouldera and exhale. -Again and again. Wban this'is done Ity.- let the sons and daughters Ing a Icing and a queen, they rarely. :_
# I 31ount of 011iveer. See Luke xxiv. 1;0. , ex- perfamle w I - 0
_ Dost th-ou at thlis time, etc. (R. V,)-' 1v Complex- whe,n straightening. It these ith three drpps of oil of , ,d in daY 6
How Jean Baptiste Woos and Wins fatuated on account of ills lustruetp ellool and Sianday can), the poor peers won't die of sun
� I . to this the hour when the Roman Ion and rosy cheeks. Ile Is :1 bit er- erclses are pt�p,tjced and the diet roseS - . sch,601 put their. intelligent conyle- stroke or be smot-liered by their ,_
His Pretty Madame. y6ko is to be, ):)roken from our neeks 11 And wears his . . :_ __ . I . . I tiona into bind,ing form; let song splendid robes, and the pretty peer-
: I and the kingdom of the Messlaii as- femblate, drear,co ire emotions to a eases woll7t have headaches from 2
"+++++*+++*+++++*+++4-+.4+++4; .......... + tablished? hair out pompadour. � " . I . and story lift the won.rIng their coronets for seventeen -
. 7. Not for you to know-Chri,gCoon- ,11 have burglarized manY housOF-^ ff% . fervor Commensurate with the gri�t 0
On a beautiful Sunday Afternoon, a" any one, else 3 Out 8, Stop 60 it. and there is aothluq' Ill It," Ile BLI,ld, HOW DOUGAL HELPED - + I issues -personal, social, and , lit,- I hours at a stretch. i
� . caj . � stalitly-avolded giving Ills disciples a as lie curled the Carlo Of his 10419, . I I I . tional. 11beii we will have.4 genu- . 31any women of the smurt world I
young man, the son oCa well-to�do He can go up to the talkers and, direct answer to, questions wbIch - ine old-time temperance rev!VILI'- If do not care for low-eut dresses. When i
begging pardoi.i( fnr interrupting, ask . r curiosity and light-c6lored mustache. "I am not a. -1 -THE PIPES. tile Empress Eugenie cot the fashions ��
farmer, is, going for a ,rI6. He has Could only "satisfy the! lit , kleptomaniac, And I 9 I ould keep from , AT P UTIN 'Ur' . the Canadian public cordially g,ves
.. Muria for Ills. hat. WIdle taking Ilia be ,of no partiouLar ban-6fit. In 8 . of Europe she frowned upon decollate . I
Ana a fine look- hat lie can op -en a. con.versation and - � . . ,oll lieroijim ;
a allining tor; buggy' . own pow. er—Anthorlity." R. V. The stealing it I wanted 6," Was tile - . . I . � approval and.bonor to sL old ladles,. -and her mother, Mine. do '.
- ,�,!1 A.".;Af-or ot 'Lite prisonar's next remark. "But, then If . . . and sacrifice . as was shown by .
_ .4,r_-_h*r"fe4jft mg,stl$1 for his own talk for-balf ail hour or more Molituo, never wore a low -alit bodice. .1
- � , oj.a�x -ared powet here is ni � 1.na_Xtnn,n�w.rqjto*o take the Chances I "Alr, hat" says Douga . young Harper, of Ottawa, and Dr.
-11,6'� -6d".'Or ei . I � 1, as he feen . The beautiful Countess de Ressler, df
use,. - - 6i A Id iMit ,is You kanw. how ma!lly thlablis 0, 0 . th� *Na . L-� 961teg I � ,
E I WxlVdie an o Do,i*al McCallum, a faur-oot con-
,. . , per a" same - its .47,e" �.,,,',jj�' � �-e�s steaM117j- `I�� JfW�. .fastest ' wa.Vt � � cause the -'Sv Is- I
oulthurat as we mighst tblnk. ')He Is sAld during that loci ,, Ij a I - , . isliled, Ills breAkfast An! started Oct Sweetnam, of Toronto, be Porls,,�YlioBo jFL,puld 1 ;�$7 '� -11� __
. .'
. . * next ve;,se. It shout -no at ItImt 1. nectiou ol ma .Sandy's, Is here the o saveau - '
to � ,,ero-- !ie
- Tlx � _w!_ queg- . Id n w,
. ., , ...W%,�. .�'Itself a edr-' Jesus dild not. disap'prove- of tile that lie can get the, 00fu.- - - -f. � � �a, -frAQ. Glafta tac, tile wudelled, whaur I followed effort Iii.iftich.case Was t itely lo*ely,, V eit �x�� � �I,P�- : -, - , " � - *
� very careful of Ids personal appear lininiber of tIme4, but tha'da.y tion. asked in verse 6, but as . I "It takes lots of nerv'e to 'an or IV -110 __. (fl; - a V041t tao him. "Noo, Jean, get me the stove- Imperilled, life, surely the g1ving for many ,years, becaube STPREWa de- 4
19 Lduge re- . -jig. He's. upco. . lid dangerous laK-: . -
ance and Itio.bae been wearVW a-OtAg= -when Jean Pierre will : , of. a small a, I
"� is coullng house, especially the first One," %V@01: - �:qff-�a lot 04 blackin' an' br� . del cate
F � . _jsh an' I It .hae tills 111) ,,hest arid preferred caution
- 01M says, "'He rather couftrineo It by .tie- . . �'�^
. � marked Weber, "I had been watching - ACked iin' set up In thekitell- ury In our 'L to fashion. Alme. Broisat, of the Com -
&tram lia.t w1t1V a wide . �=_ ' Fa;tber bad fixed -�nd plexty 9'IIIer_'Ve-r---fQve bI social customs to safe- I
ola pr4erty. . .
times he kept his leathe ___ 51:110 _ -C tep, ding that tile % .. Q, - gun. ' 8 edle Francalse, never wore low-cut �
a- Witice a 0 clisive S . the time." the house, for 'several days, And then old6e-blt lie shows. his, gran' guld en In ti-Jrffy," sdys Dougal, deftly rd a hundred imperilled lives' -1
on to proteot his haads galust the that is, got marrleil. But you can- when I gnot a chance to enter It I win' tip, his Wrt sleeves. a simple and reasonable service. gowns, no matter what the play was
sun. His name is Jean Baptifite, or , S. Shall recelve,power-The energy was raiJ to do- It. When I got In- Scotch sense, an' ollenae leuk or Act rov, , I Aff'.0.01 -)I T -1-1 In We mu'st do it or stand condemned, , I +,,, 4- she a --,-ad In Mine Panneiter :
I Francoise-Xavier, or Pierre� or Jos-
n get, married unless. -you Asr. a
girl to marry you, Und can't
of tile Holy Spirit was to be given
to' thepi� It was not the power of
side I trembled like a, 1pal and was
As if he were the great Mogul sent
Ouga 11 ,
alairm, "I dinam want ye tae (Jac
an d tills is 111c condeinination"thAt
.1 V11 . .
(to Milville, Alme. Porges, the Duch- I
I , epli, or Napoleon, or perchanLe all
� these names together. As -he looks
. ,you
gelt a, girl to ittarry you, unless you
,logic Or 010quehoe but "th
. k -a power pf
'Ijvljig 'God."
almost afraid to take the watch af.
tor Vibad picked it up. I have done
lilt -ad the warl, ta6 set Win order.
ovy slia� wark. Whit wad OnY O' tile
I . a
*me, but we have loved
light ,has c - . .
the darkness rather.
ease do Doudeauville, lime. Paul
Poirson, all women of the "elegaut! I I
at the blue sky, the green fieldsaaLl
have liar parent's c6lisent, especially
if-al�ej Is yet In her, to;ns. Sci Jean
a union with a ll�ing
"Tills its soukoe outside(
t1TQ bits. - . :
Na, that'Ej nol his wl�r. I-rol an
neebors think tae see ye At sic
job?" .
-world" in Paris, seldom appear decol-
his prancing horse, and especiallyas
hie thinks of his Jou rney's end, Ilia
heart botdo high.
Francois Pierre has to make wlmt
is called les deuXandes,
the church and human Ure Altogether.
It is to be received us a, glft� not gon-
-Yes, I )lave had pome funny things
. jobs. I
happen to me while doing my
remember one time that the humor
auld bachelor, Inclined tae be wee
eceentric4 bit Unco, liaundy Can' a
. r
"Neler rash yer aield wt.' what,they'd
think, Jean; I'll dae As I dang please,
.. + .........
. I +
P . .
leteca for reasons of health or ;
beauty. It is to be hoped that thq
low-nocked will
He is going to drive a good long
This; of course ip D4 sweet secret,
erated from within ; not attained by
of a situation Appealed to me to
Iloqso,.as, I - raund Cot by' experience.
sae,hiah' me the blackin' an' gae
+ +
fa,shion of gowns
become extinct, for many wom- .0 :
distance that afternoon. Of course,
I everything to stale in his neighbor-
But Jean shaires It with a boteum
friCad, and that bosom friend tells it
straining present t)j5*ers or,eillarg-
Ing present oapacity.11-Biblical "his-'
8tich,an.,extent that I cume � very
11 r being oaliglit. I had robbed
&.1ndy -,�Ia awa, tae .Buffalo on
business whan Dougal arrived; sae
wa' aboot yer business Ad! I'll at-
ton.1 tae, this thing." .
+ � I +
+ and . � I +
never � i
an, otherwise,pliln,lhave lovf,IY necks �
a woman
hood. Thero Is uo fun. in one's own
anyway. GlrW are always
to another bosom friend in such il
way that after it lew daya the whol,
trator. Is come upon. you -The Holy
Spirit gives, 1. Knowledge and under-
room anti Was jusf iag out of ilia
door, when a. -woman's rdicie - fronl'
T liad tao'be 1�altl� hoe'%, and ho.stess
Weel, lite had his aln y I. ken'd
by.experlence there wis nae ulse ar�
oulders, and pretty
n"Id all a I
with pretty shoulder Is more of a
than beauty
Prettlor and Sweettir
thing is known all over the Country.
Owivereations run something 111co,
standing. 2.'Falth. 3. Holiness. 4. A
spirit of prayer. 5. Courage. 6. Stead-
the, bed said : 'Tri -flimt 3rou, RefirY V
'16' SAfidy's+ absence. We -got along
flile. � and' hO, .wle unca guld tae the
I gain' 'wl' ham ;j eaet I startit upstairs
tao, mak' the, beds an' redd up a wee.
.$ 11 11 -1 . . +
-,�+++++++++1P ......... 1.++++++
delight to the eye a 14
with a thick neck or plainly visible
In. tile next Darlab. than I a one's own.
In fact tile farther you go the bet-
tille: "Do you see the light Ili old Mr.,
Ooand,w6o's window? Ye& -Well, Jean
fastness. 7. Zeal. $Iiall be witnesses-
They dhall not merely -bear
I said .*Yes," and she asked where
I was goi�ng., I told her that I was
bairlie, an' awfu' ta'on up wV,theul.
I had hardly been lip there ha'af an
loor whan, Dougal cried 1'X6t1,a,,Jean,
,Probably there to no, other stretch
country on earth tflat I Could pro-
collar -bones. Nevertheless the court
of St. James ,Vill seem a strange .
ter. Ten or fifteen miles away
Francois Pierre, etc., is there' to-
but be witnesses In thdir own par-
gellig to leave liar and never Como
back, - ,011 Henry, don't- leave me "
, Woel,,as the caald dayti wore set--
tia, Ill, I'thoolit it abo6it time tile
- I
, meenit an.'see
duce so many odditieti In the way 0 f
placo when the poor, thin dowagers
or the, shy debutitntes come veiled In
. from hie home there is a girl. There
I are hundred@ alotig, the way, but they
night pour falre, lea demandes."
I 'A..'T 1, C. A.I.— 'n +1,1. +1
s45hg---Lange- They were to be -%Vit-
-- --- to a crucified 6 risen and a
.please don. I .L, and.1 will be the best
I I � .
-,illove, the stove opt oi tile ivUdshed
gin th"s sto"*O's bla4okpd a' richt.
I hillTried doon a,W ohl m!chtv Whit
quo -v men and strange beasts as the
chiffon Instead of bare -necked and i
aroof no account. For him thapar- � . I I .. .r — � ) 1. . Wife i,.A tile worlu sun SAIUS a � intaO the kitchen; t I didiiae see I Jungle, wilderness, bare-armed. P
ish of Sto. Anne or St. Jean, or some Second Rank ,%Wtors coming Christ.. % was going down lbe. stairs by that IX.00 I cud g6j- it duli% for AngA0, a Richit I Tharle stood Dougal in the 5,Y) mile& ' of
9, While they beheld -The disciples , . shed, blookin' bruslil in handi th . , and inountaill wWCh tile new Uganda I
other salilt, to the conl6re of the uni- havo dwindled away, And Jean is timo.� She* piled ou'u of bad and Came oor hired man, wifj it wee thing aff �v ad I . now nearing comMetion, I
did not see Him rise Ott of tbegrave down after me, pleading with -me not the ,hodkg, all' had gaeft hame. fox stove .sblnlnl In this middle o' t a Railway, �
� . . wi' aboot ha-Lif an inich..-o' black- will cross on Its way from Mombasa . , �
verse. Shia lives there. Her name alone .N01th Marie and the old folks. because His resurrection could. b�' to leave liar, Anti. as I was. 901116" (jut flair, 4&,AL�A��,JLO�AL.At-ev,-"_.%_
Is Marie, or Melia, oi- Phdlomene, or Jean Is a strang young man, but that )rpved by thel a week, , ail' every Ane. -else wls 4_ *thei boards Wroun aboot It. - - to the shore of Lake Victoria Nyanza. I �
I" on I
JoEephine, or Ovc ling ho feels very nervous. The easily I r seeing Him af- of tile door s)la caught me by tllQ . . busy. '10, w -ow 1 bit it's cauld. in tile. :, Thiff line would bav'e been finished I ' 4. I
. Adellae, perhaps all " terward ; but they saw Him return I I*
these names together, She is very caudlo Is burnhig low ofi the tablo, e' Coat tail and triad to hold me. 'Thou kitchen," says Xelile, mh bit servant %h Douga.1, tli&t 'It dae nicely," �
ilia clock hue Just struck nine, tile to Heaven, as th re would be no she broke out crying As I slammed says I- pretendlin' no' tan Flee whaut ION; 0,190t It it had itot been neces- 11 A
young, scarcely eighteen, Yet old other way to prove It. A cloud -"Per- the frGnC. gate. I laughed so hard at. lassle, as slie dumped the Coffee- he'd tipset the saucer o'blackir;' an' eary, every once In a while, for the " �
enough. Ili her parents' opinion to, time )Lw come. Jean Vierre begins bans it was It pat douin op tile Cricket at the side . ire engineering f6rce to drop work THE MARKETS _R ,I
have db;h� eb;ioliers. t hi it tone load enough to be' heard, ke, the fiery, cloudy pit- her til!lt tile poliqeinail on the corner had dielitIt"It up wt' the bruqli. alit . 1
- symbol of. God, that led the . .W. .. ol ma, plht6. [Nally ne'er laid doun ,, off on a lion inint, repel an . Id
"Ify dear Marlt, we�-Iiave, been keelk- * ' or stoppoki me an Mbked me isomo ques- Dnything blitly, tho, I * had : tried Well then, Jean, )!,at ten' a wee : and V r . - - - ___ - __ - . A
lar 4
In former days eavallers rode an rer�,Vj't!es through the wilderness ; tions, but fie did not 'kiso up,' so I bit hm' an' well hao. thid stove lip: attack on tile pa t of some savage
horseback, as the word Indicates, but Ing Company I.ciogther this long time Elijill's storm charlot, or tbd bright . tao breakigher ' o' the habit.1 11 Ay, aTore ya can any Vack Robinson.' 11 native tribe, bead off An invasion by 1,6,- * c i W-,- * W- * W-, * C . 11- 4 *4c- *V Wt 4
the time, hau come whan, they may and -you W�vc not yet pledged me cloud of glory that overshadowed was safe, .. , . I It's gay on.'ald Got. ther% Nelly; Sae atweed us tho starve wle set up, elephants, or fight the deadl.v tsetse Toro'111to ItairinerAT Maricet. ?
..,vika,vel by boat, by rail, on toot or yonir trot)-,. Give me your white hand Him on the Mount of Transfigura- " AlloUiLw time I had just come out we'll. hao tao get . the stove. nxove,d; fly And t1to no less insatiable "Jig- I
,y othe � I ie athe of a woman's room that I had robbed 0 it A - dinna, ken, AV the first twa lengths 6' Dec. 3G.-Recelpts of grain, were I
c r way, and still be cavallers. - an' hoo I'll mapaig . pipe I ger.)v I
tbalL ,P.y nmk for It of your f, .r tion," - .
"-1-grand wo d thle Is An amant is and mother, here present." I 10. Were looking (R. V.)-Wontder- when a boarddr saw me. I bad' a for there's no a mail. I can get put 0 V. I I Sinee the work was commenced heavier oil the street market to-daY, t
_ , 1, Prices were
'a?_,.l k over to the o7d an . . wo men- tied aroun4 my lace, Jist hand on tbnre a meenit, Joan," , . I
w Tjioy rI93 and wal handkerchief . 4,400 bushels offering.
��fllsi = iv Ift-49-ve letters act& lit hat it, all me and it had slipped olown around my tao help for praise or 'plyt ina lao- ft-y's Doingal,.In a rate mellow voice : ovek thirty men have been killed by steady. oats advanced 1-2c. �'�
, S, mK)onlight. 4 beOu Im a couple. Alaxle Mello grows pals and n els In'the form of men. hite ap- 'step" oald L I I ixs tAO I ' ' tliese animals, to say nothing of about �
I Tean) olluna borrow City trouble abaot �a _ik- -More Vil tlTwo Runs it t
a cavalier is a man, rod alternately. Jean shakes like an Jaws. INVJttatla the matter). George V tw lie staxt * "' !asten tli� � I . Wheat -Was steady, 800 bushels of I
1 .have you got tile 11 Roots I Jean'(Dougal aye ca'd me ' -
the girl who reeelvesa eaval , !�If!!P' �Ihu-i' I particular "bagged" wl"tO 8
, (� -Boo att. xxillf. a. he white 1.6 said to ,me; lose InJared. .
� Now , Ile Arteries beat against . parel t ellng at 76 to 70c per bushel,
- ae 11 garments ,%Vdre ail etnblem of purity. tootilaote?" I old hilu I had and.., ,, -,,�.-I' An' mpin' gaed f 2W bus -u. is of red at 78 to 781-21q .
ter is, or becomes ipso facto, a es like hammers. Ilia njouth 11. Shall so CO he second or INI'liere are mOyJn' a stove. Loan dm*e maiat ony- on, up thieve for I the next ton mean- , 90 many vlatims that; at one time
angi - hurrie(ldown the stairs. par bush I and 830 bushels of goose �
117", IIUL 'a 'g'stlffl 1110 Voice 'a final coming. Tills will not be In ob, lnl,,r, ,Intl I tal I thIng abupt a hoose, an' I*m thinkin' 1U. . -tt 6�6:L-,., tq 67c per bushal. I
blonde. As a matter of fact In French a dry.7plis t 3-011 going?, 110 Asked - I . tile whole con;&tructlon fordo struck ,
Carrada a blonde lit generallY, a honxisia And bollow. With an effort lit, scurity like His first coming, but "Ile , pull that jobli no i:nidstcr me. -' But it i an -eaters were
matters not, a begin$: ,I)LIOnsieur And Madame, I him I was going for a doctor to 111100 are tUn' on up there"? Barloy-Was firmer, 2,000 bushels 11
brunette. But it will cordo In p,ower and glory, in the . seeinu tae. me th.4t tine ol the Inven- ye. go killed. On anotiter occAbrion an of- selling at 54 to 63c per buslial. . I
with lily tooth. I heard some Awful �
young man will' call his sister ble, IMV0 come to vour moot honorable clouds, and w1th His holy angels ,,Tile fh-gt thing a Woman jays tive oldels mlebt Invent some kind o' 1. orled, its , doon till) 1 ficI41 of the East African -Protector- Oata-Were firmer, 3,000 bushels
blonde. . house, for a purpuAe which your HIM." mait. XXIV. 3G41; X.%Vl., 61. apparatus for movin' istovert Wt' xuntinl-aiftl ralitterla, COMIA ato and 9, soldier were walking along I
I ]lave Used the above word caval- daughter has, no doubt mentioned to. 12. Oljvet-rllreq�ently called the %vlxcn hhe is Awakened by hearing A 0 it Wad save an Na. - .. � - . the, lllis,whail isaddenly -a .lion poune- selling at 40 to 47c -per buslM. � I
,so is., ,Tho,re is sume 0,11, jinln' stovepip..s. , -Wau steady, 103 bushels sell-
1� yola. I Ilave comet to nok you If yolt r- 110. .4 it, tjjIj a Ilya ,% I
lerisrin the plural intentionally. Par- Mount of Olives. Sabbath day's Jon AVIjola in thth ro6m?" If 4wlu' stcht o' bad feelin's An' lle*d "JIL, rielit, Je"," says be; An' I' ed upon them from the brush be Ida
ents would not feel &O all flattered wIll give me yoor daughter Marie of an Ung- I ' heaved a 8WI a' relief, "Jitt yo hand : the'track, The officer baiiitly ducked Ing at 37c per buisliel. 9
- 1:00M to be in tile robin X statt t be. I-jay-lVas steatly, 3,1. loads selling
ney-About tbree4ourths llapI36 an overlastin.' bauefact�r tae Ills .
In marriage. If my request be accept a' breth- on there. another meenit ail' we'll , Alto] escaped with an ugly scratch, 11 to $12.50 per load for timothy
If their daughter had onlyl one. The ablo to you, pleasto lot me know, so lish mlle� le Once to' got out and I don't lose hily brethren," (Dougal is a st-rang - through wt' ibis busincas.". ' bat the beast killed tile soldier out- at '$ .
onsidered. Now that; tile banniq may be published, its ' 13 tima. getting out, cither, , bdbt, at' aye talked ol tho, men folks be r and mixed
nicTe the better, it shows that tile I come tri-ftat Is, Into ad $7 to $0 for Clove
girl Is. raore highly o city from ilia - country. Into t 10 L thing a burglar has. to as "brethran.") "Whit daa ye think,, 6 1 Dougal, I!m. haudbil," says I; I right befol-a -any attempt could be a
this Marie Melle Plillomoue Jose- Soon as posgibla.11 r chamber (It. V.)_,Ptobably t 70 11 The wors I Jean ?" - . I - Gn7j111!S1t th6fi Dougal gtod tile elhow made to rescue him. . bay. a firmer, selling at $� 1 .
d belonging Having gecelved a favorable An- UPPO contend with Is ilia soldeAkY stair*ays - 'a . It w,,%�, long rLrter this that- Straw -Wit
,4 nOlt
. . PhIne, being pretty an swor, Jean adds boldly, Monsieur at tipper 'room which had bean used ')y that are In nearly every house. There , " Xt wad be n' ,,awfu' guld thing pipo a tremelidous thump, site As tae )lytt,U, an offt�,Ial of tb,� rall,�oad, 'Was 'to $9.50 per load. I
to a rempettable family, hast a our Lord and I -jig disciples for tie &o hilie," says 1, an' weld feel like feEpten It In 'the oblinnOy wly, whan - I
madalno, will you permit me, more. are also many squeaky boarda in tile 't . - - I
Great Number of Cavidwra. Over, paosevor feast.�Cam, Bible- Where floor of nearly every , room that yo,u shakin' lian's Nvi"Illui' . att busted the twa p1pn4 I wis haud- mttaa,kod by a Itiom, wailub. entered Wool,
When, Jean VAranco-loo Pierre reaches . Ire Take it Sweet KIsq Abodo-"Where they were abiding." get Into, but the, thief Is tile only ,, That,s sae, ..Tean, an' .I'd glCk A In. tho conipartmetnt in a railroad car : The genir,A 9'tnatlon rapractleally
Tier Vince that afternoiarit, he flndfj It. V. "This d0as not mean that ibis person that ever finds It out. You fifty dollar bill when lie deold tao holp "Whitle the maltt' doon there?" %Vlljero lie w&.,l sleeping, and In unclij)nged from a week ago. There
eight or ton horses under the filled on the ro4y lips of your lovely daugh. t to er Onument, tellifil hoo 110 Askit, ,,,'f,, ,,,Or 611111foa of, Ills Cries alfil stmggloo o.ar have beet, no farther sales of wool
ter ao it plviolgro of hor love anti was their permanent Ittlb1tvAloli, but ptpp over a short distance to go etlt A iii I voice doon 'the rteld him j).ff bodily Int,o) th,c Jungle: for export to the United States. 11ull- .
or tied to tile fence. po.9ts. He IS f.'It'll 1, Orant0i 1. Thon In plain every t1loy remained there for the descent off a Fqaeaky board and then step on olover lie Wls, an' -Whit An rLtAO01it 01 receiver.
neither surprised or offended. If 110 . of t1le, Holy Spirit,"-Barnea. another .one, that squeaks muell sKVaar1Ii1 he -prevented In -III& (lay An! . . and thera devoured hjui. W11116 tile ed �voola are* quiet, � I
. � r, a Spaniard lie wOuid at once (lay tqlk they 1%,tkn arratigomen-to 14. Coutinued-Daring tile tan days worse. Tile squeaky boards came generation,"' ' . .110, naothIng much,, file pipea here 0164mment at tile IgmtIoll where Flocee--41tore 'is no ch,inge In the
for lilt) knife, It lie were ail Er.n;- foil the wedding. The feeling,j of Jean y walted, With one accord- TIOU putting =0 UDZIOr the 80d On " 00, dy, Dougal, bit wad It'no, lifte onlY alippit aft,"' says r, in A thit.j Impponorl was at Its 110191ILt the situation and prices are steady, at
aii lie would go straigbb tatho ould Marto on that memorable even, tile occasion. Tho board aWoke two' be) a better plan tAe'drop Itim a title cauni voice. I . cause of it returned, Juntped upon i3c for washed and 7o, for ullwa;hed.
Ing -I n4ked not dotilerlbo; they are With Ono mind. There were no Ono Doun stairs eawl Dougal, two, ste�s tjja roql of the iftation where tile Pulled Alloola-Mlie. Inquiry frorn the
, all,ol Ray, "Yom are a flirt, I will )y atmed themselves With W11110- 110 Wis 100VIll', an' ,tell 111hi Whit .
tilt) oame In ovey I saw it help hc�d been tae'mankin"? I a 9 11 h me mills IPF moderate and Ilia niar-
0 nothing to do with you." Ali . y age and race. �'chlajhm, no divided Interests, no di- men and tlx( I t a thilo. "Gee Whittaker I wis there railway hands were t.-jeepin , a it j) I .
0 a,
" ,
1i, ,
,IV 41 oly
V`I 110"111" The great day arriving. IteJoiclag cordant purposes.-Barhea. Stead- revolvers and camolor rile, bit over rite ineos6rable contrary truck 11,totl to, got, in by tearing off tile C,Or- ket Is stosady and unchangdol at 18o
fashlo thelil coming and dove, throui,01 a win-, ollnna think he'd feel san amert lie., taldn' aff ragat"al Iron shoots. DurIM,0, tile )light for extras and 15o for supers.
ned Frentah-CAnadlAd will everywhere except among the fowls tastly in. prayer (It.V,)-TheIr prs,V- - lit lit) cud ap�)roolato a bit ward O' As StIOV0 pipes ?"I sayg
� ilug, of the kind. TIP IsF rather of tj av -y are And persistent. 601V"vilile 1�`ey obiptied their Weapons IV) Ilia ituld' t8lt. hat, an' a6artial Ills hoid .4 age could be .
a I 10 back Y, 1 The . married orR were earnest h6 mtr" of baffIvil ri oronto IAVG dtoalt dArKi0it-1.
e, that ilia blonde In 'Ile ob- at tile al- , 11ralso." IV
� low inaos, trio marriage Win With the women-IM19 probably re- at me. But there le'nothing In atc. ,k its If ho'd tak' lika, hair oat by the liparil only tof) plainly by the seared
I go much Consideration. mony In short, awl i4mpl % From the tore to the w6mon who follaw�allbn In. - Ay, .Tcall, i1flat's sac-, ail' It rdleht . rults. jlbt no he blappit lite li-i-t on lite lot ,. m%t,,,% anti fit thia mooiriling tile Iron mxl)trt cattle. sholaiti. p,br ovrt. $160 to 625
"i ", I 'ii't' 0 1 50
iir.-n Jean Pier i fintl4l U,OroWd- t 151"Pile 11bilce In tho'differolit PlUes e1jeourago him, tab think O' some madbun .................. 3 60 to
Vill , I �O 1) W Church tht%,y irmy go to the hotel for rr,)m Oalill%e, but it may mean mere- tther w,y tao, ltv?lp Ills brethren " held �again there W18 an unco crasit C was wfft with the blood do coivA per owt. � ....... 260 to 360
�)tter upstairs, ail' Dougal .Set aff -Up there
- - , - tern, Ith Ills g1ji. have it gnift that Is lullell lb� , �0.,V,Ilrl�ll 1,11 anfinal't; paws. 1"Iftoling Ills UtiteherVeattlfg. vioked ........ d 00 to 4 25
f-af it drink or dirnotty to tile bri4plo ly that jv-omen we,je prOsent. Mary- �1 Wnol, Dougal, it Nvad be n, li�ttcr
- I I ,
e. e ISO herself
'Ilewill ex -el to tile Olil! bome. There Vxbles aro act, tile num, ThIff Is tber last mention In SbrlptllrZ tllb,n, burglAry. When I wos arrested -
will M .... wait till lie wig delder a liqla range ol p1peo offorts there fruitless Leo had do_nholeo ........... SOO to 4 00
. ' ' in ,r. risoo 1 lla4 $1,200 In large bills W'y` than, tae jit X10 fail ................ a 60 . A
speaking to liar, Colive to moot him, 0axio guests ent,.drink, sing, dance of ills mother of JeFous. Hia-brothten jIlAn Feat, all, then got ill) a big . Thefi� I lipard a kin' crote.hod for tile rm.-t 'of thw, IQ ........ I 351) to
sewed in the, lining of illy vast. X do toinwoft ........ ........ I OU to .140
t up, in a safe a"'ahl tao "ll!"'Ith .)j oatl;tdo tile station d or, whore do cows .... ....... ........ 925 to 2 76
take Ilia liat and put 1 aml makn merry, Then they hdrno&a,.,r vlank, uornflllnilll� 11111if om'. All, I hurtlet lip. clol.- 0
, In brothron at Xoanq At first ro- lik(l $Iqo In my po6kots, and tho, 11101111mout oWor lite remains, tellill' stairs tAo i9ee wbil It whr. There Nils 110 occupied JAMMAlf bY gnM1V`Iftg do built% ............. ....... 251 to S 25
,as _,
I pliten. ThS uninitiated WIll OXCIAllil, jq), put fl.,tgq o:l tlli(�Ir boraes' headfj, jmtNI Him (11-ohn, vil. 5), but now they money In my Vest wag not found 0, A, his. IngenlousuL an' hnipta' Dougal kleldn' lite ,Terry hat rounlan' Intif, pm!lll pl(-,s the St4tIoTk,S wholi Ifeeders.6hort-keop ....... .. 8 5) to 3 75
, lint aorif of conversation Call 110 bring thAr fiddler with them and _�eL .. ,
W , br-lieva Ili Illm And aro present at JAI] a lit helplill tan mak' folk's I I 10,11thil tile owen't air lit" atoolc of ml ftnd green 131glift'l flags (10 ModluTtl ...... I ...... 300 to I arl
: her, What PuJovinefibs In Mort for the lirlidegroom's Iflaeo, Tilt! ti, when I was goarohed, I vag In qualitle, rs.m. Nlobbe while roun, An d � .
� hold %V101 6z, a rigg about four (.111yo when a detective wa,rk eat,lof for th Stookeml,000 to 1,100 Wt! .... .. 2 00 t4i 3 50
11 r ou6loty under stiell �6ndltions ? fthdinr play� oa, RtainpIng hin foot it) Poiltee t I cutPoll - leovin, naobuddy ever telt' PICO IVI' Ills MAY halln's- ISTY I )too he Only a sbart tim-, ago Another 11111- (10 11911t ..................... 250 to 3 0
0 alone by the rose- loudly In tile wil.gon to niark time. T.(, 1%,�O, 1INGS.-ClitlAt's work Is fin" na od Cov oftmo, In Ono Ilight anit Ito wt" ly O' .Tile did lieuk I jj%�,,tta l(iolcing bi,not julliped on the AllIch coivs, each 85 Oil to 6000
- T'Overa 21111st sit P. Well, th(wo nuirlo (the bride.grimm) sings: 10hod, byit Ito Is still our Teadlint, man4le rao strip. 110 searelled in litni that he,d helped or, ,g tan 41 wish there wisnao, a stove pipe tv,1111 gild was alk) -t In tile Act. Shb(T.owas per �Z;rc 1'.'.'.'.1.,.'.. 300 to 3 25 .
#pislt or by Lite brOO"Id Thoto W great power In un. earnest 010111ft,aild,findingm,y onoy, 14� fellow aratters ot did OIIYthIT1 do in, k4 ...... � ............... �2 00 to 8 FA
.voung mt%n will II&V,a to take �,ijxn. "Ch - quo Iloilo ROnim(,m hAllrelIX . , In tile hala United Staten o' Amer- Perbaps tile law'd awful adven. do oulls ...................... - 209 to 3W
somble et, Olt I' taatlniony.� Tqle-gogpej is adapted to 11lat's what I have, bnon look'n for,, be thil,tiked for." � into with, it lion that ever happened t,abib%, ver ewt ......... 11 ... - Soo to 4 00
p,ji.ell ()Ili) Wt I Ask Marie 11elle Dlotro marlom en f , uYer 'kepriek, ,,Tenin -, yer kerri6kIll- Ion.,"' Says Ile. 0
Qu niotio voininit,s hp.uronx. the ne-ode 6 fill ma,'Alchid. an(l took it AW,ly. I ItICY ,r- got tile
monoy back, nnol was told by him not Pays Doughl, givin, the t0le a, "WIlit waol ye hao Inkitood 21' atlya lit Africa took place oil thO Uganda CA110 - r0ith'Ad ... ............ 2, W to 1001
tile prIVIIPge Of Seeing her PrIVAtoly �' lyprtp In'trIeR fA)qlq delix.!", MACIMCAL SURV.n- Y. jitIllip, Wt, Ills Irlieve, then, plokbit lip 1, In a low, traft vote(%, for I saiv Doti- 1111p, VIVO native laborers litul do., Hogg. '-ftojeo, pot 0%.. � ....... A 40 t6 000
I AVI t1i 116$ts, fa pOr 0*�._,.#.,.. fi-M to 000
HollS, ll#
for a few 111.0mentff. While Bile Is , MvIng ranclintl thoir de.FAInAtion to say anythIng about It." I . riertel, and, taking their guns kt, per owl ............ too to 000
thils (%n,(',1tgr(?(j tile boys will talk to. t, Iii,gin makInt, Man Is naturally A, nlfttorlAllst. IIIS - _..___.._ --.--;- the Creani liltellor an, pour 41 an' gal WIS a wee, wrouclit up. I starto.,1 back towards the
. tliplr wy ttgaln v merry. The filly8loal natilte to -more prominent, 51,111111o's Query. ortaity Intan his coffee elip, "A firepinee, wl' a guld backlog. 010111, lindlan Apt)tepi 1,ieail,
gisther, V411 fltorle,q, smoke 914MY-1114111.4,11 11111H LIM UktICA R speeell, ocean ol r - P. O: I 14 t,. 0110 night, wlIIIo sleoping ett
I , for A. 1111d Remus itioro Important than elth-' "All Of you i,V-1io nover told a Ile drAp by drill), Ifl, fl, 1110ditAtIvo wood, lrlwylre healtiller all' Ili) sao moily, '
pilleff. Ili 1 (5 p1tio 18 invalliable ang it ponrl, rIMI(I a rivilipliftink, or Ic nools the tiln6 tai) giO A onutankerotto pIpPR abol-t thp,111,11 untler n� tree, they' were Hot upon 141141011, DIV.. W. -At, 00'reat Garden
b:lq I a.. �d tile tioNacher "Ye thin roolationt an' encour- says Ito ,
. lifill .Voting 11111,11, Ill RU011 Circuln- an,1101-44), a ppn�tlty that IVIII callitA (.jr Ills intolleotual or mpiritan.1 tin rnl9tw your liand,io" aakc ,,, ploklill up 11IR lint it' ba,itplit by several lh�ijq Anil proulptly made � jind tho other markets Ca4adlan ap-
�1 - #4t,l ilee,4. It orm-blex 111111, t& Istriko An mcrvat' merriment. Ilint It Is p t 11 . 4 bit- W urd 01 apt) .
,pttill ture. to fatet, in early 01illtIlloo(I of.11-i-r amAll pi 1) 8 I an' torn, an' throw.in, It (lot jhA tile bp,�jt of their way Ill) IiltO tII0 take tho lead In quitlity, coIot,
Ipj.PN1 littlo Jim Ike,) I,�%v_IjAjlgInp, branollea. Acconlingly P117
. 'Aw," - 11geinont 11, an, quantity. afid Invartab),y. brMS
lIttitnile of enim and 11011c"IftIftnPe. lats, Anq] wo mucot lot flip clirtain fall, hIg pliyaleal Wants n,to his WhOI0 lite. 'PleAlM% ,itma tble,
r N,t,vr, if ;(!.,,A I)Jerre, fil)(Iff thftt 1401111) -H. 11. T�nrivnt, in MeHaNter VnIver-11oforo there % it rit,in of 'spiritual inl(�, "Iq a lie I nio,jjj)ofjy fintis it ,,It,f; al tllo time, We're alijilip (9,11 (,Ii(,n wbidne. Mter that he SC01
P I one hs taking too MV�ell tllhc� '110 Or r�ltys U011tIlly, We and before there Wa 0011130101115- Out V -01A10 State LTOurll-ml- nayig I. . tao fool better, the Iloilo Htt;t thentsolves .410wil un- boot pripes. 1, I . ,
. �1_
... I I .� '. L . 1. . I I , ... � I - �. 1-11 -11 � '' , ., ., - . � . . .. 1. 11. .1 � .. . �. - ... ,�.".�,-.,.�,-�-....�,.�11----"", - ...