HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-22, Page 8THE WING II A111 ADVANCE
It sit Ipt itute ***it tte *it** le **Tip** EASTERN STAR LODGE
'or. YI
wile., imported Silk Mufflers, exclusive neckwear,
- Forsythe Shirts, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Hosiery and Dressing Gowns
"le Buy•him a New Suit or Overcoat for a
Christmas Gift. We sell the 'renowned.
÷ Society Brand and 20th. Century.
01111hola .
Forsythe Silk Shirts, Pongee
white and 'fancy stripes
• $4.50 10 $8.50
Heather WOol Sock,.75c. to $1.50
Brushed Wool Mufflers 1.50 - 3.50
Suspenders . 50c. to 1.50
Kum -a -part Cuff Link50c to $1.50
Dressing Gowns and House
Coats. A most accept-
able gift $6.50 to 12.00
Sweater Coats 4.00 to 8.50
Neckwear Special 95 cents.
Silk Hose 75c. to $3.00
Leather Goods, Collar Bags, Tie
Cases, Key Rings. Etc.
11.1/4744+4444+344.4444444444444444444“ 4444+4444+44R
tev. Mr. Harkness and family from
are at present visiting his parents
at. elle manse.
nIrs. A. Bryans who has been visiting
eaeiends here left for her home in Toronto
ee few days ago.
T. J. Hemphill shipped a car of grain
.mu Friday,
riatutea number from here took in the
ecert at Gorrie Friday
era:7s. G. Tait and little daughter, Merle
Superb, Sask., Spent a few days at the
eeeene of her uncle, A. R. Gallaher , of
and called on friends here.
- ':iie children of the different churches
eeeee been busy practising for their Xmas
eee• • et.totartainments most of which will take
e this week.
Mr. Win. Walker of London, called cn
his brother, Thomas one day last week.
One day recently Miss Young had the
• misfortune to fall and break her arm,
while walking on the slippery walk.
Mrs. Lovell, sr., who has been very
poorly is improviug we are pleased to
Mr. John McGee was chopping grain at
Mr. James Dow's with his tractor, one
day last week.
Mr John Martin's big steer arrived
home from Guelph Show. on Saturday
last. If reports are true he had on ex-
hibition with the steer aud horse, a colt
with a calf's foot om' another freak el
nature. John is quite a u;an for exhibit- 1
ing those kind of aniraals, having been
showing them since last July.
A Christmas entertainment will be
held under the auspices of adie's Pres-
byterian church on Thursday, Dec, 22nd,
an excellent programme is being pro-
vided, admission 25 cents and ro cents.
; Mr. Robert Muir, Jr., who has been
attending Qneen's University, Kingston,
has returned to his home for the holidays.
111r. Williatn Breckenridge attended
the U. F. 0. convention at Toronto last
'Mr. Wm. Wallace is home from King-
ston for the hOlidays.
We wish the Advance readers a Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
.e eee
The Most IMisa,grilgkent Actress 0 RI the World's Screen
The Most Dynamic Personality in Moving Pictures.
Remember "Outside the Law" and Don't Miss Seeing
this Great Universal Jewel Produetion De Luxe
Directed by
"REPUTATION" is Miss Dean's Great Picture.
It is our Supreme Offering for 1921
We stake our "Reputation" on this statement.
le== 4.mmvt:w
Monday, Tuesday and Wed., Dec. 26th, 27th, - 28th,
Special Christmas Matinee on Monday at 3.30. Prizes 10c. and 15c.
Usual Evening Performance at 8.15
No Advance in Prices.
COMING toOnce To Every Minium" starring Dorothy Phillips.
Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Worth y
Grand Matroa of Ont. do, .0. E. S
visited Wingham on Wednesday, Pee
14th, 1121 As Deputy of D. G. G.
Eldott, Worthy Grand Patron of Ontario,
O. S. and with the assistance of Mrs,
Annie Tulett, Grand Marshall; Mrs. Lena
Logan, Grand Ruth, Mr. Chas. Heaman,
Past Worthy Patron, all of Forest City
Chapter, No 13 0. E. S. London, Ont-
ario; and the Officers of Perth Chapter,
No. 69, 0. E. S. of Listowel Ontario, in-
stituted Htiron Chapter No. 89, and in-
stalled the following Officers with Miss
Barbara Bright of Perth Chapter No.
69, Listowel as Organist.
Worthy Matron- Mrs. Mary Adeline
Worthy Patron -Mr. R. A. Coutts.
Associate Matron -M vs. Margaret
Secretary-LMrs. Winnifred Nash.
Treasurer -Mrs. Jean'Smith.
Conductress -Mrs Annie Thompson.
Associate Conductress -Mrs. Jane Pet-
Chaplain -Mrs. Annie Boyce.,
Marshal -Mrs. Mary Coutts.
Organist -Mrs. Belle McCawley,
Adah-Mrs. Margaret Shane,
Ruth -Mrs. Viola Fox.
Esther -Mrs. Sarah Crawford.
Martha -Mrs Elizabeth Taylor.
Electa- Mrs. Margaret Mitchell,
Warder -Mrs. Gertrude Miller.
Sentinel -Di. H. E. W. Tamlyn.
Auditors- Mr. W. T. Booth, Mr. E.
Nash, Dr. H. E. W.-Tamlyn.
Trustees -Mr. Oliver Thompson, Mrs.i
Dustin Beecroft, Mr. John J. McGee.
Following the installation the meeting
was adjourned and a buffet supper was
served by the officers and members of
Huron Chapter at their rooms in Odd
Fellow's Hall.
At 7.30 the evening tea iion was called
by Worthy Patron, Brother David Orr,
of Perth Chapter and the first regular
meeting of Huron Chapter No. 89, 0. E.
S. was declared open at 7.5U p. m. with
the following Officers of Perth Chapter
W M. -Sister Mariette Rennie.
W. P Brother David Orr.
A. M. -Sister Hamilton.
Secretary -Sister Sangster.
Treasurer -Sister Oliver.
Conductress -Sister Mary Bernie.
Associate Conductress -Sister Paul.
Chaplain -Sister Bright.
Marshal -Sister Falkner.
Organist -Sister Roulston
Adah-Sister Falkner.
Ruth -Sister Orr.
Esther -Sister Von Zuben,
Martha -Sister Stevenson.
Electa-Sister Moore.
Warder -Sister Bright.
When the various orders of business
were completed the officers of Perth
Chapter very capably exemplified the
work of halation on several candidates,
after which floral gifts were presented to
the Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand
Chapter of Ontario, Mrs. Elizabeth Tay-
lor; Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. Mary
Helen Bernie; Worthy Matron, Mrs
Mariette Rennie. These ladies very ap-
propriately replied to the presentations
and were followed by short addresses from
the two Grand Officers of the Grand
Chapter of Ontario, Past Worthy Patron,
Mr.- Charles Heaman; Worthy Patron,
Brother David Orr and on behalf of Hur-
on Chapter, Worthy Matrcn, Mrs. Mary
Adeline Clegg; Wurthy Patron, Mr. R.
A Coutts. This concluding the duties of
the evening, the Chapter was closed and
visitors and members were served with
light refreshments.
Former Wingham Girl Weds
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
Kew Beach Presbyterian church, by. the
Rev. J A. Cranton on Saturday alternoon
at three o'clock, when Miss Elma Armcur,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Armour,
65 Leuty Ave., became the bride of Mr.
George A. McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McKay, 6 Frizzell Ave. The
bride, who was given away by her father,
wore a lovely gown of rust -colored Canton
crepe With touches of blue and a large
picture hat. She carried a shower bouquet )
of Ophelia roses and white heather, a gift
sent from Scotland by friends of the
groom's parents. She was assisted by her
sister, Miss Verna Armour, who wore ,
brown charmeuse and lace with hat to 1
match, and carried an armful of Russell
roses; also Miss Helen McKay, 'sister of
the groom, who wore black Canton crepe
and jade green v. ith large black picture
hat, carrying Richmond roses. The groom
was ably assisted by his brother, Mr.
Gordon McKay. The ushers were Mr. J.
A. Thompson and Mr. F. Hemphill.
During the signing of the register Mia
Florence Valleau sang "For You Alone"
very sweetly. A reception followed the
ceremony at the home of the bride's p.:.r-
ents on Leuty Ave , where about one hun-
dred guests assembled. 'roasts were pro..
posed by the Rev. Mr. Cranston to the
bride, her bridesmaids, the groom, and the
mothers of both bride anti grcotn. These
were responded to by the groom, his best
man, Mr W. Hemphill and Mr. F. Hem-
phill, The briIe's table was decorated
with linen made by her great-grandmother
over a hundred years ago. Mr. and MIT.
McKay left later for Buffalo and wants
east, the bride wearing sand shade duvetyn
and brown bat, with suede shoes and
stockings to match. On their return they
will reside at 24 Scarboro road, Balmy
AL the last regular meeting of Wing.
ham town council the town clerk, Mr.
W. A Galbraith, who was appointed to
that office. one year ago, received a ,great
deal of unanimous praise for the manner
in which he has attended to his numerous
duties. His system of book-keeping is
excellent and ES one member of the board
said "his promptness and accuracy make
our work much easier," THE ADVANCE,
is publishing the financial statement and
we believe the people will get a pleasant
surprise when they receive a copy, for
unlike most financial statemen s, it is not
merely a jumble of figures, but an in•
teresting and clear account of the past
years doings and at the back of the
book will be found a section devoted
to the ..Itatistics of Wingham On the
fly leaf is a half tone map of Wingham.
The pains Which Mr. Galbraith has taken
in the preparation of this report is mere-
ly the same manner in which he goes into
his duties as clerk, and treasurer of the
town ands secretary of the Wingham
Utilities Commission.
The report of the Medical Health
•Officer, Dr. Stewart, was also read. and
showed the town to be in a general state
of health much better than it could be
found for some tittle pre'vious to this
year. The report was fyled
Mr. W. Hunter was present, requesting
a settlement from the town for the new
bridge which they completed this fall.
A settlement was affected when Mr.
Hunter promised to correct any slight de.
feet that might happen after the spring
The treasurer gave a detailed summary
of the year's business. The recapitula-
tion of the receipts and expenditure for
the year just ended is as follows:
Taxes, $23989 10; arrears of taxes,
145.52; weigh scale. fees, 159 73; dog tax,
170.00; rents. 498.00; licenses, 1060.25;
loans, 23800 00; cemetery, 245.50; de-
bentures, 550.00; fines, 31.00; sinking fund
interest, 304.50; repayment of loan,
500 00; miscellaneous, 14395:61. Total
Overelraft,.34087.74; expenses of elec-
tion and municipal government, 131.57;
salaries, allowances and commissions,
2654.65; printing, advertising, postage and
stationery, 590.21; insurance. light, heat
and care of buildings, including town hall.
1506.61; fire, water and street lighting,
4828,46; law costs including salaries,
77.49; streets, roads and bridges, 3676.10;
grants, 927 50; charity, 120.50; public
school board, 730000; debentures (prin-
cipal). 1817.59; debentures (interest),
5315.52; school debentures (principal),
23 47; school debentures (interest), 16.66;
cemetery, 615.11; public library board,
200.00; county road work 117.40; sinking
fund, 1136.00; board of health, including
salaries, 10.00; sanitary, 1465.00; High
school board, 11500 00; miscellaneous,
20001.61. Total, 868119.22.
St. Paul's Church Note
Sunday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day. 8.30
A M. Holy Clmmunion, 11.00 A. M.
Mattins and Holy Communion, 2.30 P. M.
Sunday Sclionl Christmas service and
Christmas tree for all scholars. Adults
cordially invited. Illustrated story of the
Birth of Christ. 7.00 P. M. Evensong.
Special appropriate music and sermons at
Mattins and Evensong. Remember a
welcome awaits you at St. Pauls Church.
All seats free.
Official Returns
Chas. E. McDonagh, Returning Officer
for North Huron, gave out his official re-
turns for the county in the recent election
on Monday, December 19th. as follows;
Fraser, Liberal, 2423; Spotton, Conserva-
tive, 4057 and King. Progressive, 5243.
The latter is declared elected with a maj-
ority of 1186 over Spotton and 2820 over
Fraser. The delay in the receipt of the
official count was owing to the failure of
the D. R. 0. for Ward 1, Goderich, to
make his report to the Returning Officer.
The shock of the results must have been
too much for him
Belgrave L. 0. L. Elect .Cflicers
Belgrave C. 0, L No. 462, held their
election of officers on Wednesday evening,
Dec. 14th., The officers for 1922, are: --
W. M. -A, Watson
D. M. -C. H. King
Rec. Sec. -W. Brydges
Fin. Sec. -C. Coultes
Treas. -J el'. Ferguson
D. of C. -E. Irwin
1st Lec, -J. Wightman
2nd Lec. --Chas. Keating
Com- Allan , Pattiscn, Wm. McMur-
ray, H. Leishman, J. McCrea, G.
Agricultural Course Literary Society
The students attending the Agricultural
Course met on Tuesday, Dec. 13th. to or-
ganize a Literary Society and the following
officers were elected:
Pres. -Alvin Smith.
Vice Pres. -Marie Hon,
Secretary Treae.-George Fowler,
Directors -Annie Robinson, Vera Proc-
ter, Addison Fraser and James Hardie.
Press Reporter- Graham Campbell,
Journal Editor -Clifford Hetherington,
Sub -Editor -Lena Chainney,
Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A., has kindly
consented to act as crdic.
Meetings will be held every Thursday
afternoon in the Council Chamber at 3.30.
Thursday, Dec. 22nd 1921
111111111111•1114101111•111111110 1111=1111111111/0 rffalragla
The -4111111111°§0
Dominion Store e•
The Chain Groceiy Stores of Canada.
Wingham Branch, - . Josephine St.
From Dec. 22nd. to. Dec. 28th
Pure Lard, 2 lbs....35c) Easifirst 5 lb. pl.-84c I
Special Choice
per lb.
Matches, 2 boxes 25c
Comfort Soap, 10 cakes. 69c
Castile Soap, 7 cakes 25c
Soap chips, per lb 20c
Palmoleve, 3 for 24e
Corn Starch, per pkg 10c
Dromedary Dates, pkg 25c
Excelsior Dates, pkg 18c
Salmon, 3 tins for 25c
Choice Corn, 2 tins for 25c
Choice Navel Orang-
es....55c, 69c, 79c doz.
. •
Choice Shelled Alm-'
onds - Walnuts 69c lb
Mince Meat
• • • •
Seedless Raisins, per Ib
Orange Peel, per lb
Citron Peel, per lb
Choice Currants, per lb
Prunes 15c
Mixed Candies.. .. 22c
Chocolates, per lb 25c
Icing Sugar per ib .....
Choice Fruit Cake, per lb 25c
Layer Figs per lb 35c
Spccial--Choice 5 lb.
box Xmas Candy 1.50
Ib. Bag 8.00 I
: Sugar 85c
10 lb
7ic a load
Butter' and Eggs Wanted
xxX 114 MX X XX XX XX X X X M1474 XXxx
Last Three Days of
Christmas Shopping
Special Values in Every
Department. . . .
anmosdDreiss Accessories
lasting Gilts
Gifts For Men
Silk Scarfs
Wool Scarfs
Silk Ties
Knitted Ties
Silk Shirts
_Flannel Shirts
Sweater Coats
Pullov. ra
House Coatt
Dressing Gowns, etc.
Gifts For Children
White Furs
Sweater Coato
Serge Dresses
Flannel Middle°
Wool Sets
Baby Dresses
Baby Bonnets
Baby Robes
Baby Yokes, etc.
Gifts For Ladies
Silk Stockings
Silk Scarfs
Silk Underwear
Silk Underskirts
Silk Bloomers
Sill( Parasols
Silk Blouses
Silk Dresses
Fur Scarfs
Fur Muffs
Fur Coats
Kid Gloves
Kimona,s, etc.
Gifts For The Home
Table Linens
Bath Towels
Bed Spreads
Wool Blankets
Sateen Comforters
Wool Comforters
Jaeger Auto Rugs
Electric Vacuum Cleaners
?loop Rugs
Hall Runners, etc.
A Merry Christmas To AIL
"Get Our
Prices Before